Sir John Talbot's School - Countdown to Success

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Countdown to Success Y11 Sessions Students were put into groups so that the sessions were tailored to their needs – some students really needed support with basic revision techniques, others needed help with selfdiscipline and others needed support with looking after themselves. Visioning activity

Sleep workshop

Relaxation and mindfulness

Good habits Avoiding procrastination

Revision techniques

All students had a session with Karim Al-abbas from Enlighten Education

Year 11 Roadmap April ✓ 4 school weeks to go.

✓ Art, Drama, and Photography exams. May ✓ 6th GCSE Exams begin.

Easter holidays

June ✓ GCSE Exams finish. ✓ Leavers assembly. ✓ 20th Prom Night.

January ✓ 8th Afterschool revision sessions begin. ✓ 9 ‘Countdown to Success’ day. th

✓ 19th Year 11 photographs. February

March ✓ 5 school weeks to go. ✓ 21s t Mock Results Day #2 and ‘Keeping in Touch’ evening.

✓ 10 school weeks to go.

July ✓ Sixth form taster days.

✓ 26th Mock Exams (2 weeks) August ✓ 22nd GCSE RESULTS DAY.

How can you support your child? 5 steps to success ✓ Build a routine to form a habit ✓ Ensure they have the revision guides needed for each subject and a place they can revise without interruption ✓ Encourage quality over quantity - Pomodoro ✓ Focus their revision on retrieval practice ✓ Praise and reward!

Is there a consistent time each day when your child can revise? 4.30-5pm each day, 7.30-8am each day?

How can you support your child? 2mins of testing with flashcards whilst you’re waiting for the kettle to boil = 134 minutes = over 2 hours of revision 15 minutes of retrieval practice = 15 x 67 = 1005 minutes = 17 hours of revision 25minute Pomodoro = 67 x 25 = 1672 minutes = 28 hours of revision 2 + 17 + 28 = 47 hours of revision Without even trying

English Useful websites: For punctuation: Punctuation KS3 English - BBC Bitesize

For exam papers: GCSE English Language | Eduqas

English Click to add text

Maths The best way to revise maths is to do maths. • Encourage your child to complete tasks on based on their feedback sheets from their mocks. All work done electronically is marked as it is submitted so your child will get instant feedback. • If they are doing written work and have access to the solutions please also encourage them to self-mark their work. They can then identify if there are any errors to fix and/or if they need to seek help from their teacher. • Students may also have Eedi tasks. This is an app on their phones or they can login online. Encourage them to show you what they are doing. (Not just playing games or scrolling through social media!) • Practise using a calculator. Two of the papers require a calculator so it is important that your child revises using one (rather than their phone!) • Now that we have Teams in play please encourage your child to communicate with their teacher if they need some assistance.

Maths • Recommended free resources • – Students have a username and password for this. Use MemRi and Fix up 5 – A website of videos, worksheets and practice papers. – Videos and past exam questions arranged by topic. (We do Edexcel) – Online practice tests, revision notes and questions.

Eedi app

Use of practice papers put into class Teams.

• Resources available to purchase from school •

CPG revision guides and exam practice workbooks with solutions £2.50 each RRP £4.95 each.

Science There are 24 different units within science which students need to be able to recall and can they possibly achieve this?

Frequent practice of recall and ensuring retrieval of information is effortful leads to effective retention. What does this mean? 1) They need to be regularly testing themselves on key facts. 2) They need to force themselves to try and remember these if they don’t know rather than just looking them up straight away. 3) They need to focus on areas they are struggling with and practice them more. Once this has been completed successfully for a topic, they need to use past paper questions to practice their application of these facts.

Science How can they do this at home? • Educake – weekly quizzes will be set from their science teachers but can complete their own • Flashcards – use their revision guides and exercise books to make their own and test themselves • Tassomai – this is an excellent but expensive online programme and app which some students have access to • Seneca learning – a free app that asks them questions as it goes through explaining topics if they are struggling on a particular one Oak Academy, BBC bitesize and GCSEpod are also helpful and add variety. Then for past papers:


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