The Grange Primary School - KS1 Termly Overview

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Grange Primary School

Class Dojo Invitations to Class Dojo have been sent to all parents/carers. Please get in touch with your child’s class teacher if you have any problems with this. Homework Homework will start in week 3. It will be given out on a Friday and due in on a Wednesday. Children will receive spellings, a Read, Write, Inc book and a Maths related activity. P.E & Forest Forest and P.E day rotas are available on classroom doors and have been sent home. Please speak to class teachers if you require another copy.

KS1 Autumn 1 Overview

Reminders • • • •

Come to school in forest or P.E kits on your forest or P.E days. Bring a labelled water bottle (water only please). Children should not be bringing bags to school. Children should bring a coat to school.

COVID – 19 Please be extremely vigilant. If your child shows any signs of illness they need to stay at home. Please inform the school office and follow the advice on

Staff Members: YEAR 1 Holly Class: • Mrs Evans • Mrs Romisiuk YEAR 2 • • • • •

Chestnut Class: Miss Oakley (Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri) Miss Dean (Thur & every other Fri) Mrs Harte Mrs Beddoes Mrs Cotton

English Phonics We will continuing with the Read, Write, Inc phonics programme. Children are being assessed over the next week. We will be revising set 1 sounds and focusing on learning set 2. Your child will receive a Read, Write, Inc book to practise at home. This book would have already been read in school several times. It is important that this is reread at home to support children’s developing fluency and confidence. Read, Write, Inc resources and support can be found here Writing We will be reading Peace at Last by Jill Murphy. We will be retelling the story using actions and a story map. Children will apply their phonic knowledge and sentence writing skills to adapt the story. Games to support your children’s reading and writing can be found here

Recovery Curriculum For the first half term, afternoons will be focused on the following: PSHE (including importance of hand hygiene and well-being) Friendships

Falling out


Managing feelings

Forest Forest rules

Den building

Opportunities to role-play

Making links to other areas of the curriculum

Reading Children will be reading books based on their phonic knowledge. They will also be developing basic comprehension skills by talking about the story and characters in Peace at Last. It is of vital importance that children read to an adult at home at least four times a week.

Science Living things Observation identifying and classifying Gathering and recording data


P.E Non-contact (socially distanced) games based lessons to develop the children’s gross motor, balance and control. The children will also have at least one lesson at week with a P.E coach.

This half term we will be focusing on Number and Place Value Key vocabulary we will be using…

count forward backward tens ones more than less than Practise at home: Counting forwards and backwards in steps of 1, 2, 3 and 5 from 0. Recognising the place value of each digit in a two digit number. For example:

Art Children will be designing a petal to contribute to a whole school art project. During this half-term, children will have the opportunity to experiment with a range of mediums such as oil pastel, paint and collage.

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