The Grange Primary School | Autumn 1 Half Termly Overview - Years 1/2

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Coming up…

Homework Children will receive the following:


Children who make the best progress read 4 or more times a week at home. 


Log into Spelling Shed and play spelling based games. 

Talk Homework

This will be posted on Class Dojo and is an opportunity to talk with your child about their topic/learning. 

A special visit from Tara, our local community officer to show the children the areas she patrols and helps to maintain to keep us all safe. A trip to the park off Ellesmere Road.

Both of the above are to support our children with their Geography unit this half-term which is based on our local area and map work.

Other research based tasks will be announced on Dojo, e.g. if we would like you to send in photos.

A special virtual presentation to parents to celebrate Harvest (hopefully you’ll be hearing the children practising their songs soon!)

Grange Primary School

Years 1 & 2 Caterpillar & Butterfly Class

Autumn 1 Half Termly Overview Staff Members:

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Reminders Children should be reading 4+ times a week. Reading records will be checked and children who read ‘4 or more’ every week for a half-term will be rewarded. Book bags should come to school daily. Please also complete RWI reading online, more information to follow on Class Dojo. P.E kits should be worn to school on Mondays and Tuesdays for this half-term. Children should bring a labelled water bottle to drink from.

Caterpillar Class: Mrs Evans (class teacher), Mrs Romasiuk (class teaching assistant), Mrs Beddoes/Mrs Asterley/Mrs Gwilliams (1:1 TA) Butterfly Class: Mrs Amblin (class teacher), Mrs Harte (class teaching assistant), Mrs Beddoes/Mrs Jew (1:1 TA)


Where we live

Our English work will be based on a story with predictable phrases called ‘Peace at Last’ by Jill Murphy. The children will learn to retell this story with actions and will take part in lots of fun activities such as building a place for Mr Bear to sleep. We will develop our phonics and grammar to support us with being able to write parts of the story. We will also become authors ourselves, thinking of another noisy object that might keep Mr Bear from getting some peace! We will complete paired reading activities at least twice a week based on the phonics we have been learning as well as hearing individual readers. The children will come home with 3 books; a library choice book to share and read together for pleasure, a choice book chosen from either the Set 1, 2 or 3 sounds box which is based on the phonics they are learning and a copy of the **99999999999999999999999999 RWI book which they have been reading in school that week. (Read, Write, Inc)

In Geography we will focus on ‘where we live.’ This will include talks and walks to our local area along with reading and creating maps. In RE we will be exploring Christianity and the creation story and thinking about the big question: Does God want Christians to look after the world?

We will also be having handwriting lessons using Penpals and we will be forming our letters using the RWI letter formation rhymes.

In PSHCE we will be exploring the Jigsaw topic ‘being me in my world’ and discussing rights and responsibilities, rewards and consequences and the importance of respecting one another - A Granger value!


In PE we are lucky enough this half term to be having a coach teach us cricket!

Year 1 will be working on using language to compare objects such as ‘larger, smaller, shorter, longer.’ We will be using a cherry diagram to explore ‘partpart-whole’, e.g. “1 is a part, 4 is a part, 5 is the whole.” We will also secure our understanding of composition of numbers 0-10. At home, it will greatly benefit your child if you could practise learning number bonds off by heart to 5 and once confident to 10, e.g. 0+5=5, 1+4=5, 2+3=5, 3+2=5, 4+1=5, 5+0=5. Year 2 will be recapping a lot of number knowledge from Year 1 as well as developing and applying this knowledge further. We will start by looking again at numbers within 20, then 100. Understanding these numbers in lots of different ways will support us as we look at addition and subtraction later on. At home it will greatly benefit your child if you could count forward and backwards to 100, as well as counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

In Art we will be working together to create our new feelings Colour Monster display as well as create portraits to show who belong to Caterpillar and Butterfly classes. In Computing we will be learning about online safety as well as how to log in on a laptop so we can access some of our online learning such as Spelling Shed. In Science Year 1 are focussing on our environment and the weather whilst Year 2 are working on local habitats and materials. In Music we will be using Charanga lessons to learn to appraise and sing the song ‘Hey You! by Joanna Mangona’. We will also be learning harvest songs for our special virtual assembly.

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