Coming up…
Homework Children will receive the following:
Children who make the best progress read 4 or more times a week at home. •
Log into Spelling Shed and play spelling based games. •
Talk Homework
This will be posted on Class Dojo and is an opportunity to talk with your child about their topic/learning.
Other research based tasks will be announced on Dojo, e.g. if we would like you to send in photos.
We will be participating in Remembrance Day activities reflecting on things that we are grateful for and things we will always remember. XPLORE Money workshop – learning all about the importance of money and how to keep it safe! (Monday 22nd November) Nativity – information to be announced near the time. Pantomime time! – We will be watching a pantomime in school – (Tuesday 14th December)
Reminders •
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Children should be reading 4+ times a week. Reading records will be checked and children who read ‘4 or more’ every week for a half-term will be rewarded. Book bags should come to school daily. P.E kits (warm) – Monday and Tuesday Children should bring a labelled water bottle to drink from.
Grange Primary School
Years 1 & 2 Caterpillar & Butterfly Class
Autumn 2 Half Termly Overview Staff Members: Caterpillar Class: Mrs Evans (class teacher), Mrs Romasiuk + Mrs Asterley, Miss Bennett (class teaching assistants) Butterfly Class: Mrs Amblin (class teacher), Mrs Harte + Ms Bennett (class teaching assistants), Mrs Gwilliams/Mrs Jew (1:1 TA)
English In English we will be learning about different types of writing throughout the half term. We will be writing non-chronological reports about the Great Fire of London. We will then be taking part in a Marches Academy Trust writing competition, where we will revisit writing stories. Finally, we will end the term with some beautiful winter poetry! We will continue to do paired reading activities throughout the week in our phonics groups. Children will come home with 2 books; a library choice book to share and read together for pleasure and a choice book chosen from either the Set 1, 2 or 3 sounds box which is based on their phonic ability. They will also have a copy of their paired reading text available on their Oxford Owl account at the end of the week. **99999999999999999999999999 We will also be continuing our handwriting lessons using Penpals and we will be forming our letters using the RWI letter formation rhymes.
Maths Year 1 will be looking closely at addition and subtracting. We will start with revisiting numbers to ten including placing them on a number line. We will then be adding and subtracting with objects, then begin to use pictures and finally using numbers on their own. We will also begin to look at shape by identifying and naming different shapes in the classroom. In Year 2, we will be continuing to learn about number and number relationships. We will also be looking closely at money and learning how to identify and use different coins and notes as well as beginning to look at multiplication and division. To help at home – Please take any opportunity to count regularly with your child. Counting to 100 together is a great way to help your child make progress. Year 1’s can practise bonds to 5,10 and 20. Year 2’s can also practice counting in 2s, 5s and 10s for an extra challenge!
Great Fire of London In History we will focus on the ‘Great Fire of London.’ This will include learning about how the fire started, why it spread and how fire safety has changed over time. We are hoping to arrange a visit from the Shropshire Fire Service to discuss firefighting in modern day. In RE we will be exploring Christianity and the nativity story. This will link really closely to our nativity performance later in the term. In PSHCE we will be exploring the Jigsaw topic ‘celebrating difference’. This will involve looking at how everyone is unique and special. In PE we will be doing both tennis and movement skills games (SAQ)! In Art/DT we will create city scape and fire silhouettes inspired by the great fire of London. We will also be making a fire engine learning how wheel and axels work. In Computing we will be learning about online safety. We will also be going on a technology hunt and learning how to follow and create simple instructions on Purple Mash. In Science we are all learning about different materials. In Music we will be learning and singing songs for our nativity. We will continue to visit the farm throughout the half term.