The Grange Primary School | Autumn 2 Half Termly Overview – Year 5/6

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Coming up…

Grange Primary School

11.11.21 Remembrance Day Reading: We expect pupils in Year 5 and 6 to read at least 4 times a week. When they read their reading diary must be completed then signed by an adult at home. These will be checked daily. Spelling Shed: Spelling Shed is an online resource which the pupils will need a login to access. Weekly spelling activities will be set based on the spelling they are working on in class.

15.11.21 Odd socks day 12.11.21 Children in need 15.11.21 Parents evening week 29.11.21 Food Hub Fundraiser 14.12.21 Panto

Timestables: Please practice the times table your child is working on daily. These are really important as most of the Year 5 and 6 maths uses them. These will be tested weekly.

Year 5 & 6 Remember 

brings their reading book and reading diary to school every day

brings a coat to school every day

has a water bottle in school every day

has a warm layer (such as a fleece) in their locker - they may need an extra layer as we get into autumn/winter as we need to keep the classrooms well ventilated

does not bring any concentration toys or pencil cases from home into school

PE will be on Tuesday and Friday each week. Please ensure your child comes dressed in their PE kit at the start of the day. If the day changes or their will be an additional PE

Labelling We have a big box of new jumpers which are difficult to return to their owners. Please make sure that your child’s belongings are clearly labelled with their name.

Please make sure that your child:

Autumn 2 Half Termly Overview Year 6 Fox: Mrs. Rovizzi (Teacher)

Year 5

Hedgehog: Mrs. Onions (Teacher)

Year 5/6 Badger: Miss. Jones/ Mrs. Perrins (Teachers)

Letter writing and Persuasion

This term children will be focussing on non- fiction writing. They will be exploring the use of persuasive language and writing a persuasive letter to the council about ideas for regenerating the old Brantano building in Harlescott. Grammar will cover the passive voice, formal conjunctions, modal verbs and recapping on knowledge and skills already learnt. At home, parents/carers can help by reading regularly to and with children. It is also very beneficial to discuss any new words or phrases children may come across at school or at home.

Reading for Pleasure: Class reads Foxes: Tin by Padraig Kenny Hedgehogs: Cosmic by Frank Cotrell-Boyce Badgers: Fortunately the Milk by Neil Gaiman

Maths Foxes: This half- term our focus will be on multiplication and division. We will look at long multiplication and division and mental methods. Hedgehogs: Badgers: This half term, our focus will be place value and addition and subtraction. We will be counting in 10s, 5s and 2s.

Topic: Human geography, we shall be looking at how the Flaxmill is an ongoing regeneration project that is local to us, exploring the future sustainability and what impact this may have on the community, both positive and negative. We shall then look at designing our own regeneration project. This will involve the Brantano shoe shop site that is no longer in use. Pupils will explore as to what this site can be used for, examining the impact upon the local community. Pupils will design a new site in addition to writing a persuasive letter to Shropshire Council with our ideas for regeneration. Science – Space and the solar system. How the earth moves in space, why experience day, night and the seasons. Pupils will also develop their understanding about the phases of the moon, gravity, how the solar system was formed and the planets that orbit our sun. In D&T we are excited about designing new playground, looking at issues of safety, space and materials. We will look to build out model playgrounds using a variety of resources, exploring how different materials fit together to make our designs come to life. RE – Truth Our topic will look at the different versions of the Christmas story in the gospels of Luke and Matthew. PSHE – Celebrating Difference. It is about learning that everyone is different and that normal can look very different. Also, we learn about how to include others when we are playing and working. The third part is about how to help someone if they are being bullied by understanding what a power struggle is. Finally, we will be looking at the use of kind words and how compliments. This will also be supported by Anti-bullying week.

What Can I Do at Home to Help? Children will greatly benefit from practising their times tables at home. By the end of year 4 children should be confident in recalling times tables up to 12x12 including the corresponding division facts. Children can practise their times tables by using Purple Mash online. Logins were given out for this last half term. Please see your child’s class teacher if your child cannot

Year 5 Singing at Shrewsbury School Year 5 pupils are working hard to practice their parts in Hosanna Rock. They will be performing in a concert at Shrewsbury School 25th November. More details will follow shortly about tickets and timings. Shrewsbury school will be performing The Snowman. Please can you work with your child to learn any lines or practice any songs in preparation. Any support would be gratefully received.

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