Under the strict supervision of their respective consortiums, each product is crafted locally with the utmost care and attention to detail.
The Result: Products of exceptional quality that are unique to Tuscany and designated as such by their DOP and IGP seals.
Create your very own Tuscan Table today!
Olio Extravergine di Oliva Toscano IGP TUSCAN EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL
IGP Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Tuscany has a unique territorial and cultural heritage. In 1998, Olio Extravergine di Oliva Toscano earned its IGP distinction. The Consortium’s priority is to ensure its members are adhering to these important production guidelines. The consortium guarantees every bottle produced by signing off on it, verifying that the methods employed throughout the production, from grove to bottle, have been followed. The olive oil is also subjected to chemical and sensory analysis conducted by a tasting panel approved by the Ministry of Agriculture. This is all done to ensure the final consumer that its members have complied with IGP production methods. The result is a 100 % IGP Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Tuscany of the highest quality unique from all oils due to the organoleptic qualities that link it inextricably with Tuscany. Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Tuscany is among the leading Tuscan Products enjoyed and sought after the world over.
Prosciutto Toscano DOP TUSCAN HAM
Prosciutto Toscano DOP boasts a unique flavor profile and is produced according to the strictest standards. Only pigs born, bred and slaughtered in Tuscany and other select regions in North and Central Italy are chosen. The animals must be at least 9 months old with a live weight between 318 and 390 lbs. Preparation is carried out exclusively at ham production factories located in Tuscany. The ingredients used for the dry salting process are sea salt, pepper and natural aromatic herbs from Tuscany such as juniper and myrtle. Prosciutto Toscano's profile is unique and very different compared to other hams as the meat is more moist and delicate with a resulting nuanced flavor unique only to Tuscany.
Miele della Lunigiana DOP HONEY FROM LUNIGIANA
Honey from Lunigiana, Tuscany is the first Italian honey to obtain the DOP seal. The production territory boasts hilly landscapes dotted with acacia and chestnut forests, abundant, lush and varied vegetation. These characteristics are very important from an apiarist’s or beekeeper’s point of view and impart a unique flavor profile to the resulting honey. Lunigiana’s DOP chestnut honey is dark amber in color often with a reddish hue. Chestnut honey has a strong fragrance and a lingering flavor profile with a slightly bitter finish. Lunigiana’s DOP acacia honey on the other hand is clear with an almost colorless to light yellow hue. It has a subtle floral fragrance and a very sweet flavor profile that is light in acidity, no bitterness and a delicate aroma reminiscent of vanilla.
Pecorino Toscano DOP cheese has a soft or semi-hard consistency. It is produced exclusively with whole ewe’s milk. The fresher cheese has a yellow to hay colored rind and a white to light yellow interior that is soft to the touch. It has a mild, silky taste. The mature cheese has a yellow to deep yellow rind, which can vary in color to black or even red depending on how it is finished ;that is with either tomato ash or oil the rind may be The interior of the aged cheese is straw yellow and the cheese itself is fragrant with a layered and concentrated flavor profile. The key element is of course milk, which is ewe’s milk exclusively, produced by flocks reared on the territory marked for PDO production. The sheep belong to various breeds, including native Apennine, Sopravissana and Massese and breeds imported from other territories such as Comisana and Sarda. Tuscan pastures are rich in herbs that confer specific properties to the milk and consequently impart a unique taste to the cheese made from this special milk. Pecorino Toscano DOP is mild with well balanced and harmonious flavors unique to Tuscany.
LOOK FOR THE DOP & IGP FIND AUTHENTIC ITALIAN QUALITY PRODUCTS ! Throughout the world, Italian food enjoys a reputation of high quality thanks to its centuries-old traditions and dedication to quality and excellence. This heritage is certified by the European Union through the DOP and IGP seals. DOP, in English PDO, stands for Protected Designation of Origin and is awarded to products of excellence that express a close tie to the territory of origin. The PDO recognizes agricultural products and foodstuffs which are produced,processed and prepared in a given geographical area recognizing production methods. IGP, PGI in English, stands for Protected Geographical Indication, and is awarded to agricultural products and foodstuffs closely linked to the geographical area. At least one of the stages of production, processing or preparation takes place in the area. One of the ways to distinguish the authenticity of an Italian product is to always check whether the label displays the red DOP/PDO seal; or blue IGP/PGI seal.
TOSCANA PROMOZIONE www.toscanapromozione.it Toscana Promozione is the Economic Promotion Agency of Tuscany, established in 2000 by the local government. Thanks to a network of professional associations, institutions, enterprises, universities and research centers, Toscana Promozione today is a solid platform for overseas enterprises interested in doing business in or with Tuscany.
OLIO EXTRAVERGINE DI OLIVA TOSCANO IGP TUSCAN EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL www.oliotoscanoigp.it The Consortium for the tutelage of IGP- Tuscan Extra Virgin Olive Oil production was founded in 1997 by several local Tuscan Olive growers. After 15 years of activity, the Consortium membership has grown significantly to include over 11,000 members. This growth in membership is certainly a testimony to the organization’s high standards, dedication to educating its members and promoting IGP- Tuscan Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Italy and abroad. PROSCIUTTO TOSCANO DOP TUSCAN HAM www.prosciuttotoscano.com The Consortium for the tutelage of Prosciutto Toscano DOP was founded in 1990 to ensure and uphold the high standards of pig breeding and prosciutto production methods unique to the territory. In 1996, Prosciutto Toscano was awarded the DOP seal and the consortium’s membership enthusiastically embraced the prescribed breeding and production methods. The result is a unique, nuanced ham or prosciutto that is unique to Tuscany. The production of Prosciutto Toscano DOP is possible because of the meticulous efforts and respect for Tuscan tradition and fare shared by the consortium’s membership; all who adhere with pride to the DOP’s prescribed production methods. MIELE DELLA LUNIGIANA DOP HONEY FROM LUNIGIANA www.mieledellalunigiana.it Honey from Lunigiana, Tuscany is the first Italian honey to obtain the DOP seal, which is the highest recognition a product can obtain with regard to typicity and provenance. The production territory of this honey comprises 14 towns located within the Lunigiana territory. These towns all boast hilly landscapes dotted with acacia and chestnut forests, abundant and varied vegetation. These characteristics are very important from an apiarist’s or beekeeper’s point of view. The Consortium’s membership is comprised of 60 members totaling 5300 hives, all of which strictly adhere to the DOP production guidelines. For this reason, the apiarist can guarantee the final consumer that the cultivation methods employed throughout the entire process from hive to honey - ensures respect for the environment and adheres to the highest quality conditions. The DOP seal is awarded to two kinds of honey produced in the area – Acacia and Chestnut. PECORINO TOSCANO DOP TUSCAN SHEEP’S MILK CHEESE www.pecorinotoscanodop.it The consortium for the tutelage of Pecorino Toscano DOP was founded in 1985. By adhering to strict production methods, Pecorino Toscano was awarded the prestigious DOP seal from the European Union in 1996. The consortium’s tutelage of Pecorino Toscano is strongly rooted to the principles of love and respect for Tuscany and its bounty. This is best showcased in the dedication and care exhibited by its membership for the sheep and the entire production process - from pasture to table that renders Pecorino Toscano cheese inimitable in taste and of the highest quality. This cheese is aged, packaged and distributed completely in accordance with DOP guidelines.