2018/2022 selected works
Education Work experiences Academic experiences
2021/22 Master in Digital Marketing & Communication @ Università degli Studi di Torino.
2017 Master Degree in Architecture (110/110) @ Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura.
2014 Bachelor Degree in Architecture Design (102/110)
@ Politecnico di Milano, Scuola di Architettura Civile.
2010 Scientific High School Diploma (86/100)
@ Liceo G. Cotta, Legnago.
2020 Academic Tutor @ Politecnico di Milano, for the Final Thesis design studio held by Professor Mei.
2014 Erasmus Program @ Universität der Künste Berlin
Marketing / Visual Merch @ Prosol (Torino). Layouts for food retail shops.
Architect / Interior design @ Lombardini22 (Milano). Space planning and interior design projects for office spaces.
2017/18 collaborator @ Atelier Traldi (MI) & M2P Project design and research, competitions,models realization, 2d and 3d drawings.
date of birth: 28/05/1991
email: marcofantoni91@gmail.com
phone: +39 3463066426
address: via g. ferrari 3, Torino IT
Exhibitions Softwares
2016 MAC: Milano Animal City with Stefano Boeri @Sino European Innovation Center.

LaTriennale Exhibition @ Politecnico di Milano, exhibition of MIAW works.
2016 15th Istanbul Biennale with Milano Animal City.
Windows OS Mac OS
Adobe Ps, Ai, Id, Pr Figma
Autocad 2D and 3D
Rhinoceros 5
V-Ray rendering
Sketchup Microsoft Office
Italian mothertongue
English fluent - IELTS 6.5
German elementary
category year where what tools
Lazy Sunday online and offline identity
visual id, graphics for flyers and online posts
adobe AI, Ps, Id
lazy sunday was born from the intention of two friends to create a chill-party in a cozy place in Milano, where people who are passionate about electronic and ambient music could gather and meet.
The whole identity of the event was built around the language and energy of electronic music and the volunty to suggest the kind of atmosphere that one could find during the event.

flyers and banners of the 2018 season

mockups for the merchandising

the logo was designed for the Lotus Cars Gathering that takes place every autumn through the elegant and impervious streets of Lessinia, next to Verona.

the colors are a tribute to Lotus racing identity and to autumn itself, the shapes are trying to combine the mountaineous landscape and the dinamicity of a racing car, while referring to the form of Lotus logo.

mockups for the merch

category year where what tools
Corte Paina / www.cortepaina.com
offline and online
logotype, graphics, contents, copy for website and brochure
adobe AI, Id, Ps, Pr, Acad
corte paina is a small real estate company which sells building lots in the province of Verona. When designing the identity the focus was put on the most significant piece of architecture nearby: the ancient villa from which the company takes its name.
More precisely, i focused on the most characteristic architectural element of the villa: its 17th century venetian chimneys. The website videos complete the frame showing how this prestigious architectural context is connected to the nature of its surroundings.

name category year where what tools
Graphic project for a thesis book book publishing
2017 Milano
logotype, graphics, contents for the book
adobe AI, Id, Ps, Pr, Acad
logotype logotype wireframe

name category year where what tools
Various interior design works done with Lombardini22
concept and preliminary design
adobe AI, Id, Ps, Acad, Rhinoceros
the following images are examples of the interior design projects i’ve been working on from 2018 ‘til 2020, when working in the business unit DEGW, a branch of lombardini22.
Most of my work has been about the space planning of office spaces for medium/big companies, starting from a very analytical point of view, which was the client’s brief and the dimensional
analysis of the building.
Following these first steps, and after the approval of the layouts, i’ve been involved in the development of some projects to a more detailed scale, which means i had the opportunity to propose the design for some special areas of the offices.
I worked on many concepts by realizing 2d and 3d drawings,
collages in photoshop, and vectorial graphics with Illustrator, until the most technical issues that came during the realization of them.
project for a lobby entrance and office spaces

projects for meeting spaces in the offices

projects for break areas and food courts