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Architectural portfolio Marco Merla Building engineer Politecnico di Milano


Year 2010-2011 Team Elisa Affetti Maria Brando Francesco Cortesi Alice Dénarié Marica Fumagalli Marco Merla Cube modular housing is a project developed during the last year as a student at Politecnico di Milano, and its main purpose is the construction of residential buildings in Expo 2015 area. The main project feature is to facilitate interactions between people, pushing towards the creationofacommunitywithinthecommunity,and at the same time keep low production costs and highspeedofdeployment,keepinginmind energy and environmental aspects related both to the realization phase and to the life of the building. The project has been developed from the point of view of architecture and engineering, studying at the executive level issues such as technological and structural details, services, energy, sound and economical aspects.

Localization: Climatic Zone: Degree day: Siteplan surface: Built surface: Net surface: Gross surface: N°. floors:

Milano - Italy 45°31’18’’N 09°06’09’’E E (italian standard) 2404 8000 m2 1865 m2 4225 m2 (dwellings) 285 m2 (common areas) 5200 m2 (dwellings) 370 m2 (common areas) 6

OVERVIEW Cube - Modular Housing is a project that originates from the severe demands of customers, who require the development of apartments for a floor area of 5000 m2, specifying precisely the size of the different types of accommodation. The project concept is to be able to create living cells around the single man, or family, and then compose them in order to eliminate the presence of horizontal connections. To avoid the presence of long galleries, or corridors, we planned a horizontal distribution on the noble front (south), where the user can gain access to his accommodation walking on the roof of the lower dwelling. The building is shaped like a single body, open to the southern view of Expo2015 and closed to the northern industrial area. Southwards the presence of five floating caps hosting common areas sets the pace of the entire front, northwards a clever placement of different shaped and sized windows lightens a front otherwise compact and heavy. The southern front is valorized by the presence of a long architectural promenade, which emphasizes the longitudinal approach and, as the main and only connective, catalyzes and facilitates the creation of a community in the community. Cube - Modular Housing is a project that, due to constraints and specific needs, finds its place in an elementary way, but the architectural development, the choice of materials and technologies, the engineering and the study of detail, much pushed toward the optimization of energy performances, speed and ease of implementation, the modularity of components and thecostofimplementation,givespecialvalueto the final result.




SKETCH DESIGN From the first sketches it was clear that we wouldhaveusedthebuildingasabarrierbetween the grey background of Milano city and the green Expo2015 area. However,ifabarrierisconfiguredbydefinition as a solid and heavy element, we decided to exploit the different depths of the southern overhangs, the floating caps and the holes, one in each of the six blocks, in order to lighten thefrontandensurepermeabilityanddynamismto the faรงade. Flexibility is a key element of the project, individual dwellings can be expanded as desired, by incorporating the adjacent ones or by closing the areas designed as terraces to create glasshouses, which, moreover, in winter contribute to reduce energy heating requirements. In order to facilitate flexibility, systems distribution is located in the northern wall, so that all the remaining partition walls can be easily moved or removed, depending on the needs. Dynamism and flexibility, however, often mean lack of modularity and presence of many project singularities, which lengthen the construction time, increase costs and increase the likelihood of making mistakes. Therefore, special attention was paid to maintain a precise modular design, easily detectable in the building plans, in the structural grid, and in the faรงades, where, althoughtheopeningscreateaspecialandlively effectofdisorder(expeciallyinthenorthone), the number of different types of plates is reduced to a minimum. FLEXIBILITY: an example

option A


option B



one room

35 m2

two rooms

50 m2

5% surface 25% surface

three rooms type A 77,5 m2

15% surface

three rooms type B 85 m2

25% surface

four rooms

112,5 m2 10% surface

INITIAL SYSTEMS EVALUATIONS: The northern wall hosts system distribution in order to ensure architectural flexibility

VIEWS AND ELEVATIONS The phenolic resin panels, used for the southern faรงade cladding, are provided in soft colors, in shades of brown. For the northern faรงade metal sheets, as well as fortheframesofthefloatingcaps,weexploited brighter colors, like blue and red. Northward, to keep neat the faรงade profile, we used roll-up shutters systems as blinds, while forthesouthernfaรงadeweusedpackablealuminum shuttersystems,sometimesfixedontheleftside of the window, sometimes on the right.



lev. roof

lev. 4

lev. 3

lev. 2

lev. 1

lev. 0

PLANS AND SECTIONS The design activity has been carried through the executive level in terms of technology, structures and systems. The building is realized using dry stratified technologies, consisting of gypsum boards and insulation rockwool panels, and fiber cement, metal sheets or phenolic resin panels for the outer layer. The roof is flat and green, in order to take advantage of the countless benefits provided by this technology, from the increase of biodiversity to the reduction of thermal load, hydraulic load on the sewer system, and the heat island phenomenon. We carried out thermohygrometric analysis for each stratigraphy and we verified that the results agreed to the minimum standards set out by the law. The structural frame, whose elements we completely designed, consists of steel HEA columns and IPE beams, corrugated steel and concrete completion slab. Together with a design approach that aims to create the best passive relationship with the surrounding environment, we designed rainwater reusing systems and power generation systems that use the local district heating network. According to current legislation, we verified the absence of architectural barriers, and we carried out assessments related to fire safety.

St ai r wel lmai ns t r uct ur emadebyr ei nf or cedconcr et e

Al umi num 4/ 10mm f l as hi ng,s uppor t edbyal umi num s pacerf i t t edt o f açade’ smul l i on. Par apetf or medbys t ai nl es ss t eelt ubul ar s . Res i s t ancet ohor i z ont alf or ces :200kg. Spaci ngbet weenver t i calbar ss uchast opr eventt hecr os s i ngofa10cm di amet ers pher e.

Gr eenr oof Fal s ecei l i ngwi t hKnaufgyps um f i r eboar dsandpl as t erf i ni s h,5cm r ockwooli ns ul at i on( λ=0. 035W/ mK) ,I PE270s t eelbeams ,cor r ugat ed s t eels heet( t hi cknes s0. 8cm,dept h5. 5cm)and8cm concr et e compl et i ons l ab;14cm cel l ul arf oam gl as si ns ul at i on( λ=0. 04W/ mK) f or mi ng2% s l ope,0. 4+0. 4+0. 4cm bi t umi nousmembr anecoupl edt o ant i r ootl ayer ,10cm wat ers t or agel ayer ,2. 5geot ext i l el ayer ,15cm gr oundandgr as s .

Al umi num wi ndow f r amewi t ht her malbr eak,openj oi nt . Doubl egl az i nguni t6166.T her malt r ans mi t t ance1. 48W/ m2K Hor i z ont alper i met er Fal s ecei l i ngwi t hKnaufcementboar dsandpl as t erf i ni s h,10cm r ockwooli ns ul at i on( λ=0. 035W/ mK) ,I PE270s t eelbeams ,cor r ugat ed s t eels heet( t hi cknes s0. 8cm,dept h5. 5cm)and8cm concr et e compl et i ons l ab;8cm s ys t emsl ayerr eal i z edus i nggr anul esmadeof cel l ul os ef i ber( KnaufT r ockens chut t ung) ,1cm di s j unct i onboar d,7. 4cm EPSl ayer( λ=0. 04W/ mK)i nt egr at edwi t hr adi antpanel s ,1. 25+1. 25cm Knaufgyps um boar ds ,woodenf l oor i ng.

l evel 4

Par apetf or medbys t ai nl es ss t eelt ubul ar s ,s et t l edonapr ecas tconcr et e f l owerbox. Res i s t ancet ohor i z ont alf or ces :200kg. Spaci ngbet weenver t i calbar ss uchast opr eventt hecr os s i ngofa10 cm di amet ers pher e. Bes i det hef l owerbox,PVC r ai ngut t er .

Suppor tofwi ndow f r amecons i s t i ngofal umi num t ubul ar17x4. 5cm ( t hi cknes s0. 3cm)wi t hr ockwooli ns ul at i on. T opal umi num j amb,dr i pf l as hi ngedge.

Par apetf or medbys t ai nl es ss t eelt ubul ar s ,s et t l edonapr ecas tconcr et ebas e. Res i s t ancet ohor i z ont alf or ces :200kg. Spaci ngbet weenver t i calbar ss uchast opr eventt hecr os s i ngofa10cm di amet ers pher e. Al umi num f l as hi ng( t hi cknes s4/ 10mm) ,r ai ngut t ermadebypr ecas tconcr et e, al umi num over f i l l .

Hor i z ont alper i met er Fal s ecei l i ngwi t hKnaufgyps um f i r eboar dsandpl as t erf i ni s h,5cm r ockwooli ns ul at i on( λ=0. 035W/ mK) ,I PE270s t eelbeams ,cor r ugat ed s t eels heet( t hi cknes s0. 8cm,dept h5. 5cm)and8cm concr et e compl et i ons l ab;14cm cel l ul arf oam gl as si ns ul at i on( λ=0. 04W/ mK) f or mi ng1% s l ope,0. 4+0. 4cm bi t umi nousmembr anecoupl edt o pr ot ect i onl ayer ,4cm s cr eed,ext er nalpavi ng.

l evel 3

Al umi num wi ndow f r amewi t ht her malbr eak,openj oi nt . Doubl egl az i nguni t6166.T her malt r ans mi t t ance1. 53W/ m2K

Ver t i calper i met er 1. 25+1. 25 cm Knaufgyps um boar ds ,7+7cm r ockwooli ns ul at i on( λ= 0. 035W/ mK) ,1. 25+1. 25 cm Knaufgyps um boar ds ,10cm f i ber gl as s wat er r epel l enti ns ul at i on( λ=0. 035W/ mK) ,vent i l at edl ayer / i ns t al l at i on s pace,ext er nalcl addi ngmadeby1. 5mm al umi num s heet ss uppor t ed byal umi num mul l i ons . Hor i z ont alpar t i t i on Fal s ecei l i ngwi t hKnaufgyps um f i r eboar dsandpl as t erf i ni s h,5cm r ockwooli ns ul at i on( λ=0. 035W/ mK) ,I PE270s t eelbeams ,cor r ugat ed s t eels heet( t hi cknes s0. 8cm,dept h5. 5cm)and8cm concr et e compl et i ons l ab;8cm s ys t emsl ayerr eal i z edus i nggr anul esmadeof cel l ul os ef i ber( KnaufT r ockens chut t ung) ,1cm di s j unct i onboar d,7. 4cm EPSl ayer( λ=0. 04W/ mK)i nt egr at edwi t hr adi antpanel s ,1. 25+1. 25cm Knaufgyps um boar ds ,woodenf l oor i ng.

l evel 2

Al umi num s i l lf i xedt of açade’ smul l i on;i ns i des i l lwi t hr ockwooli ns ul at i on. Suppor tofwi ndow f r amecons i s t i ngofal umi num t ubul ar22x8cm ( t hi cknes s0. 3cm)wi t hr ockwooli ns ul at i on. Packabl eal umi num s hut t ers ys t em,onhor i z ont alr ai l .

Hor i z ont alper i met er Fal s ecei l i ngwi t hKnaufcementboar dsandpl as t erf i ni s h,10cm r ockwool i ns ul at i on( λ=0. 035W/ mK) ,I PE270s t eelbeams ,cor r ugat eds t eels heet ( t hi cknes s0. 8cm,dept h5. 5cm)and8cm concr et ecompl et i ons l ab;8cm s ys t emsl ayerr eal i z edus i nggr anul esmadeofcel l ul os ef i ber( Knauf T r ockens chut t ung) ,1cm di s j unct i onboar d,7. 4cm EPSl ayer( λ=0. 04 W/ mK)i nt egr at edwi t hr adi antpanel s ,1. 25+1. 25cm Knaufgyps um boar ds ,woodenf l oor i ng. Ver t i calper i met er 1. 25+1. 25 cm Knaufgyps um boar ds ,7+7cm r ockwooli ns ul at i on( λ= 0. 035W/ mK) ,1. 25+1. 25 cm Knaufgyps um boar ds ,10cm f i ber gl as s wat er r epel l enti ns ul at i on( λ=0. 035W/ mK) ,0. 6cm phenol i cr es i npanel s s uppor t edbyal umi num mul l i ons( t hi cknes s1. 6mm)


Suppor tofwi ndow f r ameands hut t erboxcons i s t i ngofal umi num t ubul ar 22x8cm ( t hi cknes s0. 3cm)wi t hr ockwooli ns ul at i on. T opj ambcons i s t i ngofal umi num gr i dt oal l ow f açadevent i l at i on,dr i p f l as hi ngedge.

Hor i z ont alpar t i t i on 24cm pr edal l es l abf l oorwi t hEPSl i ght eni ngel ement s ,8cm cel l ul ar f oam gl as si ns ul at i on( λ=0. 04W/ mK) ,8cm s ys t emsl ayerr eal i z edus i ng gr anul esmadeofcel l ul os ef i ber( KnaufT r ockens chut t ung) , 1cm di s j unct i onboar d,7. 4cm EPSl ayer( λ=0. 04W/ mK)i nt egr at edwi t h r adi antpanel s ,1. 25+1. 25cm Knaufgyps um boar ds ,woodenf l oor i ng.

l evel 1

l evel 0

10cm f i ber gl as swat err epel l enti ns ul at i on( λ=0. 034W/ mK) 10cm pol yur et hanef oam i ns ul at i on( λ=0. 035W/ mK) HEA220s t eelcol umn Ext er nalcl addi ngmadeby1. 5mm al umi num s heet s Al umi num mul l i on.T hi cknes s1. 6mm Al umi num s pacer ,Eur of oxmedi um t ype, 8cm dept h,6cm br acel enght 30cm r ei nf or cedconcr et e

PVC Φ120ki t chenext r act i onpi pe PVC Φ100gut t erpi pe PVC Φ110s ewagepi pe

Al umi num connect i onpl at ef i t t edt of açade’ smul l i on

1mm al umi num s heetj amb

Al umi num 4/ 10mm f l as hi ng

Al umi num f i xedf r amewi t ht her malbr eak 7cm f i ber gl as swat err epel l enti ns ul at i on( λ=0. 034W/ mK)

Al umi num mobi l ef r amewi t ht her malbr eak andopenj oi nt .Vas i s t asopeni ngt ype

1. 25cm KnaufGKI( H)gyps um boar d 1. 25cm AQUAPANELOut door cementboar d

Doubl egl az i nguni t6166.( Ar gonf i l l i ng) T her malt r ans mi t t ance1. 3W/ m2K

10cm gal vani z eds t eelUs hapedgui depr of i l e UPE300s t eelbr aci ng 24mm pl as t ert of i ni s hands moot h t hes ur f ace,KnaufF2Ft ype 1. 25cm AQUAPANELOut door cementboar d 10cm f i ber gl as swat err epel l ent i ns ul at i on( λ=0. 034W/ mK) 10cm gal vani z eds t eelCs hapedgui depr of i l e connect edt oUs hapedgui depr of i l ebyr api dbl ocks 1. 25cm KnaufGKI( H)gyps um boar d 1. 25cm KnaufGKB( A)gyps um boar d 1. 25cm KnaufGKF( F)gyps um f i r eboar d

Al umi num t ubul ar22x8cm ( t hi cknes s0. 3cm)wi t hr ockwooli ns ul at i on 7cm gal vani z eds t eelUs hapedgui depr of i l e 7cm r ockwooli ns ul at i on ( λ=0. 035W/ mK) 2. 5cm ai rl ayer 1. 25cm KnaufAQUAPANELI ndoor gyps um boar dGKB( A) 1. 25cm KnaufGKF( F)gyps um f i r eboar d 1. 25cm KnaufGKI( H)gyps um boar d

PVC dr i l l edgut t erpi pe f orwat erf i l t er i ng 2. 5mm dr ai nagegeot ext i l el ayer

Gal vani z eds t eelf r ame

10cm wat ers t or agel ayer 3x0. 4cm bi t umi nousmembr ane coupl edt oant i r ootl ayer

5cm gal vani z eds t eelUs hapedgui depr of i l e 5cm r ockwooli ns ul at i on( λ=0. 035W/ mK) 5cm gal vani z eds t eelCs hapedgui depr of i l e connect edt oUs hapedgui depr of i l ebyr api dbl ocks 1. 25cm KnaufAQUAPANELI ndoorgyps um boar dGKB( A)

15cm gr oundandgr as s

14cm cel l ul arf oam gl as si ns ul at i on ( λ=0. 04W/ mK)f or mi ng2% s l ope 7cm gal vani z eds t eelUs hapedgui depr of i l e 7cm r ockwooli ns ul at i on ( λ=0. 035W/ mK) 1. 25cm KnaufGKB( A)gyps um boar d 8cm concr et ecompl et i ons l ab Cor r ugat eds t eels heet ( t hi cknes s0. 8cm,dept h5. 5cm) 12. 25cm ai rl ayer 24mm pl as t ert of i ni s hands moot h t hes ur f ace,KnaufF2Ft ype 1. 25cm AQUAPANELOut door cementboar d 10cm f i ber gl as swat err epel l enti ns ul at i on ( λ=0. 034W/ mK) 10cm gal vani z eds t eelUs hapedgui depr of i l e

I PE240s t eels econdar ybeam I PE360s t eelbeam HEA220s t eelcol umn

Al umi num mul l i on.T hi cknes s1. 6mm 10cm pol yur et hanef oam i ns ul at i on( λ=0. 035W/ mK)

Fal s ecei l i ngs uppor ts t r uct ur e 1. 25cm KnaufGKF( F) gyps um f i r eboar d

4cm s t ai nl es ss t eelgr i d

Ext er nalcl addi ngmadeby1. 5mm al umi num s heet s 10cm f i ber gl as swat err epel l enti ns ul at i on( λ=0. 034W/ mK)

3cm s l at et hr es hol d Ar mor edent r ancedoor

Al umi num s pacer ,Eur of oxmedi um t ype, 8cm dept h,6cm br acel enght Al umi num t ubul ar22x8cm ( t hi cknes s0. 3cm) wi t hr ockwooli ns ul at i on

Al umi num s hut t erbox Al umi num gr i dt oal l ow f açadevent i l at i on, dr i pf l as hi ngedge Al umi num r ol l ups hut t er s

Doubl egl az i nguni t6166.( Ar gonf i l l i ng) T her malt r ans mi t t ance1. 3W/ m2K Al umi num mobi l ef r amewi t ht her malbr eakandopenj oi nt Al umi num f i xedf r amewi t ht her malbr eak

10cm gal vani z eds t eelUs hapedgui depr of i l e 1. 25cm KnaufGKI( H)gyps um boar d 1. 25cm KnaufAQUAPANELI ndoor gyps um boar dGKB( A) 1. 25cm KnaufGKF( F)gyps um f i r eboar d 5cm r ockwooli ns ul at i on ( λ=0. 035W/ mK)

Al umi num t ubul ar22x8cm ( t hi cknes s0. 3cm) wi t hr ockwooli ns ul at i on 24mm pl as t ert of i ni s hands moot h t hes ur f ace,KnaufF2Ft ype 1. 25cm KnaufAQUAPANELI ndoorgyps um boar dGKB( A)

Al umi num s i l lf i xedt of açade’ smul l i on; i ns i des i l lwi t hr ockwooli ns ul at i on Al umi num s pacer ,Eur of oxmedi um t ype, 8cm dept h,6cm br acel enght Al umi num mul l i on.T hi cknes s1. 6mm Ext er nalcl addi ngmadeby1. 5mm al umi num s heet s

1. 25cm KnaufGKF( F)gyps um f i r eboar d 7. 5cm gal vani z eds t eelCs hapedgui depr of i l e connect edt oUs hapedgui depr of i l ebyr api dbl ocks 2. 5cm ai rl ayer 7cm r ockwooli ns ul at i on( λ=0. 035W/ mK) 1. 25cm KnaufGKI( H)gyps um boar d 10cm f i ber gl as swat err epel l enti ns ul at i on ( λ=0. 034W/ mK)

Doubl egl az i nguni t6166.( Ar gonf i l l i ng) T her malt r ans mi t t ance1. 3W/ m2K Al umi num mobi l ef r amewi t ht her malbr eakandopenj oi nt Al umi num f i xedf r amewi t ht her malbr eak 3cm s l at et hr es hol d

1. 25cm AQUAPANELOut door cementboar d 5cm gal vani z eds t eelUs haped gui depr of i l e 10cm f i ber gl as swat err epel l ent i ns ul at i on( λ=0. 034W/ mK) Par apetf or medbys t ai nl es ss t eelt ubul ar s . Res i s t ancet ohor i z ont alf or ces :200kg. Spaci ngbet weenver t i calbar ss uchas t opr eventt hecr os s i ngofa10cm di amet ers pher e.

1. 25cm KnaufAQUAPANELI ndoor gyps um boar dGKB( A) Al umi num t ubul ar22x8cm ( t hi cknes s0. 3cm) wi t hr ockwooli ns ul at i on 1. 25cm KnaufAQUAPANELI ndoor gyps um boar dGKB( A) 1. 25cm KnaufGKF( F)gyps um f i r eboar d

10cm pol yur et hanef oam i ns ul at i on ( λ=0. 035W/ mK) HEAs t eelcol umn

Woodens ki r t i ng 1cm cer ami cpavi ng 1. 25+1. 25cm Knaufgyps um boar ds 7. 4cm EPSl ayer( λ=0. 04W/ mK) i nt egr at edwi t hr adi antpanel s 1cm di s j unct i onboar d 8cm s ys t emsl ayerr eal i z edus i ng gr anul esmadeofcel l ul os ef i ber ( KnaufT r ockens chut t ung) 8cm concr et ecompl et i ons l ab Cor r ugat eds t eels heet ( t hi cknes s0. 8cm,dept h5. 5cm) I PE240s t eels econdar ybeam I PE360s t eelbeam Al umi num connect i onpl at ebet weenbeam andmul l i on

1. 25cm KnaufGKF( F)gyps um f i r eboar d Al umi num f l as hi ng 0. 6cm phenol i cr es i ncl addi ngpanel Al umi num L s hapedpr of i l et of i xt hemul l i on Par apetf or medbys t ai nl es ss t eelt ubul ar s . Res i s t ancet ohor i z ont alf or ces :200kg. Spaci ngbet weenver t i calbar ss uchas t opr eventt hecr os s i ngofa10cm di amet ers pher e.

1. 25cm KnaufGKI( H)gyps um boar d 10cm f i ber gl as swat err epel l enti ns ul at i on ( λ=0. 034W/ mK) Al umi num mul l i on

10cm r ockwooli ns ul at i on ( λ=0. 035W/ mK) Fal s ecei l i ngs uppor ts t r uct ur e 1. 25cm AQUAPANELOut door cementboar d



Year 2011-2012 Team Marco Merla Gianluca Villa The project consists of the redevelopment of a disused marble quarry area in Vila Viçosa, Portugal,bybuildingahotel-spa,arestaurant and exhibition spaces. Thisworkrepresentsmygraduationthesis,andis theresultoftheelaborationofanearlyproject presented during the 13th edition of the international workshop “Premio Compasso Volante 2011”, whose title “Stone, Wellness and Innovation” clearly expresses the three main areas we were supposed to explore.

Localization: Climatic Zone: Degree day: Siteplan surface: Built surface: Net surface: Gross surface: N°. floors:

Vila Viçosa - Portugal 38°47’15’’N 07°25’23’’E I1 (heating) V3 (cooling) 1410 30000 m2 3650 m2 900 m2 (museum) 500 m2 (restaurant) 2600 m2 (hotel - spa) 1150 m2 (museum) 790 m2 (restaurant) 3200 m2 (hotel - spa) 2 (museum) 2 (restaurant) 3 (hotel - spa)

OVERVIEW The title of the workshop, “Stone, Wellness and Innovation” clearly expresses the three main explored areas. We took care of the architectural design: firstly, with the definition of an initial concept, secondly, with the management of the masterplanandoftheindoorspacesandthirdly, with the final proposals for technologies, structures and systems. At the same time we didn’t fail to consider innovation and stone. The project is composed by three buildings (two of them connected through an underground link), whose destination is, respectively, museum, restaurant, and hotel-spa. The first two face the water of the quarry, and mutually dialogue through the use of the same type of sunscreen and wall technologies; the hotel instead, leaning against the hill, is more protected and faces westward and northward, thanks to a path, which connects pools and watergames, built around the whole hill. As far as innovation is concerned, we exploited thehighthermalconductivityofmarbletocreate an active shading system to pre-heat the water used by the spa. Thisprojectaimsatbeinganexampleofasmart, integrated and conscious design, threefold expression of the Vitruvian Venustas, Firmitas and Utilitas.









PLANS AND SECTIONS Thebuiltvolumeisdividedintothreebuildings, two of which, the spa and the restaurant, connected one to the other thanks to an underground link. Since the buildings’ set plans take advantage of the natural levels of the quarry, the volumes restonthreedifferentheights:thefirstisthe level -1, -4.5 meters altitude, which hosts the exhibitionspacesofthemuseum,thefitnessarea and the restaurant. The second is the level 0, from which is possible to enter the museum, the hotel and the bar, while the third is the level +1, +3.75 meters altitude, which hosts the wellness center, from where is possible to reach the top of the hill at an altitude of +16 meters.








_LEV. 0

_LEV. +1







_LEV. -1


_LEV. 0

+5,00 +0,00 -4,00 -8,40

_LEV. -1


_LEV. 0

+5, 00

+0, 00

4, 00

_LEV. -1

TECHNOLOGIES AND DETAILS Buildings are designed paying attention especially to those specific features that most influence the differences between the as-built and the on-paper project. We carried out checks on the easygoing use of space by people with disabilities, breaking down the architectural barriers, and on fire protection needs, according to the law. Moreover we defined technologies and stratigraphies of envelope and partitions, realized using dry stratified technologies, consisting of gypsum boards and insulation rockwool panels, and fiber cement, marble slabs or cages filled with stones for the outer layer. We studied the construction details in order to avoid thermal bridges and any kind of mistake that could lead to building pathology, and in particular we focused on the design of the support system of the gabion wall faรงade. We carried out assessments on the most stressed structural elements, and we defined the type of present systems, focusing on HVAC components, which due to their large size and their noise, especially in buildings such as spas, can create problems, if not taken into account. We addressed our studies also to the definition of an innovative active shading system, using brisesoleilmadeoflocalstone.Theseelements, hosting metallic strips, absorb solar radiation and transfer it to a heat transfer fluid, thus reducing the energy demand of the buildings. We studied the whole lifecycle of this Active Shading system, from the mining to the installation of the slabs. We developed a calculation model to assess its energy production and we analyzed the integration between the Active Shading and the spa systems, which we completely dimensioned, in order to be able to make considerations in terms of energy and economic advantage.

grass 20 cm drainage panel 2 cm water retention 5 cm polymer-bitum waterproofing 2x0.4 cm cellular glass insulation 145 cm steam barrier 0.1 cm concrete slab 5 cm corrugated sheet 7.5 cm steel truss 50 cm mineral fiber insulation 5+5 cm cement board 1.5 cm

pool water 120 cm marble paving 1+3 cm polymer bitum waterproofing 3x0.4 cm concrete slab 70 cm

marble slab 2 cm stiles and rails aluminum structure air gap 4 cm TNT sheet 0.05 cm mineral fiber insulation 8 cm concrete wall 30 cm



green roof vs dry stratified wall

management of tolerances in x y direction

M12 8.8 steel bolts Type of profile: Halfen HTA 40/22

Aluminum 8/10 mm flashing 1.25 cm AQUAPANEL Outdoor cement board 5 cm semi-rigid slab rockwool insulation (λ = 0.035W/mK) 1.25 cm AQUAPANEL Outdoor cement board Aluminum sealed 8/10 mm flashing 15 cm ground and extensive grass 1 % slope

2.5 mm drainage geotextile layer 8 cm gravel for drainage 4 mm non woven protection layer 4 + 4 mm waterproofing bituminous membrane, total adherence posed 3 x 4 cm cellular foam glass insulation (λ = 0.04 W/mK). Forming 1% slope 1 mm steam diffusion layer PVC plate protection element Fixing system consisting of steel profiles embedded in concrete casting. Halfen HTA 40/22 type. M16 Halfen steel bolts Gabion Wall façade’s adjustable steel anchor plate M12 8.8 steel bolts Corrugated steel sheet (thickness 0.8 cm, depth 5.5 cm) and 8 cm concrete completion slab IPE 500 steel secondary beam IPE 600 steel beam Gabion wall Φ4, 88.5 x 53.5 x 12 cm steel cage, rectangular mesh. Cage resting on a T-shaped steel profile and locally welded to it. Marble stones resulting from the crushing of the blocks present in the project site Gabion wall’s façade mullion consisting of a steel tubular 12 x 6 cm (thickness 4 mm). 90 cm spacing T-shaped steel transom 10 x 9 cm (thickness 4 mm), welded to the mullion. 55 cm spacing 1.25 cm Knauf gypsum board GKB (A) 1.25 cm Knauf gypsum board + vapor barrier GKB (A+bv) 5 cm semi-rigid slab rockwool insulation (λ = 0.035W/mK)




ACTIVE SHADING We used a semi - stationary type of calculation model to assess the performance of the Active Shading system. The marble, in fact, due to its reduced thickness (2.5 cm per slab) dampens and lagsthethermalsolicitationwavenotverymuch, so that it is reasonable to perform calculations hour by hour, throughout the whole year. The delay time at 2.5 cm in depth, that is the time needed by the peak of the stress to enter 2.5 cm from the surface, is 31 min, while the depth of periodic penetration δ, that is the depth at which the height of the forcing wave is reduced by a 1/e value, is 18.4 cm. We studied the Sunstrip along both axes, and we definedaformulatocalculatethetemperatureof the outgoing fluid as a function of the ingoing fluid temperature, of the ambient temperature, of the solar radiation and of the mutual shadows that each slab brings on the others.

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40 cm ground and intensive grass

Pool 40°C

2.5 mm drainage geotextile layer 8 cm gravel for drainage

Hot water boiler

Pools 33°C

4 mm non woven protection layer 4 + 4 mm waterproofing bituminous membrane, total adherence posed 8 cm cellular foam glass insulation (λ = 0.04 W/mK) 1 mm steam diffusion layer 40 cm reinforced concrete slab 2 cm marble slab fixed to the steel mullion - transom structure

Pool water and SPA water pre-heat boiler Aqueduct

Active Shading solar collectors

Steel mullion 2 cm steel connection plate between column and concrete slab. It’s an insulated formwork Steel drip flashing edge Steel protection grid Steel column( Φext25 cm -Φint23.4 cm) Aluminum 8/10 mm painted flashing 4 cm polyurethane slab insulation DN40 steel pipe with 2 cm closed cells elastomeric insulation cupel. Returns to the systems area. DN40 supply steel pipe with 2 cm closed cells elastomeric insulation cupel


1.25 cm Knauf gypsum board GKB (A) 185 x 22 x 5 cm Branco Pardais marble absorbing slab 3/8” PE pipe for the circulation of the heat transfer fluid. 2 cm closed cells elastomeric insulation cupel

1.5 cm resin floor 1.25 + 1.25 cm Knauf gypsum boards

8 cm systems layer realized using granules made of cellulose fiber (Knauf Trockenschuttung)

1 mm polyethylene disjunction layer


8 cm cellular foam glass insulation (λ = 0.04 W/mK) 10 cm reinforced concrete casting

geometric expanding fasten element

Crawl space realized using plastic formworks. Height 35 cm

steel rebar dim. 1 x 0.2 x 175 cm

10 cm lean concrete 4 + 4 mm waterproofing bituminous membrane, total adherence posed

copper pipe ø 10 mm M6 steel bolt EPDM gasket

4 mm ashlar HDPE protection layer PVCΦ100 drainage pipe Gravel 2.5 cm marble slab



Year 2012 Team Aya Al Kadi Jazaierly Eetu Enqvist Marco Merla Francesco Pittau Zohreh Shaghaghian Marina Vitale

Theprojectistheresultoftheparticipationat the “Expo 2015 Cluster Workshop”, whose aim was thedesignofaclusterintheExpoarea,tohost some small pavilions dedicated to countries which, for economic reasons, could not achieve a own pavilion. Instead of grouping the countries by a geographical criterion, the principle is related totheExpotheme,feedtheworld.Amongthenine themes present, Arid areas, Bio-Mediterranean, Sea and islands, Rice, Cereals and tubers, Spices, Cocoa, Coffee, Fruit and vegetables, the project develops the theme of Sea and islands.

Localization: Climatic Zone: Degree day: Siteplan surface: Built surface: Free surface:

Milano - Italy 45°31’18’’N 09°06’09’’E E (italian standard) 2404 2520 m2 847 m2 1673 m2

OVERVIEW Rhythm of discovery is a journey through which people are involved in experiencing islands through senses. The concept idea is feeding the soul, and it’s explored and materialized through the sounds exploiting nature’s potential, and by involving thevisitorsinanintriguingexperiencewiththe landscape. The whole cluster recalls a forest, and as in a forest we proceed experiencing feelings such as curiosity and mistery, so here the visitor, once entered, reaches different pavilions accompanied by varied and distinctive sounds and noises. The four pavilions represent moments of silence, sheltered from the noise of the forest outside, and look like floating islands, thanks to a high base glass and a large and irregular outer shell. If during the day you can appreciate the transparency of the halls, it’s during the night thattheygivetheirbest;byfilteringoutlight they become a lighthouse in the night, call and guidance to visitors wandering through the wild forest. Floating objects, sounds, shadow and light seduce visitors into a path of exploring, immersing them in an exotic dimension. The journey is divided into three steps. First, the discovery and the trip to a landscape composed by bamboo forest, coming both from up and down; gradually the visitors are guided toward a focus point, represented by a fountain, gathering them as a community. From there, visitors will experience each pavilion. The last step is the events, exposition and relaxing area, where visitors can enjoy the big drum, and have the chance to know islands’ cultures, facing northward the canal.













SOUNDS Themainthemeofthewholeprojectisthesound, both created by nature and men. There are different sound layers overlapped. From the paving you can hear the crunch of pebbles and the pounding on the wood, in the focus point you will experience the sound of the water, and at the end of the journey you can enjoy the big drum by hitting, or you can watch exotic dancers, singers and performers. Of course people’s voices represent another layer, diffused on the whole cluster. The main source of sound is the bamboo forest itself, realized by metallic plates, hanged on steelcables,holdinguplongbamboosticks,that create sounds both hitting themselves, hitting the pavilions’ façades, and striked by visitors. The result is the creation of a jungle of sounds and noises, colors, smells, different cultures and traditions, a warm and characteristic environment where, once entered, it’s difficult to find the desire to go away.

6° layer_Technical room + Big drum

5° layer_Bamboo

4° layer_Bamboo

3° layer_Water

2° layer_Wood

1° layer_Pebbles







Outer envelope composed by Teflon canvas skin stretched on steel frame trusses connected to the inner frame providing natural ventilation and proper bioclimatic conditions to the exhibition unit. Inner wood frame, made by three hinged archs and x-lam decks. Walls realized using sandwich panels with the outer face in polypropylene.

Exhibition space ground composed by laminated wood fixed on polystyrene layer for proper insulation. Openings realized using aluminum window frame with thermal break, open joint. Double glazing unit 6-16-6. Sanded selective glass.



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