Ly Bao Minh

Page 1

Chaát löôïng vöôït troäi - DòCh vuï hoaøn haûo Superior productS - excellent ServiceS hEä thoáng giaët Saáy uûi, BEáp vaø laøm SaïCh Coâng nghiEäp • inDuStrial launDry, KitChEn anD ClEaning SyStEmS

Muïc luïc thö ngoû


toång Quan Coâng ty


Saûn phaåm


heä thoáng giaët - Saáy - uûi Coâng nghieäp


heä thoáng Beáp Coâng nghieäp


heä thoáng laøm Saïch Coâng nghieäp


DòCh vuï


Ñoái taùC tín nhiEäm


lyù Do löïa Choïn lyù Baûo minh


ContEnt nEwSletter




our productS


washer - Dryer - ironer Equipment


Kitchen Equipment


Cleaning Equipment


our ServiceS


our clientS


why uS


heä thoáng giaët saáy uûi tai KS michelia nha trang / laundry department at Michelia hotel nha trang


thö ngoÛ / newSletter

"hoïC hoûi vaø Khoâng ngöøng Ñoåi môùi ÑEå Ñoùng goùp Cho Söï phaùt triEån Cuûa KhaùCh haøng Cuøng thöông hiEäu lyù Baûo minh." "work, learn and create better ideaS paSSionately” ionately” lyÙ Minh - chuû tòch hÑQt / chairwoman hairwoman


thöa quyù vò, Ñöôïc thaønh laäp töø naêm 2004, lyù Baûo minh ñöôïc bieát ñeán laø moät trong nhöõng thöông hieäu haøng ñaàu vaø tieân phong taïi vieät nam chuyeân cung caáp dòch vuï troïn goùi cho hEä thoáng giaët - Saáy - uûi, hEä thoáng BEáp vaø hEä thoáng laøm SaïCh Coâng nghiEäp. Chuùng toâi khoâng ngöøng coá gaéng ñeå naâng caáp quy trình phuïc vuï: tö vaán - thiEát KEá - Cung Caáp - laép Ñaët - Baûo haønh - Baûo trì nhaèm ñaùp öùng nhu caàu ngaøy caøng cao cuûa khaùch haøng. theo nhu caàu cuûa thò tröôøng hieän nay, caùc saûn phaåm cuûa chuùng toâi chuû yeáu phuïc vuï cho caùc nhaø haøng, khaùch saïn resort cao caáp, caùc beänh vieän, tröôøng hoïc, doanh nghieäp thuoäc ngaønh coâng nghieäp. vôùi xu theá cuûa neàn kinh teá vieät nam, khuynh höôùng coâng nghieäp hoùa seõ ñöôïc aùp duïng ñoàng boä vaø lyù Baûo minh seõ môû roäng ra nhieàu nhoùm khaùch haøng nöõa trong töông lai gaàn. ngoaøi söï linh hoaït vôùi thò tröôøng vaø taàm nhìn saéc beùn trong vieäc xaùc ñònh chieán löôïc kinh doanh, naêng löïc coát loõi cho söï thaønh coâng vaø vöõng tieán cuûa chuùng toâi laø söï ñoaøn keát cuûa moät taäp theå nhöõng con ngöôøi ñaày nhieät huyeát vôùi coâng vieäc, ñam meâ hoïc hoûi vaø khoâng ngöøng ñoåi môùi ñeå ñoùng goùp cho söï phaùt trieån cuûa khaùch haøng vaø thöông hieäu lyù Baûo minh. Coâng ty lyù Baûo minh tin töôûng vaøo tieàm naêng phaùt trieån cuûa thò tröôøng cuõng nhö ñònh höôùng xaây döïng doanh nghieäp vaø naêng löïc coát loõi ñeå noã löïc hoaøn thieän dòch vuï ngaøy moät toát hôn vaø nhaän ñöôïc söï tín nhieäm cuûa khaùc haøng ngaøy moät nhieàu hôn.

dear valued customers, established since 2004, ly bao Minh hotel Supply is one of the pioneers in vietnam in field of supplying induStrial laundry, kitchen and cleaninG SySteMS. we are putting effort on upgrading our business with a completed service loop: conSultant - deSiGn - Supply - inStallation - warranty - Maintenance in order to affirm our brand in the market and meet clients' standards. upon the current market demand, our products are served for clients in category of restaurant, hotel and resort; hospital; school; industrial business. From the development of vietnam economy, the category is about to the positively change - the increase in near future regarding to the industrialized request in most businesses ly bao Minh hotel Supply is preparing ourselves to catch up with the expected change. Firstly, it is the advantage from our strengths including our market knowledge and a sharp and clear vision in setting business strategy. Secondly, our core competency is the team solidarity of outstanding employees who passionately work, passionately learn and passionately create better ideas. ly bao Minh hotel Supply believes in the emerging of the market, our vision and mission and core competency as a motivation to improve the business in order to contribute for client's benefits and making ly bao Minh hotel Supply be a leading brand.

traân troïng / best regards,

lyù Minh chuû tòch hÑQt / chairwoman

phaàn 1 / part 1

toång Quan Coâng ty overview Xuaát phaùt ñieåm laø moät coâng ty cung caáp caùc trang thieát bò coâng nghieäp cho hEä thoáng giaët - Saáy - uûi, BEáp vaø laøm SaïCh, coâng ty lyù Baûo minh ñaõ naâng taàm cô caáu kinh doanh khi môû roäng thaønh chuoåi dòch vuï tö vaán - thiEát KEá Cung Caáp - laép Ñaët - Baûo haønh - Baûo trì. Coäng höôûng töø söï tín nhieäm cuûa khaùch haøng veà chaát löôïng dòch vuï vaø hieäu quaû trong kinh doanh baèng kinh nghieäm vaø kieán thöùc chuyeân saâu veà ngaønh, lyù Baûo minh ñaõ ñònh vò ñöôïc thöông hieäu treân thò tröôøng vaø ñang taêng toác phaùt trieån. Ñeå thích nghi vôùi söï thay ñoåi lieân tuïc cuûa thò tröôøng, lyù Baûo minh ñaõ hoaïch ñònh vaø aùp duïng chieán löôïc toaøn dieän hoùa vaø chuyeân nghieäp hoùa dòch vuï. Coät moác ñaùnh daáu chieán löôïc toaøn dieän hoùa laø vieäc ñaàu tö xaây döïng nhaø xöôûng saûn xuaát vaø gia coâng caùc saûn phaåm inox vaøo naêm 2008 nhaèm giaùm saùt chaát löôïng vaø ñaùp öùng caùc nhu caàu rieâng bieät cuûa khaùch haøng. vôùi chieán löôïc chuyeân nghieäp hoùa, chuùng toâi choïn höôùng ñi laø hoïc hoûi kinh nghieäm vaø coâng ngheä töø caùc coâng ty ñaúng caáp quoác teá. hieän taïi, lyù Baûo minh laø nhaø phaân phoái ñoäc quyeàn heä thoáng giaët - Saáy - uûi coâng nghieäp nhaõn hieäu imagE (thaùi lan) taïi vieät nam vaø ñoàng thôøi cuõng cung caáp caùc saûn phaåm thuoäc caùc nhaõn hieäu noåi tieáng khaùc: mKn, ypt, BErto'S, rational, roBanD, hoBart, williamS, orvED, rinnai, Sirman, la minErva, inFriCo, FuKuShima, FuJimaK, SCotSman, thErmopatCh, Chanmag, linColn, hamilton BEaCh, nouva SimonElli , tigEr, BErJaya, wintErhaltEr, girBau, rEnZaCCi, SiDi...

the starting point of the business was mainly supplying the equipments for induStrial laundry, kitchen and cleaninG SySteMS. up to now, ly bao Minh hotel Supply has improved into a full-service company with a completed loop: conSultancy - deSiGn - Supply - inStallation - warranty - Maintenance. in the support of two main elements: the trust of clients for our working ethnic and the positive outcome from our business based on market knowledge and experience, we have positioned our brand in the market and speeded up for growing. to adapt with market variation and achieve our business goal, ly bao Minh hotel Supply has set the strategy of being comprehensive in product and professionalism in service. the milestone of being comprehensive is operating our own factory to manufacture stainless steel products in 2008. as a result, we are able to meet specific requests from different client’s and actively manage and take qualitychecking test in our products. in order to implement professionalism in service, we adopt the method of learning experience, technique and technology from international corporation. currently, ly bao Minh hotel Supply is the exclusive distributor of iMaGe – thailand brand in manufacturing industrial laundry machine. in additional, we also provide products specializing for induStrial laundry, kitchen and cleaninG SySteMS from other brands such as: Mkn, ypt, berto’S, rational, roband, hobart, williaMS, orved, rinnai, SirMan, la Minerva, inFrico, FukuShiMa, FuJiMak, ScotSMan, therMopatch, chanMaG, lincoln, haMilton beach, nouva SiMonelli , tiGer, berJaya, winterhalter, Girbau, renZacci, Sidi…

Coâng trình beáp taïi Nhaø haøng tieäc cöôùi Ñoâng Phöông 4 / Equipments in the kitchen of Dong Phuong 4


"LINH HOAÏT VAØ CHÍNH XAÙC LAØ HAI YEÁU TOÁ TRONG XAÂY DÖÏNG CÔ CAÁU TOÅ CHÖÙC" "flexibility and accuracy are essential elements in structuring and operating the organisation.”

... Lyù Baûo Minh laø ñoái taùc chieán löôïc cuûa coâng ty IMAGE taïi Vieät Nam. Caùc yeáu toá thuùc ñaåy söï hôïp taùc cuûa ñoâi beân ngoaøi neàn taûng taøi chính vöõng chaéc vaø uy tín, Lyù Baûo Minh coøn quyeát taâm lôùn maïnh vaø khaúng ñònh thöông hieäu cuûa hoï. Chuùng toâi ñaùnh giaù cao quy trình laøm vieäc vaø xöû lyù thoâng tin cuõng nhö yù thöùc phaùt trieån doanh nghieäp cuûa hoï qua vieäc naâng cao chaát löôïng dòch vuï vaø khoâng ngöøng hoïc hoûi... ... IMAGE company is highly considered Ly Bao Minh as a strategic partner to promote our products in Vietnam. The motivation for our business relationship is based on not only their firm financial base, their prestige in the market but also their attitude to "grow big". We do impress on their working platform where all the information is processed efficiently and their enthusiasm to develope the business by upgrading knowledge and service regularly... MS. Phanida Mahachavaroj Phoù Chuû tòch HÑQT IMAGE - Vice Chairman of IMAGE 6

Sô Ñoà toå ChöùC / orGaniSation Structure

toång giaùm ÑoáC

gÑ marKEting

General director

MarketinG ManaGer

gÑ Kinh Doanh

tp. hoà Chí minh

SaleS ManaGer

ho chi Minh city

gÑ tö vaán thiEát KEá

tp. Ñaø naüng

conSultant/deSiGn ManaGer

da nanG city

gÑ Kyõ thuaät

tp. haø noäi

technical ManaGer

hanoi capital

gÑ haønh Chính nhaân Söï huMan reSourceS ManaGer

gÑ thu mua - XnK purchaSinG & loGiSticS ManaGer

gÑ taøi Chính KEá toaùn Finance – accountinG ManaGer

taøi Chính Finance

gÑ Saûn Xuaát

KEá toaùn

ManuFacturinG ManaGer


linh hoaït vaø chính xaùc laø hai yeáu toá maø cô caáu toå chöùc cuûa Coâng ty lyù Baûo minh thöïc hieän trong phaân boå chöùc naêng vaø vaän haønh ñeå ñaït ñöôïc yeâu caàu veà maët quaûn lyù nguoàn lao ñoäng vaø thoâng tin. Caùc thoâng tin ñöôïc chuyeån giao ñeán ñuùng boä phaän vaø ñuùng ngöôøi chòu traùch nhieäm trong thôøi gian ngaén nhaát. vì vaäy, moïi nhu caàu coâng vieäc cuûa khaùch haøng hay caùc tình huoáng phaùt sinh trong kinh doanh haøng ngaøy ñeàu ñöôïc xöû lyù vaø giaûi quyeát hieäu quaû. Flexibility and accuracy are essential elements that ly bao Minh hotel Supply focuses on structuring and operating the organization to serve the purpose of managing the human resource and information. as the result, we are able to solve every issue in quick and effective manner since the information processing is regulated by the system to reach right department and right decision-maker in lead-time.

LYÙ BAÛO MINH TIN VAØO SÖÏ PHAÙT TRIEÅN CUÛA THÒ TRÖÔØNG VAØ CHUAÅN BÒ NAÊNG LÖÏC ÑEÅ ÑAÙP ÖÙNG CHO TÖÔNG LAI. Ly bao minh hotel supply believes in the emerging of the market and puts high effort on preparing ourselves to catch up.


"trôû thaønh BiEåu töôïng ChuyEân nghiEäp taïi viEät nam trong lónh vöïC Cung Caáp hEä thoáng giaët - Saáy - uûi, BEáp vaø laøm SaïCh Coâng nghiEäp." "ly bao Minh hotel Supply becoMeS a SyMbol oF proFeSSional in SupplyinG eQuipMentS For induStrial laundry, kitchen and cleaninG SySteM in vietnaM”


taàm nhìn / viSion trôû thaønh bieåu töôïng chuyeân nghieäp taïi vieät nam trong lónh vöïc cung caáp hEä thoáng giaët - Saáy - uûi, hEä thoáng BEáp vaø hEä thoáng laøm SaïCh Coâng nghiEäp. ly bao Minh hotel Supply becomes a symbol of professional in supplying equipments for industrial laundry, kitchen and cleaning system in vietnam

Söù mEänh / MiSSion mang ñeán cho Quyù khaùch haøng giaûi phaùp toái öu nhaát, hoaøn myõ nhaát baèng tinh thaàn laøm vieäc chuyeân nghieäp, söï uy tín vaø traùch nhieäm cao. bring the ultimate solutions to clients by the mechanism of professionalism, credibility and responsibility.

triEát lyù Kinh Doanh / philoSophy Chuùng toâi cung caáp caùc saûn phaåm mang tieâu chí: "moät daáu tröø trong ñoàng voán cuûa khaùch haøng thaønh hai daáu coäng trong tieát kieäm." "one down for two up" - we provide the product and service that ensure your investment benefits both parties.

Cam KEát vôùi KhaùCh haøng / coMMitMent to cuStoMerS • Chuyeân nghieäp vaø uy tín trong giao dòch / professionalism and credibility in transaction. • tæ mæ ñeán töøng milimet trong saûn xuaát / accuracy and carefulness in production. • Ñoàng haønh cuøng phaùt trieån trong hôïp taùc / passion for mutual development in cooperation.

phaàn 2 / part 2

Saûn phaåm our productS vôùi kieán thöùc chuyeân moân vaø kinh nghieäm veà thò tröôøng, lyù Baûo minh khoâng ngöøng caäp nhaät, tìm kieám vaø saøng loïc caùc saûn phaåm töø nhöõng thöông hieäu uy tín nhaèm ñaùp öùng yeâu caàu khaùch haøng veà maët chaát löôïng saûn phaåm, nhu caàu söû duïng vaø hieäu quaû kinh teá. taking advantage from our knowledge and experience, ly bao Minh hotel Supply keeps updating, searching and filtering sources of product from branded company to meet clients' standard in product quality, practical usage and economic of scale in cost.

... Mkn ñaùnh giaù raát cao tieàm naêng thaønh coâng cuûa coâng ty lyù baûo Minh vì söï naêng ñoäng trong vieäc khai thaùc thò tröôøng, nhaïy beùn trong chieán löôïc phaùt trieån kinh doanh vaø söï thaáu ñaùo, kyõ löôõng khi tieán haønh hôïp taùc vôùi caùc nhaø cung caáp hay cung caáp dòch vuï ñeán khaùch haøng... ... ly bao Minh hotel Supply is very active in the market, committed to get projects and business and efficient in dealing with their partners. their correspondence with Mkn has been outstanding and impressive... Paul Micallef Giaùm ñoác baùn haøng cao caáp - khu vöïc chaâu aÙ tbd, nhaät vaø uÙc Senior Sales director - asia pacific, Japan & australia Mkn Gmbh

Khu vöïc laøm saïch vaø phaân loaïi thöïc phaåm taïi KS Michelia- Nha Trang / Preliminary cleaning section in the kitchen of Michelia hotel - Nha Trang



Heä thoáng Giaët Saáy UÛi taïi KS Michelia - Nha Trang / Laundry Department in Michelia Hotel - Nha Trang

hEä thoáng giaët - Saáy - uûi Coâng nghiEäp waSher - dryer - ironer eQuipMent nhoùm saûn phaåm

Saûn phaåm he Series Sp Series

Maùy giaët

hi Series Si Series Maùy giaët khoâ

Maùy saáy Maùy uûi

product group

de Series di Series uÛi drap uÛi chi tieát

product he Series Sp Series


hi Series Si Series dry cleaning club range

dryer ironer

de Series di Series Flatwork ironer air operated press

coâng trình beáp taïi nhaø haøng tieäc cöôùi Ñoâng phöông 4 / equipments in the kitchen of dong phuong 4

hEä thoáng BEáp Coâng nghiEäp kitchen eQuipMent nhoùm saûn phaåm

beáp aÂu

Saûn phaåm

thieát bò laïnh

Maùy baøo ñaù

chieân beà maët

Maùy eùp nöôùc traùi caây

chieân nhuùng

Maùy laøm ñaù vieân

beáp nöôùng

Maùy pha cafeù

thieát bò haâm noùng thöùc aên

thieát bò bar - cafeù

Maùy xay sinh toá Maùy laøm kem töôi

beáp ñieän töø

Maùy laøm smoothie

beáp môû

tuû uû röôïu

Sp khaùc (Salamander)

tuû haáp khaên

Sô cheá caù

thieát bò laøm laïnh khaên

Sô cheá thòt

tuû tröng baøy

Maùy röûa rau

tuû haâm baùnh

Maùy röûa gaïo

Maùy chia boät

thieát bò huùt chaân khoâng Maùy khöû truøng dao

thieát bò laøm baùnh

Maùy ñaùnh boät Maùy troän boät

Maùy goït voû khoai taây

Maùy nöôùng baùnh mì

thieát bò khui hoäp

Maùy caét laùt baùnh mì

chaäu röûa tay

nöôùng pizza baêng chuyeàn

caân ñieän töû

loø quay vòt, heo

tuû maùt tröng baøy

noài naáu côm

baøn maùt, baøn laïnh

beáp aÙ & inox

6/10/20 khay

Maùy caét côm nöôùng lu (beáp aÁn)

tuû maùt, tuû ñoâng thieát bò haáp nöôùng ña naêng

Saûn phaåm

beáp aÂu

thieát bò giöõ noùng thöïc phaåm

thieát bò sô cheá

nhoùm saûn phaåm

beáp môû Maùy röûa ly cheùn

product group

european stove


ice shaver


Juice extractor

deep fryer

ice maker


coffee machine

Food warmer

blender ice cream machine maker Smoothie machine

performance kitchen

wine chiller

others (Salamander)

tower warmer

Fish processor

tower cooler

Meat processor

confectionary showcase

vegetable washing

cake warmer

rice washer

dough divider

vacuum packing machine knife sterilizer

baking device

toaster bread slicer

potato peeler

dough mixer

corkscrews Sets

Spiral mixer

hand wash basin

conveyor pizza oven

electronic scales

duck/pig roaster

chiller counter refrigerator

convection oven

bar – cafeÚ equipment

hot pot

display chiller cold equipment


european stove


preliminary equipment

product group

asian stove & stainless steel

convection oven

rice cooker Sushi-making machine tandoor oven performance kitchen

dish / Glass washer

equip to las t

Chaát löôïng vöôït troäi - DòCh vuï hoaøn haûo Superior productS - excellent ServiceS

hEä thoáng laøm SaïCh Coâng nghiEäp cleaninG eQuipMent nhoùm saûn phaåm

Saûn phaåm

vacuum cleaner

Maùy huùt nöôùc

water vacuum cleaner

Maùy chaø saøn & ñaùnh boùng

rub floor machine

Maùy giaët thaûm

wash carpet machine

Maùy dieät coân truøng Maùy saáy khoâ tay Maùy bôm xaø phoøng röûa tay

duïng cuï veä sinh


Maùy huùt buïi khoâ & öôùt

Maùy baén nöôùc thieát bò laøm saïch coâng nghieäp

product group

industrial cleaning machines

high pressure eject-wash machine insect killer hand dryer liquid soap/ hand wash filling

Maùy röûa tay dieät khuaån

hand sterilizer

xe doïn phoøng

Janitor cart

xe vaét nöôùc

wringer trolley

xe ñaåy tay laøm veä sinh

Guest room service cart

voøi phun traùng

rinse faucet

caây lau nhaø duïng cuï lau kieáng bieån baùo saøn öôùt

cleaning tool

Standard lobby mop set Glass cleaning kit wet floor sign

khu vöïc laøm saïch ly cheùn taïi nhaø beáp cuûa kS Michelia - nha trang / dishwashing section in the kitchen of Michelia hotel - nha trang


phaàn 3 / part 3

DòCh vuï our ServiceS nhaèm thöïc hieän cam keát vôùi khaùch haøng vaø ñoàng thôøi taïo ra öu theá caïnh tranh treân thò tröôøng, lyù Baûo minh ñaõ xaây döïng chuoãi dòch vuï kheùp kín ñeå quaûn lyù chaát löôïng vaø cung caáp saûn phaåm phuø hôïp nhaát ñeán khaùch haøng. ly Bao minh hotel Supply has a completed loop of services to manage and provide appropriate solution and products to every client. it is not only the responsibility to our commitment but also to strengthen our competitive advantage in the market.

...lyù baûo Minh ñaõ luoân thöïc hieän ñuùng caùc cam keát veà chaát löôïng saûn phaåm, dòch vuï haäu maõi, cung caáp caùc tö vaán vaø hoã trôï kyõ thuaät raát höõu ích cho chuùng toâi. theâm vaøo ñoù, söï uy tín vaø ñuùng heïn trong thoûa thuaän hôïp taùc vaø tieán ñoä giao dòch laø ñieåm khieán chuùng toâi ñaùnh giaù raát cao giaù trò coát loõi trong kinh doanh cuûa hoï. tinh thaàn laøm vieäc chuyeân nghieäp, naêng löïc chuyeân ngaønh cao cuøng dòch vuï khaùch haøng xuaát saéc, lyù baûo Minh laø ñoái taùc lyù töôûng cho moïi quan heä hôïp taùc... bao Minh hotel Supply always committed in providing their products and services at contracted prices, maintained sufficient inventory levels, delivered the products at scheduled times, provided consistent pricing reports, and many other services that helped our property to perform at only the highest levels set by the board of directors. their expertise, professionalism and customer service means they are an ideal partner without a doubt... Mr. Grilles General Manager - Giaùm ñoác Ñieàu haønh Sanctuary resort ho tram


tiEâu Chí Saûn phaåm: "moät Daáu tröø trong Ñoàng voán Cuûa KhaùCh haøng thaønh hai Daáu Coäng trong tiEát KiEäm" "one down For two up" - we provide the productS and ServiceS that enSure your inveStMent beneFitS both partieS”


tö vaán / conSultant Chuùng toâi quan taâm taát caû caùc yeâu caàu cuûa khaùch haøng töø thò hieáu thaåm myõ, quy moâ döï aùn ñeán ngaân saùch ñaàu tö ñeå phaân tích vaø ñöa ra caùc giaûi phaùp toái öu nhaát döïa treân kinh nghieäm chuyeân moân. we pay attention at every detail in client’s brief from request about the construction design, project space, investment budget to analyse and offer the ultimate solution.

thiEát KEá / deSiGn Ñoäi nguõ thieát keá cuûa chuùng toâi tieán haønh khaûo saùt maët baèng tröôùc khi ñöa ra caùc baûn veõ keát caáu thi coâng nhaèm loaïi tröø caùc yeáu toá laõng phí vaø sai soùt trong vieäc ñöa caùc heä thoáng vaøo söû duïng taïi döï aùn cuûa khaùch haøng, our design team will process the premise study carefully before providing architecture and technical drawing in order to eliminate the waste in resource and prevent unexpected issue in installation.

laép Ñaët / inStallation vôùi nguoàn saûn phaåm oån ñònh keát hôïp vôùi hieäu quaû töø dòch vuï tö vaán vaø thieát keá, lyù Baûo minh coù khaû naêng ñaùp öùng linh ñoäng nhu caàu cuûa khaùch haøng veà maët chaát löôïng cuõng nhö tieán ñoä thi coâng. with a stable sources of products based on the strong financial support and the efficiency of consultant and construction design, ly bao Minh hotel Supply is able to provide the qualified product quickly and catch up well with the project timeline.

Baûo haønh / warranty Ñoäi nguõ kyõ thuaät vieân thuoäc boä phaän Baûo haønh ñöôïc ñaøo taïo töø kieán thöùc chuyeân moân ñeán giao tieáp ñeå ñaûm baûo caùc yeâu caàu töø phía khaùch haøng ñöôïc chaêm soùc vaø ñaùp öùng chu ñaùo. our warranty team has been trained to not only deal with machine issue but also present the friendly manner in client service.

Baûo trì / Maintenance Chuùng toâi cung caáp caùch dòch vuï: baûo trì ñònh kyø, baûo trì ngaên ngöøa, söûa chöõa vaø thay theá thieát bò. we offer services: routine maintenance, preventive maintenance, repair and sparepart replacement.

Ñoäi nguõ Cuûa Chuùng toâi / our people

"yEáu toá nhaân Söï taïi Coâng ty ÑaëC BiEät ÑöôïC Quan taâm ÑEå phuïC vuï Cho ChiEán löôïC Kinh Doanh." "ly bao Minh hotel Supply alwayS FocuSeS on developinG huMan reSourceS to achieve buSineSS StrateGy.” yeáu toá nhaân söï taïi coâng ty lyù Baûo minh ñaëc bieät ñöôïc quan taâm ñeå phuïc vuï cho chieán löôïc kinh doanh. Ñoäi nguõ nhaân vieân töø boä phaän vaên phoøng ñeán nhaø xöôûng ñeàu ñoøi hoûi kieán thöùc, tay ngheà vaø kinh nghieäm ñeå ñaùp öùng caùc yeâu caàu trong coâng vieäc vaø tinh thaàn traùch nhieäm ñeå tuaân thuû quy trình nhaèm ñem laïi hieäu quaû toát nhaát cho chaát löôïng dòch vuï vaø saûn phaåm. vieäc tuyeån choïn nhaân vieân ñöôïc tieán haønh moät caùch nghieâm tuùc vaø saøng loïc ñeå choïn ra caùc öùng vieân phuø hôïp vôùi vò trí coâng vieäc vaø hôn heát laø hoøa nhaäp vôùi vaên hoùa laøm vieäc vaø öùng xöû taïi coâng ty lyù Baûo minh. ngoaøi ra, Coâng ty cuõng thöôøng xuyeân taïo ñieàu kieän cho nhaân vieân tham gia caùc khoùa ñaøo taïo cuøng caùc chuyeân gia nöôùc ngoaøi ñeå naâng cao kieán thöùc chuyeân moân veà thò tröôøng vaø kyõ thuaät.

ly bao Minh hotel Supply always focuses on developing human resources to achieve business strategy. every employee is requested to perform three basic criteria: good working skills; practical experience; and responsibility in following working procedure. as the result, the organization can build up a professional image in the viewpoint of clients and reach the efficiency in operation. the recruitment is organized seriourly and taken several steps to qualify a candidate. we don’t simply look for talents but also people who can integrate with our working culture and join the team with enthusiastic. to improve working skills and knowledge of our people, we often arrange training courses with the attendant of experts in our supplied company and international company.


phaàn 4 / part 4

Ñoái taùC tín nhiEäm our clientS

Haø Noäi

Ñaø Naüng

Hoà Chí Minh



lyù Do löïa Choïn lyù Baûo minh / why uS

"lyù Baûo minh Ñaõ hoaïCh Ñònh vaø aùp Duïng ChiEán löôïC toaøn DiEän hoùa vaø ChuyEân nghiEäp hoùa DòCh vuï" "ly bao Minh hotel Supply haS Set the StrateGy oF beinG coMprehenSive in product and proFeSSionaliSM in Service” • Coâng ty cung caáp trang thieát bò coâng nghieäp haøng ñaàu ñöôïc söï tín nhieäm cuûa nhieàu khaùch haøng vôùi hôn 7 naêm kinh nghieäm. • Chaát löôïng saûn phaåm vaø dòch vuï ñöôïc cam keát vôùi khaùch haøng. • tieân phong cung caáp nhieàu nhoùm saûn phaåm chaát löôïng vöôït troäi vaø ña daïng. • Quy trình dòch vuï toaøn dieän vaø kheùp kín: tö vaán - thiEát KEá - Cung Caáp - laép Ñaët - Baûo haønh - Baûo trì • Ñaøo taïo ñoäi nguõ nhaân vieân coù tay ngheà vaø sôû höõu nhaø xöôûng saûn xuaát vaø laép raùp rieâng. • Cung caáp dòch vuï baùn haøng, baûo haønh vaø haäu maõi chu ñaùo vaø nhanh choùng. - Kieåm tra kyõ thuaät ñònh kyø 03 thaùng/laàn trong thôøi gian baûo haønh. - tö vaán, höôùng daãn söû duïng thieát bò chi tieát bôûi chuyeân vieân ñöôïc ñaøo taïo vaø chöùng nhaän cuûa nhaø saûn xuaát. - Ñöôøng daây noùng tö vaán kyõ thuaät 24/24h. - Cheá ñoä öu ñaõi chi phí cho vieäc thay, laép linh kieän sau khi mua haøng. • Caùc thöông hieäu cuûa töøng doøng saûn phaåm ñöôïc saøng loïc vaø löïa choïn laïi ñeå phuø hôïp vôùi nhu caàu cuûa khaùch haøng taïi vieät nam • the leading brand in the market with over 07-year experience. • high commitment to client in product and service quality • pioneering in providing diversified range of products. • a complete service loop: conSultant - deSiGn - Supply - inStallation - warranty – Maintenance • having the factory to serve the manufacturing and installing process with killed and experience workers. • profesional sales, warranty and maintenance services - periodical technical check per 03 months in warranty time. - consultance and equipment operation guide are handle by experienced technical staff with certificate from manufacturer. - technical support line is operated 24h. - preferable fee for maintenance and sparepart replacement after-sale • imported products are filtered and quality-checked to meet clients’ demand and condition in vietnam market.

we supply - you’re satisfied

LY BAO MINH J.S.C. 407 an duong vuong Street, ward 14, district 5, hcMc t. (84-8) 3859 4139 | F. (84-8) 3859 4140 e. DANANG REP. OFFICE 420 nguyen huu tho Street, thanh khe district, danang t. (84-511) 3621 554 | F. (84-511.) 3621 665 e. FACTORY 01 ba to Street, ward 7, district 8, ho chi Minh city t. (84-8) 3981 7269 / 3981 7271 | F. (84-8) 3981 7270 e.

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