Saigon Luxury Apartment

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Töø New York ñeá n HongKong, moï i thaé n g lôï i ñeà u phaû i quyeá t ñònh trong thôø i gian töø n g phuù t . From New York to HongKong, international business is decided in the blink of the eye.

Töø New York ñeá n HongKong, moï i thaé n g lôï i ñeà u phaû i quyeá t ñònh trong thôø i gian töø n g phuù t . From New York to HongKong, international business is decided in the blink of the eye.

Thöùc daäy giöõa Haï Manhattan, coù quaù nhieàu thôøi gian cho taùch cafeù buoåi saùng tröôùc khi böôùc sang Sôû Giao dòch Chöùng khoaùn hay Trung taâm Taøi chính Theá giôùi ñeå baét ñaàu ngaøy môùi. The sun rising in lower Manhattan gives one just enough time for a quick cappuccino before stepping on to the stock exchange or arriving at the World Financial Center for the start of a new and exciting day of business.

Thöùc daäy giöõa Haï Manhattan, coù quaù nhieàu thôøi gian cho taùch cafeù buoåi saùng tröôùc khi böôùc sang Sôû Giao dòch Chöùng khoaùn hay Trung taâm Taøi chính Theá giôùi ñeå baét ñaàu ngaøy môùi. The sun rising in lower Manhattan gives one just enough time for a quick cappuccino before stepping on to the stock exchange or arriving at the World Financial Center for the start of a new and exciting day of business.

London quaù chaät choäi vaø baän roän, nhöng ôû Canary Wharf vaãn coù ñuû thôøi gian cho thoùi quen ñoïc baùo sôùm cuøng vôùi böõa saùng, thay vì hoái haû treân ñöôøng ñi laøm. Though London is crowded and busy, Canary Wharf provides the perfect setting for the perusal of the Times while having a simple yet elegant breakfast instead of being caught in the commute to work.

London quaù chaät choäi vaø baän roän, nhöng ôû Canary Wharf vaãn coù ñuû thôøi gian cho thoùi quen ñoïc baùo sôùm cuøng vôùi böõa saùng, thay vì hoái haû treân ñöôøng ñi laøm. Though London is crowded and busy, Canary Wharf provides the perfect setting for the perusal of the Times while having a simple yet elegant breakfast instead of being caught in the commute to work.

Chuû trì buoå i hoï p muoä n taï i Two IFC coù theå hôi quaù taû i nhöng chaú n g coù gì ñaù n g ngaï i khi töï phuï c hoà i vôù i vieä c thong thaû daï o chôi löï a choï n nhöõ n g kieå u thôø i trang môù i cuû a theá giôù i . Does the stress of an international meeting at Two IFC have you feeling down? Take a step away from the pressure with a leisurely stroll through the latest fashion and technology at the International Financial Center’s Mall.

Chuû trì buoå i hoï p muoä n taï i Two IFC coù theå hôi quaù taû i nhöng chaú n g coù gì ñaù n g ngaï i khi töï phuï c hoà i vôù i vieä c thong thaû daï o chôi löï a choï n nhöõ n g kieå u thôø i trang môù i cuû a theá giôù i . Does the stress of an international meeting at Two IFC have you feeling down? Take a step away from the pressure with a leisurely stroll through the latest fashion and technology at the International Financial Center’s Mall.

Moät phuùt cho moïi ñieåm ñeán taïi trung taâm taøi chính Saøi Goøn, Saigon Luxury Apartment laø nôi ôû daønh cho nhöõng cö daân coù taàm aûnh höôûng quan troïng trong doøng chaûy kinh teá ñaát nöôùc. You’ll be just one minute away from world-class shopping and the central business district. If your business puts you on the life pulse of Vietnam’s economic growth, then there’s only one perfect address Saigon Luxury Apartments.

Moät phuùt cho moïi ñieåm ñeán taïi trung taâm taøi chính Saøi Goøn, Saigon Luxury Apartment laø nôi ôû daønh cho nhöõng cö daân coù taàm aûnh höôûng quan troïng trong doøng chaûy kinh teá ñaát nöôùc. You’ll be just one minute away from world-class shopping and the central business district. If your business puts you on the life pulse of Vietnam’s economic growth, then there’s only one perfect address Saigon Luxury Apartments.

Saigon Luxury Apartment laø moät phaàn quan troïng trong coâng trình khu phöùc hôïp cao caáp Benthanh Times Square. Söï töông taùc giöõa caùc moâ hình kinh doanh ña daïng taïi ñaây vaãn ñaûm baûo nguyeân veïn tính ñoäc laäp cuûa moãi beân, ñoàng thôøi laøm taêng theâm söùc soáng, söï soâi ñoäng vaø duy trì giaù trò taêng tröôûng vöõng beàn theo thôøi gian. Saigon Luxury Apartment is a central fixture in a high-class complex named Ben Thanh Times Square. It is a thoughtful bridge, connecting many different types in a unifying form that allows each to be strong and solid as a group while still maintaining independence. Vitality, sustainability and liveliness are all part of what makes the complex so different.

Moät ngöôøi giaøu coù Trung Quoác vöøa choäp mua moät caên hoä sang troïng taïi Hong Kong vôùi giaù 57 trieäu Myõ kim (töông ñöông 35 trieäu baûng Anh) vaø ngöôøi ta cho raèng ñaây laø moät caùi giaù kyû luïc. (caên hoä naøy ôû ñöôøng Conduit, moät trong nhöõng ñòa chæ ñaëc bieät vaø ñaét giaù nhaát taïi Hong Kong.) (Theo BBC)

“Haàu heát caùc caên hoä sang troïng cuõng gioáng nhö ñoà coå hay caùc böùc tranh vaäy.”

(Theo Bloomberg)

A Chinese millionaire has just bought a luxurious apartment in Hongkong worth 57 million USD (equally to £35 million). This has been evaluated as a record for the cost of an apartment. (The apartment is located on Conduit street, one of the most expensive places in Hongkong) (BBC)

“Today, most luxury apartments have risen in value similar to those of antique or value paintings.”


Saigon Luxury Apartment laø moät phaàn quan troïng trong coâng trình khu phöùc hôïp cao caáp Benthanh Times Square. Söï töông taùc giöõa caùc moâ hình kinh doanh ña daïng taïi ñaây vaãn ñaûm baûo nguyeân veïn tính ñoäc laäp cuûa moãi beân, ñoàng thôøi laøm taêng theâm söùc soáng, söï soâi ñoäng vaø duy trì giaù trò taêng tröôûng vöõng beàn theo thôøi gian. Saigon Luxury Apartment is a central fixture in a high-class complex named Ben Thanh Times Square. It is a thoughtful bridge, connecting many different types in a unifying form that allows each to be strong and solid as a group while still maintaining independence. Vitality, sustainability and liveliness are all part of what makes the complex so different.

Moät ngöôøi giaøu coù Trung Quoác vöøa choäp mua moät caên hoä sang troïng taïi Hong Kong vôùi giaù 57 trieäu Myõ kim (töông ñöông 35 trieäu baûng Anh) vaø ngöôøi ta cho raèng ñaây laø moät caùi giaù kyû luïc. (caên hoä naøy ôû ñöôøng Conduit, moät trong nhöõng ñòa chæ ñaëc bieät vaø ñaét giaù nhaát taïi Hong Kong.) (Theo BBC)

“Haàu heát caùc caên hoä sang troïng cuõng gioáng nhö ñoà coå hay caùc böùc tranh vaäy.”

(Theo Bloomberg)

A Chinese millionaire has just bought a luxurious apartment in Hongkong worth 57 million USD (equally to £35 million). This has been evaluated as a record for the cost of an apartment. (The apartment is located on Conduit street, one of the most expensive places in Hongkong) (BBC)

“Today, most luxury apartments have risen in value similar to those of antique or value paintings.”


AÙp löïc ñaûm baûo vieäc taêng tröôûng vaø sinh lôïi cho taát caû caùc nhaø ñaàu tö ôû VinaCapital seõ trôû neân khaù nheï nhaøng neáu khoaûng thôøi gian cho ngaøy laøm vieäc cuûa toâi khoâng chæ goùi goïn trong 24 tieáng. Toâi thaáy thuù vò vôùi moät caên hoä taïi Saigon Luxury Apartment, cho ñeán luùc naøy, chöa nôi naøo taïi TP.HCM laøm taêng theâm quyõ thôøi gian eo heïp haøng ngaøy cuûa toâi hôn Saigon Luxury Apartment ñang mang ñeán. The never-ending quest for growth and profit from the investors of VinaCapital would be greatly eased if I could get more out of every 24 hours: more time to structure and plan. An apartment like Saigon Luxury, with its central location, is the ideal solution. There was no viable alternative until now. Mr. Don Lam Chief Executive Officer VinaCapital Group

Phaàn lôùn thôøi gian laøm vieäc cuûa toâi gaàn 30 naêm qua luoân naèm ôû giöõa doøng cuoän chaûy maïnh nhaát cuûa neàn kinh teá. Caùc con soá, nhöõng xu höôùng, caùc döï baùo cuøng nhöõng soâi ñoäng cuûa thò tröôøng ñaõ trôû thaønh nguoàn naêng löôïng soáng khoâng theå thieáu trong toâi moãi ngaøy. Thaät tuyeät vôøi vôùi caên hoä penthouse taïi Saigon Luxury Apartment, giöõa trung taâm taøi chính nhoän nhòp cuûa thaønh phoá, nôi OCB ñaët truï sôû, ngaøy cuõng nhö ñeâm, luùc naøo toâi cuõng ñöôïc ñaém mình trong doøng chaûy ñoù. For the last 30 years, I have worked at the heart of this nation’s economy. Making predictions, crunching numbers, analyzing trends and acting on them are all parts of my daily routine. A penthouse located at Saigon Luxury Apartment keeps my finger on the pulse of national and international business - right where I can indulge in that flow.

Mr. Tran Van Vinh Chief Executive Officer Orient Commercial Bank

AÙp löïc ñaûm baûo vieäc taêng tröôûng vaø sinh lôïi cho taát caû caùc nhaø ñaàu tö ôû VinaCapital seõ trôû neân khaù nheï nhaøng neáu khoaûng thôøi gian cho ngaøy laøm vieäc cuûa toâi khoâng chæ goùi goïn trong 24 tieáng. Toâi thaáy thuù vò vôùi moät caên hoä taïi Saigon Luxury Apartment, cho ñeán luùc naøy, chöa nôi naøo taïi TP.HCM laøm taêng theâm quyõ thôøi gian eo heïp haøng ngaøy cuûa toâi hôn Saigon Luxury Apartment ñang mang ñeán. The never-ending quest for growth and profit from the investors of VinaCapital would be greatly eased if I could get more out of every 24 hours: more time to structure and plan. An apartment like Saigon Luxury, with its central location, is the ideal solution. There was no viable alternative until now. Mr. Don Lam Chief Executive Officer VinaCapital Group

Phaàn lôùn thôøi gian laøm vieäc cuûa toâi gaàn 30 naêm qua luoân naèm ôû giöõa doøng cuoän chaûy maïnh nhaát cuûa neàn kinh teá. Caùc con soá, nhöõng xu höôùng, caùc döï baùo cuøng nhöõng soâi ñoäng cuûa thò tröôøng ñaõ trôû thaønh nguoàn naêng löôïng soáng khoâng theå thieáu trong toâi moãi ngaøy. Thaät tuyeät vôøi vôùi caên hoä penthouse taïi Saigon Luxury Apartment, giöõa trung taâm taøi chính nhoän nhòp cuûa thaønh phoá, nôi OCB ñaët truï sôû, ngaøy cuõng nhö ñeâm, luùc naøo toâi cuõng ñöôïc ñaém mình trong doøng chaûy ñoù. For the last 30 years, I have worked at the heart of this nation’s economy. Making predictions, crunching numbers, analyzing trends and acting on them are all parts of my daily routine. A penthouse located at Saigon Luxury Apartment keeps my finger on the pulse of national and international business - right where I can indulge in that flow.

Mr. Tran Van Vinh Chief Executive Officer Orient Commercial Bank

Phong caùch thöïc duïng cuûa kieán truùc ñöông ñaïi Myõ hoaø quyeän ñaày aån yù vôùi söï sang troïng coù phaàn caàu kyø theo loái kieán truùc coå ñieån AÂu chaâu ñeå taïo ra veû aán töôïng cho toaøn boä saûnh lôùn cuûa toaø nhaø. AÙnh saùng ngaàm maøu hoaøng kim coäng höôûng vôùi khoâng gian môû thu nhaän aùnh saùng töï nhieân khieán toaøn boä saûnh lôùn luùc naøo cuõng traøn ngaäp maøu naéng môùi. Taát caû nhöõng maûng, khoái ñeàu to roäng vaø phoùng khoaùng trong khi töøng ñieåm, tuyeán laïi ñöôïc chaêm chuùt heát söùc tinh vi. Vôùi nhieàu ngöôøi, caûm giaùc ñaàu tieân coù theå hôi choaùng ngôïp, nhöng vôùi nhöõng chuû nhaân maø toaø nhaø duïng taâm phuïc vuï thì taát caû ñieàu naøy theå hieän ñuùng nhö phong caùch cuûa hoï. A perfect juxtaposition of contemporary American and classic Western architecture sets the stage for a luxurious lounge unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Golden hues and huge swathes of natural light create a palette of natural sunlight that will overwhelm you. Your first sight may take your breath away with its exclusivity but you’ll soon feel that it has become a part of your soul.

Phong caùch thöïc duïng cuûa kieán truùc ñöông ñaïi Myõ hoaø quyeän ñaày aån yù vôùi söï sang troïng coù phaàn caàu kyø theo loái kieán truùc coå ñieån AÂu chaâu ñeå taïo ra veû aán töôïng cho toaøn boä saûnh lôùn cuûa toaø nhaø. AÙnh saùng ngaàm maøu hoaøng kim coäng höôûng vôùi khoâng gian môû thu nhaän aùnh saùng töï nhieân khieán toaøn boä saûnh lôùn luùc naøo cuõng traøn ngaäp maøu naéng môùi. Taát caû nhöõng maûng, khoái ñeàu to roäng vaø phoùng khoaùng trong khi töøng ñieåm, tuyeán laïi ñöôïc chaêm chuùt heát söùc tinh vi. Vôùi nhieàu ngöôøi, caûm giaùc ñaàu tieân coù theå hôi choaùng ngôïp, nhöng vôùi nhöõng chuû nhaân maø toaø nhaø duïng taâm phuïc vuï thì taát caû ñieàu naøy theå hieän ñuùng nhö phong caùch cuûa hoï. A perfect juxtaposition of contemporary American and classic Western architecture sets the stage for a luxurious lounge unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Golden hues and huge swathes of natural light create a palette of natural sunlight that will overwhelm you. Your first sight may take your breath away with its exclusivity but you’ll soon feel that it has become a part of your soul.

Saigon Luxury Apartment daønh haún maët phía Ñoâng cho caùc caên hoä ñöôïc thieát keá theo loái kieán truùc ñöông ñaïi. Söï sang troïng naèm ôû caù tính vaø öu ñieåm naøy ñang ñöôïc nhoùm khaùch haøng treû thaønh ñaït raát öa chuoäng. Vaø ñoái vôùi kieán truùc naøy thì haõng SWA cuûa Myõ laø sôû tröôøng. Söï giaûn tieän khoûa laáp cho söï phoâ tröông nhöng nhöõng neùt kieâu haõnh vaãn ngaäp traøn trong töøng goùc ñoä kieán truùc. Khoâng gian môû ñöôïc choïn loïc raát coù chuû ñích khi phoái hôïp vôùi caûnh quan nhoän nhòp cuûa truïc höôùng. Kieán truùc hieän ñaïi cuûa nhoâm vaø kính trieät tieâu moïi söï oàn aøo. AÂm thanh cuûa söï soâi ñoäng chæ ñöôïc caûm nhaän baèng maét vaø taàm nhìn ra höôùng chôï Beán Thaønh cuøng vôùi ñaïi loä mua saém saàm uaát. Saigon Luxury Apartment utilizes the eastern side of its building for apartments showcasing the best of contemporary architecture. Our young and successful tenants will bask in first-rate, world-class design. This style is the strength of SWA Company. A subtle simplicity conceals a pride that can be seen from any and every angle. Open space presents a contrast to the hustle-bustle taking place on the streets below. More importantly, glass and aluminum provide a complete seal to all sound from the outside world. What you will hear will be through your eyes as you watch the world fly by with the backdrop of Ben Thanh market and its huge traffic circle.

Saigon Luxury Apartment daønh haún maët phía Ñoâng cho caùc caên hoä ñöôïc thieát keá theo loái kieán truùc ñöông ñaïi. Söï sang troïng naèm ôû caù tính vaø öu ñieåm naøy ñang ñöôïc nhoùm khaùch haøng treû thaønh ñaït raát öa chuoäng. Vaø ñoái vôùi kieán truùc naøy thì haõng SWA cuûa Myõ laø sôû tröôøng. Söï giaûn tieän khoûa laáp cho söï phoâ tröông nhöng nhöõng neùt kieâu haõnh vaãn ngaäp traøn trong töøng goùc ñoä kieán truùc. Khoâng gian môû ñöôïc choïn loïc raát coù chuû ñích khi phoái hôïp vôùi caûnh quan nhoän nhòp cuûa truïc höôùng. Kieán truùc hieän ñaïi cuûa nhoâm vaø kính trieät tieâu moïi söï oàn aøo. AÂm thanh cuûa söï soâi ñoäng chæ ñöôïc caûm nhaän baèng maét vaø taàm nhìn ra höôùng chôï Beán Thaønh cuøng vôùi ñaïi loä mua saém saàm uaát. Saigon Luxury Apartment utilizes the eastern side of its building for apartments showcasing the best of contemporary architecture. Our young and successful tenants will bask in first-rate, world-class design. This style is the strength of SWA Company. A subtle simplicity conceals a pride that can be seen from any and every angle. Open space presents a contrast to the hustle-bustle taking place on the streets below. More importantly, glass and aluminum provide a complete seal to all sound from the outside world. What you will hear will be through your eyes as you watch the world fly by with the backdrop of Ben Thanh market and its huge traffic circle.

Caùc caên hoä theo loái kieán truùc sang troïng chaâu AÂu laïi mang ñeán moät caûm xuùc khaùc. Maøu saéc noäi thaát aám aùp giao hoøa vôùi ngoaïi caûnh coâng vieân xanh töôi. ÔÛ ñaây, nieàm töï haøo daønh cho söï sang troïng cuûa chuû nhaân laø caûm xuùc chuû ñaïo. Ñeå laøm ñöôïc ñieàu naøy caàn coù söï caàu kyø nghieâm ngaët trong vieäc löïa choïn caùc nguyeân vaät lieäu noäi thaát nhaäp khaåu cao caáp. Töøng chi tieát goã, thaûm, vaät lieäu caùch aâm, kyõ thuaät traàn, töøng boä reøm cöûa, ñeøn trang trí ñeàu coù söï tuyeån löïa cuûa nhöõng chuyeân gia saéc saûo nhaèm ñaûm baûo söï tao nhaõ vaø thanh lòch. Thôøi gian laø söï quyù giaù vaø Saigon Luxury Apartment muoán ñaûm baûo moïi chuû nhaân ôû ñaây ñeàu phaûi ñöôïc taän höôûng moãi phuùt thôøi gian troâi qua cuûa hoï trong söï caûm nhaän vaø thích thuù ñaëc bieät. To each person, a living space is a castle, a kingdom. These Western-themed apartments will evoke feelings of warmth and pride for their occupants. The finest imported materials were used and these were all selected by professionals with an eye, not only for form and function but for this most exquisite taste in fashion and art. Time is priceless. Saigon Luxury Apartment wants to guarantee that each and every minute you spend here will be as special and satisfying as possible.

Caùc caên hoä theo loái kieán truùc sang troïng chaâu AÂu laïi mang ñeán moät caûm xuùc khaùc. Maøu saéc noäi thaát aám aùp giao hoøa vôùi ngoaïi caûnh coâng vieân xanh töôi. ÔÛ ñaây, nieàm töï haøo daønh cho söï sang troïng cuûa chuû nhaân laø caûm xuùc chuû ñaïo. Ñeå laøm ñöôïc ñieàu naøy caàn coù söï caàu kyø nghieâm ngaët trong vieäc löïa choïn caùc nguyeân vaät lieäu noäi thaát nhaäp khaåu cao caáp. Töøng chi tieát goã, thaûm, vaät lieäu caùch aâm, kyõ thuaät traàn, töøng boä reøm cöûa, ñeøn trang trí ñeàu coù söï tuyeån löïa cuûa nhöõng chuyeân gia saéc saûo nhaèm ñaûm baûo söï tao nhaõ vaø thanh lòch. Thôøi gian laø söï quyù giaù vaø Saigon Luxury Apartment muoán ñaûm baûo moïi chuû nhaân ôû ñaây ñeàu phaûi ñöôïc taän höôûng moãi phuùt thôøi gian troâi qua cuûa hoï trong söï caûm nhaän vaø thích thuù ñaëc bieät. To each person, a living space is a castle, a kingdom. These Western-themed apartments will evoke feelings of warmth and pride for their occupants. The finest imported materials were used and these were all selected by professionals with an eye, not only for form and function but for this most exquisite taste in fashion and art. Time is priceless. Saigon Luxury Apartment wants to guarantee that each and every minute you spend here will be as special and satisfying as possible.

Goùc nhìn töø chính giöõa loøng thaønh phoá seõ laø theá naøo khi ôû taàm cao quan saùt? Coù leõ khoâng coù moät nôi naøo coù höôùng nhìn ñeïp bao quaùt vaø caän caûnh nhö ôû vò trí penthouse taïi Saigon Luxury Apartment. Döôøng nhö moïi hôi thôû, moãi nhòp ñaäp cuûa cuoäc soáng nôi trung taâm cuûa ñoâ thò saàm uaát naøy seõ gaén lieàn vôùi baïn, mang ñeán nguoàn caûm höùng vaø söï soâi ñoäng cuûa nieàm vui soáng. Nhöng giaù trò cuûa caùc caên penthouse khoâng chæ laø öu theá vaø caûnh quan, Noù coøn laø caûm giaùc cuûa söï phoùng khoaùng, khoâng khí yeân tónh trong laønh vaø baàu trôøi roäng môû. Seõ khoâng caàn nhieàu lôøi ñeå noùi veà trang thieát bò cuõng nhö phong caùch kieán truùc noäi thaát ngoaøi moät töø - hoaøn haûo. Chæ coù boán caên sieâu haïng vaø cô hoäi ñeå löïa choïn laø khoâng nhieàu. What is it to look down upon a city thrumming with life from a high crest or a solitary overlook? What is it to be isolated and apart from and, yet, right in the middle of the business tempest that is Saigon? The sight you will behold will be incomparable to any you’ve ever had until you look up and see a quiet and enchanting star-filled sky. The pure air refresh you with its liberating breath. Remember, though, there are only four of these penthouses available for purchase and they’re sure to move quickly!

Goùc nhìn töø chính giöõa loøng thaønh phoá seõ laø theá naøo khi ôû taàm cao quan saùt? Coù leõ khoâng coù moät nôi naøo coù höôùng nhìn ñeïp bao quaùt vaø caän caûnh nhö ôû vò trí penthouse taïi Saigon Luxury Apartment. Döôøng nhö moïi hôi thôû, moãi nhòp ñaäp cuûa cuoäc soáng nôi trung taâm cuûa ñoâ thò saàm uaát naøy seõ gaén lieàn vôùi baïn, mang ñeán nguoàn caûm höùng vaø söï soâi ñoäng cuûa nieàm vui soáng. Nhöng giaù trò cuûa caùc caên penthouse khoâng chæ laø öu theá vaø caûnh quan, Noù coøn laø caûm giaùc cuûa söï phoùng khoaùng, khoâng khí yeân tónh trong laønh vaø baàu trôøi roäng môû. Seõ khoâng caàn nhieàu lôøi ñeå noùi veà trang thieát bò cuõng nhö phong caùch kieán truùc noäi thaát ngoaøi moät töø - hoaøn haûo. Chæ coù boán caên sieâu haïng vaø cô hoäi ñeå löïa choïn laø khoâng nhieàu. What is it to look down upon a city thrumming with life from a high crest or a solitary overlook? What is it to be isolated and apart from and, yet, right in the middle of the business tempest that is Saigon? The sight you will behold will be incomparable to any you’ve ever had until you look up and see a quiet and enchanting star-filled sky. The pure air refresh you with its liberating breath. Remember, though, there are only four of these penthouses available for purchase and they’re sure to move quickly!

Maët trôøi moïc leân töø phía soâng, khoâng khí ôû treân cao thoaûng nheï muøi coû caây, ñaïi loä roän raõ ñoâng ñuùc, Saigon Luxury Apartment naèm chính giöõa traùi tim cuûa thaønh phoá, nôi moïi ñòa danh laøm neân teân tuoåi cuûa Saigon ñeàu trong taàm maét vaø neáu muoán thì chæ trong khoaûnh khaéc ta coù theå chaïm tay. Chæ moät phuùt ñeå vaøo ñeán trung taâm doøng chaûy kinh teá. Thôøi gian laø traân quyù, vaø thôøi gian ñoái vôùi quyù vò chuû nhaân ôû ñaây tính giaù trò baèng vaøng. Moät phuùt coù theå ñuû ñeå thay ñoåi nhieàu cuïc dieän, khoâng coù nôi naøo khaùc cho vò trí daãn ñaàu. The sun rises over the horizon, washing waves towards the shore. The air is filled with the sounds and smells of nature - grass and beautiful flowers. Saigon Luxury Apartment is your great escape from the stress and pressure of business life but it’s so unique because you can get away from everything and still be less than a minute away from the pulse of Saigon. We value time greatly because we know that you do. Everything can unfold in a minute. Fortunes are made and broken in the span of a breath. A split second is the difference between success and failure. You don’t want to miss any of it.

Maët trôøi moïc leân töø phía soâng, khoâng khí ôû treân cao thoaûng nheï muøi coû caây, ñaïi loä roän raõ ñoâng ñuùc, Saigon Luxury Apartment naèm chính giöõa traùi tim cuûa thaønh phoá, nôi moïi ñòa danh laøm neân teân tuoåi cuûa Saigon ñeàu trong taàm maét vaø neáu muoán thì chæ trong khoaûnh khaéc ta coù theå chaïm tay. Chæ moät phuùt ñeå vaøo ñeán trung taâm doøng chaûy kinh teá. Thôøi gian laø traân quyù, vaø thôøi gian ñoái vôùi quyù vò chuû nhaân ôû ñaây tính giaù trò baèng vaøng. Moät phuùt coù theå ñuû ñeå thay ñoåi nhieàu cuïc dieän, khoâng coù nôi naøo khaùc cho vò trí daãn ñaàu. The sun rises over the horizon, washing waves towards the shore. The air is filled with the sounds and smells of nature - grass and beautiful flowers. Saigon Luxury Apartment is your great escape from the stress and pressure of business life but it’s so unique because you can get away from everything and still be less than a minute away from the pulse of Saigon. We value time greatly because we know that you do. Everything can unfold in a minute. Fortunes are made and broken in the span of a breath. A split second is the difference between success and failure. You don’t want to miss any of it.

Taát caû nhöõng giaù trò lòch söû cuûa moät thaønh phoá vôùi beà daày vaên hoùa nhieàu thaêng traàm ñeàu hoäi tuï caû veà khu trung taâm. Chæ caùch vaøi böôùc chaân, caùc cö daân cuûa Saigon Luxury Apartment cuõng ñöôïc thu nhaän caùc lôïi theá ñoù moät caùch hoaøn toaøn töï nhieân. Nhöõng böu ñieän trung taâm, nhaø haùt thaønh phoá, nhaø thôø Ñöùc Baø, toaø nhaø UÛy ban... nhöõng giaù trò laøm neân neàn vaên hoùa cuûa Saøi Goøn cuõng seõ laø nhöõng giaù trò toâ ñieåm cho vò theá cuûa baïn. With more than 300 years of cultural history, Saigon is home to many landmarks and attractions. You will find all of these sites within easy access of your abode at Saigon Luxury Apartment. The Central Post Office, Notre D’ame Cathedral, the People’s Committee building, Opera House and Ben Thanh market are just a few of the sites that await you.

Taát caû nhöõng giaù trò lòch söû cuûa moät thaønh phoá vôùi beà daày vaên hoùa nhieàu thaêng traàm ñeàu hoäi tuï caû veà khu trung taâm. Chæ caùch vaøi böôùc chaân, caùc cö daân cuûa Saigon Luxury Apartment cuõng ñöôïc thu nhaän caùc lôïi theá ñoù moät caùch hoaøn toaøn töï nhieân. Nhöõng böu ñieän trung taâm, nhaø haùt thaønh phoá, nhaø thôø Ñöùc Baø, toaø nhaø UÛy ban... nhöõng giaù trò laøm neân neàn vaên hoùa cuûa Saøi Goøn cuõng seõ laø nhöõng giaù trò toâ ñieåm cho vò theá cuûa baïn. With more than 300 years of cultural history, Saigon is home to many landmarks and attractions. You will find all of these sites within easy access of your abode at Saigon Luxury Apartment. The Central Post Office, Notre D’ame Cathedral, the People’s Committee building, Opera House and Ben Thanh market are just a few of the sites that await you.

Khoâng chæ mang laïi moät khoâng gian soáng chuaån möïc, Saigon Luxury Apartment töï haøo ñaùp öùng ñaày ñuû caùc nhu caàu thieát yeáu cuûa möùc soáng cao. Nhaø haøng, trung taâm Spa, hoà bôi, phoøng taäp gym töông ñöông tieâu chuaån khaùch saïn 5 sao ñöôïc cung öùng kheùo leùo ôû caùc vò trí hôïp lyù cuûa toaø nhaø. Hoà bôi ngoaøi trôøi, phoøng taäp ngaäp aùnh naéng, khu spa thö giaõn hoaøn toaøn yeân tónh cho söï nghæ ngôi. Nhaø haøng laõng maïn vaø aám cuùng. Saigon Luxury Apartment chæ mang ñeán söï haøi loøng, baïn thoaûi maùi söû duïng vôùi thôøi gian cuûa rieâng baïn. Haõy thö giaõn vaø höôûng thuï, khoâng ai ngoaøi baïn xöùng ñaùng hôn. Saigon Luxury Apartment isn’t interested in bringing anything but the best to its tenants. Saigon Luxury Apartments has everything needed to live the life you deserve and love. A spa, swimming pool, gymnasium and a plethora of restaurants await your visit. You will find them located in the most convenient locations throughout the complex. You pick the activity and we’ll make it exhilarating for you. On the other hand, if you want quiet, you can find it in our luxurious and fashionable lounge areas.

Khoâng chæ mang laïi moät khoâng gian soáng chuaån möïc, Saigon Luxury Apartment töï haøo ñaùp öùng ñaày ñuû caùc nhu caàu thieát yeáu cuûa möùc soáng cao. Nhaø haøng, trung taâm Spa, hoà bôi, phoøng taäp gym töông ñöông tieâu chuaån khaùch saïn 5 sao ñöôïc cung öùng kheùo leùo ôû caùc vò trí hôïp lyù cuûa toaø nhaø. Hoà bôi ngoaøi trôøi, phoøng taäp ngaäp aùnh naéng, khu spa thö giaõn hoaøn toaøn yeân tónh cho söï nghæ ngôi. Nhaø haøng laõng maïn vaø aám cuùng. Saigon Luxury Apartment chæ mang ñeán söï haøi loøng, baïn thoaûi maùi söû duïng vôùi thôøi gian cuûa rieâng baïn. Haõy thö giaõn vaø höôûng thuï, khoâng ai ngoaøi baïn xöùng ñaùng hôn. Saigon Luxury Apartment isn’t interested in bringing anything but the best to its tenants. Saigon Luxury Apartments has everything needed to live the life you deserve and love. A spa, swimming pool, gymnasium and a plethora of restaurants await your visit. You will find them located in the most convenient locations throughout the complex. You pick the activity and we’ll make it exhilarating for you. On the other hand, if you want quiet, you can find it in our luxurious and fashionable lounge areas.

Chæ vaøi böôùc chaân khi ra khoûi Saigon Luxury Apartment, baïn seõ ngay laäp töùc bò thu huùt vaø quyeán ruõ bôûi caùc khu giaûi trí vui chôi, caùc thöông hieäu thôøi trang, myõ phaåm vaø trang söùc taïi caùc trung taâm mua saém loäng laãy baäc nhaát Saøi Goøn. Vôùi moät buoåi toái thong thaû khoaùc vai ngöôøi tình hay ñôn giaûn chæ laø moät mình rong chôi thì nôi ñaây vaãn ñuû ñeå laøm cho cuoäc soáng khoâng bao giôø laø nhöõng phuùt giaây bình laëng. Step outside of the paradise that is Saigon Luxury Apartment and you will find yourself drawn into the newest and most exciting boutiques and shops offering wares from the world over. Whether it be cosmetics, perfumes, hair and skin care products or jewelry and fashion, it is all within walking distance from your home. If you desire to find antiques or traditional Vietnamese attire, you can find within just a few steps of your perfect home.

Chæ vaøi böôùc chaân khi ra khoûi Saigon Luxury Apartment, baïn seõ ngay laäp töùc bò thu huùt vaø quyeán ruõ bôûi caùc khu giaûi trí vui chôi, caùc thöông hieäu thôøi trang, myõ phaåm vaø trang söùc taïi caùc trung taâm mua saém loäng laãy baäc nhaát Saøi Goøn. Vôùi moät buoåi toái thong thaû khoaùc vai ngöôøi tình hay ñôn giaûn chæ laø moät mình rong chôi thì nôi ñaây vaãn ñuû ñeå laøm cho cuoäc soáng khoâng bao giôø laø nhöõng phuùt giaây bình laëng. Step outside of the paradise that is Saigon Luxury Apartment and you will find yourself drawn into the newest and most exciting boutiques and shops offering wares from the world over. Whether it be cosmetics, perfumes, hair and skin care products or jewelry and fashion, it is all within walking distance from your home. If you desire to find antiques or traditional Vietnamese attire, you can find within just a few steps of your perfect home.

nôi daønh cho nhöõng cö daân coù taàm aûnh höôûng quan troïng trong doøng chaûy kinh teá ñaát nöôùc. Saigon Luxury Apartments, the ultimate address for the movers and shakers of Vietnam’s economy.

nôi daønh cho nhöõng cö daân coù taàm aûnh höôûng quan troïng trong doøng chaûy kinh teá ñaát nöôùc. Saigon Luxury Apartments, the ultimate address for the movers and shakers of Vietnam’s economy.

Developer . Chuû Ñaàu Tö

Co-investor . Hôïp Taùc Ñaàu Tö

C a pita l

Architectural Design . Thieát keá kieán truùc

Structural Design . Thieát keá keát caáu

M&E Design . Thieát keá cô ñieän

Project Manager . Quaûn lyù Döï aùn

Quantity Surveyor . Quaûn lý chi phí

Property Management . Quaûn lyù toøa nhaø

Main Contractor . Nhaø thaàu chính

Quality Certification Chöùng nhaän chaát löôïng coâng trình

Interior Design . Thieát keá noäi thaát

M&E Contractor . Nhaø thaàu cô ñieän

Töø New York ñeá n HongKong, moï i thaé n g lôï i ñeà u phaû i quyeá t ñònh trong thôø i gian töø n g phuù t . From New York to HongKong, international business is decided in the blink of the eye.

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