Sales Contract

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SALES CONTRACT No.: ____________________________________________


You can enjoy your life through the most comfortable and convenient facilities. At Blooming Park, you own “a new apartment” that is a high quality, opulent space in harmony with nature’s beauty.

SALES CONTRACT Apartment No. __________________________ - Blooming Park


This Sales Contract (“Contract”) is made and entered into on _________________________ between the following parties:

KIEN A INVESTMENT & SERVICES LTD. Investment Certificate No. : 411022000101 issued on August 7, 2007 by People’s Committee of HCMC Address : Lot No. 5, An Phu Ward, District 2, HCMC Tel : (08)7406688 Fax : (08)7406949 Email : Represented by: Name: ___________________________________________________________ Title: _____________________________________________________________ (Hereinafter referred to as “Party A”) AND NAME : _________________________________________________________________________ ID Card/Passport/Business Registration/Investment License No.: ___________________________ Issued by ______________________________ Dated ___________________________________ Permanent address: _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Contact address : ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Tel : ___________________________ Mobile phone: _______________________ Email : ________________________________________________________________ NAME : _________________________________________________________________________ ID Card/Passport/Business Registration/Investment License No.: ___________________________ Issued by ______________________________ Dated ___________________________________ Permanent address: _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Contact address : ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Tel : ___________________________ Mobile phone: _______________________ Email : ________________________________________________________________ (Hereinafter referred to as “Party B”) Whereas: (I)

Party A is the real estate business company which is developing the Blooming Park located at Lot No.5, An Phu Ward, District 2, HCMC inclusive of high-class apartments designed according to international standards.


Party B has already studied and verified the real status and the legal document of the Apartment (as described in Appendix 1 of this Contract) of the Blooming Park.


The Parties qualify their financial capacities and legal conditions as well to enter into this Contract.



1.1 Unless otherwise required by the context, the following terms and expressions shall have meanings as follows: “Apartment” means the apartment no. ____________ under the construction in the Blooming Park by Party A and will have been finished by October 31, 2010 with the technical details and specifications as specified in Appendix 1 attached to this Contract.


“Blooming Park” means the high-rise building located at Lot No.5, An Phu Ward, District 2, HCMC including high-class apartments for sale and lease.


“Contract” means the Sales Contract and any appendix attached hereto as well as any written amendment of, addition to this Contract made and entered into by Parties from time to time.


“Technical Details and Specifications of the Apartment” means the technical details and specifications of the Apartment as specified in Appendix 1 attached to this Contract and any written relevant amendment, addition to made and decided by Party A or in accordance with Article 9.7 herein.


“Selling Price” means the unit price per square meter of the Apartment as provided in Article 3 of this Contract.


“Apartment Value” means the total value of the Apartment by the Selling Price multiple the area of the Apartment as defined in the Appendix 1 attached hereto.


“Expected Completion Date” means October 31, 2010 when the construction of the Apartment is expected to complete.


“Apartment Handover Date” means any date when the Apartment is handed over actually as set out in Article 4.2 of this Contract.


“Grace Period” means the period of ±6 months from the expected completion date.


“Apartment Ownership Certificate” means the Apartment ownership certificate to be granted by a competent authority of Ho Chi Minh City to Party B in accordance with this Contract and the laws of Vietnam.


“Force Majeure” means either of events set out in Article 11 of this Contract.


“General Internal Rules” means the general internal rules of Blooming Park to be prepared by the Management Committee.

(m) “Management Committee” means the management committee to be set up or assigned by Party A for management of the Blooming Park during the time when it is put into operation.





Unless otherwise required by the context or provision of this Contract: (a)

Any reference to Article and Appendix means reference to Article and Appendix of this Contract;


Singular terms also includes plural and vice versa;


References to Party or Parties shall be construed as references to such Party or Parties and its or their successors or replaced persons as well; and


References to a person, a third party shall be construed as references to an individual or a legal entity established in any form and its successors and replaced persons as well.



Party A agrees to sell and Party B agrees to purchase the Apartment of the Blooming Park in accordance with terms and conditions of this Contract. ARTICLE 3. 3.1




The Selling Price is VND _______________________________ (in words: _____________ __________________________________________________________________________) and the Apartment Values will be VND _________________________________________ (in words: __________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________) to be paid by Party B to Party A in accordance with the Appendix 2 attached hereto. The Selling Price is exclusive of: (a)

The value added tax (VAT)


Registration fees, administrative fees, notarization fees or other fees or charges, taxes payable by Party B to the State of Vietnam and other payments relating to the sale and purchase of the Apartment between the Parties and other administration procedure to obtain the Apartment Ownership Certificate in accordance with this Contract and the laws of Vietnam from time to time


Monthly management and maintenance fees in line with Article 7.4, common facility use fees, garbage charges, water charges, electricity charges etc... to the Apartment as to be described in the General Internal Rules


The price of Separate Contract Items not in Appendix 1 herein

All sums, payments payable by Party B to Party A in accordance with this Contract shall be carried out by either of the following methods: (a)

In cash at the place where Party A designate. The valid receipt issued by Party A shall be fully signed and sealed by Party A’s legal representative or authorized representative.


By transfer to the following bank account of Party A:

ARTICLE 4. 4.1


Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the Apartment may be handed over to Party B at any time falling into the Grace Period provided always that (a)

The Apartment Value has been paid to Party A completely by Party B (i.e. the 7th installment of payment has been made completely); and


Party B completes all taxable and financial obligations, and other relevant fees, charges arising from this Contract and in accordance with the regulations, except any financial obligations arising additionally from Article 4.6 and Article 4.7 herein (if any).


At least 15 days prior to the Apartment handover, Party A shall notify in writing of the Apartment handover to Party B, specifying the date of handover. The Apartment unless otherwise agreed in writing by Party A and Party B will be handed over to Party B under the witnesses of Party B and the authorized person of Party A. This handover will be taken in minutes by Party B and the authorized person of Party A. The Apartment Handover Date shall be the date when the minutes are taken.


Unless otherwise accepted in writing by Party A, in case Party B regardless of any reason fails to take over the Apartment as required in the notification mentioned in Article 4.2 herein, the Apartment Handover Date will be the date of handover specified in this notification and Party B shall accept the status of the handed-over Apartment as it is without any claims or objections.


The Apartment with the Technical Details and Specifications shall be handed over in conformity of Article 4.1 herein or of a written agreement between the Parties hereafter. The Parties hereby agree that the actual area of the Apartment to be handed over to Party B may be different from the area of the Apartment as set out in Appendix 1 of this Contract as long as the different ratio would be ±2% acceptably.


In case the different ratio of the actual area of the Apartment exceeds ±2% compared to the area described in Appendix 1 herein, Party B shall be entitled to refuse the Apartment handover in writing and to be refunded all sums received by Party A after deduction of any contractual penalties incurred by Party B. Party A will agree to pay Party B the interest to this sum refundable to Party B with the 12 month deposit rate to be quoted by Woori Bank at the refunding moment which is not later than 60 days from the Apartment Handover Date.


Account holder : INVESKIA LTD. Account No. : DDA912048822 Bank : WOORI BANK – Hochiminh City Branch Address : Room 1808, Sun Wah Tower, 115 Nguyen Hue, District 1, Hochiminh City, Vietnam



If there is any different ratio between the actual area of the Apartment and the area described in Appendix 1 herein to happen as set forth in Article 4.4 or 4.5 acceptably by the Parties, then the Apartment Value will be adjusted respectively in the below formulation based on the actual area. Adjusted Apartment Value = the Selling Price * the actual area with the condition that the Selling Price will be computed based on Article 3.1 herein.


Any difference between the Apartment Value and the adjusted Apartment Value shall be settled by the Parties within 60 days prior to the delivery of the Apartment Ownership Certificate to Party B, which shall follow Article 4.9 herein.


Apartment Ownership Right

When the Apartment is handed over in line with Article 4.1, Article 4.2, Article 4.3, Article 4.4, Article 4.6 and Article 4.7 above, Party B will be transferred the ownership of the Apartment as specified in Appendix 1. Party B agrees that the Apartment area as specified in Appendix 1 may be different in comparison with the area recorded in the Apartment Ownership Certificate due to the actual handover of the Apartment and/or a determination of the competent authority. Besides, Party B has the right to use the common area of the Blooming Park.


The Apartment Ownership Certificate Upon the Apartment Handover Date, Party A shall carry out all necessary procedure with the competent authority as requested by the regulations to obtain the Apartment Ownership Certificate for Party B, provided that all necessary documents are provided by Party B as required.

Party A shall deliver the Apartment Ownership Certificate to Party B only after all financial obligations of Party B under this Contract are finished.

The land use right certificate associated with the Apartment shall be implemented by the regulations.




If the Apartment is delayed intentionally by Party A to be handed over to Party B, Party A shall pay Party B an interest to the total sum paid by Party B at the rate of 0.015% per day on the calculation basis from the date upon the Grace Period expiry until the time on which the Apartment is handed over by Party A to Party B actually unless the delay is caused from a default of Party B or an Event of Force Majeure in accordance with Article 11 herein.


In case of defaulting payments, Party B shall incur the overdue interest rate of 0.015% per day for the overdue payment on the calculation basis from the due date until Party A receives the outstanding payments fully which Party B would have paid in accordance with the payment schedule.


Notwithstanding Article 5.2 above, if Party B fails to pay the deposit as due as mentioned in Appendix 2, Party A shall have the rights to terminate the Contract.

ARTICLE 6. 6.1

Upon the second installments of the Apartment Value and before the delivery of the Apartment Ownership Certificate to Party B, Party B will be entitled to transfer its rights in respect of the Apartment in accordance with this Contract to a third party who has the good financial status and meets the legal conditions as required by laws of Vietnam from time to time to receive such transfer in the manners that: (a)

Firstly, Party B must send Party A the written request for the Contract transfer to a third party;


Party A may refuse the transfer mentioned in paragraph (a) above if Party A has doubted reasonably that the relevant third party may not have necessary permission as may be required by the laws of Vietnam to own or lease the Apartment, or not afford to continue the payments in accordance with this Contract (if any);


In the event that Party A agrees with such transfer, all rights and obligations of Party B shall be transferred to the relevant third party upon Party A, Party B and the relevant third party enter into an annex recording the acceptance of this transfer and this annex will become integral to this Contract. All payments that have been paid by Party B to Party A shall not be refunded to Party B, but forwarded to the title of the relevant third party;


Party B shall incur the transfer fee of VND 8,000,000 plus other administrative fees/costs required by the laws of Vietnam from time to time for every transfer to a third party.

After the Apartment has been handed over to Party B and all financial obligations of Party B herein are finished in accordance with Article 4 herein, Party B may lease or mortgage the Apartment in accordance with the laws of Vietnam.

ARTICLE 7. 7.1


Party A shall, by its own expenses, carry out the Apartment warranty as follows: (a)

the period of 60 months from the Apartment Handover Date for structural items of the Apartment; and


the period of 12 months from the Apartment Handover Date for interiors of the Apartment which are mentioned in the Appendix 1 herein.


During the warranty period as set out in Article 7.1 above, Party B must notify Party A within 10 days from the date on which Party B detects error, fail, shortcoming of the Apartment, concurrently Party B must perform any reasonable method to minimize loses, damages arising from such error, fail, shortcoming. If Party B notifies late or fails to perform the reasonable method to minimize the same, Party A has the right to shorten its warranty responsibility correspondingly.


The warranty scope shall exclude any damage or loss to the Apartment being resulted from the following reasons:







the careless use or incorrect use of the Apartment of Party B;


any change of the Apartment use or function without acceptance in advance by Party A; or


other damages or losses which are not caused intentionally by Party A.

The Apartment shall be maintained by Party A and the Management Committee in accordance with the laws of Vietnam and the General Internal Rules.



During the Term of the Contract, Party A shall have the following rights and obligations: 8.1

Constructing the Blooming Park and the Apartment together with the common facilities completely in accordance with the approved design and quality requirements and the terms and conditions of this Contract;


Assigning authorised staff to follow up and deal with the issues occurred during the implementation of this Contract by the Parties;


Being entitled to receive the Apartment Value and other payments (if any) from Party B and all of its other rights and benefits in accordance with this Contract and the General Internal Rules;


Handing over the Apartment on time as set out in Article 4 of this Contract;


On behalf of Party B carrying out procedures necessary to request for the Apartment Ownership Certificate to Party B;


Establishing the Management Committee, issuing the General Internal Rules and providing management services to Blooming Park; and


Having other rights and obligations as set forth herein



During the Term of the Contract, Party B shall have the following rights and obligations: 9.1 9.2

Ensuring the legal status to enter into this Contract;


Taking the handover of the Apartment in the way mentioned in Article 4 above;


Being fully responsible for the Apartment usage and strictly obeying and complying the General Internal Rules;


Being responsible for obtaining and maintaining necessary insurance for risks, damages for the Apartment and necessary insurance for civil liabilities as required by laws of Vietnam from time to time.

Making the payments to Party A promptly and fully as scheduled in the Appendix 2 herein;

Using the Apartment in accordance with the provisions of this Contract as its design and use without any repair or reconstruction to the Apartment which can divert the initial design, affecting the structure of and the common utilities of the Blooming Park adversely.


Being entitled to propose Party A to change the Technical Details and Specifications. In such an event, the Parties hereby agree that: (a)

Changes to the Technical Details and Specifications as proposed by Party B shall be carried out only if agreed by Party A. Party A may refuse any change to the Technical Details and Specification proposed by Party B if such change, in Party A’s opinions, may adversely affect the Apartment, Blooming Park or the construction and completion of Blooming Park; and


In the event that Party A agrees with the changes to the Technical Details and Specifications as proposed by Party B, the Parties shall enter into a new appendix to amend the relevant Appendix 1 of this Contract and also set out: (i)

Increase or decrease difference of the Apartment Value arising from the changes (if any) and methods to deal with such difference; and


Extension of the Apartment handover time mentioned in Article 4 herein (if any)


Co-operating, providing with Party A and signing all necessary documents, being present before the competent authorities as their requests to complete the procedure related to Party B’s Apartment Ownership Certificate.


Keeping Party A from any responsibility related to dispute or claim between Party B and a third party regarding Party B’s execution and performance of the Contract. During the exercise of this Contract, keeping Party A indemnified from damages to Party A caused by or arisen from such a claim and/or dispute; and

9.10 Having other rights and obligations as set forth herein ARTICLE 10.


10.1 This Contract shall be effective from the signing date until Party B receives the Apartment Ownership Certificate from Party A in accordance with Article 4 herein. 10.2 This Contract shall be terminated prior to its expiry as set out in Article 10.1 above in either of the following events: (a)

By mutual Contract in writing between the Parties;


In the event as set out in Article 4.5, Article 5.3 and Article 6 herein; or


By a prior written notification sent by Party A to Party B in the event that Party B fails to secure necessary permission as required by the laws of Vietnam to acquire the Apartment or fails to pay wholly any installments of the Apartment Value within 45 days when and as due as set out in Appendix 2 of this Contract.



In such an event, Party B in addition to the contractual penalty as imposed under Article 5 herein shall pay Party A for the fix indemnity of 20% of the Apartment Value and for any actual damages to Party A arising from or relating to the defaults of Party B. For avoidance of doubt, Party A may deduct the contractual penalty, the indemnity and other sums payable by Party B to Party A in accordance with this Contract (if any) from the payments advanced by Party B to Party A, and refund Party B the remaining sum (if any).


By a prior written notification sent by Party B to Party A if Party A fails to hand over the Apartment to Party B within 12 months after the Grace Period without any fault of Party B or any event of Force Majeure.

In such an event, Party A shall refund Party B the payments which Party B has advanced to Party A plus the interests at the 12 month deposit rate to be quoted by Woori Bank at the refunding moment which is not later than 60 days from the termination hereof.


10.3 All payment obligations of either Party to the other Party in accordance with this Contract shall remain in effect and continue to bind the other Party even after the termination of this Contract for whatever reason until the completion of the payment obligations. ARTICLE 11. FORCE MAJEURE 11.1 Either of the following events beyond the control of either Party shall be considered as Force Majeure to that Party: prohibition or delay as stipulated by the laws or any competent authorities without fault of that Party, riots, war, national emergency (declared or undeclared), terrorism, public disturbance, strikes boycott, sanctions, embargo, failure or interruption of transportation or other utilities, epidemic, fire, flood, earthquake, storm, tidal waves or other natural disasters or other events beyond reasonable control of that Party. 11.2 If either Party fails its obligations in accordance with this Contract due to direct result of a Force Majeure, such Party must notify to the other Party in writing within 07 days from happened Force Majeure and carries out all reasonable ways in order to minimize damages. In the event of Force Majeure, directly affected Party shall not bear responsibility for any damages, losses incurred by other Party due to its failed or delayed obligations. To avoid any dispute, losing and failing payment capacity shall not be considered as a Force Majeure. 11.3 In the event that Parties agree in writing, the obligation of directly affected Party shall be delayed during Force Majeure happening, provided that Parties must try their best to protect any relevant asset and legal benefit of the other Party and to repair result of Force Majeure. ARTICLE 12. NOTICE AND CORRESPONDENCE 12.1 All notices, requests, claims or correspondence, etc. sent by one Party to the other Party shall be made in writing and sent to the following addresses:

To Party B NAME : __________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Tel: ___________________________ Mobile Phone: _____________________________ Fax: ______________________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________

12.2 All notices, requests, claims or correspondence etc. shall be deemed to be received by the other Party when they are sent (i) on sending date if delivered by hand to person of receiving Party; or (ii) on the date when usual evidence of transmission confirmation is received by the sender in the case of facsimile; or (iii) on the second day after posting date if sent by courier or registered mail. In such events, if the relevant days are Sunday or weekly day off, national holiday of Vietnam, all notices, requests, claims or correspondence, etc. shall be deemed to be received by the other Party on the following day. 12.3 If either of Parties changes the information as mentioned in clause 12.1 above shall notify to the other Party in writing. ARTICLE 13. GOVERNING LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION 13.1 This Contract shall be construed, interpreted and governed by and in accordance with the laws of Vietnam. 13.2 Any dispute arising out of or in relation to this Contract shall be resolved amicably through negotiations by the Parties. If the dispute fails to be resolved within thirty (30) days from the date one Party notifies in writing to the other Party of the arising dispute, either Party may submit the dispute to an authorized Court of Ho Chi Minh City for resolution. ARTICLE 14. MISCELLANEOUS 14.1 This Contract and its Appendices shall constitute an entire Contract between the Parties and supersede all previous agreements or memoranda, verbal or in writing, between the Parties in relation to the substance of this Contract. 14.2 The Parties shall strictly obey and comply with this Contract. All breaches to this Contract shall cause the defaulting Party to be liable for compensation for damages to the other Party in accordance with the stipulations of the laws of Vietnam. 14.3 Any amendments of supplements to this Contract and its Appendices shall be valid only if being made in writing and signed by both Parties.


To Party A KIEN A INVESTMENT & SERVICES LTD. Lot No.5, An Phu Ward, District 2, HCMC Tel : (08)7406688 Fax : (08)7406949 Email : Attn : Name ____________________________________________________________ Title: _____________________________________________________________


14.4 If any provision of this Contract is declared to be invalid by the relevant Vietnamese authorities: (a)

the remaining provisions of this Contract shall not be affected by such declaration of invalidity and shall remain in full force and binding the Parties; and


the Parties shall discuss, negotiate and replace such invalid provision by another valid and suitable provision in accordance with the laws of Vietnam so that the benefits and rights of the Parties in accordance with this Contract are secured.

14.5 This Contract is made into three (03) original sets of English and Vietnamese with the equivalent validity. Party B shall retain one (01) original set and Party A shall retain the two (02) other original sets. In case of ambiguity or discrepancies, the English version shall take precedence. THIS SALES CONTRACT is entered into by the Parties as of the day and year first above written. For and on behalf of PARTY A

Name: ___________________________ Title: ___________________________

For and on behalf of PARTY B

Name: ___________________________

Name: ___________________________




See the attached drawing




Apartment No.: _______________________________________________________ Type of Apartment : ____________________________________________________ Area : _________________________ m2 (maximum area difference ratio : Âą2%) Block : _____________ Tower : _______ Floor : _______ Position : _________





Vinyl sheet or high glossy paint


High class ceramic wall tiles


High class ceramic floor tiles


Painted with Byucksan emulsion paint


With lighting & high glossy vinyl sheet cabinet or high glossy paint or paper sheet over high glossy cabinet


Artificial marble Deck Hood Gas cook top Kitchen A/V




Wrapping wood-look PVC decoration vinyl sheet


High class ceramic wall tiles


High class ceramic floor tile


Gypsum board false ceiling, painted with Byucksan emulsion paint

Basin Water heater

With ceramic or equivalent Electrical water heater


Bathtub Ceramic/acryal or equivalent Shower booth with strenthening glass Cabinet Electronic Bidet (Master Bathroom)







Wrapping wood-look PVC decoration vinyl sheet


Painted with Byucksan emulsion paint


Fire and scratched resisting flooring


Painted with Byucksan emulsion paint Ceiling type air-conditioner


Master bedroom & Bedroom Cabinet, Dressroom vanity


Telephone data point, TV outlet




Art wall with wrapping wood-look PVC decoration vinyl sheet & high class wall paper Painted with Byucksan emulsion paint


High class ceramic floor tiles


Painted with Byucksan emulsion paint Ceiling type air-conditioner Two telephone data points, TV outlet and Video phone




Entrance Cornice / Base board

Fire resisting high quality door & Digital doorlock White painted cornice Base board with wrapping wood-look PVC decoration vinyl sheet


PVC window frame fixed with double glazing glass as per Vietnamese Standard for high rise building


Intercom phone system with color video display in living room, kitchen and connecting to the main entrance CCTV security cameras in all lifts and strategic common area Broadband network and Cable TV to be reserved for the connection of broadband services available at a fee Electrical accessories and socket outlets in all rooms, all cables in concealed conduits

Broadband & Cable TV Electricity Utility Room

Electronic hanging clothes dryer

LPG supply

Centralized LP Gas point in kitchen connected to cooker

Water supply Meters

Copper water pipes for hot water Separate meters for water and electricity in each unit, separate LP gas meter in each unit




Due Date




Within Two (02) weeks After signing the Contract

___________% of the Apartment Value


1st Installment

By the date of ___/___/_______ (Date / Month / Year)

___________% of the Apartment Value


2nd Installment

By the date of ___/___/_______ (Date / Month / Year)

___________% of the Apartment Value


3rd Installment

By the date of ___/___/_______ (Date / Month / Year)

___________% of the Apartment Value


4th Installment

By the date of ___/___/_______ (Date / Month / Year)

___________% of the Apartment Value


5th Installment

By the date of ___/___/_______ (Date / Month / Year)

___________% of the Apartment Value


6th Installment

By the date of ___/___/_______ (Date / Month / Year)

___________% of the Apartment Value


7th Installment

Within Two (02) weeks Before the Apartment handover

___________% of the Apartment Value plus VAT






Apartment No. _____________ - Blooming Park

To: Attn:

KIEN A INVESTMENT & SERVICES LTD. Lot No.5, An Phu Ward, District 2, HCMC Tel: (08)7406688 / Fax: (08)7406949 Email: Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Title: _____________________________________________________________________

Re: Request for Contract Transfer Dear Sir, Name:___________________________________________________________________________ ID Card/Passport/Business Registration/Investment License No.: ___________________________ Issued by _____________________________________ Dated ___________________________ Address : __________________________________________________________________ Telephone No. : _________________________________________________________________ Represented by : _________________________________________________________________ I/we entered into the Sales Contract (“Contract”) No. ________________________________ dated _____________ in respect of Apartment No. ___________________ of the Blooming Park. I/we would like to request KIEN A INVESTMENT & SERVICES LTD. to approve the transfer of my/our rights and obligations in respect of the Contract to: Name: __________________________________________________________________________ ID Card/Passport/Business Registration/Investment License No.: ___________________________ Issued by _________________________________ Dated ________________________________ Address : __________________________________________________________________ Telephone No. : _________________________________________________________________ Represented by : _________________________________________________________________ If KIEN A INVESTMENT & SERVICES LTD. approves the same, I/we undertake to strictly obey and comply with the provisions of the Contract regarding this transfer.

Yours faithfully,

Name: _______________________________



THIS ACKNOWLEDGEMEMT is made and entered into on _____________ by and between:

II. NAME: __________________________________________________________________ ID Card/Passport/Business Registration/Investment License No.: __________________________ Issued by ___________________________________ Dated _____________________________ Permanent address: _______________________________________________________________ Contact address : ________________________________________________________________ Tel : ________________________________________________________________________ Email : ________________________________________________________________________ (Hereinafter referred to as “Party B”) AND III. NAME : _________________________________________________________________ (Note: if this person married, the details of his/her spouse are required to be specified) ID Card/Passport/Business Registration/Investment License No. : ___________________________ Issued by ________________________________ Dated _________________________________ Address : _________________________________________________________________ Represented by : _________________________________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Transferee”) (hereinafter referred to individually as the “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”) Upon discussions and negotiations, the Parties agreed to enter into this Acknowledgement on the following terms and conditions: ARTICLE 1. CONTRACT TRANSFER 1.1

Party A hereby accepts the fact that Party B entirely transfers to the Transferee its Sales Contract No. ___________________________ dated ___________________ in respect of Apartment No. __________ of the Blooming Park (“Contract”). As a subsequence, the Transferee shall assume all rights, obligations and liabilities of Party B under the Contract from the signatories of this Acknowledgment.


From the signing date of this Acknowledgement, all rights and obligations of Party B in respect of the Apartment in accordance with the Contract shall be transferred from Party B to the Transferee entirely.


From the signing date of this Acknowledgement, except the undertakings and provisions of this Acknowledgement, Party B shall no longer be a party to the Contract.


I. KIEN A INVESTMENT & SERVICES LTD. Address : Lot No.5, An Phu Ward, District 2, HCMC Tel : (08)7406688 Fax : (08)7406949 Email : Represented by: Name: ___________________________________________________________ Title : ____________________________________________________________ (Hereinafter referred to as “Party A”)



The Parties hereby expressly undertake that: 2.1

Upon this Acknowledgement is signed, Party B shall pay Party A the fee of VND 8,000,000 for the transfer formalities to be carried out.

2.2 Party B shall transfer any and all originals as well as duplicates of contractual documents and receipts to the Transferee, including but not limited to: (a)

The Contract and its Appendix;


All receipts and/or invoices issued by Party A to Party B evidencing the fulfillment of _______ payment installments in accordance with Appendix 2 of the Contract; and


Any other contractual documents, writings, notices between Party A and Party B.


Party B shall, at its own expenses, pay for taxes, fees and charges arisen (if any) incurred from such a transfer.


All advanced sums that have been paid by Party B to Party A under the Contract shall not be refunded to Party B, but shall be carried forward to the Transferee.


Save for the payments in Article 2.2, Article 2.3 and Article 2.4 herein, Party A will be free from any liabilities and financial obligations arising from the transfer between Party B and the Transferee.

2.6 Upon signing of this Acknowledgement, Party A and the Transferee shall enter into a new Sales Contract which will supersede the Contract entirely. 2.7 The parties shall strictly comply with all provisions of this Acknowledgement.

ARTICLE 3. GENERAL PROVISIONS 3.1 This Acknowledgement shall be incorporated into the Contract. 3.2 This Acknowledgement shall come into force and effect from its signing date as set out at the beginning of the Acknowledgement. 3.3

This Acknowledgement is made into four (04) original sets of Vietnamese and English originals. Each of Party B and the Transferee shall retain one (01) set, and Party A shall retain two (02) sets. In case of discrepancies between the two versions, the English version shall prevail.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THIS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF CONTRACT TRANSFER is executed by the Parties as of the day and year first above written.

Name: _____________________________ Title: _______________________________

For and on behalf of Party B

Name: _____________________________

For and on behalf of the Transferee

Name: _____________________________


For and on behalf of Party A



Vôùi Blooming Park, baïn khoâng chæ sôû höõu moät “ngoâi nhaø môùi” maø coøn böôùc vaøo moät khoâng gian cuûa “ñaúng caáp vaø phong caùch thöôïng löu”, moät khoâng gian soáng hieän ñaïi maø vaãn haøi hoøa vôùi thieân nhieân!

HÔÏP ÑOÀNG MUA BAÙN Caên hoä Soá ________________ - Blooming Park


Hôïp Ñoàng Mua Baùn (“Hôïp Ñoàng”) naøy ñöôïc laäp vaøo ngaøy ______________________________ taïi ____________________________ giöõa caùc beân sau ñaây:

COÂNG TY TNHH ÑAÀU TÖ VAØ DÒCH VUÏ KIEÁN AÙ Giaáy Chöùng nhaän Ñaàu tö soá: 411022000101 do UÛy Ban Nhaân Daân Tp. Hoà Chí Minh caáp ngaøy 07/8/2007 Ñòa chæ : Loâ 5, phöôøng An Phuù, quaän 2, TP. Hoà Chí Minh Ñieän thoaïi : (08)7406688 Fax : (08)7406949 Email : Ñaïi dieän bôûi: Hoï teân: __________________________________________________________ Chöùc vuï: __________________________________________________________ (Sau ñaây goïi laø “Beân A”) VAØ Hoï teân _________________________________________________________________________ CMND/Hoä chieáu/Giaáy chöùng nhaän ñaêng kyù kinh doanh/Giaáy chöùng nhaän ñaàu tö soá: ____________________________ do _______________________ caáp ngaøy _________________ Ñòa chæ cö truù : _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Ñòa chæ lieân laïc : _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Ñieän thoaïi : __________________________ Di ñoäng: ______________________________ Email : _________________________________________________________________ Hoï teân _________________________________________________________________________ CMND/Hoä chieáu/Giaáy chöùng nhaän ñaêng kyù kinh doanh/Giaáy chöùng nhaän ñaàu tö soá: ____________________________ do _______________________ caáp ngaøy _________________ Ñòa chæ cö truù : _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Ñòa chæ lieân laïc : _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Ñieän thoaïi : __________________________ Di ñoäng: ______________________________ Email : _________________________________________________________________ (Sau ñaây goïi laø “Beân B”) Xeùt raèng: (I)

Beân A laø moät coâng ty coù chöùc naêng kinh doanh baát ñoäng saûn, ñang trieån khai Blooming Park taïi Loâ 5, phöôøng An Phuù, quaän 2, TP. Hoà Chí Minh bao goàm caùc caên hoä cao caáp ñöôïc thieát keá ñaït tieâu chuaån quoác teá.


Beân B ñaõ tìm hieåu vaø xem xeùt hieän traïng cuõng nhö giaáy tôø phaùp lyù cuûa Caên Hoä (ñöôïc moâ taû chi tieát taïi Phuï Luïc 1 cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng naøy) thuoäc Blooming Park.

(III) Caùc Beân coù ñuû naêng löïc taøi chính cuõng nhö ñuû ñieàu kieän theo quy ñònh phaùp luaät ñeå kyù keát




“Caên Hoä” laø caên hoä soá ____________ ñang ñöôïc xaây döïng trong Blooming Park cuûa Beân A vaø seõ ñöôïc hoaøn thieän tröôùc ngaøy 31 thaùng 10 naêm 2010 vôùi caùc chi tieát kyõ thuaät vaø ñaëc ñieåm nhö ñöôïc lieät keâ taïi Phuï Luïc 1 ñính keøm cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng naøy.


“Blooming Park” laø toøa nhaø cao taàng taïi Loâ 5, phöôøng An Phuù, quaän 2, TP. Hoà Chí Minh goàm caùc caên hoä cao caáp ñeå baùn vaø cho thueâ.


“Hôïp Ñoàng” laø Hôïp Ñoàng Mua Baùn vaø taát caû caùc phuï luïc ñính keøm cuõng nhö moïi söûa ñoåi, boå sung baèng vaên baûn ñoái vôùi Hôïp Ñoàng do caùc Beân laäp vaø kyù vaøo töøng thôøi ñieåm.


“Caùc Chi Tieát Kyõ Thuaät vaø Ñaëc Ñieåm Caên Hoä” laø caùc chi tieát kyõ thuaät vaø ñaëc ñieåm cuûa Caên Hoä nhö ñöôïc neâu cuï theå taïi Phuï Luïc 1 ñính keøm theo Hôïp Ñoàng naøy vaø moïi söûa ñoåi, boå sung baèng vaên baûn lieân quan do Beân A laäp vaø quyeát ñònh hoaëc theo quy ñònh cuûa Ñieàu 9.7.


“Giaù Baùn” laø giaù treân moät meùt vuoâng cuûa Caên Hoä ñöôïc quy ñònh taïi Ñieàu 3 cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng naøy.


“Giaù Trò Caên Hoä” laø toång giaù tieàn cuûa Caên Hoä tính baèng Giaù Baùn nhaân vôùi dieän tích cuûa Caên Hoä ñöôïc xaùc ñònh nhö trong Phuï Luïc 1 ñính keøm theo ñaây.


“Ngaøy Hoaøn Thieän Döï Kieán” laø ngaøy 31 thaùng 10 naêm 2010 khi vieäc xaây döïng Caên Hoä ñöôïc döï kieán seõ hoaøn taát.


“Ngaøy Baøn Giao Caên Hoä” laø ngaøy Caên Hoä thöïc teá ñöôïc baøn giao theo quy ñònh taïi Ñieàu 4.2 cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng naøy.


“Thôøi Gian AÂn Haïn” laø giai ñoaïn 6 thaùng tröôùc hoaëc sau Ngaøy Hoaøn Thieän Döï Kieán.


“Giaáy Chöùng Nhaän Quyeàn Sôû Höõu Caên Hoä” laø giaáy chöùng nhaän quyeàn sôû höõu Caên Hoä ñöôïc cô quan coù thaåm quyeàn cuûa thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh caáp cho Beân B theo Hôïp Ñoàng naøy vaø theo phaùp luaät Vieät Nam.


“Söï Kieän Baát Khaû Khaùng” laø moät trong caùc tröôøng hôïp quy ñònh taïi Ñieàu 11 cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng naøy;


“Noäi Quy Cao OÁc” laø nhöõng nguyeân taéc noäi boä chung cuûa Blooming Park ñöôïc Ban Quaûn Lyù soaïn thaûo.


“Ban Quaûn Lyù” laø ban quaûn lyù seõ ñöôïc Beân A laäp neân hoaëc chæ ñònh ñeå ñieàu haønh Blooming Park khi noù ñöôïc ñöa vaøo söû duïng;


1.1 Tröø khi ngöõ caûnh coù yeâu caàu khaùc ñi, caùc töø vaø cuïm töø döôùi ñaây seõ coù yù nghóa nhö sau:


1.2 Tröø khi caùc ngöõ caûnh hoaëc caùc quy ñònh cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng naøy coù yeâu caàu khaùc ñi: (a)

Moïi tham chieáu ñeán Ñieàu vaø Phuï Luïc laø caùc tham chieáu ñeán Ñieàu vaø Phuï luïc cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng naøy;


Caùc töø soá ít cuõng coù nghóa laø soá nhieàu vaø ngöôïc laïi; vaø


Daãn chieáu ñeán Beân hoaëc Caùc Beân seõ ñöôïc hieåu laø daãn chieáu ñeán Beân ñoù hoaëc Caùc Beân ñoù vaø ngöôøi keá nhieäm hoaëc thay theá; vaø


Daãn chieáu ñeán moät ngöôøi hoaëc moät beân thöù ba seõ ñöôïc hieåu laø daãn chieáu ñeán caù nhaân hoaëc phaùp nhaân ñöôïc thaønh laäp döôùi baát kyø hình thöùc naøo vaø ngöôøi thöøa keá hoaëc keá nhieäm.



Beân A ñoàng yù baùn vaø Beân B ñoàng yù mua Caên Hoä taïi Blooming Park theo caùc ñieàu khoaûn vaø ñieàu kieän cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng naøy. ÑIEÀU 3. 3.1


Giaù Baùn seõ laø ____________________________________ VND (baèng chöõ: ____________ __________________________________________________________________________ ) vaø Giaù Trò Caên Hoä seõ laø _____________________________VND (baèng chöõ: ____________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________) ñöôïc Beân B thanh toaùn cho Beân A theo Phuï Luïc 2 ñính keøm theo ñaây.

3.2 Giaù Baùn khoâng bao goàm: (a)

Thueá giaù trò gia taêng


Leä phí tröôùc baï, leä phí haønh chính, phí coâng chöùng hoaëc caùc khoaûn phí, leä phí khaùc, caùc khoaûn thueá maø Beân B phaûi traû cho Nhaø Nöôùc Vieät Nam vaø caùc khoaûn thanh toaùn khaùc lieân quan ñeán vieäc mua baùn Caên Hoä giöõa caùc Beân vaø thuû tuïc haønh chính khaùc ñeå nhaän ñöôïc Giaáy Chöùng Nhaän Quyeàn Sôû Höõu Caên Hoä theo Hôïp Ñoàng naøy vaø phaùp luaät Vieät Nam.


Phí baûo trì vaø quaûn lyù haøng thaùng theo Ñieàu 7.4, phí söû duïng tieän ích chung, chi phí thu doïn raùc, ñieän, nöôùc, v.v. ñoái vôùi Caên Hoä nhö seõ ñöôïc quy ñònh trong Noäi Quy Cao OÁc.


Giaù cuûa Caùc Khoaûn Hôïp Ñoàng Rieâng Bieät khoâng coù trong Phuï Luïc 1.

3.3 Moïi khoaûn chuyeån tieàn, thanh toaùn maø Beân B phaûi traû cho Beân A theo Hôïp Ñoàng naøy seõ ñöôïc thöïc hieän baèng moät trong hai caùch sau: (a)

Noäp tieàn maët taïi ñòa chæ Beân A chæ ñònh. Bieân nhaän tieàn do Beân A phaùt haønh chæ coù giaù trò khi coù ñaày ñuû chöõ kyù cuûa ñaïi dieän theo phaùp luaät hoaëc ngöôøi ñöôïc uûy quyeàn vaø ñöôïc ñoùng daáu cuûa Beân A


Chuyeån khoaûn vaøo taøi khoaûn ngaân haøng cuûa Beân A vôùi chi tieát nhö sau:



4.1 Tröø khi coù quy ñònh khaùc ñi cuûa Caùc Beân, Caên Hoä coù theå ñöôïc baøn giao cho Beân B trong Thôøi Gian AÂn Haïn vôùi ñieàu kieän (a)

Giaù Trò Caên Hoä ñaõ ñöôïc Beân B traû xong cho Beân A (nghóa laø ñôït thanh toaùn thöù 7 ñaõ ñöôïc thöïc hieän); vaø


Beân B thöïc hieän xong taát caû caùc nghóa vuï taøi chính vaø thueá vaø nhöõng khoaûn phí, leä phí lieân quan theo Hôïp Ñoàng naøy vaø caùc quy ñònh, tröø nhöõng nghóa vuï taøi chính phaùt sinh theâm töø Ñieàu 4.6 vaø Ñieàu 4.7 (neáu coù).


Ít nhaát 15 ngaøy tröôùc khi Caên Hoä ñöôïc baøn giao, Beân A seõ thoâng baùo baèng vaên baûn veà vieäc baøn giao Caên Hoä cho Beân B coù ghi cuï theå ngaøy baøn giao. Caên Hoä, tröø tröôøng hôïp ñöôïc Caùc Beân ñoàng yù khaùc ñi, seõ ñöôïc baøn giao cho Beân B döôùi söï chöùng kieán cuûa Beân B vaø ngöôøi ñöôïc uûy quyeàn cuûa Beân A. Vieäc baøn giao naøy seõ ñöôïc Beân B vaø ngöôøi ñöôïc uûy quyeàn cuûa Beân A laäp bieân baûn. Ngaøy Baøn Giao Caên Hoä laø ngaøy bieân baûn ñöôïc laäp.


Tröø tröôøng hôïp coù söï ñoàng yù baèng vaên baûn cuûa Beân A, trong tröôøng hôïp Beân B vì baát keå lyù do gì, khoâng nhaän Caên Hoä nhö quy ñònh trong thoâng baùo taïi Ñieàu 4.2, Ngaøy Baøn Giao Caên Hoä seõ laø ngaøy baøn giao ñöôïc neâu cuï theå trong thoâng baùo vaø Beân B seõ chaáp nhaän tình traïng Caên Hoä ñaõ ñöôïc baøn giao nhö theá maø khoâng ñöôïc töø choái hoaëc khieáu naïi gì.


Caên Hoä vôùi caùc Chi Tieát Kyõ Thuaät vaø Ñaëc Ñieåm seõ ñöôïc baøn giao theo caên cöù xaùc nhaän cuûa Ñieàu 4.1 hoaëc söï thoûa thuaän baèng vaên baûn cuûa Caùc Beân. Caùc Beân ñoàng yù laø dieän tích thöïc teá cuûa Caên Hoä seõ ñöôïc baøn giao cho Beân B coù theå khaùc dieän tích Caên Hoä ñöôïc quy ñònh trong Phuï Luïc 1 cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng naøy vôùi möùc cheânh leäch khoâng vöôït quaù ±2%.


Trong tröôøng hôïp möùc cheânh leäch cuûa dieän tích Caên Hoä vöôït quaù ±2% so vôùi dieän tích ñöôïc quy ñònh trong Phuï Luïc 1, Beân B coù quyeàn töø choái nhaän Caên Hoä baèng vaên baûn vaø ñöôïc hoaøn traû laïi toaøn boä soá tieàn Beân A ñaõ nhaän sau khi caán tröø caùc khoaûn phaït hôïp ñoàng maø Beân B phaûi chòu. Beân A ñoàng yù traû cho Beân B tieàn laõi ñoái vôùi soá tieàn hoaøn traû cho Beân B vôùi tyû leä laõi suaát göûi kyø haïn 12 thaùng cuûa Ngaân haøng Woori taïi thôøi ñieåm hoaøn traû tieàn vaø khoâng muoän hôn 60 ngaøy keå töø Ngaøy Baøn Giao Caên Hoä.


Tröôøng hôïp möùc cheânh leäch giöõa dieän tích thöïc teá cuûa Caên Hoä vaø dieän tích quy ñònh taïi Phuï Luïc 1 nhö Ñieàu 4.4 hoaëc Ñieàu 4.5 ñöôïc Caùc Beân chaáp thuaän, khi ñoù Giaù Trò Caên Hoä seõ ñöôïc hieäu chænh treân cô sôû dieän tích thöïc teá theo coâng thöùc sau:

Giaù Trò Caên Hoä Ñaõ Ñöôïc Ñieàu Chænh = Giaù Baùn * dieän tích thöïc teá vôùi ñieàu kieän Giaù Baùn ñöôïc tính treân cô sôû Ñieàu 3.1.


Chuû taøi khoaûn : INVESKIA LTD. Soá taøi khoaûn : DDA912048822 Ngaân haøng : WOORI BANK–Chi nhaùnh thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh Ñòa chæ : Phoøng 1808, Sun Wah Tower, 115 Nguyeãn Hueä, Quaän 1, thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh, Vieät Nam



Baát kyø söï khaùc bieät naøo giöõa Giaù Trò Caên Hoä vaø Giaù Trò Caên Hoä ñaõ ñöôïc hieäu chænh seõ ñöôïc Caùc Beân giaûi quyeát trong phaïm vi 60 ngaøy tröôùc khi Giaáy Chöùng Nhaän Quyeàn Sôû Höõu Caên Hoä ñöôïc chuyeån ñeán cho Beân B nhö Ñieàu 4.9.

4.8 Quyeàn Sôû Höõu Caên Hoä:

Ngay khi Caên Hoä ñöôïc baøn giao theo Ñieàu 4.1, Ñieàu 4.2, Ñieàu 4.3, Ñieàu 4.4, Ñieàu 4.6 vaø Ñieàu 4.7 phía treân, Beân B seõ ñöôïc chuyeån quyeàn sôû höõu Caên Hoä theo moâ taû taïi Phuï Luïc 1. Beân B ñoàng yù raèng dieän tích Caên Hoä quy ñònh taïi Phuï Luïc 1 coù theå coù söï khaùc bieät so vôùi dieän tích ñöôïc caáp trong Giaáy Chöùng Nhaän Quyeàn Sôû Caên Hoä do vieäc baøn giao Caên Hoä thöïc teá vaø/hoaëc caùch xaùc ñònh cuûa cô quan nhaø nöôùc coù thaåm quyeàn. Ngoaøi ra, Beân B coù quyeàn söû duïng ñoái vôùi phaàn dieän tích chung cuûa Blooming Park.

4.9 Giaáy Chöùng Nhaän Quyeàn Sôû Höõu Caên Hoä:

Vaøo Ngaøy Baøn Giao Caên Hoä, Beân B seõ cung caáp cho Beân A ñaày ñuû giaáy tôø caàn thieát ñeå Beân A tieán haønh thuû tuïc theo quy ñònh cuûa phaùp luaät ñeå cô quan nhaø nöôùc coù thaåm quyeàn caáp Giaáy Chöùng Nhaän Quyeàn Sôû Höõu Caên Hoä cho Beân B. Beân A seõ chæ giao Giaáy Chöùng Nhaän Quyeàn Sôû Höõu Caên Hoä cho Beân B sau khi taát caû nghóa vuï taøi chính cuûa Beân B theo Hôïp Ñoàng naøy ñaõ ñöôïc thöïc hieän xong. Giaáy chöùng nhaän quyeàn söû duïng ñaát lieân quan vôùi Hôïp Ñoàng naøy seõ ñöôïc thöïc hieän theo quy ñònh phaùp luaät.



5.1 Tröôøng hôïp Beân A coá yù giao Caên Hoä cho Beân B muoän hôn Thôøi Gian AÂn Haïn, Beân A seõ phaûi traû cho Beân B tieàn laõi vôùi möùc laõi suaát 0,015%/ngaøy cho toång soá tieàn Beân B ñaõ thanh toaùn cho Beân A tính töø ngaøy heát haïn cuûa Thôøi Gian AÂn Haïn cho ñeán thôøi ñieåm thöïc teá Caên Hoä ñöôïc baøn giao töø Beân A sang cho Beân B, tröø tröôøng hôïp söï chaäm treã laø do loãi cuûa Beân B hoaëc Tröôøng Hôïp Baát Khaû Khaùng theo Ñieàu 11. 5.2 Tröôøng hôïp vi phaïm keá hoaïch thanh toaùn, Beân B seõ phaûi traû cho Beân A tieàn laõi 0,015%/ ngaøy cuûa soá tieàn ñeán haïn bò chaäm traû tính töø ngaøy ñeán haïn cho ñeán ngaøy Beân A nhaän ñöôïc ñaày ñuû soá tieàn coøn thieáu maø ñaùng ra Beân B phaûi traû theo keá hoaïch thanh toaùn. 5.3

Baát keå Ñieàu 5.2 neâu treân, tröôøng hôïp Beân B khoâng thanh toaùn tieàn ñaët coïc theo Phuï Luïc 2, Beân A coù quyeàn chaám döùt Hôïp Ñoàng.



6.1 Sau ñôït thanh toaùn laàn thöù 2 Giaù Trò Caên Hoä vaø tröôùc khi Giaáy Chöùng Nhaän Quyeàn Sôû Höõu Caên Hoä ñöôïc caáp cho Beân B, Beân B coù quyeàn chuyeån nhöôïng caùc quyeàn cuûa mình ñoái vôùi Caên Hoä theo Hôïp Ñoàng naøy cho beân thöù ba coù ñuû naêng löïc taøi chính cuõng nhö ñuû ñieàu kieän theo quy ñònh phaùp luaät Vieät Nam ñeå nhaän chuyeån nhöôïng naøy theo caùch thöùc: (a)

Tröôùc heát, Beân B phaûi göûi cho Beân A yeâu caàu baèng vaên baûn veà vieäc mong muoán chuyeån nhöôïng Hôïp Ñoàng cho beân thöù ba;

Beân A coù quyeàn töø choái vieäc chuyeån nhöôïng ñöôïc ñeà caäp trong ñoaïn (a) neáu Beân A coù lyù do hôïp lyù ñeå nghi ngôø raèng beân thöù ba ñoù khoâng ñuû ñieàu kieän nhaän chuyeån nhöôïng nhö quy ñònh cuûa phaùp luaät Vieät Nam ñoái vôùi vieäc sôû höõu hay cho thueâ Caên Hoä, hoaëc khoâng coù khaû naêng ñeå tieáp tuïc thanh toaùn theo Hôïp Ñoàng naøy (neáu coù).


Trong tröôøng hôïp Beân A ñoàng yù vieäc chuyeån nhöôïng naøy, toaøn boä quyeàn vaø nghóa vuï cuûa Beân B seõ ñöôïc chuyeån cho beân thöù ba khi Beân A, Beân B vaø beân thöù ba lieân quan cuøng kyù phuï luïc ghi nhaän söï ñoàng yù chuyeån nhöôïng naøy vaø phuï luïc naøy seõ trôû thaønh phaàn khoâng theå thieáu cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng. Taát caû caùc khoaûn thanh toaùn Beân B ñaõ traû cho Beân A seõ khoâng ñöôïc traû hoaøn laïi, nhöng ñöôïc tính vaøo tieàn thanh toaùn cho beân thöù ba ñoù;


Beân B phaûi traû cho Beân A moät khoaûn phí laø 8.000.000 ñoàng vaø taát caû caùc phí/leä phí haønh chính khaùc theo quy ñònh cuûa phaùp luaät Vieät Nam cho moãi laàn chuyeån nhöôïng cho beân thöù ba.

6.2 Sau khi Caên Hoä ñaõ ñöôïc baøn giao cho Beân B vaø taát caû nghóa vuï taøi chính cuûa Beân B ñaõ ñöôïc thöïc hieän theo Ñieàu 4, Beân B coù theå cho thueâ hoaëc theá chaáp Caên Hoä theo quy ñònh cuûa phaùp luaät Vieät Nam. ÑIEÀU 7.


7.1 Beân A baèng chi phí cuûa mình thöïc hieän vieäc baûo haønh Caên Hoä theo thôøi gian nhö sau:



Trong thôøi gian 60 thaùng keå töø Ngaøy Baøn Giao Caên Hoä ñoái vôùi caùc haïng muïc thuoäc keát caáu Caên Hoä; vaø


Trong thôøi gian 12 thaùng keå töø Ngaøy Baøn Giao Caên Hoä ñoái vôùi noäi thaát cuûa Caên Hoä ñöôïc ñeà caäp trong Phuï Luïc 1.

Trong thôøi haïn baûo haønh quy ñònh taïi Ñieàu 7.1 noùi treân, Beân B coù nghóa vuï thoâng baùo cho Beân A trong voøng 10 ngaøy keå töø ngaøy Beân B phaùt hieän nhöõng sai soùt, hö hoûng, khieám khuyeát cuûa Caên Hoä ñoàng thôøi thöïc hieän moïi bieän phaùp hôïp lyù coù theå ñeå haïn cheá thieät haïi phaùt sinh töø nhöõng sai soùt, hö hoûng, khieám khuyeát naøy. Neáu Beân B chaäm thoâng baùo hoaëc khoâng thöïc hieän nhöõng bieän phaùp hôïp lyù coù theå nhaèm haïn cheá thieät haïi phaùt sinh, thì Beân A coù quyeàn giaûm bôùt traùch nhieäm baûo haønh töông öùng.

7.3 Phaïm vi baûo haønh khoâng bao goàm caùc thieät haïi, hö hoûng laø keát quaû cuûa caùc nguyeân nhaân sau:



do söû duïng baát caån, hoaëc sai chöùc naêng cuûa Beân B ñoái vôùi Caên Hoä;


do söûa chöõa, thay ñoåi chöùc naêng, muïc ñích söû duïng ñoái vôùi Caên Hoä maø khoâng coù söï chaáp thuaän tröôùc cuûa Beân A; hoaëc


nhöõng thieät haïi khaùc khoâng phaùt sinh do loãi coá yù cuûa Beân A.

Caên Hoä seõ ñöôïc baûo trì bôûi Beân A vaø Ban Quaûn Lyù phuø hôïp vôùi phaùp luaät Vieät Nam vaø Noäi Quy Cao OÁc.






Trong Thôøi haïn cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng, Beân A seõ coù caùc quyeàn vaø nghóa vuï sau: 8.1 8.2


Xaây döïng Blooming Park vaø Caên Hoä cuøng vôùi nhöõng tieän ích chung ñuùng nhö thieát keá ñaõ ñöôïc duyeät vaø yeâu caàu chaát löôïng vaø caùc ñieàu kieän vaø ñieàu khoaûn cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng naøy; UÛy quyeàn cho nhaân vieân theo doõi vaø giaûi quyeát caùc vaán ñeà naûy sinh trong quaù trình Caùc Beân thöïc hieän Hôïp Ñoàng naøy; Coù quyeàn nhaän Giaù Trò Caên Hoä vaø caùc khoaûn thanh toaùn khaùc (neáu coù) töø Beân B vaø taát caû nhöõng quyeàn vaø lôïi ích khaùc cuûa mình theo Hôïp Ñoàng naøy vaø theo Noäi Quy Cao OÁc;

8.4 Baøn giao Caên Hoä ñuùng thôøi haïn quy ñònh taïi Ñieàu 4 cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng naøy; 8.5 Thay maët Beân B laøm thuû tuïc caàn thieát ñeà nghò caáp Giaáy Chöùng Nhaän Quyeàn Sôû Höõu Caên Hoä cho Beân B; 8.6 Thaønh laäp Ban Quaûn Lyù, ban haønh Noäi Quy Cao OÁc vaø cung caáp caùc dòch vuï quaûn lyù cho Blooming Park; vaø 8.7 Caùc quyeàn vaø nghóa vuï khaùc döôùi ñaây. ÑIEÀU 9.


Trong Thôøi haïn cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng, Beân B seõ coù caùc quyeàn vaø nghóa vuï sau: 9.1 Ñaûm baûo tö caùch phaùp lyù cuûa mình khi kyù keát Hôïp Ñoàng naøy; 9.2

Thanh toaùn cho Beân A nhanh choùng vaø ñaày ñuû theo quy ñònh taïi Phuï Luïc 2;


Nhaän Caên Hoä nhö phöông thöùc quy ñònh taïi Ñieàu 4;


Chòu hoaøn toaøn traùch nhieäm veà söû duïng Caên Hoä vaø tuaân thuû vaø thöïc hieän nghieâm tuùc Noäi Quy Caên Hoä;


Chòu traùch nhieäm mua vaø duy trì caùc baûo hieåm caàn thieát veà ruûi ro, hö haïi ñoái vôùi Caên Hoä vaø baûo hieåm traùch nhieäm daân söï theo quy ñònh cuûa phaùp luaät Vieät Nam;


Söû duïng Caên Hoä theo quy ñònh cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng naøy nhö thieát keá vaø coâng duïng cuûa noù, khoâng coù baát kyø söï söûa chöõa hoaëc xaây laïi ñoái vôùi Caên Hoä maø coù theå laøm sai leäch thieát keá ban ñaàu, aûnh höôûng xaáu ñeán caáu truùc vaø caùc tieän ích chung cuûa Blooming Park;


Coù quyeàn ñeà nghò Beân A ñoái vôùi Caùc Chi Tieát Kyõ Thuaät vaø Ñaëc Ñieåm Caên Hoä. Trong tröôøng hôïp naøy, Caùc Beân ñoàng yù laø: (a)

Nhöõng thay ñoåi veà Caùc Chi Tieát Kyõ Thuaät vaø Ñaëc Ñieåm Caên Hoä seõ chæ ñöôïc thöïc hieän neáu Beân A ñoàng yù. Beân A coù theå töø choái baát kyø thay ñoåi naøo ñoái vôùi Caùc Chi Tieát Kyõ Thuaät vaø Ñaëc Ñieåm Caên Hoä ñöôïc Beân B ñeà nghò neáu thay ñoåi ñoù, theo quan ñieåm cuûa Beân A, coù theå aûnh höôûng xaáu ñeán Caên Hoä, Blooming Park hoaëc vieäc xaây döïng, hoaøn thieän Blooming Park; vaø


Trong tröôøng hôïp Beân A ñoàng yù vôùi nhöõng thay ñoåi Caùc Chi Tieát Kyõ Thuaät vaø Ñaëc Ñieåm Caên Hoä theo ñeà nghò cuûa Beân B, Caùc Beân seõ phaûi kyù keát moät phuï luïc môùi ñeå söûa ñoåi Phuï Luïc 1 cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng naøy vaø cuõng xaùc ñònh: Möùc taêng hay giaûm cuûa Giaù Trò Caên Hoä do söï thay ñoåi (neáu coù) vaø phöông thöùc giaûi quyeát ñoái vôùi vieäc taêng hay giaûm naøy; vaø


Gia haïn thôøi gian baøn giao Caên Hoä taïi Ñieàu 4 (neáu coù)


Hôïp taùc, cung caáp vaø kyù moïi giaáy tôø caàn thieát, trình dieän cô quan nhaø nöôùc khi ñöôïc yeâu caàu ñeå Beân A coù theå thöïc hieän caùc thuû tuïc xin caáp Giaáy Chöùng Nhaän Quyeàn Sôû Höõu Caên Hoä cho Beân B;


Ñaûm baûo cho Beân A ñöôïc mieãn tröø traùch nhieäm ñoái vôùi caùc tranh chaáp, khieáu kieän cuûa beân thöù ba baát kyø lieân quan ñeán vieäc kyù keát vaø thöïc hieän Hôïp Ñoàng naøy cuûa Beân B. Trong quaù trình thöïc hieän Hôïp Ñoàng naøy, ñaûm baûo cho Beân A khoâng bò thieät haïi töø nhöõng tranh chaáp, khieáu kieän nhö vaäy; vaø

9.10 Coù caùc quyeàn vaø nghóa vuï khaùc nhö döôùi ñaây. ÑIEÀU 10.


10.1 Hôïp Ñoàng naøy coù hieäu löïc keå töø ngaøy kyù cho ñeán khi Beân B nhaän ñöôïc Giaáy Chöùng Nhaän Quyeàn Sôû Höõu Caên Hoä töø Beân A nhö Ñieàu 4. 10.2 Hôïp Ñoàng naøy seõ chaám döùt tröôùc thôøi haïn taïi Ñieàu 10.1 vôùi moät trong caùc tröôøng hôïp sau ñaây: (a)

Thoûa thuaän song phöông baèng vaên baûn giöõa Caùc Beân; hoaëc


Trong tröôøng hôïp quy ñònh taïi Ñieàu 4.5, Ñieàu 5.3 vaø Ñieàu 6; hoaëc


Baèng moät vaên baûn thoâng baùo tröôùc cuûa Beân A göûi cho Beân B trong tröôøng hôïp Beân B khoâng ñaûm baûo ñöôïc nhöõng ñieàu kieän caàn thieát nhö yeâu caàu cuûa phaùp luaät Vieät Nam trong vieäc mua Caên Hoä hoaëc khoâng thanh toaùn duø toaøn boä hay moät phaàn khoaûn tieàn cuûa ñôït thanh toaùn baát kyø naøo cuûa Giaù Trò Caên Hoä trong voøng 45 ngaøy keå töø ngaøy ñaùo haïn nhö quy ñònh taïi Phuï Luïc 2 cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng naøy.

Trong tröôøng hôïp naøy, ngoaøi khoaûn phaït hôïp ñoàng theo Ñieàu 5, Beân B coøn phaûi traû cho Beân A khoaûn boài thöôøng coá ñònh ít nhaát baèng 20% Giaù Trò Caên Hoä vaø cho baát kyø thieät haïi naøo cuûa Beân A phaùt sinh do vieäc vi phaïm cuûa Beân B. Ñeå traùnh söï nghi ngôø, Beân A coù theå caán tröø khoaûn phaït hôïp ñoàng, boài thöôøng thieät haïi hay nhöõng khoaûn tieàn khaùc maø Beân B phaûi traû cho Beân A theo Hôïp Ñoàng naøy (neáu coù) töø caùc khoaûn Beân B ñaõ traû tröôùc cho Beân A vaø traû laïi cho Beân B soá tieàn coøn laïi (neáu coù).


Baèng moät vaên baûn thoâng baùo tröôùc cuûa Beân B göûi cho Beân A neáu Beân A khoâng baøn giao Caên Hoä cho Beân B trong voøng 12 thaùng sau Thôøi Gian AÂn Haïn maø khoâng do loãi naøo cuûa Beân B hoaëc khoâng do Söï Kieän Baát Khaû Khaùng.




Trong tröôøng hôïp naøy, Beân A phaûi hoaøn traû laïi cho Beân B toaøn boä soá tieàn Beân B ñaõ thanh toaùn tröôùc cho Beân A coäng theâm tieàn laõi vôùi laõi suaát tieàn göûi kyø haïn 12 thaùng cuûa Ngaân haøng Woori taïi thôøi ñieåm hoaøn traû tieàn vaø khoâng muoän hôn 60 ngaøy keå töø ngaøy chaám döùt.

10.3 Taát caû nghóa vuï traû tieàn cuûa Beân naøy ñoái vôùi Beân kia theo Hôïp Ñoàng naøy seõ giöõ nguyeân giaù trò vaø tieáp tuïc raøng buoäc Beân kia keå caû trong tröôøng hôïp Hôïp Ñoàng bò chaám döùt vôùi baát kyø lyù do naøo cho ñeán khi thöïc hieän xong nghóa vuï thanh toaùn. ÑIEÀU 11.


11.1 Caùc söï kieän sau ñaây naèm ngoaøi khaû naêng kieåm soaùt cuûa moãi Beân ñöôïc xem laø söï kieän baát khaû khaùng: phaùp luaät quy ñònh hoaëc cô quan nhaø nöôùc coù thaåm quyeàn quyeát ñònh ngaên caám hoaëc haïn cheá khoâng xuaát phaùt töø haønh vi coù loãi cuûa Beân ñoù, baïo loaïn, chieán tranh, tình traïng khaån caáp quoác gia (duø ñöôïc tuyeân boá hay khoâng ñöôïc tuyeân boá), khuûng boá, phaù roái traät töï coâng coäng, ñình coâng, taåy chay, tröøng phaït, caám vaän, giao thoâng hoaëc caùc tieän ích chung khaùc bò ñình treä hoaëc bò giaùn ñoaïn, dòch beänh, hoûa hoaïn, luõ luït, ñoäng ñaát, baõo, hoaëc caùc tröôøng hôïp thieân tai khaùc hay söï kieän khaùc naèm ngoaøi khaû naêng kieåm soaùt hôïp lyù cuûa Beân ñoù. 11.2 Neáu moät trong caùc Beân khoâng theå thöïc hieän caùc nghóa vuï cuûa mình quy ñònh taïi Hôïp Ñoàng naøy do bò aûnh höôûng tröïc tieáp töø Söï Kieän Baát Khaû Khaùng, thì Beân ñoù phaûi thoâng baùo cho Beân coøn laïi bieát baèng vaên baûn trong voøng 07 ngaøy sau khi xaûy ra Söï Kieän Baát Khaû Khaùng ñoù vaø phaûi aùp duïng taát caû caùc bieän phaùp hôïp lyù ñeå giaûm thieåu thieät haïi. Neáu xaûy ra Söï Kieän Baát Khaû Khaùng, Beân bò aûnh höôûng tröïc tieáp khoâng phaûi chòu traùch nhieäm ñoái vôùi baát kyø thieät haïi, toån thaát maø Beân coøn laïi phaûi chòu do vieäc khoâng thöïc hieän hay chaäm treã thöïc hieän nghóa vuï cuûa Beân bò aûnh höôûng gaây ra. Ñeå traùnh tranh caõi, vieäc maát hoaëc khoâng coù khaû naêng thanh toaùn khoâng ñöôïc xem laø Söï Kieän Baát Khaû Khaùng. 11.3 Trong tröôøng hôïp caùc Beân ñoàng yù baèng vaên baûn, vieäc thöïc hieän nghóa vuï cuûa Beân bò aûnh höôûng tröïc tieáp coù theå ñöôïc trì hoaõn taïm thôøi trong thôøi gian xaûy ra Söï Kieän Baát Khaû Khaùng, vôùi ñieàu kieän laø caùc Beân phaûi noã löïc heát söùc ñeå baûo veä taøi saûn coù lieân quan vaø quyeàn lôïi hôïp phaùp cuûa Beân coøn laïi cuõng nhö khaéc phuïc nhöõng haäu quaû cuûa Söï Kieän Baát Khaû Khaùng. ÑIEÀU 12.


12.1 Moïi thoâng baùo, yeâu caàu, khieáu naïi hoaëc thö töø giao dòch .v.v. maø moät Beân göûi cho Beân kia phaûi ñöôïc laäp thaønh vaên baûn vaø göûi ñeán ñòa chæ cuûa caùc Beân nhö sau: Ñoái vôùi Beân A COÂNG TY TNHH ÑAÀU TÖ VAØ DÒCH VUÏ KIEÁN AÙ Loâ soá 5, phöôøng An Phuù, quaän 2, Tp. Hoà Chí Minh Ñieän thoaïi : (08) 740 6688 Fax : (08) 740 6949 Email : Ngöôøi nhaän : Hoï teân : _________________________________________________________ Chöùc vuï: _________________________________________________________

Ñoái vôùi Beân B Hoï teân : ________________________________________________________________ Ñòa chæ : ________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Ñieän thoaïi : __________________________ Di ñoäng: _____________________________ Email : ________________________________________________________________

12.2 Moïi thoâng baùo, yeâu caàu, khieáu naïi hoaëc thö töø giao dòch, v.v. xem nhö ñöôïc nhaän bôûi Beân coù lieân quan khi ñöôïc göûi (i) vaøo ngaøy göûi trong tröôøng hôïp thö giao taän tay ngöôøi coù traùch nhieäm nhaän thö cuûa Beân nhaän hoaëc (ii) vaøo ngaøy ngöôøi göûi nhaän ñöôïc baùo chuyeån fax thaønh coâng trong tröôøng hôïp göûi baèng fax hoaëc (iii) vaøo ngaøy thöù hai keå töø ngaøy ñoùng daáu böu ñieän göûi trong tröôøng hôïp thö chuyeån phaùt nhanh hoaëc thö baûo ñaûm. Trong tröôøng hôïp ngaøy nhaän truøng vaøo Chuû nhaät, ngaøy nghæ trong tuaàn, caùc ngaøy nghæ leã theo quy ñònh, thì thoâng baùo, yeâu caàu, khieáu naïi hoaëc thö töø giao dòch .v.v. ñoù ñöôïc xem laø ñöôïc Beân coù lieân quan nhaän vaøo ngaøy tieáp theo. 12.3 Trong tröôøng hôïp caùc Beân thay ñoåi thoâng tin neâu taïi Ñieàu 12.1 seõ phaûi thoâng baùo cho Beân kia bieát baèng vaên baûn. ÑIEÀU 13.


13.1 Hôïp Ñoàng naøy ñöôïc giaûi thích vaø ñieàu chænh theo phaùp luaät Vieät Nam. 13.2 Taát caû tranh chaáp phaùt sinh töø hoaëc lieân quan ñeán Hôïp Ñoàng naøy seõ ñöôïc giaûi quyeát thoâng qua thöông löôïng cuûa Caùc Beân. Trong tröôøng hôïp tranh chaáp khoâng theå giaûi quyeát ñöôïc trong voøng ba möôi (30) ngaøy keå töø ngaøy moät Beân thoâng baùo baèng vaên baûn cho Beân kia veà tranh chaáp, moãi Beân coù theå ñeà nghò Toøa aùn coù thaåm quyeàn cuûa thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh giaûi quyeát. ÑIEÀU 14.


14.1 Hôïp Ñoàng naøy cuøng taát caû caùc Phuï Luïc ñính keøm caáu thaønh toaøn boä Hôïp Ñoàng giöõa Caùc Beân vaø thay theá moïi thoûa thuaän hoaëc ghi nhôù tröôùc ñaây, duø baèng lôøi noùi hoaëc vaên baûn giöõa Caùc Beân, lieân quan ñeán noäi dung cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng naøy. 14.2 Caùc Beân seõ tuaân thuû nghieâm tuùc vaø thöïc hieän ñuùng Hôïp Ñoàng naøy. Trong tröôøng hôïp vi phaïm Hôïp Ñoàng, Beân vi phaïm phaûi chòu traùch nhieäm boài thöôøng thieät haïi cho Beân kia theo quy ñònh cuûa phaùp luaät Vieät Nam. 14.3 Moïi söûa ñoåi hoaëc boå sung Hôïp Ñoàng naøy vaø caùc Phuï Luïc ñính keøm chæ coù hieäu löïc thi haønh neáu ñöôïc laäp thaønh vaên baûn vaø ñöôïc caùc Beân kyù teân, ñoùng daáu ñaày ñuû. 14.4 Trong tröôøng hôïp coù baát kyø ñieàu khoaûn naøo cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng naøy bò cô quan nhaø nöôùc coù thaåm quyeàn hoaëc toøa aùn coù thaåm quyeàn tuyeân boá voâ hieäu thì: (a)

Caùc ñieàu khoaûn khaùc cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng naøy seõ khoâng bò aûnh höôûng bôûi vieäc tuyeân boá voâ hieäu ñoù vaø vaãn giöõ nguyeân hieäu löïc vaø raøng buoäc caùc Beân; vaø




Caùc beân seõ thoûa thuaän vaø thay theá ñieàu khoaûn voâ hieäu ñoù baèng ñieàu khoaûn môùi coù hieäu löïc theo phaùp luaät Vieät Nam vaø phuø hôïp ñeå caùc lôïi ích vaø quyeàn lôïi cuûa caùc Beân theo Hôïp Ñoàng naøy ñöôïc ñaûm baûo.

14.5 Hôïp Ñoàng naøy ñöôïc laäp thaønh ba (03) boä goác tieáng Anh vaø tieáng Vieät, coù giaù trò phaùp lyù nhö nhau. Beân B seõ giöõ moät (01) boä goác vaø Beân A seõ giöõ hai (02) boä goác. Trong tröôøng hôïp coù maâu thuaãn giöõa baûn tieáng Anh vaø tieáng Vieät, baûn tieáng Anh seõ ñöôïc öu tieân söû duïng.

HÔÏP ÑOÀNG MUA BAÙN naøy ñöôïc caùc Beân kyù vaøo ngaøy ñöôïc ñeà caäp ôû treân.

Thay maët vaø ñaïi dieän Beân A

Teân: _______________________________ Chöùc vuï: ___________________________

Thay maët vaø ñaïi dieän Beân B

Teân: ___________________________

Teân: ________________________



Xin xem baûn veõ ñính keøm



1. 2. 3. 4.



Soá Caên hoä Loaïi Caên hoä Dieän tích Khoái:



: : : :

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________ m2 (tæ leä sai bieät toái ña veà dieän tích : ±2%) __________Thaùp: _______ Taàng:________ Vò trí: _________


Moâ taû


Taám Vinyl hoaëc sôn coù ñoä boùng cao


Gaïch oáp töôøng baèng söù cao caáp


Gaïch men söù cao caáp


Traàn sôn nöôùc duøng sôn Byucksan


Tuû töôøng coù ñeøn chieáu saùng & taám vinyl coù ñoä boùng cao hoaëc sôn coù ñoä boùng cao hoaëc daùn giaáy coù ñoä boùng cao

Caùc chi tieát khaùc

Baøn caåm thaïch nhaân taïo Huùt thoâng gioù Beáp gas Thieát bò nghe nhìn ôû nhaø beáp


Moâ taû


Cöûa giaû goã boïc nhöïa PVC trang trí baèng taám Vinyl


Gaïch oáp töôøng baèng söù cao caáp


Gaïch men söù cao caáp


Traàn thaïch cao sôn nöôùc duøng sôn Byucksan

Boàn röûa

Beà maët boàn baèng ñaù ceramic hoaëc töông ñöông

Maùy nöôùc noùng

Maùy nöôùc noùng chaïy ñieän

Caùc chi tieát khaùc

Boàn taém baèng goám /acryal hoaëc töông ñöông Buoàng taém baèng kính cöôøng löïc Tuû Boàn veä sinh duøng ñieän (phoøng nguû chính)



Moâ taû


Cöûa giaû goã boïc nhöïa PVC trang trí baèng taám Vinyl


Töôøng sôn nöôùc Byucksan


Saøn choáng chaùy vaø choáng traày xöôùc


Töôøng sôn nöôùc Byucksan Maùy laïnh gaén aâm traàn


Tuû ñöïng quaàn aùo trong phoøng nguû chính vaø phoøng nguû phuï, baøn trang ñieåm trong phoøng thay ñoà

Caùc chi tieát khaùc

Ñaàu caém ñieän thoaïi noái maïng, ñaàu caém aêngten TV


Moâ taû


Töôøng giaû goã boïc nhöïa PVC trang trí baèng taám Vinyl & giaáy daùn töôøng coù ñoä boùng cao Töôøng sôn nöôùc Byucksan


Gaïch loùt saøn baèng söù cao caáp


Traàn sôn nöôùc Byucksan Maùy laïnh gaén aâm traàn

Caùc chi tieát khaùc

2 ñaàu caém ñieän thoaïi noái maïng, 1 ñaàu caém aêngten TV, ñieän thoaïi coù hình


Moâ taû

Cöûa vaøo

Cöûa baèng kim loaïi choáng chaùy vôùi caùc phuï kieän chaát löôïng cao ñi keøm vaø khoùa soá Sôn chæ traàn maøu traéng Len chaân töôøng giaû goã boïc nhöïa PVC trang trí baèng taám Vinyl

Chæ traàn/ oáp chaân töôøng Cöûa soå

Cöûa kính khung PVC vôùi kính ñoâi duøng cho nhaø cao taàng theo tieâu chuaån Vieät Nam

An ninh

Heä thoáng lieân laïc toång theå intercom coù maøn hình maøu ñaët ôû phoøng khaùch, beáp noái vôùi cöûa chính. Heä thoáng camera quan saùt ñaët ôû caùc thang maùy vaø khu vöïc coâng coäng quan troïng Heä thoáng internet vaø caùp truyeàn hình ñöôïc thieát keá ñeå keát noái vôùi ñöôøng truyeàn internet baêng thoâng roäng coù thu phí

Ñöôøng truyeàn internet baêng thoâng roäng vaø caùp TV Ñieän

Caùc phuï kieän vaø oå caém, ñaàu noái trong taát caû caùc phoøng, daây ñieän ñaët trong oáng gen ñi aâm töôøng

Phoøng phôi ñoà

Giaøn phôi quaàn aùo saáy khoâ baèng ñieän

Cung caáp gas

Heä thoáng caáp gas trung taâm seõ coù ñöôøng daãn ñaáu noái tröïc tieáp vaøo beáp naáu aên

Caáp nöôùc

OÁng caáp nöôùc noùng duøng oáng ñoàng

Ñoàng hoà ño

Ñoàng hoà nöôùc vaø ñieän rieâng cho moãi hoä. Ñoàng hoà gas rieâng cho moãi caên hoä



Thôøi gian vaø kyø haïn

Soá tieàn


Ñaët coïc

Trong voøng 2 tuaàn


sau khi kyù Hôïp ñoàng

Giaù Trò Caên Hoä


Ñôït 1

Tröôùc ngaøy:___/___/________ (Ngaøy/Thaùng/Naêm)



Ñôït 2

Tröôùc ngaøy:___/___/________ (Ngaøy/Thaùng/Naêm)


Ñôït 3

Tröôùc ngaøy:___/___/________ (Ngaøy/Thaùng/Naêm)


Ñôït 4

Tröôùc ngaøy:___/___/________ (Ngaøy/Thaùng/Naêm)


Ñôït 5

Tröôùc ngaøy:___/___/________ (Ngaøy/Thaùng/Naêm)


Ñôït 6

Tröôùc ngaøy:___/___/________ (Ngaøy/Thaùng/Naêm)


Ñôït 7

Trong voøng 2 tuaàn tröôùc khi baøn giao caên hoä

Giaù Trò Caên Hoä _____% Giaù Trò Caên Hoä _____% Giaù Trò Caên Hoä _____% Giaù Trò Caên Hoä _____% Giaù Trò Caên Hoä _____% Giaù Trò Caên Hoä _____% Giaù Trò Caên Hoä vaø thueá GTGT






Coâng ty TNHH Ñaàu tö vaø Dòch vuï Kieán AÙ Loâ 5, phöôøng An Phuù, Quaän 2, TP. Hoà Chí Minh Ñieän thoaïi : (08)7406688 / Fax: (08)7406949 Email : Hoï teân:____________________________________________________________ Chöùc vuï: __________________________________________________________

V/v: Ñeà nghò Chuyeån Nhöôïng Hôïp Ñoàng Kính göœi Quyù Coâng ty, Hoï teân __________________________________________________________________________ CMND/Hoä chieáu/Giaáy chöùng nhaän ñaêng kyù kinh doanh/Giaáy chöùng nhaän ñaàu tö soá: ________________________ do ________________________ caáp ngaøy ___________________ Ñòa chæ cö truù : _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Ñòa chæ lieân laïc : _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Ñieän thoaïi : __________________________ Di ñoäng: ______________________________ Email : _________________________________________________________________ Toâi/chuùng toâi ñaõ giao keát Hôïp Ñoàng Mua Baùn (“Hôïp Ñoàng”) soá _____________ ngaøy _____________ cho Caên Hoä soá _____________ taïi Blooming Park. Toâi/chuùng kính ñeà nghò Coâng ty TNHH Ñaàu tö vaø Dòch vuï Kieán AÙ ñoàng yù vieäc chuyeån nhöôïng caùc quyeàn vaø nghóa vuï cuûa toâi/chuùng toâi theo Hôïp Ñoàng cho: Hoï teân __________________________________________________________________________ CMND/Hoä chieáu/Giaáy chöùng nhaän ñaêng kyù kinh doanh/Giaáy chöùng nhaän ñaàu tö soá: ________________________ do __________________ caáp ngaøy _________________________ Ñòa chæ cö truù : _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Ñòa chæ lieân laïc : _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Ñieän thoaïi : __________________________ Di ñoäng: ______________________________ Email : _________________________________________________________________ Tröôøng hôïp Coâng ty TNHH Ñaàu tö vaø Dòch vuï Kieán AÙ ñoàng yù, toâi/chuùng toâi cam keát tuaân thuû vaø thöïc hieän ñuùng nhöõng quy ñònh cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng lieân quan ñeán vieäc chuyeån nhöôïng naøy. Traân troïng,

Hoï teân: ______________________________



Vaên Baûn Chaáp Thuaän naøy ñöôïc kyù keát bôûi caùc beân:

(II) Hoï teân ______________________________________________________________________ CMND/Hoä chieáu/Giaáy chöùng nhaän ñaêng kyù kinh doanh/Giaáy chöùng nhaän ñaàu tö soá: ________________________ do ________________________ caáp ngaøy ___________________ Ñòa chæ cö truù : _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Ñòa chæ lieân laïc : _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Ñieän thoaïi : __________________________ Di ñoäng: ______________________________ Email : _________________________________________________________________ (Sau ñaây goïi laø “Beân B”) Vaø (III) Hoï teân ______________________________________________________________________ (Ghi chuù: neáu caù nhaân ñaõ keát hoân thì phaûi ghi roõ chi tieát veà vôï/hoaëc choàng cuûa ngöôøi ñoù) CMND/Hoä chieáu/Giaáy chöùng nhaän ñaêng kyù kinh doanh/Giaáy chöùng nhaän ñaàu tö soá: ________________________ do ________________________ caáp ngaøy ___________________ Ñòa chæ cö truù : _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Ñòa chæ lieân laïc : _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Ñieän thoaïi : __________________________ Di ñoäng: ______________________________ Email : _________________________________________________________________ (Sau ñaây goïi laø “Beân Nhaän Chuyeån Nhöôïng”) (Sau ñaây goïi töøng beân rieâng bieät laø Beân vaø goïi chung taát caû laø Caùc Beân) Sau khi ñaøm phaùn vaø thöông löôïng, Caùc Beân ñoàng yù kyù keát Vaên Baûn Chaáp Thuaän naøy vôùi caùc ñieàu khoaûn vaø ñieàu kieän nhö sau: ÑIEÀU 1. CHUYEÅN NHÖÔÏNG HÔÏP ÑOÀNG 1.1

Beân A theo ñaây chaáp thuaän vieäc Beân B chuyeån nhöôïng cho Beân Nhaän Chuyeån Nhöôïng toaøn boä Hôïp Ñoàng Mua Baùn soá _______________________________ ngaøy ____________________ ñoái vôùi Caên Hoä soá __________________ taïi Blooming Park (“Hôïp Ñoàng”). Theo ñoù, Beân Nhaän Chuyeån Nhöôïng seõ tieáp nhaän taát caû quyeàn cuõng nhö nghóa vuï vaø traùch nhieäm cuûa Beân B theo Hôïp Ñoàng töø nhöõng beân kyù keát Vaên Baûn Chaáp Thuaän naøy.


(I) Coâng ty TNHH Ñaàu tö vaø Dòch vuï Kieán AÙ Giaáy Chöùng nhaän Ñaàu tö soá: 411022000101 do UÛy ban Nhaân daân TP. Hoà Chí Minh caáp ngaøy 07/8/2007 Ñòa chæ : Loâ 5, phöôøng An Phuù, quaän 2, TP. Hoà Chí Minh Ñieän thoaïi : (08)7406688 Fax : (08)7406949 Email : Ñaïi dieän bôûi: Hoï teân: __________________________________________________________ Chöùc vuï: __________________________________________________________ (Sau ñaây goïi laø “Beân A”)

Keå töø ngaøy kyù Vaên Baûn Chaáp Thuaän naøy, taát caû caùc quyeàn vaø nghóa vuï cuûa Beân B ñoái vôùi Caên Hoä theo Hôïp Ñoàng seõ ñöôïc chuyeån töø Beân B sang cho Beân Nhaän Chuyeån Nhöôïng.


Keå töø ngaøy kyù Vaên Baûn Chaáp Thuaän naøy, tröø nhöõng ñaûm baûo theo Vaên Baûn Chaáp Thuaän naøy, Beân B seõ khoâng coøn laø moät beân tham gia Hôïp Ñoàng nöõa.



ÑIEÀU 2. CAÙC ÑAÛM BAÛO Caùc Beân theo ñaây ñaûm baûo raèng: 2.1

Keå töø khi Vaên Baûn Chaáp Thuaän ñöôïc kyù, Beân B seõ traû cho Beân A soá tieàn phí baèng 8.000.000 ñoàng ñeå hoaøn taát caùc thuû tuïc caàn thieát.


Beân B seõ chuyeån taát caû caùc baûn chính cuõng nhö baûn sao cuûa caùc taøi lieäu veà hôïp ñoàng vaø caùc bieân nhaän sang cho Beân Nhaän Chuyeån Nhöôïng, bao goàm vaø khoâng haïn cheá vôùi: (a)

Hôïp Ñoàng vaø caùc Phuï Luïc cuûa noù;


Taát caû giaáy bieân nhaän vaø/hoaëc hoùa ñôn do Beân A phaùt haønh cho Beân B chöùng minh vieäc thöïc hieän xong ñôït thanh toaùn tieàn thöù ___ theo Phuï Luïc 2 cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng; vaø


Caùc taøi lieäu khaùc veà hôïp ñoàng, vaên baûn, thoâng baùo giöõa Beân A vaø Beân B.


Beân B, baèng chi phí cuûa mình, thanh toaùn thueá, phí vaø caùc leä phí (neáu coù) phaùt sinh töø vieäc chuyeån nhöôïng naøy.


Taát caû caùc khoaûn tieàn Beân B ñaõ thanh toaùn cho Beân A theo Hôïp Ñoàng seõ khoâng ñöôïc hoaøn traû cho Beân B nhöng seõ ñöôïc tính vaøo cho Beân Nhaän Chuyeån Nhöôïng.


Tröø nhöõng khoaûn thanh toaùn theo Ñieàu 2.2, Ñieàu 2.3 vaø Ñieàu 2.4 treân ñaây, Beân A hoaøn toaøn khoâng phaûi chòu traùch nhieäm hay nghóa vuï taøi chính naøo phaùt sinh trong vieäc chuyeån nhöôïng giöõa Beân B vaø Beân Nhaän Chuyeån Nhöôïng.


Keå töø khi kyù keát Vaên Baûn Chaáp Thuaän naøy, Beân A vaø Beân Nhaän Chuyeån Nhöôïng seõ kyù keát hôïp ñoàng mua baùn caên hoä môùi thay theá cho toaøn boä Hôïp Ñoàng Mua Baùn.


Caùc Beân seõ nghieâm tuùc tuaân thuû taát caû caùc quy ñònh cuûa Vaên Baûn Chaáp Thuaän naøy.


Vaên Baûn Chaáp Thuaän naøy seõ ñöôïc caáu thaønh laø moät boä phaän cuûa Hôïp Ñoàng.


Vaên Baûn Chaáp Thuaän naøy seõ coù hieäu löïc keå töø ngaøy kyù ñaõ neâu ngaøy ôû ñaàu cuûa Vaên Baûn Chaáp Thuaän.


Vaên Baûn Chaáp Thuaän naøy ñöôïc laäp thaønh boán (04) boä goác goàm caùc baûn goác tieáng Vieät vaø tieáng Anh. Beân B seõ giöõ moät (01) boä, Beân Nhaän Chuyeån Nhöôïng seõ giöõ moät (01) boä, Beân A seõ giöõ hai (02) boä. Trong tröôøng hôïp coù maâu thuaãn giöõa baûn tieáng Anh vaø tieáng Vieät, baûn tieáng Anh seõ ñöôïc öu tieân söû duïng.

TRÖÔÙC SÖÏ CHÖÙNG KIEÁN, VAÊN BAÛN CHAÁP THUAÄN CUÛA HÔÏP ÑOÀNG CHUYEÅN NHÖÔÏNG naøy ñöôïc Caùc Beân kyù vaøo ngaøy ñöôïc ñeà caäp ôû treân.

Hoï teân: ______________________________________ Chöùc vuï: __________________________________

Thay vaø Ñaïi dieän Beân B

Hoï teân: ______________________________________

Thay vaø Ñaïi dieän Beân Nhaän Chuyeån Nhöôïng

Hoï teân: ______________________________________


Thay vaø Ñaïi dieän Beân A


Nhaø ñaàu tö/Main Investor Nhaø maãu/Model House An Phu Ward, District 2, HCMC Tel: (84.8) 740 6688, Fax: (84.8) 740 6949 Showroom 5th Floor, Star Building, 33 Bis Mac Dinh Chi, District 1, HCMC Tel: (84.8) 291 4050, Fax: (84.8) 291 4055, Email:

BYUCKSAN E & C CO., Nhaø thaàu chính/Main Contractor


Thieát keá/Design Company

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