AIESEC in Jordan MC 16.17 Application Package

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AIESEC in Jordan MC 2016.2017 Application Booklet

Contents - Message from MCPe - MC life - Selection timeline - Job Descriptions - Final notes & recommendations

- About Jordan - Application package - MC structure - Questionnaire - Contacts

AIESEC in Jordan

Message from MCPe

Dear potential applicant, it’s with great pleasue and plenty of emotions that I’m writing these few lines. As MCP 2016.2017 of AIESEC in Jordan I can’t wait to see who wil be the great leaders that wil guide this Entity forward. By opening this booklet you already showed some of the features I’m looking for in my MCVPs, such as bravery and curiosity. Yes, because AIESEC in Jordan needs brave and curious people, that are ready to embrace every opportunity and every challenge, in order to unleash the outstanding potential that this Country has. Being MCVP has been so far the most impactful experience I had in my life. It has been a space where I’ve had the possibility to face every limit I have as a person and to fight daily in order to overcome them. It has been a space where every single step I was making was impacting me and hundreds of other people’s lives. It has been a space of growth and discovery. If you are ready to meet all of this and much more, if you are ready to go out from your confort zone, if you are ready to step up and make our organization closer to the achievement of its vision, if you are ready to make AIESEC in Jordan a role model for the network, then go through this booklet and start building the time that I promise being the dream time both for you and for this Entity. Good luck with everything, Marco Borgo - MCP AIESEC in Jordan 16.17

AIESEC in Jordan

About Jordan

Capital: Amman Official Language: Arabic. English is widely spoken among the youth Government: Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy Population: 9 531 712 (November 2015) Jordan is an Arab kingdom in Western Asia, on the East Bank of the Jordan River. Since the dawn of civilization, the country's location at the crossroads of the Middle East has served as a strategic nexus connecting Asia, Africa and Europe. Jordan is classified as a country of "high human development“ by the 2014 Human Development Report, and it has an "upper middle income" economy, which registered a costant growth in the last years Finally, it is a very rich country when it comes to cultural heritage, but that’s not the only thing that makes this Country interesting. You’l find yourself immersed in a very welcoming culture, where people are genuinely nice and the unexplored landscapes are simply breathtaking. Be prepared to not only experience the Country but also to truly love it.

AIESEC in Jordan

MC life

Calendar The MC term starts on July 1st, 2016, and ends on June 30th, 2017

Working conditions Working days are from Sunday to Thursday, start at 10:00 AM and end at 6 PM. Financial conditions The MC salary is currently 80 JDs for full time MC VPs and 40 JDs for MC managers, which is enough to cover the basic living costs. Stil it wil depend on the Entity cashflow. Accomodation is covered by MC budget. Internationals have to cover their travelling costs to Jordan. Fees for national conferences are covered.

Holidays and days-off MC members wil have three days-off per quarter, in addition to national holidays. One day per month wil be used for team activities. Moreover, each MC member wil have up to 7 days for personal and professional development (that wil have to be approved by MCP), including facilitating or chairing international conferences

Visa Conditions The elected MC members are required to hold a valid passport allowing them to travel to Jordan. Most Nationalities can get tourist visa on arrival. You’l enter the Country with tourist visa and then you’l get a residence permit.

AIESEC in Jordan

Application package Curriculum Vitae Include relevant experiences you had inside and outside the organization. Choose whatever format you prefer,. 1 page Executive summary Summarize your application and your strategies. and show how you envision your term as MC member of AIESEC in Jordan 2016.2017 1 page Video Introduce yourself and your strategies for AIESEC in Jordan 16.17, underlining what would be your countribution and your main focuses as MC member. Max 15 minutes, upload it on Youtube and share the link in the package

Questionnaire Answer to all questions of the application, both general and functional ones. Max 10 pages (cover not included) Endorsements Please provide the following endorsements - 1 from someone you led - 1 from someone that led you - 1 from someone outside AIESEC (can be both a person and an Entity) - For internationals, provide also an endorsement from the MC of your current Entity All endorsements have to be signed by the endorser and have to include its contacts. Blank page Answer the following question:

how can a company grow 5 times its volume of operations in one year? Free answer and design, be creative. Max 1 page.

AIESEC in Jordan

Selection timeline Personal interviews 14.03.2016 Deadline and candidates announcement

10-11.03.2016 Application launch 24.02.2016

Q&A and vote of confidence 12-13.03.2016

Announcement 15.03.2016

AIESEC in Jordan

MC structure 16.17 MCP MCVP CX Students

MCVP CX Enablers



F&L Manager

AIESEC in Jordan

Job Description – MCVP CX for students - Responsible for oGC and oGT achievements and growth - Design and implement OPS, in synerrgy with Talent Management - Create strategies for each phase of the Customer Flow for students - Manage local committee Vice Presidents - GC brand management and external positioning - Guarantee customized GC product based on Jordanian student market - Create and manage IR strategies - Identify and manage channels to promote Global Citizen - Create and implement MKTG strategies to attract more customers - Social media and offline media management

Skil s and knowledge required - Strategic planning - Innovation - Team management - Exchange knowledge and expertise - International Relations - XPP - EXPA usage - Jordanian reality awareness Measures of Success - # students engaged through MKTG activities - Conversion rates for Exchange - # Realizations and Completed - % plan achievement

AIESEC in Jordan

Job Description – MCVP CX for enablers - Responsible for iGC achievements and growth - Design and implement IPS, in synerrgy with Talent Management - Create strategies for each phase of the Customer Flow for enablers - Manage local committee Vice Presidents - S&D management strategies - S&S implementation - Create and manage IR strategies - Global Citizen product development and packaging - Create and implement effective sales strategies - Responsible for raising external brand arareness in stakeholders

Skil s and knowledge required - Strategic planning - Innovation - Team management - Exchange knowledge and expertise - International Relations - XPP - EXPA usage - Jordanian reality awareness - Sales Measures of Success - # enablers engaged - Conversion rates for Exchange - # Realizations and Completed - % plan achievement

AIESEC in Jordan

Job Description – MCVP TM & LCD -

Develop Talent Management processes Develop TMP and TLP education system Develop National Education Cycle Work on OPS and IPS in synergy with MCVPs CX Responsible for management of Entity culture Creation and development of LC structures Responsible for Internal Communication and Information Management Development of tailored coaching system Implementation and management of SONA (or other evaluation tools) Development of an Entity Growth Model Support LC planning Manage TM local committee Vice Presidents Creation of local and national transition framework Responsible for EST management

Skil s and knowledge required - Training skil s - Coaching skil s - Team management - EXPA usage Talent Management knowledge - Analytical thinking - Jordanian reality awareness - Planning and tracking Measures of Success - # TMP & TLP - % retention - % productivity - % LCs plan achievement - % Entity growth

AIESEC in Jordan

Job Description – MCVP BD & iGIP -

Creation and update of national product portfolio Ensure delivery of MC partnerships Raising national partnerships Ensure renewals of national partnerships S&D analysis National trends and MKT analysis Desing partnerships proposals and pricing models Create Alumni engagement strategies, in synergy with MCP Responsible for iGT achievements and growth Creating strategies for each phase of the Customer Flow for enablers - iGT processes optimization - Creation and implementation of CRM strategies

Skil s and knowledge required - Innovation - Legalities knowledge - Sales skil s - Resilience and solution orientation - Effective communication - EXPA usage Jordanian reality awareness - Account management

Measures of Success - # new partnerships - # partnerships renewals - % budget covered - # iGT RE and CO - % plan achievement

AIESEC in Jordan

Job Description – F&L manager -

Development and tracking of national Financial Model Funds management Invoices management Development of investment strategies Responsible for cashflow forecasting Development of internal legislation, in synergy with MCP Develop strategies to smooth legal processes of AIESEC in Jordan - Bookeping - Responsible for Global full membership - Responsible for Exchange legal management

Skil s and knowledge required - Analytical thinking - Legalities knowledge - Financial skil s Organized and methodic - Knowledge about global and national compendium - Jordan reality awareness - Accounting Measures of Success - # MC revenues - # MC investments - MC profit

AIESEC in Jordan

General Questionnaire 1) What is driving you to continue with AIESEC? Why did you decide to apply for AIESEC in Jordan 16.17? 2) Considering the trends that are shaping Jordan nowadays, which do you think is the contribute that AIESEC can give to this Country? 3) What does AIESEC in Jordan need to to in order to contribute to the achievements of AIESEC 2020? How do you want this Entity to look like at the end of this mid-term ambition? 4) What do you think the MC role should be in 16.17 term of AIESEC in Jordan? 5) Shoot a photo to AIESEC right now. What do you see? What are the main features of our organization? What are our main focuses? Where do you think we are going?

AIESEC in Jordan

Specific Questionnaire - MCVP CX for students 1) Make a SWOT analysis of oGC in AIESEC in Jordan, and based on it explain which would be your main three-four pil ars of your term. 2) How would you ensure the implementation of effective IR strategies in the Entity? How would you structure a proper co-delivery with EY partners? 3) Considering the absence in the MC structure of an MCVP MKTG, how would you ensure effectiveness and efficiency in the Attraction phase? Consider both online and offline strategies. 4) Describe two main strategies you would like to implement in each phase of the Customer Flow. 5) How would you ensure that LDM is properly delivered in every Exchange we do?

AIESEC in Jordan

Specific Questionnaire - MCVP CX for enablers 1) Which do you think is the unique value proposition of Global Citizen projects for Jordan? What is the concrete contribution that they can bring to the County? 2) How would you run the product re-packaging of our current projects in order to make them fully SDG based? 3) Which kind of IR strategies would you implement? Which Entity partnerships would you try to set? And which kind of co-delivery would you strucutre with these Entities? 4) How would you ensure financial sustainability of our projects? 5) Based on current Jordanian reality and trends, design a possible new National Project. Be specific about goals, timeline, job descriptions, possible partners and sustainability

AIESEC in Jordan

Specific Questionnaire - MCVP TM & LCD 1) Based on an analysis of Jordanian market, where would you open Expansions and why? Provide also an Expansion strategy you would implement during your term. 2) About Expansion strategy and Expansions management, provide at least two GCPs from the global network you would customize and implement in AIESEC in Jordan. 3) How would you evolve the local and national Educational cycle, in order to ensure that it’s aligned to the Operations timeline and that every TMP and TLP of the Entity is provided with the proper knowledge and tools according to the focus the Entity has in that time? 4) Which strategies would you use in order to improve members’ productivity and processes optimization? 5) Which would be your main syenrgies? What would be the focus of these synergies? Why?

AIESEC in Jordan

Specific Questionnaire - MCVP BD & iGIP 1) Which would be your main strategic focuses as MCVP BD&iGIP of AIESEC in Jordan 16.17? 2) Considering the Jordanian business market, explain the value proposition of each of the iGT sub-products we can sell to our possible partners. 3) Which are the main corporate sectors in Jordan? Based on this, how do you think AIESEC can partner with companies working in these sectors and create value-based cooperations? Which products would you focus on? Do not include iGT in this answer 4) How would you capitalize on YouthSpeak movement? How would you include SDGs in the BD portfolio? Thanks to YS, what are the possible stakeholders we can adress? 5) Analyse the current sales strategy of AIESEC in Jordan. How can it be improved? How can we make it more efficient and effective?

AIESEC in Jordan

Specific Questionnaire - F&L Manager 1) 2) 3) 4)

As F&L Manager of AIESEC in Jordan 16.17, what would be your main priorities? How would you ensure LC and MC financial sustainability? How would you evolve the Financial Model 15.16? What would you keep and what would you change? How would you make legalities more customer oriented?

AIESEC in Jordan

Final notes and reccomandations Submit the package in .zip or .rar format to (MCP 16.17) and (MCP 15.16) All the documents included in the package have to be in PDF format. Wrap-up of documents needed: Questionnaire (5 generic questions , 5 specific, + cover), Blank Page, Executive Summary, CV, 3 Endorsements (4 for Internationals), link to the video on Youtube For any of the document, you are free to create your own design. Deadline to submit everything is on 10.03.2016 at 23:59 GMT+2 Late applications wil not be taken in consideration. For any question feel free to approach me at or at +39 3334162227.

AIESEC in Jordan

Contacts MCPe


LC Amman

LC Irbid





Marco Borgo


Ruben Lima

MCVP OGX & Legal

Farah Bani Yaseen

fa r a h . b a n i y a s e e n @ a i e s e c . n e t


Faraji H. Emily

fa r a j i . e m i l y @ a i e s e c . n e t


Lilia Sandoval

l i l i a. s an d oval @ ai e s e c . n et


Sarah Bani Yaseen

s a ra h . b a n iya s e e n @ a i e s e c . n et


Hiba Jamal


Yusra Al Sheikh



Safad Al Safadi

s a fa d . a l s a fa d i 1 @ a i e s e c . n e t


Ahmad Nayef Albakheet



Rotana Jamil Ziedan


Omar Rabab’ah


Laith Ribhi Assad

AIESEC in Jordan

AIESEC in Jordan Good luck and enjoy the ride

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