How To Apply For a Job & How To Ace A Job Interview

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How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set

How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

Conceived and Edited by Marco Fattizzo

How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

update: September 2015

Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

Contents 2 – Contents 4 – Disclaimer and Copyrights

5- How to read a Job posting and understand 10 - What’s in it for you? 12 - What does it all mean?

17 - Research a Company before Applying and before a Job Interview 18 - Why is it Important? 21 - How to Search 27 - What you need to search

35 - The Job Interview 37 - Preparation before Interview 4 things that you should do 40 - How to Dress and How to Introduce Yourself 44 - Top 35 Common Interview Questions and How to Answer Them 68 - What Questions Must You Ask at the Interview? 72 - What to Do if You Don’t Fully Understand the Question? 75 - Have the Words to Answer in English 78 - How to Overcome Nervousness at an Interview 83 - How to End the Interview

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How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

85 - How to Face a Job Interview on Skype Or By Telephone 88 - 15 TIPS to Face a Job Interview on Skype or by Telephone 97 - 5 Things Not To Do In A Skype or Telephone Interview

103 - How to prepare an amazing cover letter 106 - The Basic Format 109 - What to include in your Letter 111 - Not to be included in the letter 113 - 3 Cover Letter Samples

122 - How to prepare an amazing Resume 123 - Top 8 Things to include in the resume 128 - Resume in Online job applications 130 - The Europass resume 131 - Top 30 tips on how to write an excellent resume 140 – 3 Resume Samples

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How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

Disclaimer and Copyright The information contained in this eBook, is meant to serve as a comprehensive collection of time-tested and proven strategies that the authors of this eBook have applied. Summaries, strategies, tips and tricks are only recommendations by the authors, and reading this eBook does not guarantee that one’s results will exactly mirror our own results. The authors have made all reasonable efforts to provide current and accurate information for the readers of this eBook. The authors will not be held liable for any unintentional errors or omissions that may be found. The material in this eBook may include information, products, or services by third parties. Third Party materials comprise of the products and opinions expressed by their owners. As such, the authors of this guide do not assume responsibility or liability for any Third Party Material or opinions. The publication of such Third Party materials does not constitute the authors’ guarantee of any information, instruction, opinion, products or service contained within the Third Party Material. Use of recommended Third Party Material does not guarantee that your results will mirror our own. Publication of such Third Party Material is simply a recommendation and expression of the authors’ own opinion of that material. Whether because of the general evolution of the Internet, or the unforeseen changes in company policy and editorial submission guidelines, what is stated as fact at the time of this writing, may become outdated or simply inapplicable at a later date. Great effort has been exerted to safeguard the accuracy of this writing. No part of this publication shall be reproduced, transmitted or resold in whole or in part in any form, without the prior written consent of the authors. All trademarks and registered trademarks appearing in this eBook are the property of their respective owners. Photo and Images Some photos and images are taken by the author. More photos and pictures are used with regular license purchased by

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How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

How to read a Job posting and understand Over the ages, the tradition of job posting has improved and technologically developed from just a small advertisement in newspaper to the gigantic network of online blogs and emails and even the job postings on their active websites on the internet as well. If you are an active jobseeker looking for employment in the contemporary world, reading job advertisements and sending in your resumes and application for the particular position would be a part of your life’s daily routine. You see a job posting in a newspaper or over an online website sponsoring a particular advertisement of a job opening. You send in an application with a resume and

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How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

wait for a reply whereas after all the wait all you get back is an automated Thank You Message over an email. It is quite disappointing for job applicants to get a response like this after so much work and research they did for filing this job application and sometimes it has been told that the job applicants don’t get back a reply at all.

A talk with the job recruiters resulted in a disappointing manner that majority of the applicants filed either do not match the qualifications or they interpreted the job posting in a wrong manner. Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

Recruiters mostly use quite an appealing language by u s i n g provocative terms which are difficult to understand and sometimes might confuse many of its readers. This kind of language is used by the employers to sell their jobs in a much distinct and unique way to provide a better impression of their company as compared to its competitors so that they get to obtain the best applicants available. So how can the particular applicant figure out what exactly is the employer looking for? A survey shows that majority of the job applicants applying for a job read the job posting for almost one minute to less than five minutes whereas only a small amount of people pay attention by spending time of at least nine minutes. At a first glance, a job posting might seem difficult for you when involving all those catchy words in the posting. But when you cut through the jargon you’ll totally find out a pretty straightforward message written in a basic Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

and simple language without any further need of any deep understanding and thoughts. Unfortunately, since many employers have reduced the size of the recruiting teams in their organizations which results in a few individuals handling dozens of open positions. Consequently, they lack the time to write clear, simple and informative job postings rather they prefer the traditional style of job postings based on requirements and responsibilities. The requirement and responsibilities portion in a job posting is perhaps the most important section that needs to be taken into consideration carefully as it features the skills and work an employer is looking for in an employee. This portion is what employers have specifically highlighted for the job applicants to know if you’re qualified enough to apply or not. However, being qualified to apply and wanting to apply are two different phenomenon. Job titles can often be Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

misleading and vague in their message being conveyed to the applicant whereas it would mean different for an employer. Just because you have worked over a particular designation in an organization doesn’t means you fulfill the requirements for the same designation or post in a different organization. In the same manner, a job applicant might overlook a particular job posting due to its title or designation in that organization but reading a post fully with its requirements and responsibilities might make you recognize that it might be a good match for your set of skills and experience. Since it is quite necessary to know the missions and values of the employer, the organization’s job posting will not provide that necessary information as to why you are a good fit for this job. The employers or the organization cannot help you evaluate these openings because they fail to show what this job brings for you.

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How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

What’s in it for you? A lot of questions are raised in the mind when you go through a job posting trying to determine the answer for what this job offers you? A close descriptive read to a job posting might raise a few questions in your minds. #1 What is the responsibility of this job? This question is normally answered by the opportunities portion as to what the key responsibilities will be and according to your experience evaluate the opportunity compared to this position. #2 Who do you get to work with? This question mostly relates to the cultural environment the particular company maintains among its colleagues and workers which can be explained through a little research over the internet about the company itself. Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

#3 What do you get to learn? This question is related to the job offer itself and what opportunities it provides so that you get to work on your maximum capacity and get to learn much about work or not. #4 What do you get to achieve? Evaluate the impact and importance of the position enlisted in the job posting and assess how helpful this position might prove for your future. #5 What rewards and recognitions the position brings with it? It is quite important to know about this question when it comes to job postings. This mostly relates to the salary and the benefits being offered by the company as means of compensation for working for their company. Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

Employers could certainly address these basic questions in his job postings listed above so that the job applicants can have a clear idea of what they are signing up for and what the employer is looking for.

What does it all mean? Sometimes it’s quite difficult to interpret a job posting with all those coded and catchy words being written in a job posting to sound attractive and for remembering. Mostly there are a few common words and phrases majority of the job postings include to be concise and brief in their description. Words like dynamic and problem solver implies the requirement for someone who is filled with confidence for working on new tasks and projects and innovate yourself into finding solutions for different problems. Whenever a job posting mentions proven track record and self-starter, it means the employer is looking for someone with quite a portfolio of experience and thus Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

can take action when needed without providing any further guidance and the employee could take charge on a particular project. The word proactive is quite similar too. It mentions the need of such an employee who could work without the need of any instructions on any project.

Words like team player and flexible implies the requirement of such an employee that can easily work within a company’s cultural environment among different ethnicities. Whereas flexible focuses over the need of

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How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

employee to work over different timings and travel and stay overnight in some cases too. Furthermore, words like fast learner, core competences and ability to communicate at all levels are among the most commonly used terminologies in job postings that needs to be addressed for applicant to know. Fast learner implies that the company will not be training you in anyway and you need to learn as the job goes. Core competences refer to the major skill sets required for a particular job whereas ability to communicate at all levels mean who have a capacity to tal k and communicate effectively from the lowest position in a company to the highest position known and be comfortable about it. Commitment to equal opportunities is a requirement the employer mentions for the employee to have equal preference for both the colleagues and the customers. Contrary to this requirement, customer Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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focused is also sometimes asked as a requirement where it is mentioned that the employee needs to be quite customer oriented and their needs should always be put up first. Sometimes words like stakeholders being mentioned confuses the applicants a lot as this terminology is quite rare among the job postings. Stakeholders mean having an investment or a share in the particular company or organization. Perhaps the most important and common word being referred to in a job posting these days which refers to the rewards and offerings of a particular job posting is the usage of the words like competitive salary and benefits in the job posting which provides a clear cut idea in a straightforward language about the employer’s intent to provide a handsome compensation for your work at the company along with many benefits which mostly includes the health care or the travel costs within the company when the job is offered. This word is quite common and mostly represents an attractive portion of a job posting resulting in many applicants opting towards the post Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

since these words make the post sound attractive and easy to remember. Nowadays job postings might have become concise and brief making it difficult to convey a proper message to its applicant audience but a deep research along with spending time over the post might provide you with the clear message the employer is trying to convey.

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How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

Research a Company before Applying and before a Job Interview You have discovered a job vacancy at a company that meets your requirements and suites perfectly for your skill set and you have all the required work experience you need to make it to the interview and perhaps land with the job offer. What is the next step you intend to after your discovery of the job opening? Companies mostly inform about the job opening, the necessary skill set required and the overall work experience. Considering the importance and level of the job opening, is it enough for you to apply for a job? Absolutely not! The next step requires you to conduct a full research over the particular company if it is culturally Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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and environmentally fit for someone like you. If yes, then the next step requires you to go a little deeper in the company’s information to come up with a resume and a cover letter than might suite their needs and requirements enough to land you with an interview call and most probably the job.

Why is it Important? Imagine a situation of you sending in your resume and a cover letter which finally reaches to someone’s desk. Now there is a particular human being reading your resume who has already read hundreds of resumes before reading your resume and is going to read hundreds more after your resume. The individual studying the resumes might be tired and exhausted and is all looking for one name that sticks to the job requirement and who knows what the employer demands from the particular applicant. There are several names and qualifications being offered with decades of experience on every resume present on that desk Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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offering multiple skill sets and knowledge related to the skill set required. There is not even a single applicant who has referred to the company’s new amazing launch and how is the job related to it and the job search is almost over.

How is a particular individual able to identify himself as a unique and distinct rather the most competent applicant among hundreds or maybe Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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thousands to be shortlisted for the interview call. It is your turn now. The resume examiner takes the first look at the cover letter where several aspects of the company, its brand equity and several new amazing launches of new products have be stated. The products seem to be well researched and quoted on the cover letter about how well they are performing in the market and that there is always room for some improvement and development in each of the products the particular company has ever launched. It might even state about some of the company’s recent successes and how it urged you to opt for this particular company. The cover letter ends up developing a slight glimpse of interest in the mind of the recruiter about your cover letter leaving an impression of excitement on him about turning over the page and reading your resume. Everything the recruiter was possibly looking for in an applicant is all present in your resume laid out in a clean, concise and a distinct manner. The stress would melt away making the recruiter comfortable to do a little Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

research over you as an applicant knowing that he might have found the perfectly qualified candidate for the particular job opening and goes on to make the necessary job interview call to you for the hiring process. Thus it is quite important to be well researched and informed about the job opening at a particular company and obtaining knowledge about its staff, the company’s mission and some facts about its goals and its future prospects.

How to Search Before developing a resume and a cover letter to be delivered at the recruiter’s desk, a proper deep research is required about the job opening and the company itself before you state yourself in the resume. There are many unique and distinct ways of researching about a particular job opening and the recruiting company in the contemporary world ever since the world went digital and online, every piece of information is widely made available on the internet facility across the globe. Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

The first basic step of choosing how to search about the particular job opening and the company itself is the company’ website that has been created as means of advertisement and the public to see and get to know about the company. What you need to know about a prospective company depends on your abilities, proper skills sets, work experience and the company being highlighted. There are a number of steps that need to be followed over how to properly make a research attempt for a particular job opening at a company.

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How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

#1 Begin with the Company’s Website The company’s website is the best place to begin your research about the company. The website is widely available across the world to every internet user. There are a number of questions that are storming your mind about the employer that you need to be answered with. Most of the questions are related to: • How long has the company been running? • What is the company all about? • Who are its customers? • Who are its competitors? • What is the company’s history of funding and other acquisitions? • What is the company’s market share and image in the market? • What is the company’s mission and goals? • How many employees do the company currently

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How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

have and how many offices across the globe? The company’s website is the accurate place to get your questions getting answered. Scrape through the whole website repeatedly to come up with good questions you can develop to ask in your interview and even prepare answers for the interview questions you might seem suitable could be asked. If the company does not features its own website then use other websites and search engines to research over the particular company with what little knowledge the company has made public for the world to notice. Follow the company on social media platforms like Facebook and twitter etc. Look for major updates and news announcements the company makes public. Look for particular articles being published over the company and its image in the market to get a better idea of the company’s culture and environment. Read their “About Us” page to get to know about the company’s establishment, its achievements, recent developments Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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and much more. If it still doesn’t answers all of your questions, make sure to use the “Contact us” tab to drop an email for any query that seems to be storming your mind about the company.

#2 Google the company Search the internet about the company, about its recent developments and how it effects the company. Look over different articles and news that have stormed Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

the market providing every single piece of information that could lead you with the impression of knowing the company you are planning to apply for. #3 Look for the Company’s Competitors Search about the company’s market share and its recent image in the local and international markets along with the knowledge of its competitors. Search about the sustainability and survival of the company, if the company will be dominated or acquired by any of its competitors or the company plans to strive in a few years. #4 Follow the company on LinkedIn There is nothing easier than following the company and their employees on the LinkedIn. Social platform. Take a deeper look at their employees. Develop a sense of the people the company prefers to employ. The idea of the culture and environment the company likes to Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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maintain through these employees. Secondly, check if there is someone who is related to you with second or third connection. And if you locate a connection with any worker in the company don’t be afraid to reach out and ask any queries about the job opening and the company’s environment.

What you need to search There are a number of factors that are to be taken into consideration while searching for the information regarding the job opening and the particular company you intend to apply as a candidate. #1 Skills and experiences the company values The first aspect that needs to make sure is what the prospective employer looks for in the qualified candidate. That enables you to position yourself in the image of the best qualified candidate for the particular position. To carefully consider the skill set and the experience the Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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employer is looking for, you need to read between the lines of the job opening. As an addition to acquire the information for the job recruitment, reaching out to the current employees of the particular company is a viable option. #2 Role Authorities of the Organization The major authorities within an organization are the key position holders in the company. These are the authorities like the CEO or the managers within the company that are usually the interviewers you need to make an impression during your interview to make it to the final decision of selection. Searching over these authorities within the company through social media and current employers is a good source of information that can be useful for the interview. #3 What the Company Do The most basic piece of information you might need Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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before applying for the job and even the interview is to get to know what the company is all about and what the c o m p a n y d o e s . Th e c o m p a n y ’ s g o a l s a n d achievements along with its long terms prospects are all part of the basic piece of information that is a must to know before entering an interview from that company. #4 The Company’s culture and environment The company’s culture and environment are one of the major aspects that needs to be taken into consideration before applying for a job. Following the company on social media platforms is another great way of to get a sense of culture. Getting to know of the company and its employee and the environment the company maintains is something that needs to be known before sending in a resume so that you can get an idea of the company you are applying to work in. #5 Current Achievements

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How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

Having a slight knowledge about the current events and the goals the company has achieved by the company is quite valuable and informative that you can use to impress the major authorities in the resume and even later in the interview. If you plan on working for the c o m p a n y o n a l o n g t e r m b a s i s , following the company’s success and achievements and acquisitions might prove beneficial for you to decide to apply or not. #6The past and the future The company’s history has been a piece of puzzle that is essential for an applying candidate to know. Knowing the plans of the future and its aspects is more important than knowing the past. The company is quite interested in candidates that are ready to contribute towards the development of the organization and is ready to work as a part of the company and lead the company to reach its future prospects and goals.

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How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

#7 How to use the information for your Application and Job Interview The next step that is required to be done is forming a clear and concise resume and a cover letter that should make quite an impression on the recruiter and the role Authorities that would land you with the interview call for finals shortlisting of the selected candidates for the job opening. The information used should be short, concise and clear enough to provide the information to the recruiter going through your resume and shows your resume as a unique and distinct among the rest of the resumes delivered for the job opening. The resume should contain a cover letter informing about the company and how you can be a valuable asset towards the company leading them to their future prospects and how you look forward to contribute towards their goals and achievements. A little note about what urged you to opt for this job opening along with how much excited you are to work for such a prospective Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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company. The next page would form your resume describing about your qualifications and your specific skill set that perfectly fits in the job opening to which you are applying for. The next step is to explain about your previous work experience and how is it related to the job opening to which you are applying and how will you be able to use your skill set to contribute towards the company’s future goals. However, if you land with an interview call, the first thing the interviewer takes into consideration is the first impression that you make over the interviewer. Sometimes it is just one person as an interviewer and sometimes it is a whole committee assembled to interview depending on the level and importance of the job. Since you have to make a good first impression for the recruiter to remember, there are several things you might need to consider for the interview: #1 A good formal and a decent interview outfit is what makes the first impression over the recruiter. The way Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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you handle yourself. You haircut, your dressing is what makes the first impression over the interviewer giving a brief outlook of the candidate to the interviewer he is about to interview. #2 Attire should be simple and decent, in case of females, not much jewelry and perfume is to be used because it leaves a bad impression. #3 The color scheme of your dress should not be too dull or even too bright. Neutral or somewhat dark colored outfits are mostly preferable. #4 Make sure that you are well groomed with a proper haircut and trimmed nails and properly ironed clothes with pressed sleeves that gives an impression that you have prepared for the interview. The final step is to get to know about your interviewer and the ways you can get to impress him/her. This will provide you with a great advantage over leaving a good Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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impression over the interviewer and knowing what kind of personalities the interviewer prefers. This might be a little tricky to find out about the interviewer but a little deep investigation might provide you an upper hand in your recruitment and hopefully might land you with a job in the future.

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How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

The Job Interview So, a company that you applied to has called you for an interview! Congratulations!

However, the real deal begins now. You have to now start preparing for the interview in right earnest so that you don’t blow up the whole thing. You have only this

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How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

one chance to show your best talents. The interview might only be a few minutes long, but within these few minutes, you have to show that you are the most ideal candidate for the job you are applying to. This chapter gives you various tips and hints on how you can ace that all-important interview. Pay close heed to all these guidelines which are proven methods used by people who have impressed their interviewers within those few crucial minutes. You will also find a host of questions that the interviewers generally ask, and the right ways to answer those questions. You could use these as a template to prepare your own answers. Go through this eBook thoroughly and use these tactics in your next big interview. All the best! Once you receive a call for an interview, it shows that the callers are interested in you to an extent. Now it Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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is your responsibility to build up on this and make them more interested. The way to do that is to go completely prepared so that you can ace the interview.

Preparation before Interview 4 things that you should do #1 Research on the Company As soon as you get the interview call, go to the page of the company that called you. Find their website and get as much information as you can. You need to know their history, their scope of business, the products they are putting out, their branches and such other details. These are the very basics. If you want to go a step further and show your interest more, you could go into more technical details like their annual turnover, the names of the key people in the organization, the awards they have received, etc.

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There are other reasons why should conduct such research. It helps you to know whether you would be happy working for the organization. For instance, if the company’s motives are something that you are opposed to, you’d not want to work for them. #2 Research on the Potential Interviewers If there was a telephonic interview, you will probably know who will actually interview you in person. Some companies divulge the name of the person you will meet. If you know that, you could find out more about the person on the Internet. Now, a Facebook profile is not the right place to find out professional information about someone. Try LinkedIn. That will give you a good idea of what the person has achieved and it will help you to prepare to impress that person accordingly. #3 Ask Yourself Why You Need This Job On a notepad, write down the points that are in favor of Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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this job. Don’t just jot them down; make a neat bulleted list out of them. Read this list every day till the day of the interview. This will help you work on your determination to do well at the interview.

#4 Keep Yourself Healthy It’s important that you are in the best of health on your interview day. Stay away from eating out at least two days before the interview. Sleep early the previous night, and go for a walk on the morning of the interview. It will Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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help you clear your mind and prepare yourself for what’s to come. Entertain yourself a bit too. Watch a show that you like for a while. This will keep your mind distracted and keep you away from feeling unduly nervous.

How to Dress and How to Introduce Yourself Everything you do on the day of the interview will greatly influence your overall performance. The impression starts building right from the time you attend that first telephonic call or answer that email that invites you for the interview. The next stage is when you actually arrive for the interview. It’s most important to pay attention to the most minor details, because they matter. The Right Way to Dress for an Interview

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Spend some thought (and some money) on getting the right outfit for the job. What to wear is always a question though, and the answer to that lies in the kind of organization you are meeting with. Most places will want you to be dressed formally. Suits are not expected for candidates appearing for an interview unless it is a very high-profile job, but you will need to invest in good formal attire. Also, don’t just remove it off the pack and wear it for the first time to the interview. Wear it at least once before so that the packaging creases are taken care of. You don’t want to show that you bought clothes especially for the interview, for that sounds desperate. If your interview is in a place where employees dress casually, such as in most media and advertising firms of the day, it might be all right to turn up in a pair of jeans. But again, keep it modest. Don’t go for jeans that have bullet holes in them, because that would seriously put most people off.

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Here’s a word of advice on dressing for your interview — better to be overdressed than underdressed. It is not a big issue if you turn up in a suit when your interviewers are in T-shirts and jeans, but it is definitely an embarrassment if the reverse happens. Also, pay attention to your personal hygiene and the accessories that you will be wearing. Ladies, don’t overaccessorize. The makeup should be mild and just enough for the occasion. It shouldn’t aim to distract. And guys, pay attention to the belts and shoes along with the clothes. It is said that the footwear speaks more of the man than anything else on his body. The Right Way to Introduce Yourself Your introduction is a very vital part of your interview. It immediately conveys to the interviewers what to expect from you. Walk in with a smile that exudes confidence. It should be a Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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natural smile that should not look forced at all. If you have met someone in the interviewing team before, it will help you to focus on them. Wish them according to the time of the day, and then express your gratitude by saying something that sounds like, “Thank you for taking the time to meet with me.” Don’t linger too much on that because it would sound contrived. Do not sit down unless you have been asked to. You need not worry much about this point because you will be asked to sit right away. When you are asked that, ensure that you sit elegantly, and don’t just plonk yourself down on the seat of the chair. Then wait till the first question is asked. That will set the ball rolling for the rest of the interview to follow.

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How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

Top 35 Common Interview Questions and How to Answer Them Here is a list of commonly-asked questions during interviews and a few suggestions on how you could answer them.

1.Could you tell me a bit about yourself?

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How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

This is often the leading question at any interview and it is so simple that people do not prepare much for it. Now, you have to remember that this question isn’t an invitation to talk about your personal life. You have to keep your answer as short and to-thepoint as possible. Your answer should be a pitch because what you are doing is to try make the interviewer invest in you as an employee. Speak a bit about your past employment. The most recent ones are enough. You have to also speak about your achievements, but only the ones that will be helpful for the job at hand. Do not speak about the classroom debate you won in Grade 8. Speak about the job trainings you have undergone and the accolades you have earned. 2.How did you get to know about this job? The purpose of asking this question is to find out what places you are using for your job hunt. This tells the interviewer how resourceful you Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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are. Do not tell them that you have heard of this job from a friend. This sounds that you haven’t been looking and have stumbled upon this opportunity just by accident. Instead, tell them that you read about the job in a newspaper or an online ad, or that you found it on an employment board. This indicates your interest for employment. 3.What do you know about your company? The worst way to answer this question is to tell the company that you don’t know anything about them. That is why you need to do all your initial research and find out as much as you can about the company. However, when you are answering this question, you are not supposed to flaunt your knowledge. What you have to do is to state the company’s objectives and goals and say how much in agreement you are with them. This shows that you not only know the company but that you are also willing to work for what they represent. Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

4.What is your expectation about this job? When you are asked this question, the interviewers want to know what you can bring to the table. They want to know which of your skills will be an asset to the company. Hence, you have to frame the answer in such a way that you tell them what you expect as well as what you can give them. For example, you could say, “I am looking for higher creative satisfaction than my previous job provided me, and also grow along with the company.” 5.Why do you think must you be chosen for this job? Here’s a fair warning — you will always be asked this question. Hence, you do not have the excuse of being unprepared. Before the interview, you need to sit down and plan an impressive response to this question. Your answer should be brief and in a Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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simple language. However, it should showcase all your talents and merits that are in the line of the job you are pursuing. Speak also about your relevance to the position — like whether you are a good instruction-follower or a leader. The answer shouldn’t go on beyond a minute and it has to be worded very carefully before you get a chance to speak it out to the interviewers. 6.What are your weaknesses? Again, this is a question that you will be definitely asked. It would be wrong to answer it in such a way that shows you in a poor light, and it would also be wrong to say that you are perfect. You have to draw a median line. Talk about a quality that is a weakness but also shows a positive trait in you. Like, you could say that you often turn in your work at the last minute, but that’s only because you want to make sure that it is perfect. This balances your unpunctuality with your pursuit for perfection and is Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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an acceptable answer. 7.Where do you see yourself five years from now? A lot of advice can be given on how to answer this question correctly, but let us boil it down to a few basics. Primarily, do not make a boast. Be modest about what you feel you can achieve; be practical. It is not wrong to have high aspirations, but you don’t want to state them in such a manner that they seem immodest. You can talk about how you expect professional growth, but do not quantify it with specific posts. Like, do not say, “I see myself as the CEO in five years.” It is also all right to be unsure about where you will be, because no one can predict the future. However tell them that wherever you will be in five years, this job would definitely be a vital factor in your professional growth. 8.Do you think you can do this job? Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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This question will be asked especially if you are looking for a job that’s different from your present skills. A word of advice — if the interviewer has come to the stage where they are asking you this question, then it means they are already interested in you. Maybe they have also made up their mind. So, you have to answer it positively, but at the same time, you could say that you are willing to learn and be better at the new job. 9.Are you being interviewed by other companies? The interviewers will probably ask you this question only if they feel that you might be a good fit for the job. The question is a way to assess what kind of competition the company has in acquiring you for the position. To answer this question, you don’t have to specifically name the companies. Instead, you must say that you have applied at a few other companies within the same job profile. That shows your interest Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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in getting employed and at the same time it gives them the message that they should decide soon if they want to hire you. 10. Why are you leaving your present job? Unless you are a fresher, you will always be asked this question. The question is not just asked to hear your response, but also to find out what you are as a person. If you are leaving your present job for certain reasons, you don’t have to tell them explicitly to your employer. It is essential that you show the previous employment in a positive light. If you complain, then it shows you in a bad light. The prospective employers will get the impression that you might turn back on them in future and say the same things about them. You must give your interviewers the impression that you are an easygoing person to work with. 11. Why were you fired from your previous job? Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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If you were let go from your previous job, then it could be very difficult to speak about it. You wouldn’t want this question to be asked, but interviews can be brutal. The only thing you can do is to be honest, because the truth is only a phone call away anyway. Even if it was a fault on your part, you have to be candid about it, but then take this opportunity to state how you have grown since then and how you are now capable of fulfilling the given responsibilities in a much better manner than before. This is a much better answer than stating an untruth. 12. What has been your best professional achievement so far? This is a question that actually calls upon you to show off your best. So, don’t hold back! You must come prepared for this one too. Think of a problem that you solved in any of your previous employments. Follow the HERO method outlined Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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below to describe this:Highlight - Describe the constraints of the problem, what challenges it posed, etc. Engagement – Speak about your involvement in solving the problem. This is the most important part because it shows that you were entrusted with a challenging situation and that didn’t deter you. Resolution – Here you speak about how you resolved the problem. Do mention the contribution of others too, which shows a better team-working attitude. Outcome – Speak about the impact of the solutions you applied. You need to be clear here; do not hold back from stating facts and figures to showcase your achievement. 13. Do you follow instructions better or are you a Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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better team leader? This question is asked mostly to find out what kind of team spirit you have, and it often puts you in a Catch 22 situation. Some employers are looking for team leaders, while others are looking for people who can obey instructions. The best way to answer this question is to be as honest as you can. Give examples of how you have worked in the past. If you have leadership qualities, this is the best place to speak about them. 14.

What kind of work environment do you

aspire for? This question isn’t asked so that the employers can give you the conditions you state; it is asked because they want to know which environment you are a best fit for. Hence, answer this one carefully. If you really need the job, you could find out from other employees what the work employment is like Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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and then craft your answer in that manner. However, you must remember to think whether you would like to work in that particular environment or not. Unsuitability of work environment to the employee is one of the top ten reasons for which people leave their jobs. 15. How do you handle disagreements? Give an example stating how you handled it. Human beings often disagree; that’s a part of our interactions that cannot be avoided. You cannot say that I have never disagreed with anyone before, because that might give the very wrong impression that you are easy catch or that you have no voice of your own. But at the same time you cannot speak of a time when you came to blows with someone who disagreed with you. Instead, tell them of a time when you disagreed for strong reasons of your own, and whether it was or not heeded. Since you have to show yourself in a positive light, pick out Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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and incident where your standpoint benefited people in some way. 16. H o w d o y o u h a n d l e m a n a g e r i a l responsibilities? Every employer has to manage something or the other. Even a clerk has to manage accounts, flow of data, etc. Hence, this question is asked a lot. This is again a place where you are called to speak about your achievements. Speak about a time when you managed a few people to do something that showcased their talents. You could also speak about how you mentored someone to achieve something. Such things are heard very carefully, and the interviewers make a special note of them so that they could consider you for promotions later if you are hired. 17. What was your impression at the past place of employment? Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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This is a question where you can surmise to an extent because you will never really know what impression one has of you. At the same time, you must not speak too highly of yourself or too lowly. Say something that you feel is appropriate. It is a good idea to give some tangible proof of this by showing a certificate or reward that you might have received in the past place of employment. 18. Why is there a gap between your previous employment and this one? If you left your previous job some time ago and have been unemployed since then, the interviewer is certainly going to ask you this question. When you answer it, make sure you are frank and upright about what you were doing in the interim period. If you did some volunteering work or maybe took up some classes to enrich yourself, then do mention that. In other words, you have to give the message Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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that the break was for your self-growth, and that now you are much better-prepared to face this job than you were during your past employment. 19. Why should we hire you? This is a direct question that needs to be answered without beating around the bush. Tell people of your competencies and qualifications and how you have performed in your past employments. Basically, you have to sell yourself here, so put your best foot forward. 20. Why are you changing your career path? If you are trying to seek employment in a new sphere of activity, then be prepared to talk on the reasons why you are doing so. When you explain, make sure that you don’t show your previous career in a bad light because that will only reflect badly on you. The best way to answer this would be to Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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explain how the new career path is a positive extension of the previous one. You could also explain how your previous experience will make things better for you in the new line of employment. 21. How soon can you start? When you are asked this, you should express all eagerness to begin as soon as possible. This question is usually asked at the end of the interview, when the employer has almost made up their mind to go ahead with you. You have almost bagged the interview if you are asked this, but you might jeopardize everything by saying that you cannot start soon. But, if there is a genuine cause, like you have to give a notice period for your existing job, then you should definitely mention that. In fact, such a request will be considered professional on your part. 22. How do you plan to get started if you are Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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hired? This is actually a trick question to understand how much of the job profile you have followed. The interviewer wants you to speak about one particular area that you think you could contribute to right away. You shouldn’t be reserved in answering this one. Tell about the one area you can improve as soon as you start. Your homework on the company’s key areas will help you answer this question in an impressive manner. 23. What remuneration do you expect? This is the most difficult question to answer. You cannot state something very low because that indicates your desperation and gives out the idea that you might not be worth a better pay scale, and at the same time you shouldn’t quote as high as to intimidate the interviewer. Before appearing for the interview, visit websites such as Glassdoor or Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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Payscale and check out the market value of the services you are applying for. Make sure to factor in elements such as your education and experience. When you know what you are worth, quote the highest figure. However, end it at a note that says you are willing to negotiate. 24. What are your other interests? This question is about your hobbies and things that you do to occupy your time. It is okay to be a bit personal in answering this one. Speak about the things you really like to do, but make sure that you don’t speak about something that will show you in a bad light. It is excellent if your hobby is constructive and if it can help the job you are applying for in some way. 25. What do you think we could do to improve our company?

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Don’t be startled if you are asked this question. And don’t be flattered either. They are not asking for your suggestions, but they are instead trying to see if you can make valuable suggestions if the need arises. So, think out-of-the-box. When you do research on the company, it is worthwhile to spend some time thinking what they could be doing differently and how. 26. Are you married? / Do you have children? Questions of a personal nature such as these could be off-putting to most people, but you cannot always avoid them. It is up to you if you want to answer them with a direct answer, but if you don’t want to discuss this with them, you could always direct the conversation to a more agreeable topic. You don’t need to say anything explicitly; the way you skirt the topic and move to another will be hint enough.

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27. Do you have any questions for us? This is another question that shouldn’t flatter you. This is an invitation to ask any doubts you may have about the place of work. You must seize this opportunity to clarify your apprehensions about your potential employment. If you say you have no questions, it can send across a very bad impression. At the most, prepare two good questions about the company which can they would like to clarify. 28. What is your definition of success? This is a good introspective question that can help you be a little self-analytical as well. Success means different things to different people. For some, it could mean a lot of money, while for others, it could mean creative satisfaction. For some, it might mean being able to be with family more. It might also mean fame and popularity. Whatever Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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your take on success is, you have to state that point to your interviewer. Since this is a personal question, you could expect more follow-up questions. 29.

How would it affect you if there’d be no

chocolate in the world? Yes, you read that right. Such questions have no bearing on the job at hand, but interviewers are known to ask such random questions. The mission is to find out how witty you are in answering the question. Since the question is out of the blue, your presence of mind matters. If possible, work a little humor into your response as well. 30. Tell us about a time you failed. Speaking about a failure is difficult in itself; and speaking about it at an interview is nothing short of torture. However, you will be likely asked this Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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question. If you do get this one, speak honestly and clearly outline the challenges you faced that made you underperform. Also add that you have learnt from the experience and only hope to improve if a similar opportunity comes your way again. 31. How do you deal with stressful situations? Here, you could tell about the methods you use to cope with a difficult professional problem, and maybe even give examples of the strategies you have used in the past. It is good to say that you use techniques such as meditation and breathing exercises. This also gives an impression that you believe in healthy habits. 32. Do you have any vices or addictions? A lot of interviewers have begun asking this question lately. It is not wrong to say that you smoke or Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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have a social drink or two; in fact, that is appreciated in most corporate cultures. But at the same time, you should make it clear that you aren’t addicted to any of these. You might say that you smoke and drink only when you have similar company. That’s an appropriate answer to put forth. 33. What kind of animal do you think you are? This sounds like a funny question but it is not. It is actually a psychological test that gives a fair assessment of your nature. If you answer this by saying that you are a rabbit, you project yourself as a docile person, but if you say that you are a lion, you come out as dominating and aggressive. Think of a suitable answer that might fit the interviewer’s tastes, like maybe a zebra or giraffe. 34. What are your goals in life?

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It is best to answer this in relation to the job you are seeking. Your goals must sound achievable, or if you want to say something fantastic, you have to be very convincing about it. It is best to speak about practical goals that show you as a person who is dedicated towards improvement. 35. Why did you apply to our company? Be clear and concise about this question. There is something about this company that has evidently impressed you. Do not keep it with you; lay it out on the table. Say something like this, “I am really impressed by the way…” However, you have to ensure you do not use false praise, because that would only come out as pretentious.

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How to Apply for a Job and How to Ace a Job Interview in English

What Questions Must You Ask at the Interview? An interview isn’t a place where only you will be asked questions. You also have a chance to ask the interviewer a few questions. In fact, they will ask you if you need to know anything. When such a situation arises, you need to ask a few questions. It helps in many ways:

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1. It helps you know more about the position you are vying for. 2. Everything will not be mentioned on the company website. This is an opportunity to get the answer from a representative of the company. 3. It tells the interviewers that you are actually interested in the job. So when you are asked this question, you must grab the opportunity with both hands. The following is a list of questions that you could ask:1. What are the mottos and objectives of your company? 2. How is the current mission of the company different Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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from when it was started? 3. What would you like me to do first if I were hired? 4. What employee culture exists in the company? 5. What kind of employee-customer events are organized by the company? 6. What would be the basic objective of my job? These are the most vital questions. If the interviewer seems to be friendly, you could also venture to ask the following questions:1. What perks are provided to the employees of the organization? 2. What is the company policy on holidays? 3. Are the employees given any insurance benefits? Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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4. What is the scope for promotion in the company? You should remember not to ask too many questions. Choose one or two questions from the above list. Also, if the interviewer gives you some information about the company, it is a good idea to ask a few follow-up questions. That indicates to them that you are paying attention.

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What to Do if You Don’t Fully Understand the Question? If a question has been thrown at you and you haven’t understood it entirely, you need not be much alarmed about it. The interviewers know that these are human tendencies. Human hearing and understanding aren’t perfect and there are many reasons why you may not have heard the question. #1 You Didn’t Hear the Question Properly Maybe there was some disturbance and that muted some of the words. Maybe the question wasn’t spoken correctly. Or maybe you had a momentary lapse of attention and missed what was said. In any of these cases, you could just seek a polite pardon and request Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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the person to ask the question again. Keep a natural smile on your face when you say that, and if possible state the reason why you missed on hearing it. Say something like, “Oh, I’m sorry the wind is really hard today. Could you please ask that again?” It’s quite all right to do that. It doesn’t display nervousness on your part if done just once, and the interviewer will ask the question again. #2 You Didn’t Understand the Question It might happen that you heard correctly but you didn’t quite understand what was asked. If the difficulty was in understanding a particular term, you could say, “I’m sorry but I’m not familiar with that, but would like to know what it means.” This displays your eagerness to learn things you don’t know, and it wouldn’t stand against you at all. #3 You Lack the Knowledge to Answer the Question Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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If you have understood the term but are ignorant of how to answer it properly, you could redirect the question to a more comfortable zone in your level of understanding. However, you mustn’t show that you are ignorant in that particular area because that might reflect poorly on your overall knowledge of the profession.

For example, supposed your application is for a writing job and you are asked about blogging. If you don’t have much experience with blogging except a general idea of it, you could smartly say how writing should connect Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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people from all over the world and the Internet is a means to make that happen. In that manner, you don’t project that you haven’t blogged yet, but you tell the interviewer your thoughts on writing in general.

Have the Words to Answer in English For non-native speakers of English, an interview is doubly-daunting. Added to the usual panic of having to face a bunch of people who are all out to test them, there’s also the issue of trying to understand the questions that will be put in English. Since most of the questions are asked in a formal language, the candidate might also be worried about using the right words to frame the answer spontaneously. To put your mind at rest, even people who are proficient in English might feel at a loss for words at times. It can be put down to the nervousness that an interview generates. It is a common human tendency that occurs

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even in the most routine of conversations. Hence, you need not worry too much about not finding the right word at the right moment. There are a few ways in which you can turn around the conversation in your favor. #1 Stick to basic English. When you prepare your answers beforehand, try not to use any unfamiliar words that you might forget during the interview. Practice your answers several times before the D-day. This will prevent any embarrassment during the interview. #2 If you get stuck midway during an answer, just apologize with a smile and use a replacement word that means almost the same. It does not matter. The interviewers do not like rehearsed answers anyway. In fact, you will score some brownie points for being frank and spontaneous. #3 Try to change the topic to something else. This Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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works too. Give a satisfactory answer to the question asked, and when you get stuck, just say, “What I mean to say is…” and then move over to a parallel topic. Not many people will realize you are changing tracks because you have forgotten a word. #4 Build a vocabulary bank of a few power words and phrases. You can easily find “most common answers to interview questions” on Google. Pick up lines from there that you like the most and jot them down on a notepad. Keep learning these regularly till they become a part and parcel of your daily conversation. This will improve your speech overall. #5 Watch more interviews on television and on the Internet. Look at the way how people conduct themselves when questions are thrown at them. Looking at that can give you an essential idea of how you should approach the questions. Finally, remember that the people who are looking at hiring you aren’t doing so for your knowledge of the Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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language, unless you are applying for the post of a language teacher or a writer. They are hiring you for your skills and expertise in the area of their business. If you are able to demonstrate your expertise in that, language matters are easily overlooked.

How to Overcome Nervousness at an Interview The stakes at an interview are always high. If you ace the interview, your life could drastically change and you could win a job with a pay packet you want and the many other perks that come in with it. If not, you might be relegated to a lower rung in life, and have to make that struggle once again to find your place under the sun. You must be aware of the stakes, of course, but at the same time, you should know that being unduly nervous about it is not going to help your cause. That’s the reason why you should make doubly sure to keep all kind of Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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panic away and show your best at the interview. #1 Keep All Negative Energies Away How? In the few days before the interview, try to be as positive as possible. Watch a movie about someone who triumphed in life, read a book that has motivational quotes, and so on. It is also helpful to decorate your desk with a few placards that has quotes on success and winning. But, most importantly, stay away from all pessimism. If you know people who are eager to voice their concerns, stay away from them. These people could have good intentions, but their skepticism isn’t going to help you on interview day. If you are religious, pray to the entity you believe in. That helps to put your mind to rest. #2 Be Prepared Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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Being well-prepared is half the battle won. In the few days before your big interview, practice a lot. Pick out sources off the Internet and read articles on how to improve yourself. Find out what common questions are asked and rehearse the answers. Write down the answers beforehand and rehearse in front of a mirror.

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You should practice not just what you are going to say but also how you are going to say it. Try using different words, and emphasize on these words, and see what kind of effect that brings in. #3 Relax If you think about the interview too much, you are going to be a bundle of nerves. Instead, you must think of modes to relax. Some meditation and breathing exercises can help you relax as well. Listen to soothing music that can divert your attention in a positive way for a while. Plan a nice outing or a movie after the interview. This will subconsciously tell you — however the interview fares, the day is going to end well. At a subconscious level, this will help you to stay more relaxed and help you give your interview answers well. #4 Present Yourself at Your Best Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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If the interview is a very important one, it might not be a bad idea to buy a new set of clothes and pamper yourself at a salon the day before the interview. This will help your nerves to relax, and at the same time will give you some amount of much-needed confidence. Some people are very conscious of the way they appear and about their clothes. Hence, you need to make sure that you present yourself in a way you are happy with.

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How to End the Interview You will be much more relaxed at the end of the interview than you are when you walk in. However, there are a few small but important things that you still have to do. These gestures are important because they will help in creating a lasting impression on your interviewing team. #1 Make the Final Greeting When the interview closes, you have to stand up and greet each person on the interviewing team. Look them in the face and tell them, “Thank you for taking the time to interview me. It is really appreciated.” Keep a smile on your face as you say that, and do not come across as too pushy. #2 Give Them Your Visiting Card

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Keep a few business cards in your pocket. Based on how the interview went, you might decide to give them your business card. Give one to each person when you make the final greeting. #3 Follow-up Email A follow-up email isn’t the norm yet, but it is a trend that is quickly catching on. When you are back home after the interview, you could send a few words in an email thanking the company once again for agreeing to interview with you. Also, you could say about how you found the company’s objectives to be exactly like what you have in mind, and how you envision yourself to be a part of their team. There are many benefits of doing this. Firstly, since not every candidate will do it, it will boost your chances. Secondly, it will give them the message that you are indeed interested in working for them.

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How to Face a Job Interview on Skype Or By Telephone Most of the companies nowadays prefer taking a preinterview or an actual interview through phone or Skype. Generally, telephone or Skype interviews are part of the screening process, when a company is looking into several candidates. This helps the company to know who is actually worth the companies money to fly for a faceto-face interview.

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A phone or Skype interview is generally conducted by so m e on e f ro m th e c om p an y ’ s h u m an r e so u rc e department, who, if finds you eligible for the job, recommends you to the managers. In rare cases the telephone or Skype interview is also conducted by the managers. If the job requires you to relocate to another state or country, there can be multiple telephone or Skype interviews. Thinking of telephone and Skype interviews as not so important is the first mistake that the employees make. It is as important as your first round of face-to-face interview, and can be very difficult at times. Being on a telephone or a Skype interview in your familiar environment can give a casual feeling to the interview and make things difficult for you. Researching about the company in which you have applied for a job is highly recommended. Moreover, you also need to add notes about things that you want to say to the interviewer to supplement all the information that Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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you’ve provided in your resume. The time of a telephone or Skype is scheduled well in advanced. However, at times company can also call you without any notice. Thus, you should be prepared for the call. Make sure that a copy of all your paperwork, additional notes, and your resume is kept in an easy to reach place so that you can get them easily for the interview. If for some reason, you cannot deal with an unexpected telephone or Skype call, ask the interviewer to schedule the interview at a time which is comfortable for both. The first 10 minutes are the most crucial in any telephone or Skype interview, and you need to make sure that you can focus completely without any distraction throughout the call. Thus, if a call catches you by surprise, politely ask to reschedule the call at some other time. Telephone or Skype interviews are looked upon very closely by the companies and is an important part of their Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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screening process. Make sure you give your best in the interview to get a step closer to the job. If you are preparing for a telephone or Skype interview, the 15 tips mentioned below are sure to help you out.

15 TIPS to Face a Job Interview on Skype or by Telephone Imagine if you got to know that you’ve been selected for an interview for the job you applied a couple of weeks Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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back—but there’s a small problem with it. Instead of having an interview in person, you need to have a Skype or telephone interview in order to get selected for the face-to-face interview at the company. More and more number of companies are now using Skype or telephone interviews for their initial screening process due to various reasons. Firstly, telephone or Skype interviews save a lot of time, and secondly, it is also a better alternative if you do not live in the same state or country where the company is located. While a telephone or Skype interview might sound easy, remember they are not. It’s the first time that the company is getting to know you, and you need to make sure that you leave a good impression. Most of the times, the telephone or Skype is scheduled in advance, but many a times they can come as a surprise as well. Thus, you need to make sure that you are prepared for the interview, even if it comes as a surprise. Follow the Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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below mentioned tips in order to nail your Skype or telephone interview1. Know if you can actually take the call- You need to stay focused and in a quiet and peaceful environment throughout the call to give your best. However, if the interviewer calls you without any prior notice, when you are driving, or in a shower, please schedule the interview at another time, which is suitable for both of you. But, if you see that the interviewer is hesitating about scheduling the interview at any other time, it’s time to move forward and try to give your best shot. However, if it is a scheduled call, make sure that nothing interrupts your interview. Be in a room and close the door; also let the house members know about your interview and ask them to not disturb you in between. 2. Have all your important documents in front of you- It is very important to have the information about the company, the job you’ve applied for, Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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resume, and other documents in front of you while you are on a Skype or telephone interview. This will allow you to answer the questions confidently and without any fumbling. It is also important to have a pen and paper in front of you to note down any important information.

3. Look your best- If it’s a scheduled Skype interview, it is also very important to look your best. Search about the company, check if it has a Facebook page, if yes, then check how the employees dress and behave, and take cues from there to prepare for the interview.

You need to look professional and ready

for the job. Don’t overdo your clothes or makeup, but look presentable. 4. Prepare your answers, and practice themInstead of saying a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ try to add comments to them. Tell the interviewer about your past job experiences, what you learnt and achieved Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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in your past job, what was your contribution there, etc. Of course, the questions can be difficult at times, but you can at least prepare for the most common ones. It is also very important to know when you need to add comments. It’s a skill that you can learn with experience. Remember that the more you’ll prepare for the interview, the less you’ll fumble and leave a good impression. 5. Know your resume completely- The interviewer is sure to ask you about the things you have mentioned in your resume. Thus, it is very important to know every single detail in your resume. You should be able to elaborate about the things mentioned in the resume to support them better. Be it your qualification, achievement, or about your past job, make sure you know everything in the back of your mind. 6. Be full of energy- You never know that your interviewer has already taken 10-15 interviews Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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before calling you, thus, to stand out from the crowd make sure that you stay energized throughout the interview. Speak confidently and clearly, to create a perfect first impression. 7. Remember the etiquettes- It is not good to interrupt anyone when they are speaking, thus never try to interrupt the interrupt the interviewer when he/she is making a point. Listen first and then try to make your point. It is also important to make sure that you are not sounding too excited to scared. Listen how the interviewer is speaking and try to speak similarly to leave a positive impression. 8. Check the equipment and internet connectionIf it’s a Skype interview, you should check the equipment; your mobile phone, or computer to ensure that it’s working well. Also check your internet connection to make sure that your Skype call is free from any interruption. Even after checking things thoroughly, if you do expect a problem, try to Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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fix it as soon as possible in order to finish the interview. Remember that this can be your only chance to present yourself, and you should not lose it. 9. Check all your surroundings- It is good to check your surroundings before a Skype interview as the interviewer can see it. It the surroundings in a mess, the interviewer will doubt your organizational skills. You can also check how you look like on Skype before the actual interview. Many a times people are distracted by their own looks on the screen. 10.

Smile- No matter if it’s a telephone interview or

Skype interview. Smile when you feel appropriate. While the interviewer can directly see it on Skype, he/she will hear it on the telephone call. This will keep the interview lively, and you’ll also notice that you’ll sound more energetic. While it can be easier on Skype, smiling on the phone can be difficult. You can practice it with the help of placing a mirror in Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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front of you while talking on the phone. 11.

Listen- Listening to your interviewer is very

important. Don’t just listen to 3-4 words and try to assume the question yourself. You might assume it wrong and end up creating a bad impression. Let the interviewer finish, understand as he/she speaks and then give your best possible reply. 12.

Be present throughout the call- Don’t be

dead silent when the interviewer is speaking. Make noises like, ‘umm hmm’, or say ‘yes’ in between to make the interviewer believe that you’re present on the line. Moreover, it’ll also make the conversation pleasant. However, remember that you don’t have to overdo it as it might irritate the interviewer. 13.

Don’t ask selfish questions during the

interview- A Skype or telephone interview is not even the first-round of your interview, thus, questions about salary, and other job benefits should Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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not be asked. Instead, focus on selling yourself to the company; talk about your qualities that can help the company. 14.

Ask for the next step before hanging up- If

you feel like the interviewer is about to end the call with mentioning anything about the next step, speak up and ask about what you need to do next, or when can you expect a call from them. 15.

Don’t forget to ask about their contact

information- You can use the contact information to follow up with the interviewer if you don’t receive a call from the company. Moreover, you can also use the information to drop a ‘Thank You’ mail to the interviewer. With the increasing competition in every field, you need to give your best wherever you go. If you’re unable to do so, there are thousands of others who can get your position. No matter if it’s a Skype or telephone interview, Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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make all the preparations in advance to make sure that you get selected for an actual interview. And remember the above mentioned points to ensure that you create a positive impression on the interviewer. Good Luck! The above mentioned list is sure to help you out in your Skype or telephone interview. To make things better, we’ve also created a list of 5 things that you simply shouldn’t do in a telephone or Skype interview.

5 Things Not To Do In A Skype or Telephone Interview It’s great that you’ve finally landed a telephone or a Skype interview with a large company. Even though it is more of a screening process, it is indeed a step in the positive direction. However, you should know that these telephonic or Skype interviews are often a trap to eliminate you from

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the selection process. Maybe it was your degree, past work experience, your achievements, or the university you went to, caught the eye of someone from the human resources team and you were selected for this interview, however, this doesn’t mean that the company wants to hire you already. Throughout the hiring process, the interviewer will only try to find a reason to eliminate you and find a better individual. Especially in the larger companies, you should be well prepared for these telephone or Skype interviews, as it can be your first and last chance to impress them. No matter what degree you have and

what university you

went to, if you bomb this interview, you’ll never hear from the company again. Many of the times these calls are actually done by the screeners who are trained to sound very friendly and enthusiastic. This is done in a bid to help you feel casual, let your guard down and talk about things you shouldn’t in an interview. Once you do that, they get more than a reason to eliminate you from the list of suitable candidates who’ll be called for a Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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personal interview. Remember that it’s their job to exclude as many applicants as possible, and also as soon as possible in order to find a perfect candidate quickly. Thus to make sure that you are able to create that perfect first impression, we have created a list of 5 things you should never do in a Skype or telephone interview. 1. Never wear casual clothes for a Skype interview- If it’s supposed to be a Skype interview, remember that you have to look professional. If it’s a scheduled call, make your best effort to look your professional best. Don’t go too overboard with the clothes and makeup, but also remember that you don’t look underdressed either. It is difficult to take a video or voice interview as an actual interview as you are in your usual comfortable environment, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to prepare for it. They’re actually calling to check if you are prepared for the job, and if you aren’t, there are a thousand more candidates they can look into.

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2. Never lose your cool if the equipment isn’t working properly- Eve though you should check all the equipment, internet connection, mobile or computer before the interview, technological glitches take place every now and then. Your interviewer understands this well. If you are unable to listen to the interviewer on the phone call or video call, never lose your cool and behave patiently. Acting confused or cursing will create a negative impression and make the interviewer believe that you are unable to cope with stressful situations. 3. Be very clear if you are unable to have a conversation at that particular moment- Though most of the telephone or Skype calls are scheduled, sometimes the interviewer can call you at an inappropriate moment. In such a scenario, it is best to let them know of your situation and try to reschedule the interview. If the interviewer is adamant about conducting the interview now, go ahead and try to do your best. Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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4. Don’t sound dull and boring- While its good to share some of the important points about your past job, ensure that you don’t start with long stories that can bore the interviewer. Another problem is about sounding dull on the phone. You should feel energetic and full of enthusiasm throughout the interview. Even is things are not going your way, remember to maintain that same composure. Don’t speak too fast or too slow. Just listen to the interviewer and try to match with his/her tone. Speak loudly, confidently, and make sure everything you speak is to the point. 5. Don’t forget the background in a Skype interview- Remember the area surrounding you, especially behind you can be seen by the interviewer over the Skype call. Make sure that you organize it neatly and also ensure that there is adequate light in the room. If things are in a mess, the interviewer will doubt your organizational skills. Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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Telephone or Skype interviews are much more than casual interviews. Thus, you need to do all your homework and practice it well to make sure that you do well. Also remember the above mentioned list to ensure that come across as the right candidate for the personal interview and even for the job, and not just another applicant.

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How to prepare an amazing cover letter Ever since the industrial revolution in the 18 th century and the modern development that began after it, the verbal way of selection for employment of workers has paved the road for a new way to apply for a particular employment. The use of letters and applications known as resumes in the modern world was established as a new way to apply for jobs or seeking employment in a much sophisticated and educated world which was highly applauded and appreciated by the rich and influential people of that time. Although there was little or no rising trend of writing resumes or letters for employment at that time rather a

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formal interview for every person walking in the building was considered a much easier way selection.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, there has been a constant rise in the tradition of writing a formal letter or an application to an employer for employment. With the arrival of the new Millennium, this rising trend of writing job applications became permanent and an important manner to apply for a particular job that would in turn land you with an interview and thus with the job. The Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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constantly rising population in the contemporary world is one of the sole reasons for the establishment of cover letters and job applications since the recruiters don’t have enough time to interview thousands of candidates for one job opening. Instead they prefer to go through these resumes and shortlist candidates for interview and later for employment. However, this cover letter and resume might be the very first impression of your credentials of being a successful candidate for this job opening and might as well be your last. What makes a cover letter unique and distinct for a recruiter to remember and shortlist among thousands of different cover letters and resumes is what gives rise to the major question in today’s world of how to prepare an amazing cover letter? A cover letter is basically the front page for your job application or resume designated to a respective organization from a candidate that forms the very first impression of a candidate over a recruiter which includes a range of diversified material that is written in this letter. Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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However, in the contemporary world, there are many ways to write a cover letter that could make quite an impression over the recruiter. Due to the arrival of the modern and the digital world, there has been many technological advancements and developments in ways to write an amazing cover letter that might land you with a job offer. The development of the digital world has given millions of people with access to cover letter templates and many cover letter samples that have been previously shortlisted for interviews and later job offers.

The Basic Format Ever since the digital world began to revolutionize the way cover letters were written and sent to the recruiter’s desk, there has been a constant increase in competition among the candidates for which one to select and shortlist and which ones to remove due to the establishment of cover letter samples and templates over the internet helping applicants to write an amazing Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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cover letter to impress the recruiter on its very first read. Whatever the body of the cover letter may hold, the basic format to write a cover letter and its ending has been made compulsory and fixed.

A basic format has been laid out to write a formal cover letter starting with the applicant’s name, his address, Telephone number and his email address. Many different types of formats have also been introduced including subject of the cover letter which also Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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includes the current date. Another type of cover letter format includes the company the applicant is addressing to, the company’s address, the recruiter’s name to whom the cover letter is being addressed if known. Then comes the introduction to the major part of the cover letter also referred to as the body of the cover letter where all of the material is mostly written. You include everything that you need to address and what to address in your body of the cover letter. The cover letter ends with a regards or “yours sincerely” greeting with the Applicant’s name and signature in the end as a formal gesture of sophistication. There have been many types of cover letter formats laid down over the decades with very few differences in between. One notifies to write the beginning and the end on the left side whereas another format which implies the beginning and the ending to be written on the right side along with the body to be written from the left side. Only the formal format types Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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are considered to be made as cover letters as it is being addressed to a highly educated and sophisticated being for analysis.

What to include in your Letter Imagine a situation of a recruiter going through thousands of cover letters and resumes with those boring lengthy essays written to impress the recruiter with their long impressive lines filled with difficult vocabulary words just to make quite an impression over the recruiter to remember their particular resume but so far nobody has mentioned about the company they are applying to and how the company can benefit through hiring them. All the recruiter can notice in those cover letters and resumes are the boring stories of what makes this particular candidate suitable for the job. In such a case, making an interesting and exciting first impression through the cover letter is what matters the most. The most important yet the major part of a cover Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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letter is its body or the area where all of the information of the letter is written. The body of the cover letter begins with a kind gesture of greeting like Dear Sir or Dear Mrs. ABC etc. Many different rules and formats have been laid down over many decades as to what to write and what not to write in the body of the cover letter. The most commonly used format is to make at most 3-4 paragraphs within a cover letter and always begin with a catchy or interesting line that might catch an eye of the recruiter for your particular cover letter making him more excited about reading the rest of your cover letter and later your resume. The most important aspect of a cover letter is to provide an impression to the recruiter that the particular applicant knows about the job opening and has the idea of what the job he is applying to require and what is the company all about. The first paragraph should highlight the particular company the applicant is applying to and their recent achievements and how they pursued you to make up the decision to apply for this company. A little research needs to be done in order to write this very Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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first paragraph along with the research for what the company you are writing this cover letter to is all about. The very next paragraph should provide the information about only your relevant work experience in a brief and concise manner as to what makes you all different from the other candidates and what do you bring to the tables benefitting the company to reach its future goals. A little information about your past experiences that make you a suitable candidate for the job. The very next paragraph should talk about your education and the job itself in a brief and concise manner with simple wordings so that the recruiter does not get confused and your message can be properly conveyed.

Not to be included in the letter There are a lot of things that need not to be included in the cover letter resulting in making the letter bulky and too long to read making the recruiter to lose interest in the particular resume. Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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Repetition is not to be done in the cover letter and the words and sentences should be as concise and brief as possible. The cover letter is just present to make a brief introduction of the applicant and its resume to the recruiter while the rest of the information regarding the applicant is written in the resume itself.

No irrelevant job experiences need to be quoted in the cover letter making the letter too descriptive. Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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There should be no use of slangs and abbreviations in the letter making it an informal letter which is also greatly disliked in the employment sector. Further no complete education is to be quoted since the beginning of your education the recruiter just needs to know about your graduation or above. Furthermore, the detail about the company should be small and linked to the job opening only. The more descriptive and illogical information is written in the letter about the company the more the recruiter loses interest having the impression of a letter not well researched and well written. No personal information like family or friends should be quoted as it is considered strictly unprofessional in the employment world.

3 Cover Letter Samples Sample 1 Dear XYZ, Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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I’m writing this letter to you about expressing my concerns and interests in your job posting for the Web Designer Position over My experience spreads over a vast set of areas specializing in consumer focused content sites mostly related to sports and health. Contrary to my web designing experience, I have a wide experience in the business world too, with my core understanding about the social value of the non-profit sector which greatly adds diversity to my vast experience proving to be a great asset for your organization. My previous job description included the responsibilities to handle the maintenance and development of the site’s editing parts mostly related to the voice and style and the daily editorial content programming over the website. After working closely with many professionals in related fields, I have gained quite an expertise and acquired quite a skillful knowledge to provide the consumer audience with authentic information proving beneficial for them as patients. These sets of skills are quite beneficial in suiting the requirements of your job posting. Many well Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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renowned Doctors and Physicians have also used my expertise to convert their medical content into a conveyable information for their patient audience by making it user friendly. Over all these years, I have acquired a skill set to build strong relationships within all departments in an organization and have developed the ability to work within a team and even as a team leader. Having worked really closely with many technicians and software engineers to solve technical issues and improvements within a department has gained me a lot of confidence and skills to work within a team and perform my set of duties as a team member. I have been working alongside the technical department to develop functional enhancements and carry out search engine optimization. With constant interactions within an organization, I have the ability to develop fondness and strong work relationships with my colleagues so far for which I have been applauded and promoted many times in the past Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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few years. I believe that I can fulfill all the requirements of an employee your organization is looking for as an employer. My past track record provides a complete outlook of my resume particularly suiting to the needs and requirements of this job offer. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward for your reply. Regards, Signature First Name Last Name Sample 2 Dear Mr. /Mrs. XYZ, The ABC Company is accredited as one of the best companies and environment friendly workplaces in the world especially for IT Professionals. This company is considered to lay down a system of culture of environment friendliness and you are the one recognized to be the sustaining authority for this cultural environment in the contemporary world making a Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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symbolic significance for this company to prevail across foreign borders. After your company’s appearance among the top rankings in Forbes, I am hoping your desk must be flooded with thousands of resumes since the very first day. My resume for this particular job posting is just another resume in that pile of thousands. But what makes my resume unique and distinct from the rest of the thousand resumes is some of my experience which is not only rare but hard to come by these days. My IT experience coupled with the knowledge of business and accounting gives me an edge to apply technology of all sorts to business ventures and processes. The skill set related to the knowledge about business I acquired spreads across many manners like accounting, finance, risk management, budget control, business analysis and even insurance. My resume speaks of my experience with many merger talks and acquisition events along with many turnovers I Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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happen to be a part of over my past job experiences. Over the past few years, my recently gained experience about high growth challenges, technology replacement projects and technology improvement research projects have gained me many successes and a series of promotions in my previous job experiences. Many multinational companies like ABC and DEF have applauded me for my successful delivery of work over technology projects with proper budget control and on terms and conditions with their companies’ regulations. Thank you for your consideration of my resume. I would be grateful to hear from you about a talk with you or someone in your organization about the particular job offer for which I am writing this resume to you. My particular skill sets along with my knowledge could prove beneficial for your organization’s future goals. I would like to hear from you for a job offer according to my skill set and knowledge that can be utilized for the benefit of your company. Regards, Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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Your Signature Sample 3 Dear Mr. /Mrs. ABC, I am writing this resume as an applicant to seek a position for the job opening as a Computer Programmer you advertised in the XYZ Newspaper. As per the requirements for this job requested, I am attaching a complete and enclosed job application along with all of my certifications and resumes with the three references specifically mentioned in the advertisement. The job opportunity enlisted in your newspaper advertisement is quite attractive and interesting as it perfectly matches my skill sets and my vast technical experience along with my education suiting your needs and requirements for this particular job opening. I believe that my strong set of skills and the vast experience I have gained over the recent years would make me one of the most competitive candidates for this position at your organization. Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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All of my key strengths and advanced technical experience has been quoted in my resume whereas some of my core strengths that make me a successful candidate for this particular job opening are: • I have been the sole developer and designer for many live support web and smartphone applications. • My continued lust for knowledge and gaining excellence never ends. • My outstanding contribution towards the customer care and customer services for all customers have been applauded and resulted in a series of promotions in my previous job experiences. Graduating from a top school with a BS degree in Software Engineering, I have a complete grasp over the full life cycle of a software development project. My striving towards excellence enables me to adapt and excel in the newly introduced technologies in the market. Please take a look over my applicant resume for my Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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further description as a candidate for this job opening. I am available for further contact through my email address or for more urgent contact responses by my Phone Number GHI. Thank you for your valuable time and considering me as a viable candidate to seek this position at your organization. I look forward for this opportunity to meet you and discuss about this employment opportunity further. Regards, Signature

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How to prepare an amazing Resume The best definition of a resume is the following: a 2 pages document that will introduce you to a stranger who doesn’t have enough time to really get to know you. A resume is meant to answer one very specific question: Why are you the perfect candidate for this job opening? But you can’t write that in a single phrase and e-mail it to the employer. You need to provide very specific proof that you are the right person for the job. This “proof” is translated into many things: your p a s t experience, y o u r education, y o u r skills and competencies, your abilities and hobbies and the objective you’ve set out for your career. Please note that

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a resume is not only for job applications; it can be submitted for joining a college, an internship program or even applying for a scholarship. Consider the resume as a primary weapon that can make you victorious in job hunting. Every weapon needs to be carefully crafted, handled and used in a specific manner.

Top 8 Things to include in the resume

A resume should never be longer than 2 pages and only if the information written is relevant to the employer.

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However, resumes follow a certain pattern. Here are the elements that every resume should include: #1 Personal details – This is where every candidate must include your full name, your date of birth and you contact details, such as your physical address, phone number and e-mail address. The contact details can be written in a smaller font size than the one used for the rest of the document. If an employer is interested in the skills, abilities and experience of a certain candidate, they will look for the contact details after having read the rest of the information. #2 Objective – The objective of a resume is nothing more than a specific phrase that explains why this job is important for the candidate. It should be written on a general note that explains the long term goal of the employee. In other words, the objective needs to show the value that a candidate can bring to a company and not the other way around.

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#3 Education – This section of the resume must include the candidate’s highest level of education, without pointing out specific results and grades. Again, one must keep in mind what sort of information is relevant to the company offering a job opening. For example, if a candidate is looking to apply for a job in a software company, having a master’s degree in literature is not more relevant that having studied computer science in college. #4 Awards and recognition – Aside from the relevant awards that a candidate has received, this section can also include a list of extracurricular activities that point out the value that a certain candidate can bring to a company. If a candidate is looking to apply for a job as a middle school teacher, cooking classes are not that important in a resume, but having volunteered for the Red Cross will point out some skills that are more important to the employer. #5 Work experience – Most people prefer to include Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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their experience as a volunteer in this section. Having volunteered in the past for an organization is an important factor that should be included in every resume, because it shows that the candidate is not just after financial remuneration, but is looking to create an impact in the community around him and this is a personality trait that employers value highly. This section should also include work experience carried out in school. As far as actual jobs are concerned, having switched between a high number of companies does not always make a candidate valuable. Some interviewers may judge a candidate who has had a lot of jobs in the past as incapable of adjusting to different work environments. Make sure your resume includes the work experience that the employer is looking for. #6 Skills and abilities – Being an excellent golf player is not going to help a candidate get a position as a PR specialist. However, public speaking abilities will. Even if a candidate has a huge list of skills and abilities, not all of them should be included in the resume. This is why Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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researching the company before writing the resume is important. This way, a candidate will now what are is the mission, the objective and the values of the company hiring and can adapt their resume accordingly. A large multinational company will be interested in the teamworking abilities and the adaptability skills of a candidate, whereas a small accounting firm is mostly interested in organized people, who are able to stay focused and are really good with numbers and deadlines. #6 Hobbies – The hobbies section of the resume will allow the employer to get to know the candidate a bit better. Each hobby will tell the company something different about you. You will be judged differently if you like to go out in your free time, if you practice sports or if you’d rather stay at home and read a good book. One important thing to mention here is that even if you have many solitary hobbies, you might not want to include just those in your resume. People with solitary hobbies are often perceived as introvert and your potential employers will be reluctant in hiring you because they will feel you Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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are lacking people skills. #7 Foreign languages – This section is extremely important, especially if you are applying for a job opening at a multinational company. Knowing several foreign languages will not only make you eligible for a higher position in the company, but it can broaden your horizons for promotions even in another country. #8 Computer skills – Most jobs will require that you use a computer at some point, so the “computer skills” section can make or break your resume. Anything may be useful here: from your ability to create amazing PowerPoint presentations, your capacity of using search engines to perform research and even using text editors.

Resume in Online job applications In our modern-day society, people use tons of online platforms to seek job openings and obtain interviews. Candidates that apply for jobs online, need to consider Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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the following aspect: most companies use specific software to target potential candidates that fit the profile or search for candidates and their resumes by using certain keywords. For instance, a company that is looking to hire a mobile app developer will most likely search for keywords like “iOS developer” or “Android developer”. When applying for a technical job, using the right terminology can make a difference between one resume or the other.

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The Europass resume Throughout Europe, there is a standard resume format the people send out to their potential employers. It is called the European Skills Passport (Europass). This resume follows a specific template and requires on-point information about who you are, what you did, how good you are and why you are suitable for the job.

There is a lot of contradiction as to whether the Europass CV is the best choice when applying for a job. In general, most companies will specify in their job descriptions if Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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they require candidates to send their resume in the Europass format. To other employers, Europass is considered dull and completely unimpressive. A little bit of research before sending the resume will shed some light on the situation. The Europass CV also requires a small photo of the candidate and this is something that not all employers require. Compared to a traditional CV, the Europass resume will require very specific information from the candidate. It’s a form that you need to fill in and leaves no room for creativity. With a tradition CV, you get to underline the skills, experience and competencies that you feel are the most likely to get you the job.

Top 30 tips on how to write an excellent resume Contrary to what many people think, a resume does not have to say everything about you. It should point

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out the strong points that make a person the ideal candidate for a specific job opening. With that in mind, here are some important things to remember before writing the resume: 1. Your resume is a greeting card that needs to work in your favor. 2. Your resume is probably the first contact you’ll have with your potential employer. 3. The objective of a resume is to draw the attention of the interviewer and make him want to meet you in person. 4. A resume has to point out the main reason why a candidate in eligible for a particular job. 5. A resume should not include complicated words or phrases. It should be focused on verbs, some nouns and adjectives that can clearly state the Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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idea you want to pass on. 6. Before writing a resume, one should research the company and the job position they are applying for and point out the information that would be relevant for the employer. 7. Always make sure your resume has been checked for errors and proofread after it’s finished. It does not matter what job opening you are applying for, your grammar and vocabulary need to be flawless. 8. Never exaggerate about your education or past experience. Companies will most likely do a background check and you will be really embarrassed if someone found out you were lying. 9. Don’t use the same e-mail address you’ve has in high-school. Purrfect_kitty_cat may have made Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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sense when you were 15, but it doesn’t anymore. 10.

Make sure your resume has a consistent

look. A resume is allowed to use one font for the headings and one for the regular text, but that’s it. Don’t abuse font types, sizes and colors because this is not an invitation to a kindergarten party. Also, the resume should be printed on regular paper, not colored, not decorative. 11.

As you tailor your resume, make sure you

avoid huge block of white space between paragraphs. A resume needs to be easy to read. 12.

If possible, your resume needs to answer

the questions that you interviewers have not yet addressed. In short: address the employer’s objections.

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Avoid repetitions as much as possible.

Replace word and phrases with synonyms. Avoid metaphors. 14.

Don’t bold or underline parts of the resume.


Never write your CV by hand. Always use a

computer. 16.

A good resume has a lot of bullet points

because it makes it easier for the employer to get the big picture. Huge paragraphs and neverending text will make the interviewers put your CV away. 17.

Always keep the job description in mind as

you are writing the resume. What your CV needs to do is to show that you are capable of meeting the requirements for that job opening and to prove that you are the best candidate to carry out the tasks at hand.

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Make sure you keep your CV upgraded. A

resume should always be ready for a presentation. 19.

The information in your resume should be

arranged in chronological order. 20.

If you have no work experience to fill the

required resume section, focus on your achievement throughout your years of study. Diplomas, courses and study achievements can be of great help. 21.

When you are writing about your work

experience, just stating your job title will not suffice. Employers want to know more about the specific tasks you’ve handled and what your responsibilities were. 22.

Always start with your most recent job.

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When you write about your skills, tie them

to the job opening as much as possible. For example, if you have problem solving skills, this can be very helpful when applying for a job as a team leader, whereas numeracy skills are more suitable for someone who wants to be an accountant. 24.

Avoid those boring clichés that everyone

includes in their resume. “My volunteering experience has taught me to work in a diverse environment and to adapt to several types of human personality” is way better than “I’m good at working with people”. Everything that you write in your resume needs to be supported by proof. 25.

It may be important to mention that you

have a driver’s license. If you apply for a job as local sales representative, you chances of being hired will increase if you have the means of Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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transportation ensured. 26.

Some resumes may require an appendix. If

you are applying for a job opening that requires a very specific diploma, a copy of that diploma can be attached to the resume. Never attach original documents, but copies legalized by a notary’s office. 27.

An employer will most likely skim your

resume for a maximum period of 1 minute. If your resume does not draw attention in the next 20-30 seconds, chances are you will not be called in for an interview. 28.

Make sure your resume is consistent. If you

write about your absolutely amazing academic achievement and good grades, but you have absolutely no extra-curricular activities, your employer may question the authenticity of what you’ve stated. Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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Have someone else proofread your resume.

When we make mistakes, we don’t usually see them even when we read our documents for the second or third time. 30.

A resume needs to sell a candidate. You

should never be too modest or too cocky when speaking about your experience, your skills or your abilities. You should have clear and concise sentences that provide logical arguments as to why you are fit for the job.

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3 Resume Samples Sample 1 Irina Valocikova Birmingham E41 2NF England T: 0044 121 000 000 E: PERSONAL SUMMARY An articulate, experienced, ambitious and a zealous sales manager is looking for a job with a respected employer which will enhance my competitive self. Essentially a team player can direct and oversee my team effectively to ensure that the shoppers undergo an excellent shopping experience at the store. Encourage the team to come up with new ideas and support them. Provide with excellent service and is always enthusiastic to add more clients to the client base. CAREER HISTORY RETAIL SALES MANAGER Employers name: AS26

February 2009 - present

Responsible for growth in sales and sales margin and also to provide excellent service to customers. Responsibilities: •

Resolving any doubts and complaints that a customer might possess.

Looking out for other competitors and developing plans to outshine them.

Looking for new sales opportunities and employing local knowledge to do so.

To raise the standards of the store. Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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Innovating new market strategies to attract new customers.

Encouraging the team.

Analyzing sales report and operational expenses.

Recognizing and awarding staff performance.

Searching and recruiting new sales representative.


July 2008 – January 2009


July 2007 - June 2008


Managing customer relations and addressing any issues that they might have.

Ability to hike up the sales number.

Efficient at time management and staff management.

Abides by company rules and regulations.

Adaptable to any new inventory system.


Great communication skills.

Quick learner of new technology and has a good knowledge of computers.

Eye for detail.

AREAS OF EXPERTISE Loyal to customers Great customer service Leading a team with great expertise Managing sales

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OTHER ACCOMPLISHMENT 7. Awarded for being the sales manager of the year (2011) 8. Won an award as a team in the Birmingham POLO Tournament for Corporate houses 9. Recognized for contributing to the reputation of the company

ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Birmingham College 2003-2007 Birmingham School

Degree in Management O levels Maths (A) English (A) Geography

(B) Physics (A) REFERENCES Available on request

Sample 2 Mario Rossi Birmingham B18 3NF England T: 0044 121 650 1088 E:

PERSONAL SUMMARY A reliable, motivated and confident individual seeks an entry level position for a graduate with prospective career growth. With an extensive knowledge of literature, I also possess the necessary skills to survive in the workplace. Possessing great communication skills, can also multi-task and organize important things in order. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Marco Fattizzo Š Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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Birmingham College 2014- present Ph.D.

Department of Literature

Birmingham College 2011-2013

Masters of Arts Department of Literature

Birmingham College 2007-2010

Bachelor of Arts Majoring in Literature and History

ACADEMIC AWARDS AND ACCOLADES 2014 Postgraduate Award, Birmingham College 2012 John Moore Research Scholarship 2009 Dean’s Commendation Certificate

RESEARCH ACTIVITY & PRESENTATION ‘A detailed analysis of the re-emergence of feminism in the 19th century’


‘Virginia Woolfe- A room with her own view?’


PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE TUTOR 2012-2014 Department of Literature, Birmingham College •

Introduced the first year students to the Renaissance authors.

Devised new learning objectives and made the sessions interactive.

Aided and abetted the students with any help understanding the various philosophical metaphors behind every book written by authors.

Planned a new course structure to provide and encourage in-depth knowledge.

Aimed to deliver a high-quality lecture to students so that they could grasp the various Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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concepts. •

Received positive feedback from Faculty Members and the Head of the Faculty as well.




Volunteering at social causes


AREAS OF EXPERTISE Communication Skills Organizational skills Report Writing Leadership Skills In-depth knowledge in Feminism and Renaissance Administration REFERENCES Available on request.

Sample 3 Callie Holmes Birmingham B16 8NF England T: 0044 121 689 1234 E: PERSONAL SUMMARY I am a hard working individual whose ardent love for the web industry exceeds all boundaries. Able to work on extremely short deadlines and is happy to deal with this constant change in this Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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online business. Powered with the knowledge of this digital industry, can overcome the challenges posed by multiple targets and while working with various digital channels.Have a broad range of experiences and deal with SEO, copywriting, content developing, paid search advertising, and many more. Have had a successful client base and am currently looking for an employer who would further add to the range of experience. CAREER HISTORY DIGITAL MARKETTING CONSULTANT Employers name –WHORL SOLUTIONS

March 2010 - present

Developing and managing digital marketing programmes Responsibilities: •

Interpreting and transforming the clients’ requirements into the work assigned.

Developing new ideas for the campaign and transformation.

Management and creation of new content for websites.

Working closely as a team of professionals to produce exceptional work.

Keeping up with the new social media changes and trends.

Creating a functioning digital marketing strategy.

Developing new keywords suitable for the client’s website.

Ensuring Digital sales through successful marketing strategy.

Developing new content and updating content via content management system.

Looking after e-commerce applications and content.

Developing marketing programmes for emails, etc.


June 2008 - February2010


July 2007 - June 2008

KEY SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES Marco Fattizzo © Copyright -Get Your Job - Full Set


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Extensive experience with developing online marketing strategies.

In sync with the current trends of marketing programmes.

Ability to handle multiple client requests at once.

Has an extensive knowledge of various marketing systems.

Excellent skills to develop content strategy.


Team player, possessing the power to extract the best out of other members.

Ability to multitask successfully.

Ability to take on challenges.

AREAS OF EXPERTISE Development of marketing strategies Client satisfaction Web analytics Flexible enough to take on aggressive deadlines Team player ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Birmingham College 2005-2008 Degree in Marketing Birmingham School B levels Maths (A) English (A) Geography (C) Physics (B) OTHER SKILLS •

Knowledge of SEO techniques

Adequate knowledge of application of important keywords

Launching marketing campaigns like Google Adwords, etc.

Updated with the current marketing trends

Knowledge about marketing on social media platforms

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REFERENCES Available on request.

GOOD LUCK for your next Job you can contact Marco Fattizzo at the email

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