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News in brief
Integrated subsea and ofshore solutons provider, Unique Group, has reported a successful completon of the world’s largest water bag load test without spreader beams. Taking place in November 2020, the 1,760Mt proof load test was carried out in the UAE on the derrick crane of Valentne Maritme owned vessel, DLB 1600 Derrick Pipelay Barge. Eighteen Water Weights and Seafex WaterLoad bags of capacity 35t, 100t and 110t were used, the later being the largest water bag available on the market and best suited for heavy load testng applicatons. A revolving load test was completed at 1,320Mt and the total lifing height of the proof load test was marked at 65m. In order to guarantee compliance with industry guidelines, including those relatng to current COVID-19 restrictons, Unique Group undertook extensive QHSE assessments to ensure the safe and tmely executon of the project.
i. uniquegroup.com
Besenzoni workboats series
Besenzoni, known in the yachtng sector as a supplier of accessories for recreatonal boats, have decided to introduce a range of products designed for the commercial and military sector. Among the products that Besenzoni manufactures for the commercial and military sector are helm seats, gangways, boarding ladders, cranes, baten cars, hydraulic handling systems, hatch openings, watertght doors, and much more. The new range will include all those products that feature in the pleasure boat range, reimagined and adapted for workboats, where choosing highquality materials is just as important.
i. besenzoni.it

Environmentally friendly business

As a growing company, steel constructon company Rometal Constructve Solutons keeps on looking for improvement at all levels, and as good care for the environment is everyone’s responsibility, the company is happy to invest in reducing its emissions. That is why Rometal recently installed solar panels on all its Roterdam facilites. Approximately 1,400 panels with a total revenue of 480,000kWh now creates a total reducton of Rometal’s emissions of more than 50%.
i. rometal.nl
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Jumbo breaks deep-water record

On behalf of TechnipFMC, Jumbo Ofshore successfully completed the frst phase of work on Energean’s Karish gas feld ofshore Israel. Jumbo’s scope of work included transport and installaton of fourteen sucton piles (part of a fourteen point FPSO mooring system), a te-in manifold and a 24 inch deepwater gas sales spool. Jumbo installed the components at a depth of 1,760m, breaking its own deep-water installaton record. Jumbo’s work is scheduled to recommence in 2021, with the hook-up and installaton of the Energean Power FPSO, the frst FPSO ever to operate in the East Mediterranean. Installing the mooring spread for the Energean Power FPSO, Jumbo installed thirteen sucton piles of 176t each and one weighing 235t. Both the deck layout and the two 900t cranes of Jumbo’s ofshore constructon vessel Fairplayer were reconfgured to enable each part of the installaton. This involved the Fairplayer’s deep-water winches being modifed to allow installaton work down to 3,000m deep.
i. jumbomaritime.nl
Sif intends acquisiton of KCI the engineers
Sif Holding and Royal IHC have signed heads of agreement on an intended acquisiton by Sif of KCI the engineers. Final agreement is subject to due diligence outcome and foreseen in the frst quarter of 2021. Recent ofshore wind projects that Sif has been involved in, have convinced Sif that a closelink between foundaton-design and manufacturing know-how can result in a signifcant optmisaton of both the design and manufacturing of the foundaton. This efectvely results in a beter producton efciency and lower integrated costs of the foundatons. By adding design engineering skills, Sif takes an important next step in its development towards an integrated total soluton partner for ofshore wind monopile products and services. The intended acquisiton of KCI is instrumental to building sufcient engineering-capacity and -competence to fully support this approach.

i. sif-group.com
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Offshore Events
23 – 25 November 2021WindEurope Electric City Copenhagen Copenhagen, Denmarkwindeurope.org/ElectricCity2021 7 – 10 September 2021 SPE Offshore EuropeAberdeen, United Kingdom offshore-europe.co.uk 29 – 30 September 2021Global Offshore Wind London London, United Kingdomevents.renewableuk.com/gow21-overview October 2021Offshore Energy AmsterdamAmsterdam, The Netherlands offshore-energy.biz 8 – 11 November 2021 ADIPEC 2021Abu Dhabi, UAE adipec.com 16 – 19 August 2021 OTC HoustonHouston, USA2021.otcnet.org
Vulcan mobilises ofshore cable laying
Vulcan Ofshore has put cable lay vessel mobilisaton at the centre of its multfaceted ofshore service ofering. Vulcan is a specialist in fabricaton, welding, and computer numerical control (CNC) machining for the marine and subsea industries. It principally works for cable lay companies that own or charter vessels for laying ofshore windfarm or fbre optc cables for the telecommunicatons industry. When a vessel, barge, or workboat prepares for an upcoming project, Vulcan’s clients typically must modify and ft out the deck with winches, launch and recovery systems (LARs), cable engines, steps, ladders, and access platorms, et cetera. As the vessels perform diferent functons depending on the job, equipment needs to be fabricated or welded to the deck of the ship. Chris Scruton, Managing Director at Vulcan, says, “We ofer a comprehensive welding and fabricaton service, which can be delivered in our workshop, on- and ofshore. It’s proved to be a diferentator that we’re ideally located near the Southampton port on the south coast and we have personnel skilled in MMA, MIG, and TIG welding; we also have welders who are CSWIP 3.2 certfed.”

i. vulcanoffshore.co.uk
EnerMech appoints IT Director
Steven Muir joins the global integrated solutons specialist as IT Director from Stork where he was Director of Group Technology & Operatons, and IT Business Partner for UK, ME & APAC Regions. Previously, Mr Muir led and managed IT Functons across multple diferent industry sectors including educaton, technology, and biotech. EnerMech is embarking on a period of transformaton and expansion and Mr Muir will focus on ensuring the business’s IT and systems infrastructure remains cutng edge. Based in Aberdeen, Mr Muir will be responsible for enhancing EnerMech’s technology components as the company strengthens its entry into the renewables and infrastructure sectors while maintaining its leading positon in its traditonal oil and gas markets.
i. enermech.com
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Non-nuclear Density Analyser

A new generation of NON NUCLEAR density analysers based on Ultrasonic spectroscopy for a high accuracy density-measurement of the dredging slurry.
The ceramic ultrasonic and thermal sensors are designed for abrasive slurries in the dredging and tunnelling industry.
Ultrasonic spectroscopy is the better and safer alternative for nuclear density meters. High energy pulses are included into the piezo element, an ultrasonic wave arises and propagates through the ceramic elements. The reflections from the interface between the element and the slurry are measured.
STI Sludge Treatment International B.V. Phone : +31653157491