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Big sustainability steps
North Star has kick started its ambitious feet decarbonisation plans with an in-depth sustainability study across its 44 ofshore infrastructure support vessels. The results will deliver a roadmap to help the business futureproof its tonnage, enhance operational performance, and meet its net zero 2040 target.
As part of the analysis, Houlder will evaluate North Star’s feet of emergency response and rescue vehicles, platform supply vessels, as well as its future renewables feet. Matthew Gordon, CEO of North Star.
The frm has commissioned independent design and engineering consultants, Houlder, to determine the carbon emission reduction opportunities on its existing feet and to recommend the most efective green innovations for the frm to invest in over the next decade. The engineering design, clean technology and technical consultancy has extensive experience in supporting marine clients to adapt their feets to improve environmental performance and meet the decarbonisation challenge.
Three-stage analysis
As part of the three-stage analysis, Houlder will evaluate North Star’s feet of emergency response and rescue vehicles, platform supply vessels, as well as its future renewables feet. The frst stage will establish greenhouse gas emissions and carbon intensity across its existing assets and onshore operations. It will then identify the most suitable clean technologies to improve each vessel’s efciency and reduce environmental impact. The fnal phase will assess all potential energy efcient and low emission propulsion solutions which could be retroftted to the existing feet in line with operational requirements, available space, displacement, power demand and endurance requirements. Alternative fuels of the future will also be considered. The assessment and results are due to be completed end of Q1.
Urgent need
North Star’s CEO Matthew Gordon says, “We are 100% committed to cutting greenhouse gases across our business and accelerating our energy transition. This includes further diversifcation into the renewables market and improving the environmental sustainability and operational excellence of our existing ships to best serve our clients and shareholders. The urgent need for the sector to upscale to zero-emission vessels and clean fuels is gathering pace and while we are well informed on the numerous innovations which would provide dynamic options, it is vital that we are fully informed with conclusive intelligence to support our investment decisions. Houlder’s meticulous approach will help us to determine the most efective solutions to adopt, based on our operations, budgets, and timeline. Over the next ten years, we want to adapt our vessels with a trajectory of >>
improvements that will set the future benchmark across the North Sea for green-powered high-performing, reliable, ofshore infrastructure services feet support.”
Greatest efect
The frm’s frst renewables feet for the ofshore wind market is currently being built. It includes four service ofshore vessels and associated daughter craft to support wind turbine technicians working in the North Sea. The designs utilise low fuel consumption, digital decision support technology, advanced propulsion systems, hybrid power management and a waste heat recovery system. They are also confgured for ofshore in-feld battery charging and future clean maritime fuels. Chris Bell, Senior Consultant at Houlder, states, “There are many proven energy efciency adaptations and technologies that can be deployed today to support the transition to net-zero emissions operations. There is no single best solution to the decarbonisation challenge. What’s important is to determine how they can best be packaged together for greatest efect. This study not only determines the viable technology options for the North Star feet, but also highlights specifc ships to target and prioritise. This approach turns a tough challenge into an achievable and actionable process.”
Artist impression of North Star’s frst renewables feet for the offshore wind market that is currently being built.
Asking a research company to conduct a thorough survey of a feet’s sustainability options looks like an unusual strategy. Fraser Dobbie, Chief Strategy Ofcer of North Star explains the decision, “Our journey of becoming a sustainable company started a while ago with various steps taken. As a shipping company, the most obvious way for us is to focus on our vessels as we do not have, for example, a production process we can look at. Our Technical Department already spend a lot of time on sustainability. However, this is in a less structured manner and is not their sole focus. With a survey conducted by an external party, this provides a more open-minded review, and it ensures that we have dedicated focus on an important initiative. We hope to be able to create a roadmap with diferent
possible strategies for us to choose from. Fraser Dobbie, North Star’s Chief Strategy Offcer.
Some of them will be quick wins and others will take more time and efort.”
According to Mr Dobbie, when looking at sustainability there are not only technical questions to be answered. “Before choosing a certain technical solution we should become aware of regional diferences. What might become standard in Europe, might difer from for example what is common in Asia. Also, it is important to know what is important for our customers. What is the best way to help them in becoming sustainable themselves? Sustainability is everyone’s responsibility it is not just a matter of buying a carbon-low vessel. Decisions and behaviour also afect sustainability, not only regarding sailing our vessels, but also in terms of maintenance. Hopefully, the survey will give us some input for these questions as well.”
The new safety
North Star has been supporting the ofshore energy sector since the 1970s. “For the upcoming years,” Mr Dobbie states, “ofshore wind will be one of our primary markets and we expect that operating sustainable as a company will become more and more important. We consider sustainability as the new safety. A few years ago, working according to certain safety standards was a unique selling point, whereas today it has turned into a primary condition for doing business. We think that this will also happen with sustainability and we will make big steps through making our feet of vessels greener. But this is only part of our eforts. We stimulate our organisation to act sustainably, for example by the use of electric vehicles. Also, we try to think along with our local environment. We have set up an internal sustainability council, to inspire change from inside the company and lead by example. This is a forum in which our team can discuss various initiatives to make the business – and our impact – the best it can be. We take part in local initiatives such as a recent beach clean-up activity, and we provide colleges and schools with equipment and tools that we do not use anymore to support their studies instead of throwing them away.”
Partners Group
It was announced recently, that Partners Group, a global private markets frm, has acquired North Star from Basalt Infrastructure Partners. Partners Group aims to transform North Star into a leading next-generation ofshore wind infrastructure services company, which refects the frm’s focus on investing with sustainability factors in mind. “The acquisition by Partners Group will no doubt have a positive efect on our sustainability eforts”, Mr Dobbie explains. “Partners Group understands our signifcant growth plans and their support gives us the opportunity to focus on this without worrying about sourcing equity funding. For them it is clear that sustainability needs to be part of our growth strategy, which gives us a strong platform for the future.”