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A lifesaver in the waves Bachmann
Lifesaver amidst the waves
CONDITION MONITORING (CM) IS STILL A FAIRLY NEW DISCIPLINE IN SHIPBUILDING. CRITICAL COMPONENTS ARE OF COURSE MONITORED, BUT IT IS RARE FOR THE COLLECTED DATA TO BE CONNECTED TO EACH OTHER IN A CONDITION MONITORING SYSTEM (CMS), WHICH CERTAINLY ADDS VALUE. THE inital cost hurdle stll appears to be too high for shipyards, shipping companies, and feet operators to overcome. Bachmann ofers the possibility to start at a lower cost, and easily scale up to a high-end soluton if need be.
Defects in the power train or drives are preferably avoided on the high seas. Such an incident would not only entail high costs, but also pose a risk to the life and limb of the ship’s crew. Critcal components therefore need to be replaced pre-emptvely according to a set maintenance schedule, regardless of whether or not a defect is apparent. This renders unnecessary efort and expense. Contnuous monitoring and corresponding evaluaton of operatng conditons allow changes in core components to be detected, and targeted maintenance to be carried out during planned downtme. Moreover, not only can outages be avoided, but the operatng life of essental components is extended while saving considerably on costs.
Dead end
CMS has already been implemented at many important points on vessels. Sensors provide contnuous measuring and trigger an alarm when measurements exceed a certain threshold. A service technician can inspect the area and identfy the causes. A frequent problem with this is that the monitoring soluton is isolated and limited to monitoring one single assembly group. The previous history of measured values is typically unknown, and the alarm cannot be chronologically referenced to other events on the ship. A corresponding networking of systems and data is required for this, which is not provided for most stand-alone monitoring systems, rendering these solutons a dead end for true conditon monitoring.
Affordable start
With Bachmann’s CMSSTD soluton integrated into the control system, CM can be economically started as of version 2.00, and incrementally expanded as needed. The inital investments remain protected, as the
Bachmann condition monitoring system software interfaces.

The Bachmann condition monitoring system makes it possible to start condition monitoring without complications or high costs.
installaton does not have to be rebuilt; plug-ins in the form of individual licenses can expand capacity at any tme. This allows CMSSTD to grow into a comprehensive monitoring soluton that provides a complete status overview of monitored system parts, in turn allowing the making of informed decisions about maintenance. Upon request, trained personnel from Bachmann Monitoring will remotely evaluate diagnostc data.

Basic version on board
The sofware is already part of the M1 system’s standard toolbox and is therefore quick to install. With it, all process variables available to the control system are analysed, >>
Modular expansion: the basic solution for vibration sensor peak value detection can be turned directly into a complete condition monitoring system.
AIC214 RMS 24/7 1Hz Option 1: OT / Option 2: atvise® portal
Expansion 1: Offline Raw Data Offline / Online
Expansion 2: Online Monitoring, Reporting
and the analogue and digital input signals from the AIO2xx, GIO2xx, and grid measurement GSP274 and GMP232 modules, are all monitored. With additonal AIC214 vibraton sensor modules, up to 48 piezo vibraton sensors can be integrated, measurement data can be recorded with a sampling rate of up to 50kHz, and the efectve values of which (RMS) are calculated and logged contnuously. Alarm thresholds can be set by the user in accordance with the standards under DIN ISO 20283-4. Value trends and alarms can be displayed on an optonal web terminal.
High-end condition monitoring via plug-ins
With ofine plug-in licensing, it is possible to add to basic features and defne trigger events for logging other data such as temperature, engine performance, and speed. All raw data from the connected sensors is stored. The measured value and alarm history can be transferred to a USB fash drive if required. This allows the operator to evaluate the data with an appropriate tool or to hand the data over to an external service provider for analysis. Mechanical vibraton recordings triggered by an event can be saved as a WAV audio fle using the online plug-in. The contnuous recording of vibraton data and the RMS values calculated online enable direct recording for operaton management, in additon to long-tme diagnostcs. Fine spectrum analysis in the frequency range can selectvely detect damage to the kinematcs of the drive train and forms the basis for in-depth analysis by experts on land.
Condition-based maintenance
The Bachmann conditon monitoring system makes it possible to start with conditon monitoring without complicatons or high costs. It lays the groundwork for comprehensive monitoring and assessment of the operatng conditon of critcal components, and opens the door to conditon-based maintenance. This result can be highly compelling, as it leads to a higher availability of the ship and systems, more safety for the crew, and all of this at lower costs, too.
i. bachmann.info
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