Lifesaver amidst the waves CONDITION MONITORING (CM) IS STILL A FAIRLY NEW DISCIPLINE IN SHIPBUILDING. CRITICAL COMPONENTS ARE OF COURSE MONITORED, BUT IT IS RARE FOR THE COLLECTED DATA TO BE CONNECTED TO EACH OTHER IN A CONDITION MONITORING SYSTEM (CMS), WHICH CERTAINLY ADDS VALUE. THE initial cost hurdle still appears to be too high for shipyards, shipping companies, and fleet operators to overcome. Bachmann offers the possibility to start at a lower cost, and easily scale up to a high-end solution if need be. ALL IMAGES COURTESY OF BACHMANN.
efects in the power train or drives are preferably avoided on the high seas. Such an incident would not only entail high costs, but also pose a risk to the life and limb of the ship’s crew. Critical components therefore need to be replaced pre-emptively according to a set maintenance schedule, regardless of whether or not a defect is apparent. This renders unnecessary effort and expense. Continuous monitoring and corresponding evaluation of operating conditions allow changes in core components to be detected, and targeted maintenance to be carried out during planned downtime. Moreover, not only can outages be avoided, but the operating life of essential components is extended while saving considerably on costs.
on the ship. A corresponding networking of systems and data is required for this, which is not provided for most stand-alone monitoring systems, rendering these solutions a dead end for true condition monitoring.
Affordable start
With Bachmann’s CMSSTD solution integrated into the control system, CM can be economically started as of version 2.00, and incrementally expanded as needed. The initial investments remain protected, as the
Dead end
CMS has already been implemented at many important points on vessels. Sensors provide continuous measuring and trigger an alarm when measurements exceed a certain threshold. A service technician can inspect the area and identify the causes. A frequent problem with this is that the monitoring solution is isolated and limited to monitoring one single assembly group. The previous history of measured values is typically unknown, and the alarm cannot be chronologically referenced to other events
1 6 | S B I 2 0 2 1 | Volum e 15 | Issue 1
Bachmann.indd 16
Bachmann condition monitoring system software interfaces.
s h i p b u i l d i n g -i n d u s tr y. e u
04-03-2021 12:39