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News in Brief
Shaping for the future
Originated in 1965, Stgterstaal has become a brand in the shipbuilding industry for the supply of shipbuilding steel plates and profles from stock. The company is focused on building long-term relatonships and keen on strengthening the worldwide supply chain. Traditonally, Stgterstaal merely started with the delivery of materials from stock (40,000t of marine grade plates and profles) whereby they could provide fexibility to their valued customer as well as creatng a bufer for ‘late’ deliveries from the mill. Although this large stock is stll the backbone of the company, Stgterstaal slowly transferred into a role as chain director and one-stop-shop. In this role, they detect the optmal procurement moments in the global steel market to fulfl clients project requirements. On the other side, by teaming up with dedicated partners in the shipbuilding industry, Stgterstaal is able to provide complete building kits in order to optmise logistcs, decrease building tme and consequently lower costs.
i. stigterstaal.com

We provide emission control solutions that focus on: • Soot reduction • NOx reduction • Sound reduction With the following products: • Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) • Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) • Integrated high-performance exhaust silencers • Catalytic converters
Noordeinde 19 | 3341 LW Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht | The Netherlands info@emigreen.eu | sales@emigreen.eu | www.emigreen.eu

Azimuthal Hybrid Drive system Sydrive-E for world’s frst LNG hybrid tug
Sembcorp Marine relies on Schotel’s azimuthal hybrid drive system Sydrive-E for the world’s frst liquefed natural gas (LNG) hybrid tug. With this frst in a series of twelve vessels, Sembcorp Marine will build the world’s frst hybrid LNG-fuelled tug feet that will replace its existng diesel-powered tugs. The vessel is designed by LMG Marin, a wholly owned Sembcorp Marine subsidiary, and a leading naval architecture design house in Bergen, Norway, which provides energy efcient solutons. The tug’s future operaton profle in the ports of Singapore will demand highly variable power ranges. Depending on the desired operatng mode and the required propulsion power, the hybrid drive system actvates the appropriate power source or both together. The LNG-fuelled main engines and the electrical motors are both coupled to the Sydrive system and always operate efciently within their optmal load ranges, thereby reducing fuel consumpton and emissions and supportng Sembcorp Marine’s eforts in environmental protecton.
i. schottel.de
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Nakashima Propeller and Becker Marine Systems strengthen joint positon
Japanese propeller manufacturer Nakashima Propeller and German Becker Marine Systems are further expanding their strategic partnership afer decades of cooperaton. The combined product portolio of both companies creates a strong hydrodynamic system provider for propulsion and manoeuvring of ships of all sizes for shipyards and shipping companies worldwide. Nakashima Propeller takes a majority stake in the German shipbuilding supplier Becker Marine Systems. This means that two of the market and technology leaders of the maritme industry will be working even more closely together in the future. Together they can make good use of the product portolios that complement each other well in the af ship area. Nakashima Propeller as the world market leader for propellers and Becker Marine Systems as a leading manufacturer of high-efcient rudders and maritme energy-saving devices can thus not only deliver their own technical solutons for medium-sized and large ship types but can also ofer more efcient combined systems for the af secton of vessels.
i. becker-marine-systems.com

Damen delivers LUV 1908 aquaculture support vessel

Damen Shipyards has delivered the frst of its new aquaculture support vessels. The Landing Utlity Vessel (LUV) 1908 is a larger version of the LUV 1608, the frst example of which entered service in August 2019. The LUV 1908 has all the advantages of its predecessor, which untl now was unique among vessel types serving the aquaculture sector for its bow ramp with RoRo capability. It also ofers additonal deck space, higher freeboard and a larger crane. The design has been engineered by Damen’s design bureau OSD-IMT to allow it to carry out a wide range of support tasks for the aquaculture industry. These include the transportaton of people, equipment, feed and other dry cargo to ofshore fsh-farming locatons with loading and unloading taking place either by RoRo direct to the shore or by using the deck crane.
i. damen.com
20 - 22 July, 2021 Intermodal AsiaShanghai, ChinaIntermodal-asia.com 27 - 30 September, 2021 Seatrade Cruise Global Miami, FloridaSeatradecruiseglobal.com 2 - 5 November, 2021Europort Rotterdam 2021Rotterdam, The Netherlands Europort.nl10 -13 January, 2022 Nor-ShippingOslo, NorwayNor-shipping.com7 - 9 September, 2021 TOC EuropeRotterdam, The Netherlands Tocevents-europe.comMaritime Events 7 - 8 June, 20217th International LNG Congress Madrid, SpainLngcongress.com
Stena Bulk unveils decarbonisaton for zero emissions by 2050
Leading tanker shipping company Stena Bulk has announced a set of fve dated decarbonisaton targets which form a comprehensive roadmap for the company to become a net zero business by 2050. The frst of these milestones was achieved in 2020, when Stena Bulk began ofering customers lowcarbon shipping optons with up to a 100% reducton of CO2 emissions. The company will achieve its fnal milestone in 2050, when it is targetng becoming a fully net zero emissions business. This means that Stena Bulk will not only take accountability for its operatons and the indirect emissions connected to the business, but also for the cargo carried by its vessels. By 2050, all cargo carried by the Stena Bulk feet will need to be climate neutral, which will become a shared responsibility between Stena Bulk and its customers.

i. stenabulk.com
DNV awards AiP to DSME for rotor sail system
On 23 March 2021, DSME received an Approval in Principle (AiP) from DNV for the DSME Rotor Sail System, an eco-friendly ship technology applicable to large oil tankers and LNG carriers. The virtual AiP award ceremony was held recently, with Hwa-Lyong Lee, DNV Business Development Manager, and Dong-Kyu Choi, Head of DSME R&D Insttute, in atendance. The approved rotor sail system is one of the next-generaton fuel-saving, eco-friendly auxiliary propulsion technologies. A rotor sail system incorporates the installaton of cylindrical columns (rotors) on the ship’s deck to generate additonal power to propel the ship by using the force of the wind and column rotaton during operaton. The technology ofers a large driving force while being compact and simple to install.

i. dnv.com
Doedijns and Mechatest join forces
Doedijns is pleased to announce the acquisiton of Mechatest, based in Nootdorp (the Netherlands), specialising in (manual) sampling systems for the oil, gas, petrochemical, pharmaceutcal, and water (hydrogen) industries. Combined, Doedijns and Mechatest become the total supplier in sampling solutons. This is a unique positon in the market. Mechatest Sampling Solutons was founded over 30 years ago and has become a major player in the feld of sampling in the oil, gas, and power industries. The manual samplers, applicable in the mid- and downstream industry, are suitable for gases, liquids, steam, water and hydrogen (H2). This strategic acquisiton endorses their ambiton to grow and ofers a complete service to their (joint) customers.
i. doedijns.com

Rolls-Royce receives EPA Tier 4 certfcaton for MTU marine propulsion systems

Rolls-Royce has received the EPA Tier 4 certfcaton for its MTU propulsion systems based on its Series 4000 M65L 16-cylinder diesel engines. “This means we have climbed to the king’s class of emissions regulatons with our engines for yachts and commercial vessels. I am pleased that we can now ofer our customers these clean and powerful propulsion packages,” says Denise Kurtulus, Head of Marine Business at Rolls-Royce’s Power Systems division. The US EPA Tier 4 regulatons are considered the most stringent emissions standard for marine applicatons, requiring the propulsion system to have very low partculate and nitrogen oxide emissions throughout its lifecycle. Rolls-Royce is working on EPA Tier 4 approval for additonal cylinder variants of the MTU Series 4000 propulsion system and is gradually bringing them to market.
i. rolls-royce.com
A&R orders Schotel propulsion systems and conditon monitoring services
Three new mult-purpose vessels have been ordered from the Abeking & Rasmussen ship and yacht shipyard (A&R) in Lemwerder by the German government for the Waterways and Shipping Administraton (WSV) will be equipped with Schotel propulsion systems. Planning and design as well as tendering and contnuous constructon supervision are carried out by the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Insttute (BAW), Ship Technology division. These requirements are met by means of two powerful Schotel Rudder Propellers and one PumpJet per vessel. The newly designed A&R vessels will run exclusively on liquid natural gas (LNG). The tasks of the mult-purpose vessels are manifold and include working on sea marks, performing waterways police missions, combatng pollutant spills and fghtng fres, emergency towing within the scope of maritme emergency preparedness guidelines, taking care of injured persons at sea, and the deployment of hydroacoustc equipment.
i. schottel.de

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Halter Marine orders numerous Inrotech welding robots

Inrotech, based in Denmark, has received an order for an extensive set of welding robots for shipbuilding in the US. The Inrotech-MicroTwin, Inrotech-Classic and Inrotech-Crawler were purchased by Halter Marine, and will be used during constructon of US Coast Guard’s new Polar Security Cuter. The 140m vessel will support US natonal interests in Arctc and Antarctc waters. Inrotech’s standard welding robots fts into Halter Marine’s producton needs to efciently weld the Polar Security Cuter along with a variety of ocean-going vessels. Inrotech has delivered highly feasible welding robots of windtowers, steel structures such as bridges and other applicatons worldwide but also for Hydro plants, welding up to 70mm plate thickness with variatons in the groove geometry up to 50%. The company’s success is based on a unique technology combinaton of mobile welding automaton and a unique sofware.No programming, simple to use, mobile and fexible and high-quality welding.
i. inrotech.com
Lightweight, super strong & fexible fender systems for almost every application