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Proactve hull optmisaton
Proactive hull optimisation
JOTUN MARINE COATINGS IS MARKET LEADER IN HIGH PERFORMANCE HULL COATINGS FOR THE MARITIME INDUSTRY, DELIVERING HIGH QUALITY coatngs for sea stock, newbuilding, tanks, cargo holds, and drydocking projects, as well as for mega yachts and leisure yachts.
ALL PHOTOS COURTESY OF JOTUN. Following an extensive development process, Jotun is proud to introduce HullKeeper, a proactve hull optmisaton programme. HullKeeper combines Jotun’s extensive digital capabilites, ROV inspectons, and trusted analytcal and technical expertse to help operators keep fuel, inspecton, and cleaning costs under control.

Designed by Jotun’s team of hull performance experts, the four-part programme optmises hull performance, regardless of the chosen coatng. Ship operators can take full control of their operatons through hull monitoring, fouling risk alerts, inspectons, and advisory services. Operators can beneft from the complete package or select only the parts that work for them.
Proactive fouling control and effciency
The HullKeeper programme is grounded in Jotun’s proprietary fouling risk algorithm, supported by data from diferent sources to make fouling control and efciency more predictable. By providing insight into issues before they occur, ship operators can take planned correctve actons. And as more data and informaton accumulate, best practces can be identfed and implemented across the whole feet. Stein Kjølberg, Jotun’s Global Category Director Hull Performance, shares, “More ship operators have recognised that proactve fouling control and hull efciency are critcal for managing increasingly strict regulatons, rising fuel costs, and environmental performance. Jotun has a proven record of developing products and

services that help customers meet the demands of a changing industry. HullKeeper extends the range of our services, helping operators to make well-informed and proactve decisions to improve hull efciency as they push for optmal performance, efciency, and regulatory compliance.”
Enabling better decisions, faster
Jotun’s Global Digital & Data Director Andreas Krapp explains, “Controlling the conditon of a ship’s hull is the key to lowering fuel consumpton and corresponding emissions. HullKeeper is a market diferentator in the sense that it ofers unique support that both adds value and meets the needs of customers. Ship operators that use HullKeeper will be able to identfy potental problems long before fouling impacts vessel speed, allowing them to make beter decisions, faster.”
Mr Krapp contnues, “Increased fuel consumpton related to biofouling accounts for about nine per cent of the 919 million tonnes of CO₂ and 21 million tonnes of other greenhouse gases (GHG) emited by shipping annually. While he acknowledges that it is unlikely that the industry will reach the full potental reducton of 85 million tonnes of GHGs, HullKeeper represents a genuine opportunity to help the industry to make signifcant emissions reductons. In additon to ofering ship operators a costefectve programme that can reduce GHG emissions, HullKeeper helps them to save on bunkering costs. In this way, HullKeeper incentvises improved environmental performance.”
More sustainable shipping
As the world’s leading provider of marine coatngs, Jotun recognises its role in helping the industry to improve its environmental footprint. In additon to products and solutons, the company contnues to invest in innovatve digital solutons to support customers. HullKeeper complements Jotun’s core hull performance ofering and is consistent with the company’s focus on providing products and services to make shipping more sustainable.