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Maas & Mersey

Maas & Mersey

Trumpet horns produce volume while adding style

Alfa Laval creates new possibilities for safer tap water systems

Whistles may satsfy regulatory requirements and functon as sound-producing devices, but they pale in comparison to a true horn. Not only do Deluxe All Stainless Steel Trumpet Horns from Schmit & Ongaro Marine Products produce a serious, atenton-grabbing tone, but they also add a luxurious nautcal appearance to any boat style. Deluxe All Stainless Steel Trumpet Horns are available in single and dual versions. Engineered for contnual exposure to the elements, the 304 stainless steel components inside and out are backed by a fve-year no-rust warranty.

i. schmitongaromarine.com

Helm Operations Launches New Work Rest Product

Leading marine operatons sofware provider, Helm Operatons, is looking to make waves in the crew management and compliance space with the launch of Helm Connect Work Rest, a new set of tools to help companies combat crew fatgue and ensure rest tme compliance across their feets by allowing them to efciently manage onboard work schedules from a single screen. Focused on freeing busy crews from unnecessary paperwork and overly complex Excel sheets, Helm promises the new tool will let companies plan, forecast, and manage their work rest easily, guaranteeing their crew rest tmes are compliant with STCW rules or their own corporate standards – all in just three clicks.

i. helmoperatons.com

Around the world, the need to prevent contaminaton in drinking water systems contnues to gain greater focus. Last year, Alfa Laval introduced AlfaNovaTW: the frst range of heat exchangers optmized specifcally to provide safe and reliable performance in tap water dutes, thanks to a unique, 100% stainless steel constructon. Today the company is expanding the range with the launch of AlfaNovaTW 66, a model that will create new possibilites for domestc tap water systems with higher capacites.

Stauff cone-gauges for assembly studs identify wear in good time When it comes to leak-free connectons on hydraulic tubes, precision is required and reliable assembly is a crucial aspect. The risk of excessive or insufcient assembly due to inaccurate tghtening angles is ofen pointed out in this respect. The issue of checking assembly tools is not talked about as much, but is equally important. A wear check on the assembly stud during the fnal assembly of 24° cutng ring ftngs afer 50 assembly processes, for example, is even stpulated in DIN 3859-2. To exclude incorrect assembly, Stauf recommends checking the 24° inner taper of the assembly stud with cone-gauges. This allows users to precisely determine the accurate dimension with precision and to also identfy minimal deviatons faster than during a visual check.

i. stauf.com

Chugoku launches new antifouling paint

Selektope®, the barnacle repelling actve antfouling agent widely used in commercial coatngs for ocean going vessels, has been integrated into a brand new antfouling paint for worldwide trading vessels. Ship operators are increasingly demanding antfouling paints that are both well-suited to specifc ship trading paterns and varying actvity levels, in additon to protectng against both sof and hard fouling. In order to meet the growing demand of efcient hull fouling protecton with lesser environmental impact, I-Tech’s long-term partner, CMP, has integrated Selektope® into their latest expansion of the SEAFLO NEO series. The new low fricton, hydrolysis antfouling coatng, SEAFLO NEO M1 PLUS, will be available for worldwide trading vessels from July 2021.

i. cmp-chugoku.com

New OpenBridge conning library in Lynx by JRC/Alphatron Marine

JRC/Alphatron Marine has recently launched their in-house developed automaton and connectng platorm Lynx for monitoring and control of all kinds of ship systems. The new Lynx OpenBridge module makes it possible for any project design engineers to freely compose multple conning pages according to the Norwegian OpenBridge design guidelines. The Lynx conning module is part of the JRC/Alphatron Marine’s sofware suite MINDS (Multfunctonal Informaton Navigaton & Docking System). The conning screen contains all standard presentatons to show the usual ships navigaton, engine and propulsion data, such as heading indicator, rudder angle indicator, rate-of-turn indicator, speed indicator, RPM and much more.

i. alphatronmarine.com

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