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News in Brief
Vard to build largest yacht in the world – Somnio
Vard, one of the world’s major designers and shipbuilders of specialized vessels, is pleased to announce that it has secured the contract for the constructon of Somnio, the world’s frst residental ‘yacht liner’, fnished to the highest possible standards. Somnio will be one of a kind and recognisable as the new standard bearer of superyacht design. The yacht liner will have a gross tonnage of 33,500GRT, a length of 222m, and a beam of 27m. Somnio has just 39 luxurious apartments onboard and will sail the world according to owners’ wishes. The yacht liner, which will comply with the highest safety, environmental and operatonal standards and rules, is the result of a close cooperaton among Somnio, Fincanteri and Vard. Somnio has selected two of the world’s foremost architectural and design studios for the project, Tillberg Design of Sweden, and Winch Design from the United Kingdom.
i. vard.com
Starnav opts for Schotel solutons
With a milestone project for South America, the Brazilian towage group Starnav is setng sails to reach the IMO 2030 goals: Starnav has contracted Detroit shipyard in Itajaí, Brazil, for equipping four newly built tugs with Schotel RudderPropellers. One of the 32m long and 11.6m wide escort tugs will feature the Schotel patented SYDRIVE-M technology right from start; the other three will be confgured to be SYDRIVE-ready. As a mechanical hybrid soluton without the costly complexity of common hybrid technology, SYDRIVE-M will ensure lower maintenance costs and less fuel consumpton. Schotel SYDRIVE-M will enable Starnav to ofer more proftable and emission-reduced towing services in Brazilian ports. Beyond this, the towage group contributes to meetng the IMO 2030 and 2050 goals initated by the Internatonal Maritme Organizaton.
i. schottel.de

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WinGD makes hybrid energy system integration debut with NYK
WinGD has won a contract to integrate hybrid energy systems on four newbuild car carriers for Japanese owner NYK Line, further expanding the engine developer’s portfolio of future-ready power solutions for companies navigating shipping’s energy transition. The four pure car and truck carriers (PCTC) will run on LNG, with WinGD’s 7X62DF-2.1 two-stroke engines coupled with shaft generators, DC-links, and battery systems. Based on its in-depth knowledge of the main engine’s performance WinGD has optimized spinning reserves, peak shaving, and energy flow to run the main engine constantly at its sweet spot while avoiding inefficient generator loads. WinGD will be responsible for the system integration and system-level energy management, through WinGD’s new Hybrid Control System. Combined with other ship design enhancements, the LNG-battery configuration is expected to cut overall CO2 equivalent emissions by around 40% compared to conventionally powered vessels operating on heavy fuel oil, taking them beyond IMO’s 2030 target for cutting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
i. wingd.com

Liebherr enhances remote service app

Liebherr enhances its existing remote service app and takes service to the next level. XpertAssist is not just an audio-video connection but combines remote service and traditional technical expertise with a number of technical tools to provide advanced support for customers. The new service is available for crawler cranes, deep foundation equipment and maritime cranes. Liebherr has further developed its remote service portfolio to provide even better support for its customers. XpertAssist is an annual subscription-based service, which combines several service tools to provide increased benefits such as reduced mean time to repair and therefore, costs. Real-time, fast and effective support is provided by Liebherr experts worldwide with second level backup support with OEM. Increased availability, longer service life, and reduced service costs are the advantages for each machine registered with XpertAssist.
i. Liebherr.com
Offshore Energy 26 - 27 October, 2021 Amsterdam, The Netherlands offshore-energy.biz ADIPEC 2021 15 -18 November, 2021 Abu Dhabi, UAE adipec.comMETS 2021 16 -18 November, 2021 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Metstrade.comNor-Shipping 10 -13 January, 2022 Oslo, NorwayNor-shipping.comEuroport Rotterdam 2021 2 - 5 November, 2021 Rotterdam, The Netherlands Europort.nl Maritime EventsSeatrade Cruise Global 27- 30 September, 2021 Miami, FloridaSeatradecruiseglobal.com
Aegir-Marine opens new in ofce in Panama

Family van den Hamer after check-in.
Aegir-Marine has opened a new ofce in Panama. In additon to reinforcing the company’s presence in Latn America, the new ofce represents the further expansion of Aegir-Marine’s global service network. The maritme stern tube seal and propulsion system service provider now has ofces on fve contnents around the world (in the Netherlands, Singapore, Shanghai, Namibia, USA, UAE, and now Panama). Aegir-Marine decided to extend its geographical presence by opening an ofce in Panama for two main reasons. “Our business in Latn America is growing”, says Bart van den Hamer, General Manager Americas. “We want to show our commitment to our customers in the region that we are here to stay. We will achieve this by contnuing to build strong relatonships with new and existng clients in Central and South America.
i. aegirmarine.com

We provide emission control solutions that focus on: • Soot reduction • NOx reduction • Sound reduction With the following products: • Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) • Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) • Integrated high-performance exhaust silencers • Catalytic converters
Fjord1 contracts NES for ferry conversions and charging statons
Norwegian ferry operator Fjord1 has contracted Norwegian Electric Systems AS (NES) to act as system integrator and deliver power control, distributon, and batery systems to three ferries that will be converted from gas and diesel propulsion to zero emission batery operaton. NES will also deliver equipment and control system to four batery charging statons to Fjord1. Under the contract, NES will equip the three ferries with bateries, charging systems, new generators and upgrades of the AC circuit boards and automaton systems. For the batery charging statons, the company will supply charging towers, power electronics and control systems. NES will design, assemble, and test the systems at its headquarters at Godvik outside Bergen, Norway. Going forward, NES will work closely with the chosen conversion yards to optmize the delivery for the most energy-efcient operaton possible.
i. norwegianelectric.com
From left: SVP Sales at NES Stein Ruben Larsen, Sales manager at NES Martin Aasheim and Project and Technology Manager at Fjord1 ASA, Nils Kristian Berge.

Noordeinde 19 | 3341 LW Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht | The Netherlands info@emigreen.eu | sales@emigreen.eu | www.emigreen.eu

CMC Marine signs agreement with Saim Group
CMC Marine contnues to expand its distributon network and signs a partnership agreement with Saim Group, a well-established business that began life in 1951 and will soon be distributng the Waveless ultra-compact stabilizaton system throughout Italy, San Marino and the six Arab member states of the Gulf Cooperaton Council. Pursuing the strategy strongly backed by Alessandro Cappiello to internatonalise and strengthen CMC Marine’s distributon network, the Tuscany-based company is proud to announce the signing of an agreement with the marine division of Saim Group, covering the sale of the Waveless line of ultra-compact stabilizers in Italy, San Marino and the six member states of the Gulf Cooperaton Council (GCC) –Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar.
i. cmcmarine.com

From the left: Marco Donà, CEO of Saim, Alessandro Cappiello, CEO of CMC Marine, and Massimo Donà, Chairman and President of Saim
Holland Shipyards Group delivers fully electric ferry to Brevik Fergeselskap

On 1 July, Holland Shipyards Group ofcially handed over the new build, fully electric ferry Sandøy to Brevik Fergeselskap. The vessel will operate within the waters of Eidangerforden, Norway, connectng Brevik with Sandøya and Bjørkøya. Sandøy is a fully electric ferry measuring 42m long and 11m wide and has the capacity to transport 98 persons and 16 vehicles (cars). The vessel is completely emission-free and entrely powered by batery power with an installed capacity of 1.300kWh. Sandøy will be charged by means of a 600kW shore charging facility, mostly during night. Of all vessels, ferries do lend themselves ideally for electrifcaton of that sort, since the operatng area is extremely predictable, and charging facilites are relatvely easily accessible.
i. hollandshipyardsgroup.com
Huisman scales up 3D printng of crane hooks
Worldwide provider of step changing technical solutons, Huisman, has successfully tested four new 3D printed 350mt crane hooks according to the strictest criteria, and under the supervision of the independent certfcaton authority Lloyd’s Register. The hooks are approx. 170 by 130cm in size, almost 9 tmes larger than the frst Huisman 3D printed crane hook. They have a weight of 1,700kg each and a loading capacity of 350mt. Each hook exists of approx. 90km of welding wire. Huisman has been employing the 3D printng technique ‘Wire & Arc Additve Manufacturing’ (WAAM) to produce mid-size to large components with high-grade tensile steel. An important beneft of using this technique for crane hooks is the signifcant reducton in delivery tme at a cost that competes with forgings and castngs, and a more consistent quality level. Huisman has plans to expand its robotc workplace of its producton facility in Sviadnov, Czech Republic, which currently holds three welding robots.
i. huismanequipment.com

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Fire protection cover
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Rolls-Royce builds new fuel cell demonstrator
Another new technology – the hydrogen fuel cell – is currently making in-roads at the Friedrichshafen plant of Rolls-Royce’s Power Systems division where a 250kW demonstrator is in the process of being set up to test future zero-carbon energy systems and present these to customers. “We frmly believe that fuel cell technology is set to make a huge contributon to a successful energy turnaround. That’s why Rolls-Royce sees it as its mission to assume a pioneering role in fuel cell applicatons”, says Andreas Schell, CEO of Rolls-Royce Power Systems. “Fuel cells shall form an elementary part of our product portolio for sustainable solutons.” Why fuel cells? Fuel cells have very high efciency levels when generatng electricity from hydrogen and oxygen. When run on pure hydrogen, they give of zero emissions – only water vapor – as well as being low-noise, lowmaintenance, and vibraton-free.
i. rolls-royce.com

Double milestone for Virgin Voyages
The delivery of Valiant Lady took place on 1 July and Resilient Lady was foated out on 2 July at the Sestri Ponente (Genoa) shipyard, respectvely the second and third of four ships which Virgin Voyages (new cruise operator and a brand part of Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Group), ordered to Fincanteri. Valiant Lady and Resilient Lady, as well as their sistership Scarlet Lady delivered last year, weigh about 110,000gt, are 278m long and 38 wide. They all feature over 1,400 guest cabins designed to host more than 2,770 passengers, accompanied by 1,160 crew members on board to deliver the famed Virgin service. The quality of life on board is guaranteed by the comfort class certfcaton, testfying minimum levels of noise and vibraton, as well as by an extensive use of home automaton.
i. fncantieri.com
Jan De Nul Group completed the installaton of all 21 ofshore wind turbines for the 109.2MW Taiwan Power Company Ofshore Windfarm Phase 1 Project – Demonstraton, including the installaton of all subsea cables. The project teams of Jan De Nul and Hitachi now proceed with the terminaton and commissioning process of the complete ofshore wind farm. The project was kicked of in September 2018 with the preparatory onshore cable works. On 12 June 2021, Jan De Nul’s Ofshore Jack-Up Installaton Vessel Taillevent successfully completed the installaton of the last 5.2MW Hitachi wind turbine for Taiwan Power Company (TPC). The TPC Ofshore Wind Farm near Fangyuan, 8km of the West coast of Taiwan, is constructed in a region where typhoons are very common. Each 5.2MW wind turbine is installed on a jacket foundaton with transiton piece, anchored to the seabed using four steel pin piles, and equipped with wind turbines with a downwind rotor.
i. jandenul.com

MAN Rollo delivers frst MAN Stage V generator sets for Concordia Damen Parsifal project
MAN Rollo has proven to master the challenges of Stage V by successfully completng the Factory Acceptance Test of three new Stage V generator sets to be delivered. Afer achieving this important milestone, the three sets – two LNG and one diesel set – will soon be delivered to client Concordia Damen. The MAN engines are therefore the frst certfed and delivered MAN engines for the 40 LNG-powered inland shipping tankers that Concordia Damen is building for JP. Morgan Asset Management, for end-user Shell. The MAN Rollo engineering team has adapted and dynamically tested the generator sets for this Stage V applicaton in close collaboraton with engineers from MAN and engine management specialist Heinzmann. By March, the team had already successfully completed a series of dynamic tests, afer which the sets on the test stand were further fne-tuned. Every generator set now meets Stage V requirements in every load step.
i. manrollo.com

Constructon walk to work ice breaker in progress
At the Royal Niestern Sander shipyard, the fore ship of the world’s frst shallow draf ice-breaking walk to work vessel has been transported from the constructon hall to the quay side. Yard number 862 for a joint venture between Mercury Sakhalin and Pola will be delivered December 2021. The shallow draf ice-breaking walk to work vessel is specially designed and optmized for year-round operatons in the challenging conditons on the east coast of Sakhalin in temperatures ranging from -30 degrees to +35 degrees. By combining a shallow draught of 3,15m, a transit draught of 4,0 m in open waters and a grounded botom notaton, the vessel can be deployed year-round. With proven Wagenborg icebreaking technology of the icebreaking hull and pulling (ice milling) Azimuth thrusters, the vessel can break through ice up to 100cm.
i. niesternsander.com

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