4 minute read
More than anything
A er a major re t that lasted just nine months, Lusben has launched Masquenada, a 51m expedition yacht now owned by Pier Luigi Loro Piana. The main focus was the external pro le of the vessel – based on the work of Nauta Design – which has been radically transformed and extended in the stern block, as well as the complete renovation of the interior and the repainting of the entire superstructure and part of the hull.
During an intense and engaging private ceremony, held recently in Livorno at the Lusben shipyard, the 51m M/Y Masquenada expedition yacht was launched in the presence of her new owner, the fashion entrepreneur and great sailing enthusiast Pier Luigi Loro Piana.
The Lusben sta , the crew, the architects and designers, as well as the owner himself, were involved in a laborious and wide-ranging re t that began in October 2020, which constituted a radical renewal of the yacht, originally conceived as a work boat.
Feet in the water
“The most important element of this entire project was time”, says Pier Luigi Loro Piana in his speech at the launch. “Time is the most essential factor for an owner and Iam enormously satis ed with the capacity of the Lusben shipyard which, together with all the collaborators, managed to complete this incredible transformation in just a few months. Now, the project for the immediate future is to embark with my family and sail around the world.”
The main transformation that Masquenada underwent was the removal and extension of the entire stern block: in addition to the installation of a transformer that doubled the available surface of the beach area, the lengths of the bridge and upper deck were increased by 1.5m each. This operation was particularly complex because, in the beginning, there was a lack of information such as technical drawings or wiring diagrams, and it was therefore necessary to perform a 3D scan of the yacht and carry >> out measurements and surveys from scratch.
Continuing the work on the external decks, Lusben removed the deck crane, le over from the yacht’s previous vocation, from the main deck, and installed a new, powerful crane below deck in the lazarette. This was a tremendous intervention, which required a redistribution of space and storage. With the crane in rest position, this solution frees up an area of approximately 200m2 on the main deck. Next, the exterior décor was completely overhauled to adapt to the wishes of the owner who, in addition to customised freestanding furniture, requested to remove the jacuzzi from the sun deck and replace it with an outdoor cooking station. Mario Pedol, founder together with Massimo Gino of Nauta Design, worked on the exterior design with his team. He comments, “We are particularly proud of this project that we were lucky enough to follow from the beginning, alongside the owner. From the initial brie ng to the search on the market for a yacht that could satisfy his needs, to the careful design of each phase of this rich and complex re t. Today, we can say that completing such a complex project in such a short time was an incredible operation carried out in a masterful way by Lusben. The pro le of Masquenada is now much sleeker and more elegant and, in redesigning the stern block, we have managed to improve the contact with the water and the liveability of this area, now transformed into a ‘pieds dans l’eau’.”
Tribute to the world of sailing
For the interiors, the owner has chosen to renew the collaboration with the architect Misa Poggi, who has been working with Loro Piana since 2002. With the exception of moving the galley to another area of the yacht, and a modi cation requested by the owner inside the master cabin where the headboard now rests against the stern wall, allowing him to enjoy an uninterrupted view towards o the bow, the layout has remained unchanged. Furnishings, décor, and essences, however, have been completely modi ed, as have the ceilings and oors.

The Lusben team already knew the yacht well, having carried out numerous re t operations on her in the past years. Together with local suppliers and cra smen, they quickly tackled the repainting of the entire superstructure (in Midnight Gray, chosen by the owner) and part of the hull, as well as laying the new Teak Burma, whose staves have been worked with a particular technique so that, to the eye, it seems like a single long stave. This element, as well as being a tribute to the world of sailing, is particularly dear to the owner, as it helps to visually underline the breadth of the external areas. Great attention was also paid to the reduction of vibrations and noise: Lusben, Vulkan, and the Names studio collaborated to create new custom supports for the three latest generation Kohler generators, including a double soundproo ng box for the central generator, while the thruster and hydraulic steering have been replaced by electric systems. New air conditioning units, converters and propellers help ensure high navigational standards. “Without presumption, I think it is di cult to nd another shipyard capable of completing a re t as complex as that of Masquenada in such a short time frame”, comments Alessio Centelli, Project Manager of Lusben, with pride. “Also considering the di culties related to the pandemic and the numerous restrictions in place, we were able to manage many activities, which involved various teams, external suppliers, crews and captain, always ensuring a safe and serene working climate. It took a good availability on the part of all the actors involved, an intense planning activity and a great mental agility to be able to follow the evolution, o en non-linear, of the operations, but in the end we are all proud of the result obtained.” i. lusben.com i. nautadesign.com
New developments
A leading player in the yacht re t and repair market with over sixty years of experience, Lusben announces important changes to its corporate structure, with the appointment of Giorgio Casareto as General Manager and a major new investment plan. Thefast-growing company is targeting the international market and planning some major investments over the next three years to boost supply capacity. The strategy is to upgrade the business’s infrastructure and services and to develop new technology in response to rising demand for re tting, maintenance and repair work in the mega yachts segment.