Architecture Portfolio 2014

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PORTFOLIO marco d’ambrogio

Ageing Catalyst World Architecture Festival 2013 Reconnect spaces in an age-increasing society

Water as a welding element Creation of a public center for mix usage with the main porpouse of reconnecting people of different ages through a system of functions which use water as a catalyst element. Water ccan provide healthcare facilities such as thermal bath, a source of game for little kids and have a very important role on teaching to respect the environment. Water has a memory in itself, water is source of life, water connects cities through rivers and seas. In this project the aim was actually to find a place for that amazing element, water.

Masterplan of the area of the intervention. we can easyly spot how the new buildings which are composing the thermal bath relate with the eisting ones of the surroundings by creating a focal point on the little lake, real source of water.

The creation of a “locus amenus” Location: Florence, IT Year: 2013 Typology: Mixed use, Landscape This project lives through different temporal spaces. It takes its inspiration from one of the most famous ancient Romans invention, the way of using water as a sanatory element, turning it into the perfect location for meetings and relaxing.

Use of the riverfront

To stretch the volumes

venerdì 4 ottobre 2013

venerdì 4 ottobre 2013

Final solution

Dinamic roof

venerdì 4 ottobre 2013

venerdì 4 ottobre 2013

Technological details

Cross Section

Study of the heating system of the entire structure, using only renewable sources.

Sustainable approach Usage of the natural water coming from rain and the presence of a lake in the middle of the area to provide all the necessary andvenerdĂŹ 4 ottobre 2013 specific needs.

venerdĂŹ 4 ottobre 2013

A new meeting point for the Copenhageners Location: Copenhagen, DK Year: 2014 Typology: Landscape Architecture Situated straight in front of the new building of the University of Copenhagen, this landscape project tries to create a mixture between a square and an interactive environment. It provides places where people can meet indoor such as a bar and outdoor under the linden trees.

KUA Universitetstorvet Opening of a new square

with POLYFORM arkitekter

Process of development of the idea. The project tries to insert new elements without taking away the sense of connection given from the square. View from the park. the entire project relates with the surroundings.

Around this so called magical carpet, a lot of different functions take place, such as parking lots for bycicles.

In this masterplan for the entire area we can se e how the neighbourhood is caracterived by iconic elements with a specific geometry.

Analysis of the movement of the people, of the bikers and the presence of the green elements.

View of the main square area from the eastern end. It’s possible to notice the opened connection with the presence of a small bar in the middle of the carpet.

“masterplan for a modern shopping experience” Location: Rodovre, DK Year: 2014 Typology: Retailing and Offices

This project is the result of a period of studies on how the market spaces should or are about to change in the next years. The solution has been found in adding mixed activities and creating iconic spaces that tempt people to live those spaces even if their main porpouse is not shopping at all. That+s the reason why it’s possible to have a climbing wall on top of the main entrance.

View of the main square area from the eastern end. It’s possible to notice the opened connection with the presence of a small bar in the middle of the carpet.

with POLYFORM arkitekter

Rodovre Centrum masterplan for a modern shopping mall

Rodovre Centrum

The project runs along the previous border of the existing shopping centre in the little town od Rodovre, right outside the citycenter of Copenhagen. It provides facilities as housing or thermal bath, together with an institution and offices.

The usage of the roof as a golf area, the creation of amenities such as the vertical climbing wall combined with a main entrance are able to attract people of all ages and all interest. Shopping becomes a secondary but well integrated function, when all those other elements provide attractive forces.


redevelopment of a neighbourhood

Creation of a meeting point Location: Copenhagen, DK Year: 2014 Typology: Mixed use, Landscape Architecture The problem of the area of Norrebro are well known all around Copenhagen. Lack of cohesion and a huge amount of immigration from different countries has made this neighbourhood an introverse area. It’s time to open up the spaces and try to find a new space where people can meet and rediscover their city.

Development Strategy of the area in Norrebro. It’s clear to see the aim of creating a new meeting point location.

View of the underground square from the northwest side. it’s possible to see the common spaces unde the green roofs that give life to the square itslef.

Masterplan of the Nordvest Area in Copenhagen. the design tries to reconnect the broken pieces of the neighbourhood by creating a new square between the existing buildings.

Section B-B’ of the area. it’s possible to see the underground development of the buildings.

Scheme of the reusage of the earth taken away for digging the whole in the ground.







Views of the square from it’s center towards two different endings, the southern one and the one with the bar

Pieren Ostre Havn masterplan for a modern shopping mall

Kvarterets bygulv med betonbelægning Kvarterets bygulv med betonbelægning

Pieren bliver til et grønt kystlandskab Pieren bliver til et grønt kystlandskab

Ny cykel og stiforbindelse etableres tværs over Pieren tilog Aalborgs indbyggere Ny cykel stiforbindelse etableres tværs over Pieren til Aalborgs indbyggere

Sekundære forbindelser til boligerne og vandet Sekundære forbindelser til boligerne og vandet

Enkelte felter bliver programmeret med legepladser, aktivitetsområde, grillområder, overdækninger, opholdEnkelte felter bliver programmeret med legepladser, steder mm. aktivitetsområde, grillområder, overdækninger, opholdsteder mm.

De grønne felter beplantes med høje græsser og store fyrretræer De grønne felter beplantes med høje græsser og store fyrretræer


A. Enggaard A/S Pieren Østre Havn A. Enggaard A/S 2_Grundlag lokalplan Pieren ØstretilHavn 07.11.2014 til lokalplan 2_Grundlag 07.11.2014

Pieren Ostre Havn a new city on the harbour of Aalborg, Denmark

Location: Aalborg, DK Year: 2014 Typology: Local Plan This is the plan developed for the renewing of the fiordside in Aalborg. It’s composed by different structures recalling the previous existing silos in the area, expecially in the outline when seen from the waterside. The final tower, with it’s 70 meters of height, is gona be the tallest building of the city so far.



Eksisterende situation

Udvidelse af Pieren med 25 m. mod øst, fl ytte kranen til den østlige ende af Pieren samt skabe en forbindelse over Pieren og Udvidelse af Pieren med 25 m. mod øst, fl ytte kranen til den havnebassinet. østlige ende af Pieren samt skabe en forbindelse over Pieren og havnebassinet.

Eksisterende situation




View of the detail of the composition of the facade of one of the two silo buildings. they are created to keep an outern skin not revealing how the real facade is moving between the pillars






Organisering af Pieren:



•Organisering Stor skala mod nord og Limfjorden af Pieren: •• Lille skala mod syd og havnebassinet skala mod nord og Limfjorden • Stor Landmark på det nord-østlige hjørnet af Pieren

Pierens bebyggelse / volumen Pierens bebyggelse / volumen

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21 Marts kl. 09.00

21 Marts kl. 12.00

21 Marts kl. 15.00

21 Marts kl. 18.00

21 Marts kl. 09.00

21 Marts kl. 12.00

21 Marts kl. 15.00

21 Marts kl. 18.00

21 Marts kl. 09.00

21 Marts kl. 12.00

21 Marts kl. 15.00

21 Marts kl. 18.00

21 Juni kl. 09.00

21 Juni kl. 12.00

21 Juni kl. 15.00

21 Juni kl. 18.00

21 Juni kl. 09.00

21 Juni kl. 12.00

21 Juni kl. 15.00

21 Juni kl. 18.00

21 Juni kl. 09.00

21 Juni kl. 12.00

21 Juni kl. 15.00

21 Juni kl. 18.00

21 December kl. 09.00

21 December kl. 12.00

21 December kl. 15.00

21 December kl. 18.00

21 December kl. 09.00

21 December kl. 12.00

21 December kl. 15.00

21 December kl. 18.00

21 December kl. 09.00

21 December kl. 12.00

21 December kl. 15.00

BYGHERRE: Enggaard A/S 21 December kl.A. 18.00 PROJEKT: Pieren Østre Havn FASE: 2_Grundlag lokalplan BYGHERRE: A. EnggaardtilA/S DATO: 07.11.2014 PROJEKT: Pieren Østre Havn BYGHERRE: A. EnggaardtilA/S FASE: 2_Grundlag lokalplan PROJEKT: Pieren Østre Havn DATO: 07.11.2014 FASE: 2_Grundlag til lokalplan DATO: 07.11.2014

“keep it simple, make it beautiful”

View of the inner harbour from the opposite side of the development area.

Refshaleoen Ambiguity Thesis for Master Degree Graduation

Location: Copenhagen, DK Year: 2015 Typology: Masterplan Creation of a sustainable model for the redevelopment and conservation of the Refshaleoen Area in Copenhagen through the creation of six new strategies which could be applied to any kind of level of the planning process. The main goal was to achive sustainability results while keeping alive the strenght points of the area such as concert and public events.

Refshaleoen is famous worldwide for hosting the biggest event of the city of Copenhagen. It was therefore very important to keep those value alive also after the renewmant of the area.

The process of catalogation and analysis has been at the basis of every single new step take in this thesis process, in order to achive a result which could be used in a proper way.

Analysis of the context: Weight of the city of Copenhagen copared to the other towns of the Sjaelland island and the region of Hovenstaden.

View of tthe inside of the main public building of the area: the Exposition for the goal of CPH 2025, the first city completely carbon free.

Axonometric view of a zoom of the Area of Refshaleoen. It’s possible to notice all the activities in the open fields combined with the modern infrastructure and housing .

View of the area of Refshaleoen from the Little marmaid side. it’s very important from a logistic point of view the geographical location of the area.

Skills and Visualization techincal drawing combined with render skills.

View of the main square area from the eastern end. It’s possible to notice the opened connection with the presence of a small bar in the middle of the carpet.

View of the square in front of the new Museum for Modern Art in Copenhagen. in the small picture it’s possible to see the final result after it’s completition.

Location: Copenhagen, DK Year: 2014 Typology: Postcards


Location: Carlsbergbyen, DK Year: 2014 Typology: Local Plan

Elevations and sections of the Gym for the municipality of Monzuno, Italy.

Structural Design Location: Monzuno, IT Year: 2015 Typology: Structure CREATO CON LA VERSIONE DIDATTICA DI UN PRODOTTO AUTODESK

Section details 1:5 of the construction elements for a modern local Gym in Monzuno, Italy.

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