Casa Dove Annunci Immobiliari
s e m o H
for SALE 2016
With Tourist Guide
Viale Teracati, 82/90 - 96100 Siracusa (SR) Telefono: 0931 459033 - Fax: 0931 444995 E-mail: Sito internet:
CasaDove GIOVANNI TUMOLO General Manager Gruppo Immobiliare Casa Periodico di annunci immobiliari del Gruppo Immobiliare Casa Srl Editore: Giovanni Tumolo Reg. Trib. Siracusa n. 2/95 del 9/1/95 Direttore Responsabile: Giuseppe Aloisio Direttore Marketing: Giovanni Tumolo Progetto Grafico: Roberta Battista Siracusa Stampa: Arti Grafiche FRATANTONIO Pachino (SR) Edizione chiusa il giorno Agosto 2016
Ornella Raudino Direttore
Una Edizione dedicata ai nostri “Amici Turisti”
er salutare tutti coloro che visiteranno in questo periodo la nostra bella città, la nostra provincia ed il nostro mare abbiamo voluto realizzare una edizione speciale della nostra rivista CasaDove dedicata proprio a loro: i nostri Amici Turisti. Troverete infatti al centro del giornale una guida di Siracusa e provincia elaborata dai nostri esperti di marketing, nella speranza che tramite il nostro lavoro le persone che ci visiteranno questa estate possano aver modo di apprezzare i nostri monumenti, il nostro paesaggio, il mare e la nostra cucina possano innamorarsi della nostra terra al pari dei nostri miti Alfeo ed Aretusa. Decidere di mettere radici nel nostro territorio valutando la possibilità di ac-
quistare a buon mercato, una piccola proprietà al mare, in campagna o nella splendida Ortigia, Palazzolo Acreide per trascorrere altri momenti della loro vita nella città che fu di Archimede, Ermocrate, Epicarmo, Timolente... Il nostro augurio è che passiate giorni sereni e di crescita culturale, di relazioni familiari a volte troppo concitate a motivo dei tanti impegni della vita quotidiana. Volgiamo anche salutare tutti gli operatori del settore, guide operatori turistici e ristoratori con la raccomandazione di essere accoglienti. L'accoglienza, il dialogo e il confronto sono sempre arricchenti, aprono gli orizzonti, offrono stimoli all'intelligenza e alla creatività sociale e creano nuove relazioni. Buon estate a tutti
An edition dedicated to our “Tourists Friends”
o greet all those who will visit in this summer our beautiful Syracuse We wanted to create a special edition of our magazine CasaDove, designed especially for them: our tourists. You'll find it at the center of the newspaper a mini guide to Syracuse and province developed by our marketing experts, in the hope that through our work, people who visit us this summer may have the opportunity to appreciate our monuments, our landscape, the sea and our kitchen. We also hope they can fall in love with our area like our myths Alpheus and Arethusa, and why not? Deciding to take root in our country considering whether to also buy
a small property at sea, in the countryside or in the beautiful island of Palazzolo Acreide to spend other moments of their lives, in the city that was Archimedes, also for the future. Our wish is actually staying with us peaceful days and cultural growth, family relationships sometimes too excited because of the many commitments of everyday life. We like also to greet all operators, tour operators and guides restaurateurs with the recommendation to be welcoming. The acceptance, dialogue and confrontation are always enriching, open horizons, they offer incentives to intelligence and social creativity and create new relationships. Happy summer to all.
Giovanni Tumolo
Corso Gelone 148 – Siracusa 0931 461760
Agenzia Gelone
Le Ville al mare
Responsabile: Giovanni Tumolo
o Preszszato riba
Villa BELLISSIMA su due livelli, piano terra: ingresso, salone con camino, 2 camere, cucina abitabile, bagno e verande di 52 mq. PIANO PRIMO Mansardato con ampia camera, bagno e terrazzo solarium di 41 mq. Giardino privato mq. 900 curato. Prezzo ribassato. Classe energetica: G IA-3420
Villa a 150 metri dal mare composta d ingresso, soggiorno, cucina, 2 camere da letto, 1 cameretta, un bagno, veranda coperta e terrazzo con vista mare. Depandance soggiorno con angolo cottura, una camera da letto, e bagno + vano forno, tettoia per due posti auto al coperto, giardino mq. 750. Licenza edilizia in sanatoria. Terreno frazionato anticipo 25 mila euro + rata mensile 594 al mese IA-4008
o Preszszato riba
Villa per abitazione Elegante, con salone doppio, living con cucina in muratura. 4 camere da letto 3 bagni di cui uno padronale. Magnifiche Terrazze a livello. Cantina, Piscina autorizzata con area solarium. Euro 450.000 mutuabili. IA-3959
Villa residenziale, salone, cucina abitabile + soggiorno, cameretta, studio, camera matrimoniale con bagno in mansarda, bagno, doppio servizio, due verande e giardino mq 1.000, provvista di certificato di abitabilita', allaccio fognario e trivella esclusiva. Ottima facciata. Prezzo affare: solo euro 168 mila. Classe energetica: G, IPE: 175 kwh/mq annui. IA-3906
CasaDove 4
Per altre soluzioni e altre foto visita il nostro Nuovo Sito:
Corso Gelone 148 – Siracusa 0931 461760
Agenzia Gelone
Le Ville al mare Responsabile: Giovanni Tumolo
In ottimo contesto, villa mq. 80 ideale per casa vacanze, soggiorno cucina, 1 camera da letto, bagno, ampia veranda estera adibita a cucina estiva in muratura camera esterna tipo piccola dependance in legno giardino mq. 600 circa ottimo affare 25 mila + rate mensili da 396 euro al mese. Classe energetica G IA-3972
In ottimo contesto, villa di nuova costruzione su due livelli di mq. 120 ideale per abitazione, così composta: piano terra soggiorno, cucina, bagno, lavanderia. Primo piano 2 camera da letto, cameretta e bagno, ampio giardino di mq 1050, piscina autorizzata esterna. L'immobile è dotato di impianto fotovoltaico, trivella ed è allacciato alla rete fognaria. Ideale anche come residenza tutto l’anno. IA-3990
Villa con riscaldamento a gas termosifoni, salone, angolo cucina, 3 camere da letto, 2 bagni completi, , 1.100 Mq di giardino alberato con piante adulte e prato, ampio parcheggio, la villa fa ad angolo con due entrate. Tutta in regola finiture infissi in pvc, pavimenti e servizi in ceramica ottima anche per abitazione. 25 Mila euro + mutuo 630 mensili IA-3884
Composta da piano terra + mansarda salone, 2 camere, 2 bagni; piano mansarda: angolo cottura, 1 bagno, camera, soggiorno open space, 2 terrazze affittabile in estate separatamente. il Giardino è di 1000 mq circa. Ottima offerta 150 mila euro. Possibilità mutuare anticipo 20.000 euro rate 468 euro mensili. IA-3916 Per altre soluzioni e altre foto visita il nostro Nuovo Sito:
Corso Gelone 148 – Siracusa 0931 461760
The best of Ortigia
Casa indpedendente su tre piani, camera da letto e soggiorno 2 bagni. Balconi con vista mare.
A pochi mt dal corso matteotti bilocale ristrutturato composto da ingresso-cucina-soggiorno, camera da letto con piccola cabina armadio, bagno e lavanderia. L’affarone a euro 72 mila compreso di arredi classe energetica: g, ipe: 175 kwh/mq annui.
Vecchio stabile cielo terra da rifinire, superficie totale di 500 mq dislocata su 3 livelli; piano terra, primo piano e secondo piano con terrazzo sovrastante con vista mare. Progetto approvato scaduto da rinnovare. Ideale costruttori o strutture ricettive.
Caratteristico appartamento al 2° piano di 100 mq soleggiatissimo e luminoso con terrazza fruibile di circa 20 mq, composto da saloncino, due camere da letto matrimoniali, cucina abitabile un bagno. Gia' arredato
Per altre soluzioni e altre foto visita il nostro Nuovo Sito:
The best of Ortigia Corso Gelone 148 – Siracusa 0931 461760
con terrazza di mq. 60 sullo splendido lungomare di Ortigia. la casa si trova al secondo piano di un palazzo del 1850 con caratteristica corte. Prezzo e descrizione su richiesta
Appartamento ristrurrurato su due livelli, con vista mare ed esclusico terrazzo panoramico 80 mq. La casa si compone da un grande salone triplo con camino, angolo studio e comoda living area oltre a 4 camere da letto e 4 bagni. Maggiori info presso i nostri uffici.
Per altre soluzioni e altre foto visita il nostro Nuovo Sito:
The best of Ortigia
Corso Gelone 148 – Siracusa 0931 461760
Elegantissimo appartamento ristrutturato stile loft, finemente arredato, ingresso, ampia zona living, camera matrimoniale, bagno a vista. Affarone. Euro 110 mila compreso di arredi. Classe energetica: G
Mq. 140 con terrazzo a livello superlativa vista sul mare. Tramonti esclusivi prezzo e foto su richiesta.
Elegante appartamento mq. 150 con terrazzo attrezzato con barbeque. Due livelli, doppio ingresso possibilità frazionare in due appartamenti. Già ristrutturato con parquet. abitabile subito. Maggiori info in ufficio.
The best of Ortigia
(NEI PRESSI DI PIAZZA DUOMO E FONTE ARETUSA) Vendesi appartamento finemente ristrutturato, con vista mare, l'appartamento si compone da ingresso, soggiorno, cucina in muratura, camera da letto, spogliatoio e bagno. Tre balconi. Euro 195.000. Classe energetica: G, IPE: 175 kwh/mq annui.
Stabile indipendente già B&B con 5 camere con bagni annessi. Reception hall d'ingresso. Suite dotata di zona living con angolo cottura, camera, bagno e terrazzino; zona lavanderia e altro terrazzo a livello. L'edificio gode di un terrazzo con vista tetti e scorcio vista mare. Finiture di pregio. Ottimo Affare. Euro 450 mila Classe energetica: G
Bilocale interamente ristrutturato composto da soggiorno, 2 camere da letto, cucinino e bagno. Vendita compresa di arredi. Appartamento adibito a Casa Vacanze reddito 10 mila euro annuo.
Anticipo euro 20 mila rata mensile 390 euro al mese.
Per altre soluzioni e altre foto visita il nostro Nuovo Sito:
The best of Ortigia
Corso Gelone 148 – Siracusa 0931 461760
A soli 250 metri da piazza Duomo posto al secondo piano, si compone da ingresso, sala da pranzo con cucina attigua, salone doppio, 2 camere matrimoniali, 2 bagni per un totale di 160 mq ed un spazioso ed elegante terrazzo a livello con cucina esterna di circa 50mq. L’attico si vende comprensivo di arrendi, comodo per chi vuole abitarlo immediatamente e iniziare subito le vacanze in pieno relax nella meravigliosa Siracusa. L’immobile attualmente è inserito nel circuito Luxury delle casa vacanza
Per altre soluzioni e altre foto visita il nostro Nuovo Sito:
a t t ' i Le migliori offerte in c
Corso Gelone 148 – Siracusa 0931 461760
APPARTAMENTO, CON TERRAZZA VISTA MARE PANORAMICISSIMO Salone doppio, 2 ampie camere da letto, cucina abitabile, bagno e doppio servizio. Terrazza coperta e ampie verande a giro. Termo autonomo. Posto auto in cortile condominiale. Prezzo affare € 138.000. Euro 20 MILA + RATA MENSILE 414 EURO. Classe energetica: G.
ZONA SCALA GRECA In OTTIMO condominio recintato con cancello automatico, appartamento 4 vani piu' DOPPI SERVIZI e garage di mq 25. PREZZO AFFARE ANTICIPO 20 MILA EURO
Per altre soluzioni e altre foto visita il nostro Nuovo Sito:
i c
a tt '
Corso Gelone 148 – Siracusa 0931 461760
Centrale appartamento ascensorato, salone, doppio, 2 vani ampi, cucina abitabile, bagno e ripostiglio. Ampie verande sulla strada, da rinnovare. Ottima posizione affarone prezzo 88 mila, anticipo Euro 15 mila + 298 al mese.
O R U E a 88mil
AFFARE: ZONA SERVI DI MARIA Totalmente ristrutturato, terzo piano senza ascensore composto da ingresso ampio, cucina abitabile, ampio salone, soggiorno / studio, due camere grandi, bagno e ripostiglio. Prezzo imbattibile 88 mila euro mutuabili esempio 10.000 Euro + 280 euro mensilI
Per altre soluzioni e altre foto visita il nostro Nuovo Sito:
i c
a tt '
Corso Gelone 148 – Siracusa 0931 461760
e n o i z o 00 m o r P 28.0 1 EURO
Con vista mare e ortigia, situato nel centro della citta' nei pressi della cittadella dello sport, in residence con parcheggio privato composto da tre vani piu' accessori. PROMOZIONE EURO 128.000 anticipo mutuabile con 15 mila euro in anticipo + 468 mensili.
VIA BARRESI Appartamento in residence recintato con giardino condominiale, 130 mq posto al piano secondo, termo ascensorato composto da: salone, 3 camere, cucina abitabile, e doppi servizi, veranda chiusa a vetri, garage 20 mq e posto auto assegnato. Ottimo affare vicino a grande supermercato 20 mila euro + comodo mutuo mensile 403 euro al mese.
Per altre soluzioni e altre foto visita il nostro Nuovo Sito:
IP &
Partner ufficiale
Infissi – Porte e Portoncini Blindati Finestre per Interni ed Esterni
C.da Spalla Traversa Bowling snc 96010 Città Giardino - Melilli (SR) Telefono/Fax: 0931 761145 E- mail: Sito internet: FABBRICA DI PRODUZIONE E VENDITA 13
Corso Gelone 148 – Siracusa 0931 461760
Esclusiva villa in città con giardino Composta da piano terra, primo e mansarda piano terra: con salone 50 mq, con camino, cucina in muratura, lavanderia, un bagno e ripostiglio piano primo: 3 camere da letto, studio, 2 bagni di cui uno nella camera da letto principale, cabina armadio. Mansarda: soggiorno, una cucina, 2 bagni, 2 camere + terrazzo solarium. Pergolato con cucina in muratura + forno a legna e barbecue. Rifiniture di lusso con pavimenti in cotto e parquet, infissi in legno, climatizzatori in tutti gli ambienti, riscaldamento centralizzato autonomo a metano (2 caldaie). Prezzo affare
APPARTAMENTI Nuova Costruzione
Da 2.200 ad euro 1.600 al mq.
Stai cercando Appartamento di nuova costruzione?
Gruppo Immobiliare Casa propone appartamenti di nuova costruzione in residence, area condominiale con parco giochi bambini, finiture a scelta elegante stabile, antisismico, classe A+, impianto solare Termico. Possibilita’ garage. Vieni a vedere le diverse tipologie di appartamento e le diverse soluzioni di pagamento in ufficio.
CasaDove 14
0931 461760 Per altre soluzioni e altre foto visita il nostro Nuovo Sito:
Tourist Guide 15
Tourist Guide
An itinerary planned to visit the most significant places without missing anything.
Go around Syracuse, is equivalent to retrace the pure history of a city that showed off in the art scene and beyond, its beauty and its impressiveness, in historical contexts that are often seen as the protagonist. Things to see are such and so many that the time will never be enough. It would therefore be reductive not to stop at least a couple of days to be able to admire amazing and unique places that only in this part of Sicily you can visit.
What to see in Ortigia Island
The first archaeological site that you come across just arrived is the Temple of Apollo.
To the right of the temple opens via Matteotti, after which you reach Piazza Archimede, where you can admire the Fontana of Diana . From the square branch off several streets, including Via Roma and Via Cavour and Via Amalfitania beautiful streets full of typical shops. After about 200 meters, on the right it will come out of Via Minerva. From here you can already see the Doric columns of the ancient Temple of Minerva, now incorporated in the Duomo. Continuing, you will come out Piazza Duomo, one of the most beautiful squares in Italy, surrounded by numerous palaces in the Baroque style with many bars and restaurants. Here, besides the above mentioned Duomo, you can admire the Palace Vermexio, the Town Hall, the Archbishop's Palace and the Palace Borgia del Casale. On the right side of the square from the Cathedral, it stands the Chiesa di S. Lucia alla Badia, which houses the Caravaggio painting " Il seppellimento di S. Lucia". Across the street Pompeo Picherali, it comes down to the Fountain of Arethusa. From here, along the sea on the Lungomare Alfeo you reach Piazza Federico di Swabia, where is the entrance to the Castle Maniace. Coming down from the Fonte Aretusa you get to the Villetta Aretusa a small garden with benches and from there you open the Marina, a large circumscribed place where you can relax under the trees and leave free the children. The tour continues across the street Capodieci, leading to the Regional Gallery of Palazzo Bellomo, important museum which houses, among others, "The Annunciation" by Antonello da Messina. Continuing along the same road we arrive at the Sea Museum. In Piazza S. Giuseppe, where is the Aretusean Puppet Museum, a must for those wishing to learn the customs and tradition of the city. To the north-east of the square comes out onto the Via della Giudecca, from which you get to Piazza del Precursore and the Church of S. G .Battista (S.Giovannello) former Singoga of '400. Continuing on Via della Giudecca, in the basement of a patrician building, you can admire the Bath Hebrew. In via Maestranza you can see the Palazzo Impellizzeri, and Chiesa dell'Immacolata.
The Necropolis
The first visit is at the Latomie dei Cappuccini, moving on Piazza San Giovanni, you can visit the Catacom-
be di San Giovanni, you can still visit the Museum of the Papyrus and the Archaeological Museum "Paolo Orsi", one of the most important in Europe . Opposite the museum insists the Santuario della Madonna delle Lacrime, and a few hundred meters we find the Archaeological Park of Neapolis. Inside the park you can admire the Roman Amphitheatre, The Ara of Ierone, the Greek Theatre, the Latomie del paradiso, the Cave of Cordari and the Ear of Dionysius. Then the last but not least location is Piazza S. Lucia, in the area called Borgata, where is the Basilica of St. Lucia al Sepolcro next to the church, is located the tomb. This short itinerary gives the opportunity to know of the wonders of Syracuse. 16
e d i u G t s i r Tou ISLAND OF ORTIGIA
Ortigia Island is the oldest part of the city of Syracuse. Its name comes from the old "ortyx" greek which means quail. It is the heart of the city, the first to be inhabited in antiquity, thanks to its geographical position and the presence of water and springs. As the whole of Sicily Ortigia is also testimony of past centuries and populations that have occurred. Its territory tells of an ancient history that saw the arrival of the Greeks followed by the Romans, by the Swabians, Aragonese and by the Arabs. It has been inhabited since the Bronze Age, given the presence of circular huts belonging to the culture of Thapsos. From that moment Ortigia played a political and administrative role leading that was kept for centuries to come. From the Middle Ages up to 800 was protected by massive walls and served as a parade ground. The walls were torn down in the late 800 and in the second half of the next century began a slow and gradual abandonment of the historic center. This allowed the increase of crime and degradation fought with a series of regeneration projects. These redevelopment projects have provided, over the years, the establishment of a Museum of the Sea, the construction of a 5-star hotel, the revaluation of the waterfront and the reopening of the two theaters, one municipal and one dedicated to Giovanni Verga. Today visit Ortigia and how stroll through history and admire its splendor, get lost among its small neighborhoods, revealing wonders, it is enchanting. The most famous areas of the island are: Bottari, Cannamela, Castle, Cathedral, Gancia, Giudecca, Graziella, Maestranza and Marina.
DUOMO DI SIRACUSA (Temple of Minerva)
In the upper part of the island of Ortigia, stands the Cathedral of Syracuse was intended, since ancient times, to accommodate a cult place. A a temple erected in the sixth century BC, it replaced the Temple of Athena (or Minerva), built in honor of the goddess by the tyrant Gelone, after the great victory of Imera (480 BC) against the Carthaginians. In the seventh century, at the time of Bishop Zosimus, the temple of Athena was incorporated into a Christian church dedicated to the Nativity of Maria: in particular, were erected walls to close the space between the columns of the peristyle and open eight arches in the central cell , to allow the passage to the two aisles thus obtained. The imposing Doric columns are still visible on the left side, both outside and inside the building. Perhaps converted into a mosque during the Arab domination, the church was rebuilt in Norman times. The 1693 earthquake caused various damage, including the collapse of the facade. The present facade - masterpiece Palermo Andrea Palma, and one of the best baroque testimonies of Syracuse - was built between 1728 and 1754. It stands on an imposing staircase and has the column as a compositional form. The prospectus has two floors, crowned by a pediment. By Igna17 17
zio Marabitti are the two statues flanking the staircase (St. Peter and St. Paul) and those that adorn the second order (San Marciano, Saint Lucia and the central newsstand, the so-called Virgin of Piliere). The entrance is preceded by an atrium with a beautiful portal flanked by two columns in hanks, along whose coils are wound branches of grapes. The interior has three naves and a basilica. The central nave is covered by a sixteenth-century wooden ceiling beams discoveries. The floor, marble and polychrome, was built by Bishop Bellomo and built in 1444. The right side of the aisle is bounded by the columns of the temple, which now give access to the chapels. In the first chapel a beautiful baptismal font is preserved, formed by a marble greek crater supported by seven lions wrought iron of the thirteenth century. The chapel of Saint Lucia has a beautiful silver altar frontal of the eighteenth century. In the niche it houses the beautiful silver statue of the saint, by Pietro Rizzo (1599). The large chapel of the Crucifix, in the bottom of the right aisle, welcomes a table with St. Zosimus, perhaps by Antonello da Messina; the altar of the chapel is a wooden cross in the Byzantine style.
The Castle of Frederick II in Syracuse, then said Maniace, is constructed between 1232 and 1240. The first documents on its foundation are the letters that Frederick send 17 November 1239 from Lodi to his subjects related to the construction of the Castle, , In which the emperor welcomes the diligence with which Richard of Lentini "prepositus aedificiorum" follows the "nostrum Syracusie" castrum who will soon to supply it with everything needed. We know the names of two castellans Swabians Syracuse: Riccardo Vetrani and faithful John Piedilepre, which is referred to a degree of 13 August 1263 Manfredi. Under the Angevin Castle becomes royal heritage, surveyed in 1273 by a commission of inquiry about a Siragusie Castrum. The war between the Angevins and the Aragonese Kingdom rule sees the opposite Castle to defend the city. For almost all the fifteenth century, the castle is a prison. In 1448, after a magnificent banquet held in the halls of the Castle, the captain Giovanni Ventimiglia, does kill all the guests, accused of treason. For this brave gesture obtained by King Alfonso of Castile donated the two rams bronze that adorned so far at the prospect of the Castle. At the end of the sixteenth century, in the most general level of fortification of the city, Castello Maniace become a focal point of the city wall, designed by military engineer Spanish Ferramolino. In the mid-seventeenth century fortifications include additional works in the Castle of unknown entity. On 5 November 1704, a furious explosion occurred in the powder keg upset the building. Pieces of cruises and limestone blocks are launched within a radius of several kilometers. In the following years it is about the reconstruction, which leaves intact the areas destroyed by the explosive, while creating cladding for the construction of warehouses. In the Napoleonic Castle relives with military functions and was fitted with can-
e d i u G t s i r Tou non. In 1838, to safeguard the motions that were rampaging throughout the kingdom, the Bourbon Ferdinand will raise a bunker. The castle was handed over to the Kingdom of Savoy and used until the Second World War as a military equipment depot. Following the demilitarization of the area they have followed numerous restoration works (the last completed in 2010) which brought the castle to its former glory, becoming one of the Sicilian castles today, and not only that, the most charming of the island, a real and its symbol of power and brilliance of Emperor Frederick II. In May 2015 Castello Maniace is enhanced with the opening of the Antiquarium. Two new exhibition rooms, housed in buildings dating back to the fifteenth and seventeenth century, which are located in the castle courtyard. Of the two new rooms, one dedicated to the history of the Castle and the Fortified town of Syracuse through ancient maps; the other exposes the architectural remains and the rich variety of ceramics and pottery from the thirteenth to the nineteenth century found during excavations of the castle
TEMPLE OF APOLLO It is one of the most important monuments of Ortigia, in front of the Pancali Square in Syracuse. It dates from the early sixth century BC and is therefore the oldest Doric temple in Sicily. The temple underwent several transformations: it was Byzantine church, of which it retains the front staircase and the trail of a median door, and then became Islamic mosque. Then he overlapped with previous buildings the Norman church of the Saviour who was then incorporated in a sixteenth-century Spanish barracks and private buildings, remaining architectural elements still visible These successive overlaps severely damaged the building that was rediscovered in the 1860s inside the barracks and was reported entirely to light thanks to the excavations carried out by Paolo Orsi in the years between 1938 and 1942.
FONTANA DI DIANA The fountain, built in 1906 by the sculptor Giulio Piceno Muskets, tells the story of the nymph Arethusa, who runs away from Alfeo, protected by the goddess Diana. The buildings overlooking the square sum up all of the island's history, from the Middle Ages to the present day. Clockwise encounter the palace of Banco di Sicilia, built in 1928 to designs by Salvatore Caronia. To the east there is the Pupil Palace (1773 - 1800), with slightly convex, irregular elevation axis road via Roma - via Dione. The building of the Central Savings Bank V. E. is built on the area of Corvaia buildings - already Grimaldi - and Zumbo. The first, by Giovanni Vermexio of 1628, was damaged, although not irreversible, Allied air incursion on the night of 15 February 1942. The second, which embraced fifteenth-century architectural structures, was shot down in the autumn of 1957 to rise to new building designed by Gaetano Rapisarda. The arcaded solution of the cantonal resumes vermexiano of the destroyed building model. The six decorative panels in high relief is the work of sculptor Salvo Monica and depict crafts, while the bronze sculptures are Biagio Poidomani. The intersection with the streets of the Maestranza and Rome is characterized by its original cantonal Interlandi Pizzuti palace that stands on the Landolina palace. It follows the Gargallo palace seventeenth-century foundation. It owes its present appearance, with rich stucco decorations, alterations to
the years 1895 - 1899. At that period are the frescoes of the time, by Ernesto Bellandi. The primitive form remain within the structures of the stables. In this palace September 25, 1760 was born Tommaso Gargallo. Adjacent is the Lanza palace - Bucceri - Platamone in origin and still preserves the coat of arms on the capitals of the columns. Obvious are the tampering of the prospectus, pierced by large openings made in the wall curtain. Inside a ladder to heaven discovered with the frame below the height of the steps, leading to loggiatino incorporated in the subsequent factories, but still sufficiently legible. The building of the Bank of Italy (or clock palace) - fifteenth century building, rebuilt in the '50s - closes the fourth side of the square. From the large wrought iron gate we can see the Catalan Stairway to Heaven discovered with a lion in heraldic position. The clock was placed in the prospectus 12 April 1882.
It born to a freshwater source and flowing at a few meters from the sea in the island of Ortigia. Forms a small semi-circular pond full of fish and where the green triumphs and flourish the plants of the only spontaneous papyrus in Europe. Remodeled several times over the centuries, its current appearance is from 1847; in this space ducks and fish inhabit the wonderful and enchanting Syracuse split. The charm of Fonte, certainly has fascinated many poets and writers who have documented the beauty. It is dedicated to the most famous myth of Syracuse: the nymph Arethusa. According to mythology, the young woman was the object of the love of Alpheus, but did not return his feelings, indeed shrank from him, until tired of his insistence he asked for help to Diana. The Goddess wrapped it in a thick cloud transforming it into a source of the Ortigia lido. Alfeo, did not know to find peace. The gods took pity on them and Jupiter omnipotent transformed him into the river that flows into the great harbor of Syracuse, in order to remain close to his beautiful beloved.
e d i u G t s i r Tou ARCHEOLOGICAL PARK NEAPOLIS The Archaeological Park, located in the northwest of the modern city, and extended approximately 240,000 sq m., Is a remarkable palimpsest of history of ancient Syracuse. It is the result of a long and difficult work of preservation in the fifties, includes not only the most monumental part of the city, but also a dense series of testimonies from various periods spanning proto to the late antique and Byzantine.
ORECCHIO DI DIONISIO (The Ear of Dionysius)
The Ear of Dionysius (or Ear of Dionysius) is the most popular of the caves that open on the northern front of the Latomie of Paradise, made from the stone quarry workers who followed the best quality limestone strands. High about 23 m. and wide from 5 to 11 m., with converging walls forming a pointed vault slightly beveled, the cave is developed in depth to 65 m. Michelangelo da Caravaggio, who visited the cave in 1608 during his journey to Malta, called the "Ear of Dionysius" for its S-shape characteristic, vaguely resembling a ear flap, and especially for its outstanding acoustic properties, which amplify sounds; The legend tells that the tyrant Dionysius he used to enclose their enemies inside the cave to listen to from the top, not seen, speeches, amplified by the echo. In fact, the cave owes its shape to the way it was built; the excavation started from the top, following the winding path of an aqueduct, and widened gradually coming down in depth, following the trend of the limestone strand. As in nearby caves Cordari and Saltpeter, are clearly visible on the walls, the signs of the working of the rock and the posting of blocks.
How extraordinary it was considered to be the theater of Syracuse even in ancient times, is shown by the fact that it is one of the few Greek theaters mentioned in historical sources remember the name of the architect: Damocopo, said Myrilla. Its existence is already established in the fifth century. B.C.; Aeschylus represented there for the first time the Women of Etna written in honor of the tyrant Jerone I after the founding of the city of Etna in 476 BC, and again, again for the first time, "The Persians." But its current appearance, that classifies it among the largest of the greek world theaters, is due to the radical makeo21
ver wanted by Jerone II in the third century. B.C. Over the centuries, all built parts were destroyed to obtain construction material for the Spanish fortifications and, later, for the planting of some water mills that in the sixteenth century were installed in the orchestra, the auditorium and adjacent. The mills used the Galermi tap water coming down from the Epipolae at the top of the theater. Gradually demolished during the long recovery and restoration of the theater, between the end of the nineteenth century and the first decades of the twentieth century, the last witness of their existence is the cd. "House of millers", small tower building that dominates the eastern part of the auditorium. The conservation status prevents an accurate reconstruction of the various stages of the building, which underwent numerous changes over the centuries. The auditorium (space intended viewers) measure m. 138.60 m. in diameter. Divided into two sectors, in the horizontal direction, by a large semi-circular corridor (diazoma) at mid-height, originally it comprised 67 rows; eight ladders, outlining vertically nine wedges, allow access to the various orders of steps. On the wall that borders the north diazoma are etched, at each one of the wedges, the inscriptions bearing the name of gods and characters of the basileus family. At the center, the name of Olympian Zeus; to the east, those of Hercules and Demeter; to the west, the names of Jerone II, his wife the Queen Philistis, Nereid his daughter in law; on this side it was probably also the name of his son Gelone II.
The great latomia (literally: quarry, from greek temnein, cut) called Paradise (from paradeisos, park or garden) has provided, in the Greek period, no less than 850,000 cubic meters of limestone blocks used for monuments and buildings of Ancient city. The blocks of rock were extracted normally open pit; but when the most compact layers - and thus more suitable material and valuable - extending below the surface crust, were digging into the rocky ridge. They created such enormous caves, with walls that sometimes reached 40 meters in height supported by rock pillars spared from the excavation. Over time, and as a result of the earthquakes that frequently affected Sicily, the roof of these large caves collapsed, so that today the latomia presents open air; but the original shape is shown by the large boulders collapsed on the floor. 22
e d i u G t s i r u ToCHIESA DI
Built around the sixth century in the place where, according to tradition, was buried on the 1st bishop of Syracuse, Marciano, and martyred under Gallieno and Valeriano (mid-third century), the Church of St. John has been considered for a long time the first Cathedral of Syracuse. Ancient basilica, which has three naves divided by 12 Doric columns, today are visible only the remains of the colonnade from the median and the apse aisle of local stone. The church underwent several innovations in Norman times and was further modified during the seventeenth century, with the inclusion of a new structure that occupied the space of the first two spans of the existing church. From the South side of the church leads to the underground necropolis: the Catacombs of San Giovanni, which are the latest among those discovered in Syracuse (fourth century A.D.). This complex of catacombs (only one open to the public) dates back to 315-360 A.D. and witnesses, together with the catacombs of Saint Lucia and to those of Vigna Cassia (unfortunately not open) the fervor of the Christian life in Syracuse since ancient times.
The Basilica of Saint Lucia al sepolcro stands on the spot where the Saint was martyred in the year 304. The Syracusans built, in fact, after the peace of Constantine a church dedicated to the martyr of whom nothing has come to us as a result of the destruction caused by the various earthquakes and the Arab domination. The present church can be traced back to the religious restoration of the Norman period which had a significant impact in the field of architecture. Today's plan reflects the old.
SANTUARIO DELLA MADONNA DELLE LACRIME The Santuario della Madonna delle Lacrime has been erected in memory of the miraculous tearing of an effigy of plaster representing the Immaculate Heart of Maria, placed at the bedside of Iannuso spouses at of their humble home. The miracle was repeated from 29 August to 1 September 1953 in the general commotion of an immense multitude of the faithful, in the house of Iannuso spouses. Gathered the tears were subjected to scientific analysis that would result tear fluid. The devotion that followed was of enormous proportions. The small picture of the Madonna delle Lacrime, first provisionally admitted in the nearby Piazza Euripides, was placed inside the Sanctuary. The opera was designed in 1957 by French architects Michel and Pierre Parat Andrault following an international competition. Construction began in 1966. Construc23
tion was completed after about 28 years and the sanctuary was opened November 6, 1994 by Pope John Paul II. The sanctuary consists of the crypt and the upper temple, with a coneshaped body formed by ribs reinforced concrete reaching a total height of 74 m, surmounted by a crowning of steel at 20 meters high which carries a gilded bronze statue of the Madonna by Francesco Caldarella, surrounded by a halo with circular elements and radially. In the upper temple is the central altar that houses the miraculous picture. Side there are the chapels: (from right) Chapel of the Sacra sindone (Reproduction), San Giuseppe and Santa Lucia. Left: Blessed Sacrament Altar of Charity and finally the chapel of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, was later moved to the crypt of the Sanctuary.
MUSEO PAOLO ORSI The Syracuse Regional Archaeological Museum is to be counted among the most important and prestigious in Europe for the quality and quantity of content objects. Established by royal decree in 1878 first as a "Museum of the Seminary" and later as "National Archaeological Museum of Syracuse", today it is located at the new headquarters of Villa Landolina and named after the great archaeologist Paolo Orsi, who was its director for over thirty years and who was responsible for important discoveries and findings. The building is surrounded by a huge green park of archaeological and historical interest in the presence, for example, of the German poet's tomb Augustus von Platen.
The Castle Euryalus (whose name Euryalos in greek: nail, probably refers to the shape of the rocky saddle on which it resides) is one of the largest and comprehensive military works of the greek period. The massive fort (occupies about 15,000 square meters) was built in the most vulnerable point of the plateau Epipoli, where it otherwise protected by steep rocky crags, shrinks and connects with a gentle slope to the hills behind, constituting the easiest place access for those approaching the city from the hinterland. The fortress was probably built by Dionysius, to complete the great defensive system called "Dionysian Mura", which ran along the edge of the plateau Epipoli; but it suffered over time numerous transformations and extensions, especially in age ieroniana. A system of three ditches barred access: the first is located at the entrance to the archaeological proximity, the second, an angular shape, is the largest (about 50 m), partially collapsed dimensions of the blocks from the opera advanced that stood in the space between the second and the third moat; Finally, the third moat, also of angular shape, is the longest and is the most important strategic hub of the castle. The complex, equipped with effective defensive What to do and served as an internal wiring system that made it easy and quick travel within and outside the fortress, is a splendid example of siegecraft the greek world. 24
e s d i e h u c a G Be t e s i h r T Tou FONTANE BIANCHE
The beach of Fontane Bianche Syracuse, located about 15 km from the city, is located on the east coast of Sicily, between wild cliffs and beaches of white sand, lapped by a cobalt sea. so named for its many natural spring water found in the area, it is characterized by a coastline along about three kilometers of white sand, bathed by a beautiful blue and crystal clear sea. The beach is partly free and partly occupied by plants and along the road behind him is a high concentration of nightclubs, hotels and campgrounds. The beach is well-equipped, offering every type of service and the possibility to practice different sports and water sports are. To get there just follow the signs to Cassibile, to the south of Syracuse.the main beaches of white fountains are: Talè, Lido Sayonara, Lido Fontane Bianche, Camomilla, La Spiagetta, Kukua Beach
The marine protected Area Plemmirio is located on the east coast of Siracusa and was established in 2004, is classified as a Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Interest. It spreads over a perimeter of 14.35 km of along the east coast of the Maddalena Peninsula, with an area of 2,429 hectares of protected sea. The territory is of great importance from the point of view of the flora and fauna, but also from a historical point of view. Crossroads for the passage of ships and the ships of the Carthaginians, Romans and Greeks, the area of Plemmirio hosts several hills in the depths of amphora and artifacts from various periods, including those of the last world war. Inside the living species characteristics such as tuna, snapper, amberjack, dolphin, sharks and whales. In the intertidal zone are noticed interesting “trottoir a vermeti”, Mediterranean bio structures like small coral reefs.
OGNINA The Beach of Ognina extends on the central eastern coast of Sicily, just south of the sandy and busiest Arenella. In this part the coast is characterized by a low and jagged cliffs and crystal-clear sea of truly magnificent reflections. Slightly off you can also see a flat, uninhabited island, reachable by swimming. The nearby port of Ognina-channel accommodates many boats. 25
The Beaches ARENELLA The Arenella beach relaxing on the central eastern coast of Sicily, about 9 kilometers south of downtown Syracuse. It is a beautiful soft golden sand beach that stretches in a small bay enclosed by a low, rocky promontory, characterized by a large coast stretches equipped with sun beds and umbrellas, completely free features. Arenella beach is ideal for families with children and also offers convenient parking nearby.
The beach of the Island of Capo Passero Currents, located in the extreme south of Sicily, is easily reached by following the signs for Porto Palo Island of Currents. The beach gets its name from the island that is connected by a thin strip of land, usually flooded. It is a beautiful long golden sandy beach, which stretches to the east and west of the promontory, bordered in some places by beautiful dune formations. The area is one of the island's windy, located where the Strait of Sicily and the Ionian seas meet, and the sea, blue and clear, it is almost always very rough and not suitable for children. For air and sea current that are created, the beach is much loved and frequented by surfers.
TONNARA DI MARZAMEMII The Tonnara of Marzamemi, built in the sixteenth century, is one of the oldest and most important tuna fisheries in eastern Sicily. For private and public events are available the Loggia and the courtyard of Palazzo dei Principi Bonaccorsi di Reburdone. The environment that originally served as a shelter for the big boats of the trap, so-called "scieri", today became the Loggia, one large room of about 750 sqm., Traversed by the ancient tuff arches and overlooking the sea and on 'ancient port of fishermen. La Loggia communicates directly with the private courtyard through the ancient door, it opens on the magnificent Piazza Regina Margherita, the center of the small village of Marzamemi. 26
The Beaches The beach of Marzamemi, located north of the picturesque fishing village of the same name, part of the town of Pachino, Which is about 3 km, and a second part of the town of Noto. It is a beautiful soft golden sand beach, wide and long, bathed by a blue sea, transparent and wonderfully bright. The beach Owes its name to the Arab word Marsa el Hamem, Which means Port of the Doves, Because once the area was located on the migration route of These birds
OASIS OF VENDICARI (25 Km from Siracusa)
The Nature Reserve Wildlife Oasis Vendicari is a natural reserve located in the province of Siracusa, Noto and precisely that serve as a resting place in the migration of birds. It is managed by the Regional State Forests. Within the reserve there are several archaeological and architectural settlements. You can indeed find traces of tanks-filing of an ancient factory for the processing of fish, next to which was also discovered a small cemetery. There are also remains of the Byzantine period: churches, catacombs, dwellings and cemeteries. Symbol Vendicari is certainly the Swabian Tower. Not far away there is the Tonnara of Vendicari, a building that still preserves the chimney in good condition, as well as various plants and houses of fishermen.
CALAMOSCHE (25 km from Siracusa) The Beach of Calamosche is located between the archaeological remains of Eloro and Vendicari Natural Reserve. The allure of the beach is due to the variety of vegetation and the presence of a very varied landscape. The small beach is located between two rocky headlands that mean that the sea is almost always calm. Another feature of the beach is the presence of numerous cavities and caves in the two rocky promontories. To reach the beach of Calamosche you need to walk 15-20 minutes you walk along a path surrounded by the Mediterranean, after leaving the car into the parking lot at the edge of the reserve. No bar, no bathing facilities. The beach is nestled in a bay where the water is exceptionally clear. It is considered one of the most beautiful beaches in Italy
SAN LORENZO NOTO The San Lorenzo beach stretches along the coast netina, very charming coast for the beauty of the sea that bathes, real uncontaminated heritage of great beaches and small coves. The San Lorenzo beach is characterized by its fine beach is not very wide of fine white sand, with crystal clear sea and seabed that slope gently toward the sea. The coastline is also well equipped with all the necessary services to make pleasant the relaxing days at sea. 27
IP &
Partner ufficiale
Infissi – Porte e Portoncini Blindati Finestre per Interni ed Esterni FABBRICA DI PRODUZIONE E VENDITA C.da Spalla Traversa Bowling snc 96010 Città Giardino - Melilli (SR) Telefono/Fax: 0931 761145 E- mail: Sito internet: 28
Via G. Italia 39 – Palazzolo Acreide 0931 461760 - 393 2032802
Le offerte di Palazzolo
A pochi km da Palazzolo, composta da seminterrato di circa 200mq utilizzato come garage, piano rialzato con ampio salone,tre vani, cucina abitabile e doppi servizi, e sottotetto mansardato indipendente con altri due vani con cucinino e bagno, riscaldamento autonomo,il giardino circa 8000mq è curatissimo con numerosi alberi da frutta, campo di calcetto, base per piscina, il tutto ottimamente recintato, prezzo interessante, euro 250000. IA481PA
Indipendente su due livelli (parte del piano terra e piano primo), con terrazzini esclusivi, per un totale di 185 mq. Da ristrutturare. Prezzo affare: solo 39 mila euro. Classe energetica: G, IPE: 175 kWh/mq annui.
Indipendente ristrutturato al piano terra, arredato, ingresso-soggiorno, camera da letto, cucinino e bagno. Stufa a legna e impianto di allarme. Ottimo per casa vacanza. Investimento per affitto sicuro. Euro 59 mila. Classe energetica: G, IPE: 175 kwh/mq annui.
C.DA FAMELIO, NUOVO INGRESSO CENTRO STORICO PRESSI MARE-MONTI PIAZZA DI SAN SEBASTIANO Terreno alberato di circa 3500 mq con annesso antico fabbricato rurale inserito in una corte di 75 mq. Euro 17 mila.
Ristrutturato stabile indipendente con facciata liberty,composto da piano terra con soggiorno, cucina e bagno, piano primo con due vani e bagno, terrazzo esclusivo, condizionatori e arredi compresi nella vendita, prezzo ineressante euro 70000..
Piccolo stabile indipendente, primo piano: soggiorno, camera da letto, camerino, cucinotto e bagno, piano tipo mansarda: cucina estiva, servizio e luminoso terrazzino esclusivo. Euro 45 mila. Classe energetica: G, IPE: 175 kwh/mq annui.
Intero stabile ristrutturato, su più livelli, piano terra: ingresso-soggiorno, salotto e doppio servizio; primo piano: camera da letto, cucina abitabile e bagno; secondo piano mansardato: ampio vano e terrazzino esclusivo. Euro 125 mila compreso di arredi. Classe energetica: G, IPE: 175 kwh/ mq annui.
Antico palazzetto ristrutturato, su tre livelli, con vetrine, già adibito per uso commerciale. Ottimo per ufficio o per studi professionali, facilmente adattabile come abitazione, con possibilità di creare doppio ingresso per piano terra e piani superiori. Prezzo affare: 89 mila euro. Classe energetica: G, IPE: 175 kwh/mq annui.
Indipendente su due livelli piano terra e piano primo, quattro vani e accessori, terrazzino esclusivo, predisposizione caldaia, buone condizioni, ottimo anche per casa vacanza, prezzo affare, euro 59mila cl G 175kw
Per altre soluzioni e altre foto visita il nostro Nuovo Sito:
Via G. Italia 39 – Palazzolo Acreide 0931 461760 - 393 2032802
Le offerte di Palazzolo
Centralissimo in ottimo stato, piano terra e primo con tre vani,cucina e bagno, ideale per casa vacanza,prezzo affare solo euro 28000 .
In una bella corte comune, casa rurale ristrutturata composta da due vani, piccola mansarda, bagno, cucina e forno in pietra. Prezzo affare 29 mila euro. Possibilità acquisire anche terreno stesso proprietario a 100 metri uliveto di 6900 mq(TR089PA) in offerta ad euro 28000.
Terreno di 14 ettari seminativo e pascolo e piccolo uliveto, con due trivelle, pozzo sorgivo, e fabbricati rurali in parte abitabili con corte esclusiva di circa 1000mq, prezzo vero affare euro 450mila cl G 175kw.
Vecchio rurale ristrutturato composto da ampio soggiorno, due camere, bagno, cucina con forno in pietra, riscaldamento con camino, garage,giardino e terreni circostanti per oltre 4000 mq, in zona abitata a pochi km da palazzolo,prezzo affare solo euro 169000 .
Villa su più livelli totali 160 mq + 77 mq di ampie verande a giro. Giardino alberato di 5000 mq. Ideale per amanti della quiete e della montagna. Euro 165 mila. Classe energetica: G, IPE: 175 kwh/ mq annui.
Terreno alberato di 5000 mq con fabbricato rurale di mq 75 con altezza max 6 metri , ottimo per naturalisti e amanti della natura, prezzo interessante.
In una bella corte rurale, terreno pianeggiante di circa 10.000 mq con porzione di antico casale per un totale di 170 mq., da ristrutturare. Trivella in comune. Ideale per amanti della quiete e della campagna, possibilità anche vendita separata solo terreno. Prezzo affare: euro 48 mila.
Piccolo stabile adibito a b&b, 4 monolocali con cucina e bagno, completi di arredamento. Rifiniti nei particolari. Ottimo per investimento. Euro 145 mila. Classe energetica: G, IPE: 175 kwh/ mq annui.
Villino di campagna ,da manutenzionare, composto da soggiorno, due camere, cucinino e bagno, con terreno di 2000 mq con vari alberi da frutta (pero,noce,ulivo,fico), con pozzo sorgivo, ottimo per chi cerca casa vacanze ,prezzo ribassato a 52mila euro, cl.G 175kw. IA482PA
Per altre soluzioni e altre foto visita il nostro Nuovo Sito:
Via G. Italia 39 – Palazzolo Acreide 0931 461760 - 393 2032802
Le offerte di Palazzolo
CENTRO STORICO, VIA GARIBALDI ZONA NUOVA Stabile indipendente da ristrutturare su due livelli, possibilità ampliare con immobili adiacenti (IA471PA e IA473PA). affare solo euro 19000.
In piccolo condominio di recente costruzione, appartamento al secondo e ultimo piano, quattro vani, cucina abitabile, due bagni e ripostiglio. Riscaldamento autonomo. In perfette condizioni. Euro 98 mila mutuabili. Classe energetica: G, IPE: 175 kwh/ mq annui.
Piano terra per totali 3 vani, ricavabili due mini appartamenti con servizi. Euro 35mila. Classe energetica: G, IPE: 175 kwh/mq annui.
Piccolo stabile ristrutturato composto da due vani, cucina e bagno, panoramicissimo, e da sottostante ampio garage, ideale come casa-vacanze, prezzo vero affare euro 73000.
Intero stabile vintage composto da due appartamenti al primo e secondo piano e da un vano uso deposito, per un totale di cinque vani con relativi accessori. Da ristrutturare. Prezzo affare: solo 65 mila euro. Classe energetica: G, IPE: 175 kwh/ mq annui. IA468PA
Alle spalle del museo archeologico, antico stabile prestigioso, piano terra, primo, secondo e terzo, facciata stile liberty per totali 350 mq circa abitativi, balconi e terrazzi di circa 70mq e piano terra magazzino di 120mq con altezza tetto max di 6 metri tipo dammuso, già recuperato staticamente e architettonicamente, ottimo come abitazione padronale o per attività tipo b&b, prezzo interessante. cl G 175 kw
Stabile indipendente ubicato nella piazza del corso V. Emanuele, centralissimo e luminoso, piano terra e piano primo, totali 5 vani e servizi, anche bifamiliare, da manutenzionare, in offerta ad euro 65mila cl G 175kw.
Antico stabile signorile su tre livelli, piano terra con dammuso, al primo e secondo piano dieci vani e servizi, e terrazzino panoramico con altri due vani, particolari decori nel salotto, ottimo quale residenza padronale o per attività tipo b&b, prezzo affare euro 125mila cl g 175kw.
Villino mq 60 in buono stato, con giardino privato di mq 8000 alberato panoramico. Progetto approvato, ottimo affare. Acconto euro 10000 + rata mensile 234,00.
Per altre soluzioni e altre foto visita il nostro Nuovo Sito:
Viale Teracati, 82/90 96100 Siracusa (SR) Telefono: 0931 459033 Fax: 0931 444995 E-mail: Sito internet:
Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 349 - Floridia - 0931 461760 - 393 2032802
Le offerte di Floridia & Solarino
Casa su due livelli per un totale di 350 mq, 12 vani ed accessori con ampie camere, salone affrescato, pavimenti decorati, da rimodernare, con tetto già rifatto. Il terreno di pertinenza di pertinenza di circa 1600 mq è edificabile per ulteriore 1200 Mq, possibilità di vendita con o senza cubatura. Ottima villa per abitazione di prestigio o per struttura ricettiva di tipo socio-sanitaria-assistenziale, B&B. Prezzo su richiesta diversificato con le diverse opzioni di vendita. IA3793
Luminoso appartamento ex casa ina, secondo piano, tre vani, cucina e bagno. Euro 38 mila. Classe energetica: g, ipe: 175 kwh/mq annui.
Appartamento composto da salone e tre vani, cucina,tre bagni(uno in camera) e sovrastante mansarda di 65mq , due garages mq 55, riscaldamento autonomo, panoramicissimo, ampie verande e terrazzo, prezzo interessante. Cl g 175kw
SIRACUSA PRESSI MARE-MONTI ZONA IPPODROMO Fabbricato rurale abitabile di 120mq ZONA CAVADONNA con un ettaro di terreno pianeggiante, mandorleto e uliveto, trivella propria, a pochi km dal mare di fontane bianche, ottimo per chi ama il mare e la tranquillità della campagna, prezzo affare, euro 110.000 cl G 175kw.
Villa bifamiliare composta da due appartamenti indipendenti al piano terra e primo piano, entrambi composti da ingressosoggiorno con cucinino, due camere, e bagno, giardino alberato di 1000mq già con due ingressi separati, a pochi minuti dal mare di fontane bianche e dall'autostrada, prezzo ribassato ad euro 158mila cl g 175kw. IA3925
Panoramicissimo appartamento al quinto piano ascensorato, salone, tre camere, cucina abitabile, bagno, doppio servizio e ripostiglio. Posto auto condominiale e ampio garage. Euro 125mila. Classe energetica: G, IPE: 175 kwh/mq annui.
Stabile indipendente composto al piano terra da un androne utilizzabile anche per garage auto, e al piano primo da un appartamento di mq 300 composto da sei vani, cucina e doppi servizi, riscaldamento autonomo, con sovrastante terrazza di 300mq, prezzo occasione, il tutto per 125mila euro, cl G 175kw.
Appartamento di recente costruzione come nuovo con ottime finiture composto da ingresso salone, due camere da letto, cucina, bagno, doppio servizio e ripostiglio, riscaldamento autonomo, ampie verande, prezzo interessante 150mila cl G 175kw.
Stabile indipendente ristrutturato composto da piano terra, piano primo, cortile interno e due ampie terrazze,5 vani, cucina abitabile, tre bagni, a richiesta divisibile il piano terra dal primo piano, prezzo intero stabile euro 85000 clG 175kw .
Per altre soluzioni e altre foto visita il nostro Nuovo Sito:
33 33
Piazza XX Settembre, 121/b Canicattini Bagni (SR) 0931 947087 - 392 9775917 - 338 7985365
Agenzia Canicattini
Vendiamo villa di 130 mq composto da cucina salone, 3 vani letto, servizio e bellissima veranda panoramica. Giardino alberato di 1500 mq avente doppio ingresso. Ottimo prezzo € 115.000. Classe energetica: G
Palazzo angolare da rifinire, totali mq 350 disposti su più livelli. Piano seminterrato adibito a garage, piano terra destinato ad uso abitativo ma attualmente utilizzato come garage e piano 1^ sempre abitativo con terrazzo sovrastante. Ideale per costruttori o famiglia numerose! Richiesta € 90.000 Classe Energetica G. IA142CA
Basso commerciale di 90 mq con ampia vetrina, già ristrutturato ideale per investimento, possibilità di variazione catastale a garage o abitazione. PREZZO RIBASSATO SOLO EURO 69.000. Classe Energetica F. IA102CA
34 Responsabile: Giovanni Tumolo
Vendiamo villa di circa 100 mq ristrutturata recentemente, composta da 4 vani più servizio e terrazza panoramica. Zona attorno casa totalmente piastrellata con n. 2 gazebo, vano forno e vano lavanderia/sgombero. Giardino privato irriguo di circa 3000 mq piantumato con alberi da frutto. L'immobile è servito di trivella propria, fossa imhoff, linea telefonica e luce già allacciata. Classe energetica: G. IA143CA
Bilocale al piano terra, abitabile di 60 mq, ambienti comodi, ideale per casa vacanza a pochi passi dal cento e dai servizi. Prezzo ribassato solo € 29.000 Classe Energetica G .
A 300 metri da Canicattini, antica villa primi 900,mq 130, con pavimentazione originale dell’epoca. Tetto rifatto con travi a vista e cantonali in pietra da taglio. Terreno circostante alberato di 6683 mq, cubatura edificabile di 200mq. Posizione strategica per la vicinanza alle vie di comunicazione, a 10 km da Palazzolo A., a 20 km da Noto, a 20 km da Siracusa e a 15 km dalla zona balneare di Fontane Bianche. Ideale per struttura ricettiva. Una rarità a solo € 150 mila. Classe energetica: G . IA099CA
Vendiamo casa indipendente comodissima, composta da cucina, 4 vani più servizi a piano terra e ampio terrazzo con locale di sgombero al piano superiore. Ingresso secondario da via Dei Pretis, ideale per abitazione/attività; zona centralissima ottima per realizzazione B&B o struttura ricettiva. Classe ENERGETICA G
Vendiamo palazzo angolare stile Liberty, ottima esposizione angolare, composto da 3 bassi commerciali già locati al piano terra ed ampio appartamento a primo piano. Rendita garantita annua dei bassi commerciali e possibilità di creare struttura ricettiva al primo piano! Trattativa riservata in ufficio. Classe Energetica G.
Dintorni di Canicattini vendiamo terreno pianeggiante di 15 Ha con caseggiato rurale di 300 mq avente trivella di grossa portata di 23 l/sec. Ottimo per attività agricola o agrituristica! Trattativa riservata in ufficio. Classe Energetica G TR036CA
Per altre soluzioni e altre foto visita il nostro Nuovo Sito:
Piazza XX Settembre, 121/b Canicattini Bagni (SR) 0931 947087 - 392 9775917 - 338 7985365 Responsabile: Giovanni Tumolo
Agenzia Canicattini
Vendiamo palazzo storico di 140 mq disposto su due livelli avente ingresso cucina-soggiorno e servizio a piano terra e due camere da letto, ripostiglio, servizio e terrazzo al primo piano. Ottime condizioni, solo € 60.000 Classe Energetica G
Vendiamo villa ristrutturata di circa 100 mq, curatissima nei minimi particolari, 4,5 vani più servizi, cucina e grande terrazzo panoramico; ampio patio totalmente piastrellato e stupenda pineta con vista su Siracusa. Trattativa riservata in ufficio. Classe Energetica G.
Palazzetto indipendente di 90 mq già ristrutturato, composto da 3 vani più servizi e terrazzo. Munito di riscaldamento autonomo e aria condizionata. Vendita compresa di arredi a soli € 55.000, possibilità di acquisto garage adiacente. Classe Energetica D. IA141CA
A pochi passi dal centro vendiamo villa nuova costruzione, 140 mq con giardino privato di 700 mq. Divisione interna e finiture a scelta, parcheggio privato e vista panoramica. Prezzo affare 170 mila €. Es. 35 mila € in anticipo dilazionabile, resto con mutuo mensile di 558 €.. IA119CA
Vendiamo immobile storico già ristrutturato di 170 mq. Ingresso ampio, cucina, soggiorno, zona pranzo, camera da letto grande, cameretta e ampio pozzo luce a pino terra e vano ripostiglio con lavanderia e terrazze ben esposte al primo piano. L’immobile è dotato di riscaldamento autonomo, impianto di allarme e metano già allacciato. € 107.000 mutuabili. Classe Energetica G.
Vendiamo luminosissimo appartamento sito al secondo piano, composto da cucina, soggiorno, 3 vani letto, servizio e terrazza coperta. Possibilità di acquisto garage vicinissimo all’abitazione. Solo € 75.000 Classe Energetica G . IA149CA
Appartamento angolare sito al 2° piano di 160 mq più terrazzo. Già tramezzato da rifinire, possibilità di acquisto porzione di 80 mq ad € 39000. Casse Energetica G IA135CA
Per altre soluzioni e altre fotovisita il nostro Nuovo Sito:
Immobile indipendente di circa 120 mq composto da tre vani, servizi ed accessoria piano terra e terrazzo esclusivo e vano lavanderia al piano superiore. Immediatamente abitabile completo di arredi. Occasione, solo € 65.000 Classe Energetica G IA148CA
Giardino di 3500 mq circa avente svariati alberi da frutto, acqua di cardinale, trivella e fabbricato rurale di 30 mq, veranda e piccola stalla. Possibilità di ampliare il fabbricato fino a 60 mq. € 45.000. TR048CA
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