StereoNET: Pioneer VSX-932 AV Receiver

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VSX-932 7.2 Channel Network AV Receiver Distributor: Powermove Distribution $1,099 RRP

“This time Pioneer has pushed the envelope even further”

It’s been almost two years to the day since I

predecessor and offering more features, you

Audio/DTS-HD High-Resolution Audio/DTS

reviewed Pioneer’s VSX-930. At the time I was

have to wonder, what has been sacrificed?

96/24/DTS-ES/DTS-HD Express, and Dolby

impressed how much technology could be built into AVR with a $1,349 asking price.

Like its predecessor, the VSX-932 is a 7.1 channel AVR. It can power two front speakers,

Atmos. However, unlike its predecessor, the VSX-932 adds DTS:X/DTS Neural:X to the list.

Here we are, two years and two product

a centre speaker, and four rear speakers.

A network AVR, the VSX-932 has a

generations later, with the $1,099 VSX-932.

Alternatively, two front speakers, a centre

comprehensive range of home networking

speaker, two rear speakers and two overhead

features, including Spotify, Deezer, Tidal,

speakers for Dolby Atmos/DTS: X.

Pandora, Chromecast, DTS Play-Fi, Fire

This time Pioneer has pushed the envelope even further, with the VSX-932 not only coming in $250 cheaper but offering more

It that’s a little too much for your tastes, and

features than the VSX-930.

you would prefer a 5.1 setup the VSX-932

Like most, I’m always happy to stretch my

can also be bi-amped.

dollar further, but I must admit my inner cynic

Like its predecessor, the VSX-932 will decode

was in high gear. At $250 cheaper than its

True HD/Dolby Digital Plus, DTS-HD Master

Connect, Internet Radio and Apple AirPlay Certification. Compatible with the Ultra HD/4K video standard, the VSX-932’s four HDMI inputs offer Ultra HD Pass-through with HDCP 2.2 and support HDR10 and BT.2020. The VSX932 also adds Dolby Vision compatibility to its list of supported video formats.

“The onscreen menu is both far nicer to look at and easier to work with”

What’s in the Box? Practically identical in appearance to the VSX-

The layout of the VSX-932’s speaker binding

930, the VSX-932 is housed in an aluminium

posts has been dramatically improved since

chassis. The front panel has a brushed metal

the VSX-930. In the past, I have critiqued

finish with a large LED display and is flanked

Pioneer for using two rows of binding posts

by two large dials providing direct access to

(red above black). The VSX-932 however,

source selection and volume control.

uses a single row of binding posts (red next to

A group of buttons located directly below the display provides access to the VSX-932’s more commonly used functions and acts

black), for all but the two rear back/presence speakers, so it’s much easier to connect your speakers.

as alternative means to access its on-

Rounding out the inputs is a LAN port, but

screen menus.

the VSX-932 can alternatively be connected

The front of the unit also hosts a USB input,

wirelessly to your home network.

headphone input and MCACC MIC input for

Also included in the box is the MCACC

speaker setup and calibration.

calibration microphone and remote. The remote

Around the back, the VSX-932 has a decent amount of inputs for the price-point, including: 4 assignable HDMI inputs, one HDMI (ARC)

has also been redesigned and now has fewer buttons. It’s also much cleaner in appearance with larger buttons that are easier to locate.

output, 1 USB input, 2 composite inputs, 1

The absent buttons, which have been

phono input, 1 digital coaxial input, 1 digital

relegated to the onscreen menu fall more

optical input, 2 subwoofer outputs and an

into the camp of ‘set and forget’ controls, so

AM/FM antenna.

chances are they won’t be missed.

Setup The VSX-932 is a breeze to set up. I chose to

System. You simply place the supplied

Atmos/DTS:X home theatre owners. Setting a

use it in the 5.2.2 configuration that I typically

microphone on a tripod in your listening

universal crossover for the main speakers may

use in my home theatre.

position and follow the onscreen prompts.

not be an issue, however, in a Dolby Atmos

Connecting speakers and source devices are

MCACC produces a series of test-tones that

relatively straightforward, thanks in large part

will detect the size of your speakers, their

to clearly marked inputs.

distance from your primary listening position,

This leaves you with the rather unpalatable

and then it applies room correction via DSP

choice of either setting a crossover which is

based on your listening environment.

too high for your main speakers, or too low for

A quick press of the menu button produced a clean and easy to work through setup menu. This is an area that Pioneer has obviously put significant work into since the VSX-930, and it shows. The onscreen menu is both far nicer to look at and easier to work with.

In my experience, and just like every other

system, the ceiling speakers usually have a higher crossover point.

your height speakers.

room correction system, MCACC did

It’s worth noting that while the VSX-932

incorrectly set some of my speakers to ‘large’.

does offer dual subwoofer inputs, Pioneer

However, it was simple enough to change

accomplishes this via an internal ‘Y’ adapter.

this in the setup menu. The only caveat is the

What this means is that signal sent to be subs

After a quick to test to ensure the speakers

VSX-932 is unable to set individual crossover

is ‘summed,’ and distance level and room

and source devices were properly connected,

points, so you will need to settle on one

correction applied accordingly. If you’re using

I connected the microphone and let the

crossover for all your speakers.

dual subs, you are going to want to pay close

automated calibration process take over.

Having a universal crossover for speakers may

If you’re not familiar with MCACC, it’s

be ‘the norm’ at this price-point; nonetheless,

Pioneer’s Multichannel Acoustics Calibration

it’s going to create a challenge for many

attention to their placement.

Performance When it comes to features, Pioneer hasn’t cut

volume levels to create an engaging home

fair share of dynamics. However, there’s also

any corners. Of course, this doesn’t mean

theatre experience which is something I often

an abundance of scenes filled with subtle

much if the VSX-932 can’t deliver sonically and

find lacking in my setup with AVR’s at this

environmental cues.

manufacturers have been known to reduce


power supplies to cut costs and add features.

The VSX-932 did an excellent job of

Bass performance was strong, but not as

reproducing The Wolverine’s quieter moments,

Questioning the ability of the VSX-932’s internal

controlled as I have to come to expect from

turning in a performance that was both

power amplifiers, I started my testing with

my Denon X4300 AVR and Rotel RMB-1075

detailed, yet didn’t draw unwanted attention

George Miller’s Mad Max Fury Road. Both the

power amp combination. While my usual setup

to itself.

Blu-ray and UHD versions of the film feature a

does a better job of taming my challenging

very dynamic Dolby Atmos soundtrack.

listening environment, it does come in at

Connected to a mix of 4 and 6-ohm

around five times the cost of the VSX-932.

During the bar scene found near the beginning of the film, there’s a lot of subtle sonic information placed precisely around the

speakers the VSX-932 did an excellent job of

Moving onto more familiar material, it was

soundstage. While the VSX-932 couldn’t quite

reproducing the dynamics found in Fury Road.

time to load The Wolverine Blu-ray. The

capture the sense of soundstage or precise

What’s more, it did so at decent enough

Wolverine’s DTS-HD soundtrack also has its

placement that I have come to expect, it

Conclusion With the lack of independent crossover points aside, the VSX-932 easily equals or betters the performance of the VSX-930. Many AV Receivers at this price-point sound somewhat stifled and a little forward in their sonic presentation. The VSX-932 however, has none of these characteristics, instead offering a classy sound that reminded me of Pioneer’s more expensive ‘LX range of receivers. Match it to some more amplifier friendly speakers, and you will have a very capable home theatre system. All in all, it appears Pioneer has pulled a Houdini with the VSX-932. Not only is it cheaper than its predecessor, but it also has more features and performs equally, if not better than the VSX-930 reviewed in 2015.

turned in a very admirable performance for its price-point. To round out my listening test, I cued up John Wick Chapter 1 on my Oppo UDP-203. Once again, the DTS-HD soundtrack found in the

“offering a classy sound that reminded me of Pioneer’s more expensive ‘LX range of receivers”

Blu-ray release can be quite aggressive. And once again the VSX-932 proved to me that it had enough power to turn in a decent sense of dynamics. A final word on vocal performance. This is another area that I didn’t encounter any problems regardless of what was unfolding on screen. The reproduced speech was both clear and intelligible. WORDS: Tony O’brien

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