Marc Saboya Feliu - Product Design Portfolio 2020

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Hey! My name is Marc Saboya Feliu. I love Lindy Hop dancing, skiing and travelling! I am a 30-year-old design-aholic, hardworker,

and I constantly widen my horizons. I am relentless, and I like defying ambiguity. I want to show to the world that we, as designers, are not the guys who make only good-looking sketches, but the ones that empathize with stakeholders to create solutions that have potential to change societies.

And this portfolio is a glimpse of my journey.



+47 4886 1220





Prizes and awards

Umeå University, Sweden | August 2015 - June 2018 Master’s Programme in Advanced Product Design

IDEA - Silver | 2019 | Vivi

Universitat de Girona, Spain | 2007 - 2010 Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development

Red Dot winner | 2017 | Piko Spark - Silver | 2016 | Piko

Laerdal Medical | Norway | August 2018 - Now Industrial Designer Laerdal Global Health | Norway | February - June 2017 Industrial Design Intern Swift Creatives | Denmark | July - December 2016 Product Design Intern Stimulo Design | Spain | 2010 - 2015 Product Designer

Industrial designer

El Megàfon | Spain | May 2013 - August 2014 Co-owner. Branding and graphic design agency for small businesses

IDEA - Student Finalist | 2016 | Adrinject and Adripod Core77 - Student Notable | 2016 | Adrinject and Adripod Student Excellence | 2011 Prize for effort and student excellence by Universitat de Girona Highest average mark

Software Rhinoceros | Solidworks | Alias | Keyshot | 3DMax


Skier Lindy Hop dancer Backpacker

The Fast Company’s World Changing Ideas | 2019 | Vivi Core77 - Student Notable | 2018 | Colab

Professional experience

Marc Saboya Feliu

Core77 - 2x Student Notable and Runner-up | 2019 | Vivi



Catalan | Native Spanish | Native English | CAE Diploma







Photoshop | Illustrator | Indesign | Premiere | Audition | After Effects


+47 4886 1220


My travel partners

UmeĂĽ Stavanger AArhus






Vivi The CPR training system for workplaces to maintain employees’ skills

Colab The new collaborative workspace for microbiologists

Adrinject Adrenaline injector for cardiac arrest

PIko The new measuring and aligning tool for Bosch

...and these are my most recent experiences

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

1 How might we facilitate layperson CPR learning and teaching experience in order to more bystanders provide effective CPR?

In collaboration with

20 weeks 2018 UmeĂĽ Institute of Design


The CPR training system to maintain employees’ skills

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

In 2016 in America, 88% of 350.000 victims did not survive an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Although research says that early CPR can double or triple the chances of survival, 70% of trained people in CPR cannot perform correctly 3 months after the training.

Vivi is the first system to help people maintain effectively their CPR skills

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

e h t s s i Do not m te! o n y e k n i 3m

Easy training arrangement through CPRboost App for client’s workplace safety managers

Space-saving equipment delivered at client’s door

Vivi An ecosystem of products to increase cardiac arrest survival

CPR School

Client companies

Vivi helps companies maintain their workers CPR skills. It consists of a new mannequin, an interactive app, and a service to ensure more frequent, and relevant training at the workplace. Vivi helps CPR training companies organize self-guided recurrent training sessions efficiently with clients by sending self-led training equipment on-site.

Short, self-led and contextualized training experience for employees

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

A service to support workplace safety managers maintain their colleagues CPR skills A subscription-based service fosters the relationship between training centers and workplace safety managers, known as CPR ambassadors, facilitating their tasks to set up more frequent refresher training sessions. Vivi will first remind ambassadors a few months after the initial training and help them find the right training times for the right people and book the equipment in a time-efficient way.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Facilitating self-guided and short training sessions Vivi facilitates self-guided, short training sessions. The participants use a web application on their phones that will guide them through, with no need for external instructors.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Practice adapted to every learner An AI 911 dispatcher adapts to every participant’s skill level depending on what they remember, giving ongoing audio feedback to improve their performance.

See Vivi in action!

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Is he/she breathing? Vivi challenges participants using different scenarios, helping students identify commonly misleading cardiac arrest signs such as agonal breathing, helping them become more confident in decision-making.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Space saving equipment Optimizing the space when transporting several mannequins can save huge expenses for training companies. Vivi’s chest compresses by 50% to fit more mannequins per bag, and quickly selfinflate using an intuitive air valve.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Research methods

Contextual immersion How difficult is teaching CPR? How do clients perceive the CPR training experience nowadays? How do different types of learners engage in the class? Questions such as these were explored during the initial phase to provide insights to the ideation and development phases.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Ideation process

Build. Test. Think. Repeat.

From endless quick user experience prototypes to rough foam mockups, the ideation process was based on quick iterations and user testing.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

2 What is the value of collaborative robotics in a microbiology laboratory environment?

In collaboration with

Team members Daan Hekking & Marc Saboya

10 weeks 2017 UmeĂĽ Institute of Design

Redesigning the microbiology laboratory workspace

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Research methods

Working together with the experts During this 10-week project, we stayed in close relationship with the UmeĂĽ Clinical Microbiology Laboratory to get stakeholders engaged with the process.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Wait... What do they do in a medical microbiology laboratory? Medical microbiology focusses on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. Medical microbiologists often serve as consultants for physicians, providing identification of pathogens and suggesting treatment options.


Samples come in from the hospital or different parts of the region and they are labelled and prepared for analysis


The sample is spread on agar plates which contains “food� for the bacteria to grow.




The plates are stored in different enviroments for a period of time so bacteria can grow

Grown bacteria can be identified using, for example, the MALDI-TOF technique

Several antibiotics are tested on the bacteria to identify which one is more effective

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Insight one

Repetitive and non-intellectual tasks take too much time Repetitive, tasks take up to 49% 1 of a microbiologists time. User research showed us that these tasks, such as inoculation, susceptibility test, preparing, and sample transfering are not the tasks microbiologists prefer to do.


1. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2015 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier

Insight two

Sample quality can be threatened by human factors The microbiologist prioritises quality control. Long exposure to wrong environments can worsen sample quality and slow down bacteria growth. Besides environmental impact, microbiologists work on a small scale and are in need of precise and sensitive instruments.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

insight three

Plate reading time delays results Manual sample checking for bacteria growth is being done once a day, which takes in total up to 25% of a microbiologists time1. Fully automated systems allow constant sample monitoring, by using HD cameras, but can take up to two hours to deliver a sample2.


1. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2015 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier 2. User research session with microbiologists at the Umea Clinical Microbiology laboratory

insight four

Not all labs can afford fully-automated systems Every clinical microbiology laboratory is different. Based on geographical location, sample productivity varies per lab. Also, most of the laboratories are part of a hospital and are therefore constrainted in space.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

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design challenge

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how might we reduce the amount of non-intellectual tasks for microbiologists with the use of collaborative robotics? in order to Ensure sample quality Optimize analysis process Improve microbiologists experience

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Design process

Prototypes Throughout the design process we used prototypes for many different purposes such as understanding better the different contexts, testing sacrificial ideas, role-playing or experiencing degrees of freedom.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Design process


Sketches especially helped us to understand how can we make a robot that microbiologists trust and are not scared to work in front of it.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Introducing collaborative robotics in the clinical microbiology laboratory Colab is a workstation for clinical microbiologists that allows them to reduce the amount of repetitive tasks and improve the overall quality during inoculation. Colab also gives microbiologists a better insight in bacteria growth during the incubation phase with the help of AI. The Time To Result (TTR) will be reduced and the overall quality of a sample will be improved, which not only benefits the patient due to quicker diagnosis, but also allows the microbiologists to focus on tasks they love to do within their field.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Presentation video

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Reducing repetition

Like a ping-pong table, microbiogists assign individual tasks to the robot arms, and they send the task back once they are done inoculating the plates.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Colab is a potential tool for all laboratory departments At the moment Colab focusses on inoculation, incubation and prepares slides for microscopic analysis. We believe the two collaborative robots can be deployed at any laboratory environments such as dilution, maldi-TOF analysis, registration and anaerobic spaces



The rail system could help with bacteria picking, moving them to a tray and add acid for further MALDI-TOF analysis.

The rail system could help with relabelling samples, scanning lab forms etc.



anaerobic workspaces are hard to work in, because of the isolation needed. The rail systmem can help with bacteria picking, dillution, inoculation etc.

after incubation, a bacteria needs to be picked, dilluted, inoculated and antibiotics need to be placed. The rail system could assist here.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Adapts to your lab The bottom module allows different tools to be mounted in order to perform multiple tasks

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Agile and trustworthy With six degrees of freedom and a ball head, the robot arms move as natural as a human. Unnatural movements result in distraction, something that decreases trust and interrupts a microbiologists’ workflow.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Patient name

Per Jonsson

Patient Number

938567362 Rapid growth detected


Collect sample for analysis?



An AI that reads plates like an expert A high definition camera shoots photos on all samples on set intervals in order to identify bacterial growth by analyzing shape, size and growth patterns. Once there is significant growth, the right department will be notified to collect the sample.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Reorganized plate collection Samples are stored in cartridges ready to be picked up. They are organized by type and team, optimizing the workflow.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

3 How can the intravenous treatment be done more efficiently during a cardiac arrest?

In collaboration with

10 weeks 2016 UmeĂĽ Institute of Design

Semi-Automatic Adrenaline Injector for Cardiac Arrest Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

4 days in an ambulance station, 28 emergency calls, 25 interviews, syringes, defibrillatiors, bone drills, blue lights... How does the paramedics work day look like? Have a look at our field research video

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu


The drug management is difficult to manage during CPR, especially for adrenaline Adrenaline is injected every 4 minutes to keep a more stable pulse

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu


Unoptimized team Need for extra paramedics to hold the IV bag

BIG problems

Keep track of time “I always have problems remembering when to inject the Adrenaline” - Christopher, Ambulance nurse in Umeå.

Time-consuming preparation of doses Up to 1 minute per dose (Open packages, sterilization, charge the syringe...) Adjust the dose to the patient with precision Different doses for kids and adults

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

(and big opportunities)

Design Opportunity A device that speeds up the preparation of adrenaline doses and optimizes the intravenous process

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Ideation and development From the idea to reality Don’t miss it! “Adrenaline is really cheap, I wouldn’t mind throwing away multiple doses if it was for a strong reason.” Ronnie Ruusila, Ambulance Nurse in Umeå

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Feedback from Paramedics Doodle making Mock-up making Role-playing Foam models Sketching

Ideation and Development sketches

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Model Building Stereolithography CNC milling Spray-painting

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu


Two devices that speed up the preparation of adrenaline doses and optimize the drug treatment management during CPR

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Dose adjustment

Dose ejection

Indication for time left for next dose on button

Induction charger and attachment to the Adripod

Grip area

4-in-1 dose

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Ease the Set-up Using 4-in-1 doses to reduce the time of recharge to a minimum.

Easy reporting to the hospital Doses have marks to indicate how many doses were given to the patient.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Forget about mistakes in dosage The adjustable slider allows dose adjustment for patients with smaller weights like kids. The Safelock prevents the slider from moving and changing the dose.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Automatic reloading The amount of Adrenaline is adjusted by the travel of the button.

Always in control The button mechanically pushes fluid while allowing the paramedic to accurately take control

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Hook for IV bags Release Button Telescopic tube

Ergonomical area for unfolding

Extra battery port for Adrinject

Lightweight and sturdy legs

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Ready in a blink of an eye Adripod can be quickly unfolded just by pushing one button, so the paramedic can focus on the patient.

Close at hand It fits in most of the paramedics bags

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Extend and Hang The hook is integrated in the handle for a faster set-up.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

4 Unifiying the product design language of a brand with an enormous product range How can we prevent DIYers from making mistakes? In collaboration with

10 weeks 2016 UmeĂĽ Institute of Design

Spark awards Silver


Aligning and measuring now together

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

PHASE 1 UNIFYING BOSCH’S DESIGN LANGUAGE Defining the strategy Together with Jon SommarstrÜm, we analysed the brand and its competitors to better understand their positioning within the market The strategy tools helped to generate a debate between different stakeholders and agreeing on a established direction. Designing the signature By using the common core technique we could gather the most visible features of the brand. this technique allows to create a common design language for each of the product categories of Bosch. Making the language meaningful Understanding the context to build a compelling story that makes sense for the future

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu



BACK TO THE ORIGINS We realised that Bosch’s real objective had always been to care about people. The design language should communicate how important it is for Bosch to take care of the users. It should not only be applied in a physical way, but also in how the product behaves towards the user.



Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Adaptability Surface changes for dynamic or static products


Trustworthy and dynamic


Versatility Works as an interactive element

Protective and thoughtful

NEW BOSCH DESIGN LANGUAGE Human Touch. Caring about people

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

PHASE 2 REDESIGNING THE MEASURING, ALIGNING AND MARKING PROCESS How can we prevent DIYers from making mistakes? The second part of the collaboration with Bosch was to design a wild card product that would fit in their catalog.

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu








Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu


Ideation Creative sessions management Insight spotting How might we & Card sort techniques

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Think. Shape. Make. Evolve Hands-on development Foam, paper and wood mock-ups Sketching User testing and feedback Design language application

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

! e s e h t t miss


uct Prod tion nta e s e r p

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

the d n i h Be s scene

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu


Piko assists you to get perfect alignment

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Digital level

Multifunction button

Locking button on the origin

Visible lasers

Distance measuring lasers

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

Thank you !

If you want to know more about me Marc Saboya Feliu +47 4886 1220

Product Design Portfolio 2020 - Marc Saboya Feliu

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