The Sangreal Method

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The Method

Marc Stewart

This valuable book is normally only available for sale as a paperback from Amazon.

Today it is free to you in the hope that if you appreciate this book being free in any way, in return you would consider taking time out to visit by way of Google search for Sangreal on Indiegogo, my crowd-funding project. And help in any way you can by way of your kind contribution in exchange for one of the many great perks you will find there. Or if not able to contribute with money doing something just as valuable for us by spreading the word about Sangreal the family dice board game. Sangreal . . . some do . . . some don’t have a beautiful mind! The following are three testimonials from players recently after filming for the Indiegogo pitch video you can watch to see why Sangreal’s time has come with your help!

Three Testimonials: Sue said, “Well I’m really surprised by how much I’ve learned about you two today, and I think Sangreal’s the kind of game that gets you talking to each other”. Bonne said, “Yeah”. Sue said, “And not so much about yourself, although of course Sangreal’s about you, Sangreal is about what you share, but things a little more than ourselves”. Jenah said, “I learned something about you too”. Sue said, “Ah cool, yeah I love that about Sangreal, it’s amazing”. Bonne said, “Sangreal’s a game that you can learn from, Sangreal sort of opens up conversations on topics about people that you may know but also things like Sangreal sort of brings in topics that are not that usually spoken about or wouldn’t usually or come up in a conversation”.

Sue said, “Yeah”. Bonne said, “Sangreal kind of opens up your world, and Sangreal’s kind of good though because you get to exercise different thought processes”. Sue said, “Yeah that you wouldn’t normally “. Bonne said, “Like the cards you bring out, like you really have to think sometimes”. Jenah said, “Sangreal gives people a chance to say something without prejudice and they can say something honestly they think without people having to go on a huge debate against them or Sangreal’s just hearing peoples ideas which is nice”! Sue said, “Yeah, perspective”.

Bonne said, “I quite like the fact that Sangreal is not competitive, because most games out there are and these games depends on who you play with, it can ruin the game if your playing with someone who is really competitive or is a really bad, you know a poor loser, but because Sangreal’s a game where everyone is equal at the same time and that includes everyone when it is your turn as well, Sangreal’s quite enjoyable”. Sue said, “Yeah, Sangreal’s more ethical, it’s the level of co-operation, Sangreal’s cool”!

Sangreal board game . . . some do . . . some don’t have a beautiful mind! For more information about the true depth of the Sangreal project on Indiegogo visit the homepage of my website and bookmark it today and tell your friends about it. And I hope you enjoy your free gift from me to you of this book. Yours genuinely Marc A Stewart

How To Be Apart Of An Unstoppable Revolution To Save The World That Will Not Be Saved Without You! By gaining access to your untapped super consciousness sitting in your chair at home, in the car, anywhere. The SANGREAL METHOD is pure science, not pure bunkum. Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists who ever lived did not like Quantum Entanglement. He called it “SpookyAction-At-A-Distance”. And here’s where and why! I don’t want you running away from this book, and from your chance to lock onto to⎯latch onto⎯ the greatest gift ever uncovered by humankind⎯period end of story. So why then was Albert Einstein spooked by the idea of everything turning into the same state of mind? By the idea of information held by one entity deep within energy within consciousness itself being upheld by another energy entity exactly the same, simply because the two have met, have interacted, have been brought together by an unknown force, faster than light can travel?

Simply the Sangreal Method gets you to sing a high C sharp musical tone alone inside your mind. Removing the mirrors of glass that are hiding the mother load of new ideas locked away. Until someone actually does this and actually tells their smarts. I am trying hard here to break down this wall gaining me access to the wealth of the unknown held within me all of the time just waiting for this Sangreal Method to be used daily by the hour. Connecting you to energy inside every single thing itself made of energy. You become a walking encyclopedia and the world’s greatest connector of yourself to anything you ever even vaguely wished for.

As energy responds in kind, working through you by magical unseen extrasensory means! As for Einstein, it was spooky action at a very small distance. It meant the light he was studying the mysteries of⎯was studying him! It meant and it means energy is alive. It is trying to assist anyone who uses the Sangreal Method, to break down the barrier of oh I know everything. I have done this a thousand times, and I am the best at it in the world. Stupid is as stupid does attitude that it appearing. Without a shadow of a doubt your brain wants, and get this! Will settle for nothing less than a better attitude if you want to get into its vault of wealth of new ideas to change the world⎯make a million bucks like you can by just making contact with your subconscious self, in this special Sangreal Method way today or your brain itself will let you perish rather than thrive. A broken Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme yoke egg spurt, at the bottom of the high “LEDGE” named “KNOW”! Which is a fact we should be grateful for as we need it to be so, not stupid; always on the back foot⎯back in past time, going repeatedly over and over the same old experiments in how to think ourselves easily into wealth and happiness by way of following through to completion new ideas as this Sangreal Method provides so simply it will knock your socks off. That’s just not easy. So it just goes to show you how massively effective this Sangreal Method is.

It is of course the mythical horn or rather cup, seen as the platter for plenty and for healing. There are all types of healing or rather the proper word for having everything in life you want to be having NOW, rather than constantly questing to break, to remove the magical wall of glass mirrors set up by the brain, your very own brain to keep you out until you are willing or rather. It made it too hard to find the secret of the way to get past the mirrors and peer inside to the treasure house of the new, of the novel. As they talk in invention patent office land by way of writing down a goal list not so far away.


Once again every word of this BOOK has been proven by Marc Stewart—and by the tens of thousands of men and women who have put his explosive access to their super consciousness to work in THEIR lives. NOW THE SANGREAL METHOD IS READY TO GO TO WORK FOR YOU! You gamble nothing! If you are not amazed beyond doubt, the first night and every night thereafter for thirty days —simply trash the book. Putting it down to lack of an open mind, innovation not being for you. You have nothing to lose! A whole world of empowerment to gain! Do so without risk! That is one of the clues I am allowed by your, by my right brain hemisphere to give you. As you must be willing to break down this silly stupid is as stupid does wall of feeling self-conscious. Everything you do alone, even in your thinking these days, in these quantum entanglement times is as if someone of like-mind or individual life of your own should be police state mentality person is watching and waving a very pointed wicked old witches finger at you that just does only one thing for your personality and personal wellbeing that being a big fat NOTHING. And the poison apple you have already been given its poison is the Voldermort contents hidden away inside your very own left brain hemisphere where you will and are finding such great delight as caused by its spell of energy type that is quantum entangling.

And I mean our human minds are being? Wait too late. We have all become robots inside the Matrix and the past oh I know everything I am so confident not really I am so self-conscious. I know I must think with the herd or be pushed out. I don’t want to be the lone highlander on his own property called the Glen of a good old Scotch truth called the Sangreal Method. Which will give you the entire hills outside your or rather just inside the mirrored doors of your right brains hemisphere, for us to think and be alive ditto. I have no idea how Albert Einstein worked this knowledge into his life in later years but for me leading a very similar life as a scientist having energy as my best friend. I can only do what I must, what I am obliged to do, knowing what I know yes, but experiencing a relationship with the same energy that is where? Inside everything including as I have pointed out to you yourself by meaningful advantage as this eBook is not really a book at all. But finally you’re keyed in by the Sangreal Method access to the gold mine of reality that has paved this world with inventions, every single thing around you can dream about being yours, that is not apart of the natural world of nature had to come forth from behind these mirrors of glass.

I have given you the chance to open, and get by to the source of creativity that still exists, in a world in need of great new ideas the right brain has been storing up for a rainy day. I assure you. It is now raining the negativity of the left hemisphere oh only things of today and yesterday exist. We do not need a positive gift from the right brain by way of the Sangreal Method for TOMORROW! Oh sure you can read it. But you don’t have to. As it isn’t the book I am giving to assist you!

I AM GIVING YOU THE SANGREAL METHOD IT IS THE GIFT! To stop you making decisions over and over, getting you down after you have done them. It’s the doing you see. TESLA was right, energy must move especially mindfully. And even though you do the Sangreal Method sitting down to yourself for yourself. It makes for selfconfidence and don’t ask me how. It just magically does so. I do know yes but in reality I do not, yet I do, and what I mean is⎯the transformation in how you are and feel as a person is way and well beyond that horrible destroying sensation we term selfconsciousness. Which as the saying goes if you haven’t heard this cliché it. Self-consciousness is a bitch, and even if you do not attain a new novel idea, and make a lot of money you will gain towering self-confidence. I assure you of that. And that is the greatest gift to have. Take it to the grave, as it’s a hell of a gift for others you come across to behold in you, all through the magical method of asking a question and obtaining an immediate answer by way of the special way afforded by the use often as you like on paper with a pen of the Sangreal Method! It is a way of simply and easily communicating or rather talking if you like to your better as yet to you hidden from fullest of view higher self. Really it—energy works through us but we have been up until now all of us oblivious to its real and until now hidden to us power. GAIN THE POWER TO BE A PART OF SAVING THE WORLD DISCOVERING WHY YOU ARE

GOING TO AND WHY IT CANNOT BE DONE WITHOUT YOU! Once again, every word of this book has been proven by Marc Stewart—and by the tens of thousands of men and women who have put his explosive access to their super consciousness to work in THEIR lives! Now to convince you I have something worth your money is in actual fact so real that once again. Out of the blue it would seem the change being me writing this. All the wits I have gathered are; get this—they are not even mine they are right brain energy’s. Oh don’t get be wrong, I wish these words were completely energy’s. Now guess what the difference would be? My point is energy is here but it knows its best this coming from me or rather for you from yourself.

The Sangreal Method is for when you really get into that time in your mind in this life when you just really stretch out every fiber of your being to make a new path for yourself that will take you out of the way things have become for you or rather in the moment being the way things are and they must be better or you will not be worth living with yourself or others you may meet at these times of great change out of great struggle. The Sangreal Method answers this call as nothing else can it is prayer in a special way or if you do not like the entreaty method of asking for guidance and assistance of an unknown to you in your eyes higher power as I do myself now the Sangreal Method is an instant answer to every and any question you might ever come across the need and the want to be asking and getting the quick instant IN REPLY ANSWER.

Its true that some times the reply will seem out of pace or out of place but after trusting in the massive power of your full mind access for the first time on a guaranteed gain first time every time you take the gamble on its advice on your own minds full access is by way of the fact that energy itself is fully connected to every living and non living thing and its replies are like having it your mind as a fly on every wall everywhere and inside every book, movie, newspaper and your answer may seem out of step until you do it just do its advice to the letter and you on your travels stumble as if by accident upon the very thing to start your further going down the right path of your choosing. You then realize that the part of the mind you are accessing by way of the Sangreal Method is just as is described in books about ESP being short for extrasensory perception which as you may know is as follows: Basically and that this is the fullness of the power you will now have access to by ordering this book today and taking a stand for yourself and any one else or anything else you’d like a better life to be the beholder of for the rest of your life! As the user confidently of the SANGREAL METHOD you’ll have power beyond the range of normal sight and sound, power that knows no bounds in time and space, power that travels through solid walls. Power to command that which you wish to occur as if by magic easily, automatically by unobserved means!

This prize is so real. So enormously powerful, it empowers in a way that make The Sangreal Method addictive. Being as how to use all of energy’s teachings. Yes energy’s teachings! Here pure and simple. Your or rather our collective brain has something in mind. Yes the human brain lives inside you and as it also; yes also as energy itself, it lives inside every piece of literature, every book textbook, manual, dictionary, video, pop or rap song, music, encyclopedia, newspaper, advertisements, movie, object, animal, insect, creature and more.

All connected by your brains right hemisphere. Every quirk, the name of every town city, state and country, even the names we have down throughout generations. All comes together as one huge well-told story, told by nature for us to realize where we have gone wrong. Why we keep digging a deeper and deeper hole for ourselves. A hole you can now be one of the one’s to climb out of it. And did I say a few pages only for the book. Hell no I’ve changed my mind. I am going to tell what it is I have learned. In a way too magical to ever be able to share and I am alone with it now forever except by you reading the story I have told to save the world in less than two years not the many more we don’t want to go through without this knowledge I have recovered from when we lost it 2,000 years ago by accident or by deliberate human intervention stupidly. I must knowing what I know I must or be dammed for all eternity for not assisting energy itself for ourselves!

THE SANGREAL METHOD PROPER Hi and welcome to the very best investment you ever made. Whilst it is very true. I use the promise of the Sangreal Method inside some of my other books. None of them have the comprehensive description of its inner workings as I am giving you herein. So let’s get started. I will begin by being a first time user of the Sangreal Method. I will begin with my first question. Take a piece of paper and a pen. And at the very top write either Dear God or Question of Self. Whichever you prefer to assist me in my description here. I will place my questions in this PDF document. As Dear God. 1. Dear God, Can you please give me a word or so to assist my description to folks who are new to this method? Answer given is simpleton. With the meaning a gullible person. With gullible meaning a person easily persuaded to believe something.

God’s answer is gifting to you. The fact. YOU MUST BELIEVE this method can deliver. You must believe you will not be interrupted by any force outside the parameters you are using here with your questions of God or of self. On this note Try this for yourself. Now that your question is written. Take your pen and whilst following the words you wrote from the top of your page. Reading the question out aloud or in a whisper if you do not want to be heard by others. Pausing at the end and it is here that God’s reply will pop into your mind like toast out of the toaster. When I first began using the Sangreal Method I found it very weird to use. Now that I have such a strong conviction that the force we call God is within inside me omnipresent and omnipotent, my reaction to its use is one of delight and a great reassurance my life is traveling smoothly from one answer to the next. A very long time ago I had a brainwave that the secret to life was in all thing supplication or rather simply consistent prayer or the use of The Sangreal Method on an at least an hourly basis if not more often to assist in the process of making ones decisions about day to day existence.

Sometimes the answer will demand work on your part. Such as going to the Dictionary to embrace God’s interpretation of the word being its definition. Or sometimes I use Google as the first research tool to try and follow the strange at first seemingly out of place lead God has given. Please Note: God’s role is to get you to think for yourself at times and he does use applied child psychology which in its best form relies upon the trick of human nature whereby you will hear advice and go your own way contrary to it because you just do this without really wondering why you are arguing with the advice or rather proving to yourself that you are indeed the only one capable of making such a decision as this one in your life circumstances as you believe and fortify your own form of validation by demanding quite rightly in your eyes the benefits you have of your own experiences to draw upon when making tough decisions such as which job of two on offer to choose. Other times God’s reply is outrageous and this is definitely His way of saying please the answer is within your own capacity already and if you simply contemplate, ponder and continue to ask more questions, to seek, to knock on my door with this question you will be well rewarded for your solo efforts as instigated by me your best self in this case, in this line of question.

Which brings me to the most important thing or capacity one needs to work on constantly at the beginning of talking directly to God using the Sangreal Method. I speak of consistently practicing or rather being simply always mindful of the need to assist God in giving a great reply to your question by asking a good one each time you ask.

You may begin from what I have written for you here and take to the method like a duck to water. But if you do not and find sometimes you have little faith or are just uncertain about the answer. Which can mostly of course on our very human side treat tough answers we really want with a certain degree of can this be so? What I have learned is to begin a new question immediately asking dear God did you reply so and so? He of course being a part of you in your mind knows you are incredulous sometimes regarding His answers and He does not mind in the slightest in the beginning but He expects your faith to grow because strange as it might not seem the more confidence you build from utilizing this method, the more the answers themselves will empower you in the most uncanny profound in their affect upon you way. However this is not really the true nature of the case as what is really transpiring in your life is kind of best explained by the word QUICKENING. This is the best way to describe the nature of not each answer as such but of the nature of being as one in an ever ongoing partnership with the force we call God or Universal Mind, or Infinite Intelligence, or your higher self which ever you prefer. The QUICKENING appears to work on the heart and the mind in contribution to the spiritual side of ones nature and spirituality according to God and the Sangreal Method is a term that cannot be defined. It is one of the parts of the wholeness that is termed the HOLY-OF-HOLIES.

In regards to asking good questions, I will ask dear God what do you want me to do? This question on the surface may indeed seem to you as being of a certain manner or way of being for you that somewhat negates your own ability to come to your own conclusions. But I do it based upon experience in thoughts of God directly as my best friend and advisor. I know that he cuts a very long- winded story down to one or two words or a sentence at most. However even though I may ask what He wants me to do I more often than not to keep my own going I will write down a list marked with A,B,C etc., and give a collection of the alternatives involved. Not very brave I might add when it comes down to it but has been shown to be extremely efficient when needing to sort the chaff out of the wheat so to speak and as my last option I always give God the ability to reply OTHER! Which lets me know He knows of a solution or rather a path to go down that is far greater in His estimation and although unknown to me He also is confident that I will with His ongoing assistance discover this path.

Now for something that generally always gives me great joy. I get to tell you now if you are still reading that I have spent my whole life searching for God. This has found me called a GOLDEN SEEKER by the Mormon missionaries when they call at the door. However it was a little confusing for me in the beginning to know who to pray to as I was used to seeking out God the main man not his Son. My point being that my best partnership practice was the moment I began to adopt the way in which Jesus talked about Heavenly Father. After some deliberation and supplication I also now have a relationship with the same power and force as Jesus referred to as the Father. My point being I head up my questions dear heavenly Father and when I pray I pray and communicate with heavenly Father none other than Him! Now I would like to tell you how generally God answers a prayer. If not immediately then by taking your person through the normally it would seem day-to-day tasks. However this is not the case by in all things supplication I also mean to be aware of what your thoughts are and where they are or have taken you since you had the prayer. This is important because as frustrating as it is for you it is far more frustrating for God within you to not be able to just set in motion the thought dialogue required in an even stream of answers such as His Sangreal Method can give.

Rather the answer comes in the language of everyday ordinary thought processes. This is why when I attempted to create an invention that would benefit everyone He gave me the Sangreal family dice board game which at the earliest of times even then in the beginning I never doubted it was the bees knees capable of defying the laws of physics and psychology. The Sangreal Method really comes into its own when you have an idea or you are looking for one to fill the need you have for wealth. And this is where your mind must take you as nothing can be expected to happen along the lines of abundance out of poverty if you do not expect the answer to be something you never thought of before or you have it as a profession or a job, or a talent, or a hobby now and heavenly Father knows everything for your best form of happiness in advance.

Relate Agenda I am now going to tell you a story I am going to make up yet it is one of the many ways heavenly Father guides you from within until you arrive at the goal you have set in motion.

A man decides he wants to own a 1928 Dodge car. He looks in magazines where vintage cars are for sale without any luck. He goes to a few swop meets by no 1928 Dodge. Then one day when he has given up all hope yet this making him more determined, of more intention to own one than ever. He hears of a swop meet out of town. He decides to go and whilst there he still does not find his Doge car. However heavenly Father knows where one is, as we may already know, as they do exist. And as the man is walking back to his car he can’t help but notice a stranger placing his bits and pieces back into his car. He feels a sense of aversion come over him and a strong feeling if he said hello it would be a little uneasy for him to do. However he finds himself saying hi and then in the middle of the conversation the stranger asks what brought him so far afield as this swop meet. He explains he is trying hard to find a 1928 Dodge car for sale. And the stranger tells him his father has one and he is sure he will sell it. The man follows the stranger out to his father’s farm where he soon beholds his awaiting prize in all its glory. They are soon sitting down on the front verandah toasting to the done deal. This is an example of heavenly Fathers RELATE AGENDA and how millions of such occurrences as this should if not still are occurring the world as if a playground of minds.

I have written this up until now without the assist of heavenly Father other than my own believe system, which says whenever I write or speak or do anything He is working through me. However my goal is always to rely upon the Sangreal Method as the last answer in a bind. And my immediate reasoning was to make sure I had answered all of any questions or knowledge you might need regarding its use. So I placed my question in the following way: Dear heavenly Father, I am writing what people will read about the Sangreal Method. What else do I need to still add to make it better? I read the question out aloud following the words along with my pen. Pausing at the end the word FLUENCY popped cleanly into my mind. I immediately looked up the Dictionary to find the following: The ability to express oneself easily and articulately. Whilst one can read into this many things always remember when unsure use the origin of the word especially when it is from Latin, which heavenly Father translates to LAID-IN to our language. In this case the origin is early 17th cent, from Latin fluentia, from fluere “to flow�.

The lesson heavenly Father is telling me of is in go with the flow, which means two things to me. One it is the benefit on ones life of meditation and it is of THE KNOWING! This is how I describe when you just know something and wild horses cannot shift you from this contemplation mode of thinking about something. Of all the meanings of the word fluency any one of them even one word could have been heavenly Fathers tipping point over into the TRUTH I was seeking here under his reply. However when I got to the word FLOW I kind of came to a stand still. And instead of giving you a story about the way in which heavenly Father within causes and uses coincidences in ones life. Rather he wants me to teach you a very easy way to Transcendental Meditation. This is because Sangreal the board game came about after a long use of a more difficult form of meditation and visualization then the one I am going to give you for free here. Normally it is a stand-alone book I sell as a $10.00 download. But today it is free to you in the hope that you will use its advice on your life and I promise you will never look back except to say to yourself what a transformation I went through because of two simple sounds together called a MANTRA meaning TO CLEAR THE MIND!

This ends the discourse I have written for you about the Sangreal Method other than to add do wonderful things with it but it is not for parlor tricks you will not get the Lotto numbers unless your very being believes you shall indeed have them and are prepared to use these numbers until they come up!

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Transcendental Meditation foundation has been recognized. Having been practiced for thousands of years. How then does one try enthusiasm on his life? It’s just a simple as this. Cultivate the ability to meditate and love living. Love the people who live, love the sky under which you live. Love all of the facets of living. The person who

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stress-related illnesses. Including anxiety, trauma and insomnia. Every day most of us experience stress. In many different ways. And I believe many of us are just not aware of how much stress we actually hold on to. Everybody more or less seems to be in a dither and this is a pity. Could just be that this is what’s wrong with us both individually and socially. Meditation brings a calm state of mind no matter what goes on. The person who is calm will be the person who

learns to think creatively. You cannot think creatively when your mind is agitated. The deeper insights of the mind can’t get through when you are thinking only with the nervous surface of the mind. It is most important to meditate and maintain a state of mental calmness. And this can be done. The first step to reaching a calm state of mind is to sit quietly and breath in and out at the rate of six breaths per minute. Once your breathing slows down your entire body will relax and quiet. Your mind will be clearer. You’ll think creatively. Practice this exercise several times a day and especially prior to meditation. With meditation quickly notice the difference to

how you notice stresses in your life. Remember the tortoise. Keep moving ahead. Take time to enjoy your life. See your surroundings as you have never seen them before. Normally lifethreatening situations switch on the stress response. Enabling us to act quickly. Surviving intense situations. With fast reflexes, Controlled by our subconscious mind. When our bodies are exposed to an unexpected threat. We respond. With the characteristic fight or flight mechanism. Creating an adrenalin rush. When adrenaline and other hormones are released. The pulse races, blood pressure increases, breathing becomes faster. And the blood flow to the muscles

increases. If we are in extreme danger these fast body reflexes enable us to go into an auto pilot mode. And is invaluable for our survival. We have inherited these survival responses from our ancestors. Who faced many lifethreatening situations. The same responses are now triggered in our lives when we are in traffic and someone cuts in front of us too quickly. Or a boss or employee irritates us. Or we spill a drink. If we do not confront the situation and many are beyond our control. We end up being in a perfect state of stress.

One Of The Most Important Health Benefits Of MEDITATION CLICKS速

Brain Gym :

Is how it releases stress from our bodies. MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym practiced

on a regular basis will lead you to a deeper level of relaxation and contemplation. It increases serotonin, which influences mood and behavior. Low levels of serotonin are associated with depression, headaches and insomnia. MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym also

lowers the level of blood lactate thus reducing anxiety attacks. You have to expect that something good is going to come out of a situation that appears less than perfect.


brain gym


self-confidence, enhances energy and strength and vigor and a general feeling of wellbeing. If you practice MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym



regular basis you will begin to feel calmer. And in control. You’ll feel far more relaxed and happy. And your ability to concentrate. Will be greater. You won’t become stressed about things. And you’ll become more peaceful. And relaxed about everything. You’ll simply go with the MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym


Things that used to irritate you

before. Will become insignificant.

Dream And Make It Happen. Goals:

The power of goals is enhanced by Transcendental Meditation of MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym. The power of goals is to turn the power of dreams into reality. There is nothing more important to where you are going then having a goal to strive for. Goals are not wishes or dreams. They are not described as someday or one day. Goals are firm decisions you make about what you want to have and when you want to have it. That decided then you can make out a specific plan as to how you are going to achieve it. I personally believe that through MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym

any one of us can

reach our goal in life. And the question is how is that done? Well from time immemorial it has been said in America that the way you do that is to work, work and work. And that is still valid. But beyond this I’d like to suggest three other methods by which any person can attain his or her goals. The first one is deep desire and intensity of belief. Number two is creative thoughtsmanship. And the third is faith all the way. Intensity of belief means that you have absolute conviction about what you want. Be very specific and turn your goal into a concrete expectation. You should be able to see it in your mind as clearly as a photograph. Don’t allow any

soft focus. Learn all you can about what you have to do to attain your goal.

When You Have Faith In Yourself And Use MEDITATION CLICKS速 Brain Gym You Are Invincible:

Many years ago. When I first began. To study meditation as a goal I wanted to achieve. I was baffled. With all the different techniques. And the scientific technology. Yet because I had heard of the wonderful benefits being achieved. I carried on researching. I invested a lot of time and money. Learning various methods and types of meditation. The difference Transcendental Meditation and MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym





amazing. I want to help you gain the wonderful benefits also.

The most outstanding way I believe I can help you from all my training. And experiences. Is to keep it very simple. MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym I am sharing with you. Is a very simple. And easy method. That is extremely effective. If you are anything like I was. You’ll probably have some questions about the learning of MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym.

And I am going to

explain everything necessary. For you to begin your course well prepared. Confident and clear headed.

You’ll realize why there are guidelines to follow. And special preparations to make. Before you begin MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym. The way

you will be using MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym




comfortably with your eyes closed. Repeating in your mind a focus on a sound that is called a mantra. Mantra basically means, “to free from the mind”. You can choose your own mantra from the mantra list, which you will find in this course. Simply choose a sound you feel comfortable with. I recommend you use MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym once or twice a day for

between five to twenty minutes each time. In the beginning while you are training. You will need. To allow. A little longer time. To enable you. To follow herein. The explanation I will give you. For the different things which you may experience. While using MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym.

Within a few short


brain gym

simple CLICKS速

consistent habit will

have become part of your daily routine. And you will be experiencing the wonderful benefits. Of the simple, easy, modern MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym.

My Analogy Of Meditation:

I use analogies in life to explain things simply. And my analogy of meditation is told in the following story of a woodcutter. “There once was a very hard working man. Who got work as a woodcutter. The pay was good. The conditions excellent. He wanted to give his all to the job. The boss gave him an axe. On his first day he felled eight trees. And went home tired and very happy as his boss was so pleased with his efforts. He was the first in work the next day. And felt so motivated. He decided to beat his record and fell nine trees. By the end of the day. After working harder than the previous day. He went home frustrated and disappointed. He had only felled

five trees. After a restless night sleep he returned to work the following day determined to fell eight trees. And at least achieve what he had done on his first day. Once again he was first to start chopping down trees. Halfway through the day he sat in a heap exhausted and dismayed. He couldn’t believe it. He’d only managed to chop down two trees. He just didn’t understand. He was working harder than ever and he began to doubt himself. When his boss walked over. He felt extremely guilty and began to apologize and explain he had been working really hard. His boss asked him only one question. When was the last time you took time out to

sharpen your axe?

And so it is with life

We are so busy rushing here, rushing there. Wondering if we will get everything done today. Worrying what we may have to deal with tomorrow. And beating ourselves up for what we should have done last year. That we don’t take the time out to sharpen our mind. Please understand that I do appreciate that it may not be easy for you to make time each day to do Transcendental Meditation by way of MEDITATION CLICKSŽ

brain gym.

But I

believe it is as essential as breathing and eating. And therefore it is necessary for us all to make some time. We need to always remember what happened to the woodcutter. In just two

and a half days. When he didn’t take time out to sharpen his axe. But examine your own life. Where are you now? And try to relate it to the way you have been contemplating yourself for the last 25 years. If you are on top of things and life is good. It’s got to mean you’ve been thinking right for the last quarter of a century. But if it isn’t all that good then you just got to know that you’ve got the wrong mental picture.

Sometimes it isn’t that we can’t make the time to meditate. I believe it is more to do with ever since we can remember so many of us are pressurized to work hard. Keeping on going so we won’t be labeled lazy or idle. And if we try harder and harder. We might be good enough. And if we are good enough. We will then be loved. And accepted.

The Power Of Love Is One Of The Strongest Powers We Have:

If you are going to be a successful person you have got to live by the love principle. Now of course we have a lot of wise sophisticated people who down grade love. The only way you can get anywhere is by being slick, clever, a wise guy. Now when you call the roll of those who have really achieved. It’s the people who were loving, kindly, who esteemed others who lived successfully.

Many of us feel selfish. Or guilty if we take time out for ourselves. We shouldn’t get so busy that we neglect the most important things in life. Like taking time out to relax and be quiet. Take stock with MEDITATION CLICKS®




brain gym

To use CLICKS®

is to recharge your

batteries. To be more effective and productive. To be more hopeful and alive. To find that special place within. Where there is total peace. As Buddha quoted: “Meditation brings wisdom, lack of meditation leaves ignorance, know well what leads you forward and what holds you

back and choose the path leading to wisdom�. Most of us think that if we just keep going. Someday when we have more time. Or someday when we have more money. Or someday when we have the right mindset. Things will ease up. And get better. The fact is. The road to somewhere. Leads to a town called Nowhere. Instead of taking control of our health and future. Most of us. Distract ourselves with television or food or alcohol. MEDITATION CLICKSŽ

brain gym is the antidote to the fast pace of life and stress and all kinds of emotional and physical problems.

A huge percentage of illnesses and diseases are stress related. High blood pressure and stomach ulcers. Are just a couple of examples. Of course we know that some of us can achieve more and perform better under pressure. And we are all well equipped. To cope. With stress at different times of our lives. But when it is constant. And doesn’t give up. Something has to give. MEDITATION CLICKSŽ

brain gym in simple

terms clears the mind in the similar way that dreams do at night after the pressures of the day.

Have you ever lain awake in the middle of the night unable to sleep? Television is switched off. And everything is quiet. Except your constant chatterbox. Your subconscious thoughts. Never ceasing to ask you questions. Criticizing and judging you. It’s more noticeable to hear in the quiet of night. Yet amidst all the noises in the busy day the need for MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym

goes unnoticed.


Through CLICKS速


brain gym

you will

learn to quiet your mind. Clearing your mind makes room. For solutions to problems to suddenly become cleared. People from all walks of life have benefited in so many ways by practicing MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym.

Medical science knows that we can think our self-sick and we can cure ourselves all with the power of our minds. A person will say I am sick with worry and that is a very apt phrase because worry does make you sick. But you can think yourself healthy. Make a conscious effort to meditate and throw away your depressing thoughts replacing them with bright new ideas that brighten your perceptions, your body will follow your lead. A healthy positive outlook can transform your life.

A friend of mine used to completely overreact to little things. Like spilling a cup of coffee. Or misplacing his car keys. Yet within three to four weeks of MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym



regular basis in the way that I am going to teach you. His family was amazed. At just how calm he had become. And how he seemed to go with the flow. Other people become less irritable. Other people suffering from insomnia seem to sleep better. Others experience more energy. While others a sense of wellbeing. These changes are real and substantial and the difference is undeniable. Being easily acknowledged by you. The power

of new beginnings is the power to start fresh each day.

We all seem to gain a huge variety of benefits. Specific to our own personal needs. And I will explain a little later how everyone’s experience of MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym is individual for each person. And why we shouldn’t expect to get the same results as everyone else. Or have the same kind of experience that another has. Many people become disillusioned and think they cannot meditate because they didn’t get the same results as someone else or they expected to float out of their body. Or they think they failed because this didn’t happen. I fell into this trap when I first tried transcendental meditation many

years ago. I expected to transcend out of my body and return a very calm and wise person. But then I always had a very big imagination. I remember being really disappointed. Wondering if I were doing things correctly. I remember feeling very doubtful at the time. And imagined that one could probably only meditate if one went to the Himalayas or one became a Yogi. Or if one attended some incense filled monastery.

I was trying so hard to get the results I had expected. And I think this is typical of so many of us because we are taught to try hard with any new experience. It took me a long time to realize that to meditate successfully is not to try at all and not to expect anything. This is the MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym way.

If I Empathize Anything To You It Is Not To Expect Anything When You Do MEDITATION CLICKS速

Gym :


Rather just trust it will give you just what you need. And that it does this on an ongoing basis regardless of the many changes in your life.

When I chose a mantra for myself that I felt comfortable with and to trust that MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym

would benefit me in

the way that I needed it most. It wasn’t long before other people as well as myself noticed certain changes in me. I had always been a worrier and this completely changes after regularly using MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym.

I just seemed to

understand. Much of what I worried about. Never came about anyway. And so it was a waste of time and energy. With MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym I began to feel more confident and in control of my

life. I began thinking that whatever life’s lessons threw at me I would be able to handle them with ease now.


use of CLICKS®

brain gym. When I was faced with decisions and choices. Instead of getting stressed out. I simply think. If I make the wrong decision. What’s the worst thing that could happen? And can I live with it? This way of thinking made decision making so much simpler for me. And eliminated so much worry and stress from my life. My family noticed how I very calmly dealt with situations where I had previously become stressed out and tired. I realized that problems are a part of life. We all have them and through MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym I learned that problems

are given to us. So we can grow. And learn from them. Norman Vincent Peale said, “A problem is a concentrated opportunity. The only people I have ever known to have no problems. Are in the cemetery. The more problems you have the more alive you are. Every problem contains the seeds of its own solution. Everyone I’ve ever known who succeeded in a big way in life. Has done so. By breaking problems apart. And finding the value that was there”.


brain gym is a huge

asset in helping you to solve problems. As I mentioned before. Whether you have tried any other forms of meditation. Or this is your first attempt. I’m going to guide you through what I believe to be the most simple yet effective way for you to meditate. First of all there are some preparations and guidelines. Which you need to understand. Before you begin your course of MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym. I believe

that if you are prepared you will feel confident. And I want this to be a wonderful journey for you. I’ll guide you through your first



brain gym sessions. Please Adhere To The Following:




Gym Guidelines:

If you were taking medication for an illness and you were going to begin a physical exercise program it would be advisable to consult your doctor. The same applies with meditation. If you are taking medication for an illness check with your doctor that it is okay for you to go ahead with meditation. You need to have an alert mind to enable you to enjoy this new experience so you need to be free of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs for at least 24 hours. Wait 2 hours after a full meal or 1 hour after a snack or caffeine drink before doing MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym.

If you smoke, it is better to wait 30 minutes before doing MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym. Never




brain gym

with a

sweet or anything in your mouth because you intend to go into a deep relaxing state similar to sleep. Never over meditate – just as physical exercise is good for you it is important to build up gradually. When you meditate you release backlogs of tension and if you meditate too long you can release tension too fast for you to cope with.

Always leave 3 to 4 hours between meditation sessions.

How To Prepare To Meditate: You need to be clear headed so choose an uncluttered room. Lighting needs to be subdued. Telephone switched off or on silence. A straight-backed chair to sit upright or cushions to support your back. The mantra you have chosen needs to be written down and placed where you can see it.

Sign outside door asking not to be disturbed.
 Shoes removed and any tight clothes loosened for your comfort.

Mantra List: Hir-am Ham-sa Shir-ah Shir-am I am In peace 
 N ow be 
 B e-ing 
 Or the classic mantra ‘Ooommmm’

You may choose any mantra that you feel comfortable with. Just make sure when you choose a mantra. You write it down. Keeping it with you whilst you are learning. It can be easy to forget your mantra in the early stages of learning MEDITATION CLICKSÂŽ

brain gym.

A simple search on

Google will deliver you hundreds of different mantra’s to choose from. You are not limited to the list above.

Certain instructions will appear common sense to you. But there may be certain things you might have overlooked. If you are to begin a physical exercise program you would build up gradually. And if you had any serious illnesses or taking medication from your doctor you would be advised to consult him before starting any exercise program. The same applies with MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym. If you are

taking medication. Simply check with your doctor. It is okay to go ahead with Transcendental Meditation at this point in your life.

You need to have an alert mind to enable you to have and enjoy this new experience. And therefore your body should be free of alcohol and nonprescription drugs for at least 24 hours.

Since the digestive process can interfere with reaching deep relaxation wait at least two hours after eating a full meal or one hour after a snack before you begin to use MEDITATION CLICKS®



Preferably don’t drink anything with caffeine in it for one hour before using MEDITATION CLICKS®. Water or fruit juice or decaffeinated drinks are fine. If you smoke you will have to refrain at least 30 minutes before you do MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym.

Because MEDITATION CLICKS速 is likened to a deep relaxing state similar to that which you experience during sleep you must not begin with a sweet or anything in your mouth. Never over use MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym.




exercise is good for you it is also necessary for you to build up gradually and not over do things. When you do MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym


release backlogs of tension and if you do it too long you can release tension too fast for you to cope with. Some people begin MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym for 15 to 20 minutes

twice a day and find this really suitable for them and yet others find this too much and 10 minutes is plenty for them. Always leave a minimum of a 3 to 4 hour gap between doing MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym. This will enable you to experience CLICKS®




successfully on your first day.

I Will Be Guiding You. Through Two ⎯



Gym Sessions: And explaining the different types of experiences we all have. You will need to arrange for two consecutive days. Half an hour each day when you will not be disturbed. You will need to leave at least 3 to 4 hours before you do MEDITATION CLICKS速 Such as another again for following

brain gym


later in the day for 10 minutes and then another 10 minutes the day.

As you need to be clear headed to do MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym



important you do not do it in a cluttered room. And you need to be in a room on your own so that you can relax and not be selfconscious of anyone being present. The lighting needs to be subdued or bright light blocked out. The telephone needs to be put onto silence mode or switched off. Because as you meditate and become very relaxed the sudden ringing of the telephone can be extremely unsettling. You need a straightbacked chair so you can sit upright with your feet on the floor. A dining chair is good or if you choose an easy chair or sofa

you may need cushions to support your head and back. You need to choose your mantra and have it written down and placed where you can see it. Shoes need to be removed and any tight clothes loosened for your comfort. The next suggestion isn’t necessary but it is good to create a special atmosphere for your first time. And if you place a special ornament, or a bouquet of flowers or something pleasing to the eye a few feet in front of you so that when you open your eyes after using MEDITATION CLICKSŽ

brain gym for the first time this is the first sight you will experience. If you like burning incense sticks this will only add

to the atmosphere, as will scented candles. But if you don’t want to do this that is okay. Remember you only need to make the special preparations this once. Once you have made these preparations for your first MEDITATION CLICKSŽ




Meditation you will be ready to read on as I guide you through your first meditation.

Your First Brain Gym Meditation:

So here we are ready to experience your first meditation session. I will be instructing you all the way through so you can just sit and relax. Have you organized not to be interrupted for the next hour? Has the phone been silenced? Are you sitting in a quiet room where there is no clutter? Your mantra should be in a place where you can see it if you forget it. MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym the simple

meditation we are going to do does not require any effort from you. In fact the only thing to learn is how not to make an effort. MEDITATION CLICKS速 like


brain gym is kind of along



stream or river in a big inner tube. You’re just drifting going along with the flow. Feeling relaxed and peaceful. As you’re repeating your mantra in your mind sometimes thoughts will come along. Don’t worry that these thoughts will spoil your session just treat them like the clouds that are gently floating along above you. You don’t try to cling to passing clouds and you don’t push them away. You simply let them float on by. Your thoughts are just passing clouds and are actually part of the process of tension release. And so allow your thoughts to float by. And gently your mantra will return to you. You may feel uncomfortable, get an itch, or

have to cough. That’s okay. Scratch your nose or cough or get comfortable without opening your eyes. And just keep on thinking the mantra very relaxed and effortlessly. Please understand that when you are repeating your mantra in your mind while meditating it’s quite normal if it becomes louder or quieter or faster or slower. It may seem even to disappear for a while and that’s okay too. When the sound comes back simply think it gently and quietly. It does not have to be thought at the same rhythm or speed at the same time. It can vary according to your minds natural rhythm that changes often. As I take you through your first MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym you don’t need to be concerned about loosing track of time. Either use your best guess as to when 5 minutes is up or use a kitchen oven timer set to 5 minutes. When 5 minutes is up do not open your eyes right away. Rather allow two minutes to let go of your mantra and when you do open your eyes. Open then over twenty to thirty seconds very slowly. After the five minutes and into the twominute repose period you can stretch and yawn but keep your eyes closed.

Okay so now you are ready to do MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym

on your own

without reading these instructions from me. Are you sitting comfortably with your feet on the floor shoes off? Take a minute to do some deep breathing and relax. Begin by repeating your mantra out aloud. So you can hear how the word and the rhythm sound. Now say it more quietly. Now even more quietly still. And now just whisper it. Now just think it. Now close your eyes and think your own mantra effortlessly with your own natural rhythm for an estimated or timed five minutes followed by two minutes of letting go of your mantra and

then slowly opening your eyes over twenty or thirty seconds. Go do this your first

8 MINUTES OR SO LATER: Well Done: (And That’s How Simple It Is To Meditate). meditation



Leave at least a 3 to 4 hour gap between this meditation and your next meditation.

So then you will meditate a little longer and as I said before let your kitchen timer or your instincts be your time guide.

So when you are comfortable close your eyes and say your mantra out aloud to yourself twice. Now think it easily and effortlessly. And let the time pass. Till the ten minutes is up and you are letting go of your mantra for two minutes and opening your eyes very, very slowly over twenty to thirty seconds. Slowly return yourself to the state of everyday life. During the two minutes stretch or yawn if you wish but still keep your eyes shut. And remember this time of adjusting is really important and beneficial to you.

A Little Optional Exercise. Also Of Great Benefit To You: A little optional exercise that many successful people do is to think of all the things in life you are grateful for. I usually give thanks for my family and my friends, my good health, and my goals and dreams. Then I think of special moments like a hug from one of my children. Or a kind deed that was done unexpectedly. Then I visualize my dreams and goals. As though they were already happening.

Congratulations On Continuing This Far: Statistics prove that only 10% of people who buy a book read beyond the first chapter and don’t follow through. Give yourself a pat on the back. For you have already proven that you are serious and are willing to make the time to gain the many benefits MEDITATION CLICKSŽ offer.

brain gym

has to

The gratitude and visualization exercise is not necessary if you just want to meditate. It’s just an option that I have found to be incredibly powerful and rewarding. Having experienced your first MEDITATION CLICKSŽ

brain gym




probably like many people wondering if you were doing it right. Occasionally people report feeling more peaceful, positive, loving and centered in daily life. Many experience new insights and greater clearness and understanding. The variety of experiences whilst you are meditating is unlimited. They can range from the extraordinary to the ordinary. You may have felt

peaceful or irritable or simply bored. There may have been periods of no thought and other times where your mind was full of thoughts and your mantra disappeared for a short or even longer interval. You may have felt quite alert or wondering whether you fell asleep and concerned whether you successfully meditated. All of these experiences are all right and perfectly normal. The point is to simply accept whatever occurs in meditation. I will cover the different experiences in a moment.

Tomorrow And Your

Next Meditation:

When you meditate on your own today you will have a good idea when your ten minutes is up. And then you should very slowly open one eye and peek at your watch or the clock. If only 7 minutes has gone by you can simply return to your state for a few minutes. Or if the ten minutes is gone it’s important to keep your eyes closed for another two minutes and then open them ever so slowly as you have been previously been instructed. This is important and beneficial to you. Some people like to set an alarm so they don’t have to be aware of time. The alarm need not startle you.


Begin your

Welcome Back:


brain gym


was relaxing and uninterrupted for you. Sometimes a meditation session may be filled with thoughts and you can feel that you are feeling that you are failing to meditate correctly. But the truth is that meditation basically works in cycles of clearing and clarity. We often have to have a clear out to enable us to see things clearly. And when there are many thoughts during meditation this is part of a clearing cycle and when there are fewer thoughts and more clarity and depth this is known as part of the clarity cycle.

The more you let go of any expectations about what is supposed to happen and any concerns about meditating correctly the more easy the deeper states seem to occur. I suggest you approach each MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym willing


session relaxed and accept


There will be some days when everything just clicks naturally. And your happens.

awareness effortlessly shifts into a deeper state. And other days when many thoughts seem to invade your MEDITATION


brain gym


Remember that you are just beginning and it is natural for your mind to wander a lot. Try to accept that this is okay. Some people have vivid memories return from when they were young children. Some see changing images of faces or objects. Some see colors and shapes. And some don’t seem to see much at all. There is no particular state of MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym that you are supposed to achieve. And there is absolutely no right or wrong way. It’s best to put aside the idea of doing it correctly. And of trying to know what state you are in.

There are many states that can occur. And they are all a valuable part of the MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym


And if you will be patient and put aside all expectations and accept whatever happens you will begin to find MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym easy and

enjoyable. And you will start seeing many positive changes occurring in your life.

The philosopher of the new beginning is someone who refuses to continue to associate with his failures. One thing you must never do is to hang around with your failures. Never talk about them. Never think about them. Ignore them. Walk away from them. No matter what they are. Never settle for a failure. The art of forgetting is absolutely essential for a new beginning.



brain gym




powerful inner energy that is very healing and uplifting for you. But it takes some time to adjust to the clearing out changes and the releasing of the stored negative energy. And this process is best done gradually. Which is why you shouldn’t over meditate. Because using MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym is an ongoing process you need to use it daily. I know life can be busy but after the first couple of days it’s only allocating between ten and twenty minutes twice a day. If you are so busy some days that you don’t make the time. Just do

five or ten minutes. If you do happen to miss one of your MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym sessions for a while for any reason don’t beat yourself up. Use this course once again as though you were just learning. I think you will settle back into your schedule of MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym this way. Make Yourself Up A DO NOT DISTURB Sign:

Which will notify people who live with you not to enter into the room because you are meditating. However well you prepare not to be interrupted. There will always be the exception where you will be. Opening your eyes too quickly or jumping out of your chair and continuing your day shocks the system. If for instance you have to answer the door or deal with some urgent matter in the middle of a MEDITATION CLICKS速

brain gym


take as much time as possible to open your eyes and as soon as you have dealt with your matter return to your seat and finish meditating. For example if you are meditating for ten minutes

and had only done six minutes go back and do another four minutes. And then finish, as you normally would. If there was an emergency then obviously this is different and you would have to act quickly. This is not harmful in the slightest. It is just so much better for you not to have interruptions. Always remember that you are very special and you deserve a little time for you everyday.

For I am sure you give others your time. I have really enjoyed working with you and hope you can gain an abundance of benefits through your use of MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym.

You will find that MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym

is the easiest most

enjoyable way to meditate ever because it gently guides you into a perfect and deep meditative state every time. And because MEDITATION CLICKS®

brain gym dramatically speeds up the process it is revolutionizing traditional Transcendental Meditation. And astonishing meditators’ worldwide. I believe that you will agree that the



brain gym program is one of the most amazing things you have ever discovered. It will I promise change your life!

Lessons Learned From Meditation. New Beginnings: So the psychological spiritual principle is you’ve got to love something with intensity. And then you have to know how to describe it in absolute detail. And then you give it all you’ve got of hard work but essentially of belief.

There are two dynamic words that can change your life. They are so effective and so dynamic that we ought to write them in gigantic letters across the sky of our lives as we see airplanes writing messages in the heaven. Embed these two words deeply in your consciousness. Build your life around them. And they can make life good indeed. Indeed very good. I cannot speak too extravagantly for the power of these two words. I refer to the power of HOPE and EXPECTATION. Stand them out there so you can see them.

Believe that through MEDITATION CLICKS速

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expect the best and that is exactly what you are going to have. Think about those things you want to have in your life. And think about them often.

Emotional Quietness. Your Power Centre:

Cultivate a stillness in the mind. Wipe the emotional chalkboard clean as it were. And start fresh with new ideas. Anticipate future joy. Forget past unpleasantness. When you have the power of emotion you are in tune with the universe. An active participant in the life all around you. The sky is blue above the darkest clouds. Positive thinking never denies a problem. It simply allows you never to be defeated by anything.


If you have the power of serenity on your side you know that you don’t have to be uptight or worried or stressed. You can control your tension with your own inner strength through MEDITATION CLICKSŽ

brain gym. You can do anything if you think you can. The secret is to keep meditating and thus disengaging from the stress around you.

So do you want to know how meditation allows you to live with peace and quiet in a noisy world? It enables you to retreat from it into the essence of stillness out of which energy comes. Quietness and activeness are opposite sides of the same factor. With MEDITATION CLICKS速

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retreat into quietness and peacefulness so that you may emerge with force and great strength.

Conquer Your Fears And Move On.


There are two qualities that every person needs to make it safely and successfully through this life. There are other qualities of course but these two are of extreme importance. One of them is courage, not to be afraid. The other is not to minimize yourself, to have confidence. Everyone needs courage and confidence. So turn the lights on in your life and don’t worry about things that don’t exist. Your fears may be irrational. The power of confidence comes from MEDITATION CLICKS®

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conviction that you can if you think you can. Be confident in your ability today. What do you have to do? What is your

responsibility? What is your challenge? What is your crisis? Take that great old word confidence put it in your consciousness. Hold it there savoring it. Contemplating it. Practice it and you shall have peace and strength.

The Secrets For Ultimate Happiness. Persistence:

Too often the best of intentions are not enough. It takes more than wishing to realize goals. The power of persistence, good old stick-to-it-ness. Dreams never run out at any age. As long as you are on this Earth keep your goals going. When you want to develop the non-quitting unbeatable action of persistence never talk defeat. The persistence principle can be summed up in two words. “NEVER QUIT�. No problem is too big and no goal unattainable. With meditation you develop an intuitive knowledge of yourself. Who you are and what you can do. Pick out one problem area. Break it down into manageable parts. Concentrate your forces

and attack each part. Never giving up until you have broken through.

Contentment: When you want contentment MEDITATION


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brain gym. Give yourself the gift of another chance. What is contentment? To be supinely content with what you have. Not at all. The Latin root of the word means someone who is so well organized inwardly that he or she holds together under adverse conditions. He or she takes it as it is. Lives with it. All the while determined that with the help of God he or she will make it better!

Love Life and Life Will Love You Back: When your love is mature you are willing to compromise and think of the other person first. You trust the other person and wish nothing but the best for them. Would you forgive? Would you have done the same in the same situation? The answer may be surprisingly uncomfortable. Nobody is perfect and each of us needs forgiveness at one time or another.

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