Typography For Print Marc Thompson S2890377 Font: "TROPPO"

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Marc Thompson s2890377

M odified Font v s. O rigin al The font I decided to modify was Lato (Light) which is the font used in typing right now. I decided to use this font because it was a clean and nice looking font that was perfect for how I wanted my modified font to look. I modified my font by splitting the stems of the letters, adding serifs to each letter, changing shapes of some letters, numbers & characters to how I liked them. Once completely modified I then used the ‘curve’ function on illustrator CC, which made all the letters curved instead of straight, which also made nice filled in spots on the letters. I then used BirdFont, which I imported all my characters in and kerned manually till I was happy. I then gave it the name, “ TR O PPO ” as I like the word in my modified font and then exported to .ttf .

M odified VS Original ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 123456789 !'#$%^&*(: );?+=,/\{}

TR O PPO W eight: R egu lar thirty point text

Troppo font in low er case sixty point text


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Characters

! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { } [ ] \ | / ? . , ; : “ < >


Weight: Light FULL LIST

abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKL MNOPQRSTUVW XYZ 0123456789 !@#$%^&*( )-+={}[]\|/ ?.,; :“<>~`

TR O PPO W eight: R egu lar

a n A M 0 ! [

b o B N 1 @ ]

c p C O 2 # \

d q D P 3 $ |

e r E Q 4 % /

f s F R 5 ^ ?

g t G S 6 & .

h u H T 7 * ,


i v I U 8 ( ;

j w J V 9

k l m x y z K L W X Y Z ) - + = { } : “ < > ~ `

thirty-five point text

the qu ick brow n for jum ps over the lazy dog fifty-five point text

TH E Q U ICK BR OW N seventy-five point text

FOX J U M PS OV ER ninety-five point text



I decided to manual kern each letter as i had in mind how i wanted each letter to look against another. This was a tideous and long process, but in the end was worth it. To kern I used the program BirdFont, I needed to type a letter next to another and drag the letter to where I wanted it. I did this for all characters, numbers, capitals and lowercase.

Problem I only had one problem when creating my font. Problem: Once kerned & exported from Bird Font, my font did not work in word as it doesn’t support kerning but in adobe programs worked perfectly.

Solution: You can change the settings of the font in word (ctrl/cmd + D > advanced), but it is universal so the specific changes you’ve made to each letter group don’t really apply. Looks slightly better but not great.

W here M y Book Is H eadin g I’m going to use the font I have modified named “Troppo” in the headings in my book. I will use my original font “Lato” for the main font of the book. With my book I’m going to go for a non-fiction Planet Earth type book, displaying earth and it’s beauties. Which will display visuals and text.

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