RV Refrigerator Repair Recreational vehicles are getting to be a very common possession these days, have you noticed? And do we enjoy our travel through recreational vehicles or what. If you just take a peek inside a vehicle of this nature, you'll see that there are amenities in there that could make you mistake it for a home or something. I mean, figuratively, of course. The feeling that we can be as comfortable in a moving vehicle as we are in our homes is the part that brings in most solace. But there is a need to burst your bubble at this point of time. If there are gadgets coming into the picture then it is obvious that there will be maintenance needed from time to time and sometimes repairs as well. And that is the aspect that this article shall foray into. We will not be talking about the repairs of all the appliances in a RV, but concentrate on the repair of refrigerators in the same. So if there are any queries regarding a domestic RV refrigerator repair, go through the following article for a few refrigerator troubleshooting tips and you'll have a proper direction to follow. RV Refrigerator Problems It is understandable that you might get quite confused when it comes to repairing the refrigerator. Many of us don't really know how a refrigerator works, let alone how to repair it. And especially so if you don't really know anything about the different RV refrigerator maintenance parts and how to work them. We offer a solution. Refer to the following paragraphs to understand the techniques of troubleshooting. Most of the time, the repair merely involves solving the inability of the refrigerator to draw in enough cooling. Either the cooling is less or has stopped completely. There are a number of reasons regarding why there is less or no cooling taking place. Here are some of the reasons and the ways on how to carry out refrigerator problems troubleshooting. Leak in Pipe The first step in repairing a refrigerator is to check for a leak. A leak in the ammonia pipe will automatically let the ammonia flow out and therefore prevent cooling. The easiest way of finding this out is to see if there is a smell of ammonia in the air. If there is a smell then the refrigerator needs to be shut down and the leaking stopped. Next, a new set of pipes need to be fitted in. Sometimes a change of pipes is enough to repair this problem. But if there is a gurgling sound coming in whenever one starts the fridge or there is a deposit of sodium chromate, then it could mean that you need to replace the entire unit. Door Gasket Another reason that there is less or no cooling taking place in the refrigerator could be due to the loosening of the door gasket. Which means that the doors have gotten loose and have shifted from the hinges. Thus, allowing for a space to be created in the doors and the doors not shutting properly or letting the air out through the gaps. To know if this is causing the problem, hold your hand against the doors and feel for cold air. You could also check for the frost flowing out. If these do not indicate anything, then fold a paper and place it inside the door. Now try to pull it out. If it comes out easily, it means that the door gasket has come loose and needs to be changed. Pressure Problem Make sure that you've kept the RV refrigerator running for 24 hours before usage. If you still find
that it isn't cooling well, then check all the parts of the RV refrigerator to determine if they are working in full power. If any of the RV refrigerator parts like the thermostat, power switch or the outlet are not supplied with the correct power, then they will not generate the proper refrigerator temperature, and cooling will not take place. Therefore, it is important to check for the refrigerator temperature settings for the same. Sediments Many times, there are ammonia sediments formed, which settle at the end of the cooling units and block the system. This could happen due to age or because of lack of use. A cleaning of the unit to get rid of the settled sediments is important for effective functioning. Along with the repair of these parts, there might also be a problem with the light or the gas burner at the end of the refrigerator (if the refrigerator does not work on electricity). Even though it is good to have an idea of the different refrigerator parts and the repair that could be involved in a RV refrigerator, if there is still any confusion regarding the same, then it is always better to get it looked at by a technician. And even though it might be a little costly, it will still be cheaper than buying a new refrigerator. Hope that this article on RV refrigerator repair tips has given you a basic idea of how to go about the repair and to determine what has caused the problem and how to solve it. https://www.buzzle.com/articles/rv-refrigerator-repair.html