I s J U LY 2 014 OF W N O TI ER A
2 COVER PHOTOGRAPH: A Staffordshire member’s garden by Jenny Crump
COUNTY CHAIRMAN: Mrs Denise Moreton
COUNTY SECRETARY: Miss Elizabeth Goodwin
The Cornerstone, Common Road, Stafford ST16 3EQ Telephone: 01785 223838 Email:
OFFICE OPENING HOURS: Monday to Wednesday: 8am til 3pm Thursday: 8am til 2:30pm Friday: Closed
ou realise, I am sure, that this Chairman’s Corner has to be written quite a few weeks early because of the printing schedule dates. 37 Trustees, Delegates and Observers attended the Annual Meeting in Leeds in early June, what a wonderful opportunity to be present at one of these meetings. Approximately 6,000 members were there, it really makes you realise what a large and wonderful organisation we belong to. The Chairman, Janice Langley, ran an excellent meeting and the speakers were superb. We Staffordshire ‘girls’ felt very proud as Laureen Walker from Standon and Cotes Heath WI took to the stage to present the Resolution on the Donor Register from their WI, followed by our own Barbara Hodson from Codsall Wood WI a WI Advisor and our County Resolution Officer who seconded it for Laureen. The Resolution was passed with a 97.82% majority. Going off to Leeds and staying away overnight has set me thinking about holidays and realise there is not long to go until we set off for Northumberland on 1st September for our mid week mini holiday. I am really looking
Lance Publishing Ltd 1st Floor, Tailby House, Bath Road, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN16 8NL Telephone: 01536 521126
Lance Print Ltd Unit 3, Houghton Hill Industries, Houghton Hill Farm, Houghton, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire PE28 2DH Telephone: 01480 492183
forward to the experience; it is an area of the country I do not know at all, it should prove a very enjoyable and interesting few days. The events to celebrate our 95th Anniversary in various parts of the federation are continuing well, look out for one in your area. I know it is only August but we have to think ahead, which means Carol Service. This year it is on Monday 15th December at 3.00pm in Lichfield Cathedral. The enclosure is with your WI Secretary, if you would like to sing in the choir or be a Collector at this event make sure your name is put forward. I look forward to seeing you around the county.
Denise Moreton County Chairman
Please Email copy to and send as an attachment, Thank you
missed by her fellow Trustees and the sub committee she chaired will miss her enthusiasm. We wish her every happiness in her new home.
County Holiday
to Newcastle upon Tyne
OCTOBER 2014 Annual Council Meeting
County Showground
Halloween Ghost Evening
7:30PM Checkley Village Hall
DECEMBER 2014 15
Carol Service
3PM Lichfield Cathedral
£25 greatly look forward to receiving institutes’ press releases each month. Please don’t forget to label them clearly as it makes my life really easy when I come to download my emails.
rs. Vivien Macpherson was resigned as a member of the Board of Trustees. She and her husband John have returned to Scotland. She will be greatly
Michelle Breen Telephone: 01536 526668
D. Beswick (Shandon WI) Ticket: 116
SECOND I hope members will feel free to send me recipes, poems for short stories for publication in future editions of Cornerstone News. Don’t forget it is your magazine, I am merely the editor!
S. Harrison (Gentleshaw WI) Ticket: 104
M. Jamieson (Whittington WI) Ticket: 30
This is drawn at the monthly Trustees’ Meeting June
C O R N E R S TO N E N E W S • AU G U S T 2 0 14 • S TA F F O R D S H I R E F E D E R AT I O N O F W I S
aureen and Barbara spoke extremely eloquently and were rewarded with the members giving a 97.8% majority in favour. Other speakers were Sir Andrew Motion who spoke of his loves
here could have been no more fitting place to visit during the week of D Day celebrations than the National Arboretum at Alrewas, which is where members of Standon and Cotes Heath WI went on their annual outing. The train ride around the extensive site was a poignant reminder of how much people owe to the many who have given their lives in service, not only in the armed forces but in the many auxiliary services too. After lunch members who like a walk took themselves off on what proved to be quite an expedition to find the WI memorial seat. A few of them made it!
for poetry and the English countryside, Dr George McGavin who introduced us to many of the wild and wonderful creatures he has seen on his expeditions, and Bill Turnbull BBC news reporter, Strictly Come Dancing competitor and bee keeper. An excellent informative meeting Lynda Packer
ell done to everyone who helped to set up the marquee, the labelling of exhibits, who entered the competitions. Special mention must be made of the Best in Show exhibit which was the tea set from Blythe Bridge WI. It was made by April Marsden. A true labour of love. The marquee won first in the non-commercial category. Thank you once again to everyone in the Staffordshire Federation for their commitment to the event. Beryl Kettle
Marchington WI Secretary Mrs. Sheila Jones, 9 Windmill Drive, Marchington, ST14 8JP. Tel: 01283 820576 Email:
wythamley WI has begun a year of celebrations for its 50th Anniversary. In 1964 the ladies of the diverse area of Swythamley decided to form a WI, holding its meetings in what was then the local school at Gun End now known as Swythamley and Heaton Centre. The WI as part of the local community played a part in raising funds for the initial acquisition of the Centre when the school closed and has also been involved in supporting other local charities. On 13th May a birthday party for members and friends was held at Sheila’s Tearooms
where all the ladies were presented with a photo of current members. Mrs. Elizabeth Lowe, the current President, made a toast to the WI recalling the various ex Presidents and the various activities enjoyed over the years. She then cut the cake which had been made by Mrs. Gwen Eardley. A Silver Presidents badge was presented to the institute by Mrs. Therese Stubbs the daughter of founder member Miriam Robinson. ‘Small but beautifully formed’ is the adage used by many visitors to Swythamley WI, long may it continue.
inety-nine and still a very strong WI member is Dora Cooper a member of Brereton WI. She had been a member for 37 years and celebrated her 99th birthday earlier this year and she is now looking forward to next year’s big celebration. Dora is an active member of the institute and has been president twice and on the
hittington WI were lucky enough to be invited to the opening of the Defence Medical Service in Whittington. Four WI members braved the rain to mark the event. The gazebo was erected and the
committee several times. Dora came to live in Brereton in 1977; the same year she joined the WI. Everyone who knows Dora thinks she is a remarkable lady and we in Brereton love her very much. When Dora does miss a meeting she is probably on holiday with her friends. Frances Sumner, Brereton WI
craft display set up. The Royal visitor, HRH The Duchess of Cornwall did not arrive until 2pm A service of dedication followed her arrival and then she went on a “walk about”. It was an experience of a lifetime
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C O R N E R S TO N E N E W S • AU G U S T 2 0 14 • S TA F F O R D S H I R E F E D E R AT I O N O F W I S
President, Janet Parkinson welcomed newcomers to their first Annual Meeting. Minutes were read, approved and signed. One of the treasurers, Paddy, resigned from the committee after many years of sterling service. She was duly thanked for all her support by Janet, and presented with a token of our thanks. Member Maggie Biddulph offered to take over as joint treasurer with Patsy Mist.
This was approved. All existing committee members were duly reelected, with the absent Secretary, Gay, having made it known that this was definitely her last term of office!! With the Annual Meeting closed for another year, Janet produced a quiz to tax our memory cells and cause much hilarity when the answers were given. Lina was the outright winner. The President thanked Jackie for hosting the meeting which everyone enjoyed.
Sandon WI
gave the Treasurer’s report and she said that despite paying for four hand driers and the low interest rates Sandon WI is in a satisfactory financial position. Members were taken through this year’s resolution and it was passed unanimously.
Milwich WI’s
thanks were expressed to members for their support during the last twelve months. Four ladies have recently become members so the institute is in a stronger position than it was twelve months ago. The existing committee were re-elected for a further term.
Re-elected their President, Kathy Bradley, for another term. The institute lost one member of the committee, Janet Hyde, but welcomed two new committee members, Tree Tabenor and Gladys Massey. Elizabeth Stone
annual meeting was chaired by Sonia Boughey because the President, Mary Bull, is still recovering from her recent operation. Reports were received from the secretary, treasurer and president and
Endon WI
Re-elected the entire committee as well as their President Barbara Wells. The only change was the post of secretary. Audrey Sutton is standing down after eight years in the post and she has been succeeded by Sue Booth. Barbara thanked Audrey on behalf of the WI then presented Audrey with a cut glass vase as a token of appreciation from
Endon WI, but it won’t be the end of Audrey, as she is remaining on the committee. Dorothy Bradbury thanked the committee for their hard work, and Val Myatt thanked Mrs Bailey who had also explained the resolution concerning organ donation, which was passed unanimously. This will be Endon WI’s vote at the Annual Meeting at Leeds in June.
all WI Darts team made it to the final of the County Darts Tournament which took place in Stafford on the evening of the 8th May. The opposing team were Brown Edge WI from the
Bishops Wood WI Held their Annual Meeting. Mary Cooper was re-elected and she thanked the committee for their hard work. The resolution was discussed and voted upon. The speaker for the evening was Julie Beeston who talked about the work of the Donna Louise Trust, a hospice in Trentham that is accessible by children
Brown Edge WI
Welcomed Sue Dixon, WI Advisor, who had come to assist with voting in the President and debating the Resolution on organ donation. Margaret Bailey gave a detailed report of the events of the year. Barbara Corden gave her Presidential report and then it was Sheila Garner, the Treasurer’s turn. Barbara was re-elected President. The evening ended with a delicious buffet with wine, provide
and young people and their families from the Staffs /Cheshire borders to Tamworth. Not a comfortable subject perhaps but the hospice had been set up by a bereaved family who wanted to do something positive for people sharing their experience and all involved seem to have a genuine passion about making even a small difference at a difficult time.
by the committee, much to the enjoyment of the members. Social time followed and several members read poems and jokes as part of the entertainment. There was much laughter as members were presented with a quiz containing photographs of the committee taken when they were a little younger than they are now. Amongst the laughter and speculation were a number of “ahs” as some of the pictures were taken when they were indeed much much younger.
Rushton WI
ever increasing costs of hall & speakers. Glenys thanked members for their support in everything we do. The committee is standing again. The evening then proceeded with a talk from Julie Beeston and her husband Joe on the work of the Donna Louise Trust.
Cheadle WI
work and thanks were expressed to the auditor. Lynne was reelected President, Sue remains secretary and Norma treasurer. Two members of the committee retired but the remaining committee members were re-elected for the coming year.
Had a good turn out for their annual meeting. Reports were received from the secretary and treasurer. Glenys was re-elected President. Accounts have been audited and we may need a fund-raiser this year to pay for
listened to their secretary, Sue Clare’s report on the year. President Lynne Garner echoed Sue’s views. Treasurer Norma Hancock presented the financial report and she was thanked for her hard
north of the County. Wall got off to a good start winning the first leg 4-1. However Brown Edge retaliated winning the second leg 4-1. Going into the third leg neck and neck Wall were ahead by 2 games to 1 when it was announced that the match must end as it was 11pm and the hall had to close. Wall were declared the winners and were presented with
the silver trophy by Board of Trustees member Minna Andrews. It had been an exciting evening and Wall’s team captain Georgina Ashby (holding trophy) said that the tournament enabled the players to meet and play against other members in the County which they had enjoyed very much. Pat Ellett (Wall WI Secretary)
C O R N E R S TO N E N E W S • AU G U S T 2 0 14 • S TA F F O R D S H I R E F E D E R AT I O N O F W I S
Denstone WI
Re-elected their President Marg Orme for another year and four new members have joined the committee. The Adoption of the Annual Report was proposed by the President and this was carried unanimously. The reports from the Officers then took place with The Treasurer Wendy Forrester submitting the financial statement for year ending March 2014. Mrs Forrester was warmly thanked for her many years in the office of Treasurer and the role of Treasurer is to be taken over by Rose Barker. The minutes of the last Annual Meeting were read by the Secretary Mary Spencer and the President Marg Orme gave her report on the meetings and activities over the last year.
Cheddleton WI have had a busy and enjoyable few weeks.
At the Churnet Valley Group meeting at Wetley Rocks Derek Poulson kept everyone highly amused as he spoke about different accents, dialects and expressions of speech from all over the country, and Cheddleton members were pleased when two of their number won 1st and 3rd prizes in the competition for an interesting pen. Some members attended the county event at Whiston, where we were treated to a great talk from Barbara Dakin MBE, who interested, amused and entertained us with stories of
Hilderstone WI held their
79th Annual Meeting recently, as we `gear up` for our 80th Birthday, in October. President, Pat Saul, & Vice President, Elsa Wood were re-elected, as were the rest of the 2013-14 Committee. Pat thanked them all for their hard work, & expressed her pleasure that we have three new members. It`s been a busy year, but a happy and fruitful one. Member Anna Davis gave us an excellent `ten minute talk `on her family`s past bee keeping activities, before we tasted the cheese & wine!
MORE ANNUAL MEETINGS her life, and the excitement of being awarded the MBE. The May meeting took the form of a trip to Tissington Hall, where members met Sir Richard FitzHerbert, who was charming and friendly, and had a lovely evening that included a guided tour round the grounds and the house itself, which is most impressive. We ended the evening with supper at the Coach and Horses in Ashbourne. At the end of May members visited Marion Buxton to help her celebrate her 100th birthday. She was given a gift and card from the WI, and also presented with a badge and certificate for 60 years WI membership. At the June meeting details were given of forthcoming events, including the arrival of the Centenary Baton at Froghall station at 10am on June 28th, where, along with other members of the Churnet Valley Group, we shall have stands with WI items of interest on display. Other county and national events to look forward to include bowls, darts, poetry and craft competitions, visits to the races at Uttoxeter and to Barnsdale Gardens, and a Literary Lunch at Rough Close. There’s certainly something for everyone in the WI! Their most recent speaker was local author Neil Collingwood, well known for his books about Leek and the surrounding areas in the past and present. His slides were fascinating, and had members remembering,
To advertise in the next issue of this publication, please contact
Michelle Tel:
01536 526668 Email:
and trying to guess where and what some of the scenes were. A most enjoyable evening.
Greenway Moor WI’s
Annual Meeting began with Anne Hill reading the 52nd Annual Report. Gwynneth Walton gave her President’s address. Margaret Bailey was present to oversee the election of a new President and the voting on the resolution. There were three nominations for President and Gwynneth was re-elected for a further term. Vera Lovatt and Sylvia Wright stepped down from the committee and Clarice Wilson and Sue Collingwood replaced them. Rita Hemmings won the cup and prize for the most entries and most points in the competitions throughout the year.
Group Meeting – Mercia Group of Is
The meeting took place at the Coton Centre, members of Drayton Bassett, Fazeley, Harlaston, Hopwas, Mile Oak and Tamworth attended. Daphne Cuisick, a member of the Board of Trustees, gave details of some of the forthcoming County events. The speaker for the evening was Steve Brookes, the BBC Gardening Presenter. He said his love of gardening had been inspired by his “Gramps”. He gave members tips about how to discourage cats and squirrels. He delivered his talk with a great deal of humour. He left his audience inspired to try out his ideas. Geraldine Richards (Mile Oak WI)
Tean WI had eight members
nominated for the committee and so there was no need for an election. Sue Parker was re-elected as President. The President and the Secretary gave their reports and the Treasurer told the meeting that the finances were healthy. Janet Taylor & Sue Robinson then proceeded to introduce the entertainment for the evening. First was a ‘Committee Anagram’ game and secondly ‘Eat Your Way Around the British Isles’ – a town and an item of food for each of the 26 letters in the alphabet.
HALES WI is back in print
here after a short absence, but members have been far from idle. Speakers’ subjects have been fascinating as usual; A Mother Teresa’s House in Mumbai brought tears to some eyes, while “Seeing the Wood through the Trees” by the Chairman of the Cheshire Guild of wood-turners no less, held us in awe of his skill. June saw us becoming experts in the history of the Belly Dance, if not the practice! They contributed their very own cookbooks recipes and cakes to the Baton celebrations at Maer Village Hall on 30th June; all cakes were for sampling, none were left! so no surprises there. On 10th July they had their Garden outing and picnic to Preston Hall, much enjoyed by everyone, and finally, but certainly not least thanks go to member Ann Fair who lent us her garden for a strawberry tea/garden party which raised some much-needed pounds (£s)
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C O R N E R S TO N E N E W S • AU G U S T 2 0 14 • S TA F F O R D S H I R E F E D E R AT I O N O F W I S
Aston-by-Stone spent their meeting discussing this year’s resolution on Organ Donation. The Resolution was put the vote and carried. Our delegate to the A G M this year is Aston –ByStone member Brenda Green. A light hearted general knowledge quiz followed, won by Ann Illidge and team. Lovely refreshments provided by Linda Scotton and friends. The raffle was won by Ann Illidge and June Hall. Penkridge WI’s speaker, Richard Howarth, a practising dentist, was the speaker this month. Richard and a group of dentists set up a charity “Dental Mavericks” after a visit to northern Morocco where they were horrified at the state of children’s teeth, and lack of any dental provision. The dentists set about raising funds so that the basics toothpaste and toothbrushes could be purchased as a starter. On their first visit they went to the village Chefchaen set in the Rif hills. They set up a clinic in a school. Their aim was to alleviate pain by extracting the children’s infected teeth. This first visit was just the beginning. Since then further villages have been visited by the dentists. From a small beginning of five dentists, dental nurses have now joined the group. This has enabled more children to be seen. Naturally all this costs money and the mavericks have to rely on donations and fund raising events. Richard has raised £7,000 by
cycling across the Sahara. So far they have raised enough money to purchase portable dental chairs. Their next goal is to raise enough money to purchase a portable Dental Unit. The dentists and nurses are all practising and give up their free time in order to provide dental care in the remote parts of Morocco. Their next visit will be for four days when they will take seven clinics and the number of children seen could be in excess of one hundred and fifty children. Mile Oak WI supported St. Giles Hospice at their latest meeting with a “Care for a Cuppa” event during refreshment time. Their speaker was Bryon, from the Lichfield Garden Centre. He explained how to get the most from plants by giving them the best care and attention we can. During social time the Resoluton was discussed and passed unanimously. The Ridwares WI didn’t have their expected talk on cup cakes but Sally and Natalie from PS I Love You filled the breach. They opened the shop in November 2013 to supply quality underwear and, having been trained by a corsetiere, they could provide a first class measuring service. Many ladies took up the offer to be measured and browse through the racks of pretty underwear. Sally and Natalie will be working with local hospitals, supplying bras for mastectomy patients. The Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign is close to their hearts and they are organizing a 1950’s charity night on 6th September with Elvis
Presley and Eddie Cochrane tribute acts. The competition was “Your favourite cake plate” which was won by Helen Sharp. The Ridwares W.I. members who had made and embroidered squares for the Multi-Faith Project were invited to Lichfield Cathedral to view the finished cloak which was show-cased as part of the Holy Writ Exhibition and this will be there to view until 15th June. Audley and District WI enjoyed a demonstration of sugar craft from Christine Green. Describing her hobby as a way of relieving stress and helping her to relax she went through the each stage in the creation of a rosebud. Starting with a small cone of fondant icing on thin wire she carefully built up several layers of petal shapes cut from flour paste, teasing each one into the required shape and attaching it with edible glue. When she was satisfied with her rosebud, she then went on to make the rose leaves, using a cutter with a spine and vein press, using a variety of colours from edible powder to create a realistic leaf. A calyx at the base of the rosebud was attached with florists‘ tape as were the leaves. The finished spray of roses was given to us as a raffle prize. Christine’s patience and dexterity was impressive to us all as was her botanical knowledge of not just roses but of many other plants and flowers that she had brought with her created over several years. It was no surprise that she had won some very prestigious prizes for her craft. Etching Hill WI had an inspirtatonal talk by Gill Shaw from Pets as Therapy with her chocolate labrador,
Annie. Thousands of people benefit every week in the U.K. from the service provided by the charities strong volunteer base. Pat dogs and their owners undergo training and an assessment, which is carried out by a team of trained assessors. This establishes if the pets have the correct temperament to become a visiting animal. As well as visiting hospitals and hospices, nursing and residential homes, special and mainstream schools, they also deal with dog phobic children and patients in stroke rehabilitation situations. It was a very interesting and informative talk and the members admired the work of the volunteers and the exceptionally good behaviour of Annie, who was the star.
Endon WI’s speaker June Sellars told them about the National Garden Scheme and how she became involved. June showed posters and literature. In her first year in the Scheme June had 200 visitors. In the last 10 years, the National Garden Scheme has raised more than £10 Million Pounds for all sorts of Charities from entrance fees and from donations. These gardens are open to the public on specific days of the year
C O R N E R S TO N E N E W S • AU G U S T 2 0 14 • S TA F F O R D S H I R E F E D E R AT I O N O F W I S
Great Haywood WI enjoyed a talk on back-to-back houses in Birmingham from Mac Jones, who is a volunteer guide for the National Trust. Mac gave members a fascinating account of the houses and said that he had been brought up in one. Moreton, Outwoods and Bromstead WI discovered more about Isabella Beeton. She led a remarkable life marrying the boy next door, altering how people lived but unfortunately she died at the age of 28 after giving birth to her fourth child. Stretton and Claymills were told about the origins of sayings by Alan Lewis. Did you know that touching wood goes back to pagan times when it was thought lucky to hug a tree? Yoxall WI were entertained by Jackie Roberts, the Chocolate Tailor. Members were table to sample some of her chocolates. They also had the opportunity to buy some when the meeting closed. Jim Wall, of Bloxwich Research and Metal Detector Club, gave members of Wall WI a fascinating talk about his hobby which is looking for treasure. One of the members of his club found the Saxon Hoard.
Shareshill WI’s speaker Linda Turner told them about the work of Macmillan Cancer Support. She gave members advice on how to live a healthy life to minimise the chances of becoming cancer victims and what signs and symptoms to be aware of as statistics say that one in three of us is likely to be a cancer sufferer. Hopwas WI’s main topic was the resolution. After discussion the resolution was supported unanimously. The Jo Jackson trophy was awarded for the first time to Fran Mander. John, who had donated the trophy in his late wife’s name suggested the competition next year should be a bakewell tart. Brown Edge WI enjoyed a visit from Jackie Roberts who spoke about chocolate and she began her talk with the words “Chocolate is good for you”. Members learned about the history of chocolate and how Jackie started her business. Hanbury and Draycott WI members discovered what being a High Sheriff means. Sheila Wood’s husband Alan was appointed to the role. There are apparently 55 High Sheriffs in England and Wales and
the appointment is for a year. They enjoyed an amazing year. Haughton WI learned about the interesting life led by their speaker, Donald Lodge. He has worked for several famous people including Joan Collins and the Marquess & Marchioness of Tavistock (later Duke & Duchess of Bedford). Shenstone Evening WI watched a demonstration of origami given by Brian Goodall. Members then had a go and this resulted in a mixture of laughter and groans. A mixture of things were made including an emergency paper cup. Rushton WI members were treated to a fish and chip supper, cheesecake and a game of Easter bunnies (based on the game of beetle). Members of Stoweby-Chartley WI visited Oak Tree Farm for their summer outing. After David Moreton, General Manage, gave them a brief history of how the project began. It will be receiving the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service. After the tour of the farm members enjoyed refreshments in the Tea Room. Carol Trigg told members of Burntwood WI the story of how she became blind and her joy at receiving her guide dog, Flora. Flora meant that Carol could still do the things she
loves to do. Colton WI visited the Armitage Shanks factory for their summer outing. One of their members is the Health and Safety Officer at the factory and gave them a fascinating insight into how the plant functions. A member of Madeley First Response Team was the speaker at Betley and Wrinehill WI’s meeting. Members were shown the equipment and how a defibrillator works. Rough Close and Meir Heath ladies heard about the Oak Tree Rural Project from David Moreton. He explained how the scheme benefits teenagers and mature people. Patchwork and Quilting Shop!
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