Tell me a little bit about yourself

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Tell me a li le bit about yourself…

This ques on o en comes up at the start of an interview. You have a couple of minutes to communicate why you’re the best for the job & the company.

Prepare, prepare, prepare. It will help give you confidence and a belief in yourself, enabling you to be feel more relaxed at star ng the interview off well with a thorough, relevant and interes ng response. Offer an insight into your skills, experience and personality which will lead to follow-up ques ons from the interview panel.

Here are some guidelines on how to help you structure and prepare your response.

1. Current role headline

“I am an acquisi ons editor at [Company] where I have been building a por olio of clients and tles for the past X years.” OR

“I am a recent MA English Literature graduate with experience in editorial work, looking to start my career in the academic publishing sector.”

2. Background/educa on

“My background is in [editorial/peer review edi ng/journal development/produc on], having spent X years working in [publishing/commerce/educa on], which enabled me to build on my [appren ceship/degree/ masters/internship/freelancing].”

3. Career summary

Briefly describe your experience & the most significant achievements, remembering to relate your skills & experience to the job descrip on. Quan fy a couple of your achievements if you can.

4. Current role details

Brief overview of what you are currently working on. What are you responsible for? Who are you responsible for? What do you contribute to the organisa on?

Check the job spec to make sure you are showcasing any similari es between what you do now & what they are looking for.

5. Outside of work

Book club, exam invigilator, school governor. Any ac vi es that show your passion for [books/publishing] rela ve to the vacancy. Show what you’re passionate about.

6. Wrap up

Tell the panel what you are looking for and what excites you about the company and the role.

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