IPEW 2023. - Programska knjižica / Program booklet

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1 19., 20. i 21. siječnja / january DOM KULTURE 19:30 19., 20. i 21. siječnja / january DOM KULTURE 19:30

Dragi gosti 20. IPEWA!

Dobrodošli u Bjelovar, grad koji će u vrijeme IPEW-a opet biti svjetski centar udaraljkaške glazbe i svakako najživlji grad u Hrvatskoj.

Osoba koja je svakako najzaslužnija za festival je prof. Igor Lešnik, umjetnički direktor festivala, a zasluge svakako pripadaju i svim sudionicima.

Želja nam je da se osjećate ugodno i da osim profesionalnih iskustava steknete nove prijatelje, te da sa sobom ponesete puno lijepih uspomena.

Dear guests of 20th IPEW!

Welcome to Bjelovar, a city that, at the time of the IPEW, will be again the world center of percussion art and certainly the liveliest city in Croatia.

Person most responsible for the festival is prof. Igor Lešnik, artistic director of the festival, and certainly credit goes to all of the participants.

Our wish is that you feel comfortable and apart from professional commitments, exchange experiences, gain new friends, and take with you a lot of beautiful memories.

Nevenka Presečan Arvay, prof.

Pokrovitelji / Supported by:

Medijski pokrovitelj / Media support:

| 2023


Umjetnički direktor / Artist director: IGOR LEŠNIK


Tehnička podrška / Technical support: MARKO MIHAJLOVIĆ IVAN MIHAJLOVIĆ

Grafički dizajn / Graphic design: KREŠIMIR IVANČEK MARIJA PLENTAJ Kontakt / Contact:

VATROSLAV LISINSKI MUSIC SCHOOL BJELOVAR NEVENKA PRESEČAN ARVAY, ravnateljica / director Ulica Vatroslava Lisinskog 1 43000 Bjelovar, CROATIA tel.: +385 43 244 416 e-mail: glazbena@lisinski-bj.hr


KONCERT / CONCERT 19:30, Dom kulture

biNg baNg / Hrvatska Eva Mach, violina Luka Ivir, marimba Franko Štrbac, vibrafon Luka Mihajlović, timpani Ivan Brigljević, set bubnjeva Lovro Baričević, tapan Dirigent: Marko Mihajlović

1. Igor Lešnik / Franz Cibulka: Koncert za udaraljke i udaraljke Solisti: Luka Mihajlović, Franko Štrbac, Ivan Brigljević

2. Lou Harrison: Concerto for violin and percussion ensemble Solist: Eva Mach, violina

3. John Psathas: Koolish Zein za marimbu/vibrafon uz pratnju udaraljkaškog ansambla i elektronike Solist: Luka Ivir

4. Igor Lešnik: Temple of the blue dwarfs & EE - HUH Theme Solist: Lovro Baričević, tapan

8 ČETVRTAK / THURSDAY, 19. 01. 2023.

PETAK / FRIDAY, 20. 01. 2023.


19:30, Dom kulture

Luis Camacho Montealegre / Španjolska, marimba Tana Michl / Hrvatska, klarinet Lucija Mušac / Hrvatska, violončelo Bruno Laktaš / Hrvatska, rog

1. Emil Kuyumcuyan: Azure

2. Igor Lešnik: Nah

3. Marta Ptaszynska: Enigma

4. Tomasz Golinski: Luminosity

Percussion class Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel / Belgija Voditelji: Gert Francois i Bart Quartier

5. Thierry De Mey: Silence must be Izvode: Rémy Gouraud i Pierre Adriansen

6. Bart Quartier: Ensemble 24 pieces for mallet ensemble

09. Sweet , 05. Happy , 04. Sad, 10. Calm, 22. Cross, 19. Excited Izvode: Rémy Gouraud, Pierre Adriansen, Veredas Felicia Santofimia Romero, Kalina Hristova, Szymon Brillowsky, Hui-Chi , Ángel Pérez Nieto i Yuxin Zhang

7. Leonardo Gorosito & Rafael Alberto: Sementes

Izvode: Veredas Felicia Santofimia Romero i Kalina Hristova

8 .Drumming - Steve Reich

Part I: for 8 small tuned drums

Izvode: Szymon Brillowsky, Yuxin Zhang, Hui-Chi i Ángel Pérez Nieto


SUBOTA / SATURDAY, 21. 01. 2023.


19:30, Dom kulture

Udaraljkaški ansambl BAD BLUES BOYZ (ansambl Glazbene škole Vatroslava Lisinskog Bjelovar) Voditelj: Rupert Čunko

1. Miles Davis, obr. Bad Blues Boyz: All blues

Udaraljkaški ansambl BUM BAM (udaraljkaški ansambl Umjetničke škole Matka Brajše Rašana iz Labina) Voditelj: Marijan Lincmajer

2. Jay Wanamaker/Cassidy Byars/Ian Lewis, arr. M. Lincmajer: Bad Boys Cadences

3. Jacques Offenbach, arr. M. Lincmajer: Infernal Galop Kvartet BUM BAM

4. Mecano, arr. M. Lincmajer: Hijo de la Luna I., II., III. Kvartet BUM BAM

5. Giacomo Puccini, arr. M. Lincmajer: O Mio Babbino Caro (arija iz opere Gianni Schicchi)

6. Italian folk song, arr. M. Lincmajer: Bella Ciao

7. Zequinha de Abreu, arr. M. Lincmajer: Tico Tico Soist: Matias Belušić Gonzalez, marimba

8. Zaprešić Boys, arr. M. Lincmajer: Neopisivo


SUBOTA / SATURDAY, 21. 01. 2023.

Alxarq Percussió / Španjolska

10. John Lutter Adams: Drums of winter 11. Elliot Cole: Postlude 8 12. John Cage: Quartet (IV. Fast) 13. Carles Salvador: One

14. Michaell Laurello: An overwhelming capacity of denial 15. Phillip Glass: Madeira River 16. John Cage: Third Construction 17. Frank Zappa: Peaches in Regalia


IGOR LEŠNIK i njegova umjetinička suradnja s poznatim kolegama, bogata kolekcija snimaka i solističko koncertno djelovanje predstavili su hrvatsku udaraljkašku scenu svijetu početkom 1990-ih. Njegovu glazbu danas izvode renomirani solisti i ansambli, a njegove skladbe čine obavezan dio programa na međunarodnim natjecanjima udaraljkaša.

Kao osnivač Odsjeka za udaraljke na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu, profesor Lešnik redovito gostuje na renomiranim sveučilištima pet kontinenata, a njegovi udaraljkaški članci objavljeni su u Europi i SAD-u. Od 1990. organizira međunarodne udaraljkaške događaje, a od 1984. do 2014. vodio je udaraljkašku sekciju Simfonijskog orkestra Hrvatske radiotelevizije. Također je bio predsjednik Hrvatskog ogranka Društva za udaraljkašku umjetnost / SAD i predsjednik žirija Universal Marimba Competition / Belgija.

Za svoja umjetnička dostignuća primio je brojne nagrade u zemlji i inozemstvu. Godine 2003. stekao je francuski viteški naslov (Chevalier de l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres) za postignuća u umjetnosti i književnosti.

Bivši pročelnik Odsjeka za dirigiranje, harfu i udaraljke, prof. Lešnik od 1. listopada 2019. obnaša dužnost dekana Muzičke akademije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.




LEŠNIK’s artistic collaborations with famous colleagues, his rich collection of recordings and his soloist concert activities introduced Croatian percussion scene to the world in early 1990s. His music is today performed by renowned soloists and ensembles and international percussion competitions program his works.

As founder of the percussion department at the Music Academy in Zagreb, professor Lešnik is regular guest at renowned universities of five continents and his percussion articles have been published in Europe and USA. Since 1990 Igor organizes international percussion events and had led the Croatian Radio Symphony Orchestra percussion section from 1984 to 2014. He was also the president of the Croatian Chapter of the Percussive Arts Society / USA and Jury President of the Universal Marimba Competition / Belgium.

Igor has received numerous awards for his artistic achievements at home and abroad. In 2003, he was awarded French knighthood title (Chevalier de l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres) for accomplishments in arts and literature.

Former Head of the Department for Conducting, Harp and Percussion, Prof. Lešnik since 01. October 2019. serves as the Dean of the University of Zagreb Academy of Music.

MARKO MIHAJLOVIĆ je diplomirao udaraljke 2004. na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu, u klasi prof. Igora Lešnika. Već tijekom studija redovito svira kao član udaraljkaškog ansambla biNg baNg s kojima je u narednih desetak godina svirao na najvećim svjetskim festivalima za udaraljkašku glazbu (Taipei, Nashville, Paris, Varšava, Valencia, Montevideo, Peking i dr.). Na festivalu „PASIC“ (Nashville, 2004.) Ansambl biNg baNg je osvojio nagradu za najbolji studentski ansambl udaraljki na svijetu, a ubrzo nakon toga snimili su i CD za američku tvrku Equilibrium Records. Za te projekte svi članovi ansambla su primili Rektorovu nagradu. Pred kraj studija Marko počinje svirati u Cantusu, ansamblu za modernu glazbu, u kojem kao stalni član djeluje i danas. S njima je nastupao diljem svijeta (Paris, London, Peking, Toronto, Villnius, Bern), a 2012. Cantusu je



dodijeljena nagrada Judita, za najuspješnije glazbeno ostvarenje. Uz Cantus, bio je i stalni član ansambla Acoustic Project te kvarteta udaraljki Boomerang, a tijekom svoje izvođačke karijere nekoliko puta je nastupio uz pratnju Zagrebačkih solista, Simfonijskog orkestra Hrt-a te Zagrebačke filharmonije.

Godine 2007. Marko je položio audiciju za prvog timpanista orkestra opere Hrvatskog Narodnog Kazališta u Zagrebu, gdje uspješno radi i danas, a 2016. postao je i docent na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu gdje predaje komornu glazbu.


graduated in percussion in 2004 at the University of Zagreb Academy of Music, in the class of prof. Igor Lešnik. Already during his studies, he regularly plays as a member of the biNg baNg percussion ensemble, with whom he played at the world’s largest percussion music festivals (Taipei, Nashville, Paris, Warsaw, Valencia, Montevideo, Beijing, etc.) over the next ten years. At the “PASIC” festival (Nashville, 2004), biNg baNg won the award for the best student percussion ensemble in the world, and soon after they recorded a CD for the American company Equilibrium Records. For these projects, all members of the ensemble received the Rector’s Award. Towards the end of his studies, Marko started playing in Cantus, an ensemble for modern music, in which he still works as a permanent member. He performed with them all over the world (Paris, London, Beijing, Toronto, Vilnius, Bern), and in 2012, Cantus was awarded the Judita award, for the most successful musical achievement. Along with Cantus, he was also a permanent member of the Acoustic Project ensemble and the Boomerang percussion quartet, and during his performing career he performed several times accompanied by the Zagreb Soloists, the HRT Symphony Orchestra and the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra.

In 2007, he passed the audition for the first timpanist of the opera orchestra of the Croatian National Theater in Zagreb, where he continues to work successfully today. In 2016, he became an assistant professor at the University of Zagreb Academy of Music where he teaches chamber music.



biNg baNg udaraljkaški ansambl zagrebačke Muzičke akademije ima kratku, ali bogatu povijest. Pod umjetničkim vodstvom Igora Lešnika ansambl je osnovan 1999. godine kao ansambl Hrvatske glazbene mladeži. Nakon pet godina intenzivnog međunarodnog djelovanja postali su neovisni 2004. godine.

biNg baNg ansambl je laureat mnogih međunarodnih i hrvatskih glazbenih nagrada. U 2009. su osvojili Summa cum laude prvu nagradu Međunarodnog natjecanja u Belgiji, a 2004. godine ih je prestižni Arts Society International Convention u Nashvilleu USA proglasio najboljim studentskim ansamblom u svijetu. Među hrvatskim nagradama valja spomenuti nagradu “Ivo Vuljević” za najbolji mladi ansambl u Hrvatskoj te dvije Rektorove nagrade Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.

Ansambl se sastoji od najboljih studenata udaraljki zagrebačke Muzičke akademije. Nastupao je diljem svijeta, od Europe i Azije do Amerike. biNg baNg je također ugostio mnoge velike međunarodne soliste kao što su: Andy Narell, Dave Samuels, Art Lipner, Ney Rosauro, Jean Geoffroy John Beck, Angel Frette, Daniella Ganeva, Ludwig Albert...

Njihov nosač zvuka pod nazivom “biNg baNg plays Lešnik” objavljen za američku tvrtku Equilibrium postigao je međunarodni uspjeh.



Članovi ansambla: Luka Ivir, Luka Mihajlović, Lovro Baričević, Ivan Brigljević, Franko Štrbac, Svit Štarkl, Lucija Kovačić, Josip Brajčić, Dane Franolić, Marin Benja, Alena Antošina

Voditelj ansambla: prof. Marko Mihajlović

biNg baNg percussion ensemble of the University of Zagreb Academy of Music has a short but rich history. Under the artistic direction of Igor Lešnik, the ensemble was founded in 1999 as the Croatian Musical Youth Ensemble. After five years of intensive international activity, they became independent in 2004.

biNg baNg ensemble is the laureate of many international and Croatian music awards. In 2009, they won the summa cum laude first prize at the International Competition in Belgium, and in 2004, the prestigious Arts Society International Convention in Nashville USA declared them the best student ensemble in the world. Among the Croatian awards, it is worth mentioning the “Ivo Vuljević” award for the best young ensemble in Croatia and two Rector’s awards of the University of Zagreb.

The ensemble consists of the best percussion students of the University of Zagreb Academy of Music. Performed all over the world, from Europe and Asia to America. biNgbang has also hosted many great international soloists such as: Andy Narell, Dave Samuels, Art Lipner, Ney Rosauro, Jean Geoffroy John Beck, Angel Frette, Daniella Ganeva, Ludwig Albert...

Their sound carrier called “biNg baNg plays Lešnik” released for the American company Equilibrium achieved international success.

Ensemble members: Luka Ivir, Luka Mihajlović, Lovro Baričević, Ivan Brigljević, Franko Štrbac, Svit Starkl, Lucija Kovačić, Josip Brajčić, Dane Franolić, Marin Benja, Alena Antošina

Ensemble leader: Marko Mihajlović





započinje studij violine sa 16 godina na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u klasi prof. Tarasa Petchenyja, kod kojeg je i magistrirala 2015. Tijekom i nakon studija osvojila je mnoštvo nagrada na državnim i međunarodnim violinističkim natjecanjima, među kojima se ističu Prva nagrada na međunarodnom natjecanju „Premio Citta di Padova“ u Italiji te nagrada „D’Addario Prize Winner“ na međunarodnom natjecanju „Malta International Music Competition“ na Malti. Uz to je sudjelovala i u projektima „Euphony Youth Orchestra“, „Orchestre des Jeunes de la Mediterranee“ i „Kammerorchester der Bayerische Philharmonie“ pod vodstvom istaknutih svjetskih dirigenata kao što su Gianandrea Noseda i Alain Altinoglu.

Eva se također usavršavala na brojnim majstorskim tečajevima uglednih violinističkih pedagoga kao što su: Adam Korniszewsky (Belgija), Stefan Milenković (SAD), Christian Altenburger (Austrija), Igor Petrushevski (Velika Britanija), Violeta Smailović Huart (Francuska), Robert Szreder (Nizozemska), Dora Schwarzberg (Austrija), Salvatore Accardo (Italija), Vadim Gluzman (Amerika) te Anna Kandinsky (Austrija).

Godine 2018. uspješno je završila i drugi Master u Augsburgu (Njemačka) u klasi istaknutog profesora violine i člana mnogobrojnih svjetskih violinističkih natjecanja prof. Petrua Mounteanua, a cijelu sezonu 2017./18. svirala je kao stalni član orkestra Rheinische Philharmonie (Koblenz, Njemačka) u dionici prvih violina.

Početkom sezone 2018./19. upisala je još jedno usavršavanje, ovaj put na uglednoj Scholi Cantorum u Parizu u klasi profesorice Violete S. Huart, a 2020. je tamo uspješno položila i primila Diplome de virtuosité, uz posebne pohvale cijelog žirija.

U veljači 2019. položila je audiciju za zamjenika koncert majstora orkestra Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta u Zagrebu, gdje je svirala naredne tri godine. Od 2022. Eva se u potpunosti okrenula solističkom koncertiranju te sviranju u raznim komornim ansamblima, kako u Hrvatskoj tako i u inozemstvu. Uz to je i stalni član Cantus ansambla za modernu glazbu, a redovito održava seminare i radionice za mlade violiniste.

EVA MACH started violin studies at the age of 16 at the University of Zagreb Academy of Music in the class of prof. Taras Petcheny, with whom she received her master’s degree in 2015. During and after her studies, she won numerous awards at national



and international violin competitions, among which the first prize at the international competition “Premio Citta di Padova” in Italy and the award “D’Addario Prize Winner” stand out at the “Malta International Music Competition” in Malta. In addition, she participated in the projects “Euphony Youth Orchestra”, “Orchestre des Jeunes de la Mediterranee” and “Kammerorchester der Bayerische Philharmonie” under the leadership of prominent world conductors such as Gianandrea Noseda and Alain Altinoglu.

She trained at numerous master classes of respected violinist pedagogues such as: Adam Korniszewsky (Belgium), Stefan Milenkovich (USA), Christian Altenburger (Austria), Igor Petrushevski (Great Britain), Violeta Smailović Huart (France), Robert Szreder (Netherlands), Dora Schwarzberg (Austria), Salvatore Accardo (Italy), Vadim Gluzman (America) and Anna Kandinsky (Austria).

In 2018, she successfully completed her second Master in Augsburg (Germany) in the class of prominent violin professor and member of numerous world violin competitions, prof. Petru Mounteanu. She played the entire 2017/18 season as a permanent member of the Rheinische Philharmonie orchestra (Koblenz, Germany) in the first violin section.

At the beginning of the 2018/19 season she enrolled in another training course, this time at the prestigious Scholi Cantorum in Paris in the class of Professor Violeta S. Huart, and in 2020 she successfully passed and received the Diploma de virtuosity there, with special praise from the entire jury.

In February 2019, she auditioned for the position of deputy concertmaster of the orchestra of the Croatian National Theater in Zagreb, where she played for the next three years. Since 2022 she completely turned to solo concerts and playing in various chamber ensembles, both in Croatia and abroad. In addition, she is a permanent member of the Cantus ensemble for modern music, and regularly holds seminars and workshops for young violinists.

LUKA IVIR (2000., Zagreb) s navršenih 12 godina upisuje udaraljke u Glazbenoj školi Ferdo Livadić u Samoboru, u klasi profesora mentora Gorana Goršea. Kao solist u disciplini „udaraljke“ osvaja mnoge državne i međunarodne nagrade. U kategoriji „komorno muziciranje“ (mentor: Goran Gorše, prof. mentor), u duu s udaraljkašem Frankom Štrpcem, osvaja prve nagrade na državnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima. U srpnju



2022. u finalu međunarodnog udaraljkaškog natjecanja Rhythm-o-phonia nastupio je kao solist uz Zagrebačku filharmoniju i osvojio treću nagradu.

Redovito sudjeluje i na međunarodnim seminarima kao što su: „Ivana Bilić Marimba Week“ (IBMW), „International Percussion Ensemble Week“ (IPEW), te „Ljetna škola Kaštela“.

Od 2016. član je udaraljkaškog ansambla Sudar Percussion s kojim redovito nastupa kao marimbist. Godine 2021. s ansamblom je snimio CD za projekt Folk & Roll u suradnji s vokalnim ansamblom Singrlice. Sa Zagrebačkom Filharmonijom snimio je CD i sudjelovao u nekoliko projekata kao honorarni član orkestra. Usavršavao se kod mnogih profesora, od kojih se ističu: Katarzyna Myćka, Casey Cangelosi, Nebojša Jovan Živković, Vassilena Serafimova, Christos Rafalides i drugi.

Godine 2018. upisuje studij udaraljki na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u klasi profesorice Ivane Bilić i trenutno je student 5. godine.

LUKA IVIR (2000, Zagreb) enrolled in percussion at the Ferdo Livadić School of Music in Samobor in the class of teacher mentor Goran Gorše at the age of 12. As a soloist in the discipline of percussion, he has won many national and international awards. In the category of chamber music in a duo with percussionist Franko Štrbac, he won first prizes at national and international competitions. In July 2022, he performed as a soloist with the Zagreb Philharmonic in the finals of the international percussion competition Rhythm-o-phonia and won the third prize.

He regularly participates in international seminars such as: “Ivana Bilić Marimba Week” (IBMW), “International Percussion Ensemble Week” (IPEW), and “Kaštela Summer School”.

Since 2016, he has been a member of the percussion ensemble Sudar Percussion, with which he regularly performs as a marimbist. In 2021, he recorded a CD with the ensemble for the Folk & Roll project in collaboration with the vocal ensemble Singrlice. He recorded a CD with the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra and participated in several projects as a part-time member of the orchestra. He trained with many professors, among whom stand out: Katarzyna Myćka, Casey Cangelosi, Nebojša Jovan Živković, Vas¬silena Serafimova, Christos Rafalides and others.

In 2018, he enrolled in the study of percussion at the University of Zagreb Academy of Music in the class of professor Ivana Bilić and is currently a 5th year student.



FRANKO ŠTRBAC (2002., Zagreb) student je na Muzičkoj akademiji Zagreb, smjer udaraljke, u klasi Ivane Kuljerić Bilić. Dobitnik je brojnih regionalnih, državnih i međunarodnih nagrada na nekoliko glazbenih područja: udaraljke, solfeggio, komorna glazba.

U prethodne dvije godine školovanja osvojio je prvu nagradu na regionalnom natjecanju HDGPP-a, disciplina udaraljke, u ožujku 2020. Državno natjecanje te godine nije održano zbog Covida. Bio je jedan od osam natjecatelja u finalu nacionalnog izbora za Euroviziju mladih glazbenika 2020. Ove akademske godine ostvario je suradnju sa Akademijom Dramske Umjetnosti u projektu “Polychrome”.

Kao član udaraljkaškog ansambla Sudar Percussion i Sudar Beat Trio ostvario je niz koncerata od kojih se ističe Folk & Roll u suradnji sa etno sastavom Singrlice u lipnju 2021. Program je sadržavao tradicionalne hrvatske pjesme u obradama hrvatskih suvremenih kompozitora. Tijekom svog školovanja pohađa seminare cijenjenih udaraljkaša kao što su Casey Cangelosi, Andrei Pushkarev, Matthew Coley, Beverly Johnston, Vassilena Serafimova, Katarzyna Mycka, Claudio Santangelo, Filip Merčep, Nebojša Jovan Živković, Jean Geoffries i dr. Doprinosi kreiranju gradnskih manifestacija: otvaranje izložbi u Gradskoj Knjižnici Samobor, predvođenje fašničke povorke, otvaranje Vrazove Lubice itd. Član je Gradske glazbe Samobor.


(2002, Zagreb) is a student at the University of Zagreb Academy of Music, majoring in percussion, in the class of prof. Ivane Kuljerić Bilić. He is the winner of numerous regional, national and international awards in several musical fields: percussion, solfeggio, chamber music. He was one of the eight contestants in the final of the national competition for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020. This academic year, he collaborated with the Academy of Dramatic Arts in the “Polychrome” project.

As a member of the percussion ensemble Sudar Percussion and Sudar Beat Trio, he performed a series of concerts, of which Folk & Roll stands out in collaboration with the ethnic group Singrlica in June 2021. The program included traditional Croatian songs arranged by contemporary Croatian composers.

During his education, he attended seminars of respected percussionists such as Casey Cangelosi, Andrei Pushkarev, Matthew Coley, Beverly Johnston, Vassilena Serafimova,



Katarzyna Mycka, Claudio Santangelo, Filip Merčep, Nebojša Jovan Živković, Jean Geoffries and others. Contributes to the creation of city events: opening of exhibitions in the Samobor City Library, leading the carnival parade, opening of Vrazova Lubica, etc. He is a member of the Samobor City Music.

LUKA MIHAJLOVIĆ (1999., Zagreb) odrasta u Bjelovaru te tamo započinje svoj glazbeni put. U Glazbenoj školi Vatroslava Lisinskog Bjelovar završio je 3 godine osnovne škole za klavir te se kasnije prebacio na udaraljke koje završava 2018. godine. Nakon toga upisuje udaraljke na Muzičkoj akademiji u klasi prof. Igora Lešnika.

Dobitnik je mnoštva nagrada na natjecanjima u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Uz to redovito pohađa i razne udaraljkaške festivale. Uz studij na Muzičkoj akademiji, na kojem je na 5. godini, završio je i glazbenu produkciju na Music production academy u Zagrebu.

Redoviti je honorarni suradnik orkestara Hrvatske radio televizije, Zagrebačke filharmonije te orkestara Opere Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta u Zagrebu i Rijeci. U sezoni 2021./2022. nastupio je i s Cantus ansamblom.


(1999, Zagreb) grew up in Bjelovar and began his musical journey there. At the Vatroslav Lisinski Music School Bjelovar he completed 3 years of elementary school for piano and later switched to percussion, which he finished in 2018. After that, he enrolled in percussion at the the University of Zagreb Academy of Music in the class of prof. Igor Lešnik.

He has won numerous awards at competitions in Croatia and abroad. In addition, he regularly attends various percussion festivals. In addition to studying at the University of Zagreb Academy of Music where he is in his 5th year, he also completed music production at the Music Production Academy in Zagreb.

He is a regular part-time collaborator of the orchestras of the Croatian Radio Television, the Zagreb Philharmonic and the orchestras of the Croatian National Theater Opera in Zagreb and Rijeka. In the 2021/2022 season he also performed with the Cantus ensemble.



IVAN BRIGLJEVIĆ (1999.) završio je pripremne razrede, smjer glazbenikteoretičar, u Glazbenoj školi Pavla Markovca Zagreb, te je na drugoj pripremnoj godini položio osnovnu glazbenu školu i prijemni za srednju školu, smjer udaraljki u istoj školi. Uz Glazbenu školu Pavla Markovca pohađao je Školu za cestovni promet u Zagrebu.

Dio je puhačkog orkestra GŠ Pavla Markovca s kojim je osvojio prvu nagradu na državnom natjecanju Hrvatskog društva glazbenih i plesnih pedagoga pod vodstvom Brune Grošića. Također je član puhačkog orkestra Umjetničke škole Franje Lučića iz Velike Gorice i DVD-a Velika Gorica, pod vodstvom Mire Taradija, te simfonijskog orkestra El Sistema Hrvatska pod vodstvom Ricarda Luquea. Uz navedene orkestre surađivao je i sa Zagrebačkim omladinskim komornim orkestrom, Gradskim zborom Franje Lučića, srednjoškolskim zborom Umjetničke škole Franje Lučića, srednjoškolskim zborom Glazbene škole Pavla Markovca, Orkestrom mladih glazbenika i mnogim drugim. Nastupao je kao solist i član orkestra u Hrvatskom glazbenom zavodu, koncertnoj dvorani Vatroslava Lisinskog, koncertnoj dvorani Blagoje Bersa na Muzičkoj akademiji, muzeju Mimara, Domu Hrvatske vojske „Zvonimir“ i mnogim drugima. U svibnju 2017. godine sudjelovao je kao član orkestra na snimanju HRT-ove emisije „Majstori svirači“ s orkestrom El Sistema. Na međunarodnom udaraljkaškom natjecanju u Beogradu osvojio je drugu nagradu u petoj kategoriji. Školske godine 2015./2016. obrazovao se u klasi profesora Tomija Spasevskog, 2016./2017. u klasi profesora Renata Palatinuša, a u 2017./2018. i 2018./2019. u klasi profesora Josipa Konfica. Od 2019. godine upisuje studij udaraljki kod prof. Lešnika.

IVAN BRIGLJEVIĆ (1999) received his musical education, majoring in theoretical musicianship and majoring in percussionist musicianship, at Pavao Markovac Music School in Zagreb, in addition to which he also attended the Road Traffic School in Zagreb.

He is part of the brass band of the Pavao Markovac Music School, with which he won the first prize at the HDGPP state competition under the direction of Bruno Grošić. He is also a member of the wind orchestra of the Franja Lučić Art School from Velika Gorica and DVD Velika Gorica, under the direction of Mira Taradi, and the El Sistema Hrvatska symphony orchestra under the direction of Ricardo Luque. He also collaborated with the Zagreb Youth Chamber Orchestra, the Franjo Lučić City Choir, the high



school choir of the Franjo Lučić Art School, the high school choir of the Pavao Markovac Music School, the Orchestra of Young Musicians and many others. He performed as a soloist and member of the orchestra at the Croatian Music Institute, the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall, the Blagoje Bersa Concert Hall at the Academy of Music, the Mimara Museum, the Home of the Croatian Army “Zvonimir”. In May 2017, he participated as a member of the orchestra in the recording of the HRT show “Master Players” with the El Sistema orchestra. At the international percussion competition in Belgrade, he won second prize in the fifth category.

Since 2019, he has been studying percussion in the class of prof. Igor Lešnik at the University of Zagreb Academy of Music.

LOVRO BARIČEVIĆ (1999.) student je četvrte godine udaraljki na Muzičkoj Akademiju u Zagrebu, u klasi prof. Igora Lešnika. Srednju školu maturirao je 2017. godine kao udaraljkaš kod prof. Josipa Konfica u Glazbenoj Školi Alberta Štrige u Križevcima. Redoviti je član Gradskog puhačkog orkestra Križevci te Gradskog tamburaškog orkestra Križevci.

Dobitnik je više nagrada na regionalnim i državnim natjecanjima kao solist, član komornih sastava i orkestara: 2. nagrada s kvartetom na državnom natjecanju HDGPP-a, 1. nagrada kao solist na državnom natjecanju HDGPP-a, 1. nagrada kao član tamburaškog orkestra na natjecanju tamburaških orkestara u Osijeku i na državnom natjecanju HDGGP-a. Kao član udaraljkaškog ansambla Glazbene škole Alberta Štrige nastupao je diljem Hrvatske i u Sloveniji te svake godine redovito nastupao na „Večerima udaraljkaša u Križevcima“. Godine 2016. s duetom i kvartetom otvara IPEW – Međunarodni tjedan udaraljkaša.

LOVRO BARIČEVIĆ (1999) is a fourth-year percussion student at the University of Zagreb Academy of Music in the class of prof. Igor Lešnik. He graduated from high school in 2017 as a percussionist in the class of prof. Josip Konfic at the Albert Štriga



Music School Križevci. He is a regular member of the Križevci City Wind Orchestra and the Križevci City Tambourine Orchestra.

He has won several awards at regional and state competitions as a soloist, member of chamber ensembles and orchestras: 2nd prize with a quartet at the HDGPP state competition, 1st prize as a soloist at the HDGPP state competition, 1st prize as a member of the tambourine orchestra at competition of tambura orchestras in Osijek and at the state competition of the HDGGP. As a member of the percussion ensemble of the Albert Štriga Music School Križevci, he performed all over Croatia and in Slovenia, and every year he performed regularly at the “Percussionists’ Evenings in Križevci”. In 2016, opens IPEW with a duet and a quartet.


rođen je 1994. godine u Španjolskoj (Alcázar de San Juan). Glazbeno je obrazovanje počeo u dobi od šest godina. Maturirao je na glazbenom konzervatoriju Alcázar de San Juan, osvojivši posebne počasti kao udaraljkaš. Nastavio se razvijati na Konzervator- iju Manuel Masotti Littel, gdje je uspješno završio preddiplomski studij u razredu Juanfraa Carrilla. U tom razdoblju osvojio je prvu nagradu u katego- riji Edeta na međunarodnome udaraljkaškom natjecanju Perkulliria. Tijekom diplomskog studija nastupio je kao solist u koncertu za marimbu Water Sculpture Igora Lešnika, koji je izveo uz pratnju gudačkog orkestra zagrebačke Muzičke akademije u Puli, Bjelovaru, Zagrebu i Čakovcu. U siječnju 2018. godine nagrađen je Dekanovom nagradom Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu. U sklopu koncerta Rhythm-o-phonia održanog 2019. godine u koncertnoj dvorani Vatroslava Lisinskog nastupio je kao solist uz pratnju Simfonijskog orkestra zagrebačke Muzičke akademije sa skladbom Koncert za Ivanu kompozitora Igora Kuljerića. Iste godine osvojio je prvu nagradu na međunarodnom udaraljkaškom natjecanju Rhythm-o-phonia. Diplomski studij udaraljki završava 2019. godine, u razredu red.prof.art. Igora Lešnika, radeći istovremeno s izv.prof.art. Ivane Kuljerić Bilić. Dobitnik je druge nagrade na natjecanju za klavijaturne udaraljke Percute koje se održalo na kraju 2021. godine. Aktivan je kao komorni glazbenik (Synchronos Ensemble, Novalis festival).



Osnovao je Flam-a Duo s kolegom Francescom Mazzolenijem. Iako su u početku uglavnom bili usredotočeni na repertoar za marimbe i osvojili druge nagrade na natjecanjima IV Percute - natjecanje komorne glazbe 2016 u Valenciji i Universal Marimba Competition u Belgiji 2017. godine, danas je njihov interes širok i proteže se na sve vrste udaraljki. Praizveli su djela hrvatskih autora skladanih posebno za njihov duo te bili nositelji promotivnog projekta novih studija MA s nekoliko originalnih video klipova. Godine 2020. su na svojem YouTube kanalu objavili seriju videa „Sunday at Soundbrick Studio“ u kojoj su prikazali neke od svojih najnovijih aranžmana za marimbu i vibrafon te klasične skladbe za iste instrumente. Objavili su prvi CD pod imenom Preludes and Fugues u izdanju Croatia Records 2022. godine.

Također je član udaraljkaškog ansambla Percussion Club koji je nastupio na svečanom otvorenju 72. Dubrovačkih Ljetnih Igara. Na ansamblu surađuje s Ivanom Kuljerić Bilić, Nikolom Krbanjevićem te Francescom Mazzolenijem. Član je gamelanskog ansambla Jaman Suara od 2018. godine. Trenutno je zaposlen kao Lešnikov asistent na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu te redovito surađuje sa Simfonijskim orkestrom HRT-a.

LUIS CAMACHO MONTEALEGRE (1994, Alcázar de San Juan) is a percussionist who studied in Spain (Conservatorio Superior de Música de Murcia „Manuel Massotti Littel“) with professor Juanfra Carrillo, and in Croatia (University of Zagreb Academy of Music) where he graduated in 2019 under the mentorship of professor Igor Lešnik. He received the first award in international percussion competitions Perkulliria 2015 and Ritmofonija 2019, and the second award in the Percute competition for keyboard instruments in 2021. He has performed as soloist with orchestra in several occassions, highlighting his performance of Concerto for Ivana with the Zagreb Music Academy orchestra in Lisinski Concert Hall as well as his performance of Water Sculpture in different locations through Croatia. He is active as a chamber music performer (Festival Novalis, Synchronos Ensemble).

He created Flam-a Duo with his colleague Francesco Mazzoleni and has won two second prizes: Percute Chamber Music Competition in 2016 and the Universal Marimba Competition in 2017. Later on the duo widened their style including all types of percussion, currently focusing on marimba and vibraphone. They have premiered several Croatian pieces written specially for the duo and have inaugurated the newly opened University of Zagreb Academy of Music recording studio. In 2020, they released in YouTube their recording session “Sunday at Soundbrick Studio” in which they featured some of their newest arrangements for marimba and vibraphone among classics for the same instruments’ set.

He is also a member of Jaman Suara Gamelan Ensemble since 2018, and since 2021 is a member of Percussion Club, a percussion ensemble formed by Ivana Kuljerić Bilić,



Nikola Krbanjević and Francesco Mazzoleni which had its debut in the 72nd edition of Dubrovnik Summer Festival.

He is employed as assistant in University of Zagreb Academy of Music and often collaborates with the Symphonic Orchestra of Croatian Radiotelevision.

TANA MICHL (2001., Dubrovnik). Osnovnu i srednju glazbenu školu klarineta pohađa u Dubrovniku, u klasi profesora Eduarda Marčića te tokom školovanja osvaja nagrade na regionalnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima. Solistički nastupa s Dubrovačkim simfonijskim orkestrom pet puta.

Četvrti srednje završila je u klasi profesora Bruna Philippa u Zagrebu te nakon toga uspješno polaže prijemni na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu te upisuje studij klarineta u klasi profesora Davora Rebe.

Godine 2021. osvaja treću nagradu na međunarodnom natjecanju Woodwinds & brass u Varaždinu. Na seminarima imala je prilike raditi s mnogim

TANA MICHL (2001, Dubrovnik) attends primary and secondary clarinet music school in Dubrovnik in the class of professor Eduard Marčić, and during her education wins awards at regional and international competitions. She has performed solo with the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra five times.

She completed the fourth grade of high school in the class of professor Bruno Philipp in Zagreb. She successfully passed the entrance exam for the University of Zagreb Academy of Music and enrolled in clarinet studies in the class of professor Davor Reba.

In 2021, she won the third prize at the international Woodwinds & Brass competition in

respektabilnim klarinetistima (Gabor Varga, Jože Kotar, Tadej Kenig, Antonio Sayote, Radovan Cavallin, Marko Zavišić, Ognjen Popović).


Varaždin. At seminars, she had the opportunity to work with many respectable clarinetists (Gabor Varga, Jože Kotar, Tadej Kenig, Antonio Sayote, Radovan Cavallin, Marko Zavišić, Ognjen Popović).

LUCIJA MUŠAC (2000., Split). Osnovno i srednjoškolsko obrazovanje violončela stječe kod profesorice Hillary Karuze, a trenutno je studentica 4. godine na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u klasi profesora Branimira Pustičkog.

Nagrađena je Oskarom znanja zbog uspjeha na državnim natjecanjima. Od natjecanja na kojima je sudjelovala najviše bi istaknula “Papandopulo” na kojem je bila najmlađa natjecateljica.

Nastupala je kao solistica uz pratnju Zagrebačkih solista, Simfonijskog orkestra Hrvatske radio televizije te Orkestra Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta u Splitu. Usavršavala se na intenzivnim seminarima komorne glazbe poput “Colluvio” u Austriji te Svjetski orkestar mladih u San Diegu.

LUCIJA MUŠAC (2000, Split). She received her elementary and high school cello education from professor Hillary Karuza, and is currently a 4th-year student at the University of Zagreb Academy of Music in the class of professor Branimir Pustički.

She was awarded the Oscar of Knowledge for her success in national competitions. Of the competitions she participated in, she would highlight the most “Papandopulo”, where she was the youngest competitor.

She performed as a soloist accompanied by the Zagreb Soloists, the Symphony Orchestra of the Croatian Radio Television and the Orchestra of the Croatian National Theater in Split. She improved her skills at intensive chamber music seminars such as “Colluvio” in Austria and the World Youth Orchestra in San Diego.



BRUNO LAKTAŠ (2000., Bjelovar). Nakon završene osnovne škole (II. osnovna škola Bjelovar) i osnovne glazbene škole (Glazbena škola Vatroslava Lisinskog Bjelovar) upisao je Prirodoslovno-matematičku gimnaziju u Bjelovaru te srednju Glazbenu školu Vatroslava Lisinskog Bjelovar u klasi profesora Ivana Oškere.

Godine 2019. položio je prijemni ispit na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu te upisao studij roga u klasi izv. prof. Boštjana Lipovšeka. Prisustvovao je mnogim seminarima i surađivao s mnogim hornistima (Viktorom Kirčenkovom, Alexanderom Tokarenkom, Thomasom Joebstlom, Cristophom Pehamom, Nikolom Ćirićem, Nenadom Vasićem, YevhenomChurikovom). Aktivni je član udruge Puhački orkestar Bjelovar. U svibnju 2022. godine imao je priliku okušati se i kao dirigent na cjelovečernjem koncertu srednjoškolskog puhačkog orkestra tijekom održavanja Glazbenog tjedna.

BRUNO LAKTAŠ (2000, Bjelovar). After finishing elemetary school (2nd elementary school Bjelovar) and elementary music school (Vatroslav Lisinski Music School Bjelovar) he enrolls in a Science and mathematics High School Bjelovar and Vatroslav Lisinski Music High School Bjelovar in the class of professor Ivan Oškera.

In the 2019 he passed the entrance exam at University of Zagreb Academy of Music and enrolled in horn studies in the class of assoc. prof. Boštjan Lipovšek. He attended many seminars and collaborated with many horn players (Viktor Kirchenko, Alexander Turnenko, Thomas Jeböstl, Cristoph Peham, Nikola Ćirić, Nenad Vasić, YevhenChurikov). He is an active member of the Bjelovar City Wind Orchestra association. In May 2022, he had the opportunity to try his hand as a conductor at school concert with high school wind orchestra during Music Week.




SEL, BELGIUM Godišnji udaraljkaški koncert daje svakom studentu veliki poticaj od samog početka godine. Ovo bogato iskustvo izazov je u pomicanju njihovih granica I pokazuje im sljedeći korak na njihovom glazbenom putu. Pridajemo veliku važnost činjenici da studenti svih razina mogu svirati zajedno jer ovaj način svima otvara oči za jednu novu svjesnost. Nadalje, potiče i ohrabruje timski duh potreban za budućnost. Članovi ansambla / izvođači: Huì-Chǐ Lǐ, Yuxin Zhang, Kalina Hristova, Veredas Felicia Santofimia Romero, Ángel Perez Nieto, Adriansen Pierre, Rémy Gouraud, Szymon Brillowsky, Bart Quartier, Gert François Voditelji sastava: Gert François - Bart Quartier


The yearly percussion concert gives each student a big boost from the beginning of the year. This rich experience is a challenge in pushing their limits and shows them the next step in their musical path. We attach a lot of importance to the fact that students of all levels can play together as it is an eye-opener for everyone. Furthermore, it is encouraging the team spirit necessary for the future.

Group members / performers: Huì-Chǐ Lǐ, Yuxin Zhang, Kalina Hristova, Veredas Felicia Santofimia Romero, Ángel Perez Nieto, Adriansen Pierre, Rémy Gouraud, Szymon Brillowsky, Bart Quartier, Gert François Group leaders: Gert François - Bart Quartier



GERT FRANÇOIS studirao je na Kraljevskom konzervatoriju u Gentu, gdje je magistrirao udaraljke i komornu glazbu. U potrazi za savršenstvom nastavio je učiti s Ruudom Wienerom (Vibes) i Adamom Draméom (afričke udaraljke). Od 1987. voditelj je Odjela za udaraljke u Koninklijk Konzervatoriju Brussel. Redovito je pozivan kao gostujući profesor širom svijeta. Kao izvođač glavni je timpanist i voditelj sekcije u Briselskoj filharmoniji s kojom je dobio Oscara za najbolju filmsku glazbu za film “Umjetnik” te Zlatni globus za glazbu filma “Avijatičar”.

Kao solist izveo je ‘Raga I’ Wima Henderickxa u verziji za udaraljke solo i 2 klavira s klavirskim dvojcem Heidi Henderickx / Levente Kende. Kasnije je snimio i orkestralnu verziju skladbe ‘Raga I’ s „De Filharmonie“ i dirigentom G. Llewellynom. Tijekom Big Bang udaraljkaških koncerata imao je zadovoljstvo nastupati s udaraljkaškim velikanima kao što su Trilok Gurtu, Doudou N’Diaye Rose, Mamady Keita, Han Bennink, Madjid Khaladj. Kao solist nastupao je sa orkestrima: Briselska filharmonija, De Filharmonie, Münchenska filharmonija, Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra, Dalarna Symfonietta, Šangajska filharmonija, Beethoven Orchester Bonn. Godine 1999. izdan je i CD ‘Raga I’ Wima Henderickxa s De Filharmonie i dirigentom G. Llewellynom. Godine 2001. izlazi prva belgijska snimka Sonate za 2 klavira i udaraljke Béle’Bartoka s klavirskim dvojcem Inge Spinette /Jan Michiels i udaraljkašem Bartom Quartierom. Godine 2003. snimio je skladbu “Sučeljavanja” Wima Henderickxa zajedno s djembé izvođačem Adamom Draméom u produkciji Zuiderpershuisa. Godine 2005. održana je uspješna turneja sa Šangajskom filharmonijom u Kini i Japanu gdje izvodi “Water Concerto” Tan Duna sa samim Maestrom. Slijedi belgijska premijera “Veni Veni Emanuel” Jamesa Mac Millana sa skladateljem koji je dirigirao Flamanskim radijskim orkestrom. Godine 2006. izvedena je svjetska premijera “WaterMusic solo” Tan Duna. Godine 2009. izvedena je ‘Liever misschien dan alleszins’ Fransa Geysena za udaraljkaški ansambl i timpane pod ravnanjem Barta Bouckaerta. U 2011. slijedi svjetska premijera “Groove” udaraljkaškog koncerta Wima Henderickxa s Briselskom filharmonijom i G. Guerrerom. Godine 2016. bio je vodeći solist udaraljki u belgijskoj i kineskoj premijeri “Vodene strasti nakon svetog Mateja” Tan Duna. Izvodi verziju ‘Raga I’ za puhački ansambl i udaraljke solo Wim Henderickxa s Koninklijke Muziekkapel van de Gidsen pod palicom Yvesa Segersa.

Gert François je umjetnik koji predstavlja Adams & Resta-Jay. www.gertfrançois.be



GERT FRANÇOIS studied at the Royal Conservatory of Ghent, where he obtained his Master’s Degree in Percussion and Chamber music. He continued studying in search for perfection with Ruud Wiener (Vibes) and Adam Dramé (African percussion). Since 1987 he is head of the percussion department at Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel (school of Arts Brussels). Regularly he is invited as a guest teacher around the world. As performer he is principal timpani and section leader at Brussels Philharmonic with whom he obtained an Oscar for best film music with “the Artist” and a Golden globe for the music of “The Aviator”.

As a soloist he created ‘Raga I’ of Wim Henderickx in the version of percussion solo and 2 piano’s with the piano duo Heidi Henderickx/Levente Kende. Later he recorded the orchestral version of ‘Raga I’ with ‘De Filharmonie’ with the conductor G. Llewellyn. During ‘Big Bang’ percussion concerts he had the pleasure to perform with Percussion Masters such as Trilok Gurtu / Doudou N’Diaye Rose / Mamady Keita / Han Bennink / Madjid Khaladj among others. As solist he was invited by Brussels Philharmonic, De Filharmonie, Münchener Philharmoniker, Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra, Dalarna Symfonietta, Shanghai Philharmonic, Beethoven Orchester Bonn. In 1999 there was the CD release of ‘Raga I’ from Wim Henderickx with ‘De Filharmonie’ with the conductor G. Llewellyn. In 2001 the first Belgian recording of ‘Sonata for 2 piano’s and 2 percussionists “of Béla Bartok with piano duo Inge Spinette/Jan Michiels and percussionist Bart Quartier. In 2003 CD recording of ‘Confrontations’ of Wim Henderickx together with Djembé master Adama Dramé in a production of Zuiderpershuis. In 2005 there was a successful tour with Shanghai Philharmonic in China and Japan performing “Water Concerto” of Tan Dun with the Maestro himself. There was also a Belgian Première of “Veni Veni Emanuel” of James Mac Millan with the composer conducting The Flemish Radio Orchestra. In 2006 world première of “WaterMusic solo” of Tan Dun. In 2008 he played the glockenspiel solo part in “Des Canyons au Etoiles” of Olivier Messiaen with Brussels Philharmonic/VRO under the baton of M. Soustrot. In 2009 the creation of ‘Liever misschien dan alleszins’ of Frans Geysen for percussion ensemble and timpani conducted by Bart Bouckaert. In 2011 the world première of “Groove” the percussion concerto of Wim Henderickx with Brussels Philharmonic and G. Guerrero. 2016 leading percussion soloist with the Belgian and Chinees première of the “Water Passion after St. Matthew” from Tan Dun. 2016 Creation of Raga I for Windband and Percussion solo from Wim Henderickx with Koninklijke Muziekkapel van de Gidsen under the baton of Yves Segers.

Gert François is an Adams & Resta-Jay artist. www.gertfrançois.be




Nakon studija udaraljki na Kraljevskom konzervatoriju u Bruxellesu, Bart Quartier specijalizirao se za marimbu s Robertom Van Siceom. U jazzu je surađivao s Died Erikom Wisselsom i Peterom Hertmansom. Gotovo 30 godina koncertnog iskustva u zemlji i inozemstvu obuhvaća širok spektar stilova: simfonijsku, opernu, ranu i suvremenu glazbu uz pop, variety i jazz. Postignuća: Snimanje CD-a; Sonata za dva klavira i udaraljke B. Bartóka s Janom Michielsom, Inge Spinette i Gertom Françoisom (prva belgijska snimka). Solist (glockenspiel) s Flamanskim radijskim orkestrom (O. Messiaen: Turangalîla). Solist (ksilofon) s Janom Michielsom, Inge Spinette i Gertom Françoisom (Béla Bartók: Koncert za dva klavira i udaraljke i orkestar s Vlaams Radio Orkestom). Solist (xylorimba) s Briselskom filharmonijom (O. Messiaen: Des Canyons aux Etoiles). Koncert s

ravnanjem Marije Schneider - Sjeverno more Jazz Festival. Koncerti sa živućom jazz legendom Mikeom Mainierijem (Brosella Jazz) te sa svjetski poznatim udaraljkašima Trilokom Gurtuom, Doudou n’Diayé Roseom i Madjidom Khaladjem u PSK-u i Zürichu kao i s Robertom Martinom (bivši Frank Zappa).

Bart Quartier predaje marimbu i vibrafon (klasika, jazz) od 1990. godine na Kraljevskom konzervatoriju u Bruxellesu. Kao pedagog uživa svjetsku slavu dijelom i zbog objavljivanja svojih djela. “Slika”, “Profili”, “Bis”, “Zamislite” (engleski, francuski i španjolski) (mandarinski i japanski u pripremi) “Ansambl”, “Fokus”, “Dijalog” i “Potez” imaju svjetsku distribuciju na pet kontinenata.

Kao član žirija pozvan je u Europu, Južnu Koreju i Japan. Uvršten je u Odbor časti natjecanja World Vibe International Competition te je pozvan kao član žirija na istom natjecanju. Bio je laureat Sabamskog natjecanja za kompoziciju za jazz teme 2000. i 2002. godine. Vodi vlastiti kvintet s kojim je objavio debitantski album pod nazivom ‘Thank You’. Nedavno je snimio svoj ‘Profiles’ 24 Essais za vibrafon i klavir u glavnoj dvorani Konzervatorija s klaviristom Bartom van Caenegemom te Diederikom Wisselsom kao producentom u suradnji s izdavačkom kućom De Werf i Trobador Research Group KCB. Bestseler Image 20 Dječjih skladbi za marimbu uključen je zajedno s Focusom 24 Images za vibrafon na dvostrukom CD-u ‘Life Path’ koji je izdao Et’cetera now records. Može ga se čuti na više od 70 CD-a, a održao je i koncertne turneje kroz Europu, SAD, Argentinu, Južnu Koreju i Japan.

Bart Quartier je umjetnik koji predstavlja Yamahu i Resta-Jaya. www.bartquartier.be

BJO & Wallace Roney pod


BART QUARTIER After his percussion studies at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, Bart Quartier specialized in marimba with Robert Van Sice. For jazz, Bart consulted Diederik Wissels and Peter Hertmans. Almost 30 years of performing experience at home and abroad encompasses a wide range of styles: symphonic, opera, early and contemporary music in addition to pop, variety and jazz. Some highlights: CD recording: ‘Sonata for Two Pianos & Percussion’ - B. Bartók with Jan Michiels, Inge Spinette and Gert François (first Belgian recording). Soloist (glockenspiel) with Flemish Radio Orchestra: Turangalîla - O. Messiaen. Soloist (xylophone) with Jan Michiels, Inge Spinette and Gert François: Béla Bartók: Concerto for Two Pianos & Percussion and orchestra with Vlaams Radio Orkest. Soloist (xylorimba) with Brussels Philharmonic Orchestra: O. Messiaen - Des Canyons aux Etoiles. Concert with BJO & Wallace Roney conducted by Maria Schneider - North Sea Jazz Festival. Concerts with living jazz legend Mike Mainieri (Brosella Jazz), with world-renowned master percussionists Trilok Gurtu, Doudou n’Diayé Rose and Madjid Khaladj in PSK and Zurich. As well as with Robert Martin (ex-Frank Zappa).

Bart has been teaching marimba and vibraphone (classical, jazz) since 1990 at the Royal Conservatory in Brussels. As a pedagogue Bart enjoys worldwide fame partly because of the publication of his works. ‘Image’, ‘Profils’, ‘Encore’, ‘Imagine’ (English, French and Spanish) (Mandarin and Japanese in preparation) ‘Ensemble’, ‘Focus’, ‘Dialogue’ and ‘Move’ have a worldwide distribution across the five continents.

As a clinician and jury member, Bart was invited to Europe, South Korea and Japan. He was included in the Committee of Honor for the World Vibe International Competition with Pierre Boulez as chairman and was invited as a jury member at the same competition. Bart was a laureate of the Sabam Contest for Composition for Jazz Themes 2000 and 2002. He leads his own quintet with which he has released a debut album called ‘Thank You’. He recently recorded his ‘Profiles’ 24 Essais for Vibraphone and Piano in the main hall of the Conservatory with pianist Bart van Caenegem and Diederik Wissels as producer in collaboration with the label De Werf and Trobador Research Group KCB. The bestseller Image 20 Children’s Songs for Marimba is included together with Focus 24 Images for Vibraphone on the double CD ‘Life Path’ issued by Et’cetera now records.

Bart can be heard on more than 70 CDs and has made concert tours through Europe, U.S.A, Argentina, South Korea and Japan.

Bart Quartier is a Yamaha and Resta-Jay artist. www.bartquartier.be


BAD BLUES BOYZ Ime ansambla kao i članovi variraju od koncerta do koncerta. Učenici su to osnovne i srednje Glazbene škole Vatroslava Lisinskog Bjelovar. Repertoar i ime ansambla produkt su kreativnih dječijih umova pod vodstvom nastavnika Ruperta Čunka. Osnovnu ideju koju nastavnik predloži učenici sami razviju, uključujući svoju kreativnost i inspirativnost te si međusobno pomažu u radu, stvaranju i uvježbavanju djela. Uz relativno kratku povijest nastupanja ali vatrenu volju, ovaj ansambl mladih glazbenika osvaja svaku publiku svojom veselom karizmom i sjajnim plesnim ritmovima.

Članovi ansambla: Jakov Prebježić, Josip Pećina, Matej Kokan, David Sabolović, Mihovil Lovrović, Martin Roviščanec, Sanjin Sokač, Filip Bogadi, Oskar Matuš, Karlo Relić Voditelj ansambla: Rupert Čunko


The name of the ensemble as well as the members vary from concert to concert. They all are students od the Vatroslav Lisinski Music School Bjelovar. The repertoire and name of the ensemble are the product of creative children’s mind under the guidance of teacher Rupert Čunko. The basic idea proposed by the teacher is developed by the students themselves, including their creativity and inspiration and they help each other in working, creating and rehearsing the piece. With a relatively short history of performing but a fiery will, this ensemble of young musicians conquers every audience with its cheerful charisma and great dance rhythms.

Ensemble members: Jakov Prebježić, Josip Pećina, Matej Kokan, David Sabolović, Mihovil Lovrović, Martin Roviščanec, Sanjin Sokač, Filip Bogadi, Oskar Matuš, Karlo Relić Ensemble leader: Rupert Čunko




ČUNKO (1995., Čakovec) Glazbeno obrazovanje započinje u Glazbenoj školi u Varaždinu svirajući violončelo i gitaru. Godine 2012. upisuje srednju glazbenu školu u Varaždinu, smjer udaraljke u klasi prof. Stanislava Muškinje te solo pjevanje u klasi prof. Darije Hreljanović. Diplomirao je udaraljke na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu, u klasi red. profesora Igora Lešnika. Tijekom svog obrazovanja polazi udaraljkaške seminare prof. Ivane Bilić i prof. Igora Lešnika te sluša masterclassove svjetskih udaraljkaša kao što su Ludwig Albert, Marta Klimasara, Stoyan Yankoulov i Pei-Ching Wu.

Tijekom akademskog obrazovanja aktivno sudjeluje u radu udaraljkaškog ansambla biNg bang. Sudjeluje na međunarodnim natjecanjima od kojih izdvaja prvu nagradu kao solist te kao član ansambla na Međunarodnom natjecanju udaraljkaša u Beogradu (2014.), drugu nagradu kao solist i prvu kao član ansambla na međunarodnom natjecanju „Giovanni Musicisti“ u Trevisu, Italija (2015.) te prvu nagradu na natjecanju „Bistrički zvukolik“ u Mariji Bistrici (2015.). Godine 2015. izvodi Koncert za marimbu i gudače, autora Ney Rosaura, kao solist uz pratnju Varaždinskog komornog orkestra. Godine 2018. izvodi Goan koncert za timpane i gudače, autora Berislava Šipuša, također kao solist uz pratnju gudačkog orkestra Muzičke akademije u Zagrebu, Puli, Čakovcu i u Bjelovaru u sklopu Međunarodnog udaraljkaškog festivala - IPEW. Godine 2021. ponovno nastupa na IPEW-u kao solist sa skladbom za drum set solo Black Page američkog kompozitora Franka Zappe.

Kao honorarni član svira u Simfonijskom orkestru Hrvatske radio televizije, Zagrebačkoj filharmoniji, orkestru Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta u Zagrebu, Zagrebačkim solistima, Hrvatskom komornom orkestru, Varaždinskom komornom orkestru, Hrvatskom baroknom ansamblu, renesansnom ansamblu Minstrel, renesansnom ansamblu Capella Zriniana, Orkestru mladih glazbenika te kao član Hrvatske počasne satnije - Kravat Pukovnija.

Od školske godine 2020./2021. predaje udaraljke u Glazbenoj školi Vatroslava Lisinskog Bjelovar te Glazbenoj školi Jan Vlašimsky u Virovitici.



RUPERT ČUNKO (1995., Čakovec) He started his musical education at the Music School in Varaždin playing cello and guitar. In 2012 he enrolled in the secondary Music school in Varaždin, majoring in percussion in the class of prof. Stanislav Muškinja and solo singing in the class of prof. Darija Hreljanović. He graduated percussion at University of Zagreb Academy of Music in the class of professor Igor Lešnik. During his education, he attends percussion seminars of prof. Ivana Bilić and prof. Igor Lešnik and listens to masterclasses of world percussionists such as Ludwig Albert, Marta Klimasara, Stoyan Yankoulov and Pei-Ching Wu.

During his academic education, he actively participates in the work of the percussion ensemble biNgbang. He participates in international competitions, of which he singles out the first prize as a soloist and as a member of the ensemble at the International Percussionist Competition in Belgrade (2014), the second prize as a soloist and the first prize as a member of the ensemble at the international competition “Giovanni Musicisti” in Treviso, Italy (2015) and the first prize at the “Bistrički zvukolik” competition in Marija Bistrica (2015). In 2015 he performed the Concerto for Marimba and Strings, by Ney Rosaur, as a soloist accompanied by the Varaždin Chamber Orchestra. In 2018, he performed Goan concerto for timpani and strings, by Berislav Šipuš, also as a soloist accompanied by the String Orchestra of the Zagreb Academy of Music in Zagreb, Pula, Čakovec and Bjelovar as part of the International percussion ensemble week (IPEW). In 2021, he performs again at IPEW as a soloist with a composition for the drum set solo Black Page by American composer Frank Zappa.

As a part-time member, he plays in the Croatian Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra, the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra, the Orchestra of the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, the Zagreb Soloists, the Croatian Chamber Orchestra, the Varaždin Chamber Orchestra, the Croatian Baroque Ensemble, the Renaissance Ensemble Minstrel, the Renaissance Ensemble Capella Zriniana, the Young Musicians Orchestra and as a member of the Croatian Honorary Company of the Cravat Regiment.

From the 2020/2021 school year he teaches percussion at the Vatroslav Lisinski Music School Bjelovar and at the Jan Vlašimsky Music School in Virovitica.



BUM BAM Udaraljkaški ansambl Bum Bam Umjetničke škole Matka Brajše Rašana iz Labina djeluje od 2015. godine pod umjetničkim vodstvom Marijana Lincmajera, profesora udaraljki. Članove udaraljkaškog ansambla Bum Bam čine svi udaraljkaši Umjetničke škole M. B. Rašana. Udaraljkaški ansambl Bum Bam ima raznoliki repertoar, od klasike do rocka. Sve skladbe za ansambl sklada i aranžira njihov voditelj, Marijan Lincmajer. Nastupali su na svim važnijim manifestacijama grada Labina i okolici. Otvarali su „Labina“ festival umjetnosti i tolerancije te “Shpenna DOX festival“, festival dokumentarnog filma u Labinu. Nastupili su na svečanom otvaranju 100. i 101. obljetnice Labinske republike. Održali su humanitarni “Susret generacija” koncert u svrhu nabavke novog mamografa. Nastupali su na „CRO Race“-u 2020 godine., koja je prolazila kroz Labin te održali koncert u Kršanu na “KRAFIfest”-u. Nastupaju svake godine na Rabac Orchestra Festivalu Umjetničke škole M. B. Rašana. Ansambl je gostovao u Španjolskoj, Rijeci, Puli i Buzetu. Na međunarodnim i državnim natjecanjima nastupali su kao kvintet, kvartet, trio ili duo te osvojili prve i druge nagrade. Svake godine imaju dva velika koncerta - božićni i završni koncert na kraju školske godine.

Prije dvije godine na inicijativu njihovog voditelja, profesora Marijana Lincmajera, pokrenut je “Međunarodni festival udaraljki Bum Bam”.



Članovi ansambla: Darien Dagostin, Simeon Husić, Roko Černeka, Noa Šumberac, Robert Černeka, Dante Škopac, Ivano Jelčić, Zoi Tenčić, Leana Cvečić, Vito Diminić, Stella Gržentić Rušnjak, Bartol Ćorić, Filippo Kranjac, Matias Belušić Gonzalezy. Voditelj ansambla: Marijan Lincmajer.

BUM BAM Percussion ensemble Bum Bam of the Matko Brajša Rašan Art School from Labin has been operating since 2015 under the artistic direction of Marijan Lincmajer, a percussion teacher. Members of the percussion ensemble Bum Bam consist of all percussionists of the M. B. Rašan Art School.

They have a various repertoar, from classics to rock. All compositions for the ensemble are composed and arranged by their leader, Marijan Lincmajer. They performed at all major events of the town of Labin and its surroundings. They opened “Labina” festival of art and tolerance and “Shpenna DOX festival”, a festival of documentary film in Labin. They also performed at the opening ceremony of the 100th and 101st anniversary of the Labin Republic and held a humanitarian concert “Meeting of Generations” for the purpose of purchasing a new mammogram. They also performed at the “CRO Race” in 2020, which passed through Labin and held a concert in Kršan at “KRAFIfest”. They perform every year at the Rabac Orchestra Festival of the Art School M. B. Rašana. The ensemble has also performed in Spain, Rijeka, Pula and Buzet.

At international and national competitions, they performed as a quintet, quartet, trio or duo and won first and second prizes. Every year they have two big concerts - a Christmas concert and a Final concert at the end of the school year.

Two years ago, at the initiative of their leader, professor Marijan Lincmajer, the “International Festival of Percussion Bum Bam” was founded.

Ensemble members: Darien Dagostin, Simeon Husić, Roko Černeka, Noa Šumberac, Robert Černeka, Dante Škopac, Ivano Jelčić, Zoi Tenčić, Leana Cvečić, Vito Diminić, Stella Gržentić Rušnjak, Bartol Ćorić, Filippo Kranjac, Matias Belušić Gonzalezy. Ensemble leader: Marijan Lincmajer.



(1985). Srednju glazbenu školu završio je u Bjelovaru. Diplomirao je 2008. godine na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu, u klasi profesora Igora Lešnika te je već 2009. godine završio Umjetničko usavršavanje komorne glazbe, također na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu.

S udaraljkaškim ansamblom biNg baNg broji mnoge nastupe diljem svijeta (festivali udaraljki u Valenciji, Lyonu, Parisu, Stockholmu, Taipeiu I Pekingu).

Na državnim natjecanjima u Hrvatskoj osvojio je više prvih nagrada. Marijan Lincamjer istaknuo se i u pedagoškom radu kako s brojnim individualnim nagradama s učenicima, tako i s udaraljkaškim ansamblom Bum Bam za kojeg je napisao brojne skladbe i obrade i osvojio visoke nagrade na državnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima.

Niz godina djelovao je kao timpanist HNK u Rijeci, a trenutno je zaposlen u Umjetničkoj školi Matka Brajše Rašana u Labinu kao nastavnik udaraljki.

MARIJAN LINCMAJER (1985) He attended Vatroslav Lisinski Music High School Bjelovar. In 2008 he graduated at University of Zagreb Academy of Music in the class of professor Igor Lešnik and already in 2009 completed the Artistic Training of Chamber Music also at the Zagreb Academy of Music.

With the percussion ensemble biNg baNg counts many performances around the world (percussion festivals in Valencia, Lyon, Paris, Stockholm, Taipei and Beijing).

At national competitions in Croatia, he won several first prizes. Marijan Lincamjer also distinguished himself in his pedagogical work both with numerous individual awards with his students, as well as with the percussion ensemble Bum Bam for which he wrote numerous compositions and covers and won high prizes at national and international competitions.

For a number of years he worked as a timpanist of the Croatian National Theatre in Rijeka and is currently employed at the Matko Brajša Rašan Art School in Labin as a percussion teacher.


ALXARQ PERCUSSIÓ Osnovan 2013. godine, Alxarq Percussió je skupina željna pronalaženja novih glazbenih jezika pri komunikaciji s publikom. Četiri mlada i talentirana glazbenika članovi su ovog udaraljkaškog ansambla koji, koristeći širok raspon udaraljki, repertoaru pristupa različitim stilovima. Svi njihovi nastupi nastaju pomoću ideja i glazbe velikih skladbi XX. i XXI. stoljeća: minimalizam, kazalište, elektroakustička glazba, glazba novih valova, ali i tradicionalne glazbe različitih zemalja.

Sudjelovali su na brojnim festivalima diljem Španjolske i Europe kao što su International Festival Percute, Le Corps a corps (Perpignan, Francuska), Festival Experimentam-tam (València), VIPA-Valencia International Performance Academy, Međunarodni tjedan udaraljkaša (Hrvatska) ili nedavno na Međunarodnom festivalskom ANSEMS-u u Valenciji, slaveći 100 godina rođenja Ian-nis Xenakisa.

Alxarq Percussió kao udaraljkaška skupina usavršavali su se u Perpignanu, sudjelujući na seminaru komorne glazbe kod Philippea Spiessera. Osvojili su i nekoliko nagrada; prva nagrada na Međunarodnom festivalu Percute 2013. i ponovno 2019., prva nagrada na Državnom komornom natjecanju u Monserratu (2014.). Od njihovih posljednjih projekata možemo istaknuti “FAZE” i edukativnu emisiju “OKO ZVUKA U 80 SVJETOVA”.

Ove godine ansambl će obilježiti 10. godišnjicu svog postojanja.



Članovi skupine/ izvođači: Carles Salvador Almenara, David Merseguer Royo, Jesús Fenollosa Barrachina, Samuel Brazález Alcalá. Voditelj sastava: Carles Salvador Almenara.


Formed in 2013, Alxarq Percussió is a group eager to find new music languages to communicate with the audience. Four young and talented musicians are the members of this percussion ensemble which, using the wide range of the percussion instruments, approach the reperotire with different styles.

All their shows are created using ideas and music from all the big compositions in the XX and XXI century: minimalism, theatre, electroacoustic music, new waves music and also some traditional music from different countries.

They have been part of numerous festivals over Spain and Europe such as International Festival Percute, Le Corps a corps (Perpignan, France), Festival Experimentam-tam (València), VIPA-Valencia International Performance Academy, International Percussion Ensemble Week (Croatia) or recently in International Festival ENSEMS in Valencia, celebrating 100 years of the birth of Ian-nis Xenakis.

Alxarq Percussió has studied as a percussion group in Perpignan, doing a Master Chamber Course with Philippe Spiesser. They also have won several prizes, like the first prize in Percute International Festival 2013 and again in 2019, and the first prize in the National Chamber Competition in Monserrat (2014). In between his lasts projects we can highlight “PHASES” and the educational show “AROUND THE SOUND IN 80 WORLDS”.

This year will be the 10th anniversari of the ensemble.

Group members / performers: Carles Salvador Almenara, David Merseguer Royo, Jesús Fenollosa Barrachina, Samuel Brazález Alcalá.

Group leader: Carles Salvador.



THURSDAY / ČETVRTAK, 19.01.2023.

Luis Camacho Montealegre - masterclass IPEW JUNIOR

Mjesto održavanja: Glazbena škola Vatroslava Lisinskog Bjelovar, Ulica Vladimira Nazora 2a Vrijeme održavanja: 15:00 - 18:00

FRIDAY / PETAK, 20.01.2023.

Gert Francois - masterclass TIMPANI ORCHESTRAL REPERTOIRE’

Bart Quartier - masterclass ‘IMAGINE’ a mental approach to Marimba Playing

Mjesto održavanja: Dom kulture Vrijeme održavanja: 09:30 - 10:30 (Gert Francois) / 10:30 - 12:00 (Bart Quartier)

FRIDAY / PETAK, 20.01.2023.

Alxarq Percussio - masterclass Iberian percussion in classical and traditional music

Mjesto održavanja: Dom kulture Vrijeme održavanja: 10:00 - 11:00



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