NEXT to names of countries like Barbados, Thailand and Venezuela, the little local town of Walkamin sounds a bit out of place, and rightly so.
But our very own FNQ Rum from Mt Uncle Distillery has been shortlisted alongside other renowned distilleries from those countries for Rum Producer of the Year at the prestigious International Wine and Spirit Competition (IWSC).
MAREEBA Shire Council has joined a national campaign calling for an increase in the federal funding deal with local governments which has been unchanged for 50 years.
The “Don’t leave us in the 70s” campaign, organised by the Local Government Association of Queensland, argues there has not been an increase in the deal since 1974, leaving councils struggling to run essential services.
The IWSC is renowned for its rigorous judging process, which evaluates spirits based on taste, balance, finish, and value.
In an open letter to “Canberra”, the campaign also stresses that the funding model does not account for the cost-of-living crisis.
“With everything costing more these days, communities are increasingly relying on council to provide the services we need - like the parks and public barbecues, the rubbish collection, and recycling, the roads and libraries, playgrounds, splash parks, and the pools that make a place liveable,” the letter said.
“This competition is also known as the ‘Oscars of the Spirits industry’ or it’s like the Olympics in a way, the Rum Producer Trophy is one of the most sought-after accolades,” Mt Uncle’s head distiller Mark Watkins said.
“Being recognised on this level by the IWSC is incredibly rewarding for our team.
Councils are lobbying candidates in the upcoming federal election to support change.
They currently receive Financial Assistance Grants “just shy of 50 cents in every $100 paid in tax by Australians. That’s 0.5%”.
“We strive to craft rums that reflect the unique terroir of Far North Queensland, and this nomination reaffirms that our efforts are resonating on the world stage.”
“Restoring it to $1 of every $100 paid in tax and bringing the rate to 1% of total taxation revenue would go a long way to guaranteeing the services communities count on from their councils,” the letter continued.
FNQ Rum is the only Australian brand shortlisted for the Rum Producer Trophy, “standing proudly” alongside global giants such as Foursquare Rum USA from Barbados, Sang Som Distillery from Thailand, and Ron Roble Viejo from Venezuela.
Mareeba Mayor Angela Toppin said this week that since the 1970s the Federal Government contribution to councils had “continued to shrink year on year”.
locally and internationally for their distinct flavours and exceptional quality”.
THE community is being asked to donate native seeds and fruit to help with local revegetation projects.
Blush Alder Sloanea australis and Sarcopteryx martyana.
“Restoring our annual grant to 1% would make a significant difference to our communities. An extra 0.5% for us would increase our available annual operating budget by more than 25%,” she said.
“This nomination cements FNQ Rum’s position as a leading force in the global rum industry and is a testament to years of hard work, dedication, and innovation,” Mark said.
“We use sugar cane nectar to produce a more rich and sweet flavour and then we age the spirit in ex-Australian red wine barrels, so it combines these nice flavours well,” Mark said.
“This would mean we could improve the levels of service across the shire and, importantly, limit the increases in rates that the ratepayers will otherwise face.
“The extra 0.5% would enable us to get back to the service levels our community deserve,” Mayor Toppin explained.
“We continuously propagate local species for revegetation projects and can do even more if we can source more seeds,” Natural Asset Management Advisory Committee Chair Cr Maree Baade said.
“And we’re situated in a really nice area, the fluctuations in temperature with the hot days and cold nights helps the spirit age really well.”
“Our local land restoration projects help to increase canopy cover, improve water quality, provide wildlife habitat and protect biodiversity.
“You can drop seeds and fruit at TRC’s Community Revegetation Nursery in Winfield Park on Lake Barrine Road near Malanda.”
If the nursery is closed, people can leave the seeds and fruit at the gate in a bag or container that they don’t want returned.
“In smaller communities, the funding we receive from the Federal Government is essential.
FNQ Rum describes its rums as being crafted “from the rich volcanic soils and sugarcane of this unique tropical region” and “produces a range of rums that have been celebrated both
The Mt Uncle Distillery has also recently started distribution in the UK, adding to their many successes.
“If we receive our fair share of the federal tax, it would relieve the burden on ratepayers and allow us to deliver the services that are truly needed.”
This IWSC recognition follows
‘At this time of year, we’re particularly looking for seeds and fruit from Pencil Cedars Ackama australiensis, Maiden’s Blush/
a stellar year for FNQ Rum, during which it has already secured multiple awards. At the World Rum Awards earlier this year, FNQ Rum took home two gold medals for its Platinum Cane Spirit and Iridium Agave Cask Finish, alongside being named World’s Best Sugarcane Spirit. Additionally, the brand’s commitment to quality was further highlighted with a silver medal at the International Wine and Spirit Competition for its Iridium X Rum. Mark will be travelling to London to attend the awards ceremony on 12 November.
“Include a note about where and when you collected the seeds and fruit, and a branch with leaves,” Cr Baade said.
“We’ll propagate the seeds straight away or store them for future use.”
NEW offences and increased fines have been brought in by the State Government to crack down on feeding and interfering with crocodiles.
Two new offences have been introduced making it unlawful to unintentionally feed a crocodile by discarding food and remaining in close proximity to a crocodile.
penalties for existing offences which aim to deter people from engaging in behaviours that pose a serious risk to public safety and animal conservation.
The on-the-spot fine for deliberately disturbing or feeding crocodiles has increased from $483 to $2580, with the maximum court-imposed fine increasing from $6452 to $26,615.
Discarding food, including fish frames, scraps and bait, in a way that may attract crocodiles to a public place such as a boat ramp, jetty, pontoon or camping area can now result in an on-the-spot fine of $483 or a maximum court-imposed fine of $6,452.
Knowingly remaining within close proximity to a crocodile that is on, or partly on, land can now result in an on-the-spot fine of $806 or a maximum courtimposed fine of $16,130.
This offence complements the existing “disturbing” offence which prevents people from approaching or pursuing a crocodile or driving a boat or vehicle within 10m of it.
The on-the-spot fine for interfering with a crocodile trap has increased from $645 to $2580, with the maximum court-imposed fine increasing from $19,356 to $26,615.
But State Member for Hill Shane Knuth, who introduced the KAP’s Crocodile Control, Conservation, and Safety Bill 2024 into Parliament last month, slammed the new offences and fines as “nothing more than a band-aid fix”.
“The State Government has failed to manage the crocodile crisis for over a decade, and now it’s completely out of control,” he said.
Conservation officers now also have the power to direct people to move away from a crocodile to avoid any potential human-crocodile interactions.
The government has also significantly increased
“Ask anyone who regularly fishes or uses our waterways - they’ll tell you the crocodile population has exploded. “This is a Northern Queensland issue, and it should be managed locally, not from over 1,800 km away in an ivory tower.”
THE impacts of high real estate prices, operational costs, and crime on the retail sector in Mareeba are starting to bite, with 13 vacant shops now lining the main street.
The large number of empty retail spaces grew this month with the closure of national clothing brands, Rockmans and Rivers, which was largely fuelled by the rapid increase in online consumerism.
Current vacant spaces in Byrnes Street include the former ANZ Bank, Fantasy Tails pet shop (next to Domino’s), Bosca’s Burger Bar (in the old RSL building), Yamaha (who were victims of arson), Ringers Western, 1st Concept Salon, Malo Lelei (in between Priceline and the Reject Shop), the old TAB (next to Graham Hotel), and three shops in between Claude Caters Mensland and the Queen Bee laundromat.
The trend has concerned the town’s Chamber of Commerce which attributes the closures to the difficulties and challenges faced by the retail sector, mostly from online shopping and the rising costs of doing business.
Chamber president Joe Moro said the growing number of empty shops was “very concerning”.
“It’s always disheartening to see a business close down, and we would also like to see the CBD be more vibrant than it currently is,” he said.
“The reality is, it’s a very tough business environment right now. A lot of costs like power, labour, and many other components have gone up for businesses.
“And for some, they haven’t been able to pass that cost on and that’s
impacting the viability of the entire small business sector.”
Former business manager of Ringers Western, Tito Srhoj, echoed Mr Moro’s sentiments, stating the store was simply “not economically viable”.
“It just wasn’t making the kind of money we had hoped. Our semi-trucks can make in one weekend what our shop would have in a month,” he said.
“So, in the end, we decided to relocate the shop to Cairns.”
Another factor concerning the chamber was how crime has been affecting local business owners.
“I know of a couple of businesses who have had to close up shop because of the level of crime they’ve had to endure,” Mr Moro said.
“It’s not every business, but a number of them in the CBD have had some sort of problem with vandalism or even shoplifting.
“The chamber and many members of the community are very concerned. We really need to turn that trend around and make Mareeba a much safer and more friendly place to shop,” he said.
Leasing a vacant retail space can also be very expensive, with rents on the rise and unaffordable for many small business operators.
Many of the vacant buildings are privately owned and have a real estate agency tasked to lease the property.
Mr Moro said people choosing to shop elsewhere could also have a longlasting ripple effect.
“The problem with having shops closed is that we don’t have the variety,” he said.
“If we lose particular lines that people buy in the town, they will either have to
go out of town or use the internet to get what they need.
“If you go somewhere else to shop for one item, you may buy a number of other items, and that has a knock-on effect for the local businesses.
“From the chamber’s point of view,
we’ll continue to promote Mareeba as a vibrant area but it’s really important at the same time that people also support the local shops.
“It’s important that we buy whatever we can from within the area as much as possible.”
In contrast to the number of businesses closing, a new business has just opened its doors in Byrnes Street. The Big Hat Queensland, which specialises in a large range of hats, also stocks souvenirs, home decor items and has a gallery where they work with local artists.
NIGHT closures of the Kuranda Range Road will continue until the end of the year as authorities fix the significant damage to the road in December 2023.
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) is continuing essential geotechnical repairs to stabilise more than 30 landslip sites that were damaged during Ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper and plans to undertake reconstruction of more than 15 sites this year, with the remainder of sites to follow in 2026.
The complexity of the geotechnical repairs and limited space within the road corridor means night closures are required for the safety of road workers and motorists.
The night closures are from from 9pm to 4am, with traffic will be let through once in each direction at midnight (12am).
There are no scheduled night closures on Friday and Saturday nights. There are also no scheduled night closures over the Easter period, from 17-21 April (inclusive).
FASHION, fur and fun will be the theme of a local refuge’s fundraising event this weekend as it welcomes photographers and models for a photoshoot with the extravagant “flying dresses”.
The Mini Collective, a creative and collaborative business in Cairns, will be showcasing captivating pieces from Flying Dress Tasmania at the Mareeba Animal Refuge this Sunday.
The aptly named Mini Paws project aims to create content that “brings to life the beauty and joy of shelter animals”.
The event will raise funds and supplies while also creating awareness for the local refuge.
“We want to promote awareness around how full the shelter is at the moment and give a bit of spotlight and attention to the animals who may not be getting much,” founding director of The Mini Collective Carissa Crowell said.
“We’d like to encourage people to come along and donate
a dollar or drop off some food and also have a look at the flying dresses in action.
The photoshoot will run from 1.30pm-3.30pm and will include displays of the flying dresses as well as some shots of the animals.
“I chose the refuge in Mareeba because a few of my childhood animals have come from there and one of my most recent adoptions is also from there,” Ms Crowell said.
“I know that they do some pretty important work in our community, as one of the larger refuges in the area, so I’m just hoping to give them the attention they deserve.
“We will be sharing this content with our national and international audiences on Instagram and TikTok.”
The Mareeba Animal Refuge is located at 35 Hickling Avenue, off Adil Road.
MAREEBA has been included in the list of recipients for disaster recovery packages worth more than $50 million, announced by the state and federal governments.
The packages are targeted for North and Far North Queensland regions, following the North and Far North Queensland flooding last month.
Funded under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA), the latest tranche of extraordinary disaster assistance includes:
• A $30 million Sport and Recreational Community Facilities Recovery Program to rebuild and carry out repairs on floodimpacted sport and rec facilities;
• A $20 million Community and Recreational Assets Recovery Program, to repair and rebuild affected community facilities; and
• An increase to the previously announced $25,000 Extraordinary Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants to $75,000 for primary producers, and $50,000 for small businesses and not-for-profits.
Assistance has been extended to include Mareeba Shire Council, as well as Aurukun, Burke, Doomadgee, Mareeba, Mornington, Mount Isa, Napranum and Torres Councils.
The support will fund councils’ clean-up and recovery, including emergency repairs and long-
term reconstruction of the road network. Councils receiving the support now stands at 38.
The uplift to recovery grants for primary producers, small business and not-for-profits would be a welcome boost, Minister for Emergency Management Jenny McAllister said.
“North and Far North Queensland farmers are so important to the region and local economy. Today we are tripling the grant available to primary producers to help get recovery started,” she said.
“I want to thank local leaders and industry for their work as the impact has been assessed. These increases will mean more funding for stock feed, repair works and debris removal.”
Minister for Regional and Rural Development Dale Last said agencies had been on the ground listening and delivering.
“The TV cameras might have gone down south, but we’re with North Queensland for the long run,” he said.
“The Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority is well prepared for this significant uplift, with staff in North Queensland ready to assist eligible producers, small businesses and not-for-profits.”
SERIOUS questions are being asked about how Tablelands Regional Council will be able to maintain the new Prior’s Creek recreational precinct when it is failing to keep Atherton’s main business district in a clean and attractive condition.
Councillors have reported they are receiving complaints on a weekly basis about how unclean and dreary the town’s approaches and main centre looks, which has triggered a review into the budget allocated to park and gardens.
Businesswoman Helen Williams, who has operated the Summers Newsagency in the main street for the past 18 years, has spoken out about the drop in the standard of the CBD, saying it was obvious to locals and tourists.
“We regularly have people come here and ask, ‘what happened to Atherton. It used to be so pretty, it’s used to be so clean’,” she said.
“There are no more flowers growing in the median strip where they used to be, the planter boxes are full of weeds and are not maintained, the brick wall has trees growing out of it, there is black mould all over the concrete areas which is not pressure cleaned, and we have weeds growing everywhere.
“I noticed the change after amalgamation when the standard declined and it has never returned.
“The TRC is like a mushroomit’s top heavy – there’s less boots on the ground than what’s sitting in the building.”
Ms Williams is asking how the council will fund the annual ongoing maintenance of the Prior’s Creek
precinct once it is completed and believes too much money is being sunk into the project at the expense of the CBD area, and maintenance of other towns and roads in the local government area.
“I’ve been advised it could cost up to $1 million in annual maintenance costs and the council was going to offset this by selling or leasing five lots but that hasn’t happened to date so how will they pay for it?” she said.
“The five lots have not been sold not and that was supposed to be the revenue-raising exercise to pay for ongoing maintenance and repairs to the precinct.
“There’s only one way they will find that money – and that’s increasing the rates or cutting services. Does that mean they close libraries and the like?
“I have no faith that they will keep that area up to scratch, they can’t look
after the rest of stuff in town and now they’re going to further spread thin the parks and gardens staff who do a fantastic job with what they have.”
She is also critical of the council’s decision to remove the toilet block in Vernon Street, saying people would now have to walk a long way to access the amenities in the parklands area.
Ms Williams also has concerns as to why the council went ahead with Stage 1B of the project when the previous council had only approved Stage 1A until such time as there was assurance the five lots would be sold for the additional revenue required.
TRC responded to questions posed by The Express, but refused to divulge what the annual maintenance costs would be for Prior’s Creek and rejected any suggestion that it needed to sell the lots to pay for the ongoing costs, saying “council is not
dependent on the sale of the lots to fund the Priors Creek Project”.
Former councillor David Clifton confirmed that at the early stages of planning the project, the Queensland Treasury Corporation had given a “round” figure of $1 million per annum repairs and maintenance as a base.
“I saw an economic assessment that made it clear that there needed to be $15.5 million in private investment with the sale of the five lots in the precinct,” he said.
“At that time, the council approved Stage 1A with progress towards Stage 1B but only if the land was sold. At the time, the council land agent, Quaid’s Real Estate, recommended that we needed to wait for some time for the land sales to occur in the present environment.
“That the new council has approved Stage 1B is certainly confusing given that the economic conditions seem to have worsened rather than improved.”
A council spokesperson defended the removal of the toilet block from the CBD, stating that “Vernon Street is the main entrance for the Priors Creek Parklands and having a toilet block in the middle of the road is not appropriate from a safety and accessibility perspective, and reduces the view of the parklands from Main Street”.
Council acknowledged that the two new toilets will be a 200m walk from the main street, adding that the Barron Valley Hotel also provided public toilets, and another was located near the Atherton Tablelands Information Centre.
Council decided to review the budget for parks and gardens staff after it was raised at the last meeting. Is this the way forward in improving the maintenance of the CBD area?
Council has a strong interest in improving the maintenance of public spaces in our towns. Establishing programs and measuring the time associated to deliver these programs allows for transparency in the costs of services levels. This also allows for informed decision making when there are gaps are in the program to determine the most efficient way to address. Council establishes budgets annually based on its service priorities and affordability.
Why does council not plant flowers anymore - in the roundabout at the northern entrance to the town (near Prior’s Creek), in the main street median where they used to be, and in the planter boxes in the street?
TRC’s planting practices consider the impact on all ratepayers of the cost of ongoing maintenance and the level of service associated with planting, as it must do with all ongoing maintenance. Planter boxes are still available for shop owners to use and maintain. This sharing allows us to focus on other maintenance while the shop owners take civic pride in the streetscape, resulting in benefits for the community and TRC.
How much money will be needed annually to maintain Prior’s Creek precinct? Has this been calculated and councillors advised of such?
The amount spent on operations will be determined by the level of service adopted by Council. All new assets come with a calculated ongoing operations and maintenance expenses. These decisions are made during planning to ensure the sustainability and long-term impacts and benefits are known. If the lots are not sold or leased to raise revenue to expend on the maintenance of the precinct, what is council’s plan to find that additional money?
Council is not dependent on the sale of the lots to fund the Priors Creek Project. Any funds from the sale of any of Council’s assets is considered broadly in terms of where any money is best allocated and spent, in the overall interests of the community. However, selling the lots for appropriate development is important to achieve Council’s aiming of enhancing economic development and tourism, and also increasing liveability.
Why did council go ahead with Stage 1B when the previous council only approved Stage 1A until the lots were sold or leased? Why did this change? It is a matter for each Council to determine what decisions it wishes to continue with, and which decisions it wishes to revisit. For example, this might occur when taking into account any changes in circumstances including changes in strategic direction set with guiding documents such as Corporate Plans, or future planning for financial sustainability. It is also open for any current Council to revisit any resolution previously made in this term. For example, if new information becomes available that gives rise to questions about existing resolutions.
A TOLGA landmark has found a new home, with the old windmill that has stood in its highway location for over 70 years now sited at Old Mates Farm.
The windmill was moved from an unknown location to Tolga in the early 1950s.
But over the years, the structure fell into disrepair.
It will now be refurbished before being reconstructed at Old Mates Farm in the Upper Barron.
Old Mates Farm Tony Freeman said they were always on the lookout for historical items of significance and were grateful to Margaret Bass and her late husband Frank for entrusting the iconic windmill to the farm location for local and future generations to enjoy.
The 86-year-old Simplex Geared 10ft (fan) windmill was manufactured by The International Boring Company (IBC) in Brisbane in 1939.
HAVING a cuppa and a bite to eat could reap rewards for the Cancer Council which has just opened registrations for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea program.
With one Australian diagnosed with cancer around every five minutes – the same length as an average tea break – Aussies can make a difference with every mug by registering for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea and hosting the event in May or June.
Cancer Council’s Naomi Watson said it was hoped the initiative could raise more than $16 million to continue the organisation’s life-saving cancer research, prevention, advocacy and support programs.
“Since 1993, Australians have hosted tens of thousands of morning teas and raised over $200 million, helping to fund life-saving research and vital support for those affected by cancer,” she said.
“With more than 24,000 hosts participating each year, Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea has cemented itself as one of the country’s most successful and beloved fundraisers.
“From a laid-back picnic with friends to a large-scale workplace event, people can celebrate Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea their own way.
“No matter how your morning tea looks, it’s all about bringing people together in support of this important cause that impacts all of us.”
Over the last 32 years, the event has seen millions of Australians donate, fundraise, and support those affected by cancer.
Although Thursday 22 May is the official date to host a morning tea in support of Cancer Council – Aussies can host as an individual, community group or business any time in May or June.
To get involved, register a morning tea today or donate at biggestmorningtea.com.au
THE SES are calling for more people to volunteer for their local groups to assist communities in disaster-related events and equip themselves with life-saving knowledge and skills.
Atherton SES local controller Kylie Lang said volunteering for the SES “makes you more capable for your own property and your neighbouring properties”.
“Not only are you helping other people, but you can also help yourself when you need to,” she said.
“It helps you build those skills to better prepare for disasterrelated events.
“The duty for each SES group
is different. Our group does a lot of floods, flood boat operations, or land searches. It varies depending on the season.
“We’re always looking for more members, the more we have the better.”
Mareeba SES local controller Darrin Pearson said the organisation’s numbers were “a little bit low”.
“It would be great if we can attract some more members,” he said.
“At Mareeba SES, we do a lot of storm damage work, so sand bagging and tarping.
“We also work at heights, use flood boats and do land searches.
DOG owners who have been for years asking for a fence to separate larger dogs from smaller ones at Atherton’s only off-leash dog park may finally get some satisfaction.
Cr Kevin Cardew raised the matter at Tablelands Regional Council’s latest meeting, saying people had been asking for a fence to separate different-sized dogs at the park for three years.
“A lot of the elderly take their little dogs there and they are being knocked over by the big dogs,” he said.
A petition had been tabled and a decision made to put a chain-link fence across the park, but the council then hit a roadblock.
“It was just about right to go, and I believe materials were purchased for this, when officers discovered that the existing dog area
is of significance under the heritage provisions attached to the Chinatown area,” Cr Cardew said.
That had forced officers to put the plans on hold and look into what permits they would require to do the works.
Cr Cardew also raised the inaction on a resolution passed by council in August last year which ordered an investigation into the feasibility of establishing an off-leash dog park within the park on Solar Crescent/Planet Avenue, Atherton.
“We haven’t heard anything on this since then and the people who use the existing dog park are jumping up and down to say the least and expressing their frustrations to me,” he said.
He said in the meantime, council should erect a temporary fence into the existing
off-leash dog park and that could be “easily achieved”.
But Infrastructure Services general manager Mark Vis said it was not that easy.
“As it a heritage-listed site, even placing posts into the ground, we have to do archaeological digging to see if there’s anything of significance there. If we haven’t got clearance, we can’t undertake those works,” he said.
“I will have to go back and see where we are at with that.”
The council agreed that the chief executive officer investigate if there were any impediments to installing a temporary fence at the existing dog park and investigate an alternative off-leash dog park in Atherton.
“We even have a drone that picks up heat signatures to assist with our searches.
“I think people should join because it’s satisfying be able to assist people in the community and you’re also able to equip yourself in disaster related events.”
Atherton SES hold a training session once a week, but Ms Lang noted “it’s pretty flexible”.
“Not everyone has to come every week, but you should attend regularly to stay up to date on your training,” she said.
The Mareeba branch requires 100 hours per year, which roughly adds up to the two-hour meetings they hold every Tuesday evening.
“We have meetings every Tuesday to keep updated on our tasks and skills, and complete training courses,” Mr Pearson said.
Atherton SES is located at 44 Mabel Street and the Mareeba base is located at 47 Strattman Street.
To join the SES, visit their website at www.ses.qld.gov.au.
WITH decades of strong, stable connections throughout the Mareeba Shire and a solid history of community service, through sport and initiatives like Crime Stoppers, Mladen Bosnic is keen to bring his knowledge and experience to local government.
“My vision is for a strong, efficient council that respects all ratepayers, prioritises community safety and acknowledges the cost-ofliving pressures facing local families,” he said.
Mr Bosnic has been critical of the decision by the council to opt for a byelection instead of choosing to offer him, as the seventh in line at the 2024 poll, the position left vacated by Kevin Davies.
He believes that transparency of decisions made by the elected councillors, as community elected representatives, must be of paramount importance.
“Your voting decision at this by-election should be centered on giving ratepayers and residents a responsible and accountable representative – not one that falls into line with a predetermined agenda and
outcome with no evident debate, with no questions asked, no reasons nor answers given, especially to those who rely so heavily on sound council decisions,” Mr Bosnic said.
He is also committed to making our shire safer and more liveable by strengthening partnerships with law enforcement, expanding crime prevention programs and supporting youth engagement initiatives to reduce crime.
Mr Bosnic is also focussed on investing in better roads, parks and public spaces to enhance liveability and attracting new opportunities.
“Supporting local businesses, attracting investment and advocating for job creation to keep the shire thriving is a top priority for me,” he said.
for ratepayers, better roads and community improvements are the cornerstones of Carol Chong’s bid to be elected as a Mareeba Shire councillor on 5 April.
As the managing director of a pastoral property northwest of Chillagoe, Ms Chong believes her knowledge of the beef industry and of the region’s primary producers will give her the insight she needs to push for better transport routes and to boost the sector.
“The primary producers industry is a vital to our local economy, which generates jobs, supports local businesses and drives regional growth,” she said.
“The beef industry contributes to our local communities by ensuring food security, economic stability and sustainable development.
“The local industry also drives government investment in roads, irrigation and logistics.
“With years of experience working with local organisations, I understand the needs of our people.
“I will continue to fight for better infrastructure, responsible governance and economic growth to ensure a
better future for all.”
Ms Chong says her leading role as the principal petitioner in a successful petition, which contained more than 700 signatures, calling for the Burke Development Road between Chillagoe and Almaden to be fully sealed in 2009 demonstrates her willingness to stand up for what is needed.
“This project improved road safety, boosted tourism, and strengthened economic growth in our region,” she said.
“I am also passionate about supporting our local community dealing with youth justice crime problems in Mareeba and Kuranda.
“If elected as a councillor, I will bring previous experience and knowledge having worked in justice programs designed to provide intervention and prevention with people engaged in crime.”
FOR Robyn Drury, deciding to run for council in the 5 April by-election is all about making her hometown a better place for everyone to live.
“I grew up here, brought up my family here and I love this place,” she said.
Together with her husband of 44 years, Russell, Mrs Drury raised four children, with three of them now living in Mareeba with their families. But while her family has been fortunate to have work and live well, she has concerns about others in the community.
“I was taught from an early age to always have compassion, show empathy and respect towards each other, and as parents, we installed this belief into our children,” she said.
“I understand the struggles and contribution to which the farming community endures. We purchased our property a month before Cyclone Larry decided to pay us a visit, it was challenging but we persisted.”
Mrs Drury is particularly concerned about the future of young people in the shire and is passionate about making a real difference in their lives.
“If elected, I will work constructively with the mayor
and other councillors for youth development which I strongly believe is critical to our social fabric,” she said.
“Social justice issues like homelessness, domestic violence, and youth crime need strong advocacy to State and Federal governments to seek funding to address these issues within our community.”
As someone who has volunteered for two decades of Mareeba’s junior rugby league, Mrs Drury said has witnessed the value of kids being involved in sport, and much could be done to give young people more guidance and a belief they could lead a successful and productive life.
Mrs Drury said she had wanted to stand for council for some time, and now she had retired, she had the time and energy to full commit to the job.
Five candidates have put up their hand to run in the Mareeba Shire by-election This is a full postal by-election, so all Mareeba Shire residents on the electoral roll will receive their voting materials by mail
When you receive your voting materials you can vote straight away Remember to always read the instructions on your ballot paper and declaration envelope before you begin
One councillor will be elected You must mark one preference on your ballot paper for your vote to count One of the most important things to remember to do after you seal your ballot paper inside the declaration envelope is to sign it before a witness and make sure your witness signs it too
Your ballot paper comes with a reply-paid envelope so you just need to slide the sealed and signed declaration envelope into the reply-paid envelope and drop it in a post box
Residents of Mareeba Shire need to vote by 6pm on election day Saturday 5 April 2025 All postal votes must be received by the ECQ by 5pm on Tuesday 15 April 2025 to ensure they are counted
Visit the ECQ s website to learn more about the by-election including who is running and to stay up-to-date with the results after the polls close You can also contact the ECQ on 1300 881 665 or email ecq@ecq qld gov au
New Duplex for Seniors and Mareeba Community Housing Company to Continue Managing Social Housing
“Affordable housing is an important issue for Mareeba Shire and one of the ways Council can support this is to make additional housing stock available to seniors who are struggling,” said Mareeba Shire Mayor Angela Toppin
“Mareeba Community Housing Company (MCHC) are a not-for-profit organisation and have been doing a wonderful job managing housing for seniors owned by Mareeba Shire Council Council has voted to extend the Deed for another three years,” said Mayor Toppin
In 2023, the Department of Housing and Public Works executed a tripartite Capital Funding Agreement with Council and MCHC to deliver a brand-new duplex containing two, 2-bedroom units to be added to the social housing stock for seniors, located in Mareeba
Container Exchange Points and Bag Drops allow people to recycle eligible containers for a 10-cent refund Last year, Mareeba Shire saw over 8 9 million containers returned, putting nearly $900,000 in refunds back to residents, groups, and charities
The Container Exchange Point is located at 11 Bowers Street Mareeba and bag drops are located next to the Mareeba Heritage Museum, Arara Street Kuranda and Raleigh Street Dimbulah
Birdie’s Tree Training Sessions
Birdie’s Tree is a world-leading suite of resources supporting the mental health and social-emotional wellbeing of babies, young children, families, and communities through natural disasters and disruptive events. Ar e you ready to make a difference? Join our workshops!
Times and locations for both courses can be accessed through the QR code below and are available in M
Scan the QR to meet the five Councillor Candidates or visit the Kuranda Library for a paper copy M
9am - 12 30pm Tuesday, 1 AprilBirdie's Tree Universal Resources Training
6pm - 8pm Tuesday, 1 April - Birdie's Tree Early Learning Program (for early educators)
Mareeba Shire Disaster Recovery Road Repair Packages
Tropical Cyclone Jasper brought flooding rains to Mareeba Shire, and with that a significant amount of damage to road infrastructure
At the March Council meeting, Councillors approved the recommendations for the tenders of four extensive road packages
Eastern roads – IKCO Pty Ltd
Dimbulah roads – Cheshire Contractors
Mid-western roads – Gregg Construction Pty Ltd
Western roads – Gregg Construction Pty Ltd
Council will collaborate with the Queensland Reconstruction Authority to align the scope of works with DRFA requirements Once approved, contractors will be engaged to begin the works
AS a successful business owner since 1980, Gaye Taylor believes her good fiscal management will be of great benefit to the ratepayers of Mareeba Shire.
“I understand good fiscal management. We can’t spend more money that we make and must stick to a balanced budget,” she said.
“There’s a huge difference between luxury and necessity and MSC Councillors need to spend money on the services that rates are actually collected for.
“The last rate rise of 5.6% was well above expectations, and the fact that there are ratepayers and residents groups in Kuranda, Mt Molloy/Julatten and, murmurings in Mareeba for a similar organisation, indicates to me that ratepayers are not currently happy.”
Ms Taylor served as a Mareeba Shire councillor from 2004-2008 and was also a representative in the TRC council before de-amalgamation.
As such, she says she demonstrated her effectiveness as a councillor, being part of achievements by the organisations including supporting Kuranda’s bid not to have fluoride in its water supply, and obtaining government funding to upgrade Dimbulah’s water network.
Ms Taylor was also an integral part of fighting a sand mining proposal for the Walsh River, fought hard to upgrade the filtration system of the Chillagoe water supply, and lobbied for a new Dimbulah health facility which was built in 2018.
In addition to her business success, Ms Taylor has also been secretary for Dimbulah/ Mutchilba Chamber of Commerce, and chairman of the board of directors for Mareeba Dimbulah Financial Services.
“We raised $1.2 million in shares to establish Community Banks in Mareeba and Dimbulah,” she said.
Ms Taylor has been a member of the Dimbulah Sports Pistol Club Inc since 1993, and for the past 33 years, she has been a trainer at Martial Art of Taekwondo, instructing students two nights every week.
Former councillor and deputy mayor Alan Pedersen has also nominated for the 5 April by-election. To read his article which was published in the 19 March edition of The Express, go to www.theexpressnewspaper.com
FIVE candidates will vie to become a councillor for Mareeba Shire at the by-election on 5 April.
At close of nominations last Tuesday, former councillors Alan Pedersen and Gaye Taylor put their names forward, as well as Mladen Bosnic, who came 7th at the 2024 poll, and newcomers Robyn Drury and Carol Chong.
The poll will be conducted by postal vote only, with the Electoral Commission Queensland preparing now to send out information to all those eligible to vote in the Mareeba Shire local government area.
The ballot draw was held after nominations closed, with Mr Bosnic in first place, followed by Ms Taylor, Mr Pedersen, Ms Drury and Ms Chong.
Electoral Commissioner Pat Vidgen said it was good to see candidates willing to represent their community ahead of the by-election.
“Now that electors know who is running, they can start to decide who they want as their new councillor representing them in local government
issues,” he said.
“This by-election is a full postal ballot so electors don’t need to visit a polling booth, instead they will soon receive their voting materials in the mail.
“Voters can complete their ballot paper as soon as their materials arrive, and they must do that before 6pm election day, on Saturday 5 April.
“Please be sure to follow the instructions carefully, including signing the declaration envelope and making sure it is signed by a witness. For your vote to count, we must receive your completed ballot paper by 5pm Tuesday 15 April.”
Mr Vidgen reminded the approximately 16,300 enrolled voters living in the Mareeba Shire Council area that voting is compulsory and failure to vote could attract a $161 fine.
Keep up to date with the Mareeba Shire Council by-election at ecq.qld.gov.au/mareeba, on socials @electoralcommissionqld or call 1300 881 665 for more information.
PEOPLE who did not vote in the October State election can expect to get a letter demanding to know why they failed to vote or they will be fined.
The Electoral Commission of Queensland will be writing to approximately 350,000 Queenslanders who appeared not to have voted in the 2024 election.
Electoral Commissioner of Queensland Pat Vidgen said voting was a democratic right that came with responsibility.
He said voters may have a genuinely valid reason for not casting their vote.
“We recognise that there might be circumstances where someone hasn’t been able to vote, so we want to give people an opportunity to share their reason for not voting with us,” he said.
“We want to know the reason why people didn’t vote, so we’re sending 350,000 people an ’Apparent failure to vote notice’.”
Voters who receive a notice can provide a valid reason for not voting, provide details if they did vote and weren’t marked off, or pay half the full penalty of $80 before the due date. If the ECQ does not hear from the apparent non-voter, or if a reason provided is not considered valid or sufficient, a penalty infringement notice will be sent and a full penalty of one unit or $161 will apply.
For those who choose to ignore the infringement notice, the matter will be referred to the State Penalties Enforcement Registry (SPER), where extra charges may apply.
For more information, visit www.ecq.qld.gov.au
We’ll be working on these projects and programs in April (weather and resources permitting):
• Slashing in Atherton, Barrine, East Barron, Ellinjaa, Innot Hot Springs, Lake Eacham, Maalan, Millstream, Moregatta, Mount Garnet, Mungalli and Ravenshoe.
• Grading in Mount Garnet and Walkamin.
• Priors Creek Parklands in Atherton.
• Testing of the new water treatment plant in Ravenshoe.
• New reservoir in Malanda.
• Restoration of roads damaged by monsoons and flooding.
• Replacement of damaged picnic shelter at Malanda Falls.
• Replacement of Wondecla Creek bridge on Webster Road, Wondecla.
• Renewal of a section of Wongabel Road, Wongabel.
• Gravel resheet program across the region.
• Bitumen reseal program across the region.
• Solar panel installation on TRC buildings. Follow these and other projects and programs at trc.qld.gov.au/projects
The next ordinary Council meetings will be at 9am tomorrow Thursday 27 March and Thursday 24 April in the Coordination Centre, 15 Vernon Street, Atherton.
The meetings are open to the public, and will be live streamed and recorded. See our socials and trc.qld.gov.au/meetings for agendas, minutes, recordings and live stream links.
T-TRC2025-09 for the 2024–25 asphalt overlay program is open until 11am Monday 7 April 2025. Find out more and lodge your submission at trc.qld.gov.au/tenders
Visit trc.qld.gov.au/careers to see our current vacancies, apply online and subscribe to have our Careers @ TRC e-newsletter delivered to your inbox.
Applications are open to exhibit in one of our three galleries in 2026. We’re keen to see applications from artists and curators at all stages of their practice and from across our region. Applications are open until 5pm Wednesday 30 April at trc.qld.gov.au/exhibiting
Bring your guests and visitors to our free monthly Food Safari showcasing our region’s amazing produce and products. The safaris is at the Atherton Tablelands Information Centre, 10am–12noon on the second Thursday of the month until September. The next safari is Thursday 10 April.
We’ve teamed up with the Queensland Centre for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health and nearby councils to offer free training for primary school teachers, early childhood educators, librarians, mental health clinicians, community workers, first responders and other professionals.
• Birdie’s Tree Universal Resources Training
• Birdie’s Tree Early Learning Program. The programs will be run between Monday 31 March and Thursday 3 April in Atherton, Mareeba and Cairns — find out where and when, and register at trc.qld.gov.au/birdies-tree-training
Learn new skills and explore new mediums at workshops for artists of all levels. From ceramics and podcasting to Minecraft and music, our diverse range of classes are led by local and visiting artists dedicated to fostering a vibrant artistic community. Find out more and book your place at trc.qld.gov.au/arts-workshops
The Regional Arts Development Fund is a Queensland Government and Tablelands Regional Council partnership
Park safely and respectfully.
Be patient. Wait in your car until it is your turn.
Follow instructions from the attendant.
Wear closed in shoes.
Keep kids and pets in your car.
Place items in the correct bins. If you’re not sure, just ask. Leave as soon as you’re finished. Do not remove items from bins.
By Linda Bates, Catherine Devine and Tina Jacobson. On display until Saturday 26 April.
By Songriver Photography Group. On display until Friday 30 May.
By Jen Fleming. On display until Saturday 3 May.
AN alumni program has been launched by Mareeba State High School and its P&C to celebrate the 65th birthday of the school.
The alumni program will keep past students and staff up to date on current achievements through a newsletter twice a year and provide an avenue for the gathering of past school stories and school history.
It will also provide the opportunity for past students and staff to give back to the school community, either through donations, guest speaking, or in other capacities.
It will also support the coordination of reunions.
“Mareeba State High School has a long history and there’s a lot of local people who have gone to school here,” deputy principal Lesa Moro said.
“There’s a lot of pride people feel to have gone to this school, and it was the only high school in Mareeba for a number of years, so we want to give people an avenue to reconnect with each other and with the school.
“We wanted to establish a directory of past students with the purpose to communicate regularly and celebrate our achievements.
“We’ve got a lot of reunions coming through our school, so it’ll be great to have a little team of people who can help organise that.
“We’ve had past students who want to support our school financially, and this is usually done through bursaries on presentation nights, but we want to create an avenue to allow people more of a chance to do that.”
The newsletter will be a culmination of achievements and events that have happened throughout the year and will be sent out to all alumni twice a year.
P&C president Sharelle France is particularly passionate about this project after attending a reunion a couple of years ago and has since kept in touch with many old friends.
“I think it’s a great way to record the history of the school and for past students to keep in contact with their school and each other,” she said.
“I think that past student connection is really important because when you’re at school you
make so many connections with a lot of people.
“I also think it’s a big part of our town, so to continue that connection and history aspect, I believe is really important.”
The school would like to invite past students and staff to join the alumni by providing their contact details and email address.
“Irrespective of how long you attended as a student or taught here, you are part of our school community, and you are welcome to join our alumni,” Ms Moro said.
To become part of the Mareeba State High School alumni, email mshsalumni@mareebashs.eq.edu. au or call the school via 4086 2777.
TEACHERS, early childhood educators, librarians and other professionals working with children and families can attend free disaster education training being offered by both Mareeba Shire and Tablelands Regional Council.
“We’ve teamed up with the Queensland Centre for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health and nearby councils to offer this free training aimed at primary school teachers, early childhood educators, librarians, mental health clinicians, community workers, first responders and other professionals,” Local Disaster Management Group Chair and Tablelands Mayor Rod Marti said.
There are two programs on offer – Birdie’s Tree Universal Resources Training and Birdie’s Tree Early Learning Program.
Birdie’s Tree is a worldleading suite of resources supporting the mental health and social-emotional wellbeing of babies, young children, families and communities through natural disasters and disruptive events.
The Birdie’s Tree Universal Resources Training is a 60–90min face-to-face workshop introducing Birdie’s Tree resources and practical strategies for young children, and each participant will receive a free resources pack including storybooks, hand puppets and educator manuals.
The programs will be run between Monday 31 March and Thursday 3 April in Atherton, Mareeba and Cairns — Go to https://forms.office.com/ r/13nqq8mCRq
LOCALS can have their say on whether they want the concrete bollards installed along Ceola Drive last year to remain.
The bollards were installed around June last year, purportedly to make pedestrians safer along the busy road, for a six-month trial and now Mareeba Shire Council is accepting feedback from road users and those who live in surrounding streets.
The residents directly affected by the bollards in front of their properties were consulted before they were installed and have since been asked their views, and a survey was put online, according to the council, which has now closed.
After The Express made inquiries last week as to how those who may have missed the survey could provide feedback, council advised anyone wishing to comment could do so by emailing to info@msc.qld.gov.au
The project was funded by State Government, as a part of their “Lighter Affordable Effective” concept which is based on “implementing community-identified, small-scale projects that
test ideas and solutions”.
After the bollards were installed, residents living in the area launched a petition to raise concerns about the concrete structures.
In June last year, Ceola Drive residents Michelle, Peter and Daniel Haines said they were all shocked when came home to see the “ugly” islands near their driveway.
The family of three said their guests could no longer park outside of their home and garbage bins had to be placed on the road for collection.
“These are hazardous, unsightly, impractical, and not giving access to yards or street parking, which has always been possible,” Michelle said at the time.
“I felt for our next-door neighbours (whom I rang) with a large caravan and the school bus, which pulls up to the curve outside.
“We run a youth group program, where parents drop and pick up from outside house, safely, with little distraction - however now they can’tthey have to use the opposite side road which is completely unsafe.”
4. Seal the declaration envelope and sign it before a witness. Your witness
6. The ECQ
THIS Sunday, all roads lead to Innisfail for one of the biggest feasts on the calendar as the culmination event of the four-day Feast of the Senses Festival.
The Australian Bananas River Feast is the signature event of the festival and takes place on the banks of the Johnstone River, with an amazing array of food on offer, arts and crafts, and live entertainment.
“We are thrilled that the Australian Bananas River Feast is almost here,” committee president Rosi Jensen said.
“Our volunteer committee has worked incredibly hard to bring this event to the community, and it would not happen without the financial support of Australian Bananas and numerous other supporters, including the Cassowary Coast Council.
Gates to the free event open at 9am on Sunday and patrons are promised wonderful food to enjoy, local produce, cooking demonstrations and tastings.
Local performers will take to the Brothers’
Leagues Club Canecutter Court stage on the riverbank and entertain crowds from 9.30am. Arts, crafts, artisanal food products and food vendors selling tasty treats all add to the local, tropical flavour on the day.
The highlight will be the colourful and aromatic Rare and Tropical Fruit display, provided by the Cassowary Coast Rare Fruits Association. Sponsored by Paronella Park, patrons can give just about everything in the marquee the taste test before they bid at auction for the abundant fruit at the end of the day.
The Feast of Fun Kid Zone, situated at the skatepark end of the riverbank, will be a hot spot for children of all ages, with inflatable rides and kid-themed activities, sponsored by Soils First.
Rides will be $5 each, or an all-day, unlimited rides wristband can be purchased for $20. There’ll be art and craft activities and other fun things for children to do on the day.
For more information go to www. feastofthesenses.com.au/events/
ATHERTON Performing Arts is commemorating 80 years since the end of World War II with the multi-award-winning play “The Shoe-Horn Sonata” by John Misto.
Based on the stories of actual survivors, “The ShoeHorn Sonata” gives unique insight into the lives of women living in Japanese POW camps during World War II.
Bridie and Sheila take part in a 1995 documentary about their wartime experiences. They had first met during the invasion of Singapore when Bridie was an Australian army nurse and Sheila was an English schoolgirl.
Although they became best friends at camp they surprisingly have not kept in touch over the next 50 years.
The play is about Sheila and Bridie’s relationship. It tells of camp stories, sonatas, secrets and a shoe-horn… What happened in camp to make for the friends’ seeming estrangement?
This tender, funny and
compassionate look at camp life and afterwards gives a whole new insight into war, love and human relationships.
Directed by Anne Wilson,
the play features veteran actors Kirsty Veron and Jacqui Stephens as Sheila and Bridie, assisted by Peter WhalleyThompson as the interviewer. This historical play depicts war and racial themes. Parental guidance is recommended for young viewers.
The Shoe-Horn Sonata will be performed six times at the APA Theatre, Atherton between 28 March and 6 April. There are drinks and nibbles on opening night from 7pm. There are evening performances on 28-29 March, as well as on 3-4 April starting at 7.30pm.
Entry is discounted by $5 on 3 April.
There are two matinee showings on Sunday 30 March and Sunday 6 April starting at 2.30pm.
Concession and student discounts are also available. Bookings can be made by visiting Tableland Books, Vernon Street Atherton or by going online at www.athertonperformingarts. com.au
houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals
RAY White Rural Atherton proudly presents ‘Granite Springs’, an exceptional and well-located cattle property just 51km from Mount Garnet, North Queensland*. Spanning approximately 7,642.8 acres* on a single freehold title, this property offers open forest country ideal for breeding or backgrounding. Currently operating as a low-input, costeffective breeding enterprise, Granite Springs boasts an estimated carrying capacity of 450 breeders*.
Cattle Yards:
• Steel and timber construction with a covered vet crush, two large coolers, pound, water troughs and sprinklers to manage dust. Approximate holding capacity: 300 head.
Paddocks & Water:
• 15 paddocks ranging from 38 acres to 2,191 acres*.
• 2 bores, 12 dams and 16 concrete water troughs in total.
• Seasonal water source: Rudd Creek.
• Laneway connects all but one paddock.
• Infrastructure and Improvements:
• Machinery shed/workshop (24m x 12m) with power and lights.
• 2m x 2m cold room.
• Main residence: 4-bedroom, 1-bathroom home with an office, front and rear patio, 6kW solar system and mains power.
Caretaker’s house:
• 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom open-plan home.
Additional living quarters:
• 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom with functional kitchen and living area, attached to the shed.
• All-weather bitumen road access on a road train route.
• Soil Types: Basalt, Red Soil, Red Loam, Sandy Loam, Red Grey, Granite, and Tea Tree Sand.
• Pastures & Feed: Wellestablished varieties including Black Spear Grass, Signal Grass, Seca Stylo, Vetch, Wincasia, Grader Grass and Native Grasses.
With a combination of quality infrastructure, reliable water sources, and a comfortable home, Granite Springs is a standout opportunity for cattle producers looking for an efficient, ready-to-go operation.
Address: Price: Agent:
Call exclusive agent Morgan Brennan at Ray White Atherton on 0407 730 450 or 07 4091 7111 for more details or to arrange an inspection.
*Approximate figures
22779 Kennedy Highway, MT GARNET Contact agent Morgan Brennan Ray White Atherton 0407 730 450 or 4091 7111
livestock and cropping
four bedroom lay out, and convenient location, 24 Stewart Street, Mareeba is a great opportunity for families and retirees alike.
The large living area boasts plenty of room for the family, with the added bonus of a fireplace to keep cosy in the cooler months. Located off the compact kitchen is the dining space, that opens up to the living area, creating a convenient family space.
All four bedrooms are a great size with built-in cupboards, and the main bedroom is extralarge. There is one bathroom which services the home with an internal laundry.
Outside you can enjoy the quiet location with the front patio or the outdoor entertaining space off the shed, which also doubles as a
3 bay carport space.
The 6m x 9m shed is easily accessible down the side and has two roller doors with power. It also has services for a toilet and a shower if needed. There is also a rear yard behind the carports and shed, with an additional garden shed tucked in the back corner.
The fully fenced 883m2 allotment is in a great location for families. With multiple parks nearby you won’t have to go far for kids sports on the weekends. The State High school is just up the road, a kindergarten nearby, and the CBD is only
Address: Price: Agent:
a few minutes away.
Property Features:
• Solid double-block construction home
• 4 bedrooms, all with built-ins,
1 bathroom
• Large living space, fireplace
• Compact kitchen & dining space
• 6m x 9m (approx.) shed, powered
• Garden shed
• Internal laundry
• 3 carport spaces/ patio area
• Fully fenced 883m2 allotment
• Close to town, school, parks
To find out more contact exclusive agent Vince Costas on 0419 926 691.
24 Stewart Street, MAREEBA $450,000
EXCLUSIVE to Vince Costas Central Realty 0419 926 691 or 4092 2232
THIS off-grid nature retreat sounds and is absolutely incredible. With 380 acres of pristine land, this property offers privacy, natural beauty and plenty of opportunities for outdoor adventures.
Property features:
• Privacy and Solitude – no neighbours in sight, bordering a national forest.
• Waterfalls, creeks and private swimming hole
•1.2 km from front gate
• House pad with posts for possible container – ready to build with stunning 360° mountain and valley views.
• 5,000L and 27,000L rainwater tanks
• Caretaker cottage/Tiny House
– solar-powered, relocatable 12m donga with veranda, kitchen and outdoor cooking facilities - weekend retreat or rented out for extra income.
• Sheds and carport
• Endless wilderness to explore. Ideal for hiking, motor
cross or creating hiking trails and camping sites.
• 20 minutes from Mareeba and Atherton, 1 hour approx from Cairns
• Self-sufficient lifestyle in remote accessible location
• Plus much more
Contact exclusive agent Rino Gava for more information.
Oaky Valley, MUTCHILBA $700,000 EXCLUSIVE to Rino Gava Sibi Girgenti Real Estate 0427 779 086
A RARE opportunity to secure 56 acres of pristine land, perfectly positioned for those seeking privacy, natural beauty, and endless possibilities. Bordering lush rainforest and offering expansive views, this property is the ideal canvas for your dream home or the ultimate weekend escape.
Currently used for grazing this property is gently undulating and fully fenced around the perimeter. The pastures are predominately Seteria and Brachi and have a seasonal water supply.
Despite its peaceful seclusion, the property is conveniently located just 20 minutes from the township of Malanda via mostly bitumen road, offering both privacy and accessibility. Nature lovers will be captivated by the hidden waterfall, abundant birdlife, and the chance to spot the iconic cassowary. Whether you’re exploring the on site quarry, taking in the panoramic scenery, or simply unwinding in your own private paradise, this property delivers a truly unique lifestyle. Call exclusive agent Janine to arrange an inspection on 0407 032 422.
Address: Price: Agent: Contact: 2388 Topaz Road, TOPAZ Contact agent EXCLUSIVE to Janine Rielly Elders Real Estate Tablelands 0407 032 422
will enjoy alfresco entertaining in a cosy and welcoming atmosphere. Located well away from the
accommodation. Attached to this masonry block shed are additional high roof extensions ideal for large vehicles. Enjoy a rural lifestyle, located just ten minutes’ drive from Ravenshoe.
LOCATED in a quiet, established area in town – this light, bright & airy 3 bedroom home is beautifully presented & immaculately maintained. It’s better than brand new because everything has been done for you.
Property features:
• Spacious open plan
• 3 generous bedrooms with built-in robes
• Split-system air-conditioning in the living area & 2 bedrooms
Positioned in a quiet, family friendly street and surrounded by other quality homes is this immaculately presented and well maintained 4 bedroom near new family home.
Offering a spacious floorplan filled with natural light, quality fittings and open plan living. All bedrooms have built in wardrobes and the master suite has a large walk-in robe and a generous ensuite.
The neutral colour pallet
• Stylish galley style kitchen
• Modern bathroom
• Sliding windows, security screens/blinds
• Front patio/sitting area with shade blinds +
throughout, coupled with the vinyl flooring adds to the overall appeal. There is an impressive entertaining area at the side of the home, overlooking the spacious yard & scenic views.
Nestled on a large 1,046m² fully fenced allotment, this home offers plenty of outdoor space for your enjoyment and privacy.
For further information or to arrange an inspection, call exclusive marketing agent Raquel at Sommerset Realty on 0408 983 879.
AGFORCE has applauded recent amendments by the LNP Government to bring wind farm projects into line with other land uses and make them impact assessable and mandating bonds or a bank guarantee as security to ensure that funds are available to decommission wind turbines should the developer default on their responsibility.
However, Queensland’s peak representative body for rural producers still has grave concerns about the Wind Farm Code, as it still does not protect landholders from excessive noise or eliminate liability risks.
AgForce CEO Michael Guerin said that despite updates to the Code, there was still no requirement for wind farms to comply with established noise limit requirements that apply to all other industries.
“These issues will only be exacerbated as wind farms continue to be developed across the State,” he said.
“While AgForce applauds recent amendments by the LNP Government to bring renewable energy projects into line with other land uses and make them impact assessable, it’s clear they have not gone far enough.
“It’s unacceptable that wind farms in Queensland are not required to comply with the
noise criteria stipulated in the Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy 2019 guidelines - unlike all other industries in Queensland.
“That includes the coal and gas industry, which is required to comply with the Noise Policy.”
Current regulations for Queensland wind farms fall under the State Code 23: Wind Farm Development. Table 23.3 of that Code includes the concept of “wind masking”, which allows higher noise levels at the turbine as wind speeds increase
“However the background noise generated at the turbine - which is usually high on a ridge - is very different from the background noise generated by the wind at the ‘sensitive receptor’ - such as a house located lower in the valley,” Mr Guerin said.
AgForce says the previous ALP Government ignored their own Noise Expert‘s advice at the time of developing the Code, who stated: “wind masking has been applied as if it was masking noise of similar frequencies and this is not the case.” The distance of 1500m as a buffer will not be sufficient for the current size of wind turbine. This distance had originated years ago for much smaller size turbines and at the time was
probably a correct distance”
“We know of people whose sleep is disturbed by the noise from wind turbines, only to find there was nothing they could do as the noise level is deemed to be compliant with approvals granted under previous Wind Farm Code criteria. This is absurd and must be addressed.” Mr Guerin said.
AgForce also believes the
minimum setback distance of 1500m should be increased significantly, given that the size of wind turbines has increased by approximately 100m since the criteria in the Code was first developed in 2015.
“AgForce is also concerned about wind farm decommissioning approval conditions that as they stand, may
still bind the landowner to unfair liability risks,” Mr Guerin said.
“While the amendments to the Code mandates bonds or a bank guarantee as security to ensure funds are available to decommission wind turbines when necessary, if the bond security is inadequate at the time of decommissioning, landowners are then held liable to carry out the decommissioning at their own cost.
“These costs are exorbitant, and it’s unreasonable to expect farmers to bear them.”
AgForce is calling on the State Government to require that bonds or bank guarantees must be provided before the wind farm starts operations, that these reflect the real costs of decommissioning and that they must be provided by a financially sound independent institution.
Apart from decommissioning and noise issues, AgForce is also urging the LNP government
to address concerns with biosecurity and potential land zoning changes.
“Many landholders aren’t aware that their primary production status could be jeopardised by hosting a wind farm project, causing their council rates to skyrocket as they are rezoned as industrial,” Mr Guerin said.
“Ideally, we would also like to see a register of reputable renewable energy developers, along with better and wider consultation with communities
“AgForce supports the efforts the LNP has made to address issues with the Code so far, but encourages the government to draw attention to neighbours of wind farm projects who may be impacted by the development but under current guidelines do not receive any compensation. We see this is an area that needs more consideration.”
CANEGROWERS has launched a new suite of curriculum-aligned educational resources designed to inspire and educate the next generation about the sugarcane industry.
Developed with input from industry experts and educators, the One Plant, Many Products resources offer primary and secondary teachers lesson plans, worksheets and resources to provide engaging insights into this vital agricultural sector, Canegrowers chief executive officer Dan Galligan said.
One Plant, Many Products materials were developed in collaboration with the Primary Industry Education Foundation Australia (PIEFA). They are designed to be practical and easy to integrate into lessons across various subjects.
Mr Galligan emphasised the importance of reconnecting students with the sugarcane industry and teaching them about the opportunities going forward.
“These materials aim to bring the sugarcane story to life, highlighting its 150-year legacy, as well as its importance as Queensland’s second-largest agricultural export industry, and the industry’s evolving role in shaping Australia’s green energy future,” he said.
The resources showcase sugarcane’s journey from humble beginnings to its current position as a leader in sustainability and innovation, including its use as a feedstock for renewable energy,
bioplastics, and sustainable fuels such as aviation biofuel and biodiesel.
Mr Galligan said while the industry had deep historical significance, demonstrated by sugarcane’s prominent place on the Queensland Coat of Arms, it remains future-focused.
Beyond producing sugar for domestic and export markets, sugarcane offered solutions to the challenge of decarbonising our economy by generating green electricity and reducing reliance on traditional plastics
and high-emission fuels.
The industry also presented a wide range of career opportunities, including research and development, agronomy, logistics, mill operations, chemistry, marketing, commodity trading and advocacy.
Mr Galligan said as the sector continued to innovate, even more roles would emerge, offering exciting possibilities for future generations.
Aligned with the Australian Curriculum, the
“Sugarcane is a proud part of Queensland’s heritage, but its potential for innovation makes it truly exciting. By offering these resources, we hope to inspire students and show them the role they can play in this remarkable industry,” he said.
“The future of sugarcane is bright, and we want every Queenslander to understand its importance in our past, present, and future.”
The One Plant, Many Products resources are now available to schools across Australia.
Francis “Frank” Cecil Wagner 29/01/1941 ~ 13/03/2025
Late of Cairns. Passed away peacefully at Mercy Place Cairns Bethlehem on ursday 13th March, 2025.
Dearly loved Husband of Imelda.
Much loved Father of Peter, Anthony, Lisa, Allyson, Danelle (Dec.), Simone, Angela and cherished Grandfather and Great Grandfather.
Family and friends are respectfully invited to attend Frank’s funeral service on Monday 31st March at the Cairns Crematorium Funeral Home Chapel, Foster Road, Mt Sheridan, Qld 4868, commencing at 10:00am.
Desmond (Dezy) William KITSON
Late of Hervey Bay. Passed away peacefully with his family by his side on Monday 17th March, 2025. Aged 60 years. Much loved Partner of Mandy. Cherished Son of Ken & Alma (Dec.). Brother of Pam & Jane. Brother-in-Law of Jill. Father of Nic & Luc. Dezy will be sadly missed by all family and friends.
Family & friends are invited to attend a celebration of his life to be held at The Clubhouse, Hervey Bay, 2.00pm, Sunday 6th April 2025.
Details of a Tableland celebration will be advised in the near future.
INGRAM, Michael James “Mick”
Late of Wondecla. Passed away on the 3rd of March, 2025. Aged 70 years.
Loved Father of John E. Ingram. Loving Uncle and Friend of many.
Relatives and friends of Mick are respectfully invited to attend his funeral service, which is appointed to move from Mountain View Chapel, Guilfoyle’s Tablelands Crematorium, 3 Nasser Road, Atherton on Monday 31st March, 2025 after a service commencing 2:00pm, for interment in the Rockley Road Cemetery.
FAVIER, Robert Maurice (Bob)
Passed away peacefully at Atherton on the 15th of March, 2025.
Much loved Husband of Pamela. Loving Father and Father-in-Law of Diane, Wayne, Roei and Samantha. Loving Brother of Lorraine, Dawn, Kevin, Alan and Helen.
Bob will be sadly missed by family and friends.
In keeping with Bob’s wishes, a private cremation will take place.
In lieu of flowers, donation to the Atherton Hospital Friends of the Foundation would be greatly appreciated.
Guilfoyle Funeral Services
Chapels, Crematorium & Memorial Gardens
Atherton: 4091 2147 Mareeba: 4092 1013
Local Family Owned & “Entrusted for over 70 years” www.guilfoylefunerals.com.au
Would like to express their sincerest thanks to Dimbulah Ambulance Staff, and Doctors and Nursing Staff at Mareeba Hospital who provided Ermes medical and compassionate care during his time of need.
Thanks and gratitude is extended to the Dimbulah Health Clinic and Doctor Margaret Purcell who provided healthcare to Ermes throughout his life.
A warm and sincere thank you to Fr. Saju Thekkanath Joseph, CFIC for the beautiful service and his support. Special thanks to Alteouise and Idris for their part in song to celebrate Ermes’ life.
Thank you to Guilfoyle Funerals Mareeba for their professional services, O’Donnells Printers, Dimbulah Lions Club, St Anthony’s School, Dimbulah Soccer Club, Crew House Cafe and Camp 64.
Our sincere appreciation for the support of family and friends, some of whom travelled long distances to be with us.
Thank you to everyone that bought food, sent flowers, made donations, sent cards, messages and called. We took great comfort from your kindness and care.
Please accept our heartfelt thanks.
I would like to meet a Senior Lady who could become my companion to share my active lifestyle with me. You need to be a non-smoker, retired, healthy, active, adventurous & enjoy travelling. Atherton based. If this rings your bell, call Al on 0428 194 501 - 7am to 7pm
Guilfoyle Funeral Services
Chapels, Crematorium & Memorial Gardens
Atherton: 4091 2147 Mareeba: 4092 1013
Local Family Owned & “Entrusted for over 70 years” www.guilfoylefunerals.com.au
Late of Mareeba. Passed away peacefully on Monday the 17th of March, 2025. Aged 81 years. Much loved Husband, Father, Father-in-Law, Grandfather, Great Grandfather, Brother, Brotherin-Law, Uncle and Friend.
Always in our hearts. In keeping with Larry’s wishes, a private family service has taken place.
for over 70 years” www.guilfoylefunerals.com.au
Council is seeking applications for the following positions:
These positions support Council’s direction by undertaking a wide range of plant operations, truck driving, supervision, and maintenance tasks as part of a multi-disciplined team that is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the Council’s infrastructure assets in accordance with recognised standards.
These positions are to commence asap, based on a nine day on five day off roster and applicants will be required to camp at various locations within the Etheridge Shire. Above award rates, allowances, superannuation, 5 weeks annual leave plus more applicable to these positions. Applicants must be in possession licences / qualifications & skills:
• Construction Card required
• HC Truck Licence required, MC desirable
• Plant tickets required Roller, Backhoe, Excavator and bobcat any other plant tickets desirable
• Truck and Dog experience in tipper and water truck operations, experience in loading, unloading and floating machinery
The Etheridge Shire covers approximately 40,000 square kilometres of Queensland’s Gulf Savannah Region. The Council offices are located in Georgetown approximately 380 kilometres west of Cairns and 360 kilometres east of Karumba.
Georgetown provides the shire with a clean, safe, modern service hub including facilities such as a primary school, hospital, child care, golf club, swimming complex, and sports ground. In addition to Georgetown the shire has three other towns Forsayth, Mount Surprise and Einasleigh. The shires social calendar is packed and is driven by strong community spirit. Applications can be posted, delivered to the Administration Office, faxed or emailed to:
Position Vacant - (Position Applied For)
The Chief Executive Officer, Etheridge Shire Council PO Box 12, GEORGETOWN QLD 4871
Applications close at 4.00pm, 4th April, 2025. Fax: 07 4062 1285 - Email: info@etheridge.qld.gov.au
Further information can be obtained by contacting Allan Parry on 07 4079 9090 or Council’s website: www.etheridge.qld.gov.au
Briody Plumbing Pty Ltd is looking for a QUALIFIED PLUMBER
Full Time • $40-50 Per Hour
Briody Plumbing is a locally owned company, operating in Cairns and surrounding areas. We currently have a permanent, full time opportunity for a Qualified Plumber with experience in either of the following areas; Domestic, Commercial and Civil Plumbing.
Quali fications & Experience:
• Valid QLD Plumbing License (QBCC)
• Current QLD driver’s license
• Construction White Card
• Must have own basic tools
Great company benefi ts.
If you are interested, we would love to hear from you.
Please send your resume to: admin@briodyplumbing.com.au
Irvinebank School of Arts & Progress Association
Sunday 6th April
Following ordinary meeting 10am @ School of Arts Hall, Irvinebank All welcome!
Do you have difficulty reading from your Phone, Tablet, Laptop or Desktop Computer?
The application is located at approximately
North West of Mareeba.
The applicant is: Ashleigh Kym Fitzgerald (100%)
Date & time applications lodged: 8 May, 2024 - 8:30am
Mining activities to be carried out include: Alluvial Gold Mining Mining Lease Application Documents
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The application documents consist of the Application for Mining Lease, copies of or extracts from the application documents, and the endorsed Mining Lease Notice detailing the location and description of the land applied for (including surface area and access), may be downloaded from the Departments website: https://www.business.qld.gov.au/industries/mining-energywater/resources/public-notices-tenders or may be inspected at the Department of Resources office – Verde Tower, Level 9, 445 Flinders Street, Townsville Qld 4810 or may be obtained by contacting the local mines assessment hub on (07) 4447 9230.
Environmental Authority Documents
The application documents for the proposal consist of the following: A-EA-NEW-100705949 Standard Application for a new environmental authority for a resource activity.
Copies of, or extracts from, the application documents may be inspected at the Department of Environment and Science Level 3, 5B Sheridan Street, Cairns, Qld 4870 or may be obtained by contacting Permit and Licence Management by phone on 1300 130 372 or by email on palm@des.qld. gov.au.
Copies of the standard conditions and eligibility criteria for a resource activity can be obtained by accessing the Department of Environment and Science website: www.des.qld.gov.au or by contacting Permit and Licence Management by phone on 1300 130 372 (select option 4) or by email on palm@des.qld.gov.au.
Making A Properly Made Objection / Submission
It is advised that any person/entity may make an objection to the grant of the mining lease, and/or a submission about the application for the environmental authority. The objection/submission period, during which objections/submissions can be given, concludes on 29 April, 2025 at 4:30pm (AEST).
IS SOMEONE YOU KNOW GETTING MARRIED? Place an advert in The Express and wish them all the best!
Mareeba Shire Council has developed a draft Land management Plan for Reserve for Cultural Purposes, Park and Recreational - R1267 being Lot 421 on SP254843, situated at Fenwick Street Mareeba.
The Land Management Plan describes the existing uses and infrastructure located on the Reserve and set out the Council’s intentions, as Trustee of the Reserve, with respect to management of the land according to its gazetted use and in accordance with the provisions of the Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme.
The Land Management Plan provides for the continued activity on the Reserve of various sporting and community groups, with the inclusion of a Caretaker at the Mareeba & District Pony Club leased premises.
The draft plan is open for public comment for a period of 28 days and can be accessed via Council’s website. A copy of the document is also available for viewing at Mareeba and Kuranda Libraries. Submissions in relation to the draft plan will close at 5.00PM on Tuesday 15 April 2025 and should be forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer, Mareeba Shire Council, PO BOX 154 Mareeba Queensland 4880
Peter Franks Chief Executive Officer PO Box 154, MAREEBA QLD 4880
A properly made objection and/or submission must be received on or before 4:30pm (AEST) on the last day of the objection/submission period. It must be lodged with the chief executive in writing in the approved form, addressed to the relevant Assessment Hub: Mineral Assessment Hub Level 9, 445 Flinders Street, Townsville QLD 4810 PO Box 1752, Townsville QLD 4810
Email: MineralHub@resources.qld.gov.au
A copy of the objection must also be served upon the applicant/s on or before 4:30pm (AEST) on the last day of the objection period at the following address: Ashleigh Kym Fitzgerald C/- Claire Mackney P.O. Box 706, Mareeba QLD 4880
Objection for the mining lease application:
A properly made objection in respect to the grant of the mining lease is one that:
• is lodged, on or before 4:30pm (AEST) on the last objection day for the application with the chief executive in writing in the approved form;
• states the grounds of the objection and the facts and circumstances relied on in support of the grounds;
• is signed and dated by each person/entity (i.e. signatory) making the objection; and
• states the name and address of each signatory.
Intending objectors should obtain the approved objection form (MRA-20) by either contacting the relevant assessment hub on (07) 4447 9230 or online from the department’s website: https://www.business.qld. gov.au/industries/mining-energy-water/resources/applicationscompliance/forms-fees.
Submissions for the Environmental Authority application:
A properly made submission must meet all of the following requirements:
• be written or made electronically;
• state the name and address of each submitter;
• be made to the administering authority stated above;
• be received on or before the last day of the submission period;
• state the grounds of the submission and the facts and circumstances relied on in support of the grounds.
Intending submitters may contact the Department of Environment and Science on 1300 130 372 to obtain a submission form or obtain a copy from the departments website: www.des.qld.gov.au.
Council advises Mareeba Shire residents of the upcoming discounted ($5) domestic green waste days.
Mareeba, Kuranda, Dimbulah and Julatten
Transfer Stations: Saturday 5 April, 2025 and Sunday 6 April, 2025.
Almaden, Irvinebank and Mt Molloy Transfer Stations: Saturday 5 April, 2025 and Tuesday 8 April, 2025.
Mt Carbine Transfer Station: Thursday 3 April, 2025 and Sunday 6 April, 2025.
Mutchilba Transfer Station: Wednesday 2 April, 2025 and Saturday 5 April, 2025.
Chillagoe Transfer Station: Thursday
3 April, 2025 and Saturday 5 April, 2025.
Council has set the dates for the 2024/25
Discount Green Waste Disposal Days. This is for clean uncontaminated domestic quantities of green waste only. Multiple loads will be accepted on these days.
Visit: www.msc.qld.gov.au for more information
Peter Franks
Chief Executive Officer PO Box 154, MAREEBA QLD 4880
A properly made objection and/or submission must be received on or before 4:30pm (AEST) on the last day of the objection/submission period. It must be lodged with the chief executive in writing in the approved form, addressed to the relevant Assessment Hub: Mineral Assessment Hub Level 9, 445 Flinders Street, Townsville QLD 4810 PO Box 1752, Townsville QLD 4810 Email: MineralHub@resources.qld.gov.au
A copy of the objection must also be served upon the applicant/s on or before 4:30pm (AEST) on the last day of the objection period at the following address: Dennis Ronald Fitzgerald C/- Claire Mackney P.O. Box 706, Mareeba QLD 4880 Objection for the mining lease application: A properly made objection in respect to the grant of the mining lease is one
NAME: Dana DOB: 28/12/24
BREED: Border Collie X Kelpie
Beautiful Dana... She’s a bundle of joy. Absolutley great around Kids, other Dogs and Cats. She’s in perfect health and is fully Vaccinated, De-sexed and covered against worms, fleas & ticks. Now she’s ready and waiting to find her loving forever home. Her adoption fee is $330.
If you would like to meet DANA- please call 0487 430 443.
THE most beautiful word in the English dictionary is tariffs, according to Donald Trump.
I need to update my dictionary too.
New words regularly join our language like bullshit now officially appearing in modern dictionaries and taking over from words like nonsense, polite people can just reply with BS. Or the word Corium which makes up the blob left beneath reactor 4 in Chernobyl known as the elephant’s foot that can kill in seconds by just looking at it.
The old adage is that whenever America sneezes, Britain catches a cold, or even influenza now. It then gets passed through the system to other countries.
Nevertheless, euphemisms alter words in much worse contexts than those.
A huge can of worms is opened with tariffs - just one of those worms is in Detroit, Michigan.
Canada’s response to their tariffs from America is putting hefty tariffs on American-made cars and other goods coming over their border, forcing America into doing U turns in all four major indices as US stocks started to tumble.
The 27 countries that form the European Union are growling in no small way.
In the 1950s, Detroit was the wealthiest city in the world its enormous motor industry and Tamela Motown music (short for motor town) was a good example of what other cities needed to do.
It’s ongoing deterioration describes it now as being in an irreversible state of urban decay and one of the most dangerous cities. It’s also a place where Donald gets a lot of votes.
A red cap area of “Make America Great Again”. Hence. beyond economical repair it seems.
Meanwhile Donald works hard to make peace in the world. The British novelist George Orwell’s famously stated, “war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength”.
Noticing Britain is seriously thinking about bringing back conscription with just 72,000 soldiers available and the lowest since the Napoleonic Wars, with striking similarities to the Spanish civil war preceding WW2, a war George Orwell fought in and took a bullet through the neck. Like Donald, God decided that he would live.
Two things closing in on the world is the sea and BRICS, starting with five countries but multiplying rapidly.
The West needs raw materials from the East as well as manufactured goods as much as the East does from the West otherwise prices will remain high and business will suffer.
Now thrive the armourers ….they sell the pasture now to buy the horse (Henry V). Donald is a likeable person, Andrew Neil a former Times editor in the UK jokingly said that he is only one Big Mac away from a Coronary Thrombosis owing to his liking for this type of food. Would I be hitting a little white ball around a field with his kind of wealth, not sure.
With Napoleon’s hat selling for $2 million and Gandhi’s spectacles doing the same, it’s a good indication of who the true leaders and who the followers are. Hold on to your red caps if you have one, just in case.
Christopher Jarvis PEERAMON
THE recent snippet about tree kangaroo deaths near the Malanda Falls (Express 12/03/25) has prompted me to question why there is no talk of re-routing the traffic, which goes through Malanda and down the Palmerston Range.
It is inappropriate to have that volume of traffic going through a riparian conservation park and it is also dangerous to have the volume of trucks, many with multiple trailers to be travelling through the middle of Malanda.
No one would dispute the increase in population on the Tablelands in recent years, it is the most densely populated rural area in Australia….and all of the Tableland traffic (including from Mareeba) which is heading south down the Palmerston, is funnelling through the two main residential/ commercial streets of Malanda.
I have, and many people I have spoken to have, seen “close calls”. Elderly using the pedestrian crossing, school children, not using the pedestrian crossing…and tree kangaroos – some who weren’t so lucky.
I propose that a bypass be re-raised (it’s been on the council radar in the past) beginning with some serious conversations about safe and appropriate traffic flow around this town before it ends up as congested as Atherton, or worse a human fatality occurs.
If it takes three years to change speed signs from 100 to 80kmh, it could take 10 years for a bypass to be actioned.
The conversation needs to start now, how about some forward planning, before everywhere around Malanda is completely carved into acreage blocks and diversion becomes less feasible.
I propose the Malanda Falls bridge be turned into pedestrian access only and the carpark remain – how wonderful to have the traffic diverted, leaving the Falls area safe for wildlife and pleasant for locals and visitors.
It’s very possible indeed – so let’s get it on the TRC/Main Roads agenda! Reducing speed limits is merely a bandaid for this issue.
Natalie Foster MALANDA
AS a kid growing up in Cairns, I used to fish off the Marlin Jetty. I still remember the first king tide I saw from my favourite fishing spot in January 1970. The water was just below the jetty’s deck and quite near the top of the boat ramp. It’s recorded in BoM’s database as being 3.2 metres.
In February this year, I was in Cairns during a king tide, so I went to my old Marlin Jetty fishing spot for a look. It was another 3.2m king tide and it looked to be the same height as it was 55 years earlierjust below the jetty’s deck and quite near the top of the boat ramp.
Why does that matter? Because according to the science we’re supposed
to trust, the Marlin Jetty’s deck should’ve been under about 1.5 metres of water. After all, “climate change” is experienced as “global warming”, which melts polar and glacial ice and raises sea-levels, right?
On 27 July 2023, UN Secretary-General António Guterres, said: “The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.” His information came from the World Meteorological Organisation and the European Commission’s Copernicus Climate Change Service.
But water doesn’t lie. The seas haven’t risen. That means the ice hasn’t melted. That means Earth isn’t warming or boiling and the “Establishment’s” experts are wrong. That means the claims about the “record-shattering global temperatures” are fiction.
It doesn’t matter how much Jeremy Tager, Mike Webb, David Blake, and the Establishment’s governments, NGOs, and corporations insist we believe their experts and that we must take absurd measures to solve an “existential crisis” – there’s simply no evidence of “global warming”.
All their failed predictions and missed deadlines are simply glossed over, ignored, and memory-holed, and new dire predictions take their place.
They pretend we have the memories of goldfish. Maybe their “useful idiots” do, but the rest of us don’t. We were there. We heard their claims. None of them happened.
No “rapidly rising seas”, no “more frequent, more severe cyclones”, no “what rains fall won’t cause our rivers to run”, and no temperatures to match those of Australia’s pre-industrial 1890s’ Federation Drought.
It’s estimated that the fake “climate change” narrative now costs the developed world $37 trillion per year. That’s money that should be going to schools, hospitals, roads, and aged pensions. It’s being stolen by Establishment grifters.
“Useful idiots” often ask why all these experts would lie – and the answer is to get a share of $US37 trillion. They lie for money as criminals always have.
Peter Campion TOLGA
IT appears, Mike Webb (12/03/25) likes to compare distinguished scientists like Ian Plimer and Dr Moore as “mavericks” yet can still support the likes of Al Gore, a sick Swedish girl, Chris Bowen etc., who probably possesses little general science knowledge at all and, thus, must support their right to a climate opinion.
Following this sort of logic, there would be no debate at all.
Mike is rather naive if he thinks that science is not political. Most of Western countries with “leftie-like” governments are sacrificing their prosperity, security and their independence in the pursuit of the implausible green energy fantasy and are fully supported by the thousands of climate cult scientists. What if they are wrong?
In the USA, the President has just cancelled the climate science cultism with the stroke of a pen. Over 340 million Americans will be the beneficiaries. In Australia, our current government is directing our country towards a disastrous future.
Follow the science failed during the recent virus crisis. Politicians hid behind the scientists during the fiasco and look where this got them and us. A royal commission
will eventually expose the huge scientific and political failures if, or when, completed. Science is definitely connected to politics.
Mike’s analogous examples of brain surgeons and pilots are somewhat misplaced because climate cultism is being forced on all of us as a nation whereas with the former, there is still a choice.
The major point I am trying to express is that science is never complete. It used to be defined as knowledge, but is now more aptly described as ongoing, accurate and rigorous testing based on observation and controlled experiments.
I have no doubt that many scientists are knowledgeable, but I also consider that some of the application of this knowledge is questionable. I also consider a lot of academics are educated above their intelligence. This is exacerbated if they also lack commonsense and perspective.
I have previously stated my opinion, probably in the old Tablelander, that I do not always agree with P. Campion’s statements or his methodology, but I always agree with his right to express his opinion.
In Australia, according to science, if we annihilate all living creatures that breathe out Co2 (ourselves included) it will have no effect on our climate. On the other hand, Co2 is a tiny, .04% of our living air (troposphere) and yet is essential to all life on our planet. I know where I stand.
Stan Thornton MAREEBA
I HAVE heard the alarming news that the Recycle Shop at the Atherton Waste Station is to close at the end of April. Knowing the difficulty of convincing council some years back about the importance of such a facility, I find this news somewhat disturbing.
Previously, the facility was run by contractors at the dump site using some makeshift benches and a couple of shipping containers It was unsafe, untidy and everything was outdoors and exposed to the elements, and very muddy when it rained.
The new facility with a shed, bitumen lay-down area and designated parking was a god send that was warmly greeted by all.
Looking at most other cities and towns, you will notice that recycle shops are generally the norm, and where there are no such facility, it is not uncommon for people to visit nearby towns especially to visit their recycle shop.
In this time of rising prices, it makes sense to save a few dollars wherever you can, even if that means buying something that is less than perfect.
Judging by the number of people I see whenever I go there, I feel that there are many people in the community who agree.
Another viewpoint is that each item bought at the recycle shop is another item that doesn’t go into landfill. Remember that each and every item that is cast aside for whatever reason has had money, material and energy used to create it in the first instance, and when that item is buried in landfill those resources are lost forever.
So come on council, keep the facility open because I feel it is something the community needs and appreciates and will continue to do so far into the foreseeable future.
I WISH to correct the record pertaining to claims made by the new TRC CEO Nikola Stepanov (Express 19/03/25).
Dr Stepanov seeks to:
(1). Downplay the extent of a complaint the Crime and Corruption Commission instructed TRC to investigate, and (2). Make an assertion attributed to the CCC.
(1) – The bulk of the 77-page complaint to the CCC referred to allegations which (summarised) included: Misconduct and serious mismanagement of the Patrick English Pavilion; Providing false and misleading information; Wilfully concealing information; Recklessly endangering members of the public; and Failing to declare conflicts of interest.
That entire component of the complaint was referred to TRC to investigate. The CCC stated: “Under our legislation, the Crime and Corruption Act 2001, the CCC must focus on dealing with the most serious and systemic cases of corruption and may refer other matters to relevant agencies.
“In this case, the CCC considers that the TRC can appropriately deal with your complaint, and we will refer your complaint to it.
“The CCC has determined that while the matter you have complained about raises important issues, the TRC is the appropriate agency to deal with your complaint.”
(2) – Dr Stepanov states: “We have since been advised that the CCC is satisfied with the way TRC previously investigated the allegations.”
Perhaps the CEO might like to explain then, why the CCC has stated differently? In referring to this comment, the CCC advised (11/3) “the CCC has not conducted a review of their investigation of the matter.”
Matt Lachlan MALANDA
HEAR hear Jeremy Taeger (12/03/25). For far too long, The Express has shirked its vicarious culpability in continuing to provide a platform for Peter Campion and those of his ilk.
A far more important element than carbon dioxide is oxygen. People like Mr Campion persist when they’ve given air time. It simply is time for no more.
This is not an issue for democracy, rather debunking the ignorance of demagogues prevalent with their misinformation, when they fundamentally have the facts wrong, or combating disinformation as a much more malignant voice worthy of no respect or audience platform.
Parodying Trump, it is time for The Express to ‘make the Tablelands great again’ through showing some journalistic integrity. I, for one, would be proud of The Express rising above what is merely an antiquated form of clickbait.
Parodying a famous line by Anon about Catherine of Brunswick; “Oh ungracious Campion, we thee implore to go and sin no more. But if that effort proves too great, to go away at any rate!”
Mark Parsons HERBERTON
Editor’s Note: The Express does not tell its letter writers when to stop writing about a subject – that will be decided by the letter writers. Letters regarding climate change continue to be submitted by a number of people (believers and non-believers) so when is the right time to say “no more”? This polarising issue will continue to be debated throughout the next Federal election so it remains relevant, and thus, The Express will continue to allow locals to voice their opinions. The Express will never stop its readers from expressing their views on this and any other subject matter.
TWENTY go kart drivers from the Cairns Kart Racing Club visited the MakoTrac in Mareeba this month to hold their first races of the year and put the track that will host the 2025 Queensland State titles to the test.
Although the Cairns club usually operates out of the Edmonton Speedway, as hosts of the state titles, they decided to move the event to the bigger and more suitable venue, the MakoTrac.
After postponing their first meeting of the year due to the incessant rains in early February, the club was finally able to meet on 8 March and race the track as preparation for the championship taking place from 4-6 July.
The next meeting is on 5 April at the MakoTrac and they’re encouraging more people to attend.
“We do about seven to eight meetings a year from February to early November,” Cairns Kart Racing Club committee member Sebastian Di Salvo said.
“This year we’re holding the state titles up in Mareeba because the track in Edmonton is too small. We’ll continue to hold our meeting there until the big event.
“After the state titles we’re probably going to use both facilities – Edmonton and Mareeba.
“For the state titles, we could get up to 200 competitors so we’re excited to have MakoTrac to host the event.”
The Mareeba meeting on 8 March saw plenty of great racing.
The Cadet 12 class was dominated by Cairns driver Heath Schweitzer who claimed a win in all five of his races.
The KA 3 Junior class was contested by five racers, all from Cairns. Alex Boscarini and Luca Seeto battled it out fiercely throughout the day, but ultimately it was Boscarini who edged out Seeto for first place in all of the races.
The TAG 125 Restricted Medium class fielded the biggest group in the event with nine drivers.
There was some “hard and clean racing” in this class, but it was former Australian Kart Champion Jack Stockman from
Kairi cleaning up in all the races.
Reigning State Cup Champion and Mareeba local Sebastian Di Salvo battled it out against the former champ and managed to claim second in all the heats.
But in the final race, Cairns driver Jeremy Evans passed Di Salvo at the start and it was enough to edge him into third.
Mr Di Salvo encouraged more people to attend the meetings and join the club, and wants current members to get their first races of the year in to test the MakoTrac ahead of the state titles.
“Just over 20 drivers entered our first meet of the year with a few drivers coming up from Townsville to get some laps on the track before the state titles,” he said.
“We have a bit of a slow start to the year because of the weather, we usually get about 40 people in our meetings but with the heat at the start of the year that number goes down to approximately 20.
“These meetings are critical to prepare for the state titles –some people even come from Townsville and North Queensland so they can set up the go kart for this specific track.
“You get to get a feel of the
track, so when state titles come you know what to expect and what set up you need.
“For people interested in joining the club I recommend you attend the meetings, you can watch and you can come talk to the members. At the beginning of the meetings, we usually hold a come and try where more experienced drivers lend the go karts for newcomers to try.”
To find out more, www. facebook.com/CairnsKartClub
Cadet 9
1st - Hudson Griffin
Cadet 12
1st - Heath Schweitzer
2nd - Sophie Accatino
3rd - George Aciddao
KA 3 Junior
1st - Alex Boscarini
2nd - Luca Seeto
3rd - Jace Fewtrell
TAG 125 Restricted Light
1st - Joey Metcalfe
TAG 125 Restricted Medium
1st - Jack Stockman
2nd - Jeremy Evans
3rd - Sebastian Di Salvo
IT was all pink at Atherton Golf Club’s recent Pink Day that celebrated and encouraged women in the sport of golf.
The women golfers at the club enjoyed a fun competition to celebrate Women in Golf Month, a Golf Australia initiative designed to encourage more women and girls to play golf.
The successful event was attended by 24 women all dressed in pink as they played a team stableford competition, with a pink ball of course.
The colour scheme was further highlighted when the ladies finished the day off with a pink cake for afternoon tea.
The winning team from the event was made up of Shelley
Broadley, Gail Gard and Judy Newlands, who finished on 72 points.
They were closely followed by runners-up Lorraine Doolan, Dee Jierasak and Michelle Pearsall on 70 points.
“I had never played this game before,” Ms Broadley said.
“It was great fun but very nerve-wracking when it was my turn to keep the pink ball in play.”
The Atherton Golf Club would like to encourage people who want to “have fun, improve their fitness, make new friends, and learn new skills” to contact them on 4091 1283 for more information.
A LAST-minute goal from the Stratford Dolphins sealed a 1-0 win over the Mareeba Bulls on the weekend.
The Bulls played away from home in a match that was tight from start to finish, with no scores until the very last minute when Jesse Hutchinson put the ball into the net for his side.
This is the second loss for the Mareeba side and the first for the Dolphins this season.
This Saturday, the Bulls play host to the Edge
Hill Tigers who currently have two wins and two draws and sit second on the ladder.
The game will start at 7pm at Borzi Park.
In the other game, the Mareeba Ladies side went down 6-1 at their home ground to the Edge Hill Tigers on Friday night.
This Friday night, they travel to Cairns to play the Redlynch Strikers at Calanna Park. The Strikers are running hot, scoring 10 goals in their match against Leichhardt at the weekend.
THE Atherton Roosters have claimed their first competition points after taking down the Mareeba Gladiators in the local derby Round 1 opener.
It was a game of two halves at the Mungalli Creek Dairy Stadium at the weekend, with both teams still in the fight at halftime as Mareeba led 12-10.
Atherton proved too strong in their second half effort, however, defeating their local rivals 30-16.
Atherton struck the first blow with front-rower Matt Whybird going over for a try in the sixth minute.
Mareeba soon fired back with front-rower Ian King scoring the first points in the 23rd minute for the visiting side.
Another try from Mareeba’s Keripo Gutchen-Gela with three minutes to play in the first half put them in the lead at 12-6.
But striking back after an error was Atherton’s Graham Clark Jnr who scored right on half time, bringing the score to 12-10 heading into the break.
Mareeba started the second half positively and added to their lead after a try from winger Navitalai Ratulevu who brought the score to 16-10.
But Atherton immediately went on the prowl, and a try in the 60th minute from fullback Rhy Young got the ball rolling.
From there, Atherton’s winger Shamish O’Quinn went over for
two-in-a-row and centre Brad Hammond added the final blow after he scored in the final minute, bringing the final score to 30-16.
Roosters coach Joel Riethmuller was “pleased” to get the result in Round 1.
“I was obviously happy, we’ve still got a lot of work to do but it was pleasing to get the result,” he said.
“One of our KPIs (key performance indicator) is to win the second half. I felt like we were our own worst enemy in the first half, but to their credit, the boys
fixed a few of those areas after a chat at halftime and we were able to come away with a win.
“I was also really pleased with our defence and our effort, we had to adapt to a few changes in the side after a couple of little niggly injuries.
“Another one of our KPIs is to not leak more than 16 points, so I was really happy with that as well.”
Mareeba’s co-coach Trent Barnard understood it was a tough game but was happy with how his team competed.
“It was a pretty tough night for us to be honest, not much went our way,” he said.
“We lost our five-eighth to an ankle injury in the first 10 minutes and then later on, we lost one of our front rowers to probably a broken rib.
“So, it was a bit of a scramble on the bench, we only had two left with nearly 50 minutes of footy play. We had our opportunities as well and we made a few errors when we shouldn’t have.
“Atherton are a good side and they throw a lot at you. I think our
boys held together pretty well with everything that went against us.
“I think it was pretty good to start off against them because it was really tough and physical.
At the end of the day, I’m pretty happy with it all,” he said.
The Atherton Roosters claimed a win in all four of the club’s games over the weekend.
The Roosters Women took
down took down Edmonton 36-14, while the Under 19s overpowered Mareeba 26-10 and the Reserve Grade thrashed Mareeba 40-6.
Next week, Atherton will take on the Innisfail Leprechauns in Atherton at 3pm and Mareeba will face up against the Ivanhoe Knights at the Smithfield Sporting Complex also at 3pm.
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