Dreamjob Co. Youth Exchange project within Erasmus + KA1 Hungary-Berettyóújfalu 15-24. July 2017
Dear Partner, We would like to inform you some news about the project. Please, read it very carefully and write us if you have any question.
BASIC INFORMATION: ACTIVITY DATES: 15-24. July 2017 LOCATION: HUNGARY, Berettyóújfalu, Jurta Guesthouses http://www.jurtaudulohazak.hu/
PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES: Spain- Asociacion Building Bridges Italy- Scambieuropei Romania- Asociatia Comunitatilor Interculturale Poland - Wroclaw Youth Club Stowarzyszenie Hungary- Nyugattól Keletre Egyesület/West to East Association TEAM NUMBER: 6 participants + 1 group leader (18-25 years) PARTICIPANTS: We are looking for youngsters between 18-25, who interested in about the topic. Please, take care of the gender equality.
THE TOPIC OF EXCHANGE: Our project guides the young people, who want to build a successful career, to the world of labour. During the program it turns out what their desired job and workplaces are, what type of work culture they would like to work in, what kind of people they would like to work with and what their expectations are for a good workplace.
But what is a good employee and what is a great workplace? We examine the dream workplaces of the participants’ countries, and what makes them great. Is salary the most important factor when looking for a job? Or something else matters? We try to find out that, what they need to have a successful career (eg. what kind of skills). During the meeting the participants visit workplaces of business, governmental and nonprofit sectors, in order to get an insight into the working conditions. At the end of the program the participants create the DREAMJOB CORPORATION. In this company they specify the activities, the duties, the work schedule, they plan the working conditions of the offices, the equipment and even the location of the company in Europe. The primary working method of our project is the non-formal education. We place great emphasis on the teamwork, the acceptance of others and the tolerance. Thanks to our project the participants can develop their social competencies, particularly their organizational skills, creativity and debate skills. The venue of the meeting is Berettyóújfalu where the youngsters in peaceful surroundings, close to nature are taken up with the topic of the program. In addition, the town is close enough to Debrecen for examining workplaces of different sectors. During the ten-days meeting from 5 countries 7 participants per country, 5 young people and 1 leader visit us, in order to gain useful experiences, new skills and last but not least to have fun.
TO PREPARE Every nations have to prepare with the following works: - 1-2 energizers (10-15 min): short (mainly outdoor) games, which help us to wake up, and give energy to for the day. Every nation will get an energizer block. - some country specific food/dances/presentation, etc for the intercultural evening - presentation the situtation of the labor market, difficulties to find a job (for youngsters), best jobs in your country. (15 min) -
Presentation of your organization (5 min)
- travel insurance - Europen Health Insurance Card