fa. cu 0% TVA: HDT SK s.r.o. Borekova 37 821 06 Bratislava
fa. cu 24%TVA: SC HDT SRL Str. Principala Nr. 278 417345 Nojorid
SK - Tel.: 00421 910 870 006 comenzi 0%: info@HDTSK.sk RO - Tel.: 0040 731 341 543 comenzi 24% : birou@ihdt.ro
system platform with multiplex plywood panel, load capacity 750 kg/sqm Art. No. 19
Popis / Description / Denumire
thickness: 12 mm,colour: dark brown, stacking height: 9 cm
Cena bez DPH/ks
111 010 111 020 111 030 111 040 111 060 111 050 111 070 111 120 111 140 111 160
special features: “hook on”-design and integral locking mechanism (no additional links) corner leg support with double eccentric clamping lever (no tools needed for assembly) standard skid-proof, water-resistantly glued multiplex plywood panel for in- and outdoor use with multifunctional ports for rails and other constructions. Nivtec system platform, Nivtec system platform, Nivtec system platform, Nivtec system platform, Nivtec system platform, Nivtec system platform, Nivtec system platform, Nivtec system platform, top step push-on stairway Nivtec system platform, top step push-on stairway Nivtec system platform, top step push-on stairway
Art. No. 112 010 112 020 112 030 112 040 112 060 112 070 112 050 112 080 112 011 112 021 112 012
Popis / Description / Denumire Nivtec system platform, triangle, Nivtec system platform, triangle, Nivtec system platform, triangle, Nivtec system platform, triangle, Nivtec system platform, triangle, Nivtec system platform, triangle, Nivtec system platform, triangle, Nivtec system platform, triangle, Nivtec system platform, triangle, Nivtec system platform, triangle, Nivtec system platform, quadrant,
Art. No. 113 010 113 020 113 030 113 040 113 050 113 060 113 070
Popis / Description / Denumire Nivtec system platform, trapezoid, Nivtec system platform, trapezoid, Nivtec system platform, trapezoid, Nivtec system platform, trapezoid, Nivtec system platform, trapezoid, Nivtec system platform, trapezoid, Nivtec system platform, trapezoid,
Art. No. 113 011 113 021 113 031 113 041 113 051 113 061 113 071 113 081
Popis / Description / Denumire Nivtec system platform, gallery Nivtec system platform, gallery Nivtec system platform, gallery Nivtec system platform, gallery Nivtec system platform, gallery Nivtec system platform, gallery Nivtec system platform, gallery Nivtec system platform, gallery
Art. No.
Popis / Description / Denumire for direct attachment to Nivtec platform, width: 55 cm
weight 33 kg, weight 19 kg, weight 26 kg, weight 16 kg, weight 12 kg, weight 19 kg, weight 8 kg, size: 200 cm x size: 150 cm x size: 100 cm x
size: 200 cm size: 200 cm size: 150 cm size: 150 cm size: 100 cm size: 100 cm size: 50 cm 39 cm 39 cm 39 cm
x 100 cm x 50 cm x 100 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm x 100 cm x 50 cm
345,00 € 245,00 € 305,00 € 225,00 € 175,00 € 275,00 € 165,00 € 255,00 € 235,00 € 195,00 €
279,45 € 198,45 € 247,05 € 182,25 € 141,75 € 222,75 € 133,65 € 206,55 € 190,35 € 157,95 €
EUR/B2C 415,00 € 415,00 € 395,00 € 395,00 € 295,00 € 295,00 € 335,00 € 235,00 € 355,00 € 255,00 € 395,00 €
EUR/B2B 336,15 € 336,15 € 319,95 € 319,95 € 238,95 € 238,95 € 271,35 € 190,35 € 287,55 € 206,55 € 319,95 €
EUR/B2C 475,00 € 460,00 € 445,00 € 430,00 € 415,00 € 400,00 € 385,00 €
EUR/B2B 384,75 € 372,60 € 360,45 € 348,30 € 336,15 € 324,00 € 311,85 €
EUR/B2C 355,00 € 355,00 € 375,00 € 375,00 € 395,00 € 395,00 € 425,00 € 425,00 €
EUR/B2B 287,55 € 287,55 € 303,75 € 303,75 € 319,95 € 319,95 € 344,25 € 344,25 €
system platform with multiplex plywood panel, special shapes size: 200 cm x 100 cm, left size: 200 cm x 100 cm, right size: 150 cm x 100 cm, left size: 150 cm x 100 cm, right size: 100 cm x 50 cm, left size: 100 cm x 50 cm, right size: 100 cm x 100 cm size: 50 cm x 50 cm size: 100 cm x 45° x 100 cm size: 50 cm x 45° x 50 cm size: 100 cm x 100 cm x radius 100 cm system platform with multiplex plywood panel, special shapes size: 200,0 cm x 173,9 cm x size: 173,9 cm x 147,8 cm x size: 147,8 cm x 121,7 cm x size: 121,7 cm x 95,6 cm x size: 95,6 cm x 69,5 cm x size: 69,5 cm x 43,4 cm x size: 43,4 cm x 17,3 cm x
7,5° 7,5° 7,5° 7,5° 7,5° 7,5° 7,5°
x 100 cm x 100 cm x 100 cm x 100 cm x 100 cm x 100 cm x 100 cm
system platform with multiplex plywood panel, special shapes trapezoid, trapezoid, trapezoid, trapezoid, trapezoid, trapezoid, trapezoid, trapezoid,
size: 36,7 cm x 75,0 cm x 22,5° x 100 cm, left size: 36,7 cm x 75,0 cm x 22,5° x 100 cm, right size: 73,4 cm x 111,7 cm x 22,5° x 100 cm, left size: 73,4 cm x 111,7 cm x 22,5° x 100 cm, right size:110,2 cm x 148,4 cm x 22,5° x 100 cm, left size:110,2 cm x 148,4 cm x 22,5° x 100 cm, right size:146,9 cm x 185,2 cm x 22,5° x 100 cm, left size:146,9 cm x 185,2 cm x 22,5° x 100 cm, right dance floor border, made of aluminium und multiplex-plywood panel
114 010 114 020 114 030 114 040 114 050
groove profile groove profile tongue profile tongue profile corner
length: length: length: length:
100 cm 200 cm 100 cm 200 cm
175,00 € 225,00 € 185,00 € 235,00 € 255,00 €
141,75 € 182,25 € 149,85 € 190,35 € 206,55 €
system platform with cable entry insert Art. No. 116 010
Popis / Description / Denumire aluminium frame, groove and tongue profile, multiplex plywood panel, dark brown, cable entry made Polyamid, lid with multiplex plywood panel 200 x 100 cm inner siye of insert 23 x 21 cm
EUR/B2C 525,00 €
EUR/B2B 425,25 €
system platform with 4 recessed corners for scaffold tube 48,3mm
Art. No.
Popis / Description / Denumire
115 010
200 x 100 cm
EUR/B2C aluminium frame, groove and tongue profile, multiplex plywood panel, dark brown, thickness 12mm, load capacity 7,5kN/sqm with plastics caps to close recesses
425,00 €
EUR/B2B 344,25 €
Pagina 1/6