Pauline Cooperator Formation Manual

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My Co-Workers in Christ Jesus An initial formation program for Pauline Cooperators

with Distance Learning Sessions


This Manual of Formation is Dedicated to Blessed James Alberione, S.S.P. on the threshold of the 100th anniversary of his inspiration to found the Pauline Family

Designed by:

Sr. Margaret Charles Kerry, fsp Association of Pauline Cooperators 50 St Paul’s Ave Boston, MA 02130 and Distance Program by Kurt Jung, Esq., Pauline Cooperator Mt. Laurel, New Jersey

ŠDaughters of St. Paul, United States Province Reproduction of this manual in any shape or form other than what is suggested for purpose of study, is not permitted.

First edition, 1999. Second edition 2010. Third edition 2012.


General Introduction for Distance Learners Welcome Welcome to the Pauline Cooperator Distance Learning formation manual. The purpose of these sessions is to introduce you to the Pauline Charism (spirituality and mission) and the Pauline Family of Religious Congregations and Institutes. Handbook for Pauline Cooperators This manual is used in conjunction with the “Handbook for Pauline Cooperators.” It enhances the text of the Handbook and invites the participant to prayerfully enter into Pauline spirituality. Books, videos and tapes are suggested for use with the formation program.

Using suggested media The required reading found at the end of each session cannot be skipped. Other suggested media, such as music, may be substituted or found on the Internet. The recommended reading list will allow the participant to deepen the material found in the manual. Most books are available from Pauline Centers or found on the Internet. United in prayer As you enter into the formative experience, the prayers of Paulines the world over accompany you. Every Pauline religious spends at least one hour in adoration each day and two hours of communal prayer and meditation. Members of the Pauline Aggregated Institutes and Pauline Cooperators also spend a portion of each day in prayer. We are united in our common spirit and desire: “Glory to God and peace to men and women on earth.”


Table of Contents Session 1: “My Co-Workers in the Gospel.” Phil. 1:5 Encountering Christ with Paul Session 2: “To Love is to Fulfill the Law.” Rom. 13:8 Holiness and the Lay Apostolate Session 3: “Be Persevering in Your Prayers” Col. 4:2 Prayers Involves the Whole Person Session 4: “God will fulfill All Your Needs.” Phil. 4:19 Collaboration with the Pauline Family Session 5: “Faith Comes from Hearing.” Rom. 10:17 Evangelization with the Media of Communication Session 6: “Imitate me as I imitate Christ.” 1 Cor. 4:16 The Pauline Charism


ASSOCIATION OF PAULINE COOPERATORS DISTANCE FORMATION REQUIREMENTS FOR LEARNING AND PARTICIPATION I. INTRODUCTION Recognizing that all are called to spread the Gospel, the Daughters of St. Paul and the National Association of Pauline Cooperators (APC) are challenged in enlisting the help of Cooperators from all areas of the world, no matter how remote. To meet the goals and vision of the Pauline founders, Father James Alberione and Mother Thecla Merlo, the APC set up a special “Distance Formation and Association Program” for lay Cooperators who live in remote areas or due to special circumstances cannot regularly attend Cooperators meetings. Cooperators participating in the “Distance Formation and Association Program” are especially challenged to participate in a new, different and innovative way of learning. The Distance Learning Cooperator Program is designed for Single Cooperator participation or Group Cooperator Participation. Those who elect to participate in either program are encouraged to call other interested persons to share in the Pauline Cooperator Mission. The requirements for participation in this Program are listed below.

II. QUALIFYING FOR THE DISTANCE FORMATION AND ASSOCIATION PROGRAM Those wishing to participate in the Distance Learning Program must meet one of the following requirements: a. The Cooperator lives in a remote area where there are no Pauline groups within close proximity and regular travel to attend Cooperator meetings would be unreasonably burdensome. b. Due to approved personal circumstances (such as sickness, family burdens, etc.) regular attendance at Cooperator meetings would be unreasonably burdensome. Participants receive approval from the Office of Pauline Cooperators to qualify under this requirement.

III. DISTANCE PROGRAM FORMAT A. COOPERATOR FORMATION The formation period of a Pauline Cooperator consists of 18 sessions. Cooperators are required to participate for two hours a month in Cooperator Sessions. The first phase consists of the first six sessions and is known as the “Period of Inquiry.” These sessions will include a time of prayer and reflection and will focus on topics of Pauline Spirituality and an overview of the mission of the Cooperators.


After the first phase or six sessions are completed, the Director of the APC or her designee will interview each participant face-to-face or by telephone to inquire whether they want to continue the formation period. Cooperators that wish to continue shall participate in the final 12 monthly sessions. These sessions will focus on in-depth topics, such as the Pauline mission, the spirituality of Fr. Alberione and Mother Thecla, etc. Cooperators completing the 12 sessions will be interviewed one more time by the Director of the APC or her designee to determine if the Cooperator wants to commit to a one year promise. Promises will be renewed yearly. B. SINGLE PARTICIPANT PROGRAM Single participants will basically follow the same format as everyone else. Participants should pick a week (and perhaps a day) from each month to participate in the sessions. (e.g. any day on the third week of every month or the first Monday of every month) Since one of the goals of this program is to allow flexibility, the sessions do not have to be on the same day of the designated week. However, the session should be completed by the end on the designated week. For each session participants will follow the prescribed format of prayer and reflection and an activity. Each session will have a written assignment and sometimes an activity. Single participants are required to submit their written assignments by mail, e-mail, disk or facsimile to the APC National Office. Activities may require communication with other cooperators or members of the Pauline community. C. GROUP PARTICIPATION PROGRAM Group participation is designed for small groups of two or more laypersons. Group participants will basically follow the same format as everyone else. Group Participants should agree on a week and a day from each month to participate in the sessions. (E.g. the first Monday of every month) Since one of the goals of this program is to allow flexibility, the sessions do not have to be on the same day every month if all participants agree. However, the session should be completed at least during the designated week. A leader shall be appointed by the National Office of the APC to coordinate meetings, correspondence with the Regional Office, and activity submittals. For each session, group participants will follow the prescribed format of prayer and reflection and an activity. Each session will have a written group assignment and sometimes an activity. Group leaders are required to submit their written assignments by mail, e-mail, or facsimile to the APC National or Regional Office. Activities may require communication with other Cooperators or members of the Pauline Community.


Period of Inquiry Session 1:

“My Co-Workers in the Gospel” (Phil. 1: 5) __________________________________________________________________ Group Study Program (Total time: two hours) The theme for this session: Encountering Christ with Paul Points to Cover: -

The discernment process in view of joining the Pauline Cooperators Reflection on what this invitation means A brief introduction to the Pauline Family

You will need -

A Bible Music Video/DVD: An introduction to the Daughters of St Paul, the Society of St. Paul or the Pious Disciples of the Divine Master.

1. Reflection on the Word of God (Jesus Truth) Time Allotted: 10 minutes

Each session will begin with prayer. If possible, conduct the beginning of each meeting in a chapel with the Blessed Sacrament present. Wherever the meeting is held, open a Bible for an enthronement of the Word. Place icons of Pauline devotions in the prayer area. Have one of the participants light a candle and invite everyone to reflective prayer. During the Period of Inquiry (six sessions), there is a half-hour of prayer. During the “time of preparation” for the Promise of the Pauline Cooperator, this may be in the form of a time spent in adoration and contemplation.

The opening invocation Leader: Response: Leader: Response: Leader: Response:

Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life, Have mercy on us. Mary, Queen of Apostles, Pray for us. St. Paul the Apostle, Pray for us.

An appropriate hymn is sung or played. Revelation Song by Kari Jobe


Silent prayer and reflection follow. After a brief period, introduce the first reading in honor of Jesus Truth, to obtain an increase of spiritual knowledge and faith. The Prayer before Reading Sacred Scripture Jesus Christ, Our Master, You are the Way, the Truth and the Life, Our one and supreme good. Send your Holy Spirit to teach us and remind us of what you have preached. Enkindle in us the fire of Your divine love as you enkindled the hearts of the first apostles. A reading from the Handbook for Pauline Cooperators In his writings to the Pauline Cooperators, Fr. Alberione faithfully and constantly brought out the following concepts, which had been of inspiration to him: On the way to Damascus, Paul met Christ. It was a transforming encounter that made Paul comprehend the stupendous reality of the whole Christ—the historical Christ and the community of the baptized. It aroused in Paul’s heart the desire and the urgency to communicate Christ to everyone. Choose different readers for each Bible passage. -A reading from the Acts of the Apostles 9: 1-21 -A reading from the Galatians 1:11-24 Paul felt that to accomplish his mission he could not and must not work by himself. He therefore found collaborators to join him in preaching the Gospel; he chose them, he formed them, he guided them. Whenever the Apostle Paul discovered and deepened his contact with God, he continually communicated this to his collaborators.

Fr. Alberione writes: Following of Christ the Master We consider Paul under three aspects: As teacher, model and provider. 1. As our teacher. He is called the “Teacher of the Gentiles,” and in truth he was the most profound interpreter of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus said to Ananias: “This man is my chosen instrument to bring my name before gentiles and kings and the people of Israel” (Acts 9:15). 2. Paul is our model: He tells us: “Take me for your model, as I take Christ” (1Cor. 11:1). He proposes himself as an example, not as an absolute example but as a teacher imitating Jesus Christ, who alone is the absolute example . 3. Paul is also the provider: He prays for us that we may have the graces necessary for our mission. He sees the needs of all. We may consider ourselves children of Paul as St. Timothy, St. Luke, St. Lydia, St.Thecla and many others considered themselves. They were his spiritual children who became saints and apostles (97-98). Mother Thecla writes: Blessed are the Imitators of Mary St. Paul says: “I spend and overspend myself for others; I would like to reach everyone.” And he hastened here and there with the gospel. If he were alive now, he would be always on the move. He would go by airplane using the fastest means to reach people” (255). 8


Examination of Life: In honor of Jesus Way, to obtain help in the practice of virtue.

Let us take time to reflect on the personal call of Jesus in our life. It is the call we received at Baptism, the call to grow in union with Jesus through the sacraments, the call we now feel in our hearts to follow Christ as a Pauline apostle. Time allotted: 10 minutes

Prayer I believe, my God, That I am in your presence, That you are looking at me And listening to my prayers. You are so great and so holy: I adore you. You have given me all: I thank you. You have been offended by me: I ask your pardon with all my heart. You are so merciful: I ask of you all the graces which you know Are beneficial to me. 3. Group Prayer: in honor of Jesus Life, to obtain the graces necessary for our spiritual work and for our particular needs. Time Allotted: 10 minutes

Prayer after Reading Sacred Scripture Jesus, Divine Master, You have words of eternal life. I believe, O Lord and Truth, But increase my faith. I love you, O Lord and Way, with all my strength, Because you have commanded us to observe Your commandments completely. I pray to you, O Lord and Life. I adore you, I praise you, I beseech you, and I thank you For the gift of Sacred Scripture. With Mary I remember and preserve your words in my mind And I meditate on them in my heart. Jesus Master, Way and Truth and Life, have mercy on us.


Leader: After this prayer the leader invites the group to offer spontaneous petitions. You may recite the optional prayer to St. Paul by Blessed John Paul II found at the end of this session. Conclude the time of prayer together with a song. Suggestion: I Could Sing of Your Love Forever

Closing Invocations Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life, Have Mercy on us Mary, Queen of the Apostles, Pray for us St. Paul the Apostle, Pray for us From all sin, deliver us Lord 4.

The group moves from the area of prayer to the meeting area.

Distance Learners may refer to the worksheet at the end of this session.



Time Allotted: 10 minutes


DVD/Video/PowerPoint Viewing

Introduction: Encounter Blessed Alberione & Paul Today Today’s theme is “Encountering Christ with Paul.” This is also the first session of the “period of inquiry.” In order to re-introduce you to the Pauline family, this video contains a brief history of the Pauline Family in the world and in the United States. As you are viewing this video if you have any questions please write them down and we can discuss them after the video. Time Allotted: 40 minutes


Conclusion Questions are welcome.

Announce the date, time and location of the next meeting.


References for further study Required Reading - Handbook for Pauline Cooperators, pgs. 18-32 - Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 22: 1-21 Recommended Reading - Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity. Pauline Books & Media, Boston. - Catechism of the Catholic Church. ; Articles 1-3, 55, 161, 122-124, 169, 1949-2029. - St. Paul. Cremona, Carlos. Pauline Books & Media. Boston, 1996 (or another book on St Paul’s life).

Prayer to St. Paul by Blessed Pope John Paul II Blessed are you, Paul of Tarsus, the apostle of the Gentiles, the converted persecutor, the admirable love and the witness of the crucified and risen Christ! Blessed are you, the Apostle of Rome, rooted together with Peter in the very beginning of the Church. Blessed are you, steward of the mysteries of God—you for whom “to live is Christ” (Phil. 1:21); you, who desire so much and so exclusively to be called minister of Christ—and who desire to be only that—so that your master speaks in you. We bless you, Paul, this day, and we thank God because before the world you became such a great witness to the truth.



Session 1

“My Co-Workers in the Gospel” Materials Needed: - Pencil or pen - An Icon of Jesus, Master, Way, Truth and Life. - A votive candle - Bible Optional: - Picture of St. Paul and/or Mary, Queen of Apostles - Prayerful music You are about to embark on an exciting spiritual journey of spreading the Good News as a Pauline Cooperator. As a long distance learner, you will be challenged to meet the formation requirements. In many ways, you are like the early Christian Communities who were also long distance learners. They were long distance learners in that they learned about the Good News and performed their duties as good Christians after reading, reflecting and spreading the message of St. Paul’s long distance letters, similar to what you are about to do.

1. Turn to the outline for Session One. Since you may not be in a chapel with the Blessed Sacrament, set up a prayerful atmosphere by placing an icon of Jesus, Master, Way, Truth and Life in the center of a table. Lay your Bible open in front of the image remembering that Jesus is present in the Word. If you have statues of St. Paul or Mary, Queen of Apostles, place them on each side of your image of Jesus. Light your votive candle, silently reflecting in prayer for a few minutes. Then begin the session following the time allotted and prayerfully reflect upon the readings. 2. The session includes a DVD showing. Printed literature about the Pauline Family may be read instead of the movie. 3.

After the session is finished, complete the “Session Assignment Sheet” and submit it to the APC Director or e-mail unless otherwise arranged.



________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Phone ________________________________ E-mail Address________________________________

Answer the following questions. Write on the back or attach other sheets if more room is needed. 1. In the reading from Acts, St. Paul was called by Jesus to live and spread the Gospel. St. Paul describes his calling in Galatians. Think of some of the ways you have been called by Jesus to live and spread the Gospel during your life. Discuss how your calling was similar or different from Paul’s.

2. St. Paul wrote letters to many of the Christian communities teaching about God and spreading the Gospel. As long distance learners, the communities reflected upon Paul’s writing and acted upon his message. Fr. Alberione wrote that we should consider Paul as our teacher, our model, and as our provider. Mother Thecla stressed that St. Paul would have used all available methods to spread the message. As a long distance learner and cooperator, describe your ideas and methods of how you might learn from St. Paul and help in the mission of spreading the Gospel. What methods would you realistically use to reach as many people as possible?


Period of Inquiry Session 2:

“To love is to fulfill the law” (Rm. 13:8) Group Study Program (Total time: two hours) The theme for this session: Holiness and the Lay Apostolate Points to Cover: -

An invitation to reflect on the universal call to holiness


The call to holiness in the Pauline Charism


Fr. Alberione’s vision of the Pauline Cooperators

You will need -

A Bible Music: suggestion - The Heart of A Shepherd by John Michael Talbot Pens or pencils A copy of the activity found at the end of Session 2 for each participant 1.

Reflection on the Word of God (Jesus Truth) Time Allotted: 10 minutes

Preferably, this time of prayer takes place in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Have one of the participants light a candle. Open a Bible for an enthronement of the Word. Place the icons of Jesus, Mary and Paul near the prayer area. The opening invocation Leader: Response: Leader: Response: Leader: Response:

Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life, Have mercy on us. Mary, Queen of the Apostles, Pray for us. St. Paul the Apostle, Pray for us.

Sing or play an appropriate hymn. Lord I Give You My Heart


Invite the participants to silent prayer and reflection. After a brief period, introduce the first reading in honor of Jesus Truth, to obtain an increase of spiritual knowledge and faith. Prayer Jesus Divine Master, I believe with lively faith That you are here present with me. I adore you with all my heart. I am present before you, my Supreme Good. Enlighten my mind; inflame my heart. Fill me with your grace, that I may draw abundant fruit From this spiritual reading. -

A reading from the Handbook for Pauline Cooperators.

The mission of the Pauline Family is to announce the truth that frees, through evangelization with the media. From this is born the desire for a deepening commitment to the Pauline Charism. The Pauline Cooperator takes delight in and lives this Charism making it a synthesis of his own life. Opening their hearts to the needs of the contemporary world the Pauline Cooperators will be apostles who live, feel and act like St. Paul who imitated Jesus. You may want to have different readers for the Bible passages. -

A Reading from the Gospel of Matthew 5:1-12 A Reading from Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians 1:1-14; 2:19-22

Suggested reflection song – Because your are Chosen from Heart of A Shepherd, John Michael Talbot or Chosen People by Bread Without Cost Fr. Alberione writes in Growing in Perfect Union: Our growth in holiness is mainly based on faith, for faith is the root of all holiness. We see in God all the truth that Our Lord has revealed to us. The truth, which we consider above all the others, is that we come from God and we will return to God. St. Paul writes: “Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it so much as dawned on man what God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Cor. 2:9). Faith means believing in God’s love. God wills or permits everything for only one end, that we may reach heaven. Let us entrust ourselves to God and to His holy will. How true it is that for “Those who love God all things work together for good” (Rom. 8:28). Through his passion and death, Jesus gained grace for us. We rely on Him asking graces in His name. Do we have reason to believe that we will reach heaven? God created us for heaven; He has given us the means to attain it and will continue to do so. Nothing is lacking on His part. The graces necessary for salvation are never denied to anyone. God wills that I reach heaven and He grants me the means. It remains for me to give my consent: to want to walk the path the Lord has marked out for me, and walk it well.


Mother Thecla writes in her conferences: (volume III) Among the exhortations, which St. Paul gives us in his letter to the Ephesians, I would like to emphasize this: “That the interior life may grow always more in you.” All the things that surround us are realities that end because only spiritual things are eternal: the virtues, the holiness we can acquire every day, the life of charity. If we want the mission to progress, the interior life must progress in us. If we want our mission to progress, it is necessary that we nourish our interior life; it is necessary that there be holiness in the Pauline Family! Do we think of this enough? Let us ask our Lord daily for this grace. Let us remember more often “our career” the “career” of becoming saints. In her final testament, Mother Thecla wrote: I pray much for you, for everyone, that we may all attain the holiness to which we are called. I write these things to you not only with the pen, but also with my heart. I wish you all to be saints: for this, I have offered my life—for everyone, that we may achieve the holiness God wants of us. 2. Evaluation of Life: In honor of Jesus Way, to obtain help in the practice of virtue. Time allotted: 10 minutes

Let us take time to reflect on the love God has for us in calling us to a life of holiness and eternal happiness with Him. This is the vocation we receive at baptism and the call renewed each day by the invitation of Jesus to follow Him. Let us reflect on the following of Christ as taught by St. Paul. A reading from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians 4:1-6, 25-31; 5: 1-5. (Silent reflection follows) ”Charisms, or spiritual gifts, are special abilities given to all Christians by the Holy Spirit to give them the power both to represent Christ and to be a channel of God’s goodness for people. Whether extraordinary or ordinary, all charisms ought to be exercised in the service of God” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2003).

3. Group Prayer: in honor of Jesus Life, to obtain the graces necessary for our spiritual work and for our particular needs.

Time allotted: 10 minutes Leader: (read reverently with pauses) Let us pray for each other, for the person next to us, persons in our family, our neighbors, someone whom we especially want to remember in prayer at this time. As we pray for each other we pray for ourselves, for God is never outdone in generosity. Let us be generous in our prayer for each other. Let us pray together a prayer written and prayed by St. Paul.


Prayer I pray, kneeling before the Father, from whom every family, whether spiritual or natural, takes its name: Out of his infinite glory, may he give you the power through his Spirit for your hidden self to grow strong, so that Christ may live in your heart through faith, and then, planted in love and built on love, you will with all the saints have strength to grasp the breadth and the length, the height and the depth; until, knowing the love of Christ, which is beyond all knowledge, you are filled with the utter fullness of God. Glory be to him whose power, working in us can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine; glory to him from generation to generation in the Church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever. Amen. Eph. 3:14 -20 (Jerusalem Bible, trans.) Leader: Invite the group to spontaneous petitions. Close this time of prayer together with instrumental music or a song. suggestion: Holiness Closing Invocations Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life, Have Mercy on Us. Mary, Queen of the Apostles, Pray for us. St. Paul the Apostle, Pray for us. From all sin, deliver us Lord. 4.

The group moves from the area of prayer to the meeting area.


Break (10 minutes)


Beatification Game In a group: After the questions have been filled in on the previous page, the leader of the group fills in the following “beatification” form and gives it to the person as a “certificate reminder of our striving for everyday holiness.” Without a group: If this is being “played” by a single person in the distance program, the same rule applies. Fill out the form with questions first and only then fill out the “beatification” form. Blessed are you, holy are you, rejoice and be glad: The word beatification or beatified comes from the root word beatas meaning “happy, blessed. The Beatitudes are the Christian rule of life found in Jesus Sermon on the Mount in Matthew’ gospel and in Luke’s gospel they are found in the sermon on the plain. When we live the beatitudes, we find happiness and holiness. All of us are called to this happiness and holiness. The beatitudes stem from the commandments. We find our strength to live the commandments and beatitudes in the sacraments. Sacra mean “holy.” Sacraments are external signs of inward grace. Grace is God’s gift to us. God’s grace cannot be “won” or deserved. It is freely given in God’s abundant love. We express our love in accepting this gift and living “as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved.” Paul

Copy the following page and give it to everyone to fill out. 18

Today’s theme is “Holiness Our vocation.” In order to remember our special call to holiness we will spend the next few minutes answering questions that will assist us in remembering our vocation to sanctity: 1.

Your full name _______________________________________________________


A length of time (ex: one year, two days, ten seconds, etc.)_____________________


Your first name_______________________________________________________


The name of a famous person ____________________________________________


A length of time ( ex: one minute, three days, etc.)____________________________


A particular height ( ex: four feet, ten and 1/2 inches, etc.)_____________________


The name of a person you admire__________________________________________


Your first name________________________________________________________


A vice (ex: impatience, ingratitude, nail biting, etc.)___________________________


A virtue (ex: patience, humility, doing the dishes, etc.)_________________________


Your first name________________________________________________________


A place or an activity (beaches, Washington, Mars, roller-blading, etc.)____________ ____________________________________________________________________


A number (any number, as large or small as you decide)________________________


Something that you like (eating candy, throwing snowballs, singing, etc.)__________

Note to the leader: you will find the rest of this “game” in the Appendix as Beatification Answer Sheet. Here is a Google Doc Link.

Beatification Game Answer Sheet

Sharing: A Brief Overview of Pauline Sanctity. See appendix for short biographies or hyperlink to Pauline Blesseds. Distance learners may refer to the sheet following this session. 6.


Question and answer session (see tips on answering questions in the appendix). Review the three main points of this session (refer to the beginning of the session).

Announce the date, time and location of the next meeting. 19

References for further study: 1. Required Reading: a. b. c.

Handbook for Pauline Cooperators, pgs. 23-27 Philippians 1:27-30; 2: 1-8 John 14: 1-6

2. Recommended Reading a. Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity Vatican II Document Found online at or in the collection of Vatican II documents. b. Catechism of the Catholic Church, Articles 2013-14, 2028-29, 2015, 2012, 2030

Blessed James Alberione serving a Pauline friend.



Materials Needed: Pencil or pen A picture or statue of “Jesus, Master, Way, Truth and Life” for veneration. A votive candle Bible Optional: Picture or statue of St. Paul and/or Mary, Queen of Apostles Prayerful music 1. Turn to the Outline for Session 2. Since you may not be in a chapel with the Blessed Sacrament, set up a miniature shrine on a table and place the statue or picture of Jesus, Master, Way, Truth and Life in the center of the table. Enthrone your Bible open in front of the image remembering that Jesus is present in the Word. Light your votive candle, silently reflecting in prayer for a few minutes. Then begin the session following the time allotted and prayerfully reflect upon the readings.

2. After the session, complete the “Session Assignment Sheet” and submit it To the APC Director, 50 St. Paul’s Ave, Boston, MA 02130 or e-mail 3. The Session Assignment Sheet requires you to do some distance sharing with another Cooperator. The name and addresses of Cooperators may be obtained from the APC Regional Director.




________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Phone ________________________________ E-mail Address________________________________

Answer the following questions. Write on the back or attach other sheets if more room is needed.

1. As Christians and followers of Christ we are all called to holiness. Jesus, St. Paul, Blessed Alberione and Mother Thecla described this holiness in the readings for this session. Discuss the various themes, ideas and imagery that each used to describe this holiness.


St. Paul

Blessed Alberione

Mother Thecla

2. As a Pauline Cooperator and Distance Learner describe ways in which you can obtain holiness in prayer and action.


3. In order to strengthen the bonds between you and the APC, you will be required to have some form of communication with another cooperator. The name and address of another cooperator should have been given to you. If not contact your APC Regional Director. Communication may by letter, e-mail, telephone or visit. Write a letter to another cooperator sharing your ideas on how you can grow closer in holiness through prayer and action. The letter may discuss your personal feelings or ideas in supporting the Pauline Mission. You are also invited to ask a cooperator to share in your prayers and/or report your ideas during the next cooperator meeting. You should also receive a timely response from the designated cooperator. The designated cooperator will inform the APC Regional Director of the receipt of the letter, but will not reveal its contents unless you specifically ask.

First Pauline Sisters. Mother Thecla Merlo is sitting in front on the left.

After the session is finished, complete the “Session Assignment Sheet� and submit it to the APC Director or e-mail unless otherwise arranged.


Period of Inquiry Session 3:

“Be Persevering in Your Prayers” (Col. 4:2) ____________________________________________________________________ Group Study Program (Total time: two hours) The theme for this session: Prayer involves our whole person and renews our commitment to tend toward holiness (Const. # 69). Points to Cover: -

Prayer as communion with Jesus “It is no longer I who live but Christ who live in me.”


Prayer fonts of the Word and the Eucharist


Pauline prayer

You will need -

A Bible Music Video A Life Spent for the Gospel (Life of Mother Thecla Merlo) Online

1. Reflection on the Word of God (Jesus Truth) Time allotted: 10 minutes

Sing or play an opening song. Suggestion: Breath by Michael W. Smith -

A reading from the Handbook for Pauline Cooperators

After the witness of example, the apostolic spirit expresses itself in prayer. Paul, a man of prayer, saw in this contact with God the secret and soul of the apostolate. "The same Lord is the Lord of all, and his generosity is offered to all who appeal to him…” (Romans 10:12). It was natural for him to ask for collaboration from his fellow Christians. He recommended that they “be persevering in your prayers…” (Col. 4:2). The intentions that he presented were varied, but their meeting point was one: the mission for the good of everyone. Paul requested prayers for himself and for all of his collaborators in the apostolate. He encountered dangers and persecution, and he hoped through prayer to be freed from them. While a prisoner in Rome, he confided to Philemon: “Will you get a place ready for me to stay? I am hoping through your prayers to be restored to you” (Philemon, 22). 24

“In all your prayers,” Paul said, “pray in the Spirit. Never get tired of praying for all God’s holy people, and pray for me that I may proclaim the mystery of the Gospel” (Eph. 6:18-20). Paul was a “beggar of prayers.” “I urge then,” He said, “that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving should be offered for everyone” (1 Tm. 2:1-2). With his invitations to apostolic prayer, St. Paul wanted to assure himself of a whole network of spiritual solidarity. Let us reflect on these words of Jesus as each of us hears his invitation “Come to me all of you” (Mt. 28:11). You may want to have different readers for the Bible passages. -

A Reading from the Gospel of Mark Chapter 6: 30-32 A Reading from the Gospel of Luke Chapter 11: 1-13

A Reading from the Gospel of John chapter 17:17-23 Prayed together. The prayer of Jesus to the Father: Make them holy in the truth; Your word is truth. Just as you sent me into the world, I, too, have sent them into the world. And I consecrate myself for their sake That they may be made holy in truth. But I’m praying not only for them But also for those who believe in me through their word, So that all may be one, Just as you, Father, are in me and I in you, So they, too, may be in us, So the world may believe that you sent me. And I’ve given them the glory you gave me, So they may be one as we are one, I in them and you in me, So they may be perfectly one, So that the world may know that you sent me And you loved them just as you loved me. Father, I desire that they, too, may be with me Where I am.


Leader: Father Alberione’s words on prayer matched his vital personal practice in lifelong intensity and emphasis. One of the forms of prayer he strongly recommended to the Pauline Family was a daily hour before the Lord in the Eucharist. He saw this hour as being in the School of the Divine Master, a learning period with Christ the Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life. It was especially in this encounter that Fr. Alberione hoped for the realization in each member of the central idea of Pauline spirituality: the full development of the human person in Christ in keeping with all his resources of mind, will, heart and physical strength. And this until the basic experience of St. Paul would become a fact: “I live, not I, but Christ lives in me” (Gal. 2:20). -

Blessed Alberione writes (from Thoughts)

Our prayers place all of our being before God: mind, will, heart, and body. They come from the fundamental dogmas of the Church and are meant to form the apostle. One who becomes familiar with the Pauline prayers will gradually be illuminated, fortified and guided in the spirituality of St. Paul. There is no greater contribution we can make to the Pauline Family than prayer. Prayer, therefore, before all, above all, the life of all. There is no true prayer without mission. Therefore, let there be prayer and mission—action springing from prayer. The liturgy is like a river of grace, light and blessing which flows through the year. It is for us to penetrate the liturgy and understand it well. To have the spirit of the liturgy is a great grace; we are attuned to the Church and praying with the Church. First and foremost, our prayer is Eucharistic. From this vital source, the Eucharistic Master, everything is given life. This is how the Pauline Family was born, from the tabernacle. From here it is sustained in life, mission and holiness. Our sanctity and apostolate spring from the Mass, Communion and the daily Eucharistic hour. The Eucharistic hour is not a complex of prayers. It is a “visit”, something you would make to a dear person, your mother or best friend for example. There is an exchange of greetings, an exchange of news, of gifts, and promises. This “visit” has the scope of establishing our lives in Jesus Christ, that is, to live in, for, and with Jesus. During Eucharistic adoration, consider yourselves as representatives of humanity before the tabernacle, gather all hearts in your own, present all their needs to God, ask Him to give them strength in weakness, and light in obscurity. Do this so that Jesus may conquer their hearts, and grant apostles holiness and zeal. Not only do we make books and media available but also we accompany them with prayer so that the persons receiving them may find light in Christ. Mother Thecla writes in her conferences: Prayer is the nourishment of the interior life. It is like lighting an oil lamp; what do we use to keep it going? Oil. And to keep cars running we put in gasoline. Prayer is like this, it keeps our interior life nourished. Pray from the heart. Say prayers well, participate at Mass well, and receive Holy Communion well. In substance, what is prayer? It is to live our life in Jesus. To reach the point where our thoughts are those of Jesus, where our affections are his own, where our will is his. If things do not come from within— from our interior life— if we are not full of God—we cannot give to others what we do not have. 26

1. Evaluation of Life: In honor of Jesus Way, to obtain help in the practice of virtue. Time allotted: 10 minutes

Leader: Let us reflect on the words we have just heard, asking Jesus to touch our mind, will and heart with his grace. As we reflect on the primary place of prayer in our lives, let us ask Jesus to show us how we may improve our prayer in order to grow in union with him and become way, truth and life for our brothers and sisters. 4. Group Prayer: In honor of Jesus Life, to obtain the graces necessary for our spiritual work and for our brothers and sisters. Time allotted: 10 minutes

Blessed James Alberione, SSP


The Pauline Offertory Father, In union with all those who celebrate the Eucharist, I wish to offer myself with Jesus


In atonement for the confusion spread throughout the world through the misuse of the media


To appeal to your mercy for those persons, who through the influence of these instruments, stray from your fatherly love;


For the conversion of those persons who in the use of these instruments reject the teaching of Christ and his Church confusing the minds, the hearts and the undertakings of men and women;


That we may follow Him alone whom you Father, in your boundless love, sent into the world, saying: “This is my beloved Son, hear Him.�


To acknowledge and to make known that Jesus alone, the Word Incarnate, is the perfect Teacher, the trustworthy Way who leads to knowledge of you, Father, and to a partaking of your life;


That there be in the Church an increase in the number of priests, religious, and lay persons who, consecrated as apostles of communication, will make the message of salvation resound throughout the world;


May all those who work within media fields grow in holiness and wisdom and bear witness to an authentic Christian life;


That the undertakings of Catholics within the sphere of the communications media may continually increase so that by promoting more effectively genuine human and Christian values, messages that are harmful and erroneous will be counteracted;


That well aware of our insufficiency and unworthiness we may realize the need to draw near the font of life in all humility and trust and be nourished with your word, Father, and with the body of Christ, invoking light, love and mercy for all men and women.

Observe a brief period of reflection and private prayer.


Closing Invocations Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life, Have Mercy on us. Mary, Queen of the Apostles, Pray for us. St. Paul the Apostle, Pray for us. From all sin, deliver us Lord. 5. The group moves from the area of prayer to the meeting area. 6. Break (10 minutes) Today we further developed the theme of our last session: Holiness and the Lay Faithful. Today’s theme could be summed up as Prayer, the Soul of the Apostolate. Mother Thecla lived a life of prayer and dedication to the mission. Her actions sprung from her prayer and union with Jesus Master. As we watch this video on her life take note of the moments when Mother Thecla turned to prayer for the fledgling Pauline congregation of the Daughters of Sr. Paul. After the film, we will have time to share her witness of faith, hope and love. These three theological virtues are the manifestations of holiness. As you enjoy the video, notice how Mother Thecla assisted Fr. Alberione in founding the Daughters of St. Paul. -

What moments did she dedicate to mission?


What moments did she dedicate to prayer?


Where did she gain the peace and joy that overflowed into the lives of those around her?

You may take notes for a brief sharing on these questions after the video.

Show: The video Thecla: A Life Spent for the Gospel

Or view an online movie Time allotted: 55 minutes

Conclusion The group reflects on the video together. You may use the questions cited above or the distance learning questions (found on the distance learning sheet for this session). Announce the date, time and location of the next meeting.


References for further study Required Reading a.

Handbook for Pauline Cooperators, pgs. 42-43.


Colossians 1: 1-29

Recommended Reading a. A book on prayer from Pauline Books & Media b. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1994; Articles 1356-1419

Books written by Father James Alberione and Mother Thecla Merlo may be available in the private libraries of the Daughters of St. Paul and may be lent out upon request. You can also visit

Alberione, James Pray Always Pauline Books & Media Out of Print Alberione, James Thoughts Merlo, Thecla Thoughts Pauline Books & Media (out of print – from Pauline library) Messenger of the Good News Biography (available for purchase)



Session 3 “Be Persevering in Your Prayers” (Col. 4:2).

Materials Needed: Pencil or pen Picture or statue of “Jesus, Master, Way, Truth and Life” for veneration. Votive candle Bible Optional: Picture or statue of St. Paul and/or Mary, Queen of Apostles Tape recordings of prayerful music 1. Turn to the Outline for Session 3. Since you may not be in a Chapel with the Blessed Sacrament, set up a miniature shrine on a table and place the statue or picture of Jesus, Master, Way, Truth and Life in the center of the table. Enthrone your open Bible in front of the image remembering that Jesus is present in the Word. Light your votive candle, silently reflecting in prayer for a few minutes. Then begin the session following the time allotted and prayerfully reflect upon the readings. 2. After the session is finished, complete the “Session Assignment Sheet” and submit it to the APC Director or e-mail unless otherwise arranged. 3. The Session Assignment Sheet requires you to do some long distance sharing with a Daughter of St. Paul. The names and addresses of the Sisters may be obtained from the APC Regional Director.




________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Phone ________________________________ E-mail Address________________________________

Answer the following questions. Write on the back or attach other sheets if more room is needed.

1. As Christians and followers of Christ we are called to prayer. Father Alberione stated, “There is no greater contribution we can make to the Pauline Family than Prayer. Prayer is therefore, before all, above all, the life of all.” Jesus, St. Paul, Father Alberione and Mother Thecla share their thoughts on prayer in the readings for this session. Using the readings, describe why Father Alberione’s statement is true.

2. Describe the importance of prayer in your life. How does your relationship with God affect your actions and thoughts about others?


3. In order to strengthen the bonds between you and the Pauline Religious Family, you will be assigned a prayer partner for this exercise. The name and address of a Sister, Brother or Priest should have been given to you. If one is needed, contact the NAPC Director. Communication may be performed by letter, e-mail or any other agreed format. Fill out the following letter and send it to your assigned Sister, Brother or Priest. Your particular prayer intentions may be personal or universal. Each day of the week you will pray for those intentions. The letter will also request that your Pauline prayer partner unite in prayer with you for a particular week. Each day is dedicated to Jesus or a particular saint as prescribed by Father Alberione in the Pauline Prayer book. You are also encouraged and invited to write to your assigned person sharing any ideas, prayers or spiritual favors you may have received. Due to their intense work and prayer schedules, you may or may not get a response, but be comforted to know that you and your intentions will be in her/his prayers.


ASSOCIATION OF PAULINE COOPERATORS DISTANCE FORMATION AND ASSOCIATION PROGRAM SESSION 3: BE PERSEVERING IN YOUR PRAYERS Dear As part of the Distance Cooperator Program, the Pauline Cooperator Director has assigned you as my Partner in Prayer for one week. I am requesting that you pray for the following intentions with me during your daily Eucharistic hour of adoration. Sunday Date: Jesus, Divine Master and Shepherd, Way Truth and Life Intention:

Monday Date: St. Paul the Apostle Intention:

Tuesday Date: Those who have preceded us to eternity Intention:

Wednesday Date: St. Joseph, patron of the Universal Church Intention:

Thursday Date: Guardian Angels and Archangels Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael Intention:

Friday Date: Sacred Heart of Jesus our Divine Master Intention:

Saturday Date: Mary, Mother, Teacher and Queen of Apostles Intention: Thank you for praying for my intentions. I promise that you and all members of the Pauline family will be in my prayers


Period of Inquiry Session 4:

“My God will fulfill all your needs” (Phil. 4:19) Group Study Program (Total time: two hours) The theme for this session: Collaboration with the Pauline Family Points to Cover:


Trust in Divine Providence


Fr. Alberione’s “Secret of Success” in the foundations of the Pauline Family


Means of Collaboration with the Pauline Family as a Pauline Cooperator

You will need A Bible Suggested music from Glory and Praise. Blest Be the Lord Saint Louis Jesuits. Pens Copies of the “Seek first the kingdom of God” sheet found at the end of this session for each participant. Opening Invocations Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life, Have Mercy on Us. Mary, Queen of the Apostles, Pray for us. St. Paul, the Apostle, Pray for us. Sing or play a song. Gave Him the Name by Bread Without Cost 1. Reflection on the Word of God (Jesus Truth) Time Allotted: 10 minutes


A reading from the Handbook for Pauline Cooperators

The cooperators do not simply benefit from the apostolate carried out by the Pauline Family, but they also carry on its mission. They enable the spread of this vast mission. Like the seventy-two disciples spoken of in the Gospel, they are sent by Jesus to 35

evangelize. Together with the whole Pauline Family the cooperators collaborate in strengthening the kingdom of God in the world through the media of communication. You may want to have different readers for the Bible passages. -

A Reading from the Gospel of Luke 10: 1-23 A Reading from Paul’s Letter to the Philippians 4: 4-20

Fr. Alberione writes in Abundates Divitiae Gratiae Suae (Abundance of His Divine Grace) (adapted from the original)

The night that divided the 19th century from the 20th century was decisive for the specific mission and particular spirit in which, the Pauline Family was to be born and brought to life. Following midnight Mass at the turn of the century, perpetual adoration before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament was made available in the Cathedral of Alba (Northern Italy). As a seminarian, I was at liberty to remain as long as I wished. A few days before this I had attended a congress. I understood the profound presentation given by Professor Toniolo.1 He read the invitation of Leo XIII2 to pray for the century just beginning. He spoke of the Church’s needs, of the new means of the press, of opposing the press with the press, organization with organization, of allowing the Gospel to penetrate the culture and influence society. As I thought of this, a particular light came from the Eucharist, a greater understanding of Jesus’ invitation: “Come to me, all of you….” I seemed to understand the great Pope’s heart, the invitation of the Church, and the true mission of the priesthood. What Toniolo had said about the duty of being apostles of today and using the means of today became clear to me. I felt an obligation to prepare to do something for the Lord, and for the people of the new century. At the same time, I had a clear grasp of my own insignificance and I heard the words of Jesus: “I am with you, in the Eucharist…until the end of the world.” I was aware that light, comfort and victory could be obtained before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. As I envisioned the future, I felt that other generous persons would share this urge to do something in the new century. My prayer lasted four hours. I prayed that the new century would be born in the Eucharistic Christ; that new apostles would restore true meaning to law, school, literature, the press, morality; that the Church would have a new missionary impulse….At first I thought of a Catholic organization of writers, technicians, librarians, and bookcenters…but soon, in a time of greater enlightenment, in 1910, I took a definite step: there would be writers, technicians, distributors, but they would be men and women religious. An organization would be formed, where energies would be united, where dedication would be total, where doctrine would be pure.

1 2 The Encyclical Tametsi Futura, On Jesus Christ Our Redeemer (available online). 36

Providence operated according to its ordinary divine method, “strong and gentle.” Its hour was awaited in peace. Providence always begins in a manger; it acts so naturally as to make it hard to distinguish grace from nature. In a moment of difficulty, I re-examined my motives to see if grace had been impeded. The Divine Master willed to reassure the institute and me. In a dream a response came. Jesus Master in fact said: “Do not be afraid, I am with you. From here I want to enlighten; live in continual conversion.” The “from here” came from the tabernacle— with emphasis. It was understood that from Him, the Master, would come all the light to be received. Once the Society of St. Paul had been started, I felt that a type of Third Order was needed—individuals who would desire to better their Christian lives according to the Pauline Spirit, and to carry out an apostolate of prayer and mission. In the prayers I presented every morning at the offering of the chalice my first thought was about the cooperators. Always in prayer, I placed this intention that all who help the Pauline Family by prayer, collaboration, offerings, vocations, may possess Jesus Christ, love him and contemplate him forever here and in eternity. Blessed Timothy Giaccardo wrote in his diary: Last night the dear Father invited us all to make a pact with the Lord. Confidence is what is lacking…but we who trust in all and in everyone except in God are stupid and crazy…. What are the conditions of the pact? 1) Trust in God. 2) Occupy the time well, especially that given for study. 3) Promise to make use of what is learned only for the good press and the glory of God. When our Father speaks of confidence in Divine Providence, he no longer finds the conclusion of his sermon (he never stops!); he says this himself. The words come out of him inflamed…. On the way to sanctity, he explained, one may make progress for one, for five, or even for ten, just as on bicycles. With a turn of the leg one can go forward a meter or even as much as ten meters. But how is this done? In what does this multiplication consist? A good, energetic, resolute will to become holy is needed. Second, that we do not trust in ourselves, in our strength, but that we place all our trust in God, and that we pray. God has called us to a holy life but He wants to act Himself; He wants to work with our arms. God is first and we are in collaboration with God. 2. Examination of Life: In honor of Jesus Way, to obtain help in the practice of virtue. Time Allotted: 10 minutes Leader: Let us reflect on the readings we have just heard. Bring before the Lord your personal weaknesses and desires to have greater trust in his Divine Providence in your life. 37

Play a reflective song or instrumental Open My Eyes Lord 3. Group Prayer: in honor of Jesus Life, to obtain the graces necessary for our spiritual work and for our particular needs. The Pact with God known today as the Secret of Success is a prayer of confidence written by Fr. James Alberione for the fledgling Pauline Family. Speaking of this prayer, Fr. Colacrai, SSP says, "Daily life is loaded with the weight and the glory of miracles. Discouragement is no longer nourished with our insufficiencies or very great difficulties, and the partners, ‘God and us’ travel together.” Father Alberione’s whole secret seems a breath of the spirit of St. Paul who said: “When I am weak, it is then that I am strong” (2 Cor. 12:10). The Secret of Success is a prayer used by all in the Pauline Family. Let us prayerfully recite it together and then take some time to reflect on what we have prayed.

The First Pact

Seek first the kingdom of God, Fr. James Alberione Fr. Timothy Giaccardo And all else will be given you. Jesus Christ The Father The Holy Spirit Blessed Timothy Giaccardo & Blessed James Alberione

Extra: Video on Blessed Toniolo, Apostle of Rerum Novarum


The Secret of Success Jesus Master, Accept the pact that we present to you Through the hands of Mary, Queen of the Apostles and of St. Paul the Apostle. We must correspond to your divine will, arrive at the degree of holiness and heavenly glory, which you have promised us and carry out this mission for your glory and the peace of humanity. Instead, we see ourselves very weak, insufficient, lacking in all: in spirit, in knowledge, in the mission, in poverty. You instead are the Way, the Truth, and the Life, The resurrection, our one and supreme good. We place our trust in you alone who said: Whatever you ask in my name you will receive it. On our part we promise and commit ourselves to seek in all things, in life and in mission your glory and the peace of humanity. We count on your part: to give us a good spirit, grace, knowledge and the means for doing good. In your mercy, multiply the fruits of our spiritual life, of our mission, of our learning, and of our poverty. We do not doubt you but we fear our lack of faith and our inconsistency. Therefore, O good Master, through the intercession of Mary our Mother, show us the mercy you granted to the apostle Paul, so that following his example we may be his companions in the glory of heaven. After a brief time of reflection and silent prayer, the leader invites the group to spontaneous petitions.

Connect Here: Pauline Prayers Online Purchase: Live Christ; Give Christ: Prayers for the New Evangelization Leader: Distribute copies of the Covenant or Pact with the Lord that follows

Let each of us now place our lives in the Father’s hands by entering into a covenant or pact with the Holy Trinity. This is a copy of the first pact that Blessed James Alberione and Blessed Timothy Giaccardo made with the Lord. After you have signed your name to the sheet, place it on the altar or near the enthroned Bible. Then take time for silent prayer.



Song (Option: Slideshare The Secret of Success online) Closing Invocations -

Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life, Have Mercy on Us. Mary, Queen of the Apostles, Pray for us. St. Paul, the Apostle, Pray for us. From all sin, deliver us Lord.

4. The group moves to the meeting area. Distance learners may refer to the sheet following this session.

5. Break (10 minutes) 6. Sharing ideas for collaboration Suggestions are given in the appendix under the section entitled Mission. Announce date and time of the next meeting.

Blessed James Alberione, SSP


References for further study Required Reading a.

Handbook for Pauline Cooperators, pgs. 12-16


The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 24

Recommended Reading a.

Pope John Paul II Tertio Millennio Adveniente On Preparation for the Jubilee of the Year 2000. Pauline Books & Media, Boston: 1994 # 56-59


Catechism of the Catholic Church. , Articles 849-856; 898-901


Leo XIII Tametsi Futura On Jesus Christ Our Redeemer. Pauline Books & Media Boston: 1980.


Blessed Toniolo, Economist On a Google search find articles about Blessed Giuseppe Toniolo. Read his Beatification biography on


More on Blessed Toniolo


Pope Paul VI Evangelii Nuntiandi On Evangelization in the Modern World. Pauline Books & Media. Boston, 1975 # 59, 66, 70-76, 79-80



Session 4 “Collaboration with the Pauline Family”

Materials Needed: Pencil or pen A picture or statue of “Jesus, Master, Way, Truth and Life” for veneration and worship A votive candle Bible Optional: Picture or statue of St. Paul and/or Mary, Queen of Apostles Tape recordings of prayerful music 1. Turn to the Outline for Session 4. Since you may not be in a Chapel with the Blessed Sacrament, set up a miniature shrine on a table and place the statue or picture of “Jesus, Master, Way, Truth and Life” in the center of the table. Enthrone your open Bible in front of the of image remembering that Jesus is present in the Word. Light your votive candle, silently reflecting in prayer for a few minutes. Then begin the session following the time allotted and prayerfully reflect upon the readings. 2. After the session, complete the “Session Assignment Sheet” and submit it the APC Director, 50 St. Paul’s Ave., Boston, MA 02130 or e-mail, the Regional Director or email to: 3. The Session Assignment Sheet requires you to do some distance sharing with another Pauline Cooperator. The name and addresses of the cooperators may be obtained from the APC Director.





________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Phone ________________________________ E-mail Address________________________________

Answer the following questions. Write on the back or attach other sheets if more room is needed.

1. As Christians and followers of Christ we are all called to spread the gospel. Jesus inspired the seventy-two missionaries to do good works and have faith in His words. Paul inspired the Philippians to rejoice and be generous. Read Luke 10:1-23 and Phil. 4:4-20 again and discuss what these messages mean for you and your life.

2. Blessed James Alberione and Blessed Timothy Giaccardo share their thoughts on collaboration with God. Discuss what this collaboration means.


3. In order to strengthen the bonds between you and other Pauline Cooperators, you will be required to contact another Cooperator. The name and address should have been given to you. If one is needed, contact the APC Director. Communication may be performed by letter, e-mail, fax, or telephone. Communicate with your assigned cooperator through telephone, letter, fax or e-mail. Converse with him or her about what their collaboration with the Pauline Family means to them and describe their thoughts and major highlights of your communication.

Name of Cooperator you communicated with ____________________________________ Your thoughts:

After the session is finished, complete the “Session Assignment Sheet� and submit it to the APC Director or e-mail unless otherwise arranged.


Period of Inquiry Session 5:

“Faith Comes From Hearing” (Romans 10:17) Group Study Program (Total time: two hours) The theme for this session: Evangelization with the Media of Communications Points to Cover: -

The initial proclamation of the Gospel: The Kerugma “heralded message of Jesus Christ” (Rm. 16).


The “Great Commission,” Evangelization, the essential mission of the Church


“A people set apart to sing the praises of God” (1 Peter 2:9).

You will need -

A Bible




An Introduction to the Pauline Cooperators Online Slideshare

Opening Invocations Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life, Have Mercy on us. Mary, Queen of the Apostles, Pray for us. St. Paul, the Apostle, Pray for us.

Sing or play an opening song. More of You


1. Reflection on the Word of God (Jesus Truth) Time allotted: 10 minutes


A Reading from the Handbook for Pauline Cooperators

The Pauline Cooperators fulfill an apostolic vocation, which makes them particularly apt to carry out the mission in all of its forms: proclamation of the faith (catechesis) in the family, writing, diffusion of Catholic/Christian literature, use of the media to announce the Gospel message. The cooperators are also called to establish libraries and media centers in parishes, to organize centers of diffusion, if not permanent at least periodically (at parishes on Sunday, at conventions), to arrange Bible days; circulate wholesome videos, music and software, to educate others in media awareness. They also give particular attention to those works and means that assist in the Christian formation of receivers of the media at every age level. Among other things, they may work in the production of Catholic radio and television programs, or cultural programs that are Catholic in spirit. It is also desirable that there be qualified Pauline Cooperators present in diocesan media centers. Introduction to the Scripture Readings: adapted from Creed and Catechesis. “Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me; and those who welcome me welcome the one who sent me” (Mt. 10:40). The apostles are authorized heralds of Christ himself. “You will be my witnesses not only in Jerusalem but throughout Judea and Samaria, and indeed to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). They announce the gospel of the divine plan. The first coming of Jesus introduces a new age of universal history, the final age, for it will culminate in his Second Coming (the Parousia), hence the urgency of the message to each and all. The Kingdom of God is at hand! The Day of the Lord, foretold by the prophets is approaching! Take up the Lord’s way of life, embrace the Christian way! This is the Gospel “which has been preached in the whole world” (Col. 1:13). The Greek word kerygma “preached” is found in the root word, “keryx” which means “herald” – the kerygma is the heralded message of Jesus Christ. Paul says in the letter to Timothy: [Ego kéryx, kai apóstolos, kai didáskolos] “I have been named a herald and apostle and a teacher of the faith” (2 Tim.1:7). Pope Paul VI in Evangelization of the Modern World says: “The Church has a vivid awareness of the fact that the Savior’s words, ‘I must proclaim the Good News of the kingdom of God,” apply in all truth to herself. She willingly adds with St. Paul: “If I preach the gospel, this is no reason for to me to boast, for an obligation has been imposed on me, and woe to me if I do not preach it!’ (1 Cor. 9:16). We wish to confirm that the task of evangelizing all people constitutes the essential mission of the Church (14).” 47

Let us now listen to Paul as he speaks to us regarding his appointment as herald of Christ.

You may want to have different readers for the Bible passages. A Reading from Romans Chapter 10:13-14, Chapter 15: 14-21 A Reading from Ephesians Chapter 3:1-11 Play a Reflective Song -

Suggestion: Give Me Your Eyes by Brandon Heath

Fr. Alberione writes in Thoughts

The apostle is one who carries God within and radiates God to others. The apostle is a saint who accumulates treasure and communicates its surplus to humanity. The apostle has a heart glowing with the love of God and the love of humanity, and can neither restrain nor suffocate what he or she feels and thinks. The apostle is a vessel overflowing for those who want to quench their thirst. To quote from one writer: the apostle exudes God from all his pores—in work, words, prayer, attitudes, from his entire being. Live by God and give God! Apostolate means bringing humanity salvation: Jesus Christ, Way, Truth and Life. The Pauline Apostolate is universal in time and place. It is to preach the gospel with modern means. The gospel and the letters of Paul are our guide. The world is evolving rapidly: population centers, culture and commerce are undergoing change. Peaceful and swift revolutions are taking place because of the press, radio, motion pictures, television, air travel, political, social and industrial movements, atomic energy, (and we can add information systems, digital communications or social media to this list). It is important that religion be always present, that it uses every means to raise the level of life on earth and glory in heaven. Consider the words of Cardinal Della Costa3: “Either we look at reality courageously, seeing beyond the immediate little world that surrounds us, and then grasp the urgent 3

*Elia dalla Costa was born in Villaverla as the youngest of the five children. He was baptized on June 23, 1872 and ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Antonio Feruglio on July 25, 1895. On May 25, 1923, Costa was appointed Bishop of Padua by Pope Pius XI. He received his episcopal consecration on the following August 12 from Bishop Ferdinando Rodolfi in the Cathedral of Viacenza. Costa was named Archbishop of Florence on December 19, 1931. From January to May 1932, he was Apostolic Administrator of Padua. Pope Pius created Costa Cardinal Priest of S. Marco in the consistory of March 13, 1933. During World War II, he became known as "the Cardinal of Charity" for helping save thousands of Italians from execution under the Fascist regime. Costa died in Florence, at age 89, and is buried in the Duomo di Firenze. In 1981 his process for beatification was opened.


necessity of a radical change of mentality and method, or, in the span of a few years, we shall have made a desert around the Master of life.” There are two dangerous deceptions: First to simply preach against the press, radio, motion pictures and television because of the harmful content they often present. We cannot pass ourselves off as reactionaries or supporters of ignorance. We will not be heard. The Church fears only ignorance, falsehood and incomplete knowledge. Secondly, holding back from entering the fields of the press, radio, motion pictures, and television until they have already been organized. We need good newspapers, good films, good broadcasts, and healthy television shows. These should take the lead. Truth first, rather than the attempt to counter error. The press, motion pictures, radio and television today constitute the most urgent, most rapid and most efficacious means. When these means of progress serve evangelization, a consecration takes place, and they are elevated. The writer’s office, the technician’s plant, and the media center become a church and pulpit. The microphone and the screen are our pulpit. The printing plant and the production and broadcasting studios are like our church. We adopt St. Paul’s motto: “I do everything for the gospel.” Mother Thecla writes: Live the gospel. Its maxims, its teachings must be our guide and support. Let us model ourselves on them always. Let our lives be a clear witness to the gospel. God is a very good cameraman and will project the film of our lives. Let us be radiant stars! Prayer: Based on the Second Letter to Timothy Chapter 1, verses 1-14 I offer thanksgiving and praise to you Father. You have chosen me to be your apostle, to tell others about the promise of life that is in Christ Jesus. Let my faith grow as a small flame grows into a fire. You did not give me a spirit of fear but a spirit of power and love and self-control. Strengthen me so that I may witness to your gospel as your herald. You call me to be holy, not because of anything I do but because of the grace given To me through Christ Jesus, even before time began. Jesus, you destroyed death and through the gospel show us the way to life. This is your good news. I believe in you and I am sure that you will guard The truth that has been entrusted to me by your Holy Spirit, who dwells within me.


1. Evaluation of Life: In honor of Jesus Way, to obtain help in the practice of virtue. Time allotted: 10 minutes The Word of God transforms our lives. Let us take a moment to reflect on the Word we have just heard. Let the Word penetrate your life. -

Think of the ways Jesus calls you to witness to Him each day: at home, at work, in your social life, to each member of your family.


Reflect on the times and places you hear the Gospel proclaimed.


How attentive are you to these moments?


What fears hold you back from witnessing to Jesus in all circumstances of your life?

Bring these fears before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament asking him to replace them with the surety of his love.

2. Group Prayer: In honor of Jesus Life, to obtain the graces necessary for our spiritual work and for our brothers and sisters to whom we are sent as heralds. Time allotted 10 minutes

Pray the following together or Play the CD Abba Pater or link to YouTube, by John Paul II, track 2 “Cristo e Liberazione.” Have copies of the words available for participants. Online Guide: We are sentinels for the people of the Third Millennium. With the Church, “an expert in incarnation” And with our Pauline Charism, we stand watch So as to respond constructively To those lost in darkness, who ask: “Sentinel, how much longer will the night last?” (Isaiah 21:12) The Church, sentinel of the truth about humanity, And about the individual human person searching for the truth, 50

Must be ready to respond: “Morning is coming. If you ask come, be renewed in Christ.” All: How beautiful are the feet of the messengers, those who bring glad tidings— The news of your coming, Lord, And the announcement of your call to each of us; To make all things new with you. Lord, we place at your disposal our hands, our feet, everything we are and have, To communicate you and the good news of your grace For the joy of every person. If we have been fearful, give us trust; If we are young, stay close to us If we are less young, sustain our fervor. Prayer: Invocations to Jesus Master These may be recited by dividing the invocations between two sides of the gathering.            

Jesus Master, sanctify my mind and increase my faith. Jesus, teaching in the Church, draw everyone to your school. Jesus Master, deliver me from error, ignorance, vain thoughts and eternal darkness. Jesus, Way between the Father and us, I offer you all and await all from you. Jesus, Way of sanctity, make me your faithful imitator. Jesus, Way, render me “perfect” as my Father who is in heaven. Jesus, Life, live in me, so that I may live in you. Jesus, Life, do not permit me to be separated from you. Jesus, Life, grant that I may live eternally in your love. Jesus, Truth, may I be light for the world. Jesus, Truth, may I be example and witness to others. Jesus, Life, may my presence bring grace and consolation everywhere.

Together: Mary, God’s chosen one, mother and guardian of apostles, pray with us, pray for us and for all those called by God. Amen. Leader: If there is time invite the group to spontaneous petitions. 51

Sing or Play Music Suggestion: Love Does Brandon Heath Closing Invocations Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life, Have Mercy on us. Mary, Queen of the Apostles, Pray for us. St. Paul, the Apostle, Pray for us. From all sin, deliver us, Lord. 3. The group moves from the area of prayer to the meeting area. 4. Break 5. Video Showing: Being Pauline and Pauline Holiness After the video reflect on and discuss the following: Christ left the Church with three great tasks. One of these is “To give the gospel.” -

What is the gospel?


How can we be heralds of the gospel today?


What does New Evangelization mean?

Leader: Ask everyone in the group to write down their reflections for a later sharing. Guide: 1. The gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ, what he said, what he did, who he is and his promise of eternal life for those who believe in him and follow him. Refer to the first reading of the time of prayer for further discussion. 2. The second great task Christ left to the Church is “To bring the sacred signs or sacraments he instituted.” The Pauline mission of evangelization is pastoral, meaning 52

we are called to bring people to the sacraments. This is one way to distinguish the Pauline Charism. After reading the following passage from the writings of Fr. Alberione -

Reflect together on the way Pauline publishing, a Pauline media center, media exhibit, Liturgical Center, movie production, Internet site, production, etc. differ from secular counterparts.


What is Pauline Pastoral Evangelization? (Some hints on this blog)


How may we bring people to the sacraments?

Option: Conduct an online search inserting these headings into the search query: -

Alberione Pastoral


New Evangelization Vatican


Bring to the Sacraments

Share your findings.


“Jesus Christ is the Way, Truth and Life. Spiritual work involves: -

Imitating the holiness of Jesus Christ who shows us the way by his examples and teaching; - A spirit of faith in Jesus Christ who is the Truth, thinking according to the gospel, New Testament, and the Church which communicated them; - Grace, which is a participation in the life of Jesus through the sacraments and all the means of grace. This is how Jesus Christ Way, Truth and Life is formed in us: be conformed to him so Jesus will nourish the person in his/her faculties of will, intelligence and sentiment.� Blessed James Alberione, S.S.P.

Announce the date, time and location of the next meeting.


References for further study Required Reading a. Handbook for Pauline Cooperators, pgs. 18-32. b. Pope Paul VI. On Evangelization in the Modern World. Pauline Books & Media. Boston. 1975. Reference numbers 6-24. c.

Catechism of the Catholic Church; Articles 425-429,

Recommended Reading (Suggested reading may be updated) a.

Boyack, Kenneth, Ed. The New Catholic Evangelization. Paulist Press. Mahwah: NJ. 1992.


Boyack, Kenneth, Ed. Catholic Evangelization Today: A New Pentecost for the United States. Paulist Press. Mahwah: NJ. 1987.


Martin, Ralph and Peter Williamson. Pope John Paul and the New Evangelization: How You Can Bring the Good News to Others. Ignatius Press: San Francisco. 1995.

d. Martini, Carlo M. Ministers of the Gospel. Crossroads: New York, 1989.

Check for new editions on the theme of Catholic Evangelization or ask for suggestions from the National Office of Pauline Cooperators



Materials Needed: Pencil or pen Picture or icon of, “Jesus, Master, Way, Truth and Life” A votive candle Bible Optional: Picture or statue of St. Paul and/or Mary, Queen of Apostles Tape recordings of prayerful music 1. Follow the Outline for Session 5. Since you may not be in a chapel with the Blessed Sacrament, set up a miniature shrine on a table and place the statue or picture of “Jesus, Master, Way, Truth and Life” in the center of the table. Enthrone your Bible in front of the image remembering that Jesus is present in the Word. Light your votive candle, silently reflecting in prayer for a few minutes. Then begin the session following the time allotted and prayerfully reflect upon the readings. 2. After the session is finished, complete the “Session Assignment Sheet” and submit it to the APC Director or e-mail unless otherwise arranged.




________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Phone ________________________________ E-mail Address________________________________

Answer the following questions. Write on the back or attach other sheets if more room is needed.

1. Apostolic Vocation is an important aspect of the Pauline Cooperator. Using the readings, discuss how St. Paul, Fr. Alberione and Mother Thecla would have responded to the following statements. A. “The preaching of the gospel isn’t my job. It’s the job of the clergy and religious orders of brothers and sisters. My job is to go to church and listen.” St. Paul

Fr. Alberione

Mother Thecla B. “The media can be evil especially if its content can be harmful. We must only let a few responsible people write books, make movies or speak to control what our ears hear and what we do.” St. Paul

Fr. Alberione 57

Mother Thecla C. “Let someone else do the preaching and work of God. I don’t have the talent, knowledge or time to do any of this. Besides I’m an unworthy sinner.” St. Paul

Fr. Alberione

Mother Thecla

2. Ask yourself, a layperson and a priest or sister of your choice the following questions and compare your answers. Lay person’s name


Priest or Sister’s name


What is the role of the laity in the church?



Priest or Sister



Jesus said that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. What does this mean? Yourself


Priest or Sister

How does a layperson preach the gospel? Yourself


Priest or Sister

3. From the information you gathered from exercises 1 and 2, list your responsibilities as a Christian and the different ways you could preach the gospel.



Period of Inquiry Session 6

“Imitate Me As I Imitate Christ” (1 Corinthians 4:16) Group Study Program (Total time: two hours) The theme for this session is: The Pauline Charism Points to Cover: -

Translating the treasures of our spirituality (charism) for the enrichment of the entire Church


God’s gifts (charism) to the Pauline Family


Paulines “In the Footsteps of those guided by the Spirit”

You will need -

A Bible Music

1. Reflection on the Word of God (Jesus Truth) Time allotted 10 minutes Opening Invocations Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life; Have Mercy on us. Mary, Queen of the Apostles; Pray for us. St. Paul the Apostle; Pray for us. Song suggestion: You Put the Light in Me by Brandon Heath



- A Reading from the Handbook for Pauline Cooperators The laity who have followed their vocation and have become members of one of the associations or institutes approved by the Church try faithfully to adopt the special characteristics of the spiritual life as well (Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity, 4). The Pauline Cooperator desires to deepen the Pauline Charism as a renewed commitment to Christian life. By living the Pauline spirituality, the Pauline Cooperator will open his or her heart to the needs of people today as an apostle living the life of Christ in imitation of St. Paul. Fr. Alberione defined the Pauline Charism in this way: The Institute wants to live Jesus Christ; our main rule is: Christ lives in me. The Pauline Family has one spirituality: to live the Gospel totally; to live of the Divine Master. We are to live him, as his disciple St. Paul understood him. Devotion to Mary, which is a part of the Pauline Spirit, has two goals for us: our holiness and bringing Jesus to others. The Pauline Family aspires to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Way, Truth, and Life, totally in the spirit of St. Paul, under the gaze of Mary, Queen of the Apostles. You may want to have different readers for the Bible passages. -

A Reading from the Gospel of John Chapter 2 versus 1-11 A Reading from the Acts of the Apostles Chapter 1 verses 12-14; Chapter 2 verses 1-4 A Reading from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians Chapter 4 verses 15 – 16

Read by the prayer leader: Sr. Giovanna Maria Carrara, FSP, In Comunione, 1998 Since the Spirit, being invisible, can be recognized only through his activity, it is important to contemplate his actions in the persons who, after Jesus, experienced his presence in a vital way: I invite you to contemplate the people who were particularly close to him and who allowed themselves to be guided by him in everything: Mary, St. Paul, Fr. Alberione, and Mother Thecla. Fr. Alberione writes: (Following of Christ the Master) Mary was a disciple first, then a teacher. She was the first pupil of the Incarnation, then during the private life of Jesus, and afterwards during his public life. By intimately living with Jesus for thirty years, Mary learned all the spirit of the New Testament, which Jesus first lived. The Annunciation was a profound revelation. A world of things is to be learned from this event. The same is true of the visit to St. Elizabeth, the nativity, the presentation in the temple and the hidden life in Nazareth. In his own person Jesus was living the future Church, the highest perfection, the most profound divine communication. Mary saw, remembered, meditated (Luke 2:19, 51). Mary was the Mother of the Apostle of the Father, the Divine Word; she became Mother, Teacher and Queen of every apostle at the birth of Jesus; she was proclaimed such by Jesus on the cross; she showed herself to be mother, teacher and queen especially at Pentecost. Mary helps form apostles of every time and place.



We may consider Paul under three aspects as well: as teacher, model and provider. He is called teacher of the Gentiles. Paul most faithfully interpreted the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus said of him: “This man is my chosen instrument to bring my name before pagans, kings and the people of Israel” (Acts 9:15). Paul is our model. He tells us “Take me for your model, as I take Christ” (1Cor. 11:1). He proposes himself as an example, but not as an absolute example, rather as the form, in the manner of imitating Christ, who alone is the absolute example. In the third place, Paul is the provider. He held all peoples in his heart. He affirmed that his heart had opened wide to embrace all nations. Paul prepared himself in prayer for his mission. He intercedes for us now as a man of prayer. Sr. Giovanna Maria Carrara, FSP writes: (In Comunione, 1998) The presence of the Holy Spirit also runs like a golden thread through the experiences of our Founder [Fr. James Alberione]. We can discern this divine presence in a number of symbolic expressions that Fr. Alberione frequently uses in his autobiographical writings: -


A “light” at times brilliant, banishing the shadows that partially obscure his vocation/mission; at times tenuous guiding a “half blind man” who is led and, as he goes along, is enlightened from time to time so that he can always continue to move ahead. A “feeling” that enables him to perceive ever more keenly the mandate of Jesus “go, preach.” A “river” which becomes larger as it flows on. “The overflowing riches of grace” poured out on the Pauline Family. The “hand of God”, which must never be forced because at the right time it will lead us along the path willed by the Spirit.

Mother Thecla: Life in the Spirit: When the founder attempted to summarize the life of Mother Thecla, he portrayed her as a woman who “offered no resistance” to the Spirit: “As far as I could see, she never opposed the will of God.” Mother Thecla’s entire life focused on reaching the point of total self-surrender, of “childlike dependence on the Father in the Holy Spirit.” For Mother Thecla, holiness meant, “to live the life of the Trinity as Mary did. The heavenly Father is always close to me, within me, thinking of me and providing for everything. Jesus is with me; the Holy Spirit sanctifies me.” Let us pause for a moment to contemplate our own experiences. Let us become aware of the activity of the Spirit in our lives as we review our personal journey. Let us celebrate the memory of our baptism, confirmation, reception of the Eucharist and the sacrament of reconciliation. Let us become more sensitive to the Spirit’s “groaning” in the depths of our heart—a “groaning” that is meant to move us toward Christ is a more decisive way.



2. Examination of Life (In honor of Jesus Way) Time allotted: 10 minutes Period of silent meditation. You may play quiet background music if you wish. 3. Group Prayer: (In honor of Jesus Life) Prayer: Entrusting of Oneself to Mary Receive me, Mary, Mother, Teacher and Queen, Among those who you love, nourish, sanctify and guide, In the school of Jesus Christ, the Divine Master. You identify in God’s mind those whom he calls, And for them you have special prayers, grace, light and consolations. My Master Jesus Christ entrusted himself wholly to you, From the Incarnation to the Ascension. For me this is doctrine, example and an ineffable gift. I too place myself entirely into your hands. Obtain for me the grace to know, imitate and love ever more The Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life. Present me to Jesus to be admitted to his school. Enlighten my mind, fortify my will, sanctify my heart, During this year of my spiritual work, So that I may profit from this great mercy and say at the end: “I live now not I, but Christ lives in me” (Gal. 2:20). Song suggestion: Ave Maria music video Leader: Invite the group to spontaneous petitions. Recite the “Our Father” together. Closing Invocations Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life, Have Mercy on us. Mary, Queen of the Apostles, Pray for us. St. Paul, the Apostle, Pray for us. From all sin, deliver us Lord. 4. The group moves from the area of prayer to the meeting area.



5. Pauline Charism and Holiness We are truly surrounded by a “cloud of witnesses” in the Pauline Family. These witnesses to Christ inspire us and intercede for us as we seek to attain holiness through the work of evangelization and blaze new trails for the Gospel. We reflected on the witness of Mary, Queen of the Apostles and St. Paul the Apostle. Let us reflect some more on those members of the Pauline Family who have gone before us. They point out the way we must follow if our gaze is to remain fixed on Jesus and our mission. For this exercise, the leader will refer to the appendix for information on the Pauline “Witnesses.” Each participant will be, given the short life of a Pauline “Witness” to read. If there are not enough, two participants may share information on Mother Thecla or Fr. Alberione. After each person has finished reading the biographical sketch, the leader will continue with the following exercise: -



Have each person pin on the picture of the Pauline “witness” or hold it so that they now represent that person (in order to do this you will need to make a copy of photos found in the index). Invite another “witness” to interview a “witness” in front of all the participants (interview questions are found in the index) If there are two people representing one Pauline “witness” they may be interviewed together. You may want to employ a microphone or other props to keep this interesting to all in attendance—be creative! If you have cards of the Pauline “witness” they may hand them out to each participant encouraging them to contact him or her as an intercessor. “Here’s my card, call on me sometime. I will pray for you and with you.” The sisters in attendance may want to share the experience of their special devotion to one or more of the Pauline “witnesses,” to Mary, Queen of Apostles, or to St. Paul. Everyone is invited to share his or her insights at this time.

Announce the date, time and location of the next meeting.



References for further study Required Reading a. My Co-Workers in the Gospel: Handbook for Pauline Cooperators. Pgs. 6469. b. John Paul II. Mission of the Redeemer. Pauline Books & Media. Boston: 1990 Chapters 7-8. c. Catechism of the Catholic Church.


Recommended Reading a. Benedict XVI Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini (Word of God) b. Francis, Apostolic Letter Evangelii Guadium (Gospel of Joy)

Mother Thecla Merlo, FSP Blessed James Alberione, SSP




The group leader may want to schedule a simple celebration upon completion of the Period of Inquiry.


At this time the leader will also invite all who want to participate in the Time of Preparation to join him/her in a separate meeting area. See notes on introducing the Time of Preparation in the index.


An interview with the potential Pauline Cooperator is in order as well as certain guidelines you may share with them at this time.


There will be a deepening of Pauline Devotions and Charism during the Time of Preparation

DISTANCE LEARNERS: At this point you will receive a call from the local or regional office of Pauline Cooperators. If you are a group leader and the group is within distance of a Pauline Center you may request a visit from the local or regional director. The regional or national director will inquire about the participant’s desire to continue in the Cooperator formation program and will be available to answer questions that may have arisen during the Period of Inquiry.

1. What have you learned about prayer that you will apply to everyday life? 2. Can you describe the Pauline Charism in a few words? 3. How would you describe your ability to work with others? 4. How would you describe your learning style? 5. Are there any Pauline Witnesses you find attracted to? What has attracted you? 6. Are there any reservations you have about preparing for the Promise of the Pauline Cooperator?




SESSION 6 “IMITATE ME AS I IMITATE CHRIST” Materials Needed: Pencil or pen A picture or statue of “Jesus, Master, Way, Truth and Life” for veneration. A votive candle Bible Optional: Picture or statue of St. Paul and/or Mary, Queen of Apostles Tape recordings of prayerful music 1. Follow the Outline for Session 6. Since you may not be in a chapel with the Blessed Sacrament, set up a miniature shrine on a table and place the statue or picture of “Jesus, Master, Way, Truth and Life” in the center of the table. Lay your Bible open in front of the of image remembering that Jesus is present in the Word. If you have statues of St. Paul or Mary, Queen of Apostles, place them on each side of your image of Jesus. Light your votive candle, silently reflecting in prayer for a few minutes. Then begin the session following the time allotted and prayerfully reflect upon the readings.

2. After the session is finished, complete the “Session Assignment Sheet” and submit it to the APC Director or e-mail unless otherwise arranged.











E-mail Address________________________________

Answer the following questions. Write on the back or attach other sheets if more room is needed. 1. Fr. Alberione refers to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, as Teacher and Queen of all Apostles in Christ. Mary teaches the love of Christ through her faith and actions. Choose three of the following readings and describe how she imitated Christ and followed him. Discuss Mary’s feelings, the problems she faced and how she responded to God’s challenge. Luke 1:28-36 Luke 1:39-47 Luke 2: 1-9 Luke 2:27-37 Luke 2:41-52 John 2: 1-11 John 19: 25-27

2. Open your Bible to any of the following letters of Paul: Romans, Corinthians I or II, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, or Thessalonians. Read and discuss Paul’s words and feelings toward Jesus Christ. Cite lines that show how we should imitate Christ who is the absolute example.



3. Read the short exhortation about Mother Thecla in the main session by Sr. Giovanna Maria Carrara. Describe an experience in your life in which you had to have faith to imitate Christ. Describe the problems you encountered and how you overcame them.

4. Congratulations! You have completed the Period of Inquiry. Take a few moments to meditate and review your experiences in this spiritual journey with the Pauline Family. Discuss what you have learned and how the sessions do or do not relate to you and your life.

5. If you have any questions you would like to ask any member of the Pauline Family, write them down here. Questions may be addressed to a Daughter of St. Paul, a Priest or Brother of the Society of St. Paul, a Pious Disciple of the Divine Master, or a Pauline Cooperator.

6. If you are following this as a Distance Program contact the National or Regional Office of the Association of Pauline Cooperators to place a request to begin the formal formation program.




The group leader may want to schedule a simple celebration upon completion of the Period of Inquiry.


At this time the leader will also invite all who want to participate in the Time of Preparation to join him/her in a separate meeting area, unless everyone wants to participate. See notes on introducing the Time of Preparation in the index. An interview with the potential Pauline Cooperator is in order as well as certain guidelines you may share with them at this time.


There will be a deeper understanding of Pauline Devotions and Charism during the Time of Preparation

DISTANCE LEARNERS: At this point, you may receive a call from the regional or national office of Pauline Cooperators. If you are a group leader and the group is within distance of a Pauline Center you may request a visit from the regional director. The regional or national director will inquire about the participant’s desire to continue in the Cooperator formation program and will be available to answer questions that may have arisen during the Period of Inquiry.



Note to the leader as you begin the Time of Preparation Please send in the names and e-mail address of all who are beginning the Time of Preparation to the Regional coordinator. See appendix for forms. You will also keep a mailing list with name, address and phone at your location. There will be a National e-mail list maintained to facilitate sending out information, feast day novenas, etc. to those who are officially beginning to prepare for the Promise. When a general mailing goes out you will be asked to provide the information needed to the National Office. An example: a general mailing of an invitation for a Pilgrimage to Italy. Check the manual introduction and the appendix for more information about this Time of Preparation. Thank you for your guidance and support of potential members of the Association of Pauline Cooperators. Address any questions to your regional representative or



Time of Preparation Table of Contents

Session 1: Gift of the Pauline Life and Mission Session 2: Living Pauline Prayer Session 3: Pauline Evangelization Session 4: The Pauline Charism Session 5: “That the Manifold Wisdom of God be Made Known” Session 6: The Life and Mission of the Laity Session 7: “That Christ May Live in Me.” Session 8: Mary, Queen of the Apostles Session 9: St. Paul the Apostle Session 10: The Word of God and the Eucharist Session 11: Ecumenism and Inter-religious Dialogue Session 12: Organization of the Pauline Cooperators



Time of Preparation

Session 1:

“Fully Mature With the Fullness of Christ.� (Eph. 4:13) Phase II: Group Study Program (Total time: two hours)

The theme for this session: The Purpose of the Pauline Family

Points to Cover: -

The Interior Life and Evangelical Spirit


Identity at the Level of Being


Pauline Spirituality

You will need: -

A Bible


A large candle and small candles for participants to light



Each session of the Time of Preparation will begin with an Hour of Prayer. If possible, conduct the time of prayer in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in a Eucharistic chapel or church. If this is not possible, designate a place of prayer. Set up Icons of Jesus Master; Mary Queen of Apostles and St. Paul, (these are available from the National Office) and position the Bible in a place of honor. You may light a candle and use incense as symbols of prayer and worship.



The Opening Invocation: Leader:

Jesus Master and Shepherd, Way, Truth and Life,

Response: Have mercy on us. Leader:

Mary, Queen of the Apostles,

Response: Pray for us. Leader:

St. Paul the Apostle,

Response: Pray for us.

1. Reflection on the Word of God (Jesus Truth)

Time Allotted: 20 minutes

Sing or play an appropriate hymn. Be Thou My Vision A Reading from the Statutes4 of the Pauline Cooperators The Pauline life has as its purpose the perfection of love in all of the members. With a deepening of the evangelical spirit, living the Gospel, the Pauline responds to the will of God who desires all to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth (1 Tim. 2:4). Within the structure of the Pauline Family, each member of the Association of Pauline Cooperators strives toward holiness of life while associating with the mission of evangelization with the media. The Pauline Cooperator is a person who, attracted by the Pauline ideal, follows a particular call to live 1. the spirit of the beatitudes 2. in imitation of Jesus Master and Shepherd, Way, Truth and Life; Mary, Queen of the Apostles and St. Paul the Apostle 3. as an apostle communicating the Gospel.

Choose different readers for these passages from the Bible: A Reading from Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians, Chapter 6:16-18; 7:1 4

The Statutes of 1985 are an updated version of Blessed Alberione’s original Statutes of the Pauline Cooperator. They were updated in 1992 In 2012 another provisional version was published. These are found at



Response to the Reading: Suggested song: Joy in the Journey by Michael Card The Final Word

Together: The Spirit prays for us and with us. To the Most Holy Trinity Divine Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, present and active in the Church and in the depths of my soul, I adore you, I thank you, I love you! And through the hands of Mary most holy, my Mother, I offer, give and consecrate myself entirely to you for life and for eternity. To you, Heavenly Father, I offer, give and consecrate myself as your son/daughter. To you, Jesus Master, I offer, give and consecrate myself as your brother/sister and disciple. To you, Holy Spirit, I offer, give and consecrate myself as "a living temple" to be consecrated and sanctified. A Reading from the First Letter of John Chapter 1:1-4 ; 3:19-24 ; 4:7-12 Period of Silent Reflection (about 5 minutes).

Pray Together: May Mary, Mother of the Church and my Mother, Who dwells in the presence of the Holy Trinity, Teach me to live, through the liturgy and the sacraments, In an ever more intimate union with the three divine Persons, So that my whole life may be a “glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.� Amen.

Pause for Reflection



From the Writings of Blessed James Alberione, Founder 5 The Pauline [spiritual] life consists in this: living in the Church and in Christ, after the example of St. Paul, under the protection of St. Paul and according to the teaching of St. Paul. He made himself the model for his disciples (2 Thes. 3-9). And his mold is in conformity with the original model, which is Christ himself (1 Cor. 11:1). To reproduce the whole Christ in us it is necessary to believe in his word, follow his examples and live his life. Christ is not just the right way, he is the only way to go to God. Today he continues his office of teacher in the Church, his mystical body: “As the Father sent me, so I am sending you” (John. 20:21). The Institute wants to live Jesus Christ; our main rule is: Christ lives in me. This is for every person in the Institute and for the entire community as a whole. The Pauline Family has one spirituality: to live the Gospel totally; to live of the Divine Master. We are to live him, as his disciple St. Paul understood him… “I live now not with my own life but with the life of Christ who lives in me” (Gal. 2:20). The mind of Jesus, the heart of Jesus, the will of Jesus. We are to be living active members in the mystical body of Jesus Christ. To be a true Christian means to be another Christ. “My little children,” writes St. Paul, “I am in the pains of birth again, until Christ be formed in you” (Gal. 4:19). It is precisely for this reason that Christian education takes in the whole of human life, physical and spiritual, intellectual and moral, domestic and social, not with a view of minimizing it in any way, but in order to elevate, regulate and perfect it, in accordance with the example and teaching of Christ as found in the Gospel, “the power of God for salvation to everyone who has faith” (Rom. 1:16). 6

Hand out candles for everyone to light for the renewal of the baptismal promises. Light them when indicated. Leader: On the day of baptism we were incorporated into the crucified and glorified Christ, and reborn to a sharing of the divine life: “We were buried with him by mean of baptism into his death, in order that, just as Christ has arisen from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we also may walk in newness of life” (Rom. 6:4). We have new 5 6

The Following of Christ the Master, pg.14-15 Personality and Configuration with Christ, pg. 143 ff.



life through baptism. The Constitution on the Church (Vatican II Document Lumen Gentium) tells us that our vocation stems from our baptism. St. Paul tells us that each one of us is called to be holy (1 Cor. 1:9). In the Catechism of the Catholic Church we read: “Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit (vitae spiritualis ianua),4 and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: "Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word."5“Since the entire People of God is a people which has been ‘sent’… the mission of proclaiming the word of God is the task of all of the disciples of Jesus Christ based on their Baptism” Verbum Domini, 94. From a larger candle, have each participant light their candle. When everyone has returned to his or her place the leader continues: Leader: Please answer “I do” to the following renewal questions: 7 Dear brothers and sisters, through the paschal mystery we have been buried with Christ in baptism, so that we may walk with him in newness of life. Let us renew the promises of Holy Baptism, by which we once renounced Satan and his works and promised to serve God in the holy Catholic Church. Do you renounce sin, so as to live in the freedom of the children of God? Do you reject the lure of evil, so that sin my have no mastery over you? Do you reject Satan, the author and prince of sin? Do you believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth? Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was born of the Virgin Mary, suffered death and was buried, rose again from the dead, and is seated at the right hand of the Father? Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting? 7

Text of the Renewal of Baptismal Promises from the New Roman Missal, 3rd Edition



Conclude Together: And may almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has given us new birth by water and the Holy Spirit, and bestowed on us forgiveness of our sins, keep us by his grace, in Christ Jesus our Lord, for eternal life. 2. Examination of Life: In honor of Jesus Way, to obtain help in the practice of virtue. Let us reflect on these words of Venerable Mother Thecla Merlo8 : I have desired to see you all here together to thank you for everything, but especially to recommend one thing to you: Let us become saints! Let us set ourselves in earnest to progress in holiness. The will of God is that we become saints. Saints with the everyday little things, saints with the practice of the little virtues, especially with the virtue of mutual charity. Love one another. Know how to excuse one another. Let us know how to put up with a little more. The Lord bears with us. When we recite the Our Father: “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us,” if we are not generous in forgiving the wrongs received, we are practically telling our Lord not to forgive us. I carry you all in my heart and I will always be united to you in spirit. The prayers we say for one another will strengthen our union as they rise from all parts of the earth. I pray much for you, for everyone, that we all may attain the holiness to which we are called. I write these things to you not only with the pen, but also with the heart. I wish you all to be saints: for this I have offered my life—for everyone, that we may achieve the holiness God wants of us. 9 Time for reflection and silent prayer. (10 minutes) Song St. Theresa’s Prayer by John Michael Talbot 3. Group Prayer: In honor of Jesus Life, to obtain the graces necessary for our spiritual and material needs. 8 9

Conferences of Mother Thecla, Vol. 3, pg. 274 Mother Thecla’s Spiritual Testament



From the writings of Blessed Timothy Giaccardo The diary of Blessed Timothy testifies how much he grew “in intimacy” with Mary most holy. Little by little as the years passed, his devotion to Mary increased to the point of permeating his entire life. “My devotion to Mary became characterized by greater fervor, always more with Mary, in Mary, for Mary.”

Together: The Prayer for Entrusting Oneself to Mary by Blessed Timothy Giaccardo O Mary, you know that Jesus is my ideal, when will he take possession of me? When will I reach the measure of his fullness? When will I be able to say with St. Paul, ‘Christ lives in me’? See I offer myself to you. O Mary, my mother, who will give me to Jesus? Who will make me know, imitate and love him? You, who have given him to the shepherds, to the magi, to all of humanity.

Together: Prayer for Entrusting Oneself to Mary by Blessed James Alberione Receive me, Mary, Mother, Teacher and Queen, among those you love, nourish, sanctify and guide, in the school of Jesus Christ, the Divine Master. You identify in God’s mind those whom he calls, and for them you have special prayers, grace, light and consolations. My Master Jesus Christ entrusted himself wholly to you, from the Incarnation to the Ascension. For me this is doctrine, example and ineffable gift. I too place myself entirely into your hands. Obtain for me the grace to know, imitate and love ever more the Divine Master, Way and Truth and Life. Present me to Jesus, for I am an unworthy sinner,



and I have no other recommendations to be admitted to his school than your recommendation. Enlighten my mind, fortify my will, sanctify my heart, during this year of my spiritual work, so that I may profit from this great mercy and may say at the end: “I live now not I, but Christ lives in me.” Reflection and an invitation to spontaneous prayer. Leader: Invite anyone who has special prayer intentions to share them aloud. After each intention we will pray the Hail Mary together. Suggestion: initiate an intention book for the group.

Conclude the time of prayer with a hymn or music of your choice. Close with the opening invocations: Jesus, Master, Way, Truth and Life…. etc. 4. Group moves from the place of prayer to the meeting area. 5. Break Time allotted: 10 minutes 6. Group Discussion: Time allotted: 20 minutes.



To the Leader: The Statutes outline the spiritual commitments of the Pauline Cooperators. Hold a discussion/brainstorming on how these can be practically carried out everyday and why they are important. Take one point at a time. If at the end of the group discussion there are questions regarding these commitments, write them down and send them to the National Cooperator Office. [If you have not done so, present each participant with a personal copy of the Statutes.]

Hand out the following reflection on Commitment and give everyone time to read and reflect on it: 10 minutes. They may want to mark the sections that impress them. Then hand out the “Spiritual Commitments of the Pauline Cooperator� sheet that follows and continue with the discussion.



Pauline Cooperator Spiritual Commitments Statutes Association of Pauline Cooperators (Chapter 2, n. 3).10

The Pauline Cooperator, in order to attain the ideal of personal holiness, pledges to:


Foster formation in the Catholic faith and translate that faith into everyday life (Sacramental life: Sunday Eucharistic Liturgy, reception of the sacrament of penance, daily prayer, parish activities, family activities, etc.)


Meditate frequently on sacred Scripture, especially the New Testament: The Gospel, the Acts of the Apostles, the Letters of St. Paul (Suggestion: create a sacred space in the home where you may meditate on sacred Scripture daily.)


Cultivate his or her Pauline vocation by reading the writings of Blessed James Alberione (found in local Pauline libraries or through Internet sources), participate in meetings and retreats, and attend conventions and other events fostered for this purpose.


Read and deepen understanding of the most important Church documents (these are usually included in the References for Further Study section at the end of each session. A listing may also be found in the appendix).


Know the principle documents and activities of the Pauline Family. Documents and Pauline news are found on Internet sites such as, on weblogs such as, and on Social Media Sites. Documents and books on Pauline history may be found in local Pauline libraries. See appendix for more source material.

The Cooperators are “persons who understand the Pauline Family and have with her union of spirit and purposes.... They follow these two goals: sanctification and apostolate.� 10

1992 Statutes



The Pauline Cooperator by Carla Romano, Pauline Cooperator 11 THE PAULINE COOPERATOR in the thought of Blessed James Alberione is a person called by God to accomplish a particular apostolic mission. The vocation of the Cooperator was the first Pauline vocation described by the Founder of the Pauline Family: the lay person actively committed in an apostolic work that fully corresponds to the times. The sign of membership for Cooperators is living the Pauline charism along with the consecrated Pauline brothers and sisters and other Pauline institute members. The apostolic vocation of the Pauline Cooperator, due to the profundity and specificity of his calling, makes him particularly inclined to develop the apostolate in all its expression: catechesis of the family, editorial work, spread of the Catholic media and any other language12 capable of communicating the Gospel message. In order to work in an apostolic way it is necessary to think in an apostolic way, with Saint Paul as model. It is Paul the Apostle who forms his very own disciples like a true master, preceding them with his example even before his teaching, so he can say to them: “Be imitators of me!” Pauline Cooperators are in the Pauline Family as Paul’s disciples were: chosen, associated, formed, guided. Before everything else the Cooperator must be aware of who he or she is: a Christian, a follower of Christ, a continuer of the same mission as Christ, a co-redeemer of the world. A true Christian cannot feel exempt from apostolic commitment. A Christian truly aware of his or her calling and responsibility is a witness. Witness and apostolate are a spontaneous reflection of firm convictions and interior graces. If every Christian has the duty to evangelize by gift of his baptism and confirmation, the apostolate is particularly proper for the lay person called by the Lord to a specific commitment. And the Pauline Cooperator has received from the Lord a calling and a mandate: a calling that he must answer and a mandate that he must live with love and dynamic fidelity. The Pauline Cooperator will answer the call through the authenticity of his life, with conviction and with a mind open to the signs of the times, and so will be a credible witness and a perceptive apostle. In this way the Pauline Cooperator will give an answer to the Lord and will fulfill the mandate received from him. The Cooperator lives an interior life expressed 11


Blessed James Alberione often referred to the “language” of the medium and media as a language form. Media’s language is identified in connotative meaning, signs, iconography, music, lighting, camera angles, mise en scene, editing etc. The Church began wholeheartedly adopting the language of Media Literacy in the 1992 document: "Dawn of a New Era." To become media literate we consider core questions and core concepts:



in apostolic action. These two dimensions cannot be separated because one is in the other. It is contemplation that guides action just as action receives continuous nourishment from interior life and from contemplation. In this way the Pauline Cooperator effectively answers his or her vocation. The Cooperators, as Fr. Alberione says, are “persons who understand the Pauline Family and have with her union of spirit and purposes... They desire to have the union of spirit for their holiness and in order to advance with zeal in the Pauline apostolate, through their contribution of prayers, offerings and works.” From this two goals follow: “sanctification and apostolate” of which there is so much need, today more than ever, in the third millennium! As integral members of the Pauline Family, the Cooperators share with her the apostolic ideal of “living and announcing Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life” to the people of today and with the means of today. As "lay faithful straining forward,” they share the spirituality based on Jesus Master Way, Truth and Life committing the totality of their human person to Christ: mind (truth), will (way) and heart (life); entrusting themselves to Mary, Mother, Teacher and Queen of the Apostles, the one who inspires, enlightens and guides at the school of Jesus Master for the apostolate; and to Saint Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, chosen to announce the Gospel, as father, because of his great love for Christ: the Pauline letters testify to this love and inspire the Cooperator in his vocation and mission. It is not insignificant that the Association of Pauline Cooperators, associated to the Society of St. Paul, has been approved by the Holy See, through a Decree of the Congregation of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, because of its commitment to the spiritual and apostolic life. Being aware of the great value of Christian presence in the world, the Cooperators are called to live their lay vocation – as the Founder said – “at high tension,” to be “salt of the earth,” “light of the world,” and "ferment in the dough.”

Conclude with social time



References for Further Study: 1. Required Reading: a. Handbook of the Pauline Cooperator, pgs. 34-43 2. Recommended Reading: a. Catechism of the Catholic Church. Articles, 900; 1213-1264; 1691-1729 b. c.

Decalogue of the Pauline Cooperator according to Blessed James Alberione

l. Attends to his greater sanctification according to his vocation as disciple of Jesus the Divine Master, the Way, the Truth and the Life, under the gaze of Mary, Queen of Apostles and in the spirit of Saint Paul. 2. Reads, meditates, lives and spreads the Gospel. 3. Has the same sentiments of Christ: knows, believes, and loves as He does. 4. Proclaims and gives witness like Saint Paul: “It is no longer I that live, Christ lives in me�. 5. Lives the Eucharist and pours out the love received into every form of apostolic activity. 6. Stands out for his deep love for the Church, living the commitments of Christian community. 7. Is in union of mind and heart with the Pauline Family, with whom he prays, offers and collaborates. 8. Attentive to the signs of the times, he lets the Word of truth reach everybody, employing the instruments of communication. 9. Like Mary, Queen of the Apostles and first collaborator of the Redemption, he gives to the world her Son, Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life, the Master and Shepherd. 10. In intimate union with Christ, he faces with courage and hope, like Saint Paul, the sacrifices of the mission.



Session 1 “Fully Mature with the Fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:13) Distance Program Worksheet: Theme: The Pauline Family In the Statutes of the Pauline Cooperator we read that “cooperator with prayer is the most necessary.” The Statutes suggest personal and communitarian prayer in union of spirit with the Pauline Family.

1. What are some of the ways that prayer is a commitment in your daily life?

2. How is this prayer united to the prayers of the Pauline Family throughout the world? Are there some ways you may suggest that Pauline Cooperators may unite themselves in prayer for the “spread of the kingdom of God in the world through the practice of the apostolate of the media of social communication”

3. By striving to live as Christ, each of us fulfills the call to holiness. In Session 1 of the Time of Preparation we reflected on the Spiritual Commitments of the Pauline Cooperator. Session 2 will reiterate this commitment and deepen an understanding of particular charismatic elements in Pauline prayer. What are these elements? How will they affect your prayer life?

As a “cooperator with prayer” in the Pauline Family you also share in the prayers of the Pauline Priests, Brothers and Sisters as well as the Institutes of the Pauline Family and fellow Cooperators. This is a great consolation when we reflect on the mission of evangelization being carried out by over 5,000 members of the Pauline Family in over 50 countries. We pray the “Lord of the Harvest” to continue sending laborers into his fields and that our union with Jesus who is head of the Body – his Church – will allow us to share in his redemptive mission for the salvation of the world.



Time of Preparation Session: 2

“The Spirit Intercedes For the Holy Ones According to God’s Will” Romans 8: 26 Phase II: Group Study Program (Total time: two hours) The theme for this session: Pauline Prayer Life Points to Cover: -

Life-giving prayer that involves the whole person


Prayer that renews our commitment to holiness


Life transformed into prayer and prayer that gives life

You will need: -

A Bible


The movie Jesus 1979 or 1999 version or another DVD on the life of Christ and a DVR set up in the prayer area. (This movie is also found on the Internet.)


Instrumental music and songs.


Christian Prayer (The Liturgy of the Hours). The Office of Jesus Master is included for reproduction if members do not yet have a book of Christian Prayer.


Candles, incense, an icon of Jesus, and an open Bible for Lectio Divina

The Opening Invocations: Leader:

Jesus, Master, Way, Truth and Life

Response: Have mercy on us. Leader:

Mary, Queen of the Apostles

Response: Pray for us. Leader:

St. Paul the Apostle

Response: Pray for us.




Adoring Jesus Truth

Time Allotted: 20 minutes (approximate) This session of the Time of Preparation will be a prayer experience encompassing the whole person and introducing various forms of Pauline prayer. Sing or play an appropriate hymn. Suggestion: Holy Spirit Come and Shine A Reading from the Statute and Directory of the Pauline Cooperators13 where it speaks of the forms of cooperation Prayer: this is the most necessary cooperation. It consists in offering personal and communitarian prayers for the diffusion of the Gospel and the coming of the Kingdom of God in the world. The Cooperator cultivates a profound prayer of praise, thanksgiving, reparation and intercession in Christ, and also promotes prayer initiatives in his/her environment (15) Each Cooperator is called to witness through life and word to the Gospel that he/she proclaims. To this end, time should be dedicated to reading and meditating on the Word, to participation in the Eucharistic Celebration, to the Hour of Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, and to the Sacrament of Reconciliation (15.1). The Cooperator offers his/her daily activities, prayers and suffering in reparation for the evil caused by misuse of social communications. (15.2) Together let us pray: The Prayer of the Pauline Cooperator O God, to communicate your love to all, you sent your only Son, Jesus Christ, into the world and made him our Master, the Way, Truth and Life of humanity. Grant that the media of communication: press, film, radio, television, movies, the internet, music, and apps may be used for your glory and the good of all people. Raise up vocations in your Church and in the Pauline Family for this multi-media apostolate, and inspire everyone of good will to cooperate with prayer, action and offerings, so that through these powerful means the Church may preach the Gospel to all peoples. Amen. 13

This is from the Statute And Directory of the Association of Pauline Cooperators affiliated with the Daughters of St. Paul (2013 - ad experimentum). You may also like to refer to The Statutes of 1985 which were a revision of Blessed Alberione’s original Statutes of the Pauline Cooperator. They were updated again in 1992 In 2012 another provisional version was published. These are found at



From the writings of Blessed James Alberione Jesus wants to be our life: “I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full” (Jn 10:10). And it is the will of the Father that we receive life from Jesus: “It is to the glory of my Father that you should bear much fruit, and then you will be my disciples” (Jn 15:8). We honor Jesus Life by asking him for the abundance of his life, his grace, his sanctity. In the presence of the magnificent virtue and sanctity which we discover in the life of the Master, we feel the necessity of resembling him and of praying for his help, and Jesus, called to accomplish in us his most ardent desire, will grant us the abundance of his Spirit, who will work in us “until Christ is formed” in us (Gal 4:19). …We see the sanctity of the Father in the Son, and by imitating the Son we imitate the Father, “To have seen me is to have seen the Father” (Jn 14:9). 14 Pause for Reflection Leader: Now we will listen and see the Word of God presented in the video Jesus. Let us reflect on the virtues and attitudes of Jesus while contemplating his life of prayer. Play a part of the video Jesus (set it to the Parable of the Seed, Lk 8:4 ff.).

To the Leader: Have copies of the Gospel passages used in this film for each participant to meditate on after the showing. Or use this translation Leader: We now enter into meditation on this specific passage from the Gospel. Meditation helps us to orient our life. It is necessary for those who aspire to holiness. There are many topics that may be used for meditation: the Creed, the Catechism, passages from the New Testament - particularly from the liturgy of the day. 1. In the first part of meditation we silently read the chosen passage. [This is sanctification of our mind.] 2. As we admire the virtues of Jesus and listen to his words we think about how they apply to our life. [This is sanctification of our will.]


Alberione, The Following of Christ the Master (private use), 30-31.



3. We realize that we are not able to imitate Jesus without his help. In the third part of the meditation we ask Jesus for the graces necessary to grow in our Christian life and for his help in our resolve to avoid sin. [This is sanctification of our heart.] Steps of Meditation: -

As you take up this passage from the Gospel again (hand out the Gospel passage that was played on the video or have everyone open Bibles to this passage) we remember Christ’s words and actions. We place ourselves in his presence and listen as he speaks to us. [I am the Truth]


After this time of reading we reflect on the words and actions of Jesus and apply them to our life. How can I imitate Jesus in a particular virtue? [I am the Way]


Once we realize the particular way that Jesus is calling us to respond to him we ask him for the grace to be holy. For example, you realize that Jesus is calling you to listen to others patiently. You ask Jesus to help you imitate the way he was present to the people in his life. [I am the Life] Take ten minutes to meditate on the Gospel passages. [This is a good daily practice. The priests and religious of the Pauline Family set aside a half hour for meditation in the morning or evening.] Sing or play an appropriate song. No Longer I 2.

Adoring Jesus Way

Fr. Alberione gave the Pauline Family the Hour of Adoration or Visit to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament as a daily prayer. He invites us to hear the words: “Come to me, all you who labor and are overburdened and I will give you rest. Learn from me for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Mt 11:28-30). The Pauline Family was born from the tabernacle. As a young man, James Alberione knelt in prayer during Eucharistic adoration on the night that divided the nineteenth and twentieth century. It was there, before the tabernacle that he received God’s invitation to found the Pauline Family. This family lives and is nourished at the Eucharistic font. “Let us go to the source,” invites Fr. Alberione. “There we find Jesus, alive and true, ready to welcome us, listen to us, instruct us, make us happy, and communicate to us.”



Let us reflect on the meaning of this “visit” with Jesus. We will each take turns reading one thought aloud: 

“The Visit is the meeting of our soul and of all our being with Jesus.

It is the creature meeting his Creator;

The disciple before the Divine Master;

The patient with the Doctor of souls;

The poor one appealing to the Rich One;

The thirsty drinking at the Font;

The weak presenting himself to the Almighty;

The tempted seeking sure Refuge;

The blind searching for the Light;

The friend who goes to the true Friend;

The lost sheep sought by the Divine Shepherd;

The heart astray who finds the Way;

The fool who finds Wisdom;

The bride who finds the Spouse of her soul;

The nothing who finds the All;

The afflicted who finds the Consoler;

The youth who finds life’s meaning.”

You were born of the Eucharist, Your food is the Eucharist, Your spirituality is the Gospel, lived in its entirety as explained by St. Paul, Your mother and model is Mary. Bl. James Alberione

~ Blessed James Alberione Leader: The purpose of the Hour of Adoration is to lead you to the heights of union with the Lord: “Our union with Jesus must be total—we must live in continual union with God. The Lord wants us closely bound to him, to live in continual communion, in continual adoration. That is, to have a mind identified with that of Jesus, a heart identified with his heart, a life identified always more with his.” (Fr. James Alberione) The structure of the Pauline Hour of Adoration (Visit) follows a threefold definition that Jesus gave of himself: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. The Hour is divided up into three parts. The first part in honor of Jesus Truth, seeks to allow the truth of Christ to penetrate our mind. The second part is in honor of Jesus Way, and focuses on the contemplation of the Divine Master as our model, helping us to verify our daily choices. The third part is in honor of Jesus Life, where we are encouraged to open our hearts completely to Jesus, to be touched by his sustaining grace and peace.



Pauline Cooperators are introduced to this method through the Formation Manual. The time of prayer preceding each meeting is an integral part of Pauline Formation. Reflection (instrumental music) 3.

Group Prayer. Adoring Jesus Life.

For our group prayer we will use the prayer of the Church also called Christian Prayer or the Liturgy of the Hours. The Liturgy of the Hours developed into the prayer of the Church from the ancient practice of reciting the 150 psalms each week. [The rosary also developed from this practice.] It is a source of devotion and nourishment for personal prayer. As the prayer of the Church it is an “unceasing prayer� and expresses the genuine nature of the praying Church when recited in community. Everyone shares in this prayer which is proper to the one body as it offers prayers that give expression to the voice of the beloved spouse of Christ (the Church), to the hopes and desires of the whole Christian people, to supplications and petition for the needs of all mankind (cf. Apostolic Constitution on Christian Prayer, the Liturgy of the Hours). To the Leader: Depending on what time of day you meet you will use morning, evening or night prayer. You will need copies for each participant. If you do not have a copy of Christian Prayer use the copy provided along with copies of the Bible (Psalms). The antiphons are prayed together. The leader may pray the Psalms with the antiphons repeated between stanzas or if participants have Bibles you may alternate sides between stanzas. In Honor of Jesus Christ our Divine Master Leader:

God, come to my assistance.

Response: Lord, make haste to help me. Leader:

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Response: As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. Hymn of your choice. Suggestion: Above All by Michael W. Smith



Antiphon 1: To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. Psalm 63: 2-9 A Soul Thirsting for God Antiphon 2: I will praise your name, my King and my God. Canticle of Daniel 3: 57-88, 56 Let all creatures praise the Lord. The response after each line is: “Bless the Lord.� Antiphon 3: The Lord is my Light and my Salvation. Psalm 149 Feast for the friends of God. Reading from the First Letter of John 2:24, 27-28 Responsorial (following bold areas are recited by the congregation) Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on us. -

Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on us.

You are our only Master, -

Have mercy on us.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. -

Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on us.

Antiphon: Master, we know that you are truthful and teach the way of God in truth. Canticle of Zechariah (Luke 1: 67-79) Alternate sides Leader: Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel. He has come to his people and set them free. He has raised up for us a mighty savior born of the house of his servant David. 1. Through his holy prophets he promised of old that he would save us from our enemies; from the hands of all who hate us. He promised to show mercy to our fathers and to remember his holy covenant.



2. This was the oath he swore to our father, Abraham to set us free from the hands of our enemies, free to worship him without fear, holy and righteous in his sight all the days of our life. 3. You, my child shall be called the prophet of the most high for you will go before the Lord to prepare his way, to give his people knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of their sins. 4. In the tender compassion of our God the dawn from on high shall break upon us to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death and to guide our feet into the way of peace. 5. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now and will be forever. Amen. Intercessions United together we give praise to Christ, whom the Father has sent as Teacher, and we pray to him: Response: Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life, save us! Christ, you are the light that shines in the darkness, the Lord of life and the only way of salvation, -

Grant that your Church which journeys toward you be faithful to the spirit of the Gospel.

Christ our Savior, who for us became obedient to God unto death, and to death on the cross, -

Grant that everyone may attain in abundance the fullness of life that you communicated to us through your death.

Christ Jesus, you have given us the example of love so that as you have done we also may do, -

Grant that in dedication and service to our brothers and sisters, we all may be witnesses for all of the new life we live in you.

Christ, Son of the Father, you who have made us a royal, priestly and prophetic people,




Grant that every day we may joyfully raise our sacrifice of praise to you.

Lord Jesus remember us when you come into your Kingdom: Our Father… Prayer: O Almighty and eternal God, who in your love have sent us your only Son as universal Teacher, grant that we may learn his divine teaching in order to more easily understand supernatural realities. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen. 4.


5. Meditation/Lectio Divina Lectio Divina The phrase lectio divina means “divine reading.” Lectio is also thought of as reverential listening. The practice of lectio divina came into being in monasteries during the Middle Ages. The primary books used at the time were the books of the Bible. These are still the books of choice. Lectio divina allows you to take the scriptures into your life. Contemplatio (contemplation) and actio (action) are fruits of lectio divina. -

First invite the Spirit of Jesus to take over your entire being. Opening prayer.


Lectio (read) Slowly read the chosen text aloud.


Meditatio (pondering) Reflect on the Word you have just read and enter into its mystery. Repeat a word or phrase that impresses you. Reflect on it. What other passages of the Bible come to mind? Write down (or share if you are in a group) your thought and keep it as your inspiration for the day.


Read the scriptural passage aloud again.


Oratio (prayer) Let God descend upon you. Provide him with a vessel. Enter into conversation with God. Let your prayer ascend in the name of Jesus, our Savior. Pray from the heart. Pray aloud if you wish.


Contemplatio (elevation of the soul to God) Remain in silence pondering the Word of God. Turn your gaze to the Trinity and listen.




Actio (action) In order that the Word of God may be fruitful in our lives we coordinate the soul’s longings and the deeds of every day. We witness to what we have seen and heard (1 Jn. 1:1-4).

Lectio divina is more than a school of prayer; it is above all an experience of life leading to the practice of good actions.

Prayer before Lectio Divina Lord, feed me With your Body and your Word And I will be able to run along your paths. Lord, make me understand your mysteries of salvation And I will see your glory on the face of the other. Lord, I am hungry, I am thirsty For the Bread and the Word. satisfy my spirit and quench its thirst. Lord, teach me to ponder your Word, To listen to the groaning of the Spirit Who dwells in our hearts. Help us to discover the roots of your love, The little sprouts of hope, And the fruits of justice and peace Which flourish in the bosom of our world And which announce a new Springtime for our world. Come Holy Spirit, come fill our hearts.



Luke 8:4–15 A great crowd gathered. People were coming to Jesus from every town. He told them this parable: “A farmer went out to plant his seed. While he was planting, some seed fell beside the road. People walked on the seed, and the birds ate it. Some seed fell on the rocks. It began to grow but then died because it had no water. Some seed fell among thorny weeds. This seed grew, but later the weeds choked the good plants. Some seed fell on good ground. This seed grew and produced one hundred times more grain.” Jesus finished the parable. Then he called out, “Hear me, listen.” Jesus’ followers asked him. “What does this story mean?”

“Pick up a book from which you can hear the wisdom of God: the Bible, especially the Gospels; a book of spiritual reading; the lives of the saints. Sit in the shade of Wisdom (Wis 6:12), or at the feet of Jesus as Mary did (Lk 10:38-42), or in a crowd around Jesus (see Mt 5); or kneel in the temple before the theophany, where the angels cry out, “Holy, holy, holy” (Isa 6). Use your imagination if it assists you in entering the reading. Read short passages several times if repetition breaks open a passage in new ways for you. Here you can apply what you have learned about lectio divina or centering prayer.” Sr. Kathryn James Hermes, fsp

Jesus said, “You have been chosen to know the secrets of the kingdom of God. I use parables to speak to people so that ‘They will look, but they may not see. They will listen but they will not understand’ (Isaiah 6:9). This is what the parable means: The seed is the Word of God. The seed that fell beside the road is like the people who hear God’s Word, but then the devil comes and takes it from their hearts. So they cannot believe the teaching and be saved. What is the seed that fell on rock? It is like those who hear God’s Word and accept it gladly. But they don’t have deep roots. They believe for a while, but then trouble comes. They stop believing and turn away from God. What is the seed that fell among the thorny weeds? It is like those who hear God’s teaching, but they let the worries, riches and pleasures of life keep them from growing. So they never produce good fruit. And what is the seed that fell on the good ground? That is like those who hear God’s teaching with a good, honest heart. They obey God’s Word and patiently produce good fruit.” (Trans. St. Paul New Testament) Option: instrumental music



References for Further Study: 1. Required Reading Original Statutes of the Pauline Cooperator15; page 27 # 4 - 4.2 Catechism of the Catholic Church; Articles 2697-99; 1174-78; 2705-08; 2723; 2633; 2601; 2608; 2609-10 2. Recommended Reading Tugwell, Simon, O.P. Prayer Living With God. Templegate Publications. Springfield, IL: 1975 Tugwell, Simon O.P. Prayer Volume 1 and 2. Veritas Publications. Dublin: 1984 Hermes, Sr. Kathryn James, F.S.P. The Journey Within: Prayer as a Path to God, Pauline Books & Media ( Hermes, Sr. Kathryn James, F.S.P. Beginning Contemplative Prayer, Pauline Books & Media (

On the Web: Lectio Divina Sister Disciples of the Divine Master Check your local Pauline Cooperator library to borrow these out of print titles: Alberione, James S.S.P. Pray Always. Pauline Books & Media Alberione, James S.S.P. Mystical Union with God. Pauline Books & Media Alberione, James S. S. P. Lord, Teach Us to Pray. Pauline Books & Media.


The Statutes of 1985 are an updated version of Blessed Alberione’s original Statutes of the Pauline Cooperator. They were updated in 1992 In 2012 another provisional version was published. These are found at



Session 2 “The Spirit Intercedes for the Holy Ones According to God’s Will” (Romans 8:26). Distance Program Worksheet: Theme: Pauline Prayer Life

A scriptural theme has been chosen for Lectio Divina: Luke 8:4-15 The Parable of the Seed. Within this session is an invitation slowly and prayerfully enter into the ancient Christian “Divine Reading” of the Word of God. 1. What other ways of entering into prayer were introduced in Session 2 Time of Preparation? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 2. Fr. Alberione gave the Pauline Family a book of prayers in which he said “the Pauline spirit may be found.” In what way can prayer deepen the gift of the Pauline charism in our life so that it may be shared with the whole Church?

3. How can you benefit from the various types of prayer that are suggested in this session: the prayers of the Church (Lectio Divina and Christian Prayer) as well as the prayer common to the Pauline Family (meditation, Eucharistic adoration, prayers written by Fr. Alberione)? Using free time in the airport, traffic, or on the subway: _________________________________________________________________ Setting aside a quiet time in the morning or evening for prayer in a sacred place in the home: _________________________________________________________________ Attending Eucharist benediction or adoration offered in the local parish: _________________________________________________________________



Other: ___________________________________________________________

4. Reflect on how the Spirit intercedes for us when we don’t know how to pray:

“The soul of every apostolate is truly the interior life…Here on earth everything is a school of love. We can always feel the flame of love in the ardent furnace of the heart of Jesus. Let us feel this flame of love. We intend to love God with the heart of Mary, with the heart of Jesus. Little by little our sentiments will be transformed and love will become a passion which absorbs all, transforms all, is nourished by everything, and simplifies everything. It will absorb all the powers of our soul and will put our whole being at his service. Let us always; love; love everyone; love as the heart of Jesus loves!” Alberione “The Schools of Love” The Pauline Practices of Piety



Time of Preparation

Session: 3

“The Gospel I preach came through a revelation of Jesus Christ.” Cf. Gal. 1:12

Phase II: Group Study Program (Total time: two hours) The theme for this session: Pauline Evangelization Points to cover: -

Evangelization’s only point of departure is Jesus Christ, “The Way, the Truth and the Life” (Jn. 14:6).


Witnessing to the faith through lives of holiness.


Living the faith and communicating the faith.

You will need: -

A Bible


A copy of the The Men, the Mission, the Ministry, the Society of St. Paul’s vocational video, a similar Pauline DVD (also found on the Internet).


Copies of “Forms of Collaboration” found in the appendix.


Suggested music: Sanctuary CD by Twila Paris; “Lord You Have Come to the Seashore” (Pescadores De Hombres). 1. Adoring Jesus Truth Time allotted: 25 minutes approximately



This session of the time of preparation will re-introduce the Pauline Cooperator to the Pauline mission of evangelization with the media and broaden that perspective to evangelization of culture. The Opening Invocations: Leader:

Jesus, Master, Way, Truth and Life

Response: Have mercy on us. Leader:

Mary, Queen of the Apostles

Response: Pray for us. Leader:

St. Paul the Apostle

Response: Pray for us. Sing or play an appropriate hymn. Suggestion: We Shall Assemble Sanctuary by Twila Paris A Reading from the 1985 Statutes of the Pauline Cooperators In the thought of the Founder, Fr. James Alberione, the Association of Pauline Cooperators should assume a parish and diocesan structure, because these are the surroundings in which the cooperator is often called to work. It will, therefore, be the commitment of individuals and groups, in communion with the superiors of the Pauline Family, to study the ways of realizing the intention of the Founder and to render a precious service to the local Church (11.1). A Reading from the Acts of the Apostles Chapter 11: 19-26; 13: 1-4 From the Writings of Blessed James Alberione If St. Paul were living today, he would still be burning with that dual flame that springs from the same fire: zeal for God and his Christ, and for people of every nation. And to make himself heard, he would mount the most famous pulpits and would multiply his words with the media that present-day progress has furnished: press, motion pictures, radio and television. His would be no cold abstract doctrine. When he arrived in a city, he did not simply show up for an occasional conference. He stayed and formed people, winning their intellectual assent, persuading and converting them, joining them to Christ, and setting them out on a fully Christian way of life. He left behind disciples to continue his work; he returned often with his spoken and written word. He wanted to hear from them, he was with them in spirit, and he prayed for them (CISP 1152).



St. Paul formed the Pauline Family, of which he is the founder. It is not that the Paulines chose him; rather he chose us. In fact, he begot us: “In Christ Jesus, through the Gospel, did I beget you” (1 Cor. 4:15). The purpose of the Pauline Family is to represent Paul today. The Pauline Family aspires to live the two precepts of charity in a perfect way in the religious life and in the apostolate; whereas the Cooperators strive to live the same two precepts through an ever-better Christian life and by helping in the apostolate. All together we have a union of persons who aim and help one another to promote “the glory of God and good will among humans”, in accordance with the example of Saint Paul (Abundantes Divitiae Gratiae Suae, 344). Prayer together: Prayer to St. Paul Holy Apostle who with your teachings and with your charity taught the entire world, look kindly upon us, your children and disciples. We expect everything from your prayers to the Divine Master and to Mary, Queen of the Apostles. Grant, Preacher to the Gentiles, that we may live by faith, save ourselves by hope, and that charity alone reign in us. Obtain for us, chosen of God, docility to divine grace, so that it may not remain unfruitful in us. Grant that we may ever better know you, love you, and imitate you; may we be living members of the Church, the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ. Raise up many and holy apostles. Grant that all may glorify God and the Divine Master, Way and Truth and Life. And, Lord Jesus, you know we have no faith in our own powers; in your mercy grant that we may be defended against all adversity through the powerful intercession of St. Paul, our teacher and father.



From the Diary of Blessed Timothy Giaccardo Blessed Timothy’s description of his first profession of vows, which took place on December 8, 1917. After vespers, the statue of Mary was placed in the best room in place of the usual statue of St. Paul. There was no chapel yet. Our beloved good Father (Alberione) vested himself in surplice and stole and then addressed us, who regarded him with wonder, as follows: “I am speaking to you vested with surplice and stole because I have something very important to convey to you…. We often speak about the need for promoting a better press. There are many that are working towards this end; they consecrate a part of their time and energy to this purpose. Some do this for the honor of it; some do it for gain; some do it because they like to do it. We, however, do not aim to work for either honor or gain or enjoyment; nor are we even concerned with the press for its own sake. Rather, we seek the glory of God and the triumph of Jesus Christ in human society. We seek the salvation of souls by means of a better press. You want to dedicate your whole life to God in the apostolate of the press; you want to spend in this work your time and your ingenuity…. There are only four of you now, but there were only four among the very first Jesuits who placed their vows in the hands of St. Ignatius of Loyola. This is therefore an historical day. Record these facts, because several centuries hence, those who will come after us need to know how modest and humble the beginnings of this house were. This is not for our own glory; but merely to show how God can make use of the smallest instruments in order to accomplish his greatest feats. It is no merit of mine to have opened up this house; the merit belongs to St. Paul, who prayed to Mary Immaculate about it, and the Immaculate prayed to God.” Prayer together: Ecumenical Prayer to Mary Hail, Mary, our Mother, Teacher and Queen. In your goodness, listen to the petition, which we present to you according to the will of Jesus: “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest.” Turn your merciful eyes upon the five billion people living on this earth. Many of them are wandering in darkness without a father, a shepherd, a teacher. God made you an apostle to give Jesus, Way, Truth and Life, to the world. By having recourse to you, they will find the road that leads to Jesus. Through you may all Catholics work with all their strength for all vocations,



for all apostolates. Through you, may all the faithful work for all unbelievers, all the fervent for all the indifferent, all the Catholics for all non-Catholics. Through you, may all those called correspond, may all apostles be holy, may they be welcomed by all men and women. At the foot of the cross, your heart expanded to welcome us all as you children. Obtain for us an apostolic heart, modeled after your heart, the hearts of Jesus and St. Paul, so that one day you may have us all, apostles and faithful, around you in heaven. Bless your spiritual sons and daughters, Mary, Teacher and Queen. Excerpts from the Papal address following the Beatification of Blessed Timothy Giaccardo (Monday, October 23, 1989 – Pope John Paul II) It is truly a singular joy to meet all the congregations founded by Fr. James Alberione. What a religious family! I must add, what a flowering of vocations is yours, and what ecclesiastical ministry inspired by the needs of modern life, you are fulfilling! Your service to the Gospel is constantly attentive to the situations, the changing needs, and modern occasions for the spread of the word of Christ. The Lord has blessed your communities and spread them – as the founder foresaw and planned – throughout the whole world. He made them a living and meaningful sign for the progress of the Gospel in our day. From the first, basic and daring idea of the Society of St. Paul there arose such a rich and well-structured series of communities, all of which are engaged in the service of evangelization through communications: publication of books, of up-to-date periodicals in keeping with the style and mentality of the era, radio broadcasts; there is also the visual technique, obviously including computerized systems of communications and the methods of satellite transmission on a global scale. 2. Adoring Jesus Way Time allotted: 10 minutes



Spend some time in gratitude for God’s many graces and blessings on our Pauline Family from its beginning until today.Then pause for reflection on what follows. Instrumental music or a song of reflection may be played. Questions and thoughts for personal reflection from Fr. Alberione:  What is the spirit of St. Paul? He is the one who points out the Divine Master.  Paul meditated on the words and life of Jesus and then adapted them to the world, to the needs of his time and to the needs of various nations.  How can I help others feel the effective presence of Jesus Christ in their life?  An apostle is one who carries God in his soul and radiates him around himself. The apostle has a heart on fire with love of God and of humanity; the apostle can neither restrain nor ignore what he feels and thinks. The apostle is a temple of the Blessed Trinity. The apostle “exudes God from all his pores — with words, work, prayer, attitudes, whether in public or in private—from his entire being.  It is clear that holiness and mission unite in the same person and in the same life. The mission, the activity, is born of contemplation, of prayer. The heart full of love of God and neighbor is a fountain that overflows its contents around it. You give Jesus Christ to those who surround you because your heart is full. Pray a personal act of humility and confidence. 3. Adoring Jesus Life Our Pauline Spirit roots our whole existence in Christ the Master, Way, Truth and Life, and makes us live for the Gospel as radically as St. Paul did. God has chosen us; he calls us to light and love. This call is directed to us with great generosity. The Lord has made us sharers in his death and resurrection in order that we might dedicate our lives to the announcement of the Gospel, and thus become always more configured to Christ (1988 FSP Resources Booklet).



Leader: Let us respond to this call to the Pauline vocation with the Creed of the Called. We will alternate sides for each paragraph.  WE believe that God chose us in him before the world began, to be holy and blameless in his sight (Eph. 1:4).  WE believe that those whom he foreknew he predestined to share the image of his Son (Rom. 8:29).  WE believe that God who had set us apart before we were born and called us by his favor chose to reveal his son in us, that we might spread among all people the good tidings concerning him (Gal. 1:15-16).  WE believe that God has saved us and has called us to a holy life, not because of any merit of ours but according to his own design — the grace held out to us in Christ Jesus before the world began (2 Tim. 1:12).  WE believe that we are apostles by vocation, servants of Christ Jesus, set apart to announce the Gospel of God (cf. Rom. 1:1).  WE believe God chose the weak of this world to shame the strong, so that our faith would not rest on the wisdom of men but on the power of God (cf. 1 Cor. 1:27; 2:5).  We believe that to each one God has given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good (cf. 1 Cor. 12:7).  WE believe that we must live a life worthy of the calling which we have received: with perfect humility, meekness and patience, seeking to grow in all things toward him (cf. Eph. 4:1-2).



 WE believe that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who have been called according to his decree (cf. Rom. 8:28).  WE believe in him whose power now at work in us can do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine (cf Eph 3:20).  WE believe that he who has begun the good work in us will carry it through to completion, right up to the day of Christ Jesus, because he who calls us is faithful (cf. Phil 1:6, 1 Thess 5:24). Leader: Keeping our vision as broad as that of our Father, St. Paul, let us pray for the needs of humanity entrusted to us. Those who wish to do so may express their prayer intentions aloud. Leader: We gather our prayers spoken and silent, and present them in the name of Jesus to the Father: Our Father… Closing Hymn: suggestion Lord, You Have Come, Fishers of Men (Pescador De Hombres - found in “Today’s Missal” or other hymnals. 4. Break and social Time allotted: 15 minutes 5. Gather in the meeting area



Pauline Cooperator Commitments: Forms of Collaboration From the Pauline Cooperator Statutes 16 # 15-17. 15.

Prayer This is the most necessary cooperation. It consists in offering personal and communitarian prayers for the diffusion of the Gospel and the coming of the Kingdom of God in the world. The Cooperator cultivates a profound prayer of praise, thanksgiving, reparation and intercession in Christ, and also promotes prayer initiatives in his/her specific environment. 15.1 ― Each Cooperator is called to witness through life and word to the Gospel that he/she proclaims. To this end, time should be dedicated to reading and meditating on the Word, to participation in the Eucharistic Celebration, to the Hour of Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, and to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. 15.2 ― The Cooperator offers his/her daily activities, prayers and suffering in reparation for the evil caused by misuse of social communications.

16. Works The Cooperator shares in the work of evangelization of the Pauline Family in the ways possible to him/her, according to his/her aptitudes and the time and means at his/her disposal, in the different apostolates of the individual Pauline Institutions to which he/she is connected. 16.1 ― The Cooperator lives in solidarity and fraternal charity toward everyone, participating according to his/her possibilities in the different expressions of the Pauline apostolate in the areas of publishing, production and diffusion. In doing so, he/she is to take advantage of the radio, television, the new media and the Internet and also offer his/her collaboration in the field of pastoral work for vocations, animation, etc. The Cooperator can also organize and manage other apostolic activities, especially in the field of social communication. 16.2 ― The Cooperator offers his/her service gratuitously to fulfill the Pauline mission and cannot ask for compensation from the Institute for any activity carried out or any help provided.


This is from Statute and Directory: Guidelines for the Promotion and Formation of the Pauline Cooperators Affiliated with the Institute of the Daughters of St. Paul (Ad experimentum 2013). The Statutes of 1985 are an updated version of Blessed Alberione’s original Statutes of the Pauline Cooperator. They were updated in 1992 In 2012 another provisional version was published. These are found at



17. Offerings As a sign of his/her generosity and zeal, the Cooperator freely contributes, according to his/her possibilities, to the apostolic initiatives of the Pauline Family so as to help it reach its goals. To the Leader: Make copies of the section entitled Forms of Collaboration found in the appendix and hand them out. You may: 1. Lead a discussion on this section of the Statutes 2. Lead a discussion on The Parish as an Evangelizing Community. After the discussion show a video on the Paulines that has not previously been shown to the group. Suggested: The vocation video of the Society of St. Paul – 17 minutes. Videos of the Society of St. Paul St. Paul Multimedia Presentation Celebrating 100 Years – Philippines TV Society of St. Paul Mission USA



Session 3 “The gospel I preach came through a revelation of Jesus Christ” (Gal. 1:2). Distance Program Worksheet – Theme: Pauline Evangelization “God can make use of the smallest instruments to accomplish his greatest feats.” (Blessed Timothy Giaccardo – Notes from Fr. Alberione) 1. Pope John Paul, in his address for the beatification of Fr. Timothy Giaccardo, said that the Pauline apostolate is “a living and meaningful sign for the progress of the Gospel.” As a Pauline Cooperator you will be a living and meaningful sign for the Gospel for all those whom you meet. Before all other activities how will you witness through your life as a Pauline apostle in today’s world?



2. As Paulines we are called to “listen” to the “signs of the times”. Fr. Alberione invites us to “bring the Word of God to the people of today with the means of today.” In saying this he invites us to be aware of the culture we live in, the people we live and work with, the many needs of society and the Church. a. What are the ways you will be aware of the “signs of the times” in order to bear the message of Jesus to the people of today?

b. In choosing literature or periodicals to assist you in knowledge of culture and needs in the Church and society what are your criteria?

“When you love the Lord much you shall be inventive and you will find a thousand ways to share Jesus with others.” Alberione



c. Each of us called to live the Pauline charism realizes a particular mission within the Pauline Family. In what way do you feel the call to evangelization through the media?

3. The handout on Forms of Collaboration gives a variety of ways to serve the Gospel. Fr. Alberione’s vision was integral: The Gospel is not just a message to share with others but a way of life – a relationship with a person – Jesus – the Gospel of God. The Pauline Family accomplishes mission by “living the liturgy, listening to and preserving the Word, nourishing ourselves on the Eucharist, giving thanks to God the Father for everything, directing all to him, orienting our thoughts and feelings to divine life”(Alberione). In this light what are your reflections on evangelizing within the parish community? How will this assist us in bringing the Gospel message to the culture?



Time of Preparation Session: 4

“According to my Gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ� (Rom. 25).

Phase II: Group Study Program (Total time: two hours) The theme for this session: The Pauline Charism Points to cover: -

Charism: a gift to the Church


The specific charism of the Pauline Institutes


The action of the Spirit in the Founder You will need:


A Bible


PowerPoint presentation on the Pauline Charism


Music: Behold the Lamb CD from Renewal Music (optional) The Opening Invocations: Leader:

Jesus, Master and Shepherd, Way, Truth and Life.

Response: Have mercy on us. Leader:

Mary, Queen of the Apostles.

Response: Pray for us. Leader:

St. Paul the Apostle.

Response: Pray for us.



1. Adoring Jesus Truth Time allotted: 20 minutes Sing or play an appropriate hymn. (Suggestion: I Saw Heaven Open from the CD Behold the Lamb) A Reading from Joel 2:23-27; 3:1-2 Leader: This reading from Joel reflects God’s fidelity to His promises. Peter quotes Joel in the Acts of the Apostles showing this promise as fulfilled in an eminent way by the gift of the Holy Spirit. A Reading from the Acts 2: 1-4; 14-21 Pauline Charism by Fr. Fabio Ciardi, OMI (adapted) On August 20, 1914 the first two boys joined Fr. Alberione. At the same time Teresa Merlo joined Angela Boffi in her home to assist with the sewing workshop. The impulse of the Spirit had already completed a long journey in the Founder so that his first “confused ideas” were becoming clearer. Within one year Fr. Alberione began two branches of the Pauline family: the Pious Society of St. Paul and the Pious Society Daughters of St Paul. As these groups formed, elements of the extraordinary charism of Blessed Alberione came into focus. God prepared and called them to live this specific gift given to the Church. Drawing from the journey up to this point, we can list the charismatic elements as follows: -

The mystery of Christ seen as the Teacher, the Way, the Truth and Life, in whom all is found and towards whom all tends: “Come to me all of you” (Mt. 11:28).


Pastoral, liturgical, evangelical service in the Church and evangelization of the culture through writers, technicians and evangelizers who are faithful to the Successor of Peter.


A community of consecrated apostles who give themselves totally to God and to the Church working through the means of the times.


A journey of sanctification centered on the Eucharist, the Word of God, the spirit of St. Paul and Mary, Queen of the Apostles, characterized by total trust in God, naturalness and simplicity.



The charism is an experience of God lived by the Founder. In Blessed James Alberione it comprises: -

The mystery of Christ the Master, Way, Truth and Life,


Lived in a Eucharistic




Pauline and


Marian perspective and


Proclaimed in the Church as evangelization of the culture through the means of the media


With persons dedicated to God.

Pray Together: Entrusting of Oneself to Mary Receive me, Mary, Mother, Teacher and Queen, among those whom you love, nourish, sanctify and guide, in the school of Jesus Christ, the Divine Master. You identify in God’s mind those who he calls, and for them you have special prayers, grace, light and consolation. My Master Jesus Christ entrusted himself wholly to you, from the Incarnation to the Ascension. For me this is doctrine, example and an ineffable gift. I too place myself entirely into your hands. Obtain for me the grace to know, imitate and love ever more the Divine Master, Way and Truth and Life. Present me to Jesus, for I am an unworthy sinner, and I have no other recommendation to be admitted to his school than your recommendation. Enlighten my mind, fortify my will, sanctify my heart, during this year of my spiritual work, so that I may profit from this great mercy, and may say at the end: “I live now not I, but Christ lives in me.”



2. In honor of Jesus Way The Pauline Cooperator follows his or her particular call within the Pauline Family and lives it in daily life. Let us take some time to reflect on our call to live Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life – Statutes 1992. From a Letter of Fr. James Alberione to the Pauline Family, written from Susa, Italy on August 22, 1924 I wrote just yesterday, but it is well that I write again today to tell you something that the Lord made known to me on St. Bernard’s Day.17 I don’t know if you will feel happier or more alarmed—maybe more alarmed than happy at first, because, like the Theologian (Fr. Alberione was known as “the Theologian”) you will think of the greater account we will have to give to God. I don’t know if sometimes the thought comes to you to compare our House, so little, with the great tree of the Salesian Family, the robust oak of the Family of St. Ignatius, the two orders of Dominicans and the sons of St. Francis, and even more the marvelous multiplication of the sons of St. Benedict. Well then, this is very little compared to what the Lord desires, expects, and asks of us. I am reading the life of that adventurous missionary, St. Francis Xavier, and I can tell you that more than half of you are destined to do the good he did—or else three times that or even more. What marvelous things Jesus has in His heart! Wonders of love and of grace, of vocations! The Lord wishes to give us things that I don’t believe you can hear yet, since even Jesus said to the Apostles that he had things about which he would keep silent until the coming of the Holy Spirit because: “You are not able to bear it”. And you cannot bear it because we are still far away, all of us, from the humility, the abnegation, the charity, the poverty, the faith that the Lord wants. Do we have a tiny bit of all this? Dear friends, read this letter at the Visit to the Blessed Sacrament. Let us realize that the graces are present; the moment of giving an account awaits us; like it or not, the world is ours and woe to us if we don’t take it. I am almost terrified, and must cling with both arms to Jesus, who says, “It is I; do not fear; I can do all things.”


Foundation day of the Pauline Family in 1914.



From the Diary of Blessed Timothy Giaccardo The Theologian told us: Look up! A great tree, whose summit cannot ever be seen—it is nothing else but our house! It is a big tree, an alberone [A play on the name Alber-i-one. In Italian alberone is large tree.] All of you are part of the roots. This house in its present state is nothing— but the top of this big tree will grow— its branches will extend all over the world. If only you understood the treasure that you bear within you…. Play: Come and Rejoice from Behold the Lamb Or Sing together: Earthen Vessels by St. Louis Jesuits 3. In honor of Jesus Life The spirituality of the Founder cannot be an isolated study. It must be inserted in our spiritual evolution through prayer, reading, study, conferences and other events provided by the Pauline Family. We follow in the footsteps of the Founder, the footpath on the road to the holiness to which God calls us. This is a journey of growth in union with Jesus Master. Reflection thought: Recall again the vocational journey of Fr. Alberione. Become aware of how God makes known little by little his plan for our life. Note to the Leader: At this time initiate Lectio Divina (see Session 2) with the following Gospel passages. Start with a prayer to the Holy Spirit. (Reminder: at this point, the Pauline Cooperators are bringing their Bible to these gatherings.) John 1: 35-51

The first contact

Luke 5:1-11

A more decisive call

Mark 3:13 -15 The call by name to be God’s intimate friends sent in his name. Leader: Recall before the Lord the moments in which you had a special interior light and heard his particular call in your life – ask him to renew this call. Note to the Leader: There are various ways to approach this time of prayer in Lectio Divina.    

You may choose different readers for the Gospel passages. After the first set of readings (Gospels) are completed take time for silent reflection. Everyone may share a word or a sentence from one of the Gospel passages. When they have proclaimed the Gospel invite everyone to offer a spontaneous prayer, aloud or silently. After a few minutes invite everyone to pray Psalm 104 aloud (you may alternate sides). Conclude with spontaneous petitions.



Do not fear. I am with you. From here I will cast light. Live in continual conversion. Young James Alberione receives his call while at prayer Cathedral of Alba on the night bridging the two centuries

PSALM 104 Praise of God the Creator ► Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord, my God, you are great indeed! You are clothed with majesty and glory, Robed in light as with a cloak. ► You have spread out the heavens like a tent cloth; You have constructed your palace upon the waters. You make the clouds your chariot; You travel on the wings of the wind. ► You make the winds your messengers And flaming fire your minister. ► You fixed the earth upon its foundation Not to be moved forever; With the ocean, as with a garment, you covered it; Above the mountains the waters stood. ► At your rebuke they fled;



At the sound of your thunder they took to flight. As the mountains rose, they went down the valleys To the place you had fixed for them. ► You set a limit they may not pass, Nor shall they cover the earth again. ► You send forth springs into the watercourses That wind among the mountains, And give drink to every beast of the field, Till the wild asses quench their thirst. ► Well watered are the trees of the Lord, The cedars of Lebanon, which he planted; In them the birds of the air build their nests; Fir trees are the home of the stork. ► The high mountains are for wild goats; The cliffs are a refuge for badgers. You made the moon to mark the seasons; The sun knows the hour of its setting. ► How manifold are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you have wrought them all— The earth is full of your creatures; The sea also, great and wide, In which are schools without number Of living things both small and great. ► They all look to you to give them food in due time. When you give it to them, they gather it up; When you open your hand, they are filled with good things. If you hide your face, they are dismayed; If you take away their breath, they perish;



â–ş When you send forth your Spirit, they are created And you renew the face of the earth.

Conclude the time of prayer with a song Suggestion: Bless Our God by the St. Louis Jesuits 4. Break and Social Time allotted: 15 minutes 5. Gathering in the meeting area. View the PowerPoint on the Pauline Charism:

The preoccupation of Fr. Alberione to define and infuse a "Pauline spirit," to characterize under one specific "color" all the aspects proper to his charism, all, aims at affirming the inseparable unity between "holiness and apostolate". Such a unity does not accept the absence of one of the two constitutive elements, just as it is not possible to separate love for God from love of neighbor. "Do not look for many books on spirituality, and neither seek schools of spirituality, inasmuch as spirituality is only one: to live in Jesus Christ Way, Truth and Life" (Vad 596). The spirituality of the Pauline communicator in the teaching of Fr. Alberione is "integral," "total," "well-balanced," "complete"‌. All the accentuation on individual holiness (spiritualism) or on exasperated emphasis on work (activism) are against the example and the teaching of Fr. Alberione, which was founded on the equilibrium of the missionary spirituality of Christ Master Way-Truth-Life. Pauline Forum on Jesus Master, Rome



References for Further Study: 1. Required Reading Statues of the Pauline Cooperator18; pgs 23-25. Catechism of the Catholic Church; Citta del Vaticano: Liberia Editrice Vaticana, 1994; articles 799-800 2. Recommended Reading Agasso, Domenico. Thecla Merlo: Messenger of the Good News. Pauline Books & Media. Boston: 1993. Fornasari, Eugenio, S.S.P.

Blessed Timothy Giaccardo: An Obedient Prophet.

Alba House. Staten Island, NY: 1991. Hauser, Richard J., S.J.

In His Spirit: A Guide to Today’s Spirituality. Paulist Press

New York, 1982 (Worth finding even as a used book). Rolfo, Luigi, S.S.P.

James Alberione: Apostle for Our Times.

Alba House,

Staten Island, NY: 1987. Also available online as a PDF: A Marvel of Our Times

Optional fun Alberione Autotuned! God is so Beautiful


The Statutes of 1985 are an updated version of Blessed Alberione’s original Statutes of the Pauline Cooperator. They were updated in 1992 In 2012 another provisional version was published. These are found at



Session 4 “According to my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ” (Rom. 24). Distance Program Worksheet: Theme: The Pauline Charism The word Charism comes from the Greek word karismata meaning “gift of the Holy Spirit.” Those called to journey within the Pauline Charism share their gifts with the whole people of God. Each “Pauline” also discovers a particular way they are called to live the Charism. The founder and those first called to the Charism become our Icons and models on the path. We are also called to be icons of the Charism for others. 1. Reflecting on the basic elements of the Pauline Charism found in Session 4: How does the charismatic light of the Pauline Spirituality shine in your life? a. Jesus as Master, Way, Truth and Life

b. Mary, Mother, Teacher and Queen of Apostles

c. Paul, Apostle and model communicator of Jesus Christ

d. Great love for the Liturgy and Eucharistic life

e. Devotion to and diffusion of Sacred Scripture

f. A listening and pastoral spirit that permeates everything.



g. Identity as “new apostles” using “new means” to share the Gospel of Jesus – the fastest, most efficacious means that technology provides.

h. An ecumenical and inter-religious spirit so that “all may be one.”

i. Trust in Jesus Master to provide for our holiness and mission. (The spirit of the “Pact” or “Secret of Success”).

2. As “Communicators of the Word,” Paulines discern their reading, viewing and listening habits in order to (1) read the signs of the times; (2) know the needs of people today; (3) reflect on ways to share media that uplifts human and Christian values. -

How would you apply this to your life?

3. There are many charisms in the Church. The Pauline Charism shares elements from the great Benedictine, Dominican and Jesuit orders and others. From the Benedictines the love of Liturgy, from the Dominicans devotion to teaching, from the Jesuits discernment for holiness and mission. Based on venerated religious traditions the Pauline Charism is a new gift in the Church. -

How is Jesus Master calling you to live the Pauline charismatic elements?

“Let our lives be a clear witness to the Gospel. God is a very good cameraman and will project the film of our lives. Let us be radiant stars!” Mother Thecla Merlo, fsp



Time of Preparation Session 5:

“That through the Church the Manifold Wisdom of God be Made Known.” (Eph. 3:10) Phase II: Group Study Program (Total time: two hours) The theme for this session: Service to and love for the Church Points to Cover: -

The Church: “Our base, our roots, in our hearts, our light, our center.” Blessed Timothy Giaccardo, ssp


In communion with the universal and local Church and her Pastors.


Faithful interpreters of the Pope’s words and direction.

You will need: -

A Bible


The music for “We are One Body” and “Salvation Belongs to Our God” Suggested music: The Cup of Life by Renewal Music: 1998.


Various encyclicals or recent Papal documents. A basket or container


for the encyclicals. (or access to

- Crossing the Threshold of Hope or Catechism of the Catholic Church Optional: Paper and crayons or colored pencils Optional: Video on the Vatican or St. Peter in Rome. Opening Invocations: Jesus Master and Shepherd, Way, Truth and Life; Have mercy on us. Mary, Queen of the Apostles; Pray for us. St. Paul the Apostle; Pray for us.



Opening Song/Music – Instrumental Song over the Waters 1. Reflection on the Word of God (Jesus Truth) From the Statutes of the Pauline Cooperator One of the Pauline characteristics is universality: “All the good that one can do, all that which is approved by the Church, all that which gives glory to God and serves humanity…whatever be the initiative, wherever one goes, it is always in the Pauline spirit.”19 5:H A Reading from the Letter of Paul to the Colossians Chapter 1 verse 15-29. Response to the reading: Jesus, Divine Master, we adore you as the Word Incarnate sent by the Father to instruct us in life-giving truths. You are uncreated Truth, the only Master. You alone have words of eternal life. We thank you for having imparted to us the light of reason and the light of faith, and for having called us to the light of glory. We believe, submitting our whole mind to you and to the Church. Master, show us the treasures of your wisdom, let us know the Father, make us your true disciples. Increase our faith so that we may attain to the eternal vision in heaven. From the Biography and Writings of Blessed Timothy Giaccardo: On January 6, 1926, Father Alberione summoned Father Timothy and informed him that he would be taking a group of Paulines to Rome. “I am sending you to Rome because of your love and also because of your loyalty to the Pope,” he told him. Blessed Timothy reflected: “Why a house in Rome? For two reasons: 1) From Alba, our aim was to reach all of Italy; from Rome, we aim in a special way to reach all nations; and 2) We go to Rome in order to experience better that the Pauline Family is at the service of the Holy See, and in order to draw more directly the doctrine, the spirit, the apostolate from the source: the Papacy.” Father Timothy was well aware of being in the center of Christianity. In an informal report that Blessed Timothy sent to the Vicariate of Rome we are able to reflect on this fact and the strength he drew from it: “Rome always figured in our plans and in our hearts from the very beginning of our apostolate. To Rome we always look as our base, our roots, our heart, our light…as our center. I say Rome; I mean, and I say so explicitly, the Roman Church. We absolutely 19

The Statutes of 1985 are an updated version of Blessed Alberione’s original Statutes of the Pauline Cooperator. They were updated in 1992 In 2012 another provisional version was published. These are found at



do not approach this Church as if we were bringing her anything; rather, we approach her as poor, docile, and humble disciples; we come to her to be grafted more strongly onto Peter. The pastoral activity of the press involves nothing else but the diffusion of the faith and tradition of this Holy City, nothing else but the narration for the benefit of the people, of what is contained in the Scriptures. It was from Rome, of course, that all the priests sent to open up houses in America departed. Moreover, as far back as 1917, the nucleus of the first five disciples in this apostolate insisted upon making a special vow of fidelity to the Roman Pontiff with respect to the apostolate of the press. To all this I must add that it represents the precise mandate committed to us by our superior (founder): “Your faith must be pure, and that is what you must be proclaiming to the world through the apostolate of the press.� Your devoted and humble, Father Giaccardo.

Envelope addressed by Blessed James Alberione in Alba, Italy to Blessed Timothy, Rome: January, 1935

Prayer Together: To Jesus Master Jesus, Divine Master, we adore you living in the Church, your Mystical Body, and our sole ark of salvation. We thank you for having given to us this infallible and indefectible Mother, in whom you continue to be for humanity the Way, the Truth and the Life. We ask you that those who do not believe may come to her inextinguishable light, the erring return to her, and all peoples be united in faith, in a common hope, in charity. Exalt the Church, assist the Pope, sanctify the clergy and religious. Lord Jesus, our wish is yours; that there be one fold under one Shepherd, so that we may all be reunited in the Church exultant in heaven. Song: We are One Body by Dana 2. Examination of Life (in honor of Jesus Way)



3. Group Prayer (Jesus our Life) To the Leader: Take the encyclicals (or papal documents) and place them in a basket. If you are using the site, print out the first page of recent documents, etc. After reading the following thought of Father Alberione, ask the participants to reflect on the issues and trends of our time: social, philosophical, scientific, scriptural, spiritual, etc. As this time of prayer and reflection proceeds, participants will choose one or more encyclicals that address the issue they have identified. The encyclical will be brought up to the front of the group and placed near the Bible (or near the altar if you are in a chapel). While the participant does this he or she offers a spontaneous prayer or a prayer taken from words contained in the document, for the issue it addresses. From the Writings of Fr. James Alberione The Church, Teacher of faith, morality and prayer, labors to form the perfect Christian, the citizen of heaven. This formation takes place in Christ, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He made Himself a Teacher for our sake, and in this elevation, Christianization and divinization of humanity He is the only Master. Understanding this clearly, the Church, the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ, labors wisely to communicate and perfect this education and formation. Fr. Alberione with Pope Paul VI

Leader: Aloud Fr. Alberione was fond of saying that the Church has only two enemies: ignorance and sin. She does not reject discovery, knowledge or the natural and divine sciences, but rather examines, adopts and uplifts these. As we reflect on the illusions presented to humanity in our world today: illusions of freedom, of power, of knowledge—we realize that many are building their house on sand. We acknowledge the confusion and sins of today and we unite our prayer to the prayer of Jesus for his Church and all of humanity. As the basket (container) of encyclicals (Papal documents) is passed to you choose one or two titles that reflect the issue or need you want to pray for. Look over this document and reflect on how it touches your life. After a time of reflection each of us will take our document and place it near the Bible while offering a spontaneous prayer that it will be accepted as the word of Jesus for our time. Take one document up at a time. Time of Reflection (Allow at least 10-15 minutes for reflection)


Pope Paul VI and Fr. Alberio ne


Sample prayer — Apostolic Letter Mulieris Dignitatem, On the Dignity and Vocation of Women, John Paul II. “God, our Father, as a Pauline Cooperator I offer this document to my brothers and sisters. May there be a Christian understanding of women in today’s world. I pray that I may be a living witness to the truth this document offers. May all women, born and yet unborn, be respected and loved as daughters of God, sisters of Jesus, and living temples of the Holy Spirit.” Your Prayer:

Leader: Aloud The dignity of men and women, their “royalty,” comes from Christ, who makes the whole people of God “a kingdom and priests” (Rev. 1:6). The more difficult the life of men and women, family life, the life of society, the life of the world — the more need there is for the figure of the Good Shepherd who “gives his life for his sheep” (Jn. 10:11). The kingly mission of Jesus Christ is handed on to the Church in a very special way in the pastoral authority exercised by the bishops under the direction of the successor of Peter, and by the priests and deacons under the direction of the bishops. The source of pastoral authority—as well as its justification, its example and



its ideal—is Christ the Good Shepherd shown us by the Gospel. This is the basis of the truth that all spiritual authority in the Church must be directed towards developing and making evident the dignity of man, humanity’s “royalty” which comes from Christ the Good Shepherd. “I know my sheep and my sheep know me” (Jn. 10:14) “I give my life for my sheep” (Jn. 10:15). (Gaudium et spes, n. 22) cf. Sign of Contradiction, Karol Wojtyla – Pope John Paul II.

Prayer Together: To Mary Mother of the Good Shepherd Mary, Mother of God, may all generations sing of the great things which God has done for you. You are the Virgin, the one full of grace, the Mother of the Good Shepherd. You raised him, loved him, listened to him, followed him, and contemplated him as he died on the cross for us. Everything comes to us from him and from you: the Church, the Gospel, the sacraments, eternal life. You are the joy of the Church in heaven, the hope and refuge of the pilgrim Church. I too want to be yours as Jesus was. I offer you myself and everything I have. Enlighten me; make me docile and faithful. Through your intercession hasten the coming together of the one fold under one shepherd. Inspire the Pope, inspire the teachers of the faith, guide all pastors.


Mary, Mother of the Good Shepherd;

Response: Pray for us.

Song: Shepherd Me O God by Marty Haugen

Closing Invocations: Jesus Master etc.

4. Group moves from the place of prayer to the meeting area.

5. Break

6. Options for Gathering* (choose A, B, C, D or E).



A. Video “On This Rock” or “Rome in the Footsteps of Peter and Paul” or another video on the Vatican or Peter in Rome. 

Peter & Paul by Fr. Robert Barron

Vatican Necropolis by Catholic TV

B. Using Crossing the Threshold of Hope by Pope John Paul II participants will look in the index under church and locate Pope John Paul’s reflections on Church. With one copy pass the book from one participant to the next, reading the following citations and stopping to share on each one: 1. As apostolic in the virtue of Christ, 9 2. “Body of Christ” analogy, 137 3. Catholicity of, 138 4. Christology of, 44-45 5. Communion, character as a, 138-139 6. Expansion of, 45-46 7. Faith in the Church today, 174-175 8. Mystery of, 136-137 9. Unity of mankind, 78 C. Instead of Crossing the Threshold of Hope use the Catechism of the Catholic Church or the Document Lumen Gentium (Chapter 1- 3) 1. The Church is Catholic, 830-834 2. The Church is Apostolic, 857 and 862 3. Hierarchical Constitution of the Church, 880 – 882, 888 – 892

Be Creative! D. If the participants want a livelier gathering make copies of the above mentioned quotes and place them in a basket. Have each person take a quote and change it into a question. The group may then try to answer the question. You may even split up into two groups and have a contest. The winners can request their favorite dessert for the next session.



E. Make a web page on the Church! Pass out paper and crayons or colored pencils to participants. Invite them to use the books suggested above to find a theme for their web page and then create it on paper. What would you include on this page?

Sample webpage:



References for Further Study:

1. Required Reading: a. Statutes of the Pauline Cooperator20, pgs. 11-13; 23-25

b. Lumen Gentium: Dogmatic Constitution on the Church. November 1964. Chapters 1, 2, and 3.

2. Recommended Reading:

a. Gaudium et Spes: Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World. December 7, 1965.

b. Wojtyla, Karol.

Sign of Contradiction. Seabury. New York: 1979.

c. Books by John Paul II or Benedict XVI on the Church.

d. Writings and talks of Pope Francis.

“In Christ and in the Church — always.”


The Statutes of 1985 are an updated version of Blessed Alberione’s original Statutes of the Pauline Cooperator. They were updated in 1992 In 2012 another provisional version was published. These are found at



Session 5 “That through Christ the manifold wisdom of God may be made known� (Eph. 3:10). Distance Program Worksheet: Theme: Service to and love for the Church

Following point 7, Options for Gathering on the Session 5 worksheet, choose one option for reflection and study. Option A If you have chosen option A (video), write a reflection on what the Church in Rome represents to the universal Church. This reflection may contain historical circumstances of the Roman Church as well as the spiritual impact that the Bishop of Rome, the successor of Peter, has on Roman Catholicism.

Option B or C If you chose option B or C (finding citations) you may write a paragraph defining the Church as if you were explaining it to someone who is not familiar with Catholicism.



Time of Preparation Session 6:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to bring the Good News.” Luke 4:18 Phase II: Group Study Program

The theme for this session: The Vocation and Mission of the Laity Points to Cover: -

The vocation and mission of the lay faithful in the Church is rooted in baptism. Sharing in the life of Jesus the Son of God — Priest, Prophet and King


Christian holiness and witness to the mystery of Christ in the heart of the world and in the heart of the Church

You will need: - A Bible - Music: The Final Word Michael Card; To Be Your Bread David Haas - Pens, markers.

Opening Invocations: Jesus Master and Shepherd, Way, Truth and Life, have mercy on us. Mary, Queen of the Apostles, pray for us. St. Paul the Apostle, pray for us.

1. Reflection on the Word of God — The School of Jesus Master



A Reading from the Statutes of the Pauline Cooperators21 The Pauline mission offers ample opportunity for the collaboration of persons of learning: writers, journalists, authors, translators, producers, directors, performing artists, advertisers, manufacturers, business men and women, employers and employees at every level; these persons see in the Pauline mission the ideal form in which to fulfill “their specific mission in the service of building up the kingdom of God” (On Evangelization: Evangelii Nuntiandi, 70). “Since Christ, sent by the Father, is the source and origin of the whole apostolate of the Church, the success of the lay apostolate depends upon the laity’s living union with Christ” (Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity; Apostolican Actuositatem, 1).

Song – Carmen Christi by Michael Card from The Final Word Response in song: Chorus “At Jesus’ name every knee shall bow In heaven and in all the earth To the Father’s glory each tongue cry Jesus is Lord!” twice Prayer Together: We thank you, Lord, for this time which you have given us to listen to your Word. We ask you, Lord, to help us listen attentively, for in your Word lies the secret of our life and identity, the key to the very realities to which you are calling us. Mary, Mother of the Lord, who pondered in your heart all the sayings and doings of Jesus, help us to imitate your simplicity, tranquility and peace; take from us all anxiety and help us to listen attentively so that we may bring forth the fruit of the Gospel. (Cf. Carlo Martini; Ministers of the Gospel. Crossroads. New York: 1989)


The Statutes of 1985 are an updated version of Blessed Alberione’s original Statutes of the Pauline Cooperator. They were updated in 1992 In 2012 another provisional version was published. These are found at



A Reading from the Gospel according to Luke, Chapter 4 versus 14 – 32

Read this reflection aloud or reflect silently: “What is the Lord teaching us in this our first encounter with his evangelistic methods? He is teaching us that to evangelize does not mean primarily doing something, getting a certain result — but it means partaking of Christ’s freedom and breath of vision; it means entering into the richness of this extraordinary liberty…. We should imitate the complete detachment with which he could preach the liberty of God. The first thing we should understand from this very rich Gospel passage is this: the Lord who calls us to evangelize does not call us to say or do something, but above all to be something; to be with him and share his liberty and his mission. His liberty comes from being the Son, at one with the Father. That is the first message embodied by Christ: men and women are set free by sharing in the life of Jesus the Son, the one who proclaims the Gospel of liberation. We should ponder deeply on this because it lies at the very heart of the call to evangelize. We cannot help, liberate and calm others unless we ourselves are first of all liberated, calmed and saved by the presence of Jesus, by our abiding in him as liberator and savior.” (Carlo Martini, Ministers of the Gospel. Crossroads. New York: 1989)

Selections from Christifideles Laici — The Vocation and Mission of the Laity in the Church and in the World “…The multitude of persons, men and women …are called and send forth by the Lord to labor in the vineyard. The vineyard is the whole world (cf. Mt 13:38) which is to be transformed according to the plan of God in view of the final coming of the Kingdom of God.” “The Sacred Scriptures use the image of the vine in various ways. In a particular case, the vine serves to express the Mystery of the People of God. …The lay faithful are seen not simply as laborers who work in the vineyard, but as themselves being a part of the vineyard. Jesus says, ‘I am the vine, you are the branches’ (Jn 15:5).” “Who are the lay faithful? Through baptism the lay faithful are made one body with Christ and are established among the People of God. They are in their own way made sharers in the priestly, prophetic and kingly office of Christ. They carry out their own



part in the mission of the whole Christian people with respect to the Church and the world.” “It is no exaggeration to say that the entire existence of the lay faithful has as its purpose to lead a person to a knowledge of the radical newness of the Christian life that comes from baptism, the sacrament of faith, so that this knowledge can help that person live the responsibilities which arise from that vocation received from God…. Baptism regenerates us in the life of the Son of God; unites us to Christ and to his Body, the Church; anoints us in the Holy Spirit, making us spiritual temples.” “The lay faithful are sharers in the priestly mission for which Jesus offered himself on the cross and continues to be offered in the celebration of the Eucharist for the glory of God and the salvation of humanity. Incorporated in Jesus Christ, the baptized are united to him and to his sacrifice in the offering they make of themselves in their daily activities. …Thus as worshippers whose every deed is holy, the lay faithful consecrate the world itself to God.”

“Through their participation in the prophetic mission of Christ, ‘who proclaimed the kingdom of his Father by the testimony of his life and the power of his word’ (Lumen Gentium), the lay faithful are given the ability and responsibility to accept the Gospel in faith and to proclaim it in word and deed.” “Because the lay faithful belong to Christ, Lord and King of the Universe, they share in his kingly mission and are called by him to spread that Kingdom in history. They exercise their kingship as Christians, above all in the spiritual combat in which they seek to overcome in themselves the kingdom of sin (cf. Rom 6:12), and then to make a gift of themselves so as to serve, in justice and charity, Jesus who is himself present in all his brothers and sisters, above all in the very least (cf. Mt 25:40).” “The participation of the lay faithful in the threefold mission of Christ as Priest, Prophet and King finds its source in the anointing of baptism, its further development in Confirmation and its realization and dynamic substance in the Holy Eucharist.” “…Individuals are sharers in the threefold mission of Christ in virtue of their being members of the Church, as St. Peter clearly teaches when he defines the baptized as ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people’ (1 Pt 2:9).”



Prayer Together: Jesus, Divine Master, we adore you as the Beloved of the Father, the sole Way to him. We thank you because you made yourself our model. You left us examples of the highest perfection. You have invited us to follow you on earth and in heaven. We contemplate you in the various periods of your earthly life. We place ourselves in your school and follow your teachings. Draw us to you so that by following in your footsteps and ‘losing ourselves’ for your sake, we may seek only your will. Increase active hope in us, the desire to be found similar to you at the judgment and to possess you forever in heaven. Jesus Master, Teacher and Shepherd, have mercy on us. “God is preparing a new springtime for Christianity…Christian hope sustains us in committing ourselves fully to the new evangelization and to the worldwide mission, and leads us to pray as Jesus taught us: ‘Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven’ (Mt 6:10).” Mission of the Redeemer; Pope John Paul II

Note to the Leader: You may introduce the following song with a reflection on the Gospel proclaimed earlier: “All had their eyes fixed on him” (Lk 4). Song – Fix Your Eyes by Twila Paris

2. Examination of Life in Honor of Jesus Way

A Reading from the Writings of Blessed James Alberione Let us make of ourselves the pen and tongue of God, through Jesus Christ our Master! The process of becoming holy is a process of becoming Christ-like: “Until Christ be formed in you,” Saint Paul urges. We will be holy in the measure in which we live the life of Jesus — or better, in the measure in which Jesus lives in us. This is what Saint Paul said of himself: “I live, but no longer I; it is Christ who lives in me.” This occurs gradually. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Spiritual work involves imitating the holiness of Jesus who shows us the way by his examples and teachings. It



involves faith in Jesus who is Truth and invites us to think according to the Gospel. It involves grace, a participation in the life of Jesus through the sacraments and all of the means of grace. Jesus will nourish us. In the morning place yourself at his feet and say: You are the Way, I want to walk in your footsteps and imitate your example. You are the Truth, enlighten me! You are my Life give me grace! Let us remember that every effort, when associated with Jesus, becomes an element of individual and social redemption.

Silent Reading and Reflection on the following testimony This testimony is taken from A Personal Testimony presented to John Paul II at the Synod for the Laity held in Rocca di Papa, Italy in 1987. Christifideles Laici resulted from this assembly. Issued on December 30, 1988, it seeks to promote a deeper awareness among all the faithful of the gift and responsibility they share, both as a group and as individuals, in the communion and mission of the Church.

A Personal Testimony: Jean-Loup Dherse at the Synod on the Laity, Rome. Jean-Loup met the Emmanuel Community while he was vice president of the World Bank. This lay group led him to rediscover Christ and to give his life in a radical way. The gift of himself led him to a deeper love for Christ, the Church and the lay community. He was the secretary of the extraordinary synod on the laity in 1987and a member of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum for over 10 years. Most Holy Father Reverend Bishops, Brothers and Sisters The meeting at Rocca di Papa was a genuine experience of Pentecost. In my group, what truly set free the action of the Holy Spirit was the fact that we began by sharing our personal life experiences rather than our ideas, suggestions and aims. And very soon, our lives, all different on the surface, converged towards our personal, and wholly special relationships with the Blessed Trinity. We saw in us and around us the wonders that the Lord is working in many corners of the earth. He reveals Himself to millions of Christians in a way that is often vigorous, and although interior, almost spectacular. In this way He spurs men and women of all cultures, categories, age groups, fields of activity towards concrete evangelization, through the witness of their changed lives and through their activity in forms of association or the most diverse movements. My personal witness is one among a very great number. I beg of you not to consider my person or the community in which the Lord sets my path. The important thing is to see how the Lord mobilizes his people and unceasingly gives us all that the world needs. It is for us to see it and receive it. I am a professional in the fields of economics and industry. I have lived in five countries, and I have a fair knowledge of about twenty. I am married, with two married children and some grand-children. For many years I was tepid as a Catholic, not to say 140


cold. I took the easy way of refusing to believe that the Lord could take an interest in my insignificant person. This is the case of a great many baptized people, even when they are more or less practicing. My life was made up of distinct compartments, managed separately, disjointed and causing a great discomfort when they clashed. My career had absolute priority; my wife came far behind, then my children. I was not interested in anything else. I scarcely prayed at all. The Lord was waiting patiently for us, as he waits for each one. The ice showed signs of cracking in monthly meetings among Christians. But my wife and I were really moved at a Paray-le-Monial, the town of the Heart of Jesus…. On Good Friday, during a prayer in a small group in which we were participating for the first time, we came to understand that Jesus was asking us to recognize Him as Lord of our lives. After two days of struggle, at communion on Easter Sunday, I had a deep realization that I had been the tomb in which I kept Christ dead. But He was opening the door and taking possession of his domain. I begged Him to do as much for my wife, and he did so a few hours later. I was Vice-President of the World Bank, and we left next day for Washington, praising the Lord during the whole journey, asking Him to remove the traps set for us be a routine lasting more than twenty years. He did so. Our life changed from the one day to the next. We adopted the practices of the people we had just been meeting, practices that are not all new. I mention them because they are perfectly adapted to the way of life of a lay person who is very active, but wants to live always close to the Lord. In the morning, with our family and passing guests, we offer our day to the Lord, entrusting to one another the moments of our day for which we want the support of their prayer. Then daily mass. The period of personal prayer, from 30 to 60 minutes daily, is the privileged, indispensable time in which the Lord gives us strength for the wear and tear of our noisy lives. As a minimum of community life, we need an evening together once a week or a fortnight, a week-end recollection once a month and two five-day retreats every year. There is nothing extraordinary in this program, which is compatible with a very active life. But the Lord can in this way gradually change our life and simplify it (which leaves us the necessary time). He brings personal life, family life and professional life together in unity. And, although each day is a fresh start, I can see clearly in my own case, and in the case of many others around me, that two or three years are enough for the life of a person or a couple to be completely refocused, and for the active involvement in the evangelization – the concrete test for the change – to be complete. It is personal life with the Lord that is the basis for the whole of life. It is in prayer – in praise and adoration – that He mobilizes us and sends us on our mission to our family, our work place, our friends and acquaintances, and into the world, with the support of the communities and associations to which we belong. While teaching us to surrender to his will, He sends each one of us into the whole world, beyond the limits to which we are accustomed. The essentially joyful discovery of our poverty, through the Cross, makes us, at last, receptive to his Person. There is no vocation for the Christian, whether lay or not, other than holiness. The time for personal prayer is directly linked to active life. It is there that I try to let the Lord take control of my thoughts and actions. Jesus is true God and true man. I know from experience that when I neglect his humanity, I become once more the



Pharisee that I was. When I am less aware that He is true God, my action loses its basic direction, and I go round and round, building up something purely human, as I used to do. When I look less at Him, I plunge back into contemplation of myself, which is disastrous, both practically and spiritually. This active and practical influence of the Lord in our lives is, at one and the same, extraordinary and very usual. It makes of us, the laity, active-contemplatives, without the slightest opposition or division between these two aspects. The choice of not being active is, effectively, not open to us, and we must above all, not give way to the subtle temptation of being demobilized, under pretext of living closer to Him. My family life has, obviously, been completely transformed. The family becomes a fraternal community where authority is exercised with respect and love, where you ask one another’s pardon, even between parents and children, and where everyone prays. Among younger couples, I see their children faced very early with the combat of life, but taking strength from seeing their parents active, joyful and able to get up again after a fall. Many are called by the Lord and enter a seminary or religious community which, for their age, [requires] great spiritual maturity. My professional life has also undergone deep change. The Lord wants to reign wherever we are active. He can heal our economic, political and social relations. He wants us to be competent, responsible, struggling against the temptations of bureaucracy and against cheating. He wants us to be daring and prudent, serpents and doves, even in our work. He is ready to help us in a very practical way, when we pray for a moment as we pick up the telephone or during a difficult meeting. In a city like Paris there are thousands of people who go about their work with deep faith. That would have seemed to me a mere dream a few years ago. Today I know that the Lord truly wants to change the part of the world He entrusts to us, when we leave things in his hands. This transformation of family and professional life is not possible, in my opinion, if one remains alone, even in prayer. The support of a community is necessary to go forward in this way. The sharing of our experiences, intentions, prayers, with brothers and sisters who are also on their way, is absolutely necessary in order to overcome the difficult moments when we are in danger of being pulled under by our ever present weakness. At Rocca di Papa we saw the incredible variety of movements and associations that the Lord places at our disposal. In my heart I had the strong words of our little ThĂŠrèse, who said that the Lord loved each one of the flowers of the field and that He also loved their incredible variety. That can well be applied to each one of us, but also to all the movements that are flowering or flowering again. I have underlined that mutual fraternal support actually requires little of our time: an evening of sharing once a week or fortnight, the monthly week-end and the two annual retreats. The evening of sharing is essential. Rather than a mere exchange of ideas or an occasion for congenial fellowship, it should be a sharing of the Word of God, of what this Word has changed in our lives since the last evening together; a sharing of our successes and our failures in practical evangelization, on the spot as it were. We must pray for one another because of the fatigue and the harshness of the spiritual combat, around us and within us. It is in these small groups that we witness the liberations worked by the Lord: the depressed find healing, the fearful take courage, lives are changed. We see it, and we thank the Lord in praise.



But the fruit of this eruption into our lives is strongest in the way in which He sends us out on a mission. This is nothing new, but it seems that there is a new strength in the laity, and its potential is extraordinary, unlimited, if we judge be what can be done by groups of Christians with from 500 to 2000 members. I know several such groups. These missionary activities are carried out by lay people and priests together, in prayer and the practice of the Sacraments. For this, the authorization of the Bishop is necessary. These manifold activities are mutually supportive; each one can find his/her own activity without losing sight of the overall effort carried out by people whom one knows personally. This gives a vision of the Lord’s action that is at once very concrete, and is therefore extremely encouraging. I can quote the activities of which I have personal knowledge: - complete animation of a parish, with its priests, together with all the parish movements and activities. - A new and fruitful experience (Parish of the Trinity, Paris); - The vibrancy of mass gatherings in which thousands of lay people (and also members of the clergy) find or find again a new life; - Street evangelization, where fear is soon dispelled. The appetite for the name of the Lord is ready to the touch, and you see beautiful things happening; - Aid for the Third World, through missions of 2 to 10 persons who, while bringing the Lord, bring at the same time social and economic development, for there is here no incompatibility; - Cycles of evangelization for couples; - A school of evangelization where young people, aged 20 to 22, remain for a year; they carry out missions of 10 days (schools, parishes‌), on request; - A movement of young people, witnessing and evangelizing in schools and high schools, helping the chaplains and taking charge of missions; - A service that produces and circulates courses in basic theological and spiritual formation of adult catechesis; - A telephone service of prayer (SOS Prayer) that is anonymous company for our brothers and sisters who lay bare their hearts and their sufferings; videocassettes are produced for wide circulation, and soon there will be television programs; - A special group for the evangelization of the world of work; - All the usual service activities in the local parish. All of this includes many set-backs and disappointments, and that helps us to remain modest. But it does seem that the Lord is mobilizing his children in all directions at once and, when there are difficulties, He gives joy that has no equal. The vocation of the laity is sanctity, and their mission is evangelization. We need all the infinite riches of the Lord. When He comes to us, He is not alone. He gives us Mary, his Mother, our model as lay people, and all the saints, who work so actively together with us, here and now, wherever we may be. Heaven and Earth are really separate only through our blindness. In spite of our sins, the Lord truly wants to dwell among us. He is the God-among-us who unceasingly gives us all that we need, and still more. Translated from French; Reprinted with permission



The Pauline “Seal” Glory to God; Peace to Humanity

After silent reflection (10-15 min.) play title song from the CD To Be Your Bread by David Haas. Sing the refrain together: Refrain: (by David Haas) To be your bread now, be your wine now, Lord, come and change us to be a sign of your love. Blest and broken, poured and flowing, gift that you gave us, to be your body once again. © GIA Permission.

3. Group Prayer (Jesus Our Life) Christian Prayer Produce copies of the current week for the meeting attendants.

The first Pauline Cooperator 144


Break 15 minutes

4. Gather in the Meeting Area Continue the meeting by sharing on the Personal Witness sheet that follows.

Personal Witness

“Always be ready to give witness to the faith that is in you.” 2 Timothy 1:8

Choose to share and apply a value or values to the situation that you were in. 

In what way do you believe you witnessed to Jesus or not?

If so where did you receive the strength to live the Christian value?

If not how would you like to witness on a new occasion?

This sharing will assist us in realizing that evangelization is sharing in the life of Jesus in all circumstances of our own lives (refer to the reflection by Carlo Martini).

Values of witness: Compassion — Mercy — Justice — Equality — Service — Love Honesty — Faithfulness to Others — Forgiveness — Loving my enemies Generosity — Respect — Christian Joy — Peace — Patience



References for Further Study:

1. Required Reading: (also found on the Internet)

a. Catechism of the Catholic Church # 873, 874, 875, 901-903; 904, 908-913 b.

Pope John Paul II. The Lay Members of Christ’s Faithful People. Pauline Books & Media. Boston: MA 1988. Especially numbers 32-44

2. Recommended Reading:

a. Martini, Carlo. Ministers of the Gospel. Crossroad: New York 1989.

b. Vatican II Documents. Decree on the Apostolate of the Lay People. Pauline Books & Media. Boston: MA 1965 c. Evangelii Guadium On the Joy of the Gospel Pope Francis

United States Bishop’s Conference Site: Video:



Session 6 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to bring the good news” (Luke 4:18). Distance Program Worksheet: Theme: The Mission of the Laity

Four Key Themes from Pope Paul VI in his Apostolic Exhortation On Evangelization, as outlined by Rev. Anthony J. Ciorra, PHD and Rev. James Keating, PHD in “The Need for Public Catholics” Pastoral Life, Society of St. Paul, December 2000. 1. Baptism into the Catholic faith is an act of grace that not only identifies the believer as one chosen by God, but, due to this choosing, claims the person for public witnessing in the name of Christ.22 2. The goal of witnessing is to convert “both the personal and collective consciences of people.”23 This witness is to be manifested “silently” through virtuous behavior and “completed” in gaining the ability to explain and justify one’s Catholic identity before the secular world.24 This witness to the world is not to be confused with political or ideological activities, as it always retains a specific religious finality.25 3. The most appropriate field for the laity to witness to Catholic life is within the secular world, not by further establishing and developing the ecclesial community.26 The laity are initiated in the Church in order to be Church in the world. This witness is to be accomplished without denigrating or crushing what is secular in the name of the sacred.27 We are in fact to cherish all that is good and true in the culture, as these areas prepare the away for the world’s full acceptance of the Gospel.

4. Being public Catholics undergirded and promoted by the Holy Spirit, because it is by the power of the Holy Spirit “in the depths of consciences [that] causes the word of salvation to be accepted and understood.”28


Paul VI, Evangelii nuntiandi, Apostolic Exhortation 13,14 Ibid 18,41, 46 24 Ibid 22, 28, 30, 44 25 Ibid 32,36 23


Ibid 70 Ibid 55, 20 28 Ibid 75 27


148 

In other words, a public Catholic can never be fully faithful to his or her identity if such an identity is reduced to political or ideological motives and formation. The proper source of conscience formation for the Catholic is the social teachings of the Church not the political party platforms (US Bishops Statement on Political Responsibility, Origins 25, Nov. 16, 1995). The Catholic conscience is primarily but not exclusively formed by attending to social doctrine. The temptation is to align oneself with political parties who agree with ecclesial teaching; but we must never forget that any party’s identity resides in secular philosophies and popular opinion polls and not in the depths of a religious identity. Reflect on the personal testimony of Jean-Loup Dherse and the above excerpt from Pastoral Life. Use the Personal Witness sheet in Session 6 to give your personal witness. Following the guidelines on the Personal Witness sheet tell your story to a friend, another Pauline Cooperator (your contact cooperator) or the Pauline Brother or Sister you have been contacting. This may be done in person, through a phone call or through e-mail. 1. Did this story reveal ways that you are always ready to witness to your faith?

2. If this story did not seem to be a witness of faith what if the same situation repeated itself. How would you use the occasion to witness?

3. What Catholic/Christian values were witnessed to?

4. How do you think you might witness to Catholic and Christian values in a specific way as a Pauline Cooperator?

5. Has your study of the Pauline charism given you new insight into Catholic values? What values? In what way?



Time of Preparation

Session 7:

“That Christ May Live in Me” ( 2 Cor. 12:9) Phase II: Group Study Program (Total time: two hours) The Theme for this session: Jesus, Master and Shepherd, Way, Truth and Life Points to Cover: -

Conformation with the Master.


“Come to me all of you” - The call of the Master.


“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations” - Our response.

You will need: -

A Bible (participants are encouraged to bring theirs)


Music suggested: Scandalon by Michael Card for the song Jesus Let Us Come to Know You; The Cup of Life Renewal Music; Behold the Lamb Renewal Music


DVD provided from the National Office: Jesus Master in Christian Art or the music Love Changes Everything by Andrew Lloyd Weber (from Michael Crawford Sings Andrew Lloyd Weber)


Holy cards of Jesus Divine Master for each participant.



“To live the devotion to Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life, is what constitutes the spirit, the soul of the Institute. This devotion is not only prayer, but embraces all that one does in daily life. It is not a beautiful expression; it is not a piece of advice: It is the substance of the Congregation; it is to be or not to be Paulines.” Fr. James Alberione, 1957

Opening Invocations: Jesus Master and Shepherd, Way, Truth and Life Have mercy on us Mary, Queen of the Apostles,

Pray for us.

St. Paul the Apostle, Our Patron,

Pray for us.

Play the song Jesus We Enthrone You from Behold the Lamb, Renewal Music #7 Leader aloud: Conformation to Jesus our Master is an aspect of the Pauline spirituality that our founder most insisted upon. Conformation, he explained, involves our taking on the “form of Christ”, allowing the Master “to be formed” in the Pauline believer “until Christ be formed in you” (Gal 4:9). This is the road traced out for all Paulines: -

Always to be disciples of the Master Always to live the Master Always to reveal the Master

Prayer together: Master, your life traces out the way for me. Your doctrine confirms and enlightens my steps. Your grace sustains and supports me on my journey toward heaven. You are the perfect Master who gives the example, who teaches, and who comforts the disciple that follows you. 1. Jesus Truth Leader: Choose various participants to proclaim the scripture readings that follow. You will need five readers. Invitation: Listen to the Word, be converted to the Word, share the Word, celebrate the Word of God.




A Reading from the Gospel according to Matthew Chapter 11 verses 25 to 30


A Reading from the Gospel according to John Chapter 14 verses 1 to 7


A Reading from Paul’s letter to the Colossians Chapter 1 verses 15 to 23


A Reading from Paul’s Letter to the Colossians Chapter 2 verses 9 to 15


A Reading from the Letter to the Hebrews Chapter 1 verses 1 to 4

Prayer together: Jesus Master, I want to bend in adoration to you. I am a miracle of God! Your infinite mercy made a new being of me! I am one with you Christ: one with your intentions, your interests. Your words are mine. My life is yours. I accomplish your work, or better, it is you who accomplish it through me. I draw all strength from you. You have conquered me as you conquered Saul. I surrender all to you. I trust you, my Shepherd and Master! (Adapted from a private prayer of Fr. James Alberione) Song: Jesus We Enthrone You from Behold the Lamb, Renewal Music - song # 7 Join in at the chorus: And as we worship build a throne (3X) Come Lord Jesus and take your place! Read Aloud: Reflection from the Special Assembly of Bishops of Oceania (1997) “When Jesus refers to himself as “the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6), his words are an invitation to his followers —indeed to all who hear these words—to accept him as the way of salvation, the all satisfying truth, and the life to be lived (Paul VI). This act of faith is not something that an individual does in isolation from others. Because accepting Jesus into ones life as the Way, the Truth and the Life is always a personal choice, it is done in the context of the believing community through the celebration of the sacrament of baptism. The ecclesial (church) community as well as the



individual welcomes in faith the saving presence of Jesus. In her members the Church follows the Way, receives and teaches the Truth and lives the Life, offered to all by God, the Father. Are these not the same gifts presented in the Holy Spirit, the all-encompassing and inexhaustible Gift of God? The acceptance of Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life is not meant only to fulfill the intense longing of the heart of his followers and to be a basis for unity; it is also meant to be lived in such a manner that the saving presence of Jesus is offered to others, who do not as yet, or no longer, believe in him. The way of Jesus has to be walked, his truth has to be received and taught, his life has to be lived in such a way that believers become witnesses of Jesus to the world (John 15: 27). This faith answers Pilate’s question, “What is truth?” It is the only satisfying response to Paul’s question on the road to Damascus “Who are you, Lord?” (Acts 9:5) The reply to the question of truth is personal, not simply because a “person” makes the commitment…but because it involves the “Person” of Jesus Christ… “Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice” (John 18:37). Christ’s voice addressed Paul directly, “person to person,” inviting him to change his life by re-directing his whole existence: “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting” (Acts 9:5). The truth, then, is none other than Jesus Christ himself: “I am the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6).” 3. Jesus Way Personal Reflection (in silent reflection and prayer) † Is the Lord asking you for some concrete step to a closer following of him? † How is Jesus coming to you? What do you have to do to come to him? † In what way is love for Christ the Truth alive in your life? † In what ways have you experienced his fidelity? † What is the role of contemplation in your life? † Reflect on your life. Does it bear the stamp of Jesus Way? How might you become more like Jesus? † “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will enter the house and dine with him and he with me” (Revelation 3:20). What areas of your life are still closed to the Master? Will you allow him to enter and share the meal of intimacy with him? 152


Icon of Jesus Master above the altar in the Cathedral of Pisa, Italy

3. Jesus Life Song: Jesus Let Us Come to Know You, from Scandalon by Michael Card. Alternate song #7 - I’m Forever Grateful on the CD Leader aloud: Let us pray together a part of the Chaplet to the Divine Master. As we pray let us ponder the mysteries of Jesus’ life and how they change ours. We will pause after each prayer-line and pray silently with the reflection in italics: Living Christ Jesus Divine Master, I adore you as the beloved of the Father, the sole way to him. You were baptized by John and proclaimed by the Father as his beloved Son in whom he is well pleased. Remind me that I am God’s beloved. I thank you because you made yourself my model. You left me examples of the highest perfection. Jesus, the example I want to live is… You have invited me to follow you on earth and in heaven. Relieve me of the bondage of myself; take away the difficulties so that I may be a witness of your love and way of life. These difficulties are. I contemplate you in the various periods of your earthly life. I loving recall the various stages of Jesus’ earthly life. I docilely place myself in your school and follow your teachings.



Imagine yourself as part of the crowd following Jesus the Master and listening to his words. I express gratitude for…. Draw me to you so that by following in your footsteps I may seek only your will. God I trust in your plan for me. Increase active hope in me and the desire to be found similar to you at the judgment and to possess you forever in heaven. Amen. Blessed James Alberione, S.S.P., adapted

Leader aloud: The Divine Master wants above all to be the Good Shepherd, the good Savior, the great benefactor of humanity, he who cured every spiritual and temporal ill. (Fr. Alberione) When Jesus says, “Only one is your Master,” he means that he is not only a teacher, but a true and singular Master, the perfect Master who precedes us by his example: “I have given you the example.” He commissioned the apostles, their successors and us: preach, teach, and give the life of grace, which prepares you for the life of glory. Let us express our gratitude for this call with our closing prayer/song:

Song: I’m Forever Grateful from Cup of Life by Renewal Music # 6 Closing Invocations: Jesus Master and Shepherd, Way, Truth and Life;

Have mercy on us.

Mary, Mother of the Good Shepherd;

Pray for us.

St. Paul the Apostle, our Patron;

Pray for us.

From all sin;

Deliver us O, Lord.

4. Gather in the Meeting Area 5. Social (about 15 minutes) 6. Faith Sharing



Option I: Use the song Love Changes Everything by Andrew Lloyd Weber -

Listen to the song and reflect on the words in the light of our relation with Jesus Master


Invite the participants to share on how this song may reflect our devotion to Jesus Master Way, Truth and Life. Ask them to be specific.

Examples: + “Love will never let you be the same” reminds me that I grow spiritually as I surrender to God’s Provident care. + “All the rules we make are broken” makes me think of the apostles as they were called. Matthew was a tax collector who would not have hung out with fishermen. Peter probably avoided tax collectors. Yet they both followed Jesus breaking the rules they made for their life and imitating him instead. Paul talks about love being above the law. + “Words mean more.” “Love will turn your world around” “Brings you glory, brings you shame.” “Nothing in the world will ever be the same.” “Suddenly all our wisdom disappears.” “All the rules we make are broken.” “Live or perish in its flame.” Option II: View the video on Jesus Master in Early Christian Art After viewing the video share on Jesus Master and Shepherd, Way, Truth and Life, as presented in the Pauline charism. What are the symbols in the icon that are also found in our Pauline icon? (ex: scroll, sheep, teaching, open bible).

Leader: Before or after either exercise give everyone a card of Jesus Master to facilitate the sharing time with a concrete image of Jesus.



References for Further Study: 1. Required Reading: a. Pope Leo XIII. On Jesus Christ Our Redeemer. Pauline Books & Media. Boston: MA. 1980. (Encyclical that inspired Fr. Alberione in 1900) b. Pope John Paul II. Mission of the Redeemer Pauline Books & Media Boston: MA 1990.

Especially chapters 1, 2, 5 and 8.

2. Recommended Reading: a. Catechism of the Catholic Church. Citta del Vaticano. Liberia Editrice Vaticana, 1994; articles 422 – 451; 519 –521; 606 – 618. b. Pope John Paul II. The Redeemer of Man. Pauline Books & Media. Boston: MA 1979. c. Any Pauline editions that become available on Jesus Divine Master and Shepherd, Way, Truth and Life. d. At the Center is Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life. From the Divine Master Seminar



Session 7 “That Christ May Live in Me” (2 Cor. 12:9). Distance Program Worksheet: Theme: Jesus Master and Shepherd, Way, Truth and Life ___________________________________________________________________ 1. If you chose option I – Listening and reflecting on the song “Love Changes Everything”, how would you apply it to your relationship with Jesus Master?

1A. If you watched the video on Jesus Master in Ancient Christ Art, what impressed you the most?

2. While you are reading the suggested documents of Leo XIII and John Paul II or after you have read them, make a brief outline of the elements that seem to be strongly reflected in the Pauline devotion to Jesus as Master, Way, Truth and Life and other essential Pauline charismatic elements.

3. You will note how Blessed James Alberione drew much doctrine and devotion from Leo XIII’s exhortation at the dawning of the 20th century. John Paul II’s thoughts reflect this same presentation of Jesus as Master, Teacher and Shepherd. What does this mean for Paulines in the 21st Century – at the dawn of the third Christian millennium?



Time of Preparation Session 8:

“Mary Queen of the First Apostles and the Apostles of All Times” Phase II: Group Study Program (Total time: two hours) The Theme for this session: Mary, Our Mother, Teacher and Queen Points to Cover: -

Mary, Daughter of the Father, Spouse of the Spirit, Mother of the Divine Son


Mary, Apostle of Jesus Christ


Mary, Mother of the Church

You will need: -

A Bible


Suggested music: Handmaiden of the Lord by the Daughters of St. Paul; The Gift of Love by Dana or another sung Magnificat; The Final Word by Michael Card – the song “To the Mystery”

Opening Invocations: Jesus Master Way, Truth, and Life, have mercy on us. Mary, Queen of the Apostles, pray for us. St. Paul, the Apostle, pray for us.



Prayer together: Receive me, O Mary Mother, Teacher and Queen, among those whom you love, nourish, sanctify and guide in the school of Jesus Christ, the Divine Master. You read in the mind of God the children whom he calls, and for them you have special prayers, grace, light and consolations. My Master Jesus Christ entrusted himself wholly to you from the Incarnation to the Ascension. For me this is doctrine, example and an ineffable gift. I too place myself entirely into your hands. Obtain for me the grace to know, imitate and love ever more the Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life.


Jesus Truth [Mary Teacher]

A Reading from the Gospel of Luke (see below) Play background instrumental music — Marian instrumental is suggested.

To the Leader: Read the Gospel of Luke together. Assign parts of the Gospel of Luke chapter 1 verse 26 – 46 [Narrator, Mary, Angel Gabriel, and Elizabeth]. End with instrumental music and take time for reflection. Verses 46-55 will be prayed together [the Magnificat]. .

Song: To the Mystery by Michael Card from The Final Word A Reading from Fr. James Alberione Mary always comes with both spiritual and material blessings. In Zechariah and Elizabeth’s house she served as the ‘humble handmaid of the Lord’ for three months. And so Jesus reigned in that family with his grace.



At the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry, Mary entered the newlyweds’ house at Cana and obtained the transformation of water into wine. It was there that the first disciples believed in Jesus, who with this miracle had shown himself to be Messiah and God. A reading from the Gospel of John Chapter 2 verses 1-12 Pray together: Come, O Mary. Come and dwell in our home which we offer and consecrate to you. We your children receive you with joy; we welcome you with the same affection with which John brought you into his home after the death of your Jesus. Obtain for each one of us the spiritual graces that we need, just as you brought them to Zechariah and Elizabeth’s home. Obtain for us material graces just as you obtained the transformation of water into wine for the newlyweds at Cana. Keep sin far from us, always. Be for us light, joy and sanctification, as you were in the family of Nazareth. Be here, for us, Mother, Teacher and Queen. Increase in us faith, hope and love. Deepen our spirit of prayer. May Jesus Way, Truth and Life, always dwell here! Inspire people to follow their call. May all members of this family be reunited in heaven. - Fr. James Alberione, 1949 A Reading from Father James Alberione The Queen of Apostles, Mary, was the mother of the Apostle of the Divine Father, the Divine Word. In the birth of Jesus she became mother, teacher and queen of every apostolate. She was proclaimed mother, teacher and queen at the foot of the cross. She showed herself to be mother, teacher and queen especially with the apostles at Pentecost.



A Reading from the Conferences of Mother Thecla Merlo Let us stay close to Mary. Let us permit ourselves to be helped by her; let us ask her to carry us in her arms, like a mother carries a child. The more we are little and unassuming the more we can stay in her arms. Do as the Blessed Mother would do. Would she say this? Would she think this? What would Our Lady do in our place? If the way of holiness seems difficult, when we unite ourselves to Mary it becomes easy.

Prayer together: O Queen of Apostles, pray for us! Pray for us your children who entrust ourselves entirely to you. Pray for us so that we may never offend Jesus, but may love him with all our hearts. Beneath your mantle, O Mother,


we your children take refuge daily. Make us all yours. All that we have is yours. You are our great teacher. Teach us, guide us, sustain us, defend us from every danger as you have done until now. And after this our exile show us Jesus, the blessed fruit of your womb. Mother Thecla Merlo



2. Jesus Way [Mary Mother] Silent reflection and renewal of life: The following letter may be used for your personal reflection A Letter from Fr. James Alberione, January 1950 Dearest, In the presence of our Mother, Teacher, and Queen, it comes spontaneous to repeat: “And after this our exile, show to us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.” In an intense light, Mary fulfills her mission: to give Jesus to the Father and to humanity. She gave Jesus Christ to the earth: in her God glorified himself by becoming man and the Savior of all people; by making himself Savior, through Mary’s yes. In our picture… Painting of Mary, Queen of Apostles in the Basilica/Temple of the Queen of Apostles, Rome …she sums up the idea of the Eucharist made with her virginal blood. She offers her blessed fruit, Jesus. She holds him out, presenting him with most sweet love as a host living, holy and pleasing to God.



She also gave him to the Father, who through Jesus Christ receives a new, infinite glory. She showed Jesus to the shepherds, the first to be called to the crib of the savior, representing the humble people, heirs of the divine promises, who welcomed the kingdom of God with childlike simplicity. She showed Jesus to St. Joseph, her faithful spouse and his foster-father. She showed Jesus to St. John the Baptist who heralded his coming. She showed Jesus to the gentiles, represented by the Magi, who had come to the crib at Bethlehem, first fruits of the peoples gathered from all lands to Jesus. She presented Jesus in the Temple, offering him as a child, a worthy victim and eternal Priest, according to his vocation: “…Your saving deed displayed for all the peoples to see: a revealing light to the Gentiles…” (Luke 2:30-31). She showed Jesus to the Egyptians to whom she brought him as a refugee. She showed him at Nazareth, a model of family life. She led him to the Temple and taught him the wisdom of the Father. The teachers in the temple were “amazed at his intelligence and answers” (Luke 2:46-47). She showed him to the apostles at the wedding feast of Cana where, making his hour of manifestation strike, asked him to work his first miracle. “Thus did he reveal his glory and his disciples believed in him” (Jn. 2:11). She showed him crucified, the salvation of the whole world, on Calvary, where hell trembled because it was defeated. Heaven was opened — justice and peace kissed (Cf. Ps. 85). She showed him the Father, reconsigning him to heaven on Ascension day, his body resplendent with glorious wounds—an open side from which came forth two rays of love, for God and souls. Through her prayers she invoked the Spirit upon the apostles and the infant church. She presents him now through the ages — to Jesus through Mary in all ages. Mary always gives Jesus. She is like a branch that always bears him and offers him to humanity: glorious, Eucharistic, Way, Truth and Life. She is an apostle of Jesus Christ, not only of words but also of mind, will and heart. Mary is apostle and Queen of all apostles.



3. Jesus Life [Mary Queen] Vespers of the Queen of the Apostles Christian Prayer—Liturgy of the Hours (The Feast Day is the Saturday after the Ascension.).

God, come to my assistance.

Stand Lord, make haste to help me. Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

Hymn: Suggestion Soul of Mary (Handmaiden of the Lord) Soul of Mary, sanctify me. Heart of Mary, burn in my own. Your hands, O Mary, be my support. Your feet, O Mary, direct all my steps. Immaculate eyes of Mary, Turn your gaze on me. Your lips, O Mary, speak for me. Your sorrows, Mary, strengthen me. O Mother Mary, hear me. Mary, draw me to your heart. Thus I may come to Jesus’ heart: There with the saints to praise you For life eternal. Amen.



Ant. 1 Hail, Mary, full of grace! The Lord has exalted you and crowned you Queen. Psalm 122 (alternate sides) I rejoiced when I heard them say: Let us go to God’s house.


And now our feet are standing within your gates Jerusalem.

Jerusalem is built as a city strongly compact. It is there that the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord.

For Israel’s law it is, there to praise the Lord’s name. There were set the thrones of judgment of the house of David.

For the peace of Jerusalem pray: Peace be to your homes! May peace reign in your walls, in your palaces, peace!

For love of my brethren and friends I say: Peace upon you! For love of the house of the Lord I will ask for your good.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, -

As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.



Ant. 1 Hail, Mary, full of grace! The Lord has exalted you and crowned you Queen.

Ant. 2 Our Mother, Teacher and Queen, pray to Jesus, the fruit of your womb to send laborers into his vineyard. Psalm 127 (alternate sides) If the Lord does not build the house, in vain do its builders labor; if the Lord does not watch over the city, in vain does the watchman keep vigil.

In vain is your earlier rising, your going later to rest, you who toil for the bread you eat; when he pours gifts on his beloved while they slumber.

Truly children are a gift from the Lord, a blessing, the fruit of the womb. Indeed the sons of youth are like arrows in the hands of a warrior.

O the happiness of the man who has filled his quiver with these arrows! He will have no cause for shame when he disputes his foes in the gateways.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and the Holy Spirit, - As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.



Ant. 2 Our Mother, Teacher and Queen, pray to Jesus, the fruit of your womb to send laborers into his vineyard. Ant. 3 We find refuge under your protection, O, Mother, Teacher and Queen.

Canticle (Eph. 1:3-10) (alternate sides) Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has bestowed on us in Christ every spiritual blessing in the heavens.

God chose us in him before the world began to be holy and blameless in his sight. He predestined us to be his adopted sons and daughters through Jesus Christ. Such was his will and pleasure, that all might praise the glorious favor he has bestowed on us in his beloved.

In him and through his blood, we have been redeemed, and our sins forgiven, so immeasurable generous is God’s favor to us.

God has given us the wisdom to understand fully the mystery, the plan he was pleased



to decree in Christ.

A plan to be carried out in Christ, in the fullness of time, to bring all things into one in him, in the heavens and on earth.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, -

As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

Ant. 3 We find refuge under your protection, O, Mother, Teacher and Queen.

Reading (Gal. 4:4-5) But when the designated time had come, God sent forth his Son born of a woman, born under the law, to deliver from the law those who were subjected to it, so that we might receive our status as adopted sons.

Responsory Hail, O Mother of the Church, our Teacher and Queen. -

Hail, O Mother of the Church, our Teacher and Queen.

Blessed be the Lord who has exalted you over the angels and saints. -

Our Teacher and Queen.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. -

Hail, O Mother of the Church, our Teacher and Queen.

Antiphon for the Magnificat: Let us sing to God our Savior in remembrance of Mary


Queen of the Apostles who intercedes for us. Amen



Song: My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord by Dana or another Magnificat Refrain: My soul doth magnify the Lord; my soul doth magnify the Lord and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior, for he that is mighty has done great things and holy is his Name. Intercessions United in prayer, let us praise and thank God, who wished that Mary be loved and celebrated by all generations. Let us say with confidence: -

May Mary, our Mother, Teacher and Queen, intercede for us.

You made Mary the Mother of Mercy, -

May all who are faced with trials feel her motherly love.

You wished Mary to be the mother of the family in the home of Jesus and Joseph, -

May the spirit of the house of Nazareth grow in every community.

You gave Mary strength at the foot of the cross and filled her with joy at the resurrection of your Son, -

Lighten the hardships of those who are burdened and deepen their sense of hope.

In Mary, who was open to your word and a faithful servant of your will, you showed to us the model and image of your holy Church, -

Through her intercession make us true disciples of Christ, your Son.

You crowned Mary, queen of heaven, -

May our departed brothers and sisters rejoice in your kingdom with the saints, forever.

If there is time spontaneous petitions may be offered. Our Father‌



Prayer together: O God, who sent the Holy Spirit upon the apostles as they were united in prayer with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, grant us, through her intercession, always to serve your majesty faithfully, and to spread the glory of your name by word and example. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. -


Let us bless the Lord, - And give him thanks!

Pauline Liturgical Texts

3. Break fifteen minutes 4. Gather in meeting place for “faith sharing” on the Marian Litany a. Have a representation of Mary, Queen of Apostles in the center of the group. Light a candle. Pray the first part of the Litany together and then pause to reflect on the Marian titles. b. After a time of reflection on the titles of Mary found in the Litany of Loreto or another Marian Litany, each person chooses a title of Mary that has meaning for their life. One at a time each person expresses the reason for his/her choice. Ex: Mary, Queen of Peace. I often reflect on the peaceful Mary while I am working and the day is hectic. I think of her as she contemplates the mystery of her Son without understanding it completely. Yet she trusts in God and her faith gave her great peace. c. After the person reflects on the title or titles (up to three) of Mary they pray the title aloud and everyone responds “pray for us.” If you wish you may have candles available for each person to light and place before a representation of Mary, Queen of Apostles after they share their reflection. d. Pray the last part of the Litany together and conclude with a Marian prayer or song.



Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary The Litany of Loreto was originally approved in 1587 by Pope Sixtus V. Lord, have mercy.

Virgin most renowned,

Christ, have mercy.

Virgin most powerful,

Christ, hear us.

Virgin most merciful,

Christ, graciously hear us.

Virgin most faithful,

God, the Father of heaven,

Mirror of justice,

have mercy on us.

Seat of wisdom,

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,

Cause of our joy,

have mercy on us.

Spiritual vessel,

God the Holy Spirit,

Vessel of honor,

have mercy on us.

Singular vessel of devotion,

Holy Trinity, one God.

Mystical rose,

have mercy on us.

Tower of David, Tower of ivory,

Holy Mary, pray for us.*

House of gold,

Holy Mother of God,

Ark of the covenant,

Holy Virgin of virgins,

Gate of heaven,

Mother of Christ,

Morning star,

Mother of the Church,

Health of the sick,

Mother of divine grace,

Refuge of sinners,

Mother most pure,

Comforter of the afflicted,

Mother most chaste,

Help of Christians,

Mother inviolate,

Queen of angels,

Mother undefiled,

Queen of partiarchs,

Mother most amiable,

Queen of prophets,

Mother most admirable,

Queen of apostles,

Mother of good counsel,

Queen of martyrs,

Mother of our Creator,

Queen of confessors,

Mother of our Savior,

Queen of virgins,

Virgin most prudent,

Queen of all saints,

Virgin most venerable,

Queen conceived without original sin,



Queen assumed into heaven,

Queen of families

Queen of the most holy Rosary,

Queen of peace.

* Pray for us is repeated after each invocation. Lamb of God, You take away sins of the world; spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world;

that we, who believe her to be truly the Mother of God, may be helped by her intercession with you. Through the same Christ our Lord. R. Amen.

graciously hear us, O Lord.

From Christmas to the Purification O God,

Lamb of God, Your take away

by the fruitful virginity of Blessed Mary,

the sins of the world;

you bestowed upon the human race

have mercy on us.

the rewards of eternal salvation; grant, we beg you,

V. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God.

that we may feel the power of her intercession,

R. That we may be made worthy

through whom we have been made worthy to receive the Author of life,

of the promises of Christ.

our Lord Jesus Christ your Son,

Let us pray. Ordinary Time Grant, we beg you, O Lord God, that we your servants may enjoy lasting health of mind and body, and by the glorious intercession of the Blessed Mary, ever Virgin, be delivered from present sorrow and enter into the joy of eternal happiness. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen During Advent O God, you willed that, at the message of an angel, your word should take flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary; grant to your suppliant people,

who lives and reigns with you forever and ever. R. Amen. During Paschal time O God, who by the Resurrection of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, granted joy to the whole world, grant, we beg you, that through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, his Mother, we may attain the joys of eternal life. Through the same Christ our Lord. R. Amen.



Mary plays a notable role in Pauline spirituality. The Pauline Family has the mission of making Jesus Christ known, imitated, and lived as the Master. It will carry out this privileged mission in a holy manner by making Mary, Teacher, known, loved, and invoked. She gave the world Jesus Master, who is the blessed fruit of her womb. Pauline teaching will be immensely more effective if it is inspired, guided and comforted by Mary: "With her help you will not grow tired," we sing in one of the Marian hymns. No one would want to deprive him/herself of such a great help. Pauline discipleship is to be wholly grafted onto Mary, who will form Jesus Christ in everyone. This means becoming Christians, apostles, saints. (Cf. Alberione, CISP, p. 1338) Devotion to Mary, which is a part of the Pauline spirit, has two ends for us: our religious sanctification and the pastoral apostolate, that is, reaching out to all men and women,� To Jesus through Mary." Write well of Mary because she is the way to go to Jesus, the easiest way. (Alberione, Ariccia, meditation notes, 1936) The Pauline Family aspires to live the gospel of Jesus Christ, Way, Truth, and Life, totally in the spirit of St. Paul, under the gaze of the Queen of the Apostles. (Alberione, AD 93) The first devotion we find in the Church is devotion to the Queen of Apostles, as expressed in the Cenacle. It lessened a bit and became obscure with the passing of the centuries. You have the sweet mission of gathering the faithful around Mary, Queen of the Apostles. You are to reawaken this devotion. You are to fulfill this most delightful mission in the Church. It means reawakening all apostolates and arousing vocations. Let us return to the sources. At the sources we find Mary, Queen of the Apostles, and if it was so at the beginning of the Church, there is nothing more certain than to draw from the ancient Faith. The water is purer when it is taken from its sources. (Alberione, HM VIII, 1947-1948, p. 80) The Icon of Mary Queen of Apostles The picture of Mary, Queen of Apostles precisely represents her in the office, in the mission, that she had: to give Jesus to the world. She is holding Jesus, not tightly to herself, but offering him as light to all who pass by. He carries the scroll of the gospel, the Word of life. With his right hand he is gesturing with two fingers; in the first centuries this indicated not so much a blessing as the authority of the teacher who explains wisdom. And what must you accomplish in the world by representing Mary, by imitating Mary? First, interior holiness, and then after that, giving Jesus to the world. (Alberione, BIM, p. 27) More about the icon of Mary Queen of Apostles:



References for Further Study: 1. Required Reading a.

Catechism of the Catholic Church Citta del Vaticano. Liberia Editrice Vaticana, 1994; Marian articles especially articles 963-972.


Dogmatic Constitution of the Church. Vatican II Documents. Pauline Books & Media. Boston: MA. 1964. Chapter VIII.


Devotion to Mary Queen of the Apostles Pauline Books & Media. Boston: MA. Online Pamphlet

2. Recommended Reading

a. John Paul II. Mother of the Redeemer. Pauline Books & Media. Boston: MA. 1987. b.

Paul VI.

Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary Pauline Books & Media.

Boston: MA. 1974 c. PDF by Sr. Maryann Lorraine Trouve, fsp Marian Spirituality of Blessed James Alberione



Session 8 Mary, Queen of the First Apostles and the Apostles of All Times. Distance Program Worksheet: Theme: Mary, Mother, Teacher and Queen

1. After praying and reflecting on the Marian Litany, which Marian title has a special meaning for you?

2. What are the reasons you chose this Marian title?

3. Blessed Alberione wanted to give Paulines a Marian title that refers back to the origins of Marian devotion. When we invoke Mary as Queen of Apostles we remember the birth of Jesus. Mary presented Jesus to the Shepherds and the Magi. We especially remember Mary in the Cenacle with the Apostles. She invoked the Holy Spirit. Today we pray for her intercession as apostles entrusted with the Word of God. We pray for a new Pentecost as we present Jesus to the world. Share your reflections on this Pauline Marian title.



From The Vatican II Document on the Lay Faithful: Apostolican Actuositatem [3] The Holy Spirit sanctifies the People of God through the ministry and the sacraments. However, for the exercise of the apostolate he gives the faithful special gifts besides (cf. 1 Cor. 12:7), "allotting them to each one as he wills" (1 Cor. 12:11), so that each and all, putting at the service of others the grace received may be “as good stewards of God’s varied gifts,” (1 Pet. 4:10), for the building up of the whole body in charity (cf. Eph. 4:16). [4] This lay spirituality will take its particular character from the circumstances of one's state in life (married and family life, celibacy, widowhood), from one's state of health and from one's professional and social activity. Whatever the circumstances, each one has received suitable talents and these should be cultivated, as should also the personal gifts he has from the Holy Spirit. Similarly laity who have followed their particular vocation and become members of any of the associations or institutions approved by the Church, aim sincerely at making their own the forms of spirituality proper to these bodies. They should also hold in high esteem professional competence, family and civic sense, and the virtues related to social behavior such as honesty, sense of justice, sincerity, courtesy, moral courage; without them there is no true Christian life. Perfect model of this apostolic spiritual life is the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Apostles. While on earth her life was like that of any other, filled with labors and the cares of the home; always, however, she remained intimately united to her Son and cooperated in an entirely unique way in the Savior’s work. And now, assumed into heaven, “her motherly love keeps her attentive to her Son’s brothers, still on pilgrimage amid the dangers and difficulties of life, until they arrive at the happiness of the fatherland." Everyone should have a genuine devotion to her and entrust his life to her motherly care.

On this journey we are accompanied by the Blessed Virgin Mary to whom…I entrusted the Third Millennium. …I have often invoked her as the "Star of the New Evangelization". Now I point to Mary once again as the radiant dawn and sure guide for our steps. Once more, echoing the words of Jesus himself and giving voice to the filial affection of the whole Church, I say to her: "Woman, behold your children"(cf. Jn 19:26). Novo Millennio Inuente, 58 – John Paul II



Time of Preparation

Session 9:

“St. Paul Apostle of Jesus Christ” (2 Tim. 1:1).

Phase II: Group Study Program (Total time: two hours) The Theme for this session: Paul our patron and model Points to Cover: -

Paul, discerner of the Spirit


Paul, teacher and apostle of the Gospel of Jesus Christ


Paul model and patron: “Imitate me as I imitate Christ” (1 Cor. 11:1).

You will need: -

A Bible or copies of the Letters of Paul (New Testament) for participants. Suggested music: I’ll Lead You Home by Michael W. Smith; Concert of a Lifetime by Ray Boltz; El Shaddai (Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant);The Cassette For Life by Michael John Poirier


The movie The Emissary, Paul or another video on the life of Paul


In Honor of Jesus Truth

Open with a Song of Praise Suggestion: El Shaddai by Amy Grant Leader: During this time of prayer we will meditate on Paul’s discernment in the Spirit asking that we may discern God’s plan for our life and walk that path well.



Leader: Choose three people to read a paragraph: Adapted From the Writings of Fr. Alberione A beautiful poem says: “As a little child rests secure in the arms of his father or mother, thus the person who has sincere faith rests secure in the heart of God.” Remain in the arms of God and when we discern God’s will let us entrust our path into his hands. Let us pray “Lord, I am your servant.” Let us be like a pen in God’s hand that he can write a beautiful “Magnificat” with our life. Through this faith and trust in God we understand the heart of our Divine Master who invites us, “Come to me all of you.” We understand St. Paul who in his great heart bore all people and brought them the good news of Jesus Christ. From To Live Reconciled by Fr. Amadeo Cencini Paul was very proud of himself and his titles — Pharisee, observer of the law, an apostle who was not less than the others, etc. Then comes the total transformation and integration of his limitations, until he can boast precisely because of these. It is Paul’s magnificat. He does not sing of his glory but gives thanks to him who is pleased to work through Paul’s weaknesses. When a person discovers his or her fallibility, at that moment he or she is worthy to become to an instrument of the power of God. This person accepts the fact that he or she is weak and poor and finds himself or herself rich in the power of God. From Discernment by Pierre Wolff Discernment is a systematic process of working in time with our intellect and affectivity, according to a value system illumined by faith and by the divine teaching. It is a life journey. When we make an important decision we want it to be life giving. Paul grew after his conversion experience (Gal. 1:11-14). He was not changed all at once. Mystics train in discernment even though it seems that they rely on intuition or divine inspiration alone.



Pauline Discernment: The Four Wheels from the Pauline Forum on Jesus Master. “The whole person in Christ, for a total love of God: intellect, will, heart, physical strength. The car runs on four wheels: prayer, poverty of spirit, learning from everything (study), and mission.� The spirituality centered on Christ Master Way-Truth-Life does not include only the "praying" aspect of the Pauline, but it is a "style of life" which inspires all the aspects of the charism. "The devotion to the Divine Master is not an accessory devotion: it covers the whole of our spiritual life, all our studies, all our apostolate, and all our external activities: everything" (Pr 6 [1958], 5). "The whole of piety and the interior formation is formed and substantiated in Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life. The whole of our study is accomplished and completed with the knowledge of Jesus Christ Master Way, Truth and Life. The whole of the apostolate is addressed to give to men Jesus Christ Way, Truth and Life" (Vademecum, 575). Such spirituality must therefore extend to all the aspects of our life, which the founder describes with the image of the "car": "The Congregation is like a car which travels on four wheels: spirit, study, apostolate, poverty. This is the car wherein the Gospel is brought to souls and on which we must stay in order to give this Gospel to souls" (Vad 365). The image of the car motivates a "spirituality for the mission": the car is utilized for "bringing and giving the Gospel to souls" and whose wheels must move on together. Whatever lack of harmony among the "wheels" builds a block which stops us from advancing. Fr. Alberione in this regard observes: "It is relatively easy to attend to and to make one or two parts advance, but it is the whole that must be attended to, just as the four wheels of a car ought to move. Considering this, we need prayer, advice, reflection on how to elect to the office of greater responsibility, that one must be well-balanced" (CISP 169). The well-balanced Pauline, according to Fr. Alberione, harmonizes the "four wheels" in order that the car might move ahead in the path of evangelization. It concerns a missionary equilibrium. Prayer Together (Adapted from Cardinal Mercier) Holy Spirit, soul of my soul, I adore you. Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me and console me. Tell me what I ought to do and give me the commission to do it. I promise to align my mind, will and heart to your desire for my life only I need your grace. May I live you Jesus, Master, Way, Truth and Life until it is no longer I who live but Jesus living in me (Gal. 2:20).



The “Four Wheels” Of Pauline Discernment

Poverty of Spirit



Learn from everything

Silent reading from Pauline sources: Formation of the whole person in Christ Jesus means formation through a total love of God in all aspects: intelligence, will, heart, physical energies. Everything; nature, grace, and vocation is for the apostolate. Thus the Pauline cart rests on four wheels, namely: 1. Piety The specific objective of the Pauline Piety appears to be three-fold: a. The continuous contact with the sources, the Bible and the Eucharist b. The special care in the total development of the person: “may they grow in wisdom, grace, and virtues.” c. Prayer oriented to the apostolic communications: “by loving sincerely with the mind, will heart and with actions.” (cf. DSGC, 398; Io Sono con voi, p. 3) The daily visit to the Blessed Sacrament is born and directed as the relationship of the disciple with Christ, Master. It is the daily class for the integral growth of life and for the sincere disposition to the apostolate. (DSGC, 401). 2. Study (may also be referred to as “studiosita” to indicate a way of living.) The general lines of studies, as seen by the founder, show the intention of making studies not as an end in itself but to will it along the order of the integral formation of the person, to give it all the breath it can assume under the light of Christ and to orient it in love which is exercised in the apostolate. (DSGC, 402). [In other words: to become a better person, more Christ-like, and apostolic.] 3. Apostolate or Mission The end of the apostolate consists in giving salvation to humanity: Jesus Christ, Way, Truth and Life. And in order to “bring the whole Christ to man and render the whole man to God, through Jesus Christ” (DSGC, n. 139), the Paulines should employ the fastest and most efficacious means of preaching through the use of the media of social communications. The content of the apostolate must be global and all embracing; thus a “wholistic” approach of the Pauline Apostolate includes the following dimensions:



a. Universality (King; Catholic) An ecumenico-universal dimension is essential to the formation of the Pauline mentality. “Ut unum sint”: that all may be one in Christ is the reason of fulfillment of our foundation (cf. DSGC, nn. 82, 83, 84). b. Pastoral (Priest; Shepherd) The approach of our apostolate must be simple and ordinary, popular and pastoral (DSGC, N. 165, 166), relevant and contemporaneous. (cf. DSGC, n. 89). c. Prophetic (Prophet; Apostle) The missionary spirit: “the prophetic mission of the Pauline has by itself no limitations as to geographic locations or its contents.” (DSGC, n. 88). 4. Communion of Life. In the spirit of the Founder: “Common life for us is born out of the apostolate and in view of the apostolate. This type of society, whose goal has been so finalized includes, to be sure, the common good of the members ….[and] has an organization that must take into account that ‘we are at the service of persons’; we are ….apostles” (UPS I, 285). a. Our community was born as an intention to love… All together, by our loving one another, we express our love in the integral fulfillment of the Pauline apostolate (DSGC, n. 409). The Pauline Community has the continuous need of feeling its presence in the Church as love in order to be sincerely faithful to itself up to the end and in order to be able to offer itself as a “call” to many lives that desire to become “everything to everyone”. (DSGC, n. 408). b. An insistence on a solid organization: “An organization would be formed, but a religious one, where energies would be united, where dedication would be total, where doctrine would be purer. And this society of souls, loving God with all their mind, strength, and heart, would spend themselves in the work for the Church… (AD 21-22). c. The persons who make up the [Pauline Family] community constitute its fundamental value, and the community’s goal is to give them fraternal help towards their sanctification through their dedication to the apostolate (CD, 17). d. Pauline poverty consists in renouncing (the independent use and administration of things), in producing (by hard work), in preserving (that is the maintenance of things in use), in providing (for the needs of the institute), in building (by overcoming the desire for goods) [cfr. Pred. VP 294; CD 91.2).

2. In Honor of Jesus Way



Four Criteria for Discernment 1. Which choice will give me the opportunity to incarnate Christ and INCARNATION Prayer

a. be the person I am and not another. b. accept other people as they are, not as I would like them to be. c. accept the facts with objectivity. d. live in the present moment.

2. Which choice will give me the possibility of being available and

GIVING & GIVING UP Poverty of Spirit

a. giving up something for the other. b. being open, welcoming and accepting of my weakness.

3. Which choice will allow me to be universal and a. aware of all the currents of society so as to discern the signs of the time. b. open to all the people around me. UNIVERSAL Leaning from everything

c. open to all areas of my life.

4. Which choice will best permit me a. To live in reconciliation with myself and others. b. To accept the gray areas in my life.


c. To build communion in my family, community, Church, society. d. To avoid discrimination and be respectful of the differences among people.

We believe that God’s Spirit is working within us with respect for our humanity, for the limitations of the human beings we are, and for our need to keep growing until we die. We will look at our life as a history, never perfectly accomplished, always unfinished, but always penetrated by the dynamism and power of love. Pierre Wolff, Discernment, Triumph Books, Liguori



Through prayer I reflect on the mystery of God and the Incarnation. I choose to follow Christ.

Pauline application: Prayer 

Universal. Open to the signs of the time through study of the Word of God, Church teaching and witnesses of holiness, I make a choice that takes others into consideration.

Pauline application: (Study) 

Learning from everything. Be aware of what is happening, of trends, of opinions, etc. so as to bring the Gospel to bear on culture.

Pauline Application: Poverty of Spirit 

Giving & Giving Up. I acknowledge my weakness and recognize my need of others. I empty myself in imitation of Jesus (Kenosis) and realize that God works through my weakness.

Pauline application: Mission 

In Communion. Communion with Jesus leads to communion with my brothers and sisters. I desire to share the Gospel of Jesus with others out of love.  The Discernment Steps of St. Ignatius (from the Spiritual Exercises) 1. have a clear idea of the choice you must make 2. understand the aim or goal of your life free from underlying motives 3. pray to know God’s desire for you 4. weigh the advantages of one choice against the disadvantages of the other 5. choose the reasonable alternative and turn again to prayer, offering your choice to God



Leader: The group will now enter into a personal reflection on the following letters of Paul divided up among them. After a period of reflection (10-15 minutes) each participant will prayerfully share with the group evidence of Paul’s spirit of discernment.

Using the criteria on discernment reflect on Paul’s discernment in the Spirit. Reflections may be based on any discernment points. At the end of this time of reflection there will be a sharing on the points you have discovered in Paul. For this reason you may want to write down points to share..

1) Romans Chapter 8


2) Romans Chapter 12


3) 1 Corinthians Chapter 2


4) 2 Corinthians Chapter 1

5) 2 Corinthians Chapter 4

6) Galatians Chapter 1

7) Ephesians Chapter 2

8) Ephesians Chapter 3

9) Ephesians Chapter 4



10) Philippians Chapter 2

11) Philippians Chapter 3

12) 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4

13) 1 Timothy Chapter 4

14) 2 Timothy Chapter 2

A Daily Pauline Discernment & Examen Based on the “Four Wheels” Discerning God’s plan for my life and walking that path. Prayer (Incarnation): I believe God that I am in your presence. 

Living in the Spirit with Jesus to the Father.

Study (Learn From Everything): I am grateful for these gifts and graces… 

Learning from the Word of God, the Church, witnesses of holiness in all peoples, actions, experiences, relationships. Seeing myself and everything through God’s eyes.

Poverty of Spirit (Giving and Given-up): I believe you are always with me and listening to my prayer. 

God works through our recognized weaknesses. Our primary vocation is the same: to become self-gift, giving ourselves in love to God and to one another like God, who, in his very essence, is self-gift: Three Persons giving themselves eternally in love to one another.

Mission (In Communion): I forgive all who have offended me and I ask pardon of all whom I have offended. 

You are appointed by God through Christ in the Church to bring the Gospel of Salvation to all of creation (Mark 16:15).



“Devotion to St. Paul is a sign of the predilection of God. Devotion to St. Paul places us in the book of life. Saints are great intercessors before God and in their assistance they approach the Divine Master, Jesus Way, Truth and Life whom they have reproduced in themselves: Way as model, Truth with teachings, and Life with grace. Saints communicate this to us by praying for us. St. Paul is way: the Holy Spirit inspires him to write these words: 'Be imitators of me as I imitate Jesus Christ’ (1 Cor. 11). St. Paul is truth: he is teacher and doctor as he possesses and communicates the Gospel which he calls 'my Gospel', and he ‘begets us in the Gospel’ (1 Cor. 4:15). St. Paul is life: because his life is identified with that of Jesus Christ: 'I live now not I, it is Jesus Christ who lives in me’(Gal.2:20).’” Blessed James Alberione, Union of Cooperators of the Good Press,VIII, n. 7, June, 15 1925, p.1, 320.


In Honor of Jesus Life Vespers for St. Paul the Apostle

Leader: God, come to my assistance. — Lord, make haste to help me. Leader: Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit — As it was in the beginning is now, and will be forever. Amen.

Song suggestion: I Adore Michael John Poirier Ant. 1 If I would act to please men and women I would not be a servant of Christ Psalm 116 Through Christ let us continually offer God a sacrifice of praise. I trusted, even when I said: “I am sorely afflicted,” and when I said in my alarm: “No man can be trusted.” How can I repay the Lord for his goodness to me? The cup of salvation I will raise; I will call on the Lord’s name.



My vows to the Lord I will fulfill Before all his people. O precious in the eyes of the Lord Is the death of his faithful. Your servant, Lord, your servant am I; you have loosened my bonds. A thanksgiving sacrifice I make: I will call on the Lord’s name. My vows to the Lord I will fulfill before all his people, In the courts of the house of the Lord, in your midst, O Jerusalem. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; -

As it was in the beginning is now and will be forever. Amen. Ant. 1 If I would act to please men and women I would not be a servant of Christ.

Ant. 2 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.

Psalm 126 Joyful Hope in God “Just as you share in sufferings so you will share in the divine glory” (2 Cor. 1:7). When the Lord delivered Zion from bondage, it seemed like a dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, on our lips there were songs.

The heathens themselves said: “What marvels the Lord worked for them!” What marvels the Lord worked for us! Indeed we were glad.



Deliver us, O Lord, from our bondage as streams in dry land. Those who are sowing in tears will sing when they reap.

They go out, they go out, full of tears, carrying seed for the sowing; They come back, they come back, full of song, carrying their sheaths.

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit -

As it was in the beginning is now and will be forever. Amen.

Ant. 2

I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.

Ant. 3 For me life is Christ and death is gain. God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Canticle (Eph. 1:3-10) God our Savior Praised be the God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who has bestowed on us in Christ every spiritual blessing in the heavens. God chose us in him before the world began to be holy and blameless in his sight. He predestined us to be his adopted sons and daughters through Jesus Christ, such was his will and pleasure, that all might praise the glorious favor He has bestowed on us in his beloved. In him and through his blood, we have been redeemed, aAnd our sins forgiven. So immeasurably generous is God’s favor to us. God has given us the wisdom to understand fully the mystery, the plan he was pleased to decree in Christ.



A plan to be carried out in Christ, in the fullness of time, to bring all things into one in him, [n the heaven and on earth. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit -

As it was in the beginning is now and will be forever. Amen.

Ant. 3 For me life is Christ and death is gain. God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Reading 1 Cor. 15: 9-10 “I am the least of the apostles; in fact, because I persecuted the Church of God, I do not even deserve the name. But by God’s favor I am what I am. This favor of his to me has not proved fruitless. Indeed, I have worked harder than all the others, not on my own but through the favor of God.” Responsory I bless you, Lord, with all my heart. — I bless you, Lord, with all my heart. I will give glory to your name before all the people — With all my heart. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. — I bless you, Lord, with all my heart. — Ant. Paul, apostle of the Gospel and teacher of all people, pray for us to God who chose you. Canticle (Lk 1:46-55) My Soul Rejoice in the Lord (Stand) Alternate Sides My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant. From this day all generations will call me blessed: The Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is his Name. He has mercy on those who fear him in every generation. He has shown the strength of his arm; He has scattered the proud in their conceit. 189


He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and has lifted up the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty. He has come to the help of his servant Israel, for he has remembered his promise of mercy, the promise he made to our father, to Abraham and his children forever. Glory to the Father and to the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and will be forever. Ant. Paul, apostle of the Gospel and teacher of all people, pray for us to God who chose you. Intercessions: Built on the foundation of the apostles to form the living temple of God, we pray with faith: Be mindful of your Church, O Lord. Father, you wanted your apostles to be the first witnesses of your risen Son, — we ask you to make us witnesses of his resurrection. You sent your Son to preach the good news to the poor, — grant that the Gospel may be announced to all humanity. You sent your Son to reconcile all men to you through his blood, — help us all to work toward achieving this reconciliation and peace. You who called us to the preaching of the Gospel with the media of communication, — grant that these means may always be used by us with a pastoral spirit. Your Son sits at your right hand in heaven as King of the universe, —let the dead enter your kingdom of joy. Our Father… Prayer Together Lord, our God, who chose the apostle Paul to preach your Gospel, grant that the whole world may be enlightened by the faith which he announced to kings and nations, so that your Church may be built up always as Mother and Teacher of peoples. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.



May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. - Amen. Let us bless the Lord, -

And give him thanks.

 Pauline Liturgical Texts

Song: I’ll Lead You Home from I’ll Lead You Home, Michael W. Smith.

The Lord speaks through our mind and heart to strengthen our will. He wants us to have life to the full (John 10:10).



5. Gather for sharing

Needed: The video Paul the Emissary (one hour) or another life of Paul – the section of the video can be set at Paul and Silas in the Roman prison. (point 16 minutes) or Paul & Silas (1:45) Music: The Concert of a Lifetime by Ray Boltz for the song “I Will Praise the Lord”. Video: Fr. Barron on St. Paul Video Showing: Show the portion of the video with Paul and Silas thrown into prison until their release by the earthquake and the conversion of the jailer. Begin the time of sharing introducing Paul as our model on the spiritual journey especially amidst hardships. The video and song will accentuate the fact that Paul learned to trust and praise Jesus in all circumstances. Sharing may begin with these reflections: What chains may keep us from praising and trusting God? Why do Paul and Silas sing? Is their song Liturgical? (Psalms) What did Paul do after his chains were loosed? What could he have done?



What could the earthquake stand for? How did the faith of Paul and Silas assist the other prisoners?  How did their faith assist the jailer? How might our faith do the same? How did Paul and Silas discern their predicament and how did they apply the Pauline steps for discernment?

Song: As a conclusion play the song by Ray Boltz “I Will Praise the Lord”

St. Paul and Praxedis, daughter of Pudens mentioned in the letter to Timothy 4:21. The Legend and Tradition



References for Further Study: 1. Required Reading (also found online)

a. Catechism of the Catholic Church Citta Del Vaticana. Liberia Editrice Vaticana, 1994. Articles on Formation of Conscience 1773; 1795-96; Following Jesus 519-521 1629-1729

b. John Paul II. The Lay Members of Christ’s Faithful People Christifideles Laici. Pauline Books & Media. Boston: 1988. Chapter V. Formation of the Lay Faithful.

2. Recommended Reading Au, Wilkie, S.J. By Way of the Heart: Toward a Holistic Christian Spirituality. Paulist Press. New Jersey: 1989. Wolff, Pierre.

Discernment:The Art of Choosing Well.

Rupnik, Marko Ivan.

Liguori. Liguori, MO: 1993

Human Frailty, Divine Redemption: The Theology and Practice

of the Examin. Pauline Books & Media.

 Discernment of Spirits online video: Fr. Timothy Gallagher, OVM  A printable guide to the Examen


Reporter Assignment extra

Interview a Pauline Priest, Brother or Sister on these topics frequently reflected on by Blessed James Alberione: † Personality in configuration with Christ † Holiness: having the mind of Christ.



Session 9 St Paul, Apostle of Jesus Christ Distance Program Worksheet: Theme: Paul, patron, apostle and model “When a person discovers his or her fallibility, at that moment he or she is worthy to become an instrument of the power of God. This person accepts that fact that he or she is weak and poor and finds himself or herself rich in the power of God.” - Amadeo Cencini

1. As we study the life of Paul and read his letters we find this theme of gratitude for God’s gift of faith. Paul understood that he did nothing to merit the gift of faith – even though he practiced the law, was a good Pharisee, followed all of the prescriptions of the Torah. Paul was a good person – but he counted all as rubbish in view of salvation in Christ Jesus. Reflect on ways you may have been “hoping to win God’s favor.” Then, reflect on the fact that He gives all to you freely. Pray with Paul, “By God’s favor I am what I am – this favor of his to me has not proved fruitless” (1 Cor. 15:10). How will your life reflect the overwhelming gift of faith and trust in God’s love for you?


Paul grew after his conversion experience (Gal. 1:11-14). He was not changed all at

once. This is encouraging for us. As we enter into discernment for God’s will we are entering into a process of deep-listening. The root word for obedience comes from “obaudio” – “ypakoe” in Greek – and means to listen to what is under and beyond what is heard. Discernment is not just something we reserve for special occasions in our life. It is an attitude for Christian living. Our goal is “to live as Christ.” After praying this session how will you live discernment in your daily life?

 Prayer – desiring to live the life of Christ Poverty – knowing our weakness and that all is gift Study –listening deeply as God speaks to us Mission – being sent to announce this good news to the world!



Time of Preparation Session 10

“The Word of God and the Eucharist — Light and Strength of our Apostolic Vocation.”

Constitutions of the Daughters of St. Paul # 8

Phase II: Group Study Program The Theme for this Session:

Communicating God–Word and Eucharist

Points to Cover: -

The Liturgy: Source and Summit of the Church’s Activity (Vatican II Constitution On the Sacred Liturgy, 10)


“Everything from the Tabernacle” Blessed James Alberione


“The Bible is the life of the apostle of the media.” Blessed James Alberione

You will need: -

A Bible (New Testament for all participants)


Suggested Music: Sanctus by the Daughters of St.Paul; Agnus Dei by Michael W. Smith; The Final Word and The Beginning by Michael Card; To Be Your Bread by Marty Haugen

Adoration: Opening Invocations Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life, have mercy on us. Mary, Queen of the Apostles, pray for us. St. Paul the Apostles, pray for us.



1. Jesus Truth Note to Leader: The original Latin text was kept in this document but you may just read the English equivalent. A Reflection on Pauline Spirituality in the Thought of Blessed James Alberione The term "devotion", referred to as the specific manner of approaching and interiorizing the figure of Christ Master, is to be understood in its richest meaning, starting from its Latin derivation "devotio": enthusiasm and total devotion to a person admired and loved. It ought not to be understood as "devotionism" or "pious sentimentalism". Fr. Alberione clarifies: "Devotion is consecration, dedication to the Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life, total self-giving of our whole selves, in our physical, moral, intellectual energies, and also in the being from where these energies come. It is to draw everything from the Divine Master, in his light, in his spirit, in his examples and in his grace. To live in him, for him, with him, and by him" (HM I, 3, 14). Devotion is therefore the totality of self-giving of one’s thought, action and prayer; mind, will and heart focused on Christ Master Truth, Way and Life. The totality of the Pauline vitally encounters the totality of Christ above all during moments of prayer and of profound communion of spirit. The Eucharistic adoration, according the "way, truth and life method," has been proposed since January 1924. In the same manner the veneration of the Gospel in the form of reading, meditating, and "exposition" of the Gospel in chapel and in the Pauline places, as well as "Gospel feasts" in parishes, has been proposed, so that "the Good Press is a commentary to the Gospel" (UCBS 15 May 1924; PP 841). The spirituality of the Pauline’s mission is focused on Christ Master Way-Truth-Life because our apostolate is "authentic preaching," our apostolic role is "magisterial" and "teaching". It is "the preaching of the Word of God with technical means and audiovisual techniques: it is the docete, teaching, repeating the teaching of Jesus Christ and of the Church in a manner that reaches sooner and broader" (UPS I, 152). The identity of the Pauline can be expressed with the term of "apostle": "When are we apostles? When we live Jesus Christ, when we can say: "Vivit vero in me Christus” (Christ truly lives in me), then we radiate Jesus Christ. We radiate through the words of preaching; we radiate in



life through examples; we radiate in prayers with the supplication to the Lord; we radiate in works through the publications, the work for the salvation of souls" (Pr I, 50). The Pauline apostolate is a "continuation of the work of Jesus Master" so it is founded on the "Pauline priesthood": it is an authentic preaching. "By the apostolate of the editions, one understands not merely that complex of initiatives which reject what offends morals and the Christian faith, or that propose some particular ideal of goodness, but one understands it to be a true mission that could be properly defined as preaching of the divine Word through the editions... Like oral preaching, the written or printed one spreads the Word of God, multiplying it in order to let it reach everywhere" (AE 12-13). The Pauline mission of proclaiming Christ Master with the modern means of communication is preaching which supposes the "Pauline priesthood" and requires the close collaboration of the disciple (Pauline Brother), of the sister and of the lay person. The totality of Pauline preaching is composed of "editorial-technical-diffusion" which are brought to reality through the complementarity of the "ministerial priesthood" and of "the priesthood of the laity" employed in communication. Before the Pauline can "teach" others in the apostolate, he must "go to school" to Christ Teacher. In order to be "apostles of communication" we must be disciples of Christ Master Way-Truth-Life. Fr. Alberione summarizes "discipleship" as the process of "Christification": "We need a formation that forms us to live Jesus Christ: donec formetur Christus in vobis; until Christ is formed in us (cf. Gal 4:19), since we are to be followers of Christ for others. Drawing inspiration from St. Paul, Fr. Alberione integrates the meaning of the "I live no longer I but Christ lives in me" (Gal 2:20) with the apostolic zeal of the "I have become all things to all" (1 Cor 9:22). Regarding the Apostle who said "in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking" (Col 1:24), Fr. Alberione asks, What could be lacking from the Passion of Christ? Is his redemption wanting, perhaps? No; on the other hand, it is bountiful and overabundant. What is lacking, instead, is the application; and application is everything for us, for all the two billion and nine hundred million people! ‌Before this problem, everything else falls in the second place: to save ourselves is to save others, this matters" (UPS I, 79). The apostolic mission is the "application" of redemption to all people through



communication. "The process of sanctification is a process of Christification: ‘until Christ is formed in you’ (Gal 4:19). So we shall be saints according to the measure we live the life of Jesus Christ; or better, according to the measure that Christ lives in us. ‘Christianus alter Christus’, the ‘Christian is another Christ.’ This is what St. Paul says of himself: ‘I live no longer I but Christ lives in me’ (Gal 2:29) (CISP 11). The same bond between holiness and apostolate is a divine lesson of the Master, the way marked for the Pauline, just as Fr. Alberione affirms: When Jesus says, ‘Magister vester unus est, Christus’ ‘You have only one Master’ (Mt 23:8), he means that He is not only a teacher, but the true and only Master, the perfect Master; he precedes by example. And this is the path drawn for Paulines": ever disciples of the Master; ever living the Master; ever listening to the Master; ever revealing the Master. With the Master and dependent on the Master, they shall be masters of wisdom, of perfection, of life" (Vad 226). From the Pauline Forum on Jesus Master, Rome

Pause for reflection. Reflection music suggestion The Final Word by Michael Card

* Leader: See appendix for copies of the Pauline Offertory if you choose to introduce this here.

Prayer Together Jesus, Divine Master, we adore you as the only-begotten Son of God come on the earth to give life, the most abundant life. We adore you, Word Incarnate, sent by the Father to instruct us in life giving truths. You are uncreated Truth. You alone have words of eternal life. You give us life in baptism and nourish us in the Eucharist and in the other sacraments. Live is us, Jesus, with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, so that we may love you with our whole mind, strength and heart, and love our neighbor as ourselves for love of you. We place ourselves in your “school” of the Word and Eucharist. Draw us to you. We desire to be similar to you.



2. Jesus Way

Note to the Leader: Choose readers one, two and three for the following reflection. Leader: The Pauline life was born from the tabernacle and so it is to be lived from the tabernacle. In the Gospel of John we read that Jesus passed by John the Baptist as he was teaching his disciples. John pointed Jesus out and said, Reader 1 Leader

“Look, there is the Lamb of God.” Hearing this, two disciples followed Jesus. He turned around and asked them,

Reader 2

“What do you want?”


“Rabbi, where do you live?”

Reader 2

“Come and see.” He said.

Reader 3

So we went and saw where he lived, and stayed with him the rest of that day” (John 1:35-39)


Both of these disciples followed Jesus and became his apostles. One

was John the Evangelist and the other was Andrew. The first thing Andrew did after he met Jesus was to bring his brother Peter to Jesus. Let us take some time to reflect on how meeting Jesus changes our life and makes us apostles of his Word and Sacrament. This first visit with Jesus transformed the two disciples. (Adapted from Blessed James Alberione) Silent reflection on the scripture passage. Refer to your Bible for further reflection on this chapter of John’s Gospel. -

How do you spend time with Jesus in his Word and Eucharistic presence? How is your life transformed by the Liturgy and the Sacraments? Who do you bring to Jesus? How can you make your “visit” to Jesus the heart of each day?



Song: Suggestion is The Word is So Near from The Beginning by Michael Card. “If after having been with Jesus you feel him living and working in you and you feel the need to plunge into his presence from time to time to refresh yourself—you will quickly arrive at contemplation and mystical prayer — the transformation in Christ— ‘Christ lives in me.’ Life will be transformed into prayer and prayer will give life.” Blessed James Alberione

…Our ministry of the Gospel becomes fruitful through the power of the Eucharist. As Jesus said to his Apostles at the Last Supper: "No longer do I call you servants... but I have called you friends.... You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide" (Jn 15:15-16). Pope John Paul II, 1994 Holy Thursday Message

3. Jesus Life Leader: “Because it is God’s book the Bible is very useful for prayer. It is a help for spiritual reading, for meditation and for prayer, not simply because it contains many prayer forms, such as the psalms, but because it links us to God in a complete way with our mind, our feelings and our will. With our mind: the Bible sets out God’s truths and thus we can think as God thinks; with our heart: it stirs up feelings of love for God and our neighbor, in accordance with the heart of Jesus; with our will: it roots our life in God’s will; right up to achieving holiness.” Blessed James Alberion



Pray Together – Psalm 13 O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I stand. You know my thoughts from afar. My journeys and my rest you know, with all my ways you are familiar. Where can I go from your Spirit? From your presence where can I flee? If I go to the heavens, you are there; if I sink to the underworld, you are present there. If I take the wings of the dawn, or settle at the farthest limits of the sea, even there your hand will guide me.

Leader: Invite everyone to spontaneous prayer and conclude with the Our Father. Closing Song invocations Lord I need you. Matt Maher

4. Break

5. Gather in the Meeting Area



Activity In this activity each person plays the role of


detective. Each participant will need a New

ing the Scri

ptures in the Liturgy

Testament as well a copy of the excerpt from Dies Domini (provided). The object of this search is to locate the scripture quotes that are cited in the document and find the surrounding passages.

For example # 42 in Dies Domini states: “All things were created through Christ” (Cf Col. 1:16, Jn 1:3).

Two participants may take this quote. One can look up Col. 1:16 and the other Jn. 1:3. After everyone has located their quotes and the surrounding biblical passages, they report their findings to the group. One way to report is to read the citation from the Bible and then tell the group in what context Paul or John was speaking. In John, for example, this quote is from the prologue where the author of John states: “In him all things were made and whatever came to be found life in him.” “John,” the reporter may continue, “is introducing his Gospel in this passage and tells us of the Incarnation.” The reporter may also answer the question: “In what context does John Paul II use this quote in referring to the Liturgy?” You may come up with other creative ways to “explore” the excerpt of Dies Domini. For example you can provide everyone with missalettes and invite them to find passages from the Eucharistic Prayers that contain the basic beliefs of our Catholic profession of faith. Ω 202





32. The Eucharist is not only a particularly intense expression of the reality of the Church's life, but also in a sense its "fountain-head". (39) The Eucharist feeds and forms the Church: "Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread" (1 Cor 10:17). Because of this vital link with the sacrament of the Body and Blood of the Lord, the mystery of the Church is savored, proclaimed, and lived supremely in the Eucharist. (40) This ecclesial dimension intrinsic to the Eucharist is realized in every Eucharistic celebration. But it is expressed most especially on the day when the whole community comes together to commemorate the Lord's Resurrection. Significantly, the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that "the Sunday celebration of the Lord's Day and his Eucharist is at the heart of the Church's life." (41) 33. At Sunday Mass, Christians relive with particular intensity the experience of the Apostles on the evening of Easter when the Risen Lord appeared to them as they were gathered together (cf. Jn 20:19). In a sense, the People of God of all times were present in that small nucleus of disciples, the first fruits of the Church. Through their testimony, every generation of believers hears the greeting of Christ, rich with the messianic gift of peace, won by his blood and offered with his Spirit: "Peace be with you!" Christ's return among them "a week later" (Jn 20:26) can be seen as a radical prefiguring of the Christian community's practice of coming together every seven days, on "the Lord's Day" or Sunday, in order to profess faith in his Resurrection and to receive the blessing which he had promised: "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe" (Jn 20:29). This close connection between the appearance of the Risen Lord and the Eucharist is suggested in the Gospel of Luke in the story of the two disciples of Emmaus, whom Christ approached and led to understand the Scriptures and then sat with them at table. They recognized him when he "took the bread, said the blessing, broke it and gave it to them" (24:30). The gestures of Jesus in this account are his gestures at the Last Supper, 203


with the clear allusion to the "breaking of bread", as the Eucharist was called by the first generation of Christians.

The table of the word 39. As in every Eucharistic celebration, the Risen Lord is encountered in the Sunday assembly at the twofold table of the word and of the Bread of Life. The table of the word offers the same understanding of the history of salvation and especially of the Paschal Mystery which the Risen Jesus himself gave to his disciples: it is Christ who speaks, present as he is in his word "when Sacred Scripture is read in the Church". (60) At the table of the Bread of Life, the Risen Lord becomes really, substantially and enduringly present through the memorial of his Passion and Resurrection, and the Bread of Life is offered as a pledge of future glory.

The Second Vatican Council recalled that "the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist are so closely joined together that they form a single act of worship"(61). The table of the Body of Christ 42. The table of the word leads naturally to the table of the Eucharistic Bread and prepares the community to live its many aspects, which in the Sunday Eucharist assume an especially solemn character. As the whole community gathers to celebrate "the Lord's Day", the Eucharist appears more clearly than on other days as the great "thanksgiving" in which the Spirit-filled Church turns to the Father, becoming one with Christ and speaking in the name of all humanity. The rhythm of the week prompts us to gather up in grateful memory the events of the days which have just passed, to review them in the light of God and to thank him for his countless gifts, glorifying him "through Christ, with Christ and in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit". The Christian community thus comes to a renewed awareness of the fact that all things were created through Christ (cf. Col 1:16; Jn 1:3), and that in Christ, who came in the form of a slave to take on and redeem our human condition, all things have been restored (cf. Eph 1:10), in order to be handed over to God the Father, from whom all things come to be and draw their life. 204


Then, giving assent to the Eucharistic doxology with their "Amen", the People of God look in faith and hope towards the eschatological end, when Christ "will deliver the kingdom to God the Father ... so that God may be everything to everyone" (1 Cor 15:24, 28). Sunday in the Liturgical Year 76. With its weekly recurrence, the Lord's Day is rooted in the most ancient tradition of the Church and is vitally important for the Christian. But there was another rhythm which soon established itself: the annual liturgical cycle. Human psychology in fact desires the celebration of anniversaries, associating the return of dates and seasons with the remembrance of past events. When these events are decisive in the life of a people, their celebration generally creates a festive atmosphere which breaks the monotony of daily routine. Now, by God's design, the great saving events upon which the Church's life is founded were closely linked to the annual Jewish feasts of Passover and Pentecost, and were prophetically foreshadowed in them. Since the second century, the annual celebration of Easter by Christians — having been added to the weekly Easter celebration — allowed a more ample meditation on the mystery of Christ crucified and risen. Preceded by a preparatory fast, celebrated in the course of a long vigil, extended into the fifty days leading to Pentecost, the feast of Easter — "solemnity of solemnities" — became the day par excellence for the initiation of catechumens. Through baptism they die to sin and rise to a new life because Jesus "was put to death for our sins and raised for our justification" (Rom 4:25; cf. 6:3-11). Intimately connected to the Paschal Mystery, the Solemnity of Pentecost takes on special importance, celebrating as it does the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles gathered with Mary and inaugurating the mission to all peoples. (120) 77. A similar commemorative logic guided the arrangement of the entire Liturgical Year. As the Second Vatican Council recalls, the Church wished to extend throughout the year "the entire mystery of Christ, from the Incarnation and Nativity to the Ascension, to the day of Pentecost and to the waiting in blessed hope for the return of the Lord. Remembering in this way the mysteries of redemption, the Church opens to the faithful the treasury of the Lord's power and merits, making them present in some sense to all 205


times, so that the faithful may approach them and be filled by them with the grace of salvation". (121) After Easter and Pentecost, the most solemn celebration is undoubtedly the Nativity of the Lord, when Christians ponder the mystery of the Incarnation and contemplate the Word of God who deigns to assume our humanity in order to give us a share in his divinity. 78. Likewise, "in celebrating this annual cycle of the mysteries of Christ, the holy Church venerates with special love the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, united forever with the saving work of her Son". (122) In a similar way, by inserting into the annual cycle the commemoration of the martyrs and other saints on the occasion of their anniversaries, "the Church proclaims the Easter mystery of the saints who suffered with Christ and with him are now glorified". (123) When celebrated in the true spirit of the liturgy, the commemoration of the saints does not obscure the centrality of Christ, but on the contrary extols it, demonstrating as it does the power of the redemption wrought by him. As Saint Paulinus of Nola sings, "all things pass, but the glory of the saints endures in Christ, who renews all things, while he himself remains unchanged". (124) The intrinsic relationship between the glory of the saints and that of Christ is built into the very arrangement of the Liturgical Year, and is expressed most eloquently in the fundamental and sovereign character of Sunday as the Lord's Day. Following the seasons of the Liturgical Year in the Sunday observance which structures it from beginning to end, the ecclesial and spiritual commitment of Christians comes to be profoundly anchored in Christ, in whom believers find their reason for living and from whom they draw sustenance and inspiration.

Note: In readings from Dies Domini the numbers before paragraphs are really paragraphs in the document. The numbers within parentheses are footnotes which can be found on website or in a printed copy.

The Eucharist evangelizes our surroundings and confirms us in the hope that Christ's words will not pass away (cf. Lk 21:33). Pope John Paul II, 1994 Holy Thursday Message 206


References for Further Study:

1. Required Reading (also found online).


Catechism of the Catholic Church. Citta del Vaticano. Liberia Editrice Vaticana, 1994;

Articles on the Eucharist especially

1329-1332; 1342- 1345; 1349; 1373-1378; Articles on the Scripture especially 102-108; 114; 2653-2654.


John Paul II. Dies Domini Pauline Books & Media Boston: 1998 or re- read the section provided in this session.


John Paul II. Dominica Cenae Pauline Books & Media Boston


Meditate on the New Testament at least 10 minutes each day or on readings from the weekday and Sunday Liturgy of the Word.

2. Recommended Reading (also available online)


Vatican II Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy: SACROSANCTUM CONCILIUM (Blessed James Alberione was one of the signers of this document. He attended all of the sessions of Vatican II.)


Subscribe to Emmanuel a magazine of Eucharistic Spirituality from the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament founded by St. Peter Julian Eymard. Web Address:


Pauline Editions on the Eucharist and the Bible found at your local center.


Slide Share: Vatican II and Blessed James Alberione




JESUS, THE MASTER YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOR EVER The spirituality of the Pauline communicator

Author and Topic                




Session 10 The Word of God and the Eucharist — Light and Strength of our Apostolic Vocation.” Constitutions of the Daughters of St. Paul # 8 Distance Program Worksheet: Theme: Communicating God Word and Eucharist

Tracking the Scriptures in the Liturgy In this activity you are a detective. You will need a New Testament as well a copy of the John Paul II’s Dies Domini. The object of this search is to locate the scripture quotes that are cited in the document and find the surrounding passages. Use the following numbers of the Document: 32,42,76,77 and 78. For example: In # 42 Dies Domini states “all things were created through Christ. (Cf Col. 1:16, Jn 1:3)” You look up Col. 1:16 and Jn. 1:3. After you locate the quotes in the document and the corresponding biblical passages you may write your findings. One way to report is to read the citation from the Bible and then explain in what context Paul (Col.) and John were speaking. In John, for example, the quote is from the prologue where the author of John states: “In him all things were made and whatever came to be found life in him” (John 1:4). “John,” you may continue, “is introducing his gospel in this passage that tells us of the Incarnation.” You may also answer the question: “In what context does John Paul II use this quote in referring to the Liturgy?” ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 209


______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Option 2 Using a missal or missalette find passages from the Eucharistic Prayers that contain the basic beliefs of our Catholic profession of faith. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________



Time of Preparation Session 11:

“That They May be One” (John 17:21). Phase II: Group Study Program (Total time: two hours)

The Theme for this session: Ecumenism and Inter-religious Dialogue

Points to Cover: - Dialogue as an exchange of gifts - “Truth does not impose itself” Ut Unim Sint - The mystery of communion You will need: -

The Bible or Gospels for each participant.


Articles, newspapers, Internet search printouts for Activity on Ecumenism/Dialog


Catholic newspapers, L’Osservatore Romano, Catholic magazines, or internet articles on ecumenism/inter-religious dialogue.


Suggested music: One Faith sung by John Michael Talbot & Michael Card


Millennium by Daughters of St Paul; Touched by Love by Daughters of St Paul “The Reconciliation Song”

Opening Invocations Jesus Master and Shepherd, Way, Truth and Life, have mercy on us Mary, Queen of the Apostles, pray for us. St. Paul the Apostle, pray for us.



Honoring Jesus Truth Song: Keep Silence from The Regathering by John Michael Talbot

A reading adapted from a Retreat in 1960 given by Blessed James Alberione

There are over three [in 2014: seven] billion people in the world. They are spread out over the five continents, broken down into countries and families. Our heart needs to be vaster than the seas…. Let all these people be loved as God’s children and as our brothers and sisters…our traveling companions on the way to eternity… Love everyone, think of everyone, and work with the spirit of the Gospel which is universality and mercy. The Pauline apostle… brings light to all who have erred and makes straight the way of their return to the Catholic Church. He does so with the goodness of the Good Shepherd who seeks out the lost sheep, takes it on his shoulders and brings it back to the fold. Ω As regards editorial work with respect to other Christian denominations and other religious beliefs, the first step is prayer and study. Prayer so as to love people with a sincere heart. To be moved by the sight of hunger, sickness and moral suffering brings us into line with the compassionate heart of our Teacher. But even more worthy of our compassion are those who do not know God, Jesus Christ, or the Church…. You need to study their errors, difficulties and objections in order to give suitable instruction, to reply clearly, to use the proper means. Some rules: 1. Convey Christianity as the religion of goodness, order and peace. 2. Prepare an introduction to the study of Christian doctrine: this acts as a preliminary stage to the basic notions regarding doctrine, morals and worship. 3. Treat people with patience, respect and constant kindness…. 4. Avoid becoming ill-tempered; show yourself to be conciliatory (to gain or win favor) to the limits of truth; avoid questions of pure politics; be respectful, honest and sincere; admit what is or was truly a mistake. 212


5. Combat error and sin, not the erring or the sinner…. 6. Make abundant use of the defense of truth and justice; employ discussion with a great deal of prudence. Polemics (controversial arguments or refutation) requires greater intellectual preparation, greater love for the truth, greater spiritual balance. To avoid becoming emotional is a great virtue. 7. Organize groups of people who will pray for us and are capable of making sacrifices to help our editorial, technical and promotional work. - Ut Perfectus Sit Homo Dei, pgs 455, 458.

A Reading from the Letter of Paul to the Galatians, Chapter 5: 22-26; 6:6

A Reading adapted from the Conferences of Mother Thecla Merlo We can learn from everyone. If we want to do good to others we must first seek holiness, empty our heart of self-love so that there is room for the gifts of God. We are here to become holy. St. Paul exhorts us to love each other, to bear with one another, to help each other. We want to be borne with, sympathized with – do we bear with others and show compassion? St. Paul says that anyone who thinks he is important when he is really not important is fooling himself (Gal 6:3). If we have this attitude of humble respect and service then it will be easy to esteem others, to love them, to be compassionate.

Prayer Together Jesus, you have reconciled all things to yourself by your fidelity to the Father to the point of death on a cross. Help your Church, born of your blood, to reconcile all peoples to you. Forgive us our bickering and divisions; deliver us from our rivalries and conflicts, so that people will “know we are Christians by our love for one another.” We ask for the strength to put aside all labels and judgments on groups or individuals. 213


Take away our fear and replace it with your universal love. Help us to share your Gospel message through our lives of prayer and service. Help us to accept the differences of others – to allow others to teach us – to dialogue without causing divisions in our communities. Help us to leave aside our own glory and seek only your glory. Reconcile us in truth by giving us the strength to leave our need for security, our need to be right, and our desire to change others, in order to trust in You. Help us not to confuse preservation of orthodoxy with protection of our ego defenses that cause us to condemn others. Jesus, help us to live truth first and then announce it to others. Help us to build up the Church together as members of your Mystical Body. Give us your Spirit so that we may patiently discern a new way of walking together, of seeking truth together, of building up the community of the faithful together. Adapted from To Live Reconciled, Fr. Amadeo Cencini

Optional Song: The Reconciliation Song from Touched By Love by The Daughers of St. Paul In Honor of Jesus Way – with, in and through the Church

Take a few moments Thank God for the graces with which he has touched your life.

Optional Song: Your Grace is Enough by Matt Maher Silent Reading and Reflection Time allotted: 15 minutes

Read Chapters 3, 5, 9, 28, and 29 from Ut Unum Sint John Paul II On the Commitment to Ecumenism, May 25, 1995



3. At the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church committed herself irrevocably to following the path of the ecumenical venture, thus heeding the Spirit of the Lord, who teaches people to interpret carefully the "signs of the times." The experiences of these years have made the Church even more profoundly aware of her identity and her mission in history. The Catholic Church acknowledges and confesses the weaknesses of her members, conscious that their sins are so many betrayals of and obstacles to the accomplishment of the Savior's plan. Because she feels herself constantly called to be renewed in the spirit of the Gospel, she does not cease to do penance. At the same time, she acknowledges and exalts still more the power of the Lord, who fills her with the gift of holiness, leads her forward, and conforms her to his Passion and Resurrection. Taught by the events of her history, the Church is committed to freeing herself from every purely human support, in order to live in depth the Gospel law of the Beatitudes. Conscious that the truth does not impose itself except "by virtue of its own truth, as it makes its entrance into the mind at once quietly and with power", she seeks nothing for herself but the freedom to proclaim the Gospel. Indeed, her authority is exercised in the service of truth and charity. I myself intend to promote every suitable initiative aimed at making the witness of the entire Catholic community understood in its full purity and consistency, especially considering the engagement which awaits the Church at the threshold of the new Millennium. That will be an exceptional occasion, in view of which she asks the Lord to increase the unity of all Christians until they reach full communion. The present Encyclical Letter is meant as a contribution to this most noble goal. Essentially pastoral in character, it seeks to encourage the efforts of all who work for the cause of unity. 5. Together with all Christ's disciples, the Catholic Church bases upon God's plan her ecumenical commitment to gather all Christians into unity. Indeed, "the Church is not a reality closed in on herself. Rather, she is permanently open to missionary and ecumenical endeavor, for she is sent to the world to announce and witness, to make present and spread the mystery of communion which is essential to her, and to gather all people and all things into Christ, so as to be for all an 'inseparable sacrament of unity' ." Already in the Old Testament, the Prophet Ezekiel, referring to the situation of God's People at that time, and using the simple sign of two broken sticks which are first divided and then joined together, expressed the divine will to "gather from all sides" the members of his scattered people. "I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Then the nations will know that I the Lord sanctify Israel" (cf. 37:16-28). The Gospel of John, for its part, considering the situation of the People of God at the time it was written, sees in Jesus' death the reason for the unity of God's children: "Jesus would die for the nation, and not for the nation only, but to gather into one the children of God who are scattered



abroad" (11:51-52). Indeed, as the Letter to the Ephesians explains, Jesus "broke down the dividing wall of hostility ... through the Cross, thereby bringing the hostility to an end"; in place of what was divided he brought about unity (cf. 2:14-16). 9. Jesus himself, at the hour of his Passion, prayed "that they may all be one" (Jn 17:21). This unity, which the Lord has bestowed on his Church and in which he wishes to embrace all people, is not something added on, but stands at the very heart of Christ's mission. Nor is it some secondary attribute of the community of his disciples. Rather, it belongs to the very essence of this community. God wills the Church, because he wills unity, and unity is an expression of the whole depth of his agape. In effect, this unity bestowed by the Holy Spirit does not merely consist in the gathering of people as a collection of individuals. It is a unity constituted by the bonds of the profession of faith, the sacraments and hierarchical communion.10 The faithful are one because, in the Spirit, they are in communion with the Son and, in him, share in his communion with the Father: "Our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ" (1 Jn 1:3). For the Catholic Church, then, the communion of Christians is none other than the manifestation in them of the grace by which God makes them sharers in his own communion, which is his eternal life. Christ's words "that they may be one" are thus his prayer to the Father that the Father's plan may be fully accomplished, in such a way that everyone may clearly see "what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God who created all things" (Eph 3:9). To believe in Christ means to desire unity; to desire unity means to desire the Church; to desire the Church means to desire the communion of grace which corresponds to the Father's plan from all eternity. Such is the meaning of Christ's prayer: "Ut unum sint". 28. If prayer is the "soul" of ecumenical renewal and of the yearning for unity, it is the basis and support for everything the Council defines as "dialogue". This definition is certainly not unrelated to today's personalist way of thinking. The capacity for "dialogue" is rooted in the nature of the person and his dignity. As seen by philosophy, this approach is linked to the Christian truth concerning man as expressed by the Council: man is in fact "the only creature on earth which God willed for itself"; thus he cannot "fully find himself except through a sincere gift of himself". Dialogue is an indispensable step along the path towards human self-realization, the self-realization both of each individual and of every human community. Although the concept of "dialogue" might appear to give priority to the cognitive dimension (dia-logos), all dialogue implies a global, existential dimension. It involves the human subject in his or her entirety; dialogue between communities involves in a particular way the subjectivity of each. This truth about dialogue, so profoundly expressed by Pope Paul VI in his Encyclical Ecclesiam Suam, was also taken up by the Council in its teaching and ecumenical



activity. Dialogue is not simply an exchange of ideas. In some way it is always an "exchange of gifts". 29. For this reason, the Council's Decree on Ecumenism also emphasizes the importance of "every effort to eliminate words, judgments, and actions which do not respond to the condition of separated brethren with truth and fairness and so make mutual relations between them more difficult". The Decree approaches the question from the standpoint of the Catholic Church and refers to the criteria which she must apply in relation to other Christians. In all this, however, reciprocity is required. To follow these criteria is a commitment of each of the parties which desire to enter into dialogue and it is a precondition for starting such dialogue. It is necessary to pass from antagonism and conflict to a situation where each party recognizes the other as a partner. When undertaking dialogue, each side must presuppose in the other a desire for reconciliation, for unity in truth. For this to happen, any display of mutual opposition must disappear. Only thus will dialogue help to overcome division and lead us closer to unity. We ask the Holy Spirit to help us in a personal reflection on these passages from Ut Unum Sint. How might I work toward reconciliation in my own life—starting from my family, parish community, friends and neighbors?

When speaking about people of other Christian or religious traditions am I respectful in my choice of words? Do I condemn, become angry or defensive?

How can I live the truth and then share the truth in love? Where do I need an interior conversion in order to be a person of reconciliation?

List the Pauline “four wheels.� How do these apply to ecumenism and interreligious dialogue? 217






"The truth cannot impose itself except by virtue of its own truth, as it wins over the mind with both gentleness and power."[19] Tertio Millennio Adveniente

In Honor of Jesus Life We will alternate excerpts from The Church in America with related prayers. Reader 1: Indeed, "the Word of God, by taking on our human nature in all things save sin (cf. Heb 4:15), manifests the Father's plan by revealing to each human person the way to realize fully his or her vocation. Thus Jesus not only reconciles man with the Father, but also reconciles man with himself and thus reveals his true nature".(16) With these words the Synod Fathers, taking up the teaching of the Second Vatican Council, reaffirmed that Jesus is the way which leads to full personal realization, culminating in the definitive and eternal encounter with God. "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me" (Jn 14:6). God has predestined us "to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the first-born of many brethren" (Rom 8:29). Jesus Christ is thus the definitive answer to the question of the meaning of life, and to those fundamental questions which still trouble so many men and women on the American continent. Reader 2: 66. The Risen Christ, before his Ascension into heaven, sent the Apostles to preach the Gospel to the whole world (cf. Mk 16:15) and conferred on them the powers needed to carry out this mission. It is significant that, before giving his final missionary mandate, Jesus should speak of the universal power he had received from the Father (cf. Mt 28:18). In effect, Christ passed on to the Apostles the mission which he had received from the Father (cf. Jn 20:21), and in this way gave them a share in his powers. Yet "the lay faithful too, precisely as members of the Church, have the vocation and mission of 218


proclaiming the Gospel: they are prepared for this work by the sacraments of Christian initiation and by the gifts of the Holy Spirit". (239) They have been "in their own way made sharers in the priestly, prophetic and kingly functions of Christ" (240). Consequently, "the lay faithful, in virtue of their participation in the prophetic mission of Christ, are fully part of this work of the Church" (241) and so should feel called and encouraged to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom. Jesus' words: "You too, go into the vineyard" (Mt 20:4), (242) must be seen as addressed not only to the Apostles but to all who desire to be authentic disciples of the Lord. Prayer Together We thank you, Lord Jesus, because the Gospel of the Father's love, with which you came to save the world, has been proclaimed far and wide in America as a gift of the Holy Spirit that fills us with gladness. We thank you for the gift of your Life, which you have given us by loving us to the end: your Life makes us children of God, brothers and sisters to each other. Increase, O Lord, our faith and our love for you, present in all the tabernacles of the continent. Grant us to be faithful witnesses to your Resurrection for the younger generation of Americans so that, in knowing you, they may follow you and find in you their peace and joy. Only then will they know that they are brothers and sisters of all God's children scattered throughout the world. You who, in becoming man, chose to belong to a human family,



teach families the virtues which filled with light the family home of Nazareth. May families always be united, as you and the Father are one, and may they be living witnesses to love, justice and solidarity; make them schools of respect, forgiveness and mutual help, so that the world may believe; help them to be the source of vocations to the priesthood and the consecrated life, and all the other forms of firm Christian commitment. Protect your Church and the Successor of Peter, to whom you, Good Shepherd, have entrusted the task of feeding your flock. Grant that the Church in America (the Continent of North and South) may flourish and grow richer in the fruits of holiness. Teach us to love your Mother, Mary, as you loved her. Give us strength to proclaim your word with courage in the work of the new evangelization, so that the world may know new hope. Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of America, pray for us! Mary, Queen of the Apostles, pray for us!* -

Given at Mexico City, January 22, Pope John Paul II. *Pauline invocation to Mary added

Reader 3: 67. Jesus Christ is the "good news" of salvation made known to people yesterday, today and forever; but he is also the first and greatest evangelizer. (247) The Church must make the crucified and risen Christ the center of her pastoral concern and her evangelizing activity. "Everything planned in the Church must have Christ and his Gospel as its starting-point". (248) Therefore, "the Church in America must speak increasingly of Jesus Christ, the human face of God and the divine face of man. It is this proclamation that truly makes an impact on people, awakens and transforms hearts, in a word, converts. Christ must be proclaimed with joy and conviction, but above all by the witness of each one's life". (249) 220


Individual Christians will be able to carry out their mission effectively to the extent that they make the life of the Son of God made man the perfect model for their work of spreading the Gospel. The simplicity of his manner and his choices must be normative for everyone in the work of evangelization. In this perspective, the poor will certainly be considered among the first to be evangelized, following the example of Christ, who said of himself: "The Spirit of the Lord . . . has anointed me to preach good news to the poor" (Lk 4:18). (250) Prayer Together: The Gospel of John, Chapter 17 - Alternate sides. 1 After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed: "Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. 2 For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. 3 Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. 4 I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. 5 And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began. 6 I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word. 7 Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you. 8 For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me. 9 I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours. 10 All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. And glory has come to me through them. 11 I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name--the name you gave me--so that they may be one as we are one.



12 While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled. 13 I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them. 14 I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. 15 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. 16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. 17 Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. 18 As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. 19 For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified. 20 My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: 23 I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. 24 "Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. 25 Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. 26 I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them."

Copyright Š 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. All rights reserved.



This prayer of Jesus is found among our Pauline prayers. It is also known as the “Priestly prayer” of Jesus. Fr. Alberione encouraged praying chapter 17 of John’s Gospel often for the intention of Christian Unity. In 1960 Fr. Alberione founded the The Association Ut Unum Sint with the aim of working side by side with the Ecumenical movement, for the union of all Christians, on a person-to-person basis, in the spirit of the “Priestly prayer” of Christ “that they may be one.” Handbook for Pauline Cooperators, p. 60

Reader 4: The basic task for which Jesus sends out his disciples is the proclamation of the Good News, that is, evangelization (cf. Mk 16:15-18). Consequently, "to evangelize is the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her most profound identity". (243) As I have said on other occasions, the new and unique situation in which the world and the Church find themselves at the threshold of the Third Millennium, and the urgent needs which result, mean that the mission of evangelization today calls for a new program which can be defined overall as a "new evangelization". (244)

Prayer Together: Jesus Good Shepherd, Who brought from heaven the fire of your love, give us your heart. Inflame us with the desire for the glory of God and with a great love for our brothers and sisters. Make us sharers in your mission. Live in us so that we may radiate you in word, sacrifice and pastoral action, in the example of a good life. We offer you ourselves as sheep to become worthy of cooperating in your pastoral mission in the Church. Come divine Shepherd, guide us; may there soon be one flock and one Shepherd.



Song: Bind Us Together Closing Invocations: Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life, have mercy on us…

Break Assemble again for the session. YouTube Video Song One Faith Activity: (alternate activities follow – there are three to choose from) Activity I Option:

Searching for Unity

Bring to the meeting local Catholic Newspapers, L’Osservatore Romano (Vatican weekly paper), the local newspaper, Catholic magazines, or internet articles. Have enough variety for each person in the group. Let each participant search through the various publications for articles on ecumenical or inter-religious events. The search may also include international and religious events that do not necessarily constitute inter-religious or ecumenical dialogue – for instance a religious holiday or an event. Each person summarizes the articles they find. The articles are then used in a discussion forum on: 

The Association of Pauline Cooperators

The media versus our understanding of religious dialog.

Questions that may come up are “Do I have a bias toward a religious group?” “Have I stereotyped a nationality as a particular religion?” “Why and what has affected my understanding of that religious faith?”

Questions after the exercise: 

What did you learn from this exercise?

How much did you know about the various denominations?

Share on the following statement: This Church [of Jesus Christ], constituted as a society in the present world, subsists and continues to exist in the Catholic Church, governed by Peter's successor and by the bishops in communion with him. At the same time, the Catholic Church fully recognizes that other Christians are justified by faith in baptism, are incorporated in 224


Christ and are to be regarded as brothers and sisters in the Lord (cf. LG 8; Unitatis redintegratio, 3). Indeed, beyond the visible boundaries of the Catholic Church there are elements and endowments, such as the written Word of God; the life of grace; faith, hope and charity; as well as other interior gifts of the Holy Spirit and visible elements (cf. UR, 3; LG 15). In his Encyclical Letter Ut Unum Sint Pope John Paul II underlined the fact that there are ecclesial values among other Christians: "It is not that beyond the boundaries of the Catholic community there is an ecclesial vacuum" (cf. UUS 13; also 10). 

What “visible elements” are common among Christians?

How do you propose working toward Christian unity as a Pauline Cooperator?

Activity II Option: Acting for Unity Using improvisational methods of acting, the group may enter into an ecumenical “dialogue” by trying to see faith from another denominations point of view. Improvisational “acting” (Improv) is formed from scenes enacted by the players based on suggestions from the audience. Improv is all about being in the "now" of the scene. The players then weave the story to be told, often within the "rule set" of a “game”. Improv I: Three Monologues Three players tell a story from three different perspectives based on a theme. The players line up, and one player comes forth and begins the story. When that player feels he or she has told enough, he/she steps back. When the second player is done, he/she steps back and so on.

Improv II: Celebrity Who Two performers are sent out of the room. Another performer is the host of a Talk Show and gets from the audience the names of two famous persons (living or dead), The two performers then enter, not knowing who they are. The host interviews the guests, slowly



dropping hints as to their identities. The guests must correctly guess who they are. In this case they may be two famous religious personalities from different denominations. The “talk show host” asks them how their faith sustain(s) (ed) them through life. Questions after the exercise: 

What did you learn from this exercise?

How much did you know about the various denominations?


e cannot truly call on God, the Father of all, if we refuse to treat in a brotherly way any man, created as he is in the image of God. Man's relation to God the Father and his

relation to men his brothers are so linked together that Scripture says: "He who does not love does not know God" (1 John 4, 8).



References for Further Study 1. Required Reading: (also found online)

1. Tertio Millennio Adveniente (sections on unity). 3. Vatican II Document - Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions - Nostra Aetate 4. United States Catholic Conference of Bishops USCCB Website:

2. Recommended Reading

Accattoli, Luigi.

When a Pope Asks Forgiveness.

Pauline Books & Media.

Falardeau, Ernest, S.S.S. That All May Be One: Catholic Reflections on Christian Unity. John Paul II.

Paulist Press.

New Jersey: 2000

Ut Unum Sint - On Commitment to Ecumenism.

Living City Magazine Focolare, P.O. Box 496 New York, NY 10021 Living City magazine is a Catholic journal of living for Christian Unity and Inter-religious dialog. ď § An early Christian profession of faith found in the Roman Catacombs.

Jesus Christ Son of God Savior



Session 11 “That They May be One” (John 17:21). Distance Program Worksheet: Theme: Ecumenism and Inter-Religious Dialogue

The Apostle Paul, in his first letter to the church at Corinth, made it clear that division and disharmony in the body of Christ was not acceptable. In fact, he expressed an expectation of the church that sounds nearly unbelievable in today’s standards: “that you all speak the same thing... that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and judgment (1 Cor. 1:10). A. Robbins, D. Min.

The movement for the restoration of communion among all Christians was fostered by the grace of the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit who arouses the desire for unity among Christ's disciples and for those actions that will enable everyone peacefully to reestablish that unity, in the manner desired by Christ. Then the Gospel will be proclaimed more effectively and the world be open to faith. Therefore, the Church «should invoke the Holy Spirit with ever greater insistence, imploring from him the grace of Christian unity ... Unity, after all, is the gift of the Holy Spirit» (Tertio Millennio Adveniente, 34).

The Pope said Catholics must acknowledge their "responsibility . . . for the evils of the day," particularly "religious indifference, which causes many people today to live as if God did not exist, or to be content with a vague religiosity.” It must be asked," the Pope states, "how many Christians really know and put into practice the principles of the Church’s social doctrine." Finally, the Pope said Catholics must ask how well they have accepted the Second Vatican Council, which he calls the "great gift of the Spirit to the Church at the end of the second millennium." Erminia Santangelo



Personal Reflections What is the first thing in your life that would lead you to live the Apostle Paul’s teaching on unity?

What prayer would you write to invoke the Holy Spirit for our living in unity with other Christian believers and people of faith from other religious traditions?

After reading the summary of Erminia Santangelo on Pope John Paul’s desire for unity, write a brief reflection on how you think Paulines could live what the Church proposes:

“That they may be one, Father, as we are one” (John 17:21).

To the Leader During this session if the candidate for Pauline Cooperator has not yet written a letter of request for the Promise you may plan some time for this either during prayer or during the meeting that follows.



Time of Preparation

Session 12:

“Be Completely United With One Thought and One Purpose (1 Cor. 1:10).� Phase II: Group Study Program (Total time: two hours) The theme for this session: Organization of the Association of Pauline Cooperators

Points to Cover: -

The general government of the Association of Pauline Cooperators


The local government of the Association of Pauline Cooperators


The pastoral and parochial organization of the Pauline Cooperators

You will need: -

A Bible


Suggested music: Touched by Love Daughters of St. Paul; A Little Love Daughters of St. Paul; Heart of the Shepherd John Michael Talbot

Opening Invocations: Jesus, Master: Way, Truth and Life, have mercy on us. Mary, Queen of the Apostles, pray for us. St. Paul the Apostle, pray for us.



1. Jesus Master our True Teacher From the Statutes of the Pauline Cooperator “It is necessary that the more active cooperators be brought together and form a real union, to assure organized, lasting and useful activity…..In the parishes where they work, the cooperators will be like leaven in the social ‘mass’, fermenting all of society with a Christian spirit.” -

A Reading from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, Chapter 1 verses 1-17 A Reading from the Gospel of John Chapter 14 verses 4-14

From the Writings of Fr. James Alberione Abundantes Divitiae The Cooperators were envisioned in this way: as persons who understand the Pauline Family and form with it a union of spirit and intentions. They embrace, in the manner it is possible to them, its two principal purposes and give whatever contribution is possible. Meanwhile the Pauline Family desires to promote their religious instructions, to guide them in living an exemplary life, and to make them shares I the spiritual goods of the Institute and in the mission (341). This is a true friendship that consists in the exchange of goods. The Cooperator want to imitate the Pauline Religious life: poverty by detaching themselves from material goods in the evangelical sense; chastity, by observance of purity according to their state in life; obedience, by respectful listening to those in authority in the Church, in society, in the Pauline Family; taking part in the mission of the Pauline Family; cooperating with prayer, works and offering (Cf. 342). The Pauline Family confides to the Pauline Cooperators its plans, gives direction to the works, shares in the sorrows and joys, and points out the path to holiness through the magazine The Pauline Cooperator, conferences, monthly gatherings, and ongoing formation. In addition the Pauline Family prays for the Cooperators and celebrates 2,400 Masses each year for their intentions, both for the living and the deceased (343).



The Pauline Family strives to live perfectly the two precepts of charity in consecrated life and in the apostolate. The Cooperators…strive to live the same two precepts in an ever more perfect Christian life and by serving in the apostolate. All together they form a union of persons who aim and help one another to promote “The glory of God and peace to humanity,” according to the example of St. Paul. (344) I feel the gravity before God and men of the mission entrusted to me by the Lord, who, if he could have found a person more unworthy and incapable than I , would have preferred that person. This, however, is for me and for everyone the guarantee that the Lord willed and caused it to be done. It is like the artist who takes any brush whatsoever, on that oosts a few cents and is blind to the work of art to be done, even if it is a beautiful image of the Divine Master, Jesus Christ.

We are founded upon the Church. This conviction inspires security, joy and courage (350). Fr. James Alberione

“Make every effort to preserve the unity which has the Spirit as its origin and peace as its binding force” Saint Paul to the Ephesians 4:3.

From the Thoughts of Mother Thecla Merlo If we want to build up the Pauline Institutes everyone must contribute their own brick. Add on. Don’t take away. Let us share the gifts God has given us. If we make use of the many means the Pauline charism offers us we will be happy here and above all we will be happy in eternal life. When we are united in heart and soul, as Jesus invites us, we progress spiritually and the Institute flourishes. We become saints through our mission in the two goals of the congregation: to become holy and to bring others to holiness. We don’t want to enter heaven alone but in the company of many others. Reflection 232


2. Jesus Master is Our Only Way Reflect on the many graces you have received. Glory be to the Father…. Leader aloud: In the book “A Month With St. Paul”, was written by Blessed Timothy Giaccardo and Fr. James Alberione in 1952, we read that unity stems from charity: “Charity toward God has an external sign by which it may be recognized very easily: one’s love toward his neighbor. “By this,” said the Divine Master, “will they know you are my disciples; that you have love for one another.” Paul says “Who among you is happy and I do not rejoice with him, and who among you weeps and I do not weep also?” Paul exhorts us to love one another in peace as though we form one family, or rather, one body and one soul, bearing one another’s burdens” (Chapter 5).

Suggested music: They Will Know We are Christians Let us take a few minutes to reflect on how we want to continue growing in Christ in order to become “the Communication of God” for our brothers and sisters Poverty_____________________________________ “The Spirit works in our weakness.” - St. Paul Mission _____________________________________ “Your witness is inestimable…May this witness become present everywhere and universally clear.” - John Paul II Study ________________________________________ “Faith must be nourished with the study of everything that can raise the mind to God.” - Alberione Prayer________________________________________ “Prayer first of all, above all, the life of all.” Alberione (Refer to Session 9 for a detailed explanation)



“Along the way of holiness one can progress by one, by five or even by ten, just as when pedaling a bike…. I have taught you how to multiply the hours of study; now you must learn how to increase the speed on the way towards sanctity.”

Prayer Study


Blessed Alberione on the Secret of Success


Optional song reflection: Because you are Chosen from Heart of the Shepherd Theme: Trinitarian unity in a blessing of St. Paul 3. Jesus Master our Life Pray together: The Secret of Success (The pact with our Lord) Jesus Master, accept the pact that we present to you through the hands of Mary, Queen of the Apostles, and of our father St. Paul. Exchange sides: 

We must correspond to your sublime will, arrive at the degree of holiness and heavenly glory to which you have destined us, and perform the mission in a holy manner

But we see that we are very weak, ignorant, and inadequate in every way: in spirit, in knowledge, in the apostolate and in poverty.

You instead are the Way, and the Truth and the Life, the Resurrection, our one and supreme good!

We trust in you alone who said: “Whatever you ask the Father in my name, you will receive it.”



For our part, we promise and commit ourselves to seeking wholeheartedly in all things, in life and in the mission, only and always, your glory and peace to all peoples.

We trust that on your part, you will give us a good spirit, grace, knowledge, and the means for doing good. According to your immense goodness and the needs of our special vocation,

Multiply the fruits of our spiritual work, of our study, of our apostolate, and of our poverty. We do not doubt you, but we fear our inconstancy and weakness.

Together: Therefore, good Master, through the intercession of Mary our Mother, extend to us the mercy you used with the Apostle Paul so that, faithful in imitating our Father here on earth, we may be his companions in the glory in heaven. Amen.

Closing Song: Go Light Your World from Touched by Love (Chris Rice) 1. Break 2. Study of the Statutes of the Pauline Cooperator Chapter VI and VII Leader: For the meeting give everyone copies of the Statutes, Directory and Guidelines.29 According to the thought of the Founder, Fr. James Alberione, the cooperators are meant to be welcomed as members of the Pauline Family, sharing concretely in its life through the Promise. While it is not compulsory in order to collaborate with the apostolate of the media, the Promise distinguishes the cooperators from others — associating them with the Pauline Family in a formal way — and benefits both them and the Pauline Family. It is not a vow, but a verbalized public commitment to try to live the Gospel in the spirit of St. Paul and to evangelize through the media according to whatever opportunities are available: prayer, action or offerings, to name a few. 29

The Statutes of 2012, the Directory of 2013 and the Guidelines of the Province. 235


By pronouncing the Promise you are officially accepted as a member of the Pauline Family. As a Pauline you share in all of the prayers, sacrifices and apostolic initiatives of the whole Family, wherever these are being carried out (7.0). You have a claim on the spiritual and apostolic help that the Pauline Family can give you. You have the opportunity to give your own prayer and spiritual growth a more define focus, a “Pauline color”, as the Founder used to say. As a sign of ecclesiastical support the Church grants a plenary indulgence to the cooperator on significant designated days (7.1). In addition, six Masses are offered daily in Rome for the cooperators (7.2). Above all, not only is your name “written in heaven,” as Jesus promise to those who evangelize, but after death you benefit from the continued prayers of the Pauline Family (7.4).

The Promised Cooperator takes note of upcoming Pauline Feast Days and may contact a local Pauline Community asking them to join in the novena and celebration of the feast. Feast Day Celebrations: (7.1) the patronal feast of the cooperators is that of St. Paul the Apostle, celebrated in the Pauline Family on June 30th. Other major Pauline Feasts are: -

The Feast of Jesus the Divine Master, Way, Truth, Life (last Sunday in October)


The Feast of Mary, Queen of Apostles (the Saturday after the Ascension)


The Feast of St. Paul the Apostle (June 30)

The Holy See grants all Pauline Cooperators duly enrolled in the Association the opportunity to gain the plenary indulgence on the following feast days: - Feast of Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life; - Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ; - Feast of Mary, Queen of Apostles; - Feast of the Immaculate Conception; - Feast of the Assumption; - Feast of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary




Review the Spiritual Commitments of the Pauline Cooperator Statutes 3.0


Review the Forms of Collaboration Statutes 4.0 ff


Review and Discuss the Organization of the Pauline Cooperators - Statutes V

V. Organization of the Association of Pauline Cooperators 20. On the general level, the structure of the Association of Pauline Cooperators is subdivided as follows: 20.1) The General Board of Directors is composed of the Superiors General of the Society of St. Paul, the Daughters of St. Paul, the Pious Disciples of the Divine Master, the Sisters of Jesus the Good Shepherd (Pastorelle Sisters), and the Queen of Apostles Institute. It is the duty of the General Board of Directors to set down directives concerning the whole Association of Pauline Cooperators, prepare or update its Statutes, ensure that the Directory of each Institute is in harmony with the Statute, provide basic guidelines for the formation of the Association’s members, and convoke international assemblies, choosing the theme, fixing the venue and taking care of its organization. 20.2) The General Executive Board is composed of delegates appointed by the Superiors General. These delegates can include several Cooperators chosen by the General Board of Directors at the recommendation of the National Board of Directors. 21. On the national level, the structure of the Association of Pauline Cooperators is subdivided as follows: 21.1) The National Board of Directors is composed of the circumscription superiors of the Society of St. Paul, the Daughters of St. Paul, the Pious Disciples of the Divine Master, the Sisters of Jesus the Good Shepherd (Pastorelle Sisters), and the Queen of Apostles Institute present in the country. The National Board of Directors is presided over by turn for a three year period by one of the superiors that compose it. The Board is to meet at least once a year to inform its members about what was done, coordinate particular initiatives of the Pauline Family on the national level, convoke elective



assemblies, and evaluate formation itineraries and the progress of the Cooperators in the individual countries. 21.2) The National Executive Board is an organism composed of the delegates of the superiors of the respective Institutions present in the nation. Some Cooperators can be members of the Board. They are chosen by the National Board of Directors and hold this office for a three-year period. 22. International and National General Assemblies of the Pauline Cooperators can be held. These are to be convoked by the General Board of Directors or by the National Board of Directors (cf. 20.1).




To be included in the letter:  The candidates understanding of the Pauline Charism (Spirit and Mission)  The reason why the candidate feels called to join the Pauline Family as a Pauline Cooperator  Ways that the candidate can envision participating in the charism and mission of the Pauline Family.  Formal request to Pronounce the Promise  The candidates name and address  An opening salutation to the acting Provincial of the Daughters of St Paul  The original letter is mailed to the National Office along with recommendations from the local community of Daughters of St Paul and the Regional Coordinator.

Associations of Pauline Cooperators 50 St. Paul’s Ave, Boston, MA 02130

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