CCDN271: Design as Inquiry Trimester 1, 20010 Assignment 2: final research paper Deliverables: 1700- 2000 word research paper, including appropriate images, footnotes and alphabetised bibliography of all sources consulted and cited—according to APA guidelines Submission format: word document, printed (hard copy w/ student name, ID number, and tutor’s name) Assessment: 25% of the final grade Due: Friday June 18, hand in at reception (before 1pm) An essential component of this course is the development of critical thinking and sophisticated research and analysis skills, all of which are necessary for the production of a successful research paper. In the second written assignment, you are asked to build upon the skills and knowledge gained over the duration of the trimester and put forth an original argument and exposition in an academic research paper. The final paper should address a unique design-related interest and should expand your understanding and thinking on this topic. This assignment asks you to express yourself clearly and concisely in written form, thereby building and developing excellent composition and communications skills. In this research paper, you are expected to advance and develop the argument (thesis statement) introduced in Assignment 1. Revise your abstract and argument from Assignment 1 with an emphasis on specificity to establish a clear platform and direction for Assignment 2. Your final research paper must convince the reader of the merit and validity of your original thesis argument. If you are unsure how to do this, make time to meet with the Course Coordinator or your tutor to discuss strategies for building and refining a thesis argument. For Assignment 2, you must include a clearly stated original thesis argument and relvant evidence supporting this position. Additionally, all papers must be properly formatted according to the APA citation style, and MUST included footnote citations where appropriate in the body of the text and a final bibliography of at least five scholarly sources appearing at the end of the text. Expectations: 1500-2000 word research paper investigating an orginal thesis argument and providing significant scholarly “evidence”—case studies, images, historical or literary precident, etc—which illustrates and supports the validity of the principle assertions of the thesis argument. appropriate use of images to illustrate or expand aspects of the thesis argument. a bibiliography comprised of at least five scholarly sources –NOT WEBSITES! correct use of APA Style for all citations and bibliographic references.