Curriculumn Vitae

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MARGARET MAILE PETTY Senior Lecturer /// School of Design /// Victoria University of Wellington 139 Vivian Street, Room 4.10 Wigan /// Wellington, New Zealand email: /// phone: +64 4 463 6239

CURRICULUM VITAE academic experience Deputy Head of School, The School of Design, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, NZ; 2009-present Senior Lecturer, The School of Design, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, NZ; 2008-present Assistant Director, MFA Lighting Design, Parsons, The New School for Design, NYC, NY; 2007- 2008 Thesis Coordinator, MFA Lighting Design Parsons, The New School for Design, NYC, NY; 2005- 2008 Adjunct Teaching faculty, Design + Management, Parsons, The New School for Design, NYC, NY; 2006-2008 Adjunct Teaching faculty, History of Art and Design, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY; 2004-2005

qualifications Ph.D. candidate (ABD), The Bard Graduate Center, NYC, NY; 2002-present MA in design history, The Bard Graduate Center, NYC, NY; 2000- 2002 BA Art History, Summa cum Laude, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR; 1997- 2000 General Studies, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA; 1991- 1992 Interior Design, Palm Beach Community College, Palm Beach, FL; 1990-1991

publications peer-reviewed: “Fluorescent Fields: electric lighting and the rationalization of the modern corporate workplace,” Colour and Light in Architecture, Pietro Zennaro, ed. (Verona, Italy: Knemesi, 2010): 218-225. “The Impostor and the Voyeur,” PLAT 1.0 (Fall 2010). “Edge of Danger”: electric light and the negotiation of public and private domestic space in Philip Johnson's Glass and Guest House,” Interiors 1:3 (Fall 2010): 197-218. "Inviting the Gaze: Electric Light and the 'Look' of the Postwar Domestic Interior," Home Cultures (TBA under peer-review). “The Edge of Danger: artificial lighting and the dialectics of domestic occupation in Philip Johnson's Glass and Guest Houses,” published online by the Centre for Research & Development, University of Brighton (Nov. 2010) “Perpetual Noon: Fluorescent Lighting and the Modern Office," Scapes 7 (Fall 2008): 9-15. “Illuminating the Glass Box: Architectural lighting design and the performance of modern architecture in post-war America” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians v.66, n.2 (2007 June): 194-21. chapters: “Scopophobia/Scopophilia: electric light and the anxiety of the gaze in postwar American architecture,” in Anxious Dwelling / Postwar Spaces, edited by Robin Schuldenfrei (Routledge; Taylor & Francis, 2011).

Margaret Maile Petty


“Corporate America And The New Luminous Environment: Kelly‟s work with Johnson, Mies, and Noyes,” in The Structure of Light: Richard Kelly and the Illumination of Modern Architecture, edited by Dietrich Neumann (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010), 63-80. “Lake Shore Drive Apartments,” in The Structure of Light: Richard Kelly and the Illumination of Modern Architecture, edited by Dietrich Neumann (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010), 135. “711 Third Avenue,” in The Structure of Light: Richard Kelly and the Illumination of Modern Architecture, edited by Dietrich Neumann (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010), 155. “International Arrivals Building, Idlewild Airport,” in The Structure of Light: Richard Kelly and the Illumination of Modern Architecture, edited by Dietrich Neumann (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010), 158-59. “Seagram Building,” in The Structure of Light: Richard Kelly and the Illumination of Modern Architecture, edited by Dietrich Neumann (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010), 162-63. “Spiegelungen / Reflections,” in Leuchtende Bauten: Architektur der Nacht, edited by Dietrich Neumann and Marion Ackermann (Germany: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2006). invited papers: “Richard Kelly and the Imaging of Modern Corporate Architecture,” presented by invitation from Dietrich Neumann, Royce Family Professor for the History of Modern Architecture and Urban Studies, Brown University, October 2010. “The „Look‟ of Modern Architecture,” presented by invitation at the Center for Architecture, New York in association with the New York Chapter of the Illuminating Engineering Society of America, October 2010. “Lighting Is Architecture: Richard Kelly and the Imaging of Modern Corporate Architecture,” presented by invitation, The Structure of Light, symposium, October 2010, Yale School of Architecture, Yale. “Scopophobia/Scopophilia: electric light and the anxiety of the gaze in postwar American architecture,” presented by invitation for 2010 lecture series, SCAPE, Massey University, Wellington, NZ. “Invisible Modernism: electric light, modernism, and the machine age aesthetic” presented at invitation of Julieanna Preston for Interior Architecture Theory and Criticism, August 2009, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. “The Edge of Danger”: artificial lighting and the dialectics of domestic occupation in Philip Johnson's Glass and Guest Houses” presented at the University of Brighton‟s conference, Occupation, July 2009, Brighton, UK. “Perpetual Noon: Fluorescent Lighting and the Modern Office” presented at Media Studies Seminar Series, April 2009, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. “Inside Out, Outside In: Philip Johnson's Glass and Guest Houses and the dialectics of domestic occupation" presented at the School of Design research colloquium, April 2009, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. “Daylight and the City: an exploration of the formative role of daylight in urban architecture and planning ” presented at the Daylighting Institute, May 2008, Lightfair International, Las Vegas, NV, USA. “Light as an Integral Part of Architecture” presented at AIDL Lecture Series, Sept. 2006, Parsons the New School for Design, New York City, NY. “Richard Kelly: Architecture as Collaboration,” presented at Light-Energy-Impacts Lecture Series, July 2006, The Center for Architecture, New York City, NY. non-refereed: “New York Times Building," Lichtbericht 87 (December 2008): pp. 6-11. “Let the Lighting Technology Decide," Lichtbericht 87 (December 2008): pp. 12-15. “Making Camp," Urbis (Fall 2008): pp. 9-15. “User-friendly University,” Professional Lighting Design no.61 (June/July 2008): 12-17. Dinner (as) Theatre,” Professional Lighting Design no.61 (June/July 2008): 70-71.

Margaret Maile Petty


“Chanel Ginza: The Past, Present, And Future Of Media Skins,” Professional Lighting Design no.60 (March/April 2008): 24-29. “Revolution Now,” Professional Lighting Design no.60 (March/April 2008): 11-17. “East Meets West with Glamour and Luminosity,” Professional Lighting Design no.59 (Jan/Feb 2008): 14-19. “Low-impact Use,” Metropolis vol. 27, no. 3 (Oct. 2007): 119, 161. “The Science and Art of Light,” Architectural Lighting vol.21, no. 6 (Sept.-Oct. 2007): 50-54. “Stewards of the Earth: Sidwell Friends School,” Architectural Lighting vol.21, no. 4 (June 2007): 28-31. “Process Makes Perfect,” Architectural Lighting vol. 21, no. 2 (Mar. 2007): 38-41. “Light and the Urban Nightscape,” Architectural Lighting vol.21, no.1 (Jan.-Feb. 2007): 19-21. “Yale University Art Gallery,” Architectural Lighting vol.21, no.1 (Jan.-Feb. 2007): 23-25. “The Seagram Building: Standing Up to the Test of Time,” Professional Lighting Design no.50 (July/August 2006). “Richard Kelly,” Architectural Lighting vol.20, no.3 (May/June 2006): 29. “Liberty Relighting, 20 Years Later,” Architectural Lighting vol.20, no.3 (May/June 2006): 18. “Close up: Herbert Bayer,” Modernism Magazine vol. 8, no.2 (Summer 2005): 81.

symposia /// conferences /// exhibitions FLOW: a Conference in Two Parts [FLOW 1], international peer-reviewed conference hosted by the Modern Interiors Research Centre, Kingston University, London; paper presented, “Curtaining the Curtain Wall: Traversing the Boundaries of the Modern Postwar Environment,” May 2011 Colour and Light in Architecture, international peer-reviewed conference hosted by IUAV University of Venice (Italy); paper presented: “Fluorescent Fields: electric lighting and the rationalization of the modern corporate workplace,” November 2010. Yale School of Architecture, symposium, The Structure of Light: Richard Kelly and the Illumination of Modern Architecture, invited speaker, October 2010. AAH annual conference, section “Anxious Dwelling / Postwar Spaces,” University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, UK; paper presented: “Scopophobia/Scopophilia: electric light and the anxiety of the gaze in postwar American architecture”; April 2010 Chair, “Colloquia, Congregation, Community, Creativity” symposium, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, NZ; October 2009 Conference, “Occupation”, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK; paper presented: “The Edge of Danger: artificial lighting and the dialectics of domestic occupation in Philip Johnson's Glass and Guest Houses”; July 2009 Curator, exhibition: “One Bryant Park, Greening New York City‟s Towers,” The Center for Architecture, NYC, NY; January-May 2008 Lecture series (developed and organized) “Daylight and the City,” The Center for Architecture, NYC, NY; April 2007 Public program (developed and organized) and lecture, “Collaboration: Lighting and Architecture,” The Center for Architecture, NYC, NY; May 2006 Curatorial advisor, “Light_Energy_Impact: The Legacy of Richard Kelly,” The Center for Architecture, NYC, NY; May-July 2006 Curatorial advisor, “Transformed by Light: New York,” The Museum of the City of New York, NY; December-May 2006) Symposium (developed and organized), “Modern Means,” keynote Anthony Vidler, inaugural graduate symposium for The Bard Graduate Center, NYC, NY; April 2002 Short film, multi-media exhibition investigating Walter Benjamin‟s Arcades Project, “New York City, Capital of the XX Century,” The Bard Graduate Center, New York, NY; Spring 2002

Margaret Maile Petty


Independent feature film (95 mins., color), “Anoosh of the Airways,” co-writer and producer, Portland, OR; 1999 New York Underground Film Festival, invitee with “Bloody Mary”, March 19-23, New York, NY;1997 Chicago Underground Film Festival, invitee with “Bloody Mary”, Chicago, IL; 1997 Independent feature film (97 mins., color), “Bloody Mary,” co-writer and producer, Portland, OR; 1996 Independent feature film (73 mins., black/white), “Subculture,” co-writer and producer, Portland, OR; 1993

awards /// grants /// distinctions University Research Fund recipient, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, NZ; 2009 New Researchers Grant, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, NZ; 2009 Memorial Fellowship Award, The Michael Kalil Endowment for Smart Design, Parsons the New School for Design, NYC; 2006 Clive Wrainwright Award for Outstanding M.A. Thesis, BGC, NYC, NY; 2003 The Bard Graduate Center Fellowship for Doctoral Studies, BGC, NYC, NY; 2003, 2004, 2005 The Richard Kelly Grant, New York Chapter of Illuminating Engineering Society, NYC, NY; 2002 Edward Lee Cave Scholarship, BGC, New York, NY; 2001, 2002 First Year Anonymous Donor Fellowship, BGC, New York, NY; 2001, 2002 Mary Donnelly Writing Award, Art History, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR; 2000

professional /// university /// community service Academic Board Representative, School of Design, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, NZ; 2009 Postgraduate Coordinator, School of Design, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, NZ; 2009 United States Coordinator, Professional Lighting Designers Association (PLDA,; 2009 United States Editor, Professional Lighting Design Magazine; NYC, NY; 2008-2009 Contributing Editor, Architectural Lighting, NYC, NY; 2006-2008 Thesis Coordinator, Parsons the New School for Design, NYC, NY; 2005- 2008 PhD student representative, The Bard Graduate Center, NYC, NY; 2007

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