My Vision Board
By Margie Blackmon Business Builders City 2 City 3/19/2014
I was born to win, I plan to be a winner, I must win, I am prepared to win, and expect to win.
Business Builders City2 City TV Training Center
Entrepreneur Future Training Center
“I'm not going to give up, shut up, or let up, until I'm taken a matter of fact I'm just getting warmed UP!� Zig Ziglar
Business Builders Online Virtual Training Center Live Virtual Conferences with Expert trainer’s
Business Builders City 2 City Live Internet TV Virtual Platform Software 4
Experts Virtual Mentoring and Coaching Entrepreneur’s Online Worldwide
My Positive Thoughts will allow me to do everything better than any negative thoughts will!
Awakening The Entrepreneur Within You My Dream Team
I am anointed and empowered by God to complete every task. I am blessed, to be a blessing. I have ridiculous favor. All my business ventures are successful. My desires and goals are achieved. I have the vision and knowledge to complete every task, I expert success. 6
Detroit Business Building Business Non-profit Organization
Entrepreneur Training Center The Kitchen for Entrepreneur’s
Entrepreneur Training Center 7
Business Builders City 2 City Training Academy
Business Builders City 2 City Training Academy
Entrepreneur Training Center
Business Builders City 2 City Training Academy and students 10
The Kitchen Entrepreneur’s for Training 1000 Entrepreneur’s 11
Information CafĂŠ 13
Work Fun Games and Completion
The Board Room
The Café Lounge
The Special Work place of Regeneration , rejuvenation restoration and renaissance
Detroit Business Builders City 2 City Training Academy
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Marianne Williamson
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We 20
are all meant to shine, as children do. Marianne Williamson We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.� - Marianne Williamson
Business Builders City 2 City Membership Growing A Business changing the way people learn about Business
Business Builders Membership Growth to 100,000 members world wide Business Builders Partnerships Growth
I do not make excuses, I don’t Blame the Past Because the Rest of My Life Will be The best life Ever
50 Plus & Wonderful Magazine Best Seller Magazine the Baby Boomers
Streaming Conference Room
I am "Setting goals, and bringing my future into the present furthermore, the present is where I can take action.
My Business Office at the Training Center in Ohio
The power of change in my hands. It is my decision: It is in my hands just like the potter at the wheel, I am the force that turns and movers the clay into a thing of beauty.
PR Promoting the Conference Promoting Entrepreneur MY FLEET OF CARS
Reflecting On The Past Looking toward the future
Reflecting On The Past Moving toward the future
Reflecting On The Past Looking toward the future
The Blessing in my Life are Irreversible!!!because God has blessed me, ain't nothing anyone can do about it!!If God spoke it and I have proclaim a thing, HE WILL BRING IT TO PASS!!! He watches over His word to PERFORM IT!! ( I Shall prosperity as my soul prosperity. I shall not be afraid I Am BLESSED! I am Empowered to Succeed in the Name of Jesus, 35
Reflecting On The Past Moving toward the future
No amount of guilt can change my past. No amount of worry can change the future. However, the actions I take today can make a big difference in all the tomorrows of my life. 36
My Future Homes
Business Growth Coach Mentor and Consultant
The Power of change is in my hands, Many things in Life is a set of circumstances that I can change, improve. In addition, make better day by day it’s my decision; it’s in my hands, just like the potter at the wheel, I am the 38
force that turns and moves the cay into a thing of beauty. Business Growth Coach Training Guides and Business Training Manual
My Home Office
No amount of guilt can change my past. No amount of worry can change the future. However, the actions I take today 40
can make a big difference in all the tomorrows in my life.
Detroit Office
My “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this 41
time more intelligently.� - Henry Ford
My conference call with President Obama
If you want to succeed in life – for God, for your family, to be a blessing, you must intend to succeed. It will not happen by accident. T.D. Jakes Ministries When I focus on a target, reaching (the goal) is the results of my success. I must block out any interference, if I do not want to miss the target (my purpose). However, there are times to keep focused, I must closed your weak eye and keep the strong eye open and focused on the target (my aim)
I am Aiming for my Target
A place of peace
My Caribbean Island Training Retreat 46
Business Retreat
My Private Detroit Yacht has and staff training centers
Peace and Relaxation 47
My Private work Place
I know Success will not come and find me; I have to go out and get it. If you want to succeed in life – for God, for your family, to be a blessing, you must intend to succeed. It will not happen by accident. T.D. Jakes Ministries 48
Outside my window
Future Hotel Owner On the water Front
"We are always becoming that in which we have need of ourselves being." 51
Building Business in Europe Destination Training
My Hotel Training in Paris
Exotic Training Location in Europe
Destination Business Growth Training
I choose to be an Entrepreneur! I choose to take control of my OWN life and my OWN future. It is a lifestyle and a passion. I am constantly thinking about new ways to be innovative. I am always looking at the world and seeing “WHERE I can bring more value to a person’s life….Jonathan Budd Being an entrepreneur is neither a part-time or full-time job it is a Lifestyle”
My Beach Training Location My Hotel
My Hotel and Resort at the My Beach Training Location
Destination Business Development Training
I "Don't have to be afraid to be unique or speak your mind, because, that's what makes me different from everyone else." - Dave Thomas
Peace and Relaxation
I am anointed and empowered by God to complete every task. I am blessed, to be a blessing. I have ridiculous favor. All my business ventures are successful. My desires and goals are achieved. I have the vision and knowledge to complete every task I expert success. 60
Training in the Paradise Garden
My dreams will not become a reality through magic; it will take sweat, determination and hard work. ~Colin Powell 62
If opportunity does not knock, build a door by Milton Berle
My Business Goals Membership program : 100,000 Members Business Growth Coaching and consulting clients: 100 yearly On-site Coaching Joint Venture Partners Business Partnership : 50 Business Builders Growth Coach Training Certification / 80 Certified coaches and consultant trained per year Business Builders Growth Coaches 300 Partnership coaching 30,000 client world wide Business Builders City 2 City Non- Profit Organization created to develop 1000 Entrepreneur’s Hands on training 30 Business Builders Growth Products and Training e book , training guides Hands on activities ebooks Booklet 25 Business Development Partnership 10- 20 % ownership 64
ďƒ˜ Coach Training and Certification Program
Business Builders City 2 City Business Timeline
The only way to get to the next level is to take risks, explore new strategies and collaborate with others. Unleash your power Jumpstart your life. Make it happen! You have GREATNESS within you!! ~ Les Brown
Caring Hands Senior Care Home Caring Hands Senior Care Training
2. School Office Supplies The Best Deal Local and Online Service a. Teaching Success Resources b. Student Success Backpacks c. Office Bundles
3. Business Builders Non Profit Organization
Non -Profit Project the Entrepreneur’s Kitchen
4. Detroit Business Circle Directory
5.Business Builders City 2 City Membership
Business Builders City 2 City Coaching Consulting and Mentoring :
Business Growth Coaching
6. UNIQUE GIFTS BASKETS & BOXES Unique Gifts & Specialty Store
Sale on
Multi-Millionaire Mentor Art Cartwright
Multi-Millionaire Mentor Art Cartwright
Five Hundred Million Dollar Project Global Empowerment Mastermind Group V is On the Rise Mentorship
Prayer for Our Customers & Vendors: Lord, help us to serve our customers well and to meet their needs now and in the future. Thank you for bringing them to us. Thank you also for our vendors that serve and partner with us to bring our products and services to market. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people,-~Galatians 6:9 Awareness of God Lord, help me to see your work all around me. Give me the spiritual insight and mental discipline to see it and write it down that I might give you praise. My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working.~ John 5:17 PRAYER FOR SUCCESS IN BUSINESS
Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the LORD blessed him. The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous. Genesis 26:12,13 Father in the name of Jesus, The Scripture says that you will prosper the efforts of your children. Father, I am starting a new venture! As the Scripture says, you were with Isaac and gave him hundred fold blessings. I know you have the same love and concern for my well-being. Father I ask that I prosper as my soul prospers. Father blesses all the efforts that I take towards the success of my business. Grant me your wisdom and guidance so that I can make the right decision at the right time. Father I can be a successful I ask that you grant me success in my endeavors and lift me up in life. Be with me and prosper whatever I do! I thank you and praise you for answering my prayers even now providing all my needs .In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen
It is time to Dream Big CREATE A VISION BOARD 1. The act of anticipating that which will come to be 2. A vivid, imaginative conception or anticipation A vision board is a collage of images and phrases that represent my goals and ambitions. 73
Regular focus on my life's dreams and will help to make my vision a realty By Margie Blackmon By Margie Blackmon