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Beautiful Home Interiors Begin With

f loors FABULOUS

No. 51, 2016



Life Waves LifeComes Comes In Waves Since 1954, FloridaTile Tilehas hasbeen beenan aninnovator innovator marking marking many Since 1954, Florida manyaccomplishments, accomplishments, from buildingthe thefirst firstfloor floortile tile plant plant in in the the USA, USA, to from building to introducing introducingthe thefirst first digitallyprinted printedproducts productswith with our our HDP–High HDP–High Definition digitally Definition Porcelain® Porcelain®lines. lines. Throughout ourhistory historyFlorida FloridaTile Tilehas hasbeen been aa pioneer, pioneer, but Throughout our butequally equallyimportant, important, we have been a guideline for style. Offering products that are both we have been a guideline for style. Offering products that are bothpractical practical and stylish whatwe weare areall allabout, about,and and tile tile never never looked and stylish is is what lookedso sogood. good.Please Pleasevisit visit the webfor formore moreabout aboutthis thisproduct product and and more usus onon the web more at at www.floridatile.com. www.floridatile.com.

International Edition No.51 | 2016 Welcome to the Fall 2016 issue of FABULOUS FLOORS, a consumer magazine








FEATURES 20 Thinking Inside the Box One of the hottest and most interesting trends right now is the container home.

26 Frank Lloyd Wright Designs Available for Your Home Frank Lloyd Wright foundation partners with Creative Edge Master Shop to bring Wright’s designs to lobbies and living rooms.

30 Porcelain Tile helps Establish the New Age of Rustic Featuring Cellar (HDP) and Nexa (HDP) by Florida Tile.

54 Casual to Cosmopolitan Featuring the Natural Collection by Tuftex.

57 How to Clean and Maintain Your Carpet Here’s some advice for cleaning and caring for your new carpet.

60 From the Outside In Use nature as a guide to create a beautiful indoor landscape.

66 Before the Blame How and when to call in a certified flooring inspector (Third Party.)

fabulousfloorsmagazine.com Subscribe online today!

On the cover: Karndean LooseLay Longboard in Reclaimed Heart Pine Chalet.

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FALL 2016


DEPARTMENTS LIVE NATURALLY. CHOOSE WOOL The royal declaration for natural wool.

12 GREEN SOLUTIONS When shopping for flooring, it helps to know the earth-friendly lingo! 22 TILE IN STYLE Coming home to tile. The perfect time for redecorating, naturally. Consider tile. 32 WOODN’T IT BE NICE Top five questions to ask when buying wood flooring. 36 ON THE BOARDS For great looks in laminate, four things you need to know. 40 ALWAYS RESILIENT A feast for the eyes. You might know it as linoleum or vinyl, but there’s a lot more to resilient these days. 48 CARPET COUTURE What is the best carpet for your home? 64 DESIGNERS WALK The impact of design. 70 FIND FLOORING FAST A buyer’s guide to what’s inside this issue.


uying new flooring can often be daunting, especially if you don’t have a lot of experience. There are lots of questions: What’s the correct carpet cushion to buy? The best flooring option for pets or kids? Who will do, and be responsible for, the installation? What is the true, complete cost? What about warranties? Maintenance? Service? Emergencies? How will I care for my new floor? And, ultimately, am I getting good value for my money? I’ll share a story with you. I recently found myself in the flooring department of a big box store looking for transition molding for a customer. A couple was looking at cork flooring, while a salesperson was stocking items in the same aisle. I overheard “No we don’t want this, because it’s laminate.” The salesperson just continued stocking his shelf. I couldn’t help myself. I said hello to the couple and explained the features and benefits of cork and they also asked me about engineered hardwood. I answered their questions and now the salesperson is listening to me as well. After we all walked away, they followed me and asked me how I knew all of this? I explained that I own a flooring store in the next town over. They asked me for a card and said “We will see you tomorrow.” The benefits of buying from an independent flooring retailer are many. Our job is to know the latest styles, colors and fashion trends, proper installation techniques in keeping with your wishes, and warranty requirements. We invest in continuing education to be at the forefront of flooring technologies, so you can rely upon us to provide the latest in looks, room layout and economical options (from performance to the impressive and cost-effective use of mixed media.) Our objective is to help bring your decorating ideas to life! So, feel confident and visit your neighborhood specialty flooring retailer for your next flooring purchase. You’ll be glad that you did! Margo Locust Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

Fall 2016 No. 51 www.fabulousfloorsmagazine.com KENNETH E. LOCUST Chairman MARGO RODGERS LOCUST Publisher & Editor-In-Chief margo@fabulousfloorsmag.com


JEANETTE CHASWORTH Jeanette@thecolorwhisperer.com

RAY STEWART Production Manager ray@stewart-comm.com


LISBETH CALANDRINO Associate Publisher & Director of Social Media lcalandrino@nycap.rr.com


KAREN GEORGE Managing Editor karen@fabfloorsmktg.com RON TOELKE Creative Director ron@toelkeassociates.com

BRIDGETTE KELLY Contributing Writer, UK ALEX ROSS fabfloorsalex@gmail.com

B. Briskman, E. A. O’Connell


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Ira George, Robert Partain, Andrew S. Rodgers, Karly Tedford, T. C. Lovett, Jasmine Grey, Betty Isaacson SONNA CALANDRINO Founder and Publisher Emerita

Editorial & Advertising Offices 916 Main Street, Andrews, NC 28901, a North Carolina LLC



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FABULOUS FLOORS MAGAZINE is published quarterly by Fabulous Floors Magazine, LLC, 916 Main Street Andrews, NC 28901, a North Carolina LLC. Fabulous Floors assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photos, images or artwork. The FABULOUS FLOORS logo is a trademark of Fabulous Floors Magazine, LLC. Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and timeliness of information, FABULOUS FLOORS cannot be held responsible for discrepancies, discontinuance of product nor color reproduction. PRINTED IN THE USA Copyright 2016 Fabulous Floors Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.

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Elizabeth Andrews


Buying new flooring?


Calling to mind the lure of exotic destinations and the appeal of natural textiles, Tuftex patterns have a handcrafted look with a big dash of sophistication. They’re elegant. Bold. Urbane. Just the thing for well-bred rooms of exceptional style and comfort. Rooms you’ll love… and live your beautiful, busy life in. tuftexcarpets.com FALL 2016 3

Live Naturally Choose Wool



The Royal Declaration for Natural Wool


he wonderful and historic story of naturally grown wool is really one of the most amazing that nature offers. Grown on sheep, harvested annually through shearing for good animal husbandry and then transformed into the most superb performance textiles — there is no better — environmentally friendly, recycling story in the world than wool.

We live in a world where there are so many choices and competition from alternative textile fibres is huge. Also the need to fulfil the environmental tick box is becoming vital and as you may appreciate, so called ‘green’ products are everywhere. But wool has served its time. Proving over the centuries that it will indeed outlast other fibres. This enduring quality is due to its origin, its versatility and its practicality. Wool is grown, it is not a manmade fibre and that description — means a synthetic fibre made from oil. True sustainability lends a continuous line of supply that is naturally renewable. Naturally grown wool is not depleting reserves of fossil fuels and plundering supplies that may be needed for more vital functions than the production of carpet and clothing. Wool will be there for future generations.



Wool growing is simplicity itself — it grows naturally on a sheep — just like your hair grows — and is an annually restored protective layer for the sheep. However, it should be appreciated that maintaining these growers of wool is a serious business. Our global flock of sheep is managed by dedicated sheep farmers and it is their work and endeavours that ensure that every year there is a fresh supply of new wool for the international textile industry. Fashion, flooring, furnishing fabrics and indeed, all things fabulous that are made with this wonderful fibre depend on the good work of the sheep farming community. It was this community that the Campaign for Wool set out to support in 2010 and ensure that wool’s unique message of natural sustainability and environmental importance was upheld.

Left and bottom left: HRH The Prince of Wales and colleagues at the Dumfries House event. Below: examples of wool yarns and crafts at the Campaign for Wool’s Wool BnB exhibition. Photographer Peter Dixon, Stylist Karina Garrick.

Prince of Wools Continues His Wool Work In September this year, the Patron of the Campaign for Wool, His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales confirmed his ongoing commitment to the wool industry’s largest ever promotional initiative. Whilst hosting a major wool gathering at his Scottish residence — Dumfries House, the Prince announced his intention to remain Patron of the Campaign for a further five years. Furthermore to continue to add value to his personal belief in the future of wool, he launched the ‘Dumfries House Declaration’. The Dumfries House Declaration states the unequivocal position of the wool industry in terms of all aspects of wool management onfarm and its aim to ensure that wool producers across the world maintain the highest standards in animal welfare. This will promote the ‘Five Freedoms of Sheep’, an animal welfare and sheep husbandry benchmark, which outline the standards that sheep farmers follow in caring for sheep in their flock. >>

FALL 2016


Live Naturally Choose Wool



Dumfries House Wool Declaration The Dumfries House Conference • 9 September 2016 The versatility of the Wool fibre has been appreciated by man since the stone ages and to this day keeps the modern consumer cool when they are active and protects the wearer from severe weather elements. Moisture on the skin is wicked away and no man-made fibre has the ability to regulate the body’s temperature in all weather conditions like Wool does naturally. With this Declaration we commit our efforts, time and talents to promote, educate and enforce the wonderful natural attributes of the Wool fibre, listed here below:

1. Wool is 100% natural:

A natural protein fibre that is similar to human hair, Wool grows naturally on sheep.

2. Wool is a renewable resource:

Consuming a simple blend of water, air, sunshine and grass, sheep produce a new fleece every year without depleting finite natural resources.

3. Wool forms part of a natural carbon cycle:

Sheep consume organic carbon by eating plants, and store this in their fleece. Fifty percent of a fleece’s weight is pure organic carbon stored in a durable, wearable form.

4. Wool is a natural alternative to wasteful consumer practices:

Research shows that the average life of a Wool garment is 2-10 years, compared to 2-3 years for garments made from other fibres.

5. Wool was made for recycling:

Wool fibres are high quality and durable, capable of re-use and recycling, ultimately reducing landfill disposal. Wool is routinely upcycled into woollenspun knitwear, insulation and geotextiles – all of which contribute to a circular economy.

6. Wool is biodegradable: Wool decomposes in a matter of years, releasing valuable nitrogen-based nutrients back into the soil.

7. Wool is naturally odour resistant:

By absorbing moisture vapour, Wool garments leave less perspiration on the skin, reducing odour-causing bacteria. Easily refreshed by airing, Wool garments can be worn longer between washes due to Wool’s natural ability to shed dirt and bacteria.

8. Wool is fire resistant & fire retardant:

Naturally high in nitrogen and water content, Wool’s unique cell structure requires high levels of oxygen in order to burn, and forms an insulating layer when heated that prevents the spread of flames. Wool does not melt, drip or to stick to the skin when subject to extreme heat and produces less smoke and toxic fumes during combustion.

9. Wool improves indoor air quality:

When used in interior textiles such as carpets and upholstery, Wool absorbs and locks away pollutants such as volatile organic carbons (VOCs) from the air more rapidly than other fibres.

10. Wool is welfare assured:

The major woolgrowing countries namely Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States and Uruguay, all support the IWTO and Campaign for Wool and conform to the strictest standards of animal welfare as embodied in the IWTO Specifications for Wool Sheep Welfare. The IWTO Specifications are premised on the Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare as set forth by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE): freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom from pain, injury or disease, the freedom to express normal behaviour, and freedom from fear and distress. The Five Freedoms also form the basis of strictly enforced national animal welfare legislation in each of these woolgrowing countries.

About The Campaign for Wool

The Campaign for Wool is a global endeavour initiated by its Patron, HRH The Prince of Wales, to raise awareness amongst consumers about the unique benefits offered by Wool and call attention to the ecological advantages it delivers. The campaign was launched by the Patron in January 2010 and has been celebrated in key international markets, such as the United Kingdom, Australia, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Norway, South Africa, Canada, United States of America, New Zealand, Italy, Japan and China.

About IWTO

With a world-wide membership encompassing the Wool pipeline from sheep to shop, the International Wool Textile Organisation (IWTO) represents the interests of the global Wool trade. By facilitating research and development and maintaining textile industry standards, IWTO ensures a sustainable future for Wool. To learn more about IWTO and its activities, visit www.iwto.org.

About the Dumfries House Wool Declaration

The Wool industry commits to protect the environment, to care about the welfare of the Wool Sheep and to uphold the best possible practices in growing, trading, manufacturing and selling Wool fibre and its relating textiles.

The Dumfries House Wool Declaration | Dumfries House, Ayrshire, United Kingdom



It also underlines the importance of the many valuable environmental and incredible performance assets of natural wool. This Declaration is supported by the leading wool grower organisations of the world including the British Wool Marketing Board of the United Kingdom, Woolmark in Australia, Cape Wools of South Africa and the Campaign for Wool body in New Zealand. It is a leading statement issued by the International Wool Textile Organisation which has representatives from the hundreds of textile industry businesses across the world. This united approach to positioning wool and its industry supply chain is made even more compelling as it is led by the Prince, who always had the belief in wool as the superior environmental fibre. As he said so aptly at the conference, “Wool is a product that the most brilliant boffin in the most high-tech laboratory could never create.” The sheep themselves could not have said it any better than their number one Ambassador!

The Wool BnB: left, the dining room; below, the study with the world wool map. Photographer Peter Dixon, Stylist Karina Garrick.

Come Inside… The Wool BnB Wool Week 2016 in the UK saw the world’s first Wool BnB — open its doors to the public. Created to appeal to those that happily head online to search and book a home to vacation in — think Air BnB — and for those wanting something informal and unique, rather than the corporate overtones of a hotel. This popular lifestyle trend of using one’s personal space to rent out for others to experience or was at the heart of the Campaign for Wool’s latest installation. The Wool BnB house was located in De Beauvoir town in Islington, North London and was a typical London town house. Well until you got inside! Bold colours proved a perfect foil for the stunning wool furnishings and floorings — there was a super relaxing bedroom — with wool filled mattresses and bedding — dramatic drapes and fabulous sheep art. >> FALL 2016


Live Naturally Choose Wool


Wool growing is simplicity itself — it grows naturally on a sheep — just like your hair grows — and is an annually restored protective layer for the sheep.



The Wool BnB: below left, the whimsical “Wool-k-in” Wardrobe; below right: the Wardrobe. Photographer Peter Dixon, Stylist Karina Garrick..

This popular lifestyle trend of using one’s personal space to rent out for others to experience or was at the heart of the Campaign for Wool’s latest installation.

The delightful sitting room placed a charming Liberty-themed floral flooring design by Alternative Flooring at the centre of the eclectic theme. Drama came in the shape of a stunning woolly wallhanging and the Harris Tweed scatter floor cushions made relaxation the order of the stay! A craft room and Wool-k-in Wardrobe filled with beautiful woollen clothing showed the way that wearing wool — gives you authentic style. There was nothing unwoolly about the BnB — even the delightful Shepherd’s Hut in the garden was filled with throws, cushions and woolly slippers, and the garden itself had a rather colourful small flock of sheep! It was designed to be comfortable and creative, a house to share and relax in — the home of someone who had great taste and good values and we think the images show that perfectly! ■ The Wool BnB: above; the bedroom; below left, the sitting room; below: the craft room. Photographer Peter Dixon, Stylist Karina Garrick.

FALL 2016


Wool Resource Guide Axminster Carpets Ltd UK

Godfrey Hirst USA

Roger Oates UK

+44 (0) 1297 630647 www.axminster-carpets.co.uk/

800-480-7134 www.godfreyhirst.com/

Bellbridge Carpets USA

Hibernia Woolen Mills USA

+ 44 (0) 1531 632 718 + 44 (0) 2073 512 288 www.rogeroates.com/

800-227-3408 www.bellbridge.com/

562-945-8711 / 888-588-9665 www.hiberniawoolenmills.com/

Bloomsburg Carpets/USA

International Design Guild

800-233-8773 www.bloomsburgcarpet.com/

603-626-0333 or 800-450-7595 www.internationaldesignguild.com/

Brintons HO USA

J. Mish, Inc USA

678-594-9300 www.brintons.net/

(800)-655-8613 www.jmish.com/us/

Carter International USA

Karastan USA

(877)-227-8371 www.cartercarpets.us/

800-234-1120 www.karastan.com/

Delos Rugs USA

Langhorne Carpet Co. USA

877-988-5595 www.delosrugs.com/

215-757-5155 www.langhornecarpets.com/

Fabrica Carpets USA

Masland Carpets & Rugs USA

949-261-7181 / 800-854-0357 www.fabrica.com

800-633-0468 www.maslandcarpets.com/

Hagaman Carpets USA

Nourison USA

706-861-6028 / 800-448-0279 www.hagamancarpet.com

800-223-1110 / 201-368-6900 www.nourison.com/

Rodeo Collection by Stark USA www.starkcarpet.com



Savnik USA 510-568-3150 savnik.com/

Silver Creek Carpet USA 800-233-5016 www.bloomsburgcarpet.com/silvercreek

Stark Carpet Corp USA 714-434-0630 www.starkcarpet.com/homeMain.cfm

Stanton Carpets USA 888-809-2989 www.stantoncarpet.com/

Tai Ping USA 212-979-2233 taipingcarpets.com/

The Dixie Group, Inc USA 866-274-9776 www.thedixiegroup.com/

Ulster Carpets UK 770-528-4724. www.ulstercarpets.com/

Westex Carpets UK +44 (0) 1274 861 334 www.westexcarpets.co.uk/

FALL 2016


green solutions |


FINDING GREEN IN THE FALL When shopping for flooring, it helps to know the Earth-friendly lingo!


o begin with, “Green� can mean something different to different people. So many definitions, but it all can come down to what is important to you. An obvious definition of a green floor is that it be made from natural materials, like wood, stone or wool, or that they be made of recycled material or is themselves recyclable. Delving deeper, though, you might ask yourself, for example, if the wood used in your favorite floor was harvested in a responsible, internationally accepted and renewable manner. Was it reclaimed from a riverbed or old building, perhaps? >>



Top left: Dover from MYBrick HDP Collection by Florida Tile; top right: Natural Bamboo from Shaw; below left: Bamboo by Teragren; below right: BayBridge™ COLORBODY™ Porcelain in Vista by Daltile.

FALL 2016


green solutions | Your definition of “green” flooring can extend to things like purchasing products from manufacturers who have their own eco-friendly practices and programs in place. Maybe it’s important to you that new carpet is made of recycled fiber, or that it is recyclable. Or that the product is designed to last so long its lifecycle markedly reduces the impact on the environment. And what about maintenance? Does the carpet and rug cushion you select feature safe ways to fight mold and bacteria?

Here are some helpful terms to understand: Carbon footprint: Floor covering manufacturers talk about “reducing their carbon footprint.” This means that they’re reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions which are being created in the production of their flooring. LEED: LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a rating system that promotes green design and construction. It sets the standard in environmental performance of buildings.

GREEN TIPS….. Green Tip: Cue the Victorians! In spring, roll up those area rugs. Show those floors again! Wood, tile, laminate, resilient or carpet. Come fall, roll rugs out again for that cozy feeling. Green Tip: Get back to basics. Think how people lived generations ago, with natural materials like wool, wood, stone, recycled or recyclable products and products with a long life.



Above and background: Hand-scrapped Douglas Fir from Sustainable Lumber Company.

Left: Ravenna by Karastan; below: Mohawk Smartstrand Comfortably Classic in Corkboard brown.

VOCs: VOCs (volatile organic compounds) relate to the healthy quality of the air in our indoor environment. With floors constituting such a large surface area in the home, manufacturers work hard to reduce or eliminate VOCs. Sustainable: The ability to maintain current needs without drawing on future resource needs (harvesting cork from tree bark without tree cutting). Recyclable: The ability to convert materials into a resource from which to manufacture new goods (soft drink bottles recycled into carpet fiber). >>

GREEN TIPS….. Green Tip: Go easy on yourself. Check for new technologies such as built-in stain, odor, mildew, bacteria and mold fighters that do much of the work for you now and in the years ahead! Green Tip: Define your green. “Green” is different for different people. Some want natural “ingredients;” others, floors that last a very long time or keep a home allergy free.

FALL 2016


green solutions | Renewable: Resources that replenish themselves on their own in a brief time period (wool, bamboo and cork). Biodegradable: Flooring materials that decompose quickly when left exposed to the natural environment. Certified: Products deemed genuine as to properties and other claims via recognized, standard processes, often by qualified organizations (e.g., certified wood products comply with sustainable forestry practices). Energy efficient: Products or systems of products that use less energy in their manufacture or that help to limit energy costs over time. Natural: Products or components made from materials found in nature (wood and stone, for example).

Left: EcoDomo — Grizzly Chablis Leather Floor; below: Couristan Wool Squares Group; background: Cardenas tile by Mohawk.

GREEN TIPS….. Green Tip:Start small. You don’t have to do a ground-up green renovation. Look for products like area rugs or cleaners made from sustainable, recyclable or recycled materials. Green Tip: Clean green! Many green cleaners do an excellent job, but to keep your warranty intact, check with your flooring manufacturer for approved green cleaners. Start by using theirs.



Here are some green attributes for flooring to consider. Carpet insulates a home interior from heat, cold (and noise). Carpet made of synthetic fibers can be made from recycled materials and itself be recycled. Wool is a natural fiber with many inherent green attributes. Cushion which can be made of recycled materials, treated to protect against bacteria, mold and mildew to help promote a healthy consumer environment and that cushion actually aids in cleaning, allowing a vacuum cleaner to draw air and debris up through carpet. Wood, the most recognizable green flooring, is renewable. It can be refinished, recycled and re-used. This applies not only to solid wood flooring, but also to engineered formats. Core board used in laminate is often fabricated from what used to be wood waste, and that laminate, like any hard surface, is easy to clean and to keep allergen-free. >>

Above: CORBOO Horizontal by Natural Cork; left: Hardwood from US Floors; below: Mullican Hardwood Ponte Verdra 7� in Hickory Destin.

FALL 2016


green solutions | Most tile and all stone tile are made from natural materials. Part of the green story is the ability of any product to last a long time, thus reducing pressure on raw materials. The fact that 2,000-year-old Roman tile remains in place doing its job is an example of longevity — a wise and green investment. Linoleum is made from natural materials and is actually biodegradable. Other resilients last a very long time and are easy to keep clean (important for those who need a very healthy environment and why resilient is used almost exclusively in health care settings). Area rugs, like carpet, can warm a home. Use them as walk-offs at entry points to keep down dirt and grit to reduce cleaning and watch them keep hard surfaces or carpeted floors looking great longer. Many are made from natural or recycled materials. And did we mention that green floors are not only a responsible, but a practical choice? If you’re into saving green along with the planet, they’re also quite affordable. ■

Left: The Dream Collection from Allwood; above: American Retreat Brand Oak from Mohawk.

GREEN TIPS….. Green Tip: Look for brands you already have faith in. Every flooring manufacturer offers something green. Indoor Air Quality Check List  Choose premium installation products with zero or low VOC (volatile organic compound) emissions  Clean hard-surface flooring with low VOC products  Check your vacuum cleaner to make sure its filter traps what it picks up. The Carpet and Rug Institute has a rating system for homehealthy vacuums.



The classic art of making bricks receives a modern update with GLOSSY BRICK by Ragno. Slight variations in surface pattern provide an old-world feel while the glossy finish adds a contemporary flair.

Going Green? Go with a Laminate Floor Laminate flooring is inherently eco-friendly but not all products make the cut. The NALFA certification seal is proof that a laminate floor is sustainable and is built with these qualities: ● It’s made with natural resources like wood chip fiberboard ● It’s recyclable ● It’s free of air-damaging chemicals ● It complies with formaldehyde emissions regulations for laminate flooring core board set forth by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) sections 9312093120.12, title 17, of the California Code of Regulations ● It is comprised of recycled content that may contribute points to the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards for homes and businesses It requires no special glues or adhesives during installation (eliminating VOCs) and no special cleaners for proper cleaning and maintenance (improving air quality) Whiskey Mill in Wheat, Laminate by Mannington.

FALL 2016


green solutions |



ecessity is the mother of invention and sometimes being kind to the earth is the necessity. There are many movements in architecture to make homes that are more eco-friendly, or use more recycled products. One of the hottest and most interesting trends right now is the container home.

Affordable and Eco-Friendly It’s a great resource for a house, because it is already built to withstand all kinds of weather, ocean travel and heavy stacking. Container homes are made out of shipping containers that are no longer in use. The average lifespan of a shipping container can easily be 30 years; many shipping companies use them considerably less before retiring them. A typical shipping container is used for 10 years or less. In our research, we found that there are approximately 25 to 30 million unused, ‘retired’ shipping containers that can be purchased. You can pick up one in good shape for around $1800–$2000!



Container homes can be stacked to create a community of apartments—adaptable to highdensity urban locations, colleges and universities, and any area needing inexpensive and efficient housing. Below: container-style “tiny” homes can be built on wheels and moved to almost any location.

Go Modular: You Can Stack Two or Three or More as Needed. Shipping containers are available in different sizes and heights. • Doors and windows can be cut into the walls for light and access. • Walls can be removed to create bigger rooms, and interior walls can be added to create bathrooms, closets etc. Double height containers can be used to develop lofts, second floors or extra tall ceilings to provide added luxury. • The panels can even be used to create patio covers. Using the modular units can also permit a quicker build time, reducing building costs there as well. Not only are they recycled building materials, but they are also ecofriendly and exceed many states’ criteria for energy efficiency.

From Tiny House to Palatial Estate These strong and sturdy containers can be placed to make any size building or home that you wish. The modular forms offer a lot of creativity and options. It’s more than just the rectangular box you see on the boat. Containers have been used to build everything from tiny homes to large estates. They have even been used as office buildings, dormitories, emergency and homeless shelters, as well as multi-family housing and communities.

Living the Simpler Life Are you looking to downsize and lessen the amount of clutter in your life while making your contribution to the environment? Perhaps a container home is just the ticket! Imagine the possibilities … “think inside the box”! This could be a great way for you to have the unique home of your dreams. ■ The Mica from Tumbleweed Tiny Houses, very similar to a container house maximizes space without requiring any special permit to tow. In one floor plan you enjoy singlelevel recreation complete with a full-sized bedroom, separate kitchenand bath, and great open views.

FALL 2016


tile in style |




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Opposite page: Kerala HDP from Florida Tile.

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Left: Mannington Fresh Linen Blend listello; below: Calabria in Bianco from RagnoUSA.


aybe it’s the invigorating air. Maybe the harvest and the promise of the coming holidays. Maybe it’s coming home — coming inside — after the travels of summer. It might simply be the school calendar, but somehow Fall feels like a new beginning. The perfect time for redecorating, naturally. Consider tile. Fabricated largely if not completely of natural materials, tile (ceramic, porcelain and, of course, stone) is tough enough to walk on; elegant enough to make a design statement on any surface in your living room, hallway or bedroom; and versatile enough to install in kitchens, bathrooms, outdoor patios—even in a workshop or garage. Varieties of tile include ceramic, porcelain, glass, metal, natural stone, mosaics — even handcrafted concrete, cork and leather—and now come in sizes from 3⁄ 8-inch mosaics to 32-inch pieces. The larger formats are very popular, especially for larger homes. Also fashionable is rectified tile, featuring perfected, very tight butt joints without grout lines for a seamless look and easier maintenance. >>

FALL 2016


tile in style | As more homeowners look to personalize their spaces, custom mosaics are on the rise, finding their way onto a greater variety of surfaces from showers to wrap-around columns and curved walls. Unusual tile materials, such as stone, glass, metal and salvaged wood looks even bamboo and leather, can lend a unique look to your space. Some designers have even blended diverse elements (such as wool, fabric or copper yarn) as details within their richly colored glass tiles, with stunning results. Mixing different materials, such as chrome or leather—even a bamboo piece set in resin — distinguishes your design. A handsome wood tile floor, for example, becomes something stunning with inlaid tiles or a complementary tile border. Now you can bring the myriad colors of nature as well as urban or vintage looks into your home, creating the room of your dreams with a tile floor. The abundance of the harvest is a reminder. It’s time to look homeward. Where the possibilities are endless. ■



Above: Royal Harbor Crevasse beige by Mohawk; below left: Glass Reflections from Daltile; below right: Limestone by Crossville; opposite page: Porcelain stoneware from the Lunar Series by Shaw.

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TILE DESIGN TIPS When planning your tile layout, think color and pattern and coordinate the whole room, floors, furniture, walls, accessories. Consider your whole design scheme at the same time. The more powerful your tiling décor is, the more restrained your other elements should be. This is a good time to consider how thick or thin, how dominant or restrained you want your joints and grout lines to be. Unless you want joints to be a dominant part of your pattern, they should be as tight as possible, with no grout lines, or use lightcolored grout. Assess the size and scale of your tile, its individual design and the overall pattern — as well as your layout —within the context of your room. A busy border around a busy field of tile can be confusing and distracting. However, a strong frame around a plain field makes a more tasteful, significant and chic statement. Thick or multiple borders will help reduce the spacious feeling of a large room. Skip borders around the room if you intend the installation pattern to run through a doorway. The key to selecting grout color is to determine if you want to match the grout to the tile so it blends and makes the area you’re working in look larger. Light grout colors will help, too. Grout is the material that fills in the spaces between tiles. A good grout job is seamless; you don’t even think about it. A bad grout job is an eyesore and jeopardizes the entire installation. Grout comes in many colorways; your choice is determined by the design and use. If you are looking for a consistent color field, there are grout colors that will blend with your tile. Choosing a darker color grout in areas that will be exposed to heavy foot traffic or soiling potential makes for headache- (and scrub brush-) free maintenance. For thousands of years, tile grout was a mixture of water, cement, sand and, more recently, a color tint. The evolution of grout has kept pace with the technology advances in tile installation products. ■ Background: Kerala from Florida Tile.

FALL 2016


tile in style |


Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation partners with Creative Edge Master Shop to bring Wright’s designs to lobbies and living rooms Frank Lloyd Wright is widely considered one of the greatest architects of the 20​th century. As just one example of his impact, the Architectural Record selected twelve of Wright’s buildings for their list of the one hundred most important buildings of the 20​th century. Yet many would argue that his true contribution is his living, breathing legacy that continues to inform design and innovation around the world today, from the openplan modern home design to today’s surge in sustainable architecture and natural building materials. Yet Wright’s influence goes far beyond building design. Many people don’t realize, for instance, that in addition to buildings, the architect designed furniture, lamps, lighting, rugs, dinnerware, decorative window grilles, stained glass windows, and even magazine covers and other graphics. These copyrighted motifs and designs, plus the 1,114 architectural works created by the architect over his 70-year-career, are part of the extensive portfolio of the​ Frank Lloyd Wright (FLW) Foundation​, which was founded by Wright in 1940 to preserve his legacy and educate the public in his innovative philosophy of architecture.



“ The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation is excited about this new partnership with Creative Edge Master Shop to design beautiful custom hard surface floors that draw inspiration from Wright’s philosophy of organic architecture and his powerful connection with Nature.” Now, thanks to a new licensure agreement with top fabricators, manufacturers, architects and interior designers can utilize these copyrighted designs in floors, furniture, wall coverings and other architectural surfaces. In other words, Wright’s iconic designs and motifs are about to become available in a new and unprecedented way.

A Living, Breathing, Ongoing Legacy

Opposite page and above: Frank Lloyd Wright Hollywood Fleurette granite floor, using four colors of granite stone.

To ensure that Wright’s work is used in a way that is in keeping with his vision and standards, the Foundation licenses a small number of fabricators and manufacturers —carefully chosen for their craftsmanship, skill and integrity—to market Wright’s copyrighted designs. For the category of hard surface flooring, the FLW Foundation has entered into a licensing agreement with Creative Edge Master Shop of Fairfield, Iowa, the world-renowned waterjet fabricator of architectural materials since 1987. The agreement allows Creative Edge to employ distinctive designs from the Foundation’s archives in stone, terrazzo and metal materials for residential and commercial flooring. “The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation is excited about this new partnership with Creative Edge Master Shop to design beautiful custom hard surface floors that draw inspiration from Wright’s philosophy of organic architecture and his powerful connection with Nature,” says Stuart Graff, President and CEO of the FLW Foundation. “The Foundation exists to enrich society through an understanding of his ideas, architecture and design and we feel this new collaboration will help showcase our important mission.” >> To term Frank Lloyd Wright (1867–1959) America’s greatest architect is to do the man a bit of a disfavor.With some 1,000 design projects and more than 500 completed works, many of them famous and a few bordering on the notorious (if such a word can be used in the discipline of architecture), he was all of that. Having influenced so many styles and generations of American architecture, he is a great — No! The greatest architect up to the present time. Wright’s work includes original and innovative examples of many building types, including offices, churches, schools, skyscrapers, hotels, and museums. He also designed many of the interior elements of his buildings, such as the furnishings and stained glass. Wright wrote 20 books and many articles and was a popular lecturer in the United States and in Europe. His colorful personal life often made headlines. Already well known during his lifetime, Wright was recognized in 1991 by the American Institute of Architects as “the greatest American architect of all time.” But, he was more than that. Far more… he was arguably the greatest American DESIGNER!

FALL 2016


tile in style |

The FLW Foundation will approve all fabrication plans and designs. These copyrighted designs by Frank Lloyd Wright will then be certified with the Foundation’s seal, either embedded in the lobby floor or on a separate legal document. In this way, the use of Wright’s copyrighted design will be clearly authorized and documented. “An architect or designer can now draw upon the extensive FLW Foundation archives, make a selection, and Creative Edge will fabricate the original Wright design in a stone or terrazzo floor,” says Jim Belilove, CEO and President of Creative Edge. “The designs by Wright could be used as medallions, accents, lines or borders. This is a rare opportunity to incorporate the genius of Frank Lloyd Wright in any building or home, truly honoring his work as a living, breathing, ongoing legacy.”

A Marriage of Art and Technology Throughout his long career, Wright embraced new technologies and tactics, constantly pushing the boundaries of his field. Although Wright used handcrafted elements in his homes, he strongly believed that technology could make beautiful homes available to the common person. He wrote, “the machine, by its wonderful cutting, shaping, smoothing and repetitive capacity



has made it possible to so use it without waste that the poor as well as the rich may enjoy today beautiful surface treatments.” He could have been talking about the computer-programmed waterjet machines of Creative Edge, which cut intricate designs from brittle, hard surfaces such as marble, tile or stone. The artistic creations by Creative Edge are found in ordinary homes, villas, palaces—and public venues from the entryway to Disney World to the NASA Astronaut’s Memorial to the Denver Airport lobby. “A single lobby floor can involve thousands of intricately cut pieces in multiple colors that are inlaid into the stone or tile with such precision that there is almost a seamless gap between each piece of stone,” says Belilove. “Basically, anything you can design on paper can now be rendered in stone by waterjet technology, which can precision-cut the tiniest pieces, down to one-sixteenth of an inch.” In other words, as Wright predicted, today an ordinary person can enjoy a stone floor that rivals what was found in the grandest venues in the past, thanks to technology. “When the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation first approached us, they told us that Wright clearly embraced technology as an essential element for architecture,” says Belilove. “For that reason, they felt that Wright would enjoy the way waterjet technology has made it possible to render his intricate geometric designs in a distinctive stone or terrazzo floor, setting the tone for the whole building.”

Opposite page: Frank Lloyd Wright Ragtime Optics cork floor using four different colored corks; below: Frank Lloyd Wright Geneva Tulip marble floor, using 11 different marbles.


he Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation is a cultural and educational nonprofit institution established in 1940 by Frank Lloyd Wright. The Foundation maintains its international headquarters at Taliesin West, in Scottsdale, Arizona. As the organization founded by Wright to be the repository of his life’s work and ideas and the first to bear his name, the Foundation is engaged in a broad range of activities to preserve Wright’s legacy; provide opportunities for the public to learn about the principal ideas embodied in his work; increase public awareness of the importance of architecture to society and the individual; and stimulate a demand for excellence in architecture and design. The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation owns, maintains, protects and operates:

Natural Materials and a Natural Technology The organic materials and low environmental impact involved in waterjet technology also resonate with the Wright’s philosophy, says Belilove. ■

■T wo National Historic Landmark properties, Taliesin (Wisconsin) and Taliesin West (Arizona), attracting over 150,000 visitors each year. Both properties served as Wright’s personal homes, studios and architectural laboratories and are integral to understanding his genius. ■T he Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, the most complete collection of work by an individual artist housed in a single facility, containing over 22,000 of Wright’s architectural drawings and over 300,000 documents, works of art, prototypes and other personal effects. ■T he professionally accredited Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, founded in 1932, which offers both Bachelor’s (BAS) and Master’s (M.Arch) degrees in architecture. ■2 1 registered US and 11 international trademarks plus hundreds of design copyrights protecting the value and the historic significance of the works of Frank Lloyd Wright. ■A residential community of scholars and artists, including members of the original Taliesin Fellowship, founded by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1932.

601 South 23rd Street, Fairfield, IA 52556 641-472-8145 | sales@cec-waterjet.com creativeedgemastershop.com

Established in 1990 to manage historic preservation at the Wisconsin campus, the Foundation’s sister nonprofit company, Taliesin Preservation, Inc., with which the Foundation shares a number of Trustees, works in close partnership with the Foundation on several key educational and facilities preservation initiatives.

For more information, visit www.franklloydwright.org FALL 2016


tile in style |


Porcelain Tile Helps Establish The ‘New Age’ Of Rustic The “rustic look” in interior design has evolved from a retro-trend a decade ago into an honest-to-goodness, mainstream style today. Furniture, accessory and paint outlets heavily promote their rustic touches because they evoke naturalness of materials, the practicality of purpose and a relaxed presence that speaks to comfort.


ustic, of course, is broadly interpreted. However, its popularity has survived as a valid décor for more than 300 years here in the US. It’s a look that pays off because it lasts so long and appeals to so many. Designers will tell you that there are two ways to establish an interior design. Either use elements such as furnishings, accessories, art, fabric and architectural features (think a fireplace or window), or with surfaces (floors, walls, counters) which, in effect become the “canvas” or backdrop for your décor scheme. Wise and creative choices in selecting that canvas can mean many and easier future changes, whether it is seasonal changes in rugs and pillows or wholesale changes of furnishings, paint and paper plus accessories. In the world of rustic décor, Florida Tile, has created some imaginative looks in porcelain tile. Two recent examples are CellarHDP, the look of reclaimed, vintage wood flooring in high definition porcelain, and NexaHDP, the look of rugged, weathered metal in a color body, glazed porcelain. What’s fascinating about these is not only what you can see, but also what you can do with them. CellarHDP, inspired by flooring planks found in an abandoned factory in Northern Italy, would be just as “at home” in a vintage country cottage as it would be in a contemporary urban loft becasuse it is unique and rustic, yet modern in its appearance with its natural and expressive palette of bleached grays, aged charcoal, rich mocha and warm honey brown. CellarHDP is available in 8x36-inch format of over-sized planks, a generous herringbone mosaic and a modern stack mosaic. NexaHDP features a rugged yet refined patina of weathered metal. Looking at NexaHDP, one can see the interplay of surface, color, and a high-low effect of the top glaze application work together to create a distinctive metallic effect with a high degree 30


NexaHDP in Copper.

of authentic shade variation. The end result is that whether your design intent is industrial-edge or eco-chic, NexaHDP allows you to easily create stunning rustic spaces using any of the three colors: the warm, varied hues of aged Copper; the deep saturated Iron grays punctuated with layers of industrial rust; or the Sterling tones of old pewter and ash. NexaHDP is produced in three largeformat sizes: 12" × 24", 24" × 24" and 18" × 36" that come with a flat surface and rectified edges allowing for tight, nearly seamless installations. A 3" × 12" bullnose, a modern 12" × 12" offset stack mesh-mounted mosaic and a unique 12" × 12" architectural 3D mosaic (for walls only) are offered in all three colors providing endless creative options. Some final words about the rustic look in porcelain. One of the major attributes of porcelain tile is that it is incredibly durable, more so than many of the materials from which it is inspired. In addition, porcelain tile is easy to clean and maintain and lasts virtually forever. Visit www.floridatile.com. ■

Background and at left: CellarHDP in Bleach; above: CellaHDP in Char. At top right: CellarHDP Herringbone Mosaic in Char.

FALL 2016


woodn’t it be nice |




Top-Five Questions to Ask When Buying Wood Flooring 1. Which type of wood floor is right for me, solid or engineered?


hat depends on where you want to install it. Both solid and engineered wood floors are made using real wood, so both are environmentally friendly.

Solid wood flooring is a solid piece of wood from top to bottom. The thickness of solid wood flooring can vary, generally from 3/4” to 5/16”. It can be used in any room that is above grade (above ground). One of the many benefits of solid wood is that it can be sanded and refinished many times. Engineered wood floors are real wood floors that are manufactured using multiple layers of wood veneers. The layers that aren’t seen can be of the same species, or of a different species. The grain of each layer runs in perpendicular directions, making it very dimensionally stable. The wood will expand and contract less than solid wood flooring during fluctuations in humidity and temperature. The top layer consists of high-quality wood. Engineered floors can be used above or below ground in a basement.

2. Which wood species is right for me? Choosing the right species of wood flooring for you is a matter of your style, budget and personal preference. More than 50 domestic and imported species of wood flooring are available. Exotic species can offer even more color options. As examples: Bubinga, which originates in Africa, can appear pink, red, or reddish brown with purple streaks or veins; Australian Cypress ranges from cream-colored sapwood to honey-gold heartwood, with dark brown knots holes throughout and Purpleheart, which originates in Mexico, has a brown heartwood that will age to a deep purple or purplish brown. >>

Opposite page: Mohawk American Designer Collection 3⁄ 8” × 5” engineered hardwood in Fashion Gray; at right: Stunning Hickory from Carlisle Wide Plank Floors.

FALL 2016


woodn’t it be nice |

3. I s a factory-finished floor or a site-finished floor better for me? Each has its own benefits and advantages, and the one that you choose will depend upon the level of customization you want and your personal preference. A job-site finish is applied in the room where the flooring is being installed. You can choose the type of finish to be applied, as well as the stain, if any, and sheen of the final product for a customized look. With factory finished wood floors, the finish is applied in the factory. A major benefit of factory finished floors, however, is that there is minimal dust and noise during the installation process. You also will be able to walk on your floors immediately after they are installed.

4. M y room is 400 square feet, but we’re being told to order 450 square feet of flooring. Is this really necessary? Yes. The rule of thumb is to order 10% more flooring than is needed for the installation. Much of the material will be cut to fit the exact space, and once the boards are cut, they likely cannot be used elsewhere because the end tongue or groove will have been removed. Once that happens, that board can no longer adjoin with another board, so there is some waste involved.

5. How do I keep my floors looking new? ● They should be cleaned regularly. To accomplish that, simply sweep, dust mop or vacuum the floors with the beater bar turned off to remove dirt and grit between the floor boards. ● Avoid using a wet mop on hardwood floors. ● When spills occur, clean them immediately with a dry or slightly damp cloth. ● If the floor begins to look a little dull, use a wood flooring cleaner recommended by your installer to renew the luster. Use the product as directed, and use only products that are compatible with your wood floor. ■

Solid Maple Plank n French Champagne by Anderson Hardwood Floors.



Left: Mannington Hardwood from the Rock Creek Collection; below: Cork, “The Other Wood” from APC Cork; bottom left: Mullican Flooring’s Muirfield Collection in Hickory Provincial; bottom right: Kahrs Oak Dover Shores in the color Boardwalk.

Choosing the right species of wood flooring for you is a matter of your style, budget and personal preference.

FALL 2016


on the boards |

For Great Looks in Laminate... Four things you need to know Laminate keeps turning up in more places. Want to know why? And want to know how to decorate with this exciting flooring category? WHAT MAKES LAMINATE SO APPEALING? Laminate allows you to get the look and feel of rare, exotic wood or expensive stone at a fraction of the cost with none of the drawbacks of natural materials. Laminate’s uncanny ability to deliver the look of wood, stone, brick and ceramic tile is made possible by highly detailed photography of the original. Be sure to ask which manufacturer has the most compelling and realistic looking laminates on the market.

HOW TOUGH IS LAMINATE? Laminate flooring is extremely durable and, in fact, is much less apt to scratch than wood. (Unlike hardwood flooring, laminate is designed so as not to need refinishing or recoating. And badly damaged pieces are easy to replace.)




Laminate allows you to get the look and feel of rare, exotic wood or expensive stone at a fraction of the cost with none of the drawbacks of natural materials.

Oposite page: Rare Vintage in Fawn Chestnut from Mohawk. Opposite page background and at left: Claremont Slate by Pergo; above: Quick-Step’s Sculptique in Russet Hickory.

FALL 2016


on the boards |



WHAT’S NEW IN LAMINATE DESIGNS? In addition to a constantly expanding collection of fashions, including exotic woods, today’s more luxurious laminate is enhanced by embossing techniques and high-definition imagery for realistic, clear and vibrant looks. You can get everything from new filled-face wood finishes to rustics and from hand scraped to white washed wood looks — even surfaces that are anti-microbial!

WHAT ARE SOME ADVANTAGES TO USING LAMINATE “LOOK ALIKES” RATHER THAN REAL WOOD? On average it’s up to nine times more durable than real wood. Its locking installation requires not gluing or nailing. Laminate is certainly an environmental option — it is a photo of the tree, and not the real tree. That is the obvious advantage. Made from wood fibers and wood chips using 95% of the tree — basically everything except the bark — laminate offers greater utilization of the tree than other wood flooring products. ■ Opposite page: Laminate by Armstrong; above: Mohawk Laminate Chalet Vista White Weathered Pine. Below: Riverside Natural from Mannington.

FALL 2016


always resilient |


A feast for the eyes.

It’s called resilient because this kind of flooring is just that...resilient. It “gives” and bounces back to its original form when walked on. You might know it as linoleum or vinyl, but there’s a lot more to resilient these days.

Palisades by Earthwerks.



IVC Balterio Bourbon Everwood.

Resilient has been going upscale. Designers are discovering the design capabilities of resilient categories like luxury tile and engineered ceramic.

Living in Luxury (Tile) What is luxury tile? It is at the very highest end of this category of resilient flooring. Consider it high-performance and highfashion, intended, right from the start, to be presented and installed as designer-oriented, elegant and tailored products that fit a very personal lifestyle. For manufacturers, luxury tile is about three things: Natural looks with enhanced features; high-end quality (and therefore value); and the ability to personalize a room aesthetically. One of the aims of this luxury tile category is to be the best looking flooring in, say wood and stone, and to provide characteristics that can perform BETTER than wood and stone. For example, as a resilient, luxury tile never needs refinishing, will not warp due to excessive water or other liquid accumulation, resists scratches due to its super-touch urethane surface treatment, remains quieter to walk on. It is also far easier to install and maintain, and it’s a lot warmer to the touch when you walk on it. Today’s resilient delivers natural looks of upscale ceramic and wood, and handcrafted designs in stone or marble at highly affordable prices. You can get full range of finishes and looks which are embossed and printed with such precision that they look and feel like the real materials. Suffice it to say, the world of resilient you once knew -- or thought you knew -- has changed for the better! ■

Left: Mannington Adura in Serpentine Green; here: Mohawk Simplese in Cappuccino Brun.

FALL 2016


always resilient |

Karndean Designflooring adds LooseLay Longboard to its portfolio of family-friendly LVT


arndean Designflooring, world leader in luxury vinyl tile (LVT) flooring, has introduced the latest addition to its innovative and award-winning LooseLay collection — Karndean LooseLay Longboard. Comprised of 12 new wood looks in a 59" length, LooseLay Longboard is our longest plank size to date, and features sophisticated designs inspired by authentic American, European, and Australian woods, including pine, walnut and oak. Visuals aside, LooseLay Longboard is a premium, yet practical floating floor for your busy home. While all Karndean floors are waterproof, kid and pet friendly, and backed by a lifetime residential warranty, our LooseLay Longboard collection

has enhanced acoustic properties to reduce noise transfer to rooms below. Plus, it is soft and quiet underfoot, making it the perfect addition to a playroom, bedroom or basement. Featuring our K-Guard+ protective wear layer, our floors are made to withstand life’s daily messes. LooseLay Longboard’s large plank size allows for a seamless transition from room-to-room, and is held in place by our K-Wave friction-grip backing. It is also our fastest and easiest to install product to date, which means less disruption for your family during installation. For more information about Karndean LooseLay Longboard and to find your nearest retailer, visit www.karndean.com.

1 Below: Twilight Oak Living Dining SQ CM; below left: LLP317 Lemon Spotted Gum Hallway LS1 CM.

K-Wave Grip Backing Our K-Wave grip backing creates a strong bond to the subfloor using a combination of weight and friction.

5 K-Guard+ Surface Protection Our K-Guard+ surface protection system uses PU technology to provide a hygienic and durable finish.

4 2

Clear PVC Embossed Wear Layer

Stability Layers The fiberglass enhanced layer helps the product to lay flat and level, increasing dimensional stability and mechanical strength.

3 High Definition Photographic Layer Gives every Karndean product its highly realistic and natural appearance.



Protects the floor's design from wear and tear.

Karndean LooseLay

Karndean LooseLay

Lifetime warranty


Kid friendly

Pet friendly

Extra large planks

Acoustic qualities


Comfortable underfoot

Individually replaceable

Low maintenance

Karndean LooseLay Longboard is our fastest and easiest to install floor, combining our longest plank size with the proven technology of Karndean LooseLay’s K-Wave frictiongrip backing. Find a local Karndean Dealer at our web site for more details. 888-266-4343 | info@karndean.com | www.karndean.com

FALL 2016


always resilient |

So real, it’s unreal.


he patented COREtec® provides a wide array of benefits. The flooring is easy to install and 100% waterproof. Its rigid construction hides subfloor imperfections and provides a smooth visual surface. This construction allows for installation directly over existing subfloors. The planks and tiles have an attached cork underlayment that adds acoustical and thermal insulation, for a quiet floor that is warm and comfortable to walk on. With the application of an LVT wear layer on top of a wood plastic composite (WPC) core, with click locking profile, USFloors created an innovative flooring solution for consumers seeking a floor which is totally waterproof, has the texture and look of real hardwood, and installs as easy as laminate flooring.

COREtec Products are 100% Waterproof! This means it can be installed in wet areas and it will never swell when exposed to water. If you’re looking for kitchen and bath-

room flooring, look no further. Thanks to this waterproof feature, the flooring is extremely easy to clean and maintain. This flooring has proven durable in all rooms of the house. There is no need to worry about spills, pet stains and other every day life’s messes. These floors have it all covered!

Experience HD Two new collections were introduced this year, COREtec Plus Design and COREtec Plus HD. The COREtec Plus Design collection is composed of multi-tone and multi-width planks and tiles. The variation in color and sizes gives your home a custom, innovative look ideal for every style. COREtec Plus HD features a 4-side painted micro-bevel edge for a realistic visual, unlike any other LVP or WPC product available today. COREtec floors are the perfect flooring solution: waterproof, kid proof and pet proof. This flooring is worry-free while providing gorgeous visuals. ■

The Patented Construction of COREtec Plus® Wear Layer (0.5 mm/20 mil)

— protects against excessive wear — provides superior cleanability — provides superior stain resistance — rated for commercial traffic

Luxury Vinyl Top Layer — durable, resilient — resists chips & dents — virgin vinyl

COREtec® Core Structure

— extruded waterproof core — stable – will not expand or contract under normal conditions — glueless profile

Attached Cork Underlayment

— provides added sound insulation — no need for separate underlayment — naturally resists mold & mildew — absorbs subfloor imperfections

* COREtec Plus® is a patented product exclusively from USFloors Inc. US Patent #9,156,233

USFloors received a US patent on October 13, 2015 for its innovative development of an entirely new category of waterproof luxury vinyl flooring products.

Top left: US Floors 50LVP913; bottom left: US Floors 50LVP910.



So real, it’s unreal.

There’s a lot that goes into making COREtec Plus HD the most realistic WPC plank in the industry. From the detail of the hi-def imagery to the precision of the hi-def texture, our HD Collection sets a new benchmark that others will try to acheive. And they will try... See the complete line at www.usfloorsllc.com.

Superior HI-DEF imagery for ultrarealistic look.

Enhanced bevel on all sides.









Lifetime Structural Lifetime Residential 10 year Commercial


Sculpted texture aligns with image beautifully.













Shade variations for added realism







Natural knots and growth rings.

C O R E t e c P l u s ®H D i s a p r o d u c t o f U S F l o o r s , I n c .


Follow us @usfloors

FALL 2016


a healthy home |

The World’s Best Carpet Cushion


Why is Healthier Choice the world’s best carpet cushion? The secret is our Never Crush Foam Technology. We manufacture the only carpet cushion made from 100% High Density Memory Foam. Most carpet cushion today is made from waste or scrap pieces of low density, light weight foams which are glued or bonded F E AT U R I N G



together. Our patented, Never Crush Foam Technology offers the luxurious comfort you want while providing the lasting support your carpet needs.

Hydra-Skin™ is a high performance feature unique to Healthier Choice Cushion; it is the only film-less, breathable moisture barrier, which stops liquid spills from penetrating into the cushion while allowing moisture vapor trapped underneath to evaporate and escape.

Healthier Choice Cushion is infused with Ultra-Fresh® Anti-Microbial Protection to inhibit the growth of harmful odor causing mold, mildew and bacteria. It provides permanent protection.

No Odor - Low VOC’s Healthier Choice is the only carpet cushion which is UL GREENGUARD® Gold Certified for low chemical emissions. Breathing high levels of volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) is linked to health problems including allergies and asthma. Our product is also CRI GREEN LABEL Plus Certified.

Made in part with soybean oil and other natural resources, which reduces the consumption of fossil fuel petrochemicals while supporting sustainable agriculture.

FALL 2016


carpet couture |

Tera Bella from Tuftex; opposite page below: Taza from Tuftex.




Finding the best carpet for your home starts out simple and quickly becomes complicated. You know you want something that will look good in your home, feel great, and most importantly, stay that way for years to come. So you go to the local carpet store or home center and that’s when it gets complicated. >>

FALL 2016


carpet couture | Unlike shopping for cars or clothes, a lot of different carpet styles look very similar, yet prices vary and there’s a reason for that. The fiber that is used to make the yarn that is then made into carpet is where the difference starts. How that fiber is made into yarn is the second determining factor and how it is then tufted (sewn) into carpet is the next key difference. More than 90 percent of today’s carpet is made of synthetic fiber—nylon, polyester, triexta, or polypropylene. While each fiber has somewhat different characteristics, they are all made basically the same way. (This also includes carpets made from “Natural” fibers, such as wool and sisal.) Once the fiber has been extruded it is bundled together and twisted into a yarn and then heat set to lock in the carpet fiber’s shape. Hundreds of needles arrayed across a machine sew the yarn into a backing. Later, a second backing will be attached to give it additional strength and stability. How well the carpet will perform depends on how well the yarn is made and how densely the carpet is tufted. The general rule is that the more filaments twisted into a yarn, the stronger it will be and the denser the carpet is (more tufts per square inch), the better it will perform. Keep in mind though that the longer the pile height, the more likely a carpet is to crush (think of traffic paths or marks where furniture has been placed on top of the carpeting). >>



Opposite page top: Braden by Couristan; opposite page bottom: Radiant Revival in Stardust from Mohawk Below: High Sierra from Karastan.

FALL 2016


carpet couture |

Carpet Types Carpet is manufactured with cut pile tufts, loop pile tufts or a combination of both. Cut Pile Carpets depending on the type yarn, can look smooth (Saxony) or slightly textured (textured saxony or textured plush) or as though the surface is covered by very curly ends (frieze). Cut pile carpets are extremely versatile and are commonly used in bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, dens and great rooms. The more textured or twisted yarns the less they will show foot prints and vacuum cleaner marks. Cut pile carpets are constructed from either staple fibers or bulk continuous filament (BCF). Staple fibers can cause pilling at first after installation. That is because staple yarns are made up of short cut fibers that are spun together just like wool. Saxony styles are more traditional and can show footprints and vacuum marks. Textured Saxony styles are versatile and more casual than Saxonies. They help hide footprints and vacuum marks. Friezé styles are more informal, but very durable and minimize footprints and vacuum marks. Loop Pile Carpet has a knobby appearance made by each tuft being brought back into the backing. Loop pile carpets are generally more durable than cut pile styles. Loop pile carpet can be made up of level loops (all the same height) or multi-level loops to form a pattern or add more texture. Cut and Loop Carpets (also called cut & uncut) feature a combination of both loops and cut pile yarns that are used to create patterned designs. Patterned carpets can help hide traffic patterns in a room as well as give the floor a more interesting visual appearance. For example, a family room or rec-room may be the perfect place for a patterned cut and loop carpeting, especially if the room gets a lot of traffic.







Color is added to carpet in two basic ways. The fiber can be “solution dyed”, which means the color pigments are mixed in with the liquid polymers producing fiber strands that are colored all the way through—just like a carrot. Or, the carpet fibers are made first into white synthetic fibers, then topically dyed which leaves the color on the surface of the fibers—like a red radish. Since the color goes all the way through the solution dyed fibers, any solution dyed carpeting will have superior fade and bleach resistance. This can be important if the room has a lot of sunlight coming through the windows and you are worried about fading. For resilience (the ability to stand up to traffic), nylon is the best carpet fiber. But, nylon is inherently prone to staining which is why most nylon carpets are coated with stain and soil resistant treatments that may need to be replaced eventually after repeated cleanings. 52


Through advancements in carpet technology polyester has made great strides as a carpet fiber, especially P.E.T. (polyethylene terephthalate) polyester fibers. The fiber is made from P.E.T. chips and some from recycled plastic containers. P.E.T. fibers are much stronger than the old polyester and offer much better performance and stain resistance. Recently a new fiber has been created called: Triexta and was been approved by the FTC in 2009 as a new fiber type. Triexta is a PTT polmer, also known as (poly trimethylene teraphthalate), and offers exceptional durability, softness and stain resistance. Fibers made from triexta are used in carpet, apparel fabrics and automotive flooring. Polypropylene (also referred to as: olefin) is a type of solution dyed fiber that is naturally stain and fade resistant, but has the poorest performance of all the carpet fiber types when it comes to resiliency. The best performing construction for polypropylene carpets is a very tight loop in a low-to-mid pile height. >> Opposite page: Cleartouch Texture Trovel by Shaw; above right: Chance from Tuftex; below: Fever of Love from the Tryesse Collection by Beaulieu.

FALL 2016


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Tuftex Naturals Casual to Cosmopolitan Fashions for Your Floor 54



uftex Carpets of California has crafted and expertly colored another signature series of soft flooring fashions inspired by natural textiles. First launched in 2014, the Naturals Collection by Tuftex quickly became a homeowner favorite with its dynamic array of Moroccan tile and traditional herringbone visuals, coupled with modern geometric and organic patterns. These popular looks found a perfect home everywhere from casual coastal households to contemporary cosmopolitan living spaces. The universal appeal of the visual offering along with the versatile neutral and pure pastel color palettes created a perfect fashion storm for a design-conscious homeowner, making this collection wildly successful. Tuftex is expanding the Naturals Collection in 2017 and promises to remain true to the origins of the collection. The next generation of Naturals includes new elegantly striated loops and bold recoloring of our best-selling patterns, Taza II and Only Natural II. The new additions in Bali and St. Lucia will evoke the allure of these exotic destinations and, like the others in the collection, will incorporate the natural color variations of striated yarns into their complex loop constructions. Still inspired by the beauty of natural textiles, these unique designs will continue to showcase a handcrafted look and feel. Made with STAINMASTER® Luxerell® BCF Nylon, the loop textures combine incredible performance with exceptional style. The collection’s extraordinary fashion statements, premium fiber content and superior construction are the building blocks for expanding carpet applications within the home. Homeowners today are looking for unique-to-them interior elements and Tuftex’s Naturals Collection is perfect for providing interesting carpet visuals in unexpected places like staircases and custom sized rugs. “We have seen a significant spike in demand for better looking and better performing soft carpet on stairs,” said Doug Jackson, Tuftex’s Vice-President of Sales and Marketing. “We also know that with today’s open concept floor plans, standard rug sizes are much of the time not what consumers need. They want something that is unique to them — both in style and size. Tuftex’s Naturals Collection is the perfect collection for the discerning consumer,” he said. With new accents, tone-on-tone neutrals and bright modern pops of color, Tuftex’s Naturals Collection is a must have for a stylish yet active household, sophisticated urban living or anything in between. ■

Tuftext Naturals. Opposite page: Via Lido, a striated loop carpet that is inspired by natural, handcrafted materials; top right: Taza II; center right: Bali; right: Only Natural. Background: Only Natural.

FALL 2016


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A Word About Soft Carpets There is a growing demand for carpets with a very soft hand, often referred to as “soft carpets”. Soft carpets can be constructed from either nylon, Triexta or P.E.T. polyester fibers and each fiber type offers certain advantages. All the major residential carpet brands and retailers offer a wide array of soft carpeting styles today. Some soft carpets are so soft they require special vacuum cleaners. This is where your local, specialty carpet retailer can really help guide you through the selection process. carpet for your specific situation. >> Right: Timeless Journey in Chapel Stone from Mohawk; below: Nepal from Nourison.



How to Clean & Maintain Your Carpet Here’s some advice on cleaning and caring for your new new carpet: Need carpet cleaning products, or help from a local carpet professional? “Wipe your feet on the mat! Leave your shoes at the door! Walk on the plastic liner!” People can be so fussy about preserving their carpet. Some demand that freshly “mown” look with perfectly parallel vacuum lines across the room. Others lose their heads over a single crumb. Assuming you’re not one of “those,” here’s some tips on keeping your carpets just as clean and cozy as they were the day they were installed. Wipe Your Feet Mom’s three favorite words ring true after all. By placing a mat at the doors that lead to and from backyards and garages — and enforcing their use —mud, dirt and other yuckiness can stay outside and not get tracked across the carpet. Suck It Up Regardless of your militaristic skills when it comes to keeping dirty feet off the carpet, dust, food and other everyday grime is going to make its way onto your precious pile. That’s where a good vacuum comes in. Buy one and use it often. You can choose between the old fashioned upright, or one of those fancy robotic models that requires little more than the push of a button and the occasional emptying of the filter. Frequent vacuuming sucks up the dust and loose dirt, refreshing your rugs and extending the life of your investment. Bag It If you choose a vacuum that uses bags, make sure you change the bag frequently to allow maximum cleaning efficiency — and to avoid all that dust blowing back out onto your carpets! Newer bagless models may save time and make the effort even easier! Watch Your Weight Heavy furniture, potted plants and other home décor can crush carpet pile and leave compressions that you may not notice until you redecorate or move. It’s a good idea to shake things up every once in a while — rearrange the furniture and your carpet will thank you. Stay Out of The Sun Those large picture windows invite the sunlight in, casting a beautiful glow across your home. But in the same way the sun damages our skin, its ultraviolet rays can also damage the color of your carpet over time. To avoid sun lightening to your carpets, shut the curtain or blinds when the sun is most intense or use UV glass or film in your windows. Snip the Snags Looped carpets tend to snag over time — especially at the seams. It’s best not to vacuum over lose yarn or pull at the snags. Instead,

treat every loose thread like you would on an expensive suit. Grab a scissors and carefully snip the snag flush with the plush. Watch the Spills “To eat or drink on the carpet? That is the question.” Long before Shakespeare might have contemplated that line, everything from cracker crumbs to red wine has found its way onto and into costly carpets. When these events occur (and they will occur), begin the clean up process by using a dry cloth to blot up as much debris or liquid as possible. The longer you wait, the more the fibers will absorb the stain. Warm water should then be used to rinse the stained area. Press the cloth into the carpet to soak up the moisture until the stain is gone. Don’t scrub and don’t use hot water. You’ll damage the fibers. Finally, rinse the area with warm water and absorb the wetness with a dry cloth. After your carpet is dry, vacuum it to restore its texture and appearance. There are some carpet cleaners that do actually work. Ask your retailer about cleaning products that have earned the Carpet & Rug Institute’s (CRI) Seal of Approval. Read Up! Like a fine piece of clothing, carpet is a textile. Though it doesn’t come with a little white tag on the back of the neckline, it does come with maintenance literature provided by the manufacturer. Different fibers, styles and finishes require specific care. In the same way you wouldn’t throw a silk blouse in the washing machine, you don’t want to make a similar mistake with your carpet. Read up and follow the suggested guidelines. You’ll be glad you did. Call the Pros Time and traffic take their toll. It’s just a fact of life. Carpet manufacturer warranties have very specific instructions on the type of professional cleaning necessary to keep that warranty in force. Refer to that material. Then, when necessary, call on a reputable carpet cleaning service to restore your rugs to their original luster. The knowledge, commercial equipment and experience of a professional can go a long way towards removing stubborn stains and keeping your home beautiful. ■

FALL 2016


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What is the Best Carpet for Bedrooms? The best carpet for a bedroom depends on whose bedroom it is. A master suite or a guest room will likely not have a lot of traffic or a lot of soiling and or staining. A child or teen may be much harder on their bedroom carpet. For an adult bedroom, just about any fiber in a plush or texture style will perform well. The new soft carpets are a good choice for a luxury feel underfoot. If you are on a budget, soft polyester might be a good choice. A kid’s bedroom, with a greater likelihood of spills and soil, calls for a stain resistant nylon, or an inherently stain resist polyester carpet fiber. Keep in mind that solid color carpets are less forgiving of soil, stains or any little crumb dropped or bit of lint. Carpets with a multi-color construction for a heather or tweed look will not show small bits as much and pattern carpets are also much more forgiving.



What is the Best Carpet for a Living Room? Your lifestyle and personal taste are key factors in choosing the best carpet for living rooms. In busy families with children and pets, the living room will get the most use. To be ready for staining, it is best to have a solution dyed or stain treated product with some type of odor treatment in these rooms. The weight of furniture is also a consideration. Formal living rooms are well served by classic cut pile saxonies or a sophisticated cut and loop patterned carpets. A textured plush carpet will work well for a more casual lifestyle.

What is the Best Carpet for Family Rooms? Family rooms in active households with kids and possibly pets demand carpets that are stain and soil resistant and constructions that can standup to a lot of traffic. Dense textures and loop pile products will handle the traffic. Multi-colored, textured looped carpet styles are a great choice for active areas, such as family rooms, because they will be more forgiving of tracked in debris and everyday mess.

What is the Best Carpet for Dining Rooms? Triexta, P.E.T. polyester carpets with inherent stain resistance, solution dyed nylon carpets, or nylons with advanced stain resist properties are recommended for dining rooms. Products that feature anti-microbial and other topical treatments are also advised to protect against spills.

What is the Best Carpet for Hallways and Stairs? Stairs and high traffic areas can be covered in a low, dense pile carpet. Because it is the most resilient fiber, nylon products are recommended in pulled down textures or level loop constructions. The bottom of the stairway and the top landing can be extremely tough on carpeting because that is where people usually turn their feet which causes additional stress on carpet. This is where a low profile, extremely densely packed carpet can really add to the life expectancy of the carpet.

What is the Best Carpet for Basements? Carpets made of polypropylene in a dense, multi-color loop or level loop constructions are a good choice for basements. It is also recommended to use a good quality carpet cushion underneath the loop pile carpet to help the overall life and performance of the carpeting. â– Opposite page left: Laine Square from the Wool Inspiration Collection by Beaulieu; opposite page right: Shoreline in the color Metallics from Mohawk. At right: BouclĂŠ from Bliss Healthy Home Collection by Beaulieu.

The Ashbury Collection by Silver Creek Carpet The Ashbury Collection by Silver Creek Carpet, a division of Bloomsburg Carpet features four designs, Maisey, Baisey, Casey and Gracie, all with four colors. Maisey is an exciting take on traditional floral patterns. Whereas, Casey, Gracie and Baisey are all forms of geometric patterns ranging in size from small to large, respectively.

The collection combines modern interpretations of geometric and floral patterns with highest quality one can expect from all Bloomsburg products. The Ashbury collection achieves a balance of subtle, yet striking patterns by utilizing the highest quality wool accented by lustrous nylon.

FALL 2016


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From the outside in

Use nature as a guide to create a beautiful indoor landscape

S Below left: Evoke Ecstatic; below right: Lexmark’s Florence carpet in Serenity adds dimension with a subtle artistic scroll


tep outside, and you’re immediately greeted with an astounding array of patterns: millions of blades of grass in a cohesive whole, a rosebud’s delicate swirls, the curves and points in a pinecone. From the incredible symmetry in a snowflake to the sweeping waves of sand across a desert, nature is filled with intriguing patterns and textures. These lines and arcs, curls and contours are the perfect complement to color: without the structure and dimension that patterns impose, even the most attractive hues would lack personality. Thanks to the wealth of innovative patterns and textures available now in carpet, bringing those same captivating designs into your home and using them to create the atmosphere you want is easier than ever. Instead of playing it safe with a simple backdrop of conservative beige or a solid neutral, you can give your floor an active role in your design scheme, instantly evoking moods ranging from playful whimsy to relaxed serenity. Whether you prefer the contemporary boldness of modern geometrics or the classic formality of a fleur-de-lis, your options are virtually unlimited — and your home’s interior can reflect that same eye-catching beauty and character that is so delightful outside. In fact, many new offerings are taking their cues from nature and incorporating even more exquisite detailing into their designs. Adorn, Lexmark’s most recent line of fashion-forward styles, uses the latest technology in tufting for the ultimate visual effect. Precise control of all the product components — the yarn density, pile height, specific cut and loop — delivers a deep multidimensional woven look and unparalleled richness in each pattern.


Clockwise from top left: Glamorous; Elegance; Splendid; and Delight.

Above: Lexmark’s Charismatic carpet, shown bound as an area rug, in the color Sandstone is great for defining spaces within a room. Below: Grace Witty.

The result: you don’t have to be a designer to create a designer look — and patterns and textures aren’t confined just to the bold and fearless or those who know exactly what they’re doing. For example, the subtle tonal variations and natural characteristics of Adorn’s Evoke, in a unique cherry blossom design, provide the perfect backdrop for a variety of other elements, giving the space an effortless yet upscale aesthetic. Its calming appeal is ideal for those unfamiliar with patterns and a great first step into pattern possibilities. Equally inviting — but with a little extra visual drama — is Grace, also an Adorn offering. A more contemporary crosshatch, Grace combines both natural hues and an interesting interplay of shading and texture for a look that’s both informal and sophisticated. Like Evoke, it manages to be both striking on its own and also the perfect background to showcase the home’s other features and furnishings. If you’re just starting your flooring search and the thought of committing to an entire room of pattern or texture is intimidating, opting for an area rug is a great alternative. Through its Unite rug program, all Lexmark’s Tailored and Adorn broadloom pattern collections are available as custom area rugs: with various shapes and sizes to choose from, you can start small, incorporating new designs into your home without significant time or expense. And since the proportions of a pattern can sometimes look different in different locations, a rug provides the perfect preview while simultaneously adding distinctive style to your existing flooring and room décor. From a zebra’s striking — and fun — geometrics to the peaceful tranquility of a windswept beach, nature constantly surrounds us with a limitless palette of colors, textures, designs and details. As more technologies continue to develop, so does the ability to infuse these natural influences into our homes and integrate them into our living spaces. Today’s innovative patterns put those new opportunities right at our fingertips… and under our feet. ■

FALL 2016


Design. Diversity. Dedication.



If you believe interior design impacts life in positive and transforming ways, ASID is the association for you.

ASID members are trained to create the spaces where we live, work, play, and heal, and are specialists across multiple disciplines and areas of expertise. Residential, commercial, healthcare, hospitality, entertainment‌whatever your specialty, the diverse ASID community welcomes you.


Residential: 36%

Multihousing: 11%

Office/ Branded Environment: 15%

Membership in the design industry’s most prestigious society gives you more than professional credibility. It connects you to a network of peers, thought leaders, and luminaries. You will engage in a variety of educational and leadership opportunities while growing in your career and keeping up with the latest trends and innovations. ASID membership will provide the support you need to reach your full potential as a designer and will provide you with the tools you need to make a difference in your world.

Healthcare/ Education/ Government: 20%

Hospitality/ Retail: 18%


FALL 2016



Every morning we awake to design. From the first sights and sounds as we roll over to silence our morning alarms, to the lighting that leads us through our morning routines, to the flooring below our feet as we find the perfect outfit to inspire us throughout our day. Imagine the world without design. As humans we are all individuals and share a common bond of the human body within a space. We exist in space and time. Do we need pretty things to exist? No, but we do need shelter from the elements. Our shelters have changed over the years from simple structures to complex entities. Interior designers and architects are tasked with creative involvement backed by research, code specific design, and the safety of a creation that functions and inspires to make a true impact on how we live, work, play, and heal.



Imagine a room void of any type of texture. A floor that is made of concrete with no pigmentation, or a floor that is raw plywood. Consider walls that have no windows or doors much less artwork. Imagine ceilings with no lighting fixtures. The expression that is individualistic character is seen through design. Good design can make us feel safe and it can make us happy. Bad design can make us uneasy and unhappy. Design elements such as lighting, texture, color, and the use of space is involved with ergonomics, universal design, and biophilic design, the incorporation of nature and the use of art and sustainable goods. These elements directly impact the dimensions of social, emotional, intellectual, and occupational well-being. Design solves problems. A beautifully designed space can intuitively allow us to accomplish tasks well. As interior designers and architects we understand how to design for human needs. Design balances and integrates both form and function. Designers create solutions that are much more than the sum of the parts— integrating not only physical needs but the aesthetic needs of the end user. Design truly impacts the human experience.

The American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) believes that design has the power to transforms lives. ASID serves the full range of the interior design profession and practice through the Society’s programs, networks, and advocacy. It thrives on the strength of cross-functional and interdisciplinary relationships among designers of all specialties, including workplace, healthcare, retail and hospitality, education, institutional, and residential. ASID leads interior designers in shared conversations around topics that matter: from evidenced-based and human-centric design to social responsibility, well-being, and sustainability. We showcase the impact of design on the human experience and the value interior designers provide. Membership in ASID offers more than professional credibility. It connects members to a network of peers, thought leaders, and luminaries. Members engage in a variety of educational and leadership opportunities while growing in their career and keeping up with the latest trends and innovations. ASID membership offers the support you need to reach your full potential as a designer.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Lisa H. Fitzpatrick, M.A., ASID is president of the Board of Directors of the ASID Washington Metro Chapter. She holds an M.A. in Interior Design and a B.S. in Human Ecology, is NCIDQ certified, and is a licensed interior designer in Washington, D.C. Her projects range from renovations to new construction and from contract design to residential design. Lisa is an adjunct faculty member in the interior design programs at Marymount University and Northern Virginia Community College. In order to give back to the community and expand the reaches of good design, Lisa participates in The 1+ program of Public Architecture which connects nonprofits with architecture and design firms willing to give of their time pro bono. Photos, from top left: Ronald Reagan National Airport; Single Family Home Addition in Process by Fitzpatrick Design Studio, Berlin, Maryland; Shelter in Reykjavík, Iceland; Single Family Home by Fitzpatrick Design Studio.

FALL 2016


a close inspection |


How and When to Call In a Certified Flooring Inspector, (Third Party)

BEFORE THE BLAME A qualified Inspector can visit the site and determine the suitability of the environment if a hardwood or bamboo product is being considered. This individual can also review the warranty of the selected flooring, and explain some of the more technical aspects to the end user.




s inspectors, it is customary for us to become involved in a flooring installation after the fact; contacted when there is a failure or perception of failure in the eyes of the end user. We come to a job prepared to assess the conditions that are found to be unsatisfactory and determine the cause; manufacturing, maintenance, installation and/or specification. That being when the flooring product has a negative condition that compromises the performance, appearance or use of the product. When an inspector is called, his or her background within the flooring industry is critical to solution of the issues at hand. Their experience, education, (certification), and training should be for that product which has the issues. A qualified inspector can visit the site and determine the suitability of the environment if a hardwood or bamboo product is being considered. This individual can also review the warranty of the selected flooring, and explain some of the more technical aspects to the end user. With the advent of the Internet, the end user gets a lot of information that is often misunderstood. Inspectors are experts within the flooring industry; our guidance will prevent negative issues after installation. In the case of hardwood and bamboo flooring, environmental conditions are critical. In some climates, the indoor relative humidity can be out of the manufacturers recommended range. An independent inspector can note these conditions ahead of time and the end user will have an opportunity to decide whether it makes sense for them. In addition to the environment in which the floor will be installed, its anticipated use should also be considered. Some flooring products will require periodic maintenance that should be performed by qualified specialists.

Most hard surface flooring requires special attention to the surface on which it will be installed. Moisture testing may be necessary when concrete substrates are involved. A certified flooring inspector can demonstrate the need for qualitative testing, to determine if excessive moisture content or vapor emissions emanating from the substrate will compromise a wood, laminate, vinyl or bamboo installation. Another critical element when considering hard surface flooring is the flatness of the substrate, typically, 1â „8" in 10'. As design trends veer toward larger formats in tile and stone, the surface of substrates must meet flatness standards. This also applies to the other popular hard surface flooring products, such as wood, vinyl and laminate. These flooring materials are not meant to withstand the stresses of uneven surfaces, as depressions or ridges, especially with foot traffic and environmental dimensional changes. During the selection process, call the third party independent inspector who can evaluate the substrate to which the product is to be installed; measure the area for quantity; discuss cleaning procedures and installation styles. This information will assist you when going to the flooring retailer and selecting your products. These procedures will be a worthwhile investment toward achieving a beautiful and successful flooring installation. â– Robert Blochinger and Penny Sures co-authored this article to present the Inspector in a proactive context; before the blame game. Both Robert and Penny are on the board of directors of the National Institute of Certified Floor Covering Inspectors (nicfi.org )

FALL 2016


Installation is the Foundation of Beautiful Flooring Always Use a CFI CertiďŹ ed Installer



Installation is one of the most important and least understood parts of the flooring buying process. You’ve spent time and money investing in your dream, but if there is a problem with your new flooring, 90% of the time it comes from improper installation. Always use a CFI certified installer. They are trained, certified and committed to their craft. CFI installers are proud members of an organization that has already trained over thousands of installers in the CFI proven methods of installation. Using a CFI certified installer will ensure that you get the most from your new flooring. Learn more about CFI certified floorcovering installers at cfiinstallers.org.

FALL 2016


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A BUYER’S GUIDE CROSSVILLE INC. 800.221.9093 www.crossvilleinc.com CUSTOM WEAVE By Mohawk 800.2.Mohawk www.mohawkind.com DALTILE CORP. 800.933.TILE www.daltile.com DB COVER Fabricushon, Ltd. 800.475.0801 DIXIE HOME 800.273.8546 www.dixie-home.com DOMCO-TARKETT www.domco.com www.tarkettusa.com DREAMWEAVER CARPET www.dwcarpet.com ECODOMO LLC 301.424.7717 www.EcoDomo.com EGE SERAMIK www.egeseramik.com ELDORADO STONE www.eldoradostone.com ELIANE CERAMIC TILES www.elianeusa.com EMMA GARDNER DESIGN, LLC www.emmagardnerdesign.com EMIL CERAMICA www.emilamerica.com ENGINEERED FLOORS LLC www.engineeredfloorsllc.com EPRO TILE www.eprotile.com EXCELSIOR WOOD PRODUCTS, LLC 845.339.6630 www.excelsiorwood.com EXPANKO www.expanko.com 800.345.6202 FABRICA INTERNATIONAL 800.854.0357 www.fabrica.com FAUS GROUP INC. 888.231.3287 www.fausinc.com FCITS www.fcits.org FLOOR COVERINGS INTERNATIONAL Nicole Perry — 770-992-3913 To Find a FCI Franchise near you: www.floorcoveringsinternational. com FLOORMAX DIRECT 800.423.1823 www.floormaxdirect.com FORBO LINOLEUM 866.MARMOLEUM www.themarmoleumstore.com FORMICA www.formicaflooring.com FORTIS ARBOR www.fluxstudios.com GOODWIN HEARTPINE www.heartpine.com

find flooring fast GODFREY HIRST 800.480.7135 www.godfreyhirstusa.com HB FULLER Construction Products www.groutboost.com HELIOS CARPET www.helioscarpet.com HOMERWOOD www.homerwood.com HOMESPICE DÉCOR www.homespicedecor.com HOME LEGEND 877.630.1800 www.homelegend.com IDG • INTERNATIONAL DESIGN GUILD • JUST SHORN 800.205.4345 www.justshorn.com www.design-guild.com www.dabbiericollection.com blog.dabbiericollection.com ILVA www.ilva.com.ar IMAGINE TILE www.imaginetile.com INTERCERAMIC USA, Inc. 214.503.5500 www.interceramicusa.com INTERNATIONAL VINYL CORPORATION 706.278.8008 www.ivcgroup.com IVC US www.Ivcfloors.com JMISH CARPETS www.jmishinc.com JOHNSONITE www.johnsonite.com JUST SHORN www.justshorn.com KAHRS INTERNATIONAL 404.206.9910 www.kahrs.com KAINDL www.kaindl.com KARASTAN www.karastan.com KARLSON HARDWOOD FLOORS 404.422.2264 www.karlsonshardwood.com KATHY IRELAND www.kathyireland.com KORUS –NYDREE WOOD www.koruswoodflooring.com KRONOTEX USA www.kronotexusa.com LAND PORCELANICO www.landporcelanico.com LAUFEN 800.321.0684 www.laufenusa.com LAUZON DISTINCTIVE HARDWOOD FLOORING 877.427.5144 www.lauzonltd.com LEA CERAMICHE www.ceramichelea.com LILYWORK CERAMIC ORNAMENT www.lilywork.com

LIORA MANNE www.lioramanne.com LUMBER LIQUIDATORS 1-800-HARDWOOD www.lumberliquidators.com MANNINGTON MILLS 856.935.3000 www.mannington.com MARBLE INSTITUTE OF AMERICA www.marble-institute.com MARAZZI USA www.marazzitile.com MASLAND CARPETS & RUGS 800.633.0468 www.maslandcarpets.com MEDITERRANEA 305.718.5091 www.mediterranea-usa.com METROFLOR www.metroflorusa.com MILLIKEN CARPET & RUGS 800.528.8453 www.millikencarpet.com MINWAX® 800.523.9299 www.minwax.com MIRAGE HARDWOOD FLOORS FROM BOA FRANC www.miragefloors.com MOHAWK CREDIT 800.2MOHAWK www.mohawkflooring.com MOHAWK INDUSTRIES Smart Strand 800.2MOHAWK www.mohawkflooring.com/ green MOMENI www.momeni.com MOTAWI TILEWORKS 734 213 0017 www.motawi.com MP GLOBAL www.quietwalk.com MULLICAN 800.844.6356 www.mullicanflooring.com NAFCO by Tarkett www.nafco.com NALFA www.nalfa.com NATIONAL WOOD FLOORING ASSOCIATION www.woodfloors.org NATURE’S PALETTE www.TheColorWhisperer.com NORTH AMERICAN LAMINATE FLOORING ASSOCIATION (NALFA) www.nalfa.com NOURISON www.nourison.com

OCEANSIDE GLASS www.glasstile.com OLD AMERICAN LUMBER OSHKOSH DESIGNS oshkoshdesigns.com OVERNITE CAPITAL 800.957.4309 www.overnitecapital.com PARTERRE FLOORING www.parterreflooring.com PERGO 800.337.3746 www.pergo.com PLANETA PEDRA www.planetapedra.com QUICK-STEP, INC www.quick-step.com ROGER OATES www.rogeroates.com RUGSTREET 480.635.8643 www.rugstreet.com SAINT GAUDENS METAL ARTS 760.891.0300 www.vsgmetalarts.com SHAW INDUSTRIES/ SHAW LIVING www.shawinc.com SAFAVIEH 866.422.9070 www.safavieh.com SCHUMACHER www.fsco.com SENECA TILES www.senecatiles.com SHAMROCK PLANK FLOORING 866.473.3765 www.shamrockplankflooring. com SHAW FLOORS 1.800.441.7429 www.shawfloors.com SICIS The Art factory www.sicis.com SOUTHWIND CARPET MILLS (a division of Cherokee Carpet Ind.) www.southwindcarpet.com 800.272.2808 SPHINX, DIV. OF ORIENTAL WEAVERS 800.832.8020 www.owsphinx.com STAINMASTER CARPETS STAINMASTER CUSHION 800.438.7668 www.stainmaster.com

SUSTAINABLE LUMBER COMPANY www.Sustainablelumberco.com STANTON CARPET 516.822.5878 www.stantoncarpet.com TARKETT www.tarkett.com TERAGREN Fine Bamboo Flooring, Panels & Veneer www.teragren.com 800.929.6333 TERRA LEGNO (800) 393-7424 www.terralegno.com TILE CIRCLE www.tilecircle.com TILE OF SPAIN® 305.446.4387 www.spaintiles.info TORLY’S www.torlys.com 800.461.2573 TOUCH UP PRODUCTS www.exactmatchwoodtouchup. com 1.855.YOU.TOUCHUP UNIQUE CARPETS www.uniquecarpets.com VILLEROY & BOCH www.villeroy-boch.com WALKER ZANGER www.walkerzanger.com WEAR-DATED CARPET FIBER 800.845.5270 www.weardated.com WELLMADE PERFORMANCE FLOORING www.wellmadefloors.com WHITE OAK CARPET MILLS www.whiteoakcarpet.com WICANDERS www.wicanders.com WOOLS OF NEW ZEALAND www.woolpremierpartner.com www.wonz.com WUNDAWEVE COLLECTION By Mohawk 800.2.MOHAWK www.mohawk-flooring.com YAREMA MARQUETRY www.yaremamarquetry.com YERRA RUGS www.yerrarugs.com


FALL 2016


Thinking of floors, then think Vinylasa. Vinylasa has been producing VCT floors, LVT and high performance accessories since 1950. Today, the growth of resilient flooring is remarkable and the market offers better products with outstanding features. The market requires stand-out design, comfort, durability and low price. Vinylasa offers high-quality materials that meet these expectations.


esilient floors are among the first choices for hospitals, schools, retail, public buildings, offices and residences. In virtually all markets, you will find resilient flooring, since both builders and end-users prefer resilient flooring. The advantages include simple maintenance and cleaning, ease of installation, and durability. Today, with a company committed to protecting the environment as Vinylasa is as demonstrated by their green products, resilient floors still offer the best option. Vinylasa takes care when it comes to health issues, and we produce certified low-emitting VOC’s tiles and planks. Imagine the beauty of wood at your residence, or a warm marble ‘look’ for a health care center. LVT can provide these benefits and more. If you want quality, high-performance flooring, choose Vinylasa. ¢

Vinylasa resilent wood-look plank in a hospital, and below, a gymnasium floor; background: premium resilent tile.



COMMERCIAL FLOORING Vinylasa is the one most important VCT, LVT and sundries manufacturer in North America. Innovation is our goal to bring you our 65 years of experience in the market with new, fresh and comfortable designs to your home, office or business. Our products are certified by FloorScore. If you know about flooring you know about Vinylasa.

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