2 minute read

The Finishing Touches: Creating Hidden Profit Centers

The greatest cost of any transaction is in the first sale. Unless you’re selling a product such as a Rolls Royce, you will need additional sales from the customer to be profitable. These days, new flooring is a major purchase; there are so many things that go into the project in addition to the new flooring to achieve a “wow” finished project.

Flooring accessories are key elements. In order to make the “wow” happen, you must have products that your customer will want or need to purchase during or after the sale. Here are some to consider:


Finishing Items

It’s true; the customer can purchase ¼ round, shoe molding, base trim, thresholds, and such…at the local hardware store or Home Center. Usually, these are found only in unfinished or white. How about offering your customers matching trims, transitions, moldings, stair treads, and stair noses that match the floor they just purchased?

Companies that specialize solely in finish materials now have offerings in flexible polyurethane moldings and trim solutions that are stainable, paintable, and easy to install, allowing you to easily finish challenging areas like curves and other unique areas in the project. Why give this piece of the pie to someone else?

Cleaning Products

Every product needs a different kind of cleaner, so why not find one that you can private label or see what they have available if you are in a buying group. In addition to cleaners, some products need polishes and sealers. How about grout cleaner, stainless steel appliance cleaner? Make sure you have them all in stock for your customers.

Under Floor Products

(Hint: The profit may be under the floorcovering)

Floor leveling compounds and underlayments, repair, patching, smoothing compounds, primers and moisture mitigation systems, radiant heat, waterproofing materials, adhesives, and mortar. ■

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