6 minute read
Let Your Voice Be Heard
Let Your Voice Be Heard
Scott Humphrey CEO, WFCA
As we near November and another opportunity to politically make our voice heard, I want to remind you that you have an opportunity to make your voice heard in our industry. In the same way you exercise your right to vote, your actions have the opportunity to change your future and your potential for success every day. This is one of the primary benefits of being part of an association like the WFCA. When we combine our voices and our efforts, we become increasingly difficult to ignore. In this age of social media dominance, our words are so important. Still, they pale in comparison to our actions. So, the question becomes, “Where do I make my voice heard?” What are the issues negatively impacting your success? What is true of our industry today that if it remains the same, it will negatively impact your opportunity to succeed?
I recently finished a book called Atomic Habits, by James Clear. It is a must read. This amazing book focuses on how small incremental changes can combine in our lives and our businesses to bring about dramatic change. The book begins by sharing the impact of this mindset on the British cycling team — a team that was so bad bicycle manufacturers discouraged them from using their bikes. They didn’t want the negative publicity.
A new coach was hired, and rather than focusing on simply training harder, he began to implement small incremental changes. He redesigned the bike seat. He experimented with different massage gels to speed recovery. He even customized the mattresses the cyclist slept on to accomplish optimum sleep and recovery. A plethora of small improvements was his focus. The result was a British cycling team that dominated world competition, the Olympics, and the Tour De France for the first time ever. None of these efforts alone would have accomplished success, but combined they made winning possible.
What are the changes that will lead to success for you and others in our industry. Unlike the small changes implemented in the story above, we face several monumental issues that if not addressed will change our industry and specifically independent flooring retail forever. Let me say that again. If we do not address these major issues, flooring retail as we know it today will be forever changed. Now that I have your attention, let me discuss these major challenges and your role in changing our destiny.
Combining our voices
— as I laid out above, we must be heard. Many of you are part of the WFCA or some other industry association, but you are simply on the roll. Healthy associations are measured on many criteria, but two of the most prominent are size of membership and engagement. The WFCA now represents some 90% of all independent flooring retailers in North America.
We appreciate your partnership and encourage any who are not yet members to join. Our bigger challenge is engagement, and it is the challenge of any growing association. We are constantly doing our part, but we also need you to do yours. Read our communications. Look for ways to get involved. Take advantage of resources designed to help you achieve success. Let us know of issues impacting your success. Combine your voice with ours on industry and political issues so we can affect change.
Embracing technology
— The industry has fought to protect the old way of doing business for way too long. Think about how you shop. Chances are that technology is involved at some stage in the process. The more we resist this while others, including the Big Box stores and online retailers embrace it, the more antiquated we appear to today’s consumer. We must embrace technology as a part of the retail flooring shopping process. WFCA’s foresight of this issue is what lead us to bring fcB2B under our umbrella of entities and services. Our desire to embrace this for our members is the reason we attend trade shows like the ones I have attended including RFMS, Q Floors, and the upcoming Floorcon conference in November where I will sit on a panel discussing this very issue.
You have a major role to play in our industries’ adoption of B2B. You can encourage manufacturers you do business with to be a part of fcB2B and fully engaged in its efforts to make the B2B process simple and fluid for all involved. Ask if they are members of fcB2B. Make sure they are not simply members but are fully participating by providing up to date product catalogue information. You begin to make a difference simply by asking the questions that make them realize the importance you place on B2B and technology in our industry.
Finally, Solving the Installation Crisis
— Like many others before us, we have set out to solve one of the biggest challenges ever to impact our industry. Installation and service are differentiators to the independent flooring retailer. If we do not solve the problem of bringing new installers into our industry, manufacturers will be forced to produce product that does not need professional installation. That is not a knock on manufacturers. Their goal is to produce product that will sell. If they can’t get product installed due to the lack of professional installers, it won’t sell. We must solve this blight on our industry.
Among other steps to accomplish this goal, the WFCA pledged $1 million to start the FCEF — Floor Covering Education Foundation. Several major manufacturers including Shaw, Mohawk, and Engineered Floors immediately joined forces with us — proving their commitment to you, the independent flooring retailer. Many of you have heard of the FCEF and the great work that Jim Aaron, Kaye Whitener, and Tiffany Ketchum are doing along with a dedicated Board of Directors. But if you are simply following what is happening and not getting involved, you are not part of the solution. Contact the FCEF. Get involved on the local level in high schools and trade schools. Help promote the trade. Give to the FCEF at fcef.org. Add your voice to the growing chorus that is addressing this issue.
In the end, a chorus is always stronger than an individual voice. You have the opportunity to determine with whom you will do business. Join the chorus of dealers who are uniting with the WFCA and manufacturers who are committed to your success — those who have proven that commitment by their involvement in fcB2B and their dedication to supporting the FCEF in their efforts to solve the installation crisis. The future is in your hands. ■