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How Is Gen Z Changing the Shopping World?

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By Mayson Taylor, Gen Z'er, writer, blogger, and market researcher

Generation Zs are born from 1997-2012, and their current ages are 12-27. They are the generation currently growing up in our world and have shaped the culture of social media as they have taken more of a presence in society. Gen Z is the social generation that was brought into the world where social media and online platforms were starting to flourish. As they transition into adulthood and independence, Generation Z is not just leaving the nest; they are reshaping the entire world of buying and selling. This transformation, driven by their unique buying habits, is not a trend but a new reality that businesses across all sectors must adapt to.

Five Important Buying Habits of Gen Z

1. One of the most significant Shifts in Gen Z’s buying habits is their preference for online shopping over traditional brick-and-mortar stores. This trend, which gained momentum during the pandemic, has continued to thrive even after the crisis. Platforms like Amazon and eBay have become Gen Z’s go-to for shopping, reflecting their reliance on online channels in this new age of retail.

2. Social Media Influence: Social Media has significantly influenced the lives of Gen Z. Platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook have become a source of product discovery. They are a significant way for consumers to engage and search for reviews on products they could be interested in.

3. Sustainability and Ethical Shopping: Gen Z consumers value sustainability. They are highly conscious of the environmental impact of their purchases and prefer to support brands that are transparent about their supply chain and resources. This value-driven approach to shopping is not just a trend; it’s a force reshaping the market and compelling businesses to adopt more ethical practices.

4. Digital Payments: Apple Pay, Google Wallet, and PayPal are becoming the most comfortable ways for Gen Z to pay for anything. The convenience of not having to carry a physical wallet offers a secure transaction that can be made on everyone’s device. This upgrade to our payment style has forced businesses to move outside of the old-school way of payment and upgrade their point-of-sale systems in hopes of appealing to Generation Z.

Generation Z is not just leaving the nest; they are reshaping the entire world of buying and selling.

Apple Pay, Google Wallet, and PayPal are becoming the most comfortable ways for Gen Z to pay for anything.

5. Subscription Services: This is another convenience for Gen Z. These services cover specific niche markets that offer subscription models. These can be media services like Spotify or Netflix or for your cooking needs like Blue Apron or Hello Fresh. These are perfectly tailored to the Gen Z market and offer the simplicity to life that Gen Z craves.

How Does This Relate to the Flooring Business?

Understanding these purchasing behaviors has become crucial for any business. Many must adapt to Gen Z’s buying habits because this market is not just famous but a beacon of hope for the future. Gen Z’s habits value sustainability, technology advancements, and simplicity. These value-driven shoppers constantly change the market, and staying updated with them is essential and a path to success. Flooring companies like Flooret and TrueTouch are the perfect examples of this. Flooret makes flooring easy by being budget-friendly and sending samples right to their buyers’ doors so they can design their homes quickly; this values the convenience and simplicity of Gen Z. TrueTouch partners with 4Ocean and OneTreePlanted to offer a sustainable and ethical purchasing mindset to anyone interested in their floors. These companies provide the sustainability and simplicity that Generation Z wants, and future flooring companies should transition into embracing similar values.  ■

Gen Z consumers value sustainability. They are highly conscious of the environmental impact of their purchases and prefer to support brands that are transparent about their supply chain and resources. This value-driven approach to shopping is not just a trend; it’s a force reshaping the market and compelling businesses to adopt more ethical practices.

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