3 minute read

Humor at Work

By Freida Staten, V.P. of Marketing, Communications & Membership, WFCA

DwightD. Eisenhower once insightfully remarked, ”A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done.” This wisdom not only resonates with me but also highlights the often-underestimated power of humor in enhancing leadership and collaboration. While we universally praise laughter as the best medicine, its transformative role in professional settings, offering significant mental, physical, and social benefits, deserves more spotlight.

Laughing All the Way: How Southwest Airlines Soared with Humor

Guided by co-founder Herb Kelleher’s vision, Southwest Airlines exemplifies the impact of humor in the corporate world. Embracing the ”hire for attitude, train for skill” philosophy, Southwest focused on recruiting individuals who brought a sense of humor to the team. Kelleher’s groundbreaking approach not only challenged the conventional stigma that humor was unprofessional but also proved that a positive atmosphere enhances productivity, creativity, and morale. This, in turn, skyrocketed customer satisfaction, engagement, and profits. Southwest’s story is a testament to how companies can achieve unparalleled success and camaraderie by fostering an environment where humor is a valued asset.

Kelleher’s belief was simple yet transformative: a positive attitude enhances productivity, creativity, and morale, which in turn boosts customer satisfaction, engagement, and profits. By infusing humor into its operations, from engaging in-flight announcements to unique celebrations, Southwest Airlines didn’t just stand out for its low fares; it created memorable experiences for passengers, proving that a company can elevate success and camaraderie by taking a lighter approach and focusing on making every journey memorable. It’s clear that Southwest doesn’t just fly planes; they uplift spirits.

The Transformative Effects in the Workplace

● Cultivating a Positive Culture: Humor creates a welcoming atmosphere, breaks down barriers, and fosters teamwork.

● Elevating Employee Morale: A workplace that laughs together stays engaged, satisfied, and motivated.

● Strengthening Trust and Collaboration: Laughing together reduces hierarchies, making leaders more approachable and encouraging open communication.

● Boosting Creativity and Innovation: A relaxed mind through laughter enables creative thinking and problem-solving.

● Empowering Leaders: Leaders who use humor effectively appear more approachable and relatable, enhancing their leadership effectiveness.

● Improving Communication: Humorous communication is engaging and memorable, ensuring messages resonate well with the team.

● Supporting Health and Well-being: Laughter has numerous physical health benefits, including stress reduction and immune system enhancement.

Cultivating a Humorous Workplace

Creating a workplace that celebrates humor requires a thoughtful approach to ensure it aligns with company values and inspires employees. It’s about setting a tone that encourages laughter, valuing a sense of humor during the hiring process, promoting the sharing of light-hearted content, acknowledging those who contribute to a joyful atmosphere, and weaving humor into meetings and team activities. This strategy enhances the work environment and ensures that humor serves as a bridge, connecting people and fostering a united, positive culture.


Southwest Airlines’ success with humor in the workplace demonstrates its potential to create a culture of positivity, openness, and innovation. In embracing laughter, we’re not merely adding a layer of enjoyment to our workdays; we’re investing in our teams’ health, happiness, and productivity. As Victor Borge famously said, ”Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.” By welcoming humor into our workplaces, we bridge gaps, foster unity, and create spaces where we achieve our goals and enjoy the journey together. This week, I challenge you to embrace the opportunity to introduce just one instance of humor into your workday. The positive impacts, much like laughter itself, can be contagiously surprising. ■

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