Premier Flooring Retailer q317

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Customer Loyalty... A Thing of the Past?

Partnership for Success: The Supplier — Retailer Connection

New OSHA Regulation. Are You Compliant?

The intersection of innovation and PureColor


Since we began production in 2009, we have dedicated our business to innovation with a purpose. A big part of that has been, and always will be, our PureColor® fiber that won’t fade, won’t wear out, and won’t stop making you proud.

We have one mission. Make the best carpet possible.

Q3 2017


A Challenging Decision Scott Humphrey, CEO, WFCA


NFWAU’s Digital Badges Brett Miller, NWFA VP of Education & Certification


Three Marketing Must-Reads For Any Retailer Paul Freidrichsen


Wake Up and Join the Present! Tom Jennings, VP of Professional Development

12 Rewind™ Colorbody Porcelain Stoneware from Ragno USA

Brain Snacks

14 Six Qualifying Questions to Ask Your Wood Flooring Customers Courtesy NWFA


Do Your Tile Installers Trowel Correctly? Scott Carothers, Director for Certification and Training, CTEF


Don’t Kid Yourself, Customer Loyalty Doesn’t Have to be A Thing of the Past Lisbeth Calandrino


The Supplier–Retailer Connection: Partnerships for Success Margo Locust, Publisher Fabulous Floors magazine


Crystalline Silica Dust? Are You in Compliance with the New OSHA Regulation? Jeffery W. King, Outside General Counsel for the WFCA


Ceramic & Porcelain Tile: Venue to High Style Annette Callari


Showin’ Our Stuff


Stop Flying Blind Chad Ogden, CEO/President, QFloors


Flooring Industry Specific Software vs Generic Software: What to Consider


Cloud Technology and Your Flooring Store Scott McGillivray, IT Manager RFMS, Inc.

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017



A Challenging Decision

F Scott Humphrey CEO, WFCA

Losing one’s relevance does not happen overnight. It is brought on by a prolonged insistence on maintaining the status quo in an ever changing world.

our years ago, I faced a challenging decision. Would I leave the place I had been employed for the previous twenty-five years in order to lead the WFCA. I sought out counsel from many respected leaders from outside and inside the industry. The opportunity was great, but according to some, so was the challenge. In short, I was told that the WFCA was known as the association that created the “Surfaces” show in Las Vegas, but few if any knew the current purpose of the organization. Note to self: When people only know you as an individual, organization, or business by what you “used to be,” warning bells should go off. How you respond to that warning will determine your long-term survival. We likely all know friends who refuse to move beyond high school. They excelled during those years in popularity, academics, or athletics. It is as if they live in a bubble where time stands still. They never want to leave their “Glory Days.” The problem is, what they call “Glory Days,” we simply refer to as the past. To me it is as simple as this, “If what you are investing yourself in today is not more important than what you have been, your past will continue to define you.” This is not to say that your identity today can’t be an extension of what you have been, but it does mean you can’t live in the past and succeed in the present.

Leadership is useless if it loses its relevance When you relate this truth to Leadership, it simply means that “Leadership is useless if it loses its relevance.” In fact, I would tell you that the words “Leadership” and “Irrelevant” can’t be used simultaneously about the same person or entity. Irrelevant is defined in the Urban Dictionary as, “Unrelated, unimportant, useless.” If that label is used to describe your business, it is in a very real sense, the beginning of the end. Companies rarely survive the long hard road back from irrelevance. Losing one’s relevance does not happen overnight. It is brought on by a prolonged insistence on maintaining the status quo in an ever changing world. The examples are numerous: Service Merchandise, Circuit City, Sears, Kodak, etc…. These organizations never voiced a desire to fade into the sunset, but all did have a pivotal moment or moments where there was a conscious or unconscious decision made to stay the same; to keep doing what got them there. One truth that every leader must embrace is this: “What got you there will not keep you there!” Going out of business is one possible outcome, but equally painful is the slow process of dying. The fear of and/or resistance to change is undoubtedly the greatest single cause of becoming irrelevant in your business and life. But have hope, there are many things you can do to battle back from the brink of obscurity:

2 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

Note to self: When people only know you as an individual, organization, or business by what you “used to be,” warning bells should go off. ● Fear staying the same — Fear can be a debilitating force, but it can also be a catalyst to spur us forward and keep us from becoming complacent. A healthy fear of becoming irrelevant always exist within true leaders. ● Assess your current state — Honestly evaluate your relevance within your scope of business. This will include speaking with your employees, your customers, and potential customers to determine the current identity of your business within the community. ● Acknowledge your current position — We rarely invest time and money into fixing a problem we don’t know exist. If you glean from step 2 that you are becoming irrelevant, bring together those who can do something about it and make them aware. That could be as simple as saying, “Team, I fear we are becoming irrelevant in this market.” Or “I sense we are stuck in the past.” Getting your teams buy in will be pivotal in the often challenging road back. ● Don’t go it alone — There are multiple routes out of the mire of irrelevance, but by far the fastest and longest lasting is to make the journey as a team. Those with whom you surround yourself will either encourage you to change or seek to keep you as you are. It is important to note that those who are personally stuck will rarely help anyone else break free. Surround yourself with others who desire to know more, do more, and be more. Empower your people and allow them to challenge you. Train them to be their best!

● Live it — The desire to be more alone will only frustrate you if it is not accompanied by action. I happened to catch the end of one of my favorite movies recently. “Miracle” is the story of the 1980 US Hockey Team. You will remember this team as the one that once again made the US relevant in the world of Hockey. Prior to the 1980 team beating Russia, it had been 20 years since the United States stood on the gold medal stand. Re-watching the movie was like reliving the experience. But as good as the movie was, what really caught my attention was the updates that ran at the end of the movie. It shared one-by-one what happened in the lives of the players and coaches. If anyone ever had the right to be tempted to live in the past, it was the players that were part of what Sports Illustrated later deemed the greatest single sporting event of the 20th century. Toward the very end of the updates, they paid homage to Herb Brooks, the coach who took a group of extremely overmatched players and lead them to believe in the impossible. Unfortunately, Herb Brooks died before the airing of the movie. The credits noted Brook’s passing in a way that should inspire all of us. It simply said, “Herb Books died before the airing of the movie. He never saw it… He Lived It! That is what will be required to achieve and maintain relevance. It is not enough to dream or even to know what needs to be done. You have to live it… ❚

The fear of and/or resistance to change is undoubtedly the greatest single cause of becoming irrelevant in your business and life. Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017



NFWAU’s Digital Badges

F Brett Miller, NWFA VP of Education & Certification Brett Miller is the Director of Certification & Education at the National Wood Flooring Association where he is responsible for the development, coordination, implementation and presentation of the NWFA’s technical training schools, workshops, and on-line training, as well as the NWFA’s certification program.

looring retailers understand that one of the key attributes of successful flooring sales is product knowledge. Gaining that knowledge for all the diverse product offerings in today’s flooring industry, however, can be a real challenge. This is especially true for business owners who have multiple locations, so how can retailers ensure that their sales crews get the information they need in a convenient, and affordable, way? Online education is one solution. Online education is a relatively new concept in the flooring industry. Many associations have offered hands-on training programs for many decades, but few had comprehensive online programs available, and fewer still had training available, specifically for sales teams. Until now. These courses are focused on three areas of wood flooring expertise: Installation, sand & finish, and sales. Currently, more than 90 individual courses are available within these three career paths. A fourth career path for wood flooring inspections is currently under development. Since its launch a little more than a year ago, more than 15,000 courses have been completed, which averages out to more than 40 courses per day. What is especially appealing to retailers, however, is that this training is available for their sales team when and where they want it. Courses are just 10–20 minutes each, and can easily be tackled during coffee breaks, slow times, or even during company-sponsored lunch-and-learns, where all employees are presented with the training simultaneously. Best of all, NWFAU costs just $100 per company and all of its employees can participate in the training. “With NWFAU, retailers can provide comprehensive training that is affordable and convenient,” says NWFA’s President & CEO, Michael Martin, “because sales team mem-

Unlike a static image that can be found on the internet, your digital badge is “the total package” — a hyperlinked image that leads to a webpage that showcases your achievements.

4 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

Industry experts agree that the majority of flooring failures could be avoided at the point of sale, simply by having the product knowledge necessary to help consumers make good flooring decisions. bers can complete training at their own pace without ever leaving the sales floor. What differentiates NWFAU, though, is digital badging, which can have a direct impact on a retailer’s bottom line.” Digital badges are a relatively new concept. They are a modern version of a Certificate of Completion. What makes them more impactful, is that they can be shared on social platforms, websites, and emails. In a nutshell, digital badges are graphic images that contain metadata, an electronic verification of a recipient’s skillset. For NWFA’s digital badges, this metadata includes the date the badge was earned; information about the NWFA as the issuer of the badge; and the specific skill or knowledge that was mastered to earn the badge. Because these badges are digital, they also are an easy way to attract customers. Industry experts agree that the majority of flooring failures could be avoided at the point of sale, simply by having the product knowledge necessary to help consumers make good flooring decisions. NWFAU is a convenient and affordable tool that makes that possible. To learn more about the NWFA’s on-line training programs for wood flooring retailers, visit ❚

The National Wood Flooring Association is an international, not-forprofit trade association representing more than 3,500 wood flooring companies worldwide, that is dedicated to advancing and promoting the wood flooring industry. For more information, contact the NWFA in the USA and Canada at 800.422.4556, internationally at 636.519.9663, or at

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017



Three Marketing Must-Reads for Any Retailer

O Paul Freidrichsen Paul Friederichsen is a partner in The Blake Project, a leading brand consultancy and a contributing writer to Branding Strategy Insider and the New York Daily News.

n the subject of marketing and branding, there are tons of books that you can benefit from, even if you just download them to your tablet or laptop and reference them from time to time. Here are a few of my recommendations: The Customer Store: Find the Best Customers for Your Business by Marty Gould. I became a fan of Marty after sitting in on one of his dynamic education sessions at Surfaces. His book is one of the best I’ve read for straightforward, no-nonsense advice to the small business owner when it comes to a practical approach to marketing. Marty gets down to business and writes in a clear, concise teaching style, providing plenty of examples that you can identify with and learn from. As the book title implies, the secret to marketing success is all about knowing your customers. Lifestyle segmentation is the key and “is based upon the simple premise: People who live in the same neighborhoods generally share the same lifestyle characteristics …” and are, therefore, easier to reach. Marty gives the reader a solid understanding of this, along with applications for any business. Knowing your customer is one thing, but knowing what drives, motivates and appeals to them is another. That’s where the book Meconomics 101 — 16 Ways to Improve Your Marketing, Selling and Business Management for Today’s Consumers by Brian E. Gracon, PhD comes in handy. I’ve known Brian for years and have co-presented with him at Surfaces. His premise is that consumer behavior can generally be distilled down to three “states of wants” or “lenses” that all advertising is viewed through. When people are looking for “what’s in it for them,” it’s often based upon the want for self-image enhancement, entertainment or pampering.

Lifestyle segmentation is the key and “is based upon the simple premise: People who live in the same neighborhoods generally share the same lifestyle characteristics …”

6 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

Knowing your customer, knowing what motivates them, and knowing how to have them like you is really what it’s all about, right? As an advertiser, being cognitive of that will sharpen your decisions regarding a host of essentials influencing the right content and style to resonate with your customer’s Meconomics tendency. Which reminds me of another must-read: Likeonomics — The Unexpected Truth Behind Earning Trust, Influencing Behavior, and Inspiring Action by Rohit Bhargava. As Rohit explains right up front, his book isn’t a how-to for getting more “likes” on Facebook. It’s far more than that. Your success as a business and as a marketer is directly linked to your genuine, authentic likeability. As Likeonomics reminds us, it’s not the product we’re selling that makes the difference, it’s us! Knowing your customer, knowing what motivates them, and knowing how to have them like you is really what it’s all about, right? Start reading! ❚ Editor’s note: Join Paul along with Brian Gracon for their session, “Super Ads: What Were They Thinking?” at TISE West 2018.

A Special “Thank You” to all the manufacturers and their marketing departments who provided outstanding editorial to make this publication a success. Publishing Staff Margo Rodgers Locust, Publisher Karen George, Managing Editor Lisbeth Calandrino, Associate Editor Stan Michelson, Communications Director Barry Briskman, Senior Copy Editor Ray Stewart, Production Manager Toelke Associates/Ron Toelke, Creative Director Editorial and Advertising Offices: Fabulous Floors Magazine, LLC Phone: 678-761-5002 | Email: Columnists Annette Callari, Leah Gross, David Romano, Lisbeth Calandrino, Paul Friederichsen, Jeffrey King, Robert Blochinger, Brett Miller, Tom Jennings, Scott Carothers, Chad Ogden, Scott McGillivray WFCA Scott Humphrey, Chief Executive Officer Tom Jennings, Vice President, Professional Development Freida Staten, Vice President Marketing + Communications Steve Abernathy, Chief Financial Officer Kay Wiley, Executive Assistant to the CEO The World Floor Covering Association (WFCA) Phone: 855-330-1183 | Email: Premier Flooring Retailer is a joint initiative of the World Floor Covering Association and Fabulous Floors Magazine, LLC. Copyright© FABULOUS FLOORS MAGAZINE and WFCA 2017. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any way without written consent from Fabulous Floors Magazine, LLC or The WFCA. Change of Address: in order to ensure the uninterrupted delivery of Premier Flooring Retailer, notice of change should be made at least 5 weeks in advance. Premier Flooring Retailer is published quarterly in print by Fabulous Floors Magazine, LLC located at 995 Main Street, Andrews, NC 28901 and the World Floor Covering Association located at 855 Abutment Road, Suite 1, Dalton, GA 30721. Postmaster: Please send address changes to WFCA, 855 Abutment Road, Suite 1, Dalton, GA 30721.

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017



Wake Up and Join the Present!

I Tom Jennings VP of Professional Development Tom Jennings is a lifelong member of the flooring business. Since selling his family’s retail business in 2006, he has served the industry as an educator and speaker. He is a past board chairman of the WFCA and is currently the board chairman of WFCA Services, Inc. and WFCA vice president of professional development. He may be reached at

just don’t get it. For several years now, I have been making a conscious effort to find dealers who are truly embracing the reclaim, recycle and renew movement that is becoming more prevalent in retailing as a whole, on seemingly a daily basis. As I travel around the country, I inquire as to whether dealers are participating in recycling programs. I observe showrooms hoping to find creative displays telling the green story. I even observe whether the staff members are recycling their own bottles and cans. Sadly, with a few notable exceptions, I must report that the only thing green in too many showrooms is the moss growing on the “green displays,” should they be on the north side of the showroom! When I inquire as to the reason that “the green story” is not relevant in their stores, I have heard reasons such as: “no one asks for it,” “no one wants to pay for it,” “I just don’t understand what all of the fuss is about,” and “that trend hasn’t really hit here yet.” All are true responses. And all are pitiful responses, as well! I am constantly reminding folks that before we can be good customer service providers, we must first be aware customers ourselves. How can anyone be the least bit attentive to the merchandising all around us, and not see a shift in promotional and purchasing behaviors? Consumers are more cautious and concerned than ever before. That concern affects how they buy and where they shop. Today’s customer wants to know what products are made out of, how they are manufactured, and in what ways they will affect their families environment. Savvy retailers have adapted in a myriad of ways ranging from pointof-purchase explanations, to electronic receipts, to reusable cotton bags to carry your purchases home in. These merchants have not only adapted to the trends, but in many cases have taken the initiative to drive these changes that the customer desires, to work for everyone’s benefit.

Consumers are more cautious and concerned than ever before. That concern affects how they buy and where they shop.

8 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

The argument was once that green products were either considered expensive, or limited in their appeal. This is simply not the case today. In spite of these shifts in buying habits, I find that most flooring retailers are still conducting “business as usual.” Sorry retailers, we can’t blame the manufacturers for this omission. The mills have been doing their part for years. It is virtually impossible to find a product category that has not had tremendously innovative and exciting products brought to the market recently. Whether the topic is closed loop recycling for wool carpet, the cradle-to-cradle recyclability of nylon, the literally billions of soda bottles that have been converted to carpet yarn, sustainable forestation of hardwood timber, or the variety of installation sundries containing no VOC’s, more earth friendly products now exist in abundance. The argument was once that green products were either considered expensive, or limited in their appeal. This is simply not the case today. But it is the mill’s job to make the products. It’s your job to make the sale. Come on flooring retailers, wake up and join the present! Give special notice to the customer standing right in front of you that just arrived in a fuel efficient automobile. She entered carrying her cloth tote bag while wearing a pair of “TOM’S” canvas shoes. She’s drinking from a refillable water bottle, yet you don’t think that “that trend has hit here yet.” REALLY? She wants to make a responsible flooring purchase; likely a product that you already carry in your store. Do your homework. Pay attention to her. She knows what she wants, but she’s not going to beg you to sell it to her. There is likely a store right down the street that knows how to speak her language all the way to the bank! Should she leave your showroom to purchase there, you will have no one to blame but yourself! ❚

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017


The World’s Best Carpet Cushion


Why is Healthier Choice the world’s best carpet cushion? The secret is our Never Crush Foam Technology. We manufacture the only carpet cushion made from 100% High Density Memory Foam. Most carpet cushion today is made from waste or scrap pieces of low density, light weight foams which are glued or bonded F E AT U R I N G

together. Our patented, Never Crush Foam Technology offers the luxurious comfort

NEVERCRUSH 10 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 FOAM TECHNOLOGY


you want while providing the lasting support your carpet needs.

Hydra-Skin™ is a high performance feature unique to Healthier Choice Cushion; it is the only film-less, breathable moisture barrier, which stops liquid spills from penetrating into the cushion while allowing moisture vapor trapped underneath to evaporate and escape.

Healthier Choice Cushion is infused with Ultra-Fresh® Anti-Microbial Protection to inhibit the growth of harmful odor causing mold, mildew and bacteria. It provides permanent protection.

No Odor - Low VOC’s Healthier Choice is the only carpet cushion which is UL GREENGUARD® Gold Certified for low chemical emissions. Breathing high levels of volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) is linked to health problems including allergies and asthma. Our product is also CRI GREEN LABEL Plus Certified.

Made in part with soybean oil and other natural resources, which reduces the consumption of fossil fuel petrochemicals while supporting sustainable agriculture.

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017



Brain Snacks



When it is done right, a sales person who goes through training

The customer says your price is too high, what does it mean?

and participates in a skills practice will think, “This sounds like something that happened to me last week. I wish we had the training earlier.” This exercise was right on track. Hopefully next week they will say, “That role play last week helped me handle the situation much better?”

“Either the customer can’t afford your product, or it’s not worth the price you’re asking.” If the customer doesn’t see the value, she won’t pay the price and value is determined by the customer. Budget means I can’t pay your price no matter how high the


value, I just can’t afford it.

• It costs 4 to 10 times more to bring in a new customer than to bring an existing customer back through direct marketing

Each objection must be handled differently.

(MAILWORX). • Existing customers are more likely to make a purchase (60–70% chance) than a new customer (20-30% chance). • Existing customers will spend 33% more on average than new customers. • Your existing customers will help you bring in new customers through word-of-mouth advertising and endorsements. And word-of-mouth is the most trusted form of advertising for over 85% of consumers.

12 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

DID YOU KNOW… Inexperienced sales people don’t know the difference between ‘features and benefits. “Features are what the customer pays for, benefits are what she expects.” Inexperienced sales people present them all at once and only confuse the customer. ❚

Don’t forget to check out the WFCA Online University for sales associates and every other position in your business at It is packed with courses designed to take your staff from good to great by testing them after each module and even providing certifications. Visit or call David Romano at (919) 636-6871 for more details.

SIMPLIFY YOUR HIRING PROCESS… BY…NOT DOING IT!! Your Current Process Seems So Simple, Right… • You have a job opening… • You post the job on a job board… • Highly qualified candidates flood your email… • They magically show up for an interview and you hand them an offer on the spot… The Reality… You put off posting a job opening because you don’t have time, you don’t look forward to sifting through resumes, you don’t have time to schedule interviews, you are busy trying to run your business..

That’s Why You Should Leave it to Us! • We will write the Job Description • We will search for the QUALIFIED Candidates • We will screen the Candidates • We will schedule your Interviews • We will administer Profile and Skills Assessments • We will check References • We will write or assist you writing the Offers • We will be the middle man in any Negotiations • We will administer Background Checks

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017


FLOOR ED Courtesy National Wood Florring Association (NWFA)

Six Qualifying Questions to Ask Your Wood Flooring Customers 1. What temperature do you normally maintain in your home? Wood floors will perform best when the household is kept within a narrow range of fluctuation in both temperature (from 60° to 80°F) and humidity (between 30–50%). This is because wood is a hygroscopic material, which means it will lose or gain moisture based on its environment. Keeping the environment consistent will minimize any significant changes in performance or appearance.

2. Will you be in your home long-term or for just a few years? If your customer plans to be in her home for just a few short years, it might make sense to steer her to products that are more affordable, or toward engineered wood floors, which can be more affordable than solid hardwood.

Wood floors can add significant value to a customer’s home.

14 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

It is very important that your customer has realistic expectations about her wood flooring in that its appearance will likely change over time. 3. Is choosing an environmentally friendly flooring option important to you? If your customer is concerned about the environment, wood flooring is the most environmentally friendly flooring option available. Sustainable forest management ensures no serious impact on the environment, because trees are a renewable resource that can be replaced time and time again.

4. Is improving the indoor air quality of your home important? According to a study conducted by the US Environmental Protection Agency, wood floors do not harbor allergens, microorganisms or harmful pesticides that can be tracked in from outdoors. In addition, dust, mold and animal dander contamination is minimal which improves overall indoor air quality, particularly for allergy sufferers. Scientific studies show that wood flooring has minimal emissions for carbon dioxide and no emissions for methane, nitrogen oxide and other particulates, hence the conclusion that wood floors promote a healthier living, and work, environment.

5. Are you looking to increase the sales value of your home? Wood floors can add significant value to a customer’s home. In a survey conducted with real estate agents across the country, 99% agree that homes with hardwood floors are easier to sell, 82% agree that homes with hardwood floors sell faster, and 90% agree that homes with hardwood floors sell for more money, up to 10% more. That 10% will more than cover the homeowner’s investment in wood floors.

6. Do you expect your wood flooring to look the same 10 years from now as the day you have it installed? It is very important that your customer has realistic expectations about her wood flooring in that its appearance will likely change over time. The wood floors will also show wear and tear; and possibly small scratches and dents may appear. These can be repaired, but today many homeowners believe that these small imperfections add to the character and appeal of the wood as a flooring material. In recent years, the distressed and rustic look has showcased this preference. When showing your customer samples, use a large enough sample to ensure she sees what the wood look will be in a larger surface area. Because wood is a natural material, no two pieces of wood flooring will look the same, even from the same tree. ❚

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017



SEM Group — Manufacturing, Innovation, Quality, and Value

S SEM Group’s products combine high quality with the best value, while always maintaining environmental responsibility.

EM Group is a privately owned business headquartered in the heart of the flooring industry — Dalton, Georgia. SEM Group manages more than 12,000,000 square feet of inventory in over 200,000 SF of warehouse and distribution centers in Northwest Georgia, and over 3,000,000 square-feet of manufacturing facilities throughout the world. SEM Group is comprised of four different yet synergistic companies: Savannah Stone and Tile, Excelsior Global, and Muchsee Wood. Our vast product offering includes Engineered and Solid Hardwoods, Luxury Vinyl Planks, IWP Engineered Vinyl Planks, Laminate, SPC Rigid Core Planks, Ceramic and Stone Tile, and a full line of Cushioned Underlayments, Adhesives, and Trim for all applications. SEM Group’s products combine high quality with the best value, while always maintaining environmental responsibility. Recent investments in technology, enable SEM Group to ship any of its 2800+ sku’s quickly, and most often within 24 hours. Which in turn, provides an exceptional customer service experience including order entry, shipment tracking and information reporting. Since inception in 2009, SEM Group’s goal is to become the most recognized manufacturer, importer, and wholesaler in the hard surface flooring market. The formula for success is simple. Adhere to our core business values — excellence, innovation, and integrity — but quickly adapt to changing business conditions and customer demands. ❚

16 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

Luxury Vinyl Plank

Cushioned Underlayments

The SEM Group has over 50 running line colors of LVP in click and glue down versions. We carry thickness from 2mm up to 4.3mm, and many wear layer thicknesses to meet your product needs and price points.

SEM Group offers 18 different underlayments for LVT, IWP, Floating Hardwood, and Laminate flooring. Whether you need an underlayment for a moisture barrier or just for acoustical reasons, we have the products to meet your requirements.

IWP Engineered Vinyl Plank From entry level to high end constructions, we have the Engineered Vinyl Planks to meet all of your consumer’s needs. With and without attached pad, and wear layers all the way up to 22 mils SEM Group has the engineered vinyl planks to meet the most demanding environments.

Engineered & Solid Hardwoods We offer solid and engineered hardwoods in Birch, Hickory, Oak, Elm, European Oak, and Acacia. With appearances from handscraped to wire brushed, and thicknesses from 3/8" to 3/4", SEM Group has the product to fit any type of project.


Adhesives SEM Group stocks a full line of Adhesives for engineered woods, LVP, and carpet tiles. We offer trowel applied, roll on, and spray options for glue down LVT installations. Moisture Cured Urethane and high moisture wood adhesives for engineered wood, and also a premium carpet tile adhesive for PVC and smooth backed carpet tiles.

Trim and Moldings The SEM Group maintains inventory of a full line of coordinating trim products for all of our running line colors.

Since inception in 2009, SEM Group’s goal is to become the most recognized manufacturer, importer, and wholesaler in the hard surface flooring market.

For more information on our products, please contact your local sales rep or visit (706) 277-0195

Stocking both 8mm and 12mm products, with over 50 color/pattern options. The SEM Group has been manufacturing environmentally friendly laminate with the most durable core material for more than 20 years. Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017



Do Your Tile Installers Trowel Mortar Correctly?


he way your installers trowel mortar for setting tile makes a big difference. Porcelain tiles, in particular, can withstand extra heavy service conditions by taking a lot of impact or point

load when installed correctly over a sound substrate. Improperly troweled mortar creates unsupported space under the tiles, which become weak spots that can be easily damaged by impact or heavy loads Here’s how to avoid these issues and create a strong tile assembly: 1. Select the right trowel type and notch size 2. Spread the mortar completely to the layout line 3. Trowel the mortar correctly in a straight line

Scott Carothers Director of Certification and Training, CTEF Scott is responsible for the creation of the Certified Tile Installer (CTI) program, involved in the creation of the Advanced Certifications for Tile Installers (ACT) program and provides training to others in the tile industry. He has been immersed in the ceramic tile industry for over 36 years and was the owner of a successful retail and installation firm prior to coming to CTEF. Scott has served as President of the NTCA, Chairman of the NTCA Technical Committee, been named the NTCA Tile Person of the Year in 2005, and the Ring of Honor recipient in 2013. He is a voting member of the ANSI and the TCNA

Troweling mortar in one direction (left to right or north to south) yields the best mortar coverage on the back of the tile. Place the tile into the mortar, moving it in a back and forth motion perpendicular to the trowel ridges to collapse the trowel ridges into the valleys, leaving very few voids in the mortar which supports the entire back of the tile. Never use these failure-prone tricks: • Spot bonding with mortar (dollops of mortar in the corners) may be easier for setting tiles flat to each other during installation, but just the slightest force will cause a failure. Without proper mortar coverage, air gets trapped with nowhere to go leaving the tile unsupported. • Swirling the mortar causes voids where the tile is not bonded to the substrate. These voids can result in cracked tile and bond failure under normal use, but especially under point load or impact. For large format tile, glass tile, natural stone or any tile set on exterior surfaces, “back buttering” the tile is recommended: • Use the flat side of the trowel to get an even coat of mortar, filling all the spaces in the surface of the tile. • After keying in and spreading the mortar, set the tile firmly, moving it back and forth across the trowel ridges at least the same distance as the width of the trowel notch. Do not twist or move the tile in the opposite direction. • Straight trowel ridges collapse with the back and forth motion to eliminate voids, achieving a much stronger bond with complete mortar coverage. • The larger the trowel notch, the more back and forth movement is needed.

Handbook committees.

18 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

• Always check the first tile and then periodically throughout the installation, remove a tile to check for coverage. CTI-enroll_3-375x4-875.pdf 11/30/16 • For more information, view the Trowel & Error video on1YouTube:

9:41 AM ❚

Certified Tile Installer


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Improperly troweled mortar creates unsupported space under the tiles, which become weak spots that can be easily damaged by impact or heavy loads.

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017



Don’t Kid Yourself, Customer Loyalty Doesn’t Have to be A Thing of the Past

Y Lisbeth Calandrino An industry veteran, Lis Calandrino has more than 50 years in the flooring industry. She has worked at all levels of the industry, from retail to manufacturing. She has served as business coach, trainer and keynote speaker. She is also a consultant, writer and blogger. Lis provides top notch training in the areas of customer service, sales, change, building

ou’ve given the customer a great shopping experience, and now you’re at a loss. What should I do next? Despite the fact, we know it costs “ten times more to get a new customer than keep an old one,” most businesses still focus on the “chase.” You know what you have to do. Unfortunately, like many companies, you’re not doing anything. You’re relying on the customer to remember you. Our statistics tell us that after three months out of your store, the customer doesn’t know where they shopped or the salesperson’s name. If you’re relying upon their memory, you’ve got a problem. Have you ever been in a store, about to write a check and had to ask the salesperson for the name of the store? When will your customer need you again? I know when they’ll need you; they’ll need you when they’re ready! Your job is to be there when they’re ready. The only way this will happen is if you consistently stay in touch, so they can find you at the right time. If you don’t do this, you are leaving your business to chance. That means that a more aggressive company may be around to entice your company at the right time. Don’t leave your business strategy to “mind reading.” Mind reading is an “iffy” science. Every industry has statistics on when customers buy again; there are many factors that come into play. As we’ve often heard, timing is everything, but whose timing? Sure when the fall comes, people clean out their junk, have tag sales and look for ways to make the winter more bearable. However, this isn’t a science either.

competitive advantage, using social media to build your business, creating the customer experience, and building the customer’s

“According to Greg Incardona, Vice President of followyourcustomer, a customer relationship marketing tool, (CRM), “The only logical way to get someone to think of you when the time is right, is to make sure they think of you whenever it’s appropriate. They need to be constantly aware you exist.”

“moment of truth.”

20 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

Every industry has statistics on when customers buy again; there are many factors that come into play. As we’ve often heard, timing is everything, but whose timing? In order to do that, you have to follow four simple rules to make it work: Start collecting emails and data about your customers. Who are the customers that buy from you? How well do you know them? Do they party, like the theater, where do they live and what activities do they engage in? Obtaining this data helps you begin to build a profile of your existing customers. Know your good (profitable) customers. These are customers that buy from you without a hassle, think you walk on water and “brag” about you to all of their friends. Every business is searching for this bunch of customers; make sure you know yours. Your competitors are also searching for them. If you don’t stay in touch with yours, they will migrate to your competitors.

Increase spending on the “good customers.” In the very old days, when my dad and uncles were in business, every customer was considered “good.” Customers with money were scarce, and you held on to the ones you had. Customers who have the ability to link you with new profitable customers are the ones you’re after. How many times have you finished a sale and vowed to stay in touch with the customer and didn’t? Get customers to think of you. We’ve all heard “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” Statistics tell us; these types of relationships eventually disappear unless you have regular, ongoing communication. Take some tips from “How to maintain a long term love relationship,” ” Keep it fun, stay in contact regularly and create excitement! ❚

For more information on after sale marketing, or have Lisbeth speak at your business, contact her at 518.495.5380. She has been helping businesses build loyal customers for over twenty years. For more on Lisbeth, check out her web site, lisbeth

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017



The Supplier–Retailer Connection: Partnerships for Success


etailing has changed considerably in the past decades. We have seen many new competitors in the marketplace. Buzz words such as mass merchandisers, big box stores, category killer stores and now online retailers are dominating the retail scene.

By Margo Locust, Publisher and flooring

Customers continue flocking to these stores because of the “perceived” lower prices, as well as seemingly larger selection. With the presence of these discounters, business will surely be lost for retailers in the vicinity. The larger the store, the larger the portion lost. With the loss of retailers, residents lose. What does this mean to you? It means several things:

retailer Margo Locust began her career in flooring over 35 years ago. She is the owner and publisher of Fabulous Floors Magazine, a consumer publication. In 2015 she returned to the retail environment by opening a retail flooring store in Andrews, North Carolina. Locust Trading Company, a Cherokee Indian-owned business has had great success in the residential, commercial and contract markets. In late 2016 she took over the publishing of Premier Flooring Retailer Magazine for the WFCA, giving the magazine a fresh, new retailer’s perspective.

• Retailers selling the same kinds of items will experience a loss of business. • Many retailers believe that their product mix is the most important thing, and it is the crux of their business. They hang on to dear life what they have done before, and will probably continue to do so no matter the consequences. Sadly, for this group, death is inevitable. • Retailers that sell items that are different from the mass merchandiser can experience an initial loss of business when the big box store opens, but should eventually regain their original customers, as well as develop new ones. As long as retailers are able to position themselves as having something unique or different, they should continue to be profitable in business. • Differentiation is key to success.

22 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

Wholesaler Connection; Redefining Value and Service As a retailer myself, most of my manufacturers reps are very involved in helping me get jobs. They have and are available to: • Meet with me and my customers to explain products, warranties and installation procedures • Help source alternate products that meet specifications from architects • Help negotiate credit terms for big commercial jobs that don’t necessarily pay in 30 days • Be available for ribbon cuttings, grand openings, and private events/clinics.

Below are a few things to think about: • Who YOU are in the marketplace can be very helpful to your supplier in terms of product mix, programs, incentives, product differentiation and education. Do you know who you are in the marketplace? • No longer should your suppliers just be seen as providers of products and pricing, but instead be marketing planners and budget consultants whose success is determined by your bottom line.

NOTE TO SUPPLIERS: You will help build long-lasting relationships with your customers when you present yourself as their strategic partner. This partnership can be seen as an investment in both your futures, if both are willing to take on this expanded role. There is an old adage “you get what you pay for”. Having a supplier who is interested in your business and who wants you to be profitable, is more like having a partner. A partner with an overall view of the marketplace as well as the management skills and knowledge to run a successful business.

Dust issues?

Develop a questionnaire and consult with your suppliers to determine a baseline. •W hat concerns do you have for the future of your business? •W hat unique areas do you see for possible growth? •W ho is stealing your market share? •W hat are your competitor’s advantages? Disadvantages? •W hat information do you need regarding your customers? •W hat marketing/advertising skills does your supplier have that would be to your benefit? •W hat sales information does your supplier have that would be useful to your business? •W ould you profit from any technical data offered by your supplier?

Develop a Retail Partnership by Creating a Plan and Setting Guidelines: 1. Determine areas that are helpful and complimentary to both of you. 2. Find ways to understand each other’s focus, culture, similarities and differences. 3. Develop trust and determine areas of confidentiality. 4. Make a commitment to work with your partner; commitments go both ways. 5. Proceed cautiously, determine who is in charge of what. 6. Agree to spend whatever is necessary to make it work; spending also goes both ways. 7. Focus on goals and success.

Final Note to Self:

Dust REDUCED. Schönox APF is a synthetic, gypsum based fiber reinforced self-leveling compound for clean and safe subfloor installations. Designed for refurbishment work.

VACUUM. PRIME. POUR. • Install 1/8” up to 1” • PSI 6200 • Suitable for wood floors and other critical substrates

How can YOUR supplier add value to your retail business? ❚

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017



Crystalline Silica Dust? Are You in Compliance with the New OSHA Regulation?

O Jeffrey W. King Outside General Counsel for the WFCA Jeffrey King has more than 35 years’ experience in complex litigation with a focus on contracts, employment, construction, antitrust, intellectual property and health care. He

n September 23, 2017, the new rule on respirable crystalline silica issued by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) went into effect. Crystalline silica is a natural element found in sand and stone. Accordingly, it is found in many flooring products, such as tile, glass, marble, granite, concrete, grout and similar products. According to OSHA, prolonged exposure to elevated levels of silica causes silicosis, a debilitating and sometimes fatal lung disease. OSHA also believes the silica dust also causes lung cancer. The OSHA has regulated exposure to crystalline silica dust for many years. The new regulation cuts in half the amount of crystalline silica dust workers can be exposed to on their jobs. The World Floor Covering Association (WFCA) filed comments regarding the rule, and OSHA adopted a number of WFCA’s recommendation to limit the costs of complying with the rule. As explained below, one of the most important recommendations adopted was to allow compliance by using of equipment that minimizes dust to avoid the costly monitoring of all employees’ exposure.

serves as general counsel for WFCA and other trade associations, and is a LEED Accredited Professional. For more information, contact him at (561) 278-0035 or

24 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

The OSHA has regulated exposure to crystalline silica dust for many years. The new regulation cuts in half the amount of crystalline silica dust workers can be exposed to on their jobs. What Does the Regulation Require?

How Does Table 1 Work?

The regulation requires employers to limit worker exposures to crystalline silica and to take other steps to protect workers. The standard provides two methods of compliance. First, employers can use equipment that limit workers’ exposure. The equipment and how it must be used is set out in Table 1 of the regulation. Second, an employer can measure workers’ exposure to silica and independently decide which dust controls work best to limit. The second method requires the employer to constantly monitor the workers’ exposure. This includes costly monitoring equipmentdevises, medical examinations, and respiratory equipment.

Table 1 (see pages 28 & 29) provides a good alternative to the expensive cost of regularly monitoring workers’ exposure to crystalline silica dust. The Ttable sets out common construction tasks with dust control methods. Employers who follow Table 1 correctly are not required to measure workers’ exposure to silica. As an example, consider a worker using a handheld power saw with an integrated water system to cut marble tiles. If the worker uses the saw outdoors for four hours or less per day, no respirator would be needed. If a worker uses the saw for more than four hours per day, or any time indoors, he or she would need to use a respirator with an assigned protection factor (APF) of at least 10 such as a NIOSH-certified filtering dust mask that covers the nose and mouth. If a worker needs to use a respirator on 30 or more days a year, he or she would need to be offered a medical exam.

Are There Basic Requirements? Regardless of which control method is used, Table 1 or monitoring, all construction employers covered by the standard are required to: Establish and implement a written exposure control plan that: • Identifies tasks that involve exposure • The methods used to protect workers • Procedures to restrict access to work areas where high exposures may occur; • Designate a person to implement the written exposure control plan; • Establish, where feasible, housekeeping practices that minimize exposure to silica; • Offer medical exams—including chest X-rays and lung function tests—every three years if a worker is required to wear a respirator for 30 or more days per year; • Train workers on ways to limit exposure; and • Keep records of workers’ silica exposure and medical exams.

What is the Alternative to Table 1? Employers who do not use control methods in Table 1 must monitor it workers’ exposure to silica to determine if it exceeds 25 μg/m3 (micrograms of silica per cubic meter of air) on average over an eight-hour day, and protect the worker from exposure to respirable crystalline silica above the permissible exposure limit of 50 μg/m3 averaged over an eight-hour day. In addition, the employer must use dust controls to limit the exposure and provide workers with respirators if he or she are exposed to more than the limits allowed. WFCA was also able to get an exception to the entire regulation if an employer could can show data proving that there was is deminimus exposure of silica dust to its workers. Specifically, the regulation requirements do not apply,

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017


[If an] employer has objective data demonstrating that employee exposure to respirable crystalline silica will remain below 25 micrograms per cubic meter of air (25 mg/m3) as an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) under any foreseeable conditions. At the present, there is no known industry data to show deminimus exposure, but flooring dealers, contractors and installers should periodically check to see if such data are developed.

How Do I Ensure the Control Plan Is Implemented and Table 1 Equipment is Used? A key component in complying with the new requirement and preventing overexposure to silica dust is to have at least one individual on the jobsite who is capable of recognizing and evaluating situations where overexposure may be occurring. The regulation requires an

26 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

individual to make frequent and regular inspections of job sites, materials, and equipment to implement the written exposure control plan. OSHA’s Advisory Committee for Construction Safety and Health (ACCSH) has recommended that OSHA utilize a “competent person” approach, were a “qualified” person is designated to implement the control plan and to ensure compliance with the silica regulation. To qualify as a competent person, the individual must be able to recognize, evaluate, and take steps to control silica exposure. The individual must have experience in hazards and control of silica hazards on the construction site through formal training and/or extensive, firsthand experience. For example, a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing in an occupational health, safety, environmental, or engineering field (e.g., Certified Industrial Hygienist, Certified Safety Professional, or Professional Engineer) should qualify an individual as competent to implement the silica plan. Similarly, on the job training dealing with hazardous and silica dust and extended firsthand experience with safety and respiratory equipment should qualify an individual as competent.

If a worker needs to use a respirator on 30 or more days a year, he or she would need to be offered a medical exam. How Do I Know if a Product Includes Crystalline Silica? The first step for flooring contractor or installer to see is a product contains silica is to check the Material Safety Data Sheet on the material. Absent that, the contractor or installer can test a sample of the material. If the product is concrete, stone, tile or glass, it is recommended to assume it contains silica unless the contractor or installer has specific information to the contrary. If removing grout, it is best to assume silica absent proof that the grout is silica free. Use of Table 1 equipment and procedures is often less expensive than testing the material or risking the liability for noncompliance.

health services to small and medium-sized businesses. On-site consultation services are separate from enforcement, and do not result in penalties or citations. Consultants from state agencies or universities work with employers to identify workplace hazards, provide advice on compliance with OSHA standards, and assist in establishing and improving safety and health management systems. To locate the OSHA On-site Consultation Program nearest you, call 1-800-321-OSHA (6742) or visit ❚ Notice: The information contained in this article is abridged from legislation, court decisions, and administrative rulings and should not be construed as legal advice or opinion, and is not a substitute for the advice of counsel.

When Do I Have to be Concerned? The potential hazard with crystalline silica is when it is airborne. According, any task that cause crystalline silica dust is covered by the regulation. This includes abrasive blasting, tuck pointing, masonry cutting, surface grinding, concrete, mortar and grout mixing, using a chipping gun or jackhammer, and walk-behind saw. As previously explained, when in doubt, it is safer to assume the need to comply with the regulation.

Conclusion Given the complexities of the regulations, flooring dealers, contractors, and installers should immediately set up a compliance plan. Failure to do so could expose employers to significant liability and fines. OSHA can provide help through a variety of programs, including technical assistance about effective safety and health programs, workplace consultations, and training and education. Additional information on OSHA’s silica rule can be found at OSHA also has an “On-site Consultation Program” that offers free and confidential occupational safety and Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017



Engineering and Work Practice Control Methods

Equipment / Task

(i) Stationary masonry saws

Use saw equipped with integrated water delivery system that continuously feeds water to the blade. Operate and maintain tool in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions to minimize dust emissions.

(ii) Handheld power saws (any blade diameter)

Use saw equipped with integrated water delivery system that continuously feeds water to the blade. Operate and maintain tool in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions to minimize dust emissions. • When used outdoors. • When used indoors or in an enclosed area.

(iii) Handheld power saws for cutting fiber-cement board (with blade diameter of 8 inches or less)

For tasks performed outdoors only: Use saw equipped with commercially available dust collection system. Operate and maintain tool in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions to minimize dust emissions. Dust collector must provide the air flow recommended by the tool manufacturer, or greater, and have a filter with 99% or greater efficiency.

(iv) Walk-behind saws

Use saw equipped with integrated water delivery system that continuously feeds water to the blade. Operate and maintain tool in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions to minimize dust emissions. • When used outdoors. • When used indoors or in an enclosed area.

Required Respiratory Protection and Minimum Assigned Protection Factor (APF) < 4 hours /shift

> 4 hours /shift



None APF 10

None APF 10



None APF 10

None APF 10

(v) Drivable saws

For tasks performed outdoors only: Use saw equipped with integrated water delivery system that continuously feeds water to the blade. Operate and maintain tool in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions to minimize dust emissions.



(vi) Rig-mounted core saws or drills

Use tool equipped with integrated water delivery system that supplies water to cutting surface. Operate and maintain tool in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions to minimize dust emission



(vii) Handheld and standmounted drills (including impact and rotary hammer drills)

Use drill equipped with commercially available shroud or cowling with dust collection system. Operate and maintain tool in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions to minimize dust emissions. Dust collector must provide the air flow recommended by the tool manufacturer, or greater, and have a filter with 99% or greater efficiency and a filter-cleaning mechanism. Use a HEPA-filtered vacuum when cleaning holes.



(viii) Dowel drilling rigs for concrete

For tasks performed outdoors only: Use shroud around drill bit with a dust collection system. Dust collector must have a filter with 99% or greater efficiency and a filter-cleaning mechanism. Use a HEPA-filtered vacuum when cleaning holes.

APF 10

APF 10

(ix) Vehicle-mounted drilling rigs for rock and concrete

Use dust collection system with close capture hood or shroud around drill bit with a low-flow water spray to wet the dust at the discharge point from the dust collector. OR Operate from within an enclosed cab and use water for dust suppression on drill bit.





None APF 10

None APF 10

(x) Jackhammers and handheld powered chipping tools.

Use tool with water delivery system that supplies a continuous stream or spray of water at the point of impact: • When used outdoors • When used indoors OR Use tool equipped with commercially available shroud and dust collection system. Operate and maintain tool in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions to minimize dust emissions. Dust collector must provide the air flow recommended by the tool manufacturer, or greater, and have a filter with 99% or greater efficiency and a filter-cleaning mechanism: • When used outdoors • When used indoors

None APF 10

None APF 10

28 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017


Equipment / Task

Required Respiratory Protection and Minimum Assigned Protection Factor (APF)

Engineering and Work Practice Control Methods

(xi) Handheld grinders for uses other than mortar removal

Use grinder equipped with commercially available shroud and dust collection system. Operate and maintain tool in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions to minimize dust emissions. Dust collector must provide 25 cubic feet per minute (cfm) or greater of airflow per inch of wheel diameter and have a filter with 99% or greater efficiency and a cyclonic pre-separator or filter-cleaning mechanism.

(xii) Walk-behind milling machines and floor grinders.

Use machine equipped with integrated water delivery system that continuously feeds water to the cutting surface. Operate and maintain tool in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions to minimize dust emissions. OR
 Use machine equipped with dust collection system recommended by the manufacturer. Operate and maintain tool in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions to minimize dust emissions.
Dust collector must provide the air flow recommended by the manufacturer, or greater, and have a filter with 99% or greater efficiency and a filter-cleaning mechanism. 
When used indoors or in an enclosed area, use a HEPA-filtered vacuum to remove loose dust in between passes.

< 4 hours /shift

> 4 hours /shift

APF 10

APF 25





(xiii) Small drivable milling machines (less than half-lane)

Use a machine equipped with supplemental water sprays designed to suppress dust. Water must be combined with a surfactant. Operate and maintain machine to minimize dust emissions.



(xiv) Large drivable milling machines (half-lane and larger)

For cuts of any depth on asphalt only:
Use machine equipped with exhaust ventilation on drum enclosure and supplemental water sprays designed to suppress dust. Operate and maintain machine to minimize dust emissions.
For cuts of four inches in depth or less on any substrate:
Use machine equipped with exhaust ventilation on drum enclosure and supplemental water sprays designed to suppress dust. Operate and maintain machine to minimize dust emissions. 
 Use a machine equipped with supplemental water spray designed to suppress dust. Water must be combined with a surfactant. Operate and maintain machine to minimize dust emissions.



(xv) Heavy equipment and utility vehicles used to abrade or fracture silica-containing materials (e.g., hoeramming, rock ripping) or used during demolition activities involving silicacontaining materials.

Operate equipment from within an enclosed cab When employees outside of the cab are engaged in the task, apply water and/or dust suppressants as necessary to minimize dust emissions.



(xvi) Heavy equipment and utility vehicles for tasks such as grading and excavating but not including: Demolishing, abrading, or fracturing silica-containing materials.

For cuts of any depth on asphalt only:
Use machine equipped with exhaust ventilation on drum enclosure and supplemental water sprays designed to suppress dust. Operate and maintain machine to minimize dust emissions.
For cuts of four inches in depth or less on any substrate:
Use machine equipped with exhaust ventilation on drum enclosure and supplemental water sprays designed to suppress dust. Operate and maintain machine to minimize dust emissions. 
 Use a machine equipped with supplemental water spray designed to suppress dust. Water must be combined with a surfactant. Operate and maintain machine to minimize dust emissions.



Given the complexities of the regulations, flooring dealers, contractors, and installers should immediately set up a compliance plan. Failure to do so could expose employers to significant liability and fines. Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017


How CAN The Floor covering Industry Foundation How CAN The Floor covering Industry Foundation Help Me? Help Me? Here How How CAN The Floor Industry Foundation are covering a few Here CAN The Floor covering Industry Foundation examples: are a few examples: Help Help Me? Me? Here Here are a few are a few examples: examples:

Emergency care Emergency care Food Rent/ Mortgage Rent/ Mortgage Food

Here Here are a few are a few Emergencycare care examples: examples:Rent/ Mortgage Rent/ MortgageEmergency

Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment


Emergency care Therapy Physical Therapy Emergency care Physical Doctor Visits Rent/ Mortgage Food Doctor Rent/Visits Mortgage Utility bills Food Transporta Utility billsPhysical Therapy Transport Doctor Visits Physical Therapy Doctor Visits Utility bills Transportation X-Rays Utility bills Transportation X-Rays Equipment ent X-Rays hOUSE Mods X-Rays hOUSE Mods Medical Care hOUSE Mods Care Physical Therapy DoctorMedical Visits Medical Care hOUSE Mods Hospital Stays Physical Therapy Utility bills Doctor Visits Transportation Medical Care Hospital Stays Hospital Stays Nursing C Utility bills Transportation NursingNursing Care Hospital Stays X-Rays Testing Nursing Care MEdical Supplies s TestingTesting Prescriptions hOUSE ModsSupplies MEdical Testing Medical Prescriptions MEdical Supplies Care Prescriptions hOUSE Mods MEdical Supplies Prescriptions Medical Care Hospital Stays Nursing Care Hospital Stays Testing hOWCAN CANI QUALIFY I QUALIFY ASSISTANCE? Nursing Care hOW FORFOR ASSISTANCE? MEdical Supplies Life-Altering event crisis crisis #2 ASSISTANCE? Life-Altering event ng ##1Prescriptions hOWCAN CANMedical I QUALIFY FOR #financial 2 financial hOW IMedical QUALIFY FOR ASSISTANCE? MEdical Supplies INevent fLOOR cOVERING Life-Altering#Medical event crisis crisis YEARs IN fLOOR cOVERING #3Medical 35+5+YEARs #2iNDUSTRY. Life-Altering financial ##1Prescriptions #financial 2iNDUSTRY. IN fLOOR cOVERING iNDUSTRY. ##335+5+YEARs YEARs IN fLOOR cOVERING iNDUSTRY.


#1 Life-Altering Medical event 30 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

#2 financial crisis

With our help, Teresa is fighting back. she received a grant to help with Chemo Expenses and housing, so she could focus on Beating Cancer.


are “The floorING community is strengthened when we lift each other up when hard times strike.” - Tim Baucom, executive vP - residential division at Shaw Industries • secretary of FCIF


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Ceramic & Porcelain Tile: Venue to High Style


here is an innovation product war raging on the ceramic/porcelain tile front: Imports versus domestic. Domestic manufacturers are adding new equipment, new technologies, and

state-of-the-art kilns to ramp up production. Given that, there is a significant amount of new domestic capacity that is just beginning to hit the market. Imports have been consistent with high-style innovation, and account for about 60% of domestic consumption. But, a footnote to that significant percentage is that “imports” also include US based companies with factories in

Annette Callari

Mexico, Italy and elsewhere. The upside to this competitive design war is realized in better technology, creative aesthetics, and healthy market prices.

Annette Callari is an

All the major players have added exciting new collections to their lines for 2017–2018. Shape,

interior design expert

color and perceived texture are the driving influences in new tile introductions. To the point made

with over 20 years of

about texture, Kristin Coleman, marketing representative for Ceramics of Italy tracks important

residential and commercial

trends and had this to say: “Texture is the defining character of this year’s tile collections. Not

design experience. An

only does it soften what is an otherwise hard surface, it also creates the perfect complement to

allied member of the

the many textile-inspired collections.”

American Society of Interior Designers and a chairholder of the Color Marketing Group International, she is the Southern California commercial sales specialist for Karndean Design Flooring.

32 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

“ Texture is the defining character of this year’s tile collections. Not only does it soften what is an otherwise hard surface, it also creates the perfect complement to the many textile-inspired collections.” Here are just a few introductions deserving of the spotlight (for both commercial and residential projects):

CROSSVILLE — Structure and Argent porcelain tiles: These two porcelain stone styles from Crossville are meant to pair-up in clean, contemporary settings. Structure is a solid color tile offered in five crisp neutrals and a variety of sizes. Argent counterbalances Structure by bringing 20 bold colors to the design table. Varying the colors and tile-plank sizes, offers a myriad of possibilities. (

ATLAS CONCORDE — Chester ceramic tile: This company originated in Italy and in 2016, started up its domestic facility in Tennessee. Their style “Chester” is a 24" × 24" hefty tile made domestically that comes in a matte finish with added shards of higher gloss highlights. The aesthetic is a distressed leather visual. (

Opposite page: Atlas Concorde Acusa Collection in Chester; below left: from Acusa, Chester in the color cigar; below right: Structure by Crossville.

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017


The choices available in ceramic and porcelain tiles are plentiful. DALTILE — Fabric Art Collection ColorBody™ porcelain This collection of three patterns will capture your attention immediately. Visualize the clean, crisp lines of Ironcraft, emulating the industrial look of poured concrete, but with a twist, a concrete visual that has been burnished with oxidized metals. Multiple glazing applications create the burnished effect. Rounding out the collection are Linear Textile and Modern Textile; unique standalone products or complementary in combination. (

ANN SACKS — Duet porcelain tile Below: Daltile’s Fabric Art™ Modern Textile Medium Gray 24" × 24" and Modern Kaleidoscope Ashen Steel Prism 12" × 24" on the floor and Modern Linear Midnight Blue 12" × 24" on the wall.

A building block for couture designs, Ann Sacks is a designer’s go-to resource. Duet brings geometric beauty front and center. The hexagonal field tile in classic neutrals mixes a linear pattern with a pebbled-surface tile. Add to the mix a third tile in a marbleized textured. The three in combination bring extreme interest to any design for floors or walls. Completing the collection are rectangular tiles in three different sizes to complete the “designer’s toolbox”. (

34 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

Get creative! Mix tone-on-tone or color contrast. INTERSTYLE CERAMIC & GLASS — Basho Glass tile Get creative! Mix tone-on-tone or color contrast. That would be the mantra behind this glass tile collection. Each tile is a component for building a dual color combo or sheen combination. The elongated triangular tiles are meant to be mixed and matched to produce a one-of-a-kind geometric masterpiece. ( The choices available in ceramic and porcelain tiles are plentiful. Retail showrooms across the country are introducing their customers to the best and brightest new innovations. More than just the expected offerings, retailers are the conduit to amazing tile designs and manufacturers that their customers might otherwise never discover. ❚

At top and above: Basho from Interstyle: simple, captivating. A 4” × 8” composition of mixed surface finishes to render calm.

Receiving its cues from the natural beauty and irregular smooth-to-textured hand of sandstone, Duet conveys an expressive blend of neutral colors that will appeal to any design aesthetic.

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017


Patterning Life Seamlessly Show your customers the unlimited possibilities in patterned floors.


nlike any other time in history, consumers have a wealth of cuisine choices readily available today that would have been unimaginable in prior decades. Technological advances have opened up access to an entire world of new foods and flavors, bringing in tantalizing tastes from around the globe. Likewise, today’s flooring influences come from all over the world, offering styles inspired by nature, regions, even the cosmos. Technology has made possible stunning new patterns in carpet that capture a myriad of designs: from simple checks and lattices to more intricate vines, geometrics, abstracts and fleur-de-lis, the limitless array of swirls and curves, lines and loops can accommodate any preference or décor and create virtually any aesthetic. Consumers are often reticent to explore patterns, however, in part because of the perception that unsightly seams will be visible and detract from the overall décor. Patterned products are also frequently seen as far more labor-intensive and much less likely to deliver a pleasing final result.

Below left: Solitair Cashmere Below right: Waverly Haylo

To address this frequent misperception, companies such as Lexmark are re-inventing patterns, simultaneously giving consumers amazing alternatives to solid beiges and taupes and making the product easier and simpler to use overall. As the leader in manufacturing design and pattern carpets—both hospitality and residential—Lexmark has been perfecting the art of combining stunning style with long-term wear for almost a quarter of a century: the company’s intricate patterns are consistently found throughout the Hospitality community, where fashion is key and durability is a must.

36 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

Constructing residential pattern carpets to look virtually seamless after installation starts with the carpet fiber itself. Since solution-dyed nylon products have a better wear performance than many other fibers and are easier to maintain and clean, it’s the fiber of choice for these products. In addition, Lexmark’s patterns are actually tufted into the carpet, not printed: this also ensures a higher level of wear. And a 10th gauge construction and higher stitch rate help combat the problem of unsightly seams, as do Lexmark’s best installation tips and guidelines: these help ensure the uninterrupted elegance of patterns like Tailored Milano Granite for rich, wall-to-wall sophistication. And even more structured designs such as the Living Collection’s Trinity Essential can deliver a seamless landscape of style: the continuous expanse of stately diamonds offers a deep, multidimensional aesthetic that solids generally lack, visually expanding and enhancing the living area.

Above: Trinity, Essential. Below: Lexmark’s Milano carpet in Granite offers wall to wall sophistication.

Helping customers see the unlimited possibilities in patterned carpets, like introducing them to a unique flavor or rare delicacy, provides enormous rewards for both buyer and retailer: every new installation or application reveals yet another way to add unusual artistry to living spaces, to expand one’s scope of influences—and it brings significant profit opportunities for your store. As customers explore all the advantages of patterns and textures, and learn how to use the stunning visual elements to elevate their floors and transform their homes, you’ll be gaining a deeper appreciation for the craftsmanship and artistry inherent in the products you offer—and taking your business to new heights as well.

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017



A New Landmark in Ceramics


hen it comes to the history of tile production, Italy has played a dominant role since ancient times. However, Landmark Ceramics is a completely American company. Well, sort of — Italian tile giant, Gruppo Concorde, founded Landmark Ceramics in 2013 with the goal of creating an entirely new, independent, manufacturing and distribution facility to produce the highest quality porcelain tiles in North America.

The facility is designed using Landmark ceramic tiles in different applications throughout the offices, display showrooms, and surrounding grounds. Landmark Ceramics offers a variety of residential, commercial, and public applications for interior and exterior walls and floors. They are offered in a myriad of different shapes, sizes and diverse finishes including ¾" exterior hardscape products.

Porcelain Tile Collections Design as a Philosophy The presence of design is obvious not only in the avantgarde plant, offices, and showroom, but also in the basis of the business. Landmark was designed to be a leader in the North American ceramic tile market through advanced technology, managerial experience, and ability to meet the ever-changing needs of the modern consumer. Landmark’s central location, access to rail and major interstate arteries means that rapid distribution to all points of North America can easily be achieved.

State-of-the-Art Products from a State-of-the-Art Facility The design continues on the 96 acre site in Mt. Pleasant, Tennessee. The enormous environmentally-friendly production complex has an annual output capacity of 50 million sq. ft. of product.

38 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

With nature as the source of inspiration, matter as the point of reference, and style as the distinctive trait, Landmark offers a complete and versatile range of solutions in porcelain stoneware, designed to complement dwelling spaces in accordance with contemporary living. • Precious effects — Marble, granite, quartz • Stone effects — Limestone, flagstone, slate and more • Wood effects — Weathered and rustic walnut • Contemporary effects — Concrete • Outdoor hardscape — ¾" porcelain tile Landmark has a technological edge that forges experience with the promise of the future. A visit to the innovative company showroom sums up the Landmark experience in a visual and tactile way. ❚

Everything you need, made in the USA.

EXCELLENCE IN PORCELAIN SURFACES Made in the USA with passion, commitment and pride, Landmark Ceramics offers a broad range of high quality and beautifully designed porcelain surfaces for interior and exterior residential, commercial and public applications. Choose excellence in porcelain surfaces, choose Landmark Ceramics.

Find out more at LCUSA.COM Landmark Ceramics - UST, Inc. | 1427 N. Main Street Mount Pleasant, TN 38474 | Tel. 931.325.5700

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017




USFloors’ newest collection, COREtec Pro Plus Enhanced.

ioneering, yet again, with the launch of USFloors’ newest

All decors in the COREtec Pro Plus Enhanced collection

collection, COREtec Pro Plus Enhanced. This stunning

feature the patented COREtec® technology. Since COREtec

collection boasts enhanced painted bevels and a rigid core

is 100% waterproof, COREtec Pro Plus Enhanced floors can

construction. These key features represent the next revolu-

be installed in wet areas and will never swell when exposed

tion in flooring.

to water. COREtec is inert and dimensionally stable; it will not

All planks and tiles feature a 20 mil wear layer that stands

expand or contract under normal conditions. Further, COREtec

up to excessive wear and provides superior cleanability and

never needs expansion strips in large rooms. All COREtec

stain protection, while the enhanced bevels create ultra-realis-

products are GREENGUARD GOLD Certified.

tic wood and stone looks. Made from a high-density composi-

COREtec Pro Plus Enhanced offers plank and tile visuals.

tion with special top and bottom layers for added stability, the

The planks are 7.13" × 48.03" × 7 mm and the tiles are 18.50" ×

rigid core delivers superior impact and dent resistance. Like all

24.02" × 7 mm. The visuals range from natural to eclectic, and

COREtec Plus products, the “Plus” represents the inclusion of

will match the style of any environment. Your shoppers will find

an attached cork underlayment. This underlayment provides

the perfect floor for bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, offices or

added sound dampening, absorbs subfloor imperfections and

even restaurants!

naturally resists mold and mildew.

With COREtec Pro Plus Enhanced, your customers can

This collection is recommended for both commercial and

experience flooring at a higher level. They will enjoy beauty and

residential use and can be installed in high-moisture and high-

strength without the maintenance. Enhance their homes and

traffic areas. These heavy-duty floors are perfect for any room

work spaces with a COREtec floor. ❚

in your home, even bathrooms and basements.

This collection is recommended for both commercial and residential use and can be installed in high-moisture and high-traffic areas.

40 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017



Check out the new COREtec XL-Enhanced collection. This extra-long, extra-wide plank features an extra-deep beveled edge for added realism and definition. Enhance your world.

find out more at Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017



Karndean Designflooring’s Renowned Design Quality Spans Glue Down, Loose Lay and Rigid Core


arndean Designflooring has been a family-owned business since 1973 and has since risen to an industry leader in luxury vinyl by taking a different approach to flooring. Designfloor-

ing is both the company’s name and its passion. Karndean Designflooring’s internal design team travels the world to bring you exceptional floors that inspire and delight. From the ancient forests of Europe, to the remote Australian outback and beyond, Karndean Designflooring seeks out expressive and intriguing forms in the natural world to influence its unique floor designs. By combining these original features with cutting edge design, they create simply beautiful floors that homeowners will love for a lifetime. As the industry’s only luxury vinyl specialist, Karndean Designflooring has applied these stunning visuals across glue down, loose lay and rigid core products. Karndean Designflooring’s premier glue down products offer limitless personalization possibilities. Each range features compatible design strips or complementary borders, and can be Below: Limed Cotton Oak (RP99) and Limed Linen Oak (RP98); below right: Salvaged Redwood Van Gogh) (VGW101T) — both are glue down products.

curved and cut to fit any space. Homeowners can choose from more than 150 striking designs and formats from across the six ranges, or may choose to blend a combination of colors. Their glue down component selling system offers the most margin opportunity and the ability to create your own private label while still retaining full manufacture brand support.

42 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

Karndean Designflooring’s internal design team travels the world to bring you exceptional floors that inspire and delight. In addition to glue down ranges, Karndean Designflooring has perfected two premium floating floor ranges: Karndean LooseLay and Korlok, to suit installations where addressing subfloor problems is neither practical nor affordable. As a pioneer in the loose lay category, Karndean LooseLay’s K-Wave backing secures the floor firmly in place using a combination of weight and friction and, in most cases, does not require adhesive. Should a plank need to be replaced, the homeowner can simply lift the plank or tile and drop in a new one. In addition, Karndean LooseLay is multi-directional, offering homeowners flexibility with their floor layout, and with an IIC rating of 56, is perfect for reducing noise transfer in basements and second floor areas.


Above: Single Smoked Acacia Da Vinci (RP104); top right: Cambric Da Vinci (CER20) with Kousa border; at right: Melbourne Art Select (LM05). All are glue down products.

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017


The most recent addition to Karndean Designflooring’s extensive product portfolio is Korlok, the premier rigid core floating floor. Korlok showcases the performance benefits of all Karndean Designflooring luxury vinyl in a structure superior to engineered hardwood. This interlocking floating floor fea-

Retailers will find that Karndean Designflooring offers a significant competitive edge in the market …

tures best in class performance with industry leading 5G drop and lock technology, the ability to install over most existing hard floors; hide subfloor imperfections; and meet the ASTM standard for indentation resistance. The product’s proprietary K-Core is composed of 100% PVC to ensure a stronger, more stable waterproof core. In addition, Korlok’s pre-attached premium foam backing saves on time, cost and labor, as there is no need for a separate underlayment., This makes Korlok the company’s highest acoustically performing product with an IIC rating of 62, perfect for upstairs bedrooms, playrooms or attic/ loft conversions. Retailers will find that Karndean Designflooring offers a significant competitive edge in the market, and a way in which they can set themselves apart from the competition, increase margins, create referrals and gain repeat customers. With Karndean Designflooring, everyone benefits. Homeowners have the choice of a unique floor based upon their project needs, and retailers enjoy a competitive edge and increased profits. ❙

Washed Butternut (RKP8108), a Korlok product.

Clarus Opus) (SP714), a glue down floor.

Otono Art Select (LM15) and Fiore (LM16) glue down flooring.

44 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

Rigid Core

Loose Lay


The premium performance and design quality you expect from Karndean - in three innovative formats.

Karndean LooseLay

Eisen CER13


Character Walnut LLP315

Kid friendly

Pet friendly

Texas White Ash RKP8105

Lifetime warranty

At Karndean, we see flooring differently. We travel the world in our quest to bring you exceptional floors that inspire and delight. By combining these original features with cutting edge design, we create simply beautiful floors that you’ll love for a lifetime. 888-266-4343 | |

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017




TheFloor FloorMakes Makes the the Room Room The Happy FeetInternational Internationalwe weunderstand understandthat thatthe theflflooring ooring AtAt Happy Feet choice for your space is the foundation of your design. choice for your space is the foundation of your design. Whetherit itisisa ahome, home,offi offi ce,ororvarious variousother othercommercial commercial Whether ce, spaces, our Luxury Vinyl Plank & Tile will fi t an array array of of spaces, our Luxury Vinyl Plank & Tile will fit an spacesand andtrends. trends.Our Ourflooring flooringcan canbe befound foundininthe themost most spaces rusticand andrelaxed relaxedspaces spacestotothe themost mostmodern modernand andsleek. sleek. rustic HappyFeet FeetInternational’s International’sdiverse diverseflflooring ooringsolutions solutionsgives gives Happy everyoption optionneeded neededfor fortoday’s today’sinteriors. interiors. every

Atlas - Treehouse Atlas - Treehouse

HappyFeet FeetInternational Internationalwas wasestablished establishedinin2012 2012by byCasey Casey Happy Johnsonand andhis hisson sonCJ CJJohnson. Johnson.As Asthe thedemand demandfor formore more Johnson LuxuryVinyl VinylPlank Plank&&Tile Tileincreased, increased,they theysaw saw aa need need to to Luxury serve serveininthe theflooring flooringmarket. market.Casey Caseyand andhis hisson sonstarted startedout out buying less buying lessthan thantruckload truckloadquantities quantitieswith withone oneproduct productline. line. Today, Today,Happy HappyFeet FeetInternational Internationalisishappily happilycarrying carryingfififteen fteen product productlines lineswith withvarious variousstyles stylesand andcolors. colors. Happy Happy Feet Feet International Internationalcurrently currentlyhas hasover over9.5 9.5million millionsquare square feet feet of of luxury luxuryvinyl vinylflooring flooringininstock stockand andready readytotoship shipto tomeet meetyour your flooring flooringneeds! needs!We Weare areconstantly constantlyadding adding and and updating updating new newproduct productstyles, styles,colors colorsand andvinyl vinylconstruction. construction.We We are are a asmall family-owned company, who is passionate about small family-owned company, who is passionate about the thehappiness happinessofofour ourretailers, retailers,distributors distributorsand andcustomers. customers. Our company has grown from two employees Our company has grown from two employees to to thirty, thirty, which whichincludes includesa afully fullystaffed staffedoffi office cewith withcustomer customerservice, service, shipping, shipping,accounting, accounting,marketing marketingand andsales sales departments. departments. AllAllofofour ourdepartments departmentsare areeasy easytotocontact contactvia via phone phone or or email to help with any needs. Happy Feet International’s email to help with any needs. Happy Feet International’s corporate ceceisislocated corporateoffi offi locatedininRinggold, Ringgold,Georgia. Georgia. Contact Contact your your local local dealer dealer oror distributor distributor for for more more information. information.For Forhelp helplocating locating aa dealer dealer or or distributor, distributor, please pleaseemail info@happyfeetint.comororcall call706.937.2500 706.937.2500

Stone Elegance - Kona Stone Elegance - Kona

46 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017 529 529Rollins RollinsIndustrial IndustrialBlvd Blvd Ringgold, GA Ringgold, GA30736 30736 706.937.2500 706.937.2500

T h e G o - To S o u r c e Fo r Yo u r Flooring Needs



Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017 | |



When it Comes to Main Street, Novalis Has You Covered


rom churches to YMCAs and from bookstores to pharmacies, the term “Main Street flooring” is well known, and so is Novalis.

Novalis Innovative Flooring, through its retail collection NovaFloor, has assembled a wide

All have a solid environmental story and all are FloorScore certified. But there’s more to it than just practicality.

selection of LVT styles and installation options for Main Street, or any street for that matter. According to Novalis, great visuals in woods and concrete patterns, as well as geometric designs (such as in the brand’s Abberly collection), are well suited for Main Street business applications. Add in the low maintenance features of LVT, as well as easy and multiple installation methods, and you have a winning flooring solution that any business owner will approve. What makes NovaFloor Main Street selections so attractive? There are several reasons. All are designed and styled for the Main Street customer. All have a commercial-grade wear layer that makes them durable with a 10-year heavy commercial warranty. All have a solid environmental story and all are FloorScore certified. But there’s more to it than just practicality. With its NovaFloor Abberly and Davidson collections, Novalis designers keep with the trend of various sizes of planks and tiles that can give many different installation options, creating a stylish environment for Main Street locations. Colors and designs are hip and cool, for both tiles and planks, including geometrics, petrified wood looks, variegated walnuts, etc. With NovaFloor Birkdale, customers can choose from X-Large planks and tiles, or even prepackaged multiple width planks in 5", 6" and 7" widths, for a true natural wood look to their space.❚ Learn more at




Get concrete looks and wood-style

Conveys style and quality in professional

A virtual designer’s palette of décor

plank accents with classic ornamental

offices, retail shops, community cen-

options in planks and tiles, from X-Large

patterns for an exciting contemporary

ters or business lobbies with distressed

9" x 60" planks, to X-Large 18" x 36"

twist to art deco jazz. Tiles are gener-

concrete, refined walnuts and European

tiles, and even multi-width planks mea-

ous 18" × 36" and planks are 9" × 48".

white oak looks. Comes in a variety of

suring 5", 6" and 7" x 48" that are pre-

Direct glue or NovaClic Fd 5G installa-

planks and tiles that are all glue-down

packaged for easy installation.

tions are available. 10-year heavy com-


mercial warranty is standard. 48 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017


IN REGULAR Learn why our WPC flooring is the only High Performance Core (HPC) luxury vinyl you’ll find and how it will set your sales to new performance heights. Call us today at




Only with

#ThePlaceForLVT by

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NovaCore™ uses licensed technology from Unilin® and USFloors®

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017



The National Treasures Collection from Aacer Flooring


acer Flooring introduced its inaugural engineered flooring line, National Treasures Collection. Made in the USA, this collection features both a wirebrush texture and satin finish. The lower sheen and character in the texture makes upkeep easier — perfect for today’s more active household. Other pre-finished engineered Collections that are available include: Old Glory — smooth face and American Dream — scraped. Unfinished engineered flooring is also available. Aacer Flooring is known for manufacturing Northern solid prefinished and unfinished flooring. Its 333,000 square foot environmentally controlled manufacturing facility feature 15 kilns. All hardwood material for both solid and engineered flooring is kilndried, milled, graded and prefinished to precision on-site. Aacer also supplies sub-floor systems and synthetic flooring to the sports & recreational market. Aacer products can be found installed throughout the world. To learn more about Aacer Flooring, visit or call 715-582-1181. ❚

Top to bottom below: National Treasures Badlands and Isle Royale. Below right: National Treasures Black Hills.

50 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

Dust issues?

Dust REDUCED. Schรถnox AP, APF, and AST. For cleaner and safer subfloor installations. Using the same old leveling materials can be so irritating - to your installers, your customers, and your environment. Our line of synthetic gypsum subflooring products offer low VOCs, contributions to LEED credits, recycled content, dust-reduced properties, superior performance, and much more. Visit for all the details.

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HPS North America, Inc. is a TMT America Company

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017



Olde Tyme Craftsmen Fixes Other Installers’ Flooring Failures

R Larry Loffer Larry Loffer is a senior technician at Wagner Meters, where he has over 30 years of experience in wood moisture measurement. With a degree in Computer Systems, Larry is involved in both hardware and software development of wood moisture measurement solutions. Call Wagner Meters today at (800) 634-9961 and ask for Larry, or visit

on Charpentier of Olde Tyme Craftsmen is a Bona Certified Craftsman on a mission to provide high-quality wood flooring without the inconvenience and hassle usually associated with flooring installations. And after more than 30 years in the business, Ron and his team have taken on countless jobs repairing other people’s mistakes, namely flooring installations gone bad due to lack of regard for accurate wood moisture measurement. Since Ron realizes the significance of wood moisture content when installing wood floors that both look good and last long, he makes sure to use the most trustworthy method for measuring that moisture content. That’s why Ron uses the Wagner Meters MMC220. “It’s so important to accurately measure the water in wood; two things that don’t mix very well when it comes to flooring!” says Ron. “You need to make sure the subfloor is dry, the wood you’re bringing in is dry, and then the two need to be within a couple percentage points (of moisture content) of each other. And in cases of water damage, due to something like a roof leak where the floors get wet, the only way to tell if it’s fixed is by getting the right readings. That’s why we need a good moisture meter.” And in addition to Ron’s commitment to accuracy and precision, he also appreciates how well Wagner’s meters functionality have fit seamlessly into his work process. “I like using pinless meters so you don’t have to insert anything into the wood. And I’ve used other pinless meters before, like the time I purchased a Tramex meter at a trade show. It did give us good readings, but Wagner meters are a lot more user-friendly,” Ron continued. “You have to adjust the meters for different densities of wood, which some people don’t always realize, and that was so much simpler to do with the Wagner MMC220. It has all the functionality I need without all the other features that aren’t necessary.” “I also have another Wagner meter I bought 10 years ago that we still use,” Ron added. “It puts you at ease to know that they can also withstand the test of time.” All in all, a craftsman like Ron has to think about each detail of every project, as well as the big

52 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

picture. To move through each stage of each job most efficiently, his team has to be able to trust the accuracy of each moisture reading. Providing this level of quality can help the best installers get the job done right. And that’s always been priority for Wagner Meters. The craftsmen are the real artists. Wagner aims to provide them with dependable, affordable support in moisture measurement so they can best focus on their specialty. ❚ Olde Tyme Craftsmen is based in Hooksett, New Hampshire, and serves the entire state with unmatchable excellence — which has been Ron’s ultimate goal for the past 30+ years. He knows that flooring installation can be a hassle for owners or contractors, so he and his team make it their priority to be an environmentally friendly, hassle-free installer with their dust-free installation process and Bona Certified quality. You can find Olde Tyme Craftsmen on Facebook or visit

“It’s so important to accurately measure the water in wood; two things that don’t mix very well when it comes to flooring!” says Ron.

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017


Find & Train CertiďŹ ed Installers

Funding for Education & Training

We Are Your Voice on Capitol Hill 54 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

How can the WFCA Help Your Business? With a foundation focused solely on the success and advancement of the flooring retailer, the WFCA is dedicated to the success of our members and our industry. From proprietary research and education to industry leading advocacy on issues that threaten our industry, the WFCA is your voice, your support, and your resource. What does the WFCA do for YOU everyday? • • • • •

Access to CFI technical support Up to $500 trade scholarship Driving legislation that helps your bottom line Proprietary research to give you an edge Access to legal and business primers including “Contracts” and “Independent Contractor Primer” - thousands of dollars in legal work free to our members • Deep discounts on unique training and fcB2B business software • Support for your staff and yourself in times of need with FCIF • And much more...

Bottom Line Member Benefits. Education. Advocacy. Research. Technology. Philanthropy. Your Voice. Your Support. Your Resource. Your WFCA. Learn more at or call 855.330.1183 to become a member today. Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017


Trusted Leader For More Than 60 Years A

Since 1953, Lancaster has demonstrated innovative leadership in the paint and sundry industry. Originally a regional distributing company serving a small portion of the Carolinas, Lancaster has steadily grown into the nation’s largest paint sundry supplier. Today, Lancaster’s market area includes the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America and South America.

Lancaster services more than 10,000 independent paint stores, national and regional paint chains, hardware stores, and home centers. Our comprehensive mix of products, promotions and programs allows our customers to stay profitable and competitive in today’s demanding marketplace. Our wide assortment of vendors and products gives you access to new profit opportunities. The Merit Decor flooring line is a great example of Lancaster’s commitment of providing retailers with access to products that will enhance their current business and grow into new markets.

For many of your customers, floors are just one part of their vision for project. Homeowners and contractors alike will appreciate the added value and convenience when you provide solutions beyond the floor. Walls, windows, and even entry doors can provide an opportunity for increased value to your customer base and increased profit for your decorating center. Let Lancaster show you how to capture more business from existing customers with the support of the nations leader in paint sundries. 56 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

Phone 800.586.7337 • Fax 800.457.6382 Email •

Luxur y Vin yl Plank Flooring

Our planks are strong enough to give you a lifetime of amazing results. Plantation Collection -

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All products are available through

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Please contact your Lancaster representative today about becoming a Merit Decor Luxury Vinyl Flooring Dealer.

Legacy Collection -

Phone 800.586.7337



Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017


The Next GIG

Stop Flying Blind How job costing can be quick, easy, and an instant game changer for your business.


ur profit margins have greatly increased. Your software has paid for itself in the first year.” This was a comment from a QFloors customer recently. He was surprised at the note-

worthy difference that consistently job costing (on the showroom floor) made to his bottom line. Historically, floor covering dealers have tended to run their businesses on “best guesstimates”.

Chad Ogden Chad Ogden is the CEO/President and developer of QFloors flooring software. He grew up in the flooring industry, has a BS in Computer Engineering, and worked many years in the technology field before coming back to his flooring roots. He currently serves as the Secretariat of the fcB2B committee and is a widely recognized industry leader in floor covering technology. To contact him, email or call 801-563-0140.

They have not known (in real time) what their profit margins would be on any particular job. They would find out whether they made or lost money after they’d already sold the job, or after the job was completed, or sometimes, even much later. In fact, a large percentage, particularly retailers using generic accounting software, have never truly had an accurate picture of how much they profit on each job. So they just use an educated guess and more or less fly their business blind. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that may not be the wisest or most profitable manner of conducting business. Hundreds of QFloors customers have bucked that trend, because the flooring software has a unique, easy-to-use tool that allows you to instantly see, in real time, whether you are going to make or lose money (and how much), on each particular order. While many software products offer a job costing feature, QFloors’ tool is distinctive. The information pops up on the side of the invoice screen with a click of the mouse, and is painless, simple, and automatic. You are not required to flip through other screens or menus, or go through long computation processes. The sales rep can immediately see, even before they finish writing up the bid or invoice, just how much profit is being made, and then adjust accordingly. This type of tracking helps ensure that you are not simply selling product, but garnering profits as a business.

“ Our profit margins have greatly increased. Your software has paid for itself in the first year.”

58 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

Historically, floor covering dealers have tended to run their businesses on “best guesstimates”. They have not known (in real time) what their profit margins would be on any particular job.

The ease of how QFloors makes job costing happen is what makes it unique. It is quick and it is accurate. That’s why an overwhelming percentage of customers swear by the tool, and why so many say that their profitability as a company has significantly increased. You should be job costing every sales invoice, regardless of what software system you use. However, if you’d like to see why this user-friendly tool is so popular with QFloors’ customers, feel free to contact a representative for a demonstration. ❚

OUR CUSTOMER BASE IS EXPLODING. There are multiple reasons why we’re the fastest growing flooring software in the industry. Contact us today to see why so many companies are choosing QFloors. And why so many who do, see their own business success increase dramatically.

(801) 563-0140

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Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017


The Next GIG


Flooring Industry Specific Software vs Generic Software: What to Consider

hen a flooring dealer is shopping for software, there are

3: Work with a vendor that understands your needs.

three types that most companies will consider:

The advantage of working with an industry specific flooring software vendor is the relationship that develops, and the under-

• Generic “off the shelf” retail box software; i.e. QuickBooks, Peachtree, Real World and more. • Custom solutions; developed in house by the dealers

standing of your needs and problems. This creates a unique ability to offer solutions or suggestions they have seen your competitors use.

staff or subcontractors • Industry specific software, i.e. RollMaster, RFMS, QFloors, CDMS, Pacific Solutions, Aya and others.

4: A bility to mold your software to fit your business, instead of molding your business to fit your software. Many companies will choose software from large national com-

Each one has pros and cons for the flooring retailer. Generic

panies Often the company is forced to change the way they do

retail “off the shelf” software generally lacks core functionality

business, because the software does not accommodate their

needed by flooring business management and associations.

needs. Flooring companies must be careful, because large

Customized software solutions are expensive and require a lot

national software providers often ignore the needs and requests

of time and energy to teach the developers your business and

of their clients. Flooring enterprises should always check all the

process flow management. An industry software developer will

references and see how effectively the company meets the needs

address very specific needs important to your core processes.

of the flooring industry. Additionally most flooring software

Frankly, it is rare that the industry specific solution is not the

vendors, such as RollMaster, develop API’s (application

best option. Here are a few major advantages to using flooring

interfaces) that allow industry specific software to con-

industry specific software:

nect to third parties, which delivers the best of all worlds.

1: Your competitors are already using it.

5: Shorter learning curve

One of the most compelling reasons is that you get a solution

Often times the real cost of software is not the licensing fee, but

that fits immediately, plus you gain functionality you didn’t rec-

the “soft cost” with loss in productivity and morale that comes

ognize as critical to profitability and control of your business.

with implementing a new system. These issues are minimized

The implication is that your competitors have already solved

with an industry specific vendor who understands your employ-

problems with which you may still struggle.

ees and business needs. The industry and business process flow familiarity minimizes issues with switching to a new sys-

2: Reduced costs of program

tem, as it reduces costs in support and training.

Industry specific software is generally a fraction of the cost of creating custom software. A typical rule of thumb is that you are

Although no industry specific software is ever an absolutely

generally getting $100 worth of programming for every $1 you

perfect fit, using the 80–20 rule makes sense. When you find

spend on an industry specific solution. Many companies find

a solution that does 80% of what you need, you are better off

that the high cost results in forced acceptance of functionality

starting there and working with the industry specific developer

that is not productive for business.

than any other provider in further development of additionally needed functionality, which by the way, is likely to be in the works anyway. ❚

60 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

The RMMobileSales

Phone App!

The new RMMobileSales App is a game changer for the flooring industry. This technology literally lets you carry around all of your relevant business data in your pocket. Owners/ Managers can access at-a-glance business and sales data from anywhere at any time, and Outside Salespeople will have everything they need to know about their customers at their fingertips, right as they are making important sales calls. Whether logging in from your mobile phone or from your iPad or laptop, the mobile friendliness of this application is beyond anything we’ve seen in the industry to date, and likely will be for some time. Imagine harnessing the power of a fully integrated Business Management Software System like RollMaster and accessing that data from your phone. Take a look at the future, available here and now.

Access Key Business Data From Your Mobile Phone! Impress your clients with how knowledgeable you are with their account. All the data you need about your Customers is all on your iPhone! Additional features available now and more to follow—the potential is growing daily.

Contact us TODAY for full details! Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017 | Ph: 866-822-4904 Premier |


The Next GIG Scott McGillivray, IT Manager RFMS, Inc.

Cloud Technology and Your Flooring Store


ith technology growing more important in the day-to-day operations of flooring businesses; it is vital that business owners find a reliable and efficient way to protect their time, money and data. For the last 33 years, RFMS has taught business owners about the importance of backing up and securing their data. In the event of a system crash, burglary or natural disaster, a backup is a critical part of the security and well being of any business. Many times, backups were often the least important thing for flooring businesses to worry about, especially when a busy day means long hours and tasks spent on the floor covering operation. We all can be guilty of not doing backups when we should. If everything is going well, a data backup doesn’t seem very important. But then, what if….? Another area of neglect can be the issue of updating your business software as newer versions are released. Many businesses don’t have designated IT professionals on staff and must employ the services of a third-party company or often, family members. Aside from just the updates of the business management software, there are other system programs which need updates as well (operating systems, server firmware updates, AV updates, firewall updates, etc.) There are many areas of technology that need maintaining. But we must remember that we are in the business of running a flooring business! What if there was a better way of managing the technology portion of a flooring business? If a flooring dealer uses the RFMS business management system, for example, it is possible to run everything from the cloud. With cloud computing, there is no need to buy servers, do daily backups, or run software updates. Those tasks are provided by the cloud hosting company whose experts are trained on safe and secure technology practices. Just the money saved by eliminating the need for expensive hardware, can more than justify the minimal hosting expenses for a cloud account. Cloud computing allows owners to get back to running their flooring operation, and to stop trying to run an IT business. As more and more dealers grow, especially as our economy continues to improve, moving the technology to the safe and secure cloud is becoming a best business practice. ❚

We all can be guilty of not doing backups when we should. If everything is going well, a data backup doesn’t seem very important. But then, what if….? 62 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017









COLOR™ there are no limits on grout

Your Business Financials and Operations Improve as Well as

color choices Simply choose a Sherwin-Wil-

Your Customer Service

liams® or Benjamin Moore® color from their vast

• Virtually Eliminates Batch to Batch Color

color palette and in less than two weeks your

Variation — advanced pigment technology

customer’s design vision becomes reality.

is manufactured separately to tight standards thus reducing variation between batches

Industry Leading Performance PERMACOLOR® Select is an advanced high

— carry only the inventory you need and

performance cement grout that offers the

only the inventory you will use

industry’s first dispersable dry pigment solution.

Did you know LATICRETE Color Kits can also be used in other LATICRETE products to achieve many color options*!

• Reduce Grout Inventory Value and Waste

•R educe Grout Space Requirements —

PERMACOLOR Select is designed for virtually

virtually eliminate leftover stock from previous

all types of residential and commercial installa-

jobs and free up space in your warehouse

tions and offers optimum performance on the

or truck

most demanding exterior or interior applica-

•E xpanded Color Availability and options

tions. Easy to mix, grout and clean, PERMA-

with PERMACOLOR Select® Color Kits —

COLOR Select is fast setting and is suitable for

you can easily and inexpensively stock all 40

joints 1/16" to 1/2" (1.5 mm to 12 mm) wide on

LATICRETE colors plus the top selling com-

floors or walls.

petitor colors; never miss out on a request from a customer for a color you didn’t have

PERMACOLOR® Select Offers the

• Reduce Grout Breakage — greatly reduce

Following Industry Leading Perfor-

grout breakage through less handling and

mance Features and Benefits:

moving of inventory ❙

• Exceeds ANSI A118.7 and achieves ISO 13007-4 CG2FAW • No sealing required — equipped with STONETECH® Sealer Technology virtually eliminates batch-to-batch color variation • Vibrant consistent color — resists efflorescence • Reinforced with Kevlar® — crack and

*LATICRETE makes no guarantee on color match to our grout color card and color tools. This process/method can be used to create a colored adhesive mortar to facilitate the installation of translucent, transparent, opaque glass mosaics and other finishes where cleaning thin set mortar out of the joints is a challenge. Do not use colored adhesive mortar as a substitute for grout. Always conduct a test area to validate performance and results.

shrink resistant • Fast setting — ready for foot traffic in 3 hours • GREENGUARD® certified — low VOC Color kits are available in 80 stocked colors, including all 40 LATICRETE® colors and the top selling competitor colors. Color Kits can be stored in your warehouse or truck for flexibility.

64 Premier Flooring Retailer | Q3 2017

Now you can have ANYCOLOR you can imagine! ™

With PERMACOLOR® Select* ANYCOLOR™, we can match your grout to over 6000 colors available in the Benjamin Moore®† and Sherwin-Williams®† palettes.


Never needs sealing – equipped with STONETECH® Sealer Technology n Also available in 80 stocked colors, including all 40 LATICRETE® colors and the top selling competitor colors n Vibrant consistent color n




Equipped with

Anti-Microbial Technology


l 1.800.243.4788

See Data Sheet 230.99 for complete warranty information. United States Patent No.: 6784229 B2 (and other Patents) ^When mixed with PERMACOLOR® Select Base. †Sherwin-Williams and Benjamin Moore have no involvement with this program. A-8203 -0417 ©2017 LATICRETE International, Inc. All trademarks shown are the intellectual properties of their respective owners.






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Only carpets with extreme stain resistance are business-ready. That’s just one reason why our Pentz™ Commercial Solutions carpet with APEX (Advanced Polyester Extrusion) SDP is the perfect bottom line answer for your customer and you.

We have one mission. Make the best carpet possible.

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