MK Portfolio

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Maria BrĂŚndstrup Kristensen

Industrial Design Engineer

Problem based integrated design My intention of being a designer is always to create design that has a purpose. This is often expressed in an initial problem that needs to be solved, or maybe solving a problem in a new way creating new value. However, the most important aspect on the process is the integrated design approach. No matter which project I work on, my competencies and skills builds on integrating the many different aspects from the beginning of the project, such as functions, construction, aesthetics, end users, usage and many other aspects throughout the process, creating a well-considered design proposal.

Table of content





Kitchen remote






BMW remote




Detection of Absence Seizures



This project is a result of the 2. Master project, It

My part in the project was managing the project and

revolves around the problem that absence epileptic

having the overview of the project coherence, combin-

seizures are a disease, haunting many children. The

ing the findings in the research with the requirements,

seizures are not like regular epileptic seizures, where

and furthermore connect these with the final tech-

the epileptic has convulsive shaking behavior. Like the

nical solutions to make sure that all aspects where

name indicates, the behavior during the seizure is ab-

reflected. Task wise my work load was divided in all

sence. They are very hard to detect because they can

the phases of the project, but I was especially respon-

have short and many seizures during the day. If the

sible of the concept development. Furthermore, I had

seizures are registered, they have a better chance of

all contact with the stakeholders, which in this case

getting the right medicine with the possibility of get-

was the parents of the epileptic children, and the neu-

ting cured. Epitech detects the seizures, like no prod-


uct before, with dry sensors and EEG technology.

Control unit:

Dry sensors

Battery unit:

Contains Micro controller,


Actiwave recorder and 4G-chip

(Last 16 hours)



Detailed accurate seizure data


Analyzing to find correct diagnose


Correct treatment

Seizure free

Parents only detect

6% of seizures

Epitech detect 98% of serizures



Project This project is a result of the 1. Master project, in cooperation with the company Kuvatek who produces water coolers for industrial use. The assignment in this case was to design a water cooler for festivals with focus on logistics. Nibe festival was used as a festival case regarding context. GODIK was used regarding the logistic perspective, and was also the key stakeholder in the business case.

Impact My part in the project was almost equally spread on many different tasks and phases throughout the whole design process. I was the link between the project and GODIK, and was responsible of the contact, the research on this area and turning this research into useful specifications. In parallel to the project work, my main task was the organization and planning of the documentation and managing the graphical design tasks.












Project The product Xpand is a result of the bachelor project on architecture and design. The device is an innovative updated solution that now makes it possible for the mechanics to attach on all cars, including the ones using the new trend within exhaust pipes. It is easy to attach and detach to the cars, which makes it easy for the mechanics to take care of themselves during their workday, avoiding the harmful toxic exhaust fumes. The key feature in the device is the locking mechanism that takes advantage of the fact that all exhaust pipes have holes.

Impact My role in this project was partly having the overview on the whole project and the development of the device. The functionality and shape of the device is a result of a process, where many parameters had to fit and create a whole in the product. The first parameter was the shape and size of the screen, which was developed with considerations about the airflow, and the space available for the extractor on different cars. In conjunction to this, the interaction between the device and the mechanic was important, to insure easy attach- and detachment. From this, tests of different shaped handles and different placed buttons took place, performed by the mechanics. Each test lead to the device developing further during the process.


em XPAND exhaust syst Product brochure |

serves “If your workshop de the best equipment”




1 2

3 10

Identifying the problem They do not use the extractors every time. - Why, and what are the consequences? [Observation]

Exhaust fumes can have serious consequences on the mechanics health over time. [Research]







Why? - The attachment device do not fit all exhaust pipes. [Research, observation, interviews]


Which exhaust types are there, and how many do not work with the existing attachment device? - 52% is impossible or difficult to at attach to.

52 %

[Research, test]

[Single, concealed, twin, double sided, bended]

5 6 7

Conceptualization What is share for all exhaust pipe types is the hole. Can attachment happen in the hole by something expanding? [Ideation, research, tests, mockups, interviews]

Product specification Incorporate knowledge about exhaust fumes and extractor systems with regardings to material and airflow. [Ideation, research, tests, mockups, interviews]

Manufacturing and assemble This is always kept in mind, during ideation. [Research, tests, mockups, interviews]


Kitchen Remote Project The kitchen remote is a product developed at the 4th semester on architecture and design. The remote is a luxury product that addresses to the serious hosts, that priorities their guest, and would like to deliver a meal with a certain standard, but also want to spend most time possible with their guests during the evening. It can be used to set and monitor the oven, the meat temperature and the coffee maker and it also has a timer.


NFC and Wi-Fi

Impact My role in this project was overall managing the project, and furthermore working focused in researching which features was important to integrate in the host kitchen remote. Much time was spent on icon and interface understanding and testing them on a test panel, to make it easy for the customer to decode, understand and use the remote. I did much of the CAD modelling, the icons in illustrator and photoshopped the renderings.


Interface and features


Standby mode - Clock

Wireless charging - Qi-technology

Unlock - Swipe to the side


Project This individual project was a result on the course technology and form, where the focus was to integrate three parameters, trend, technology and form in one design. The mix of the three parameters, was optional, as long as the cohesion focused on innovative design thinking. In some countries, especially third world countries, there is much suffering from many different mosquito-borne diseases. It is expensive to buy existing mosquito traps, and most often requires access to electricity, water or stores where it is necessary to buy associated equipment following the process. That is why I designed ProCatch.

Malaria Yellow fever Chikungunya West Nile virus Dengue fever Filariasis Zika virus

Procatch is a product which main task is to create an environment that attracts mosquitoes, trap them, and make it possible to use them for food purposes afterwards, if necessary. Furthermore, the trap is designed and styled in a way, to also functioning as a lamp post, creating light for the villages during the night, exploiting the sunlight with solar panels which also is the driving force of the trap.


ProCatch 17

Project The task in this individual project on the 4. Semester, was focused on designing a concept for a home remote control with design reference in a car, in this case a BMW Z4. The importance was including some certain demands within styling, functionality, ergonomic perspective, together with considering materials and manufacturing.

Impact My focus was to practice the impersonation of a style that is characterized by a particular brand or series. Furthermore, this was a great way for me to practice making double-curved surfaces in CAD modelling. At this point in the program, the project also developed to be a practice on communicating a design process with few words and more graphics.



Light facing up

Light facing down

Project MARGO is a lamp developed at the 2nd semester on architecture and design, in cooperation with the company nordlux. The topic given for particularly this project was to create an innovative lamp for the dining space with taking a reference in a style or another product. The reference chosen in this project was a sailboat. The design contains two lighting positions, that makes it suitable for both dining and reading.

Impact My role in this project was overall managing the project and furthermore working focused in the research and development face of the project. The idea for the innovative solution with the different lighting situations occurred on the research data, that showed that not all had enough space to have a separate desk and therefore needed adjusting light settings on their dining table lamp.



I can’t wait to hear from you!

Education Experience Master in Industrial Design Arcitecture & Design Aalborg University 2016 - Present

Evolving skills acquired during bachelor Added business aspect

Industrial Design Engineer (Intern) - Melvin Robotics ApS 2017

• •

Implementation of a Chinese service robot ‘Sanbot’ on the Danish market. Startup company – had much responsibility

Project planning // Product analysis // Stakeholder analysis // Concept development // Sales pitch // Business model

Consultancy project - Kuvatek A/S Business model // Business strategy // Budgeting // Competitor analysis // Implementation

2016 - 2017

Development of watercooler for festival use.

Mechanical design // Project management // Production

Student assistent 2016 - 2018

Practical tasks during conference and similar events at AAU

Conflict management // People pleasing

Freelance graphic designer - Danhatch A/S 2015 - Present

Document template, power point template, flyers and other commercial marketing material.

Graphic Design // Template construction

Bachelor in Industrial Design Arcitecture & Design Aalborg University 2013 - 2016

Combining humans with products Project management // Project planning // Team work // Problem identification // Stakeholder analysis // Ideation // Concept development // Value creation // Framing // Design thinking // User understanding // Product design // Interaction design // Service design // Market analysis // Mechanical design // Prototyping // Construction // Production

Technical Gymnasium (HTX) 2008 -2011

Independent distributor - Forever Living 2013 - 2016

• •

Sales // Pitch

Kindergarden assistent - Dragonvejen Børnehave 2012 - 2013

Kindergarden assistent - Grønnegade Vuggestue 2011 - 2013

Sinnerup - Applied art and interior - Sales assistent 2010 - 2011

Language Danish (fluent) English (fluent)

Hobby business - selling aloe vera products from the brand Forever Living Evolve sales skills using positive appearance and communication skills on fairs.

Quick decode type of customer - know how to adress them and sell products.

Contact Frederik Raschs Vej 14, 9400 Nørresundby + 45 28 86 37 46

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