Swat report

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Bicycle Pavilion

Maria Mourtzouchou S.W.A.T. 2017

Maria Mourtzouchou | Student No. 4621484 Tutors: Thaleia Konstantinou, Peter Mensinga

AR3B015 S.W.A.T.-Studio 3/11/2017

MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences track Building Technology TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Site Background & Information



1.1 Challenges



1.2 Potentials





2. Intervention 2.1 Phase 1



2.2 Phase 2



2.3 Phase 3



2.4 Phase 4





2.1 Energy Mapping



2.2 Green Transportation Network





3. Energy Concept

4. Bicycle Pavilion Design 4.1 Location



4.2 Design Evolution



4.3 Plans



4.4 Drawings















5. Green Facade 5.1 Detailing

6. PV Panels Covered Roof 6.1 Detailing

7. Metal Insulated Panel Walls 7.1 Detailing

1. Site Background & information The area of the intervention is in the southern part of Seville’s city center and is part of “Sur” and “Bellavista” districts and “Bami” and “Tabladilla” neighbourhoods accordingly (Figure 1). The major function of the area are the six hospitals with Virgen del Rocio (Figure 2) being the largest one not only in the area but in whole Andalucia. The amount of employees working for the hospitals and consequently having to commute there everyday is around 8000. The rest of the area consists of a residential part (Figure 4) southern of the Hospital Campus, some offices and some educational institutions. Important aspect is also that the train station (Figure 3) is located in the area and particularly next to the hospital. An overview of the existing functions and their locations can be seen in Figure 8. At the western side of the area is located the big University Campus “Reina Mercedes” which also means that a big additional amount of people is commuting towards the same direction from the city center. In conclusion, these aspects make it obvious that there is a big demand in transportation towards that area on daily basis.

figure 1: area’s location on seville’s map

figure 2: virgen del rocio hospital


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figure 3: train station

figure 4: residential area

Another worth mentioning aspect is the neighbourhood “Poligono Sur” at the eastern side of the area which is considered a gheto and dangerous to enter. People living there are excluded from social life of Seville and the city is looking for solutions to that problematic connection of the adjacent neighbourhoods. An aspect which makes this seperation of the neighbourhoods even stronger is the railway along their borders (Figures 5 &6 ) which forms a barrier between them. At last, it was also noticed that there are some areas that are abandoned or without use which were full of rubbish and thus

figure 5: railway barrier

unattractive, contaminated spots.

figure 6: wall along the railway

Offices Hospitals Educational institutions Abondoned/Unused areas figure 8: area’s existing functions

figure 7: abandoned/unused areas

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1.1 challenges After conducting all the previously mentioned research about the area and mapping the different aspects it was obvious that there were some challenges to face. First of all and most importantly the transportation network (Figure 9). As already mentioned, a lot of people need to access the area on a daily

Roads and rounds of urban distribution

basis and considering that there is a big traffic problem, the

Urban radial connecting roads

bicycle network should be improved. In Figures 10 and 11 can

Existing train rails

be seen the current disconnections and problematic bicycle lanes. Another challenge is undeniably the connection of the neighbourhoods and how to cross the barrier of the railway line. Finding a solution to the current situation would mean at the same time improvement of the mobility network. In order to support these changes, the abandoned areas could be used to incorporate new functions that would upgrade the

Network of bicycle paths Port railway General system of public facilities and networks Logistical area of port Urban parks and green zones Parking lots

area and make it more attractive for people to visit.

figure 9: existing accessibility & mobility network

figure 11: problematic bicycle lanes


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figure 10: network disconnections

1.1 potentials Nevertheless there were also some potentials to take advantage of. One of them is undeniably the existing bicycle network of Seville (Figure 12) which is already around 160km and is expanding rapidly. It may has some disconnections as already mentioned, however, the current infrastructure is promising and has potential to turn Seville into a bicycle-dominant city. Another aspect worth considering for the design proposal is the new park “Nuevo Parque Guadaira� (Figure 13) at the southern end of the intervention area, the biggest part of which is already constructed. The residents of five different neighbourhoods already take advantage of this green area and surely it is an area worth visiting.

figure 12: existing bicycle network

figure 13: Nuevo parque guadaira

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2. Intervention The railway along the streets Calle Luis Rosales & Calle Castillo de Baños de la Encina is creating a barrier between the adjacent neighbourhoods. “NO-DE” project intends to turn this road into a promenade with a bicycle highway and walkway introducing small scale interventions with the aim of social coherence. The final aim is to connect the city center in the north with “Nuevo Parque Guadaira”, south of the area (Figure 14). In addition, the project intends to connect the adjacent neighbourhoods which right now are seperated by the barrier of the railway. This will be a first step to connect two neighbourhoods of different social backgrounds. The district at the eastern part of the area is considered a ghetto and people are scared to enter. The aerial walkway will create nodes connecting important parts of the two neighbourhoods giving people opportunities to meet. These connections were created with the following steps: -Determine logical connections -Give function to empty areas -Shape the connections -Crossing the barrier Thus the barrier could be turned into a space of social inclusion. Another important aspect of “NO-DE” project is to expand the bicycle network that already exists making the area easily accessible for employees and people having to make a visit to the hospital. The intention of the programmatic uses (Figure 15) is to make people aware of the benefits of bicycle use. In this way, social interaction, a healthy lifestyle, and a cleaner and safer environment are promoted. Focus is especially put on the part where the hospital and the train station are because of the importance of mobility connections. This project will be realised in phases which imply logical steps to be taken until the final vision is achieved.


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figure 14: intervention concept - making connections

figure 15: general overview of intervention proposal

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2.1 Phase 1 The first phase focuses on educating people about the benefits of bicycle use in order to understand that everyone will have benefits. Transportation times can be reduced substantially, the environment will be improved by lower CO 2 emissions and people will have a healthier lifestyle. Small actions will be taken to make the start for the next phases to follow. These will be extending the bicycle network (Figure 17), adding bicycle parking spots, introducing speed bumps and lowering speed limits where needed, for example next to schools (Figure 16). Thus, children can learn from an early age how to read the traffic signs and use the bicycle with safety which will lead to an educated next generation ready to adapt to a bicycledominant transportation system.

figure 16: street view after phase 1

Existing bicycle network New bicycle lanes First needed bicycle parking spots Future bicycle parking spots Elevated promenade figure 17: expansion of bicycle network


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2.2 Phase 2 The second phase will be about small scale interventions spread in the whole area, the locations of which can be seen in Figure 20. These are for example bicycle pavilions to provide parking spots (Figure 18), bicycle maintenance shops, traffic parks to educate people, skate parks, small constructions to provide meeting points and shading at the same time (Figure 19), small-scale lightweight constructions for cultural events and exhibitions.

figure 18: Bicycle pavilion - parking spot

figure 19: canopy providing shading in front of the Hospital figure 20: Location of small scale constructions

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2.3 Phase 3 The third phase is one of the most important of the “NO-DE” project. A new train station is proposed, the shape of which is strongly correlated with Seville’s motto sign with the intention to become one of the city’s landmarks and therefore a reason to attract people to visit the southern part of the city. The location of the train station is the most important node of the area where all the connections intersect (Figures 21 & 22). The new train station will be the same height as the old one with the difference that highway ramps will be created connecting the city center with the southern part and the hospital with the eastern part (Figure 22). Next to the new train station there is proposed a new multi-storey parking building for both bicycles and cars. In the beginning more space will be given to cars but in the future the functions of the building can be changed to adapt to the new needs (Figure 23). There can be for example need for a shared car parking or an electric car parking. The ground floor will be used for commercial and

figure 21: street view of new train station

cultural functions which will again promote social interaction.

figure 23: section of the multi-storey parking building


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figure22: new train station

2.4 Phase 4 The fourth and last phase is the highway connecting directly the city center with the intervention area and the new attractions like the new train station and the Park “Nuevo Parque Guadaira”. This highway is integrating a bicycle lane, a big area for pedestrians to walk and enjoy the city views as well as various other uses along it (Figure 24). In this way, people will be tempted to make stops, use the ramps to access the different sides and take advantage of the new facilities constructed already in phase 2. Except for that the highway will reduce substantially transportation times making the access to the hospital much easier for the citizens of Seville. After the completion of the final phase it is believed that the city will have a much greener and bicycle friendly outlook which means that the “NO-DE” will expand outside the borders of “Bami” and “Tabladilla” neighbourhoods. The conection of the highway promenade with the city center can be seen in figure 25.

figure 24: street view of new highway

figure 25: street view of new highway towards the city center

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3. energy concept 3.1 Energy mapping The first step before formulating an energy concept for the area was to research about climatology of Seville. This meant minimum and maximum temperatures, relative humidity percentages, rainfall quantity, wind speeds etc. After gathering all that data and creating graphs some interesting conclusions were made. Firstly, Seville is the warmest city of Europe which means temperatures are not extremely low and especially in summer they can become extremely high (Figure 26). This implied that there is a high solar potential (Figure 27). Second, relative humidity is also high making the outdoor environment even more uncomfortable especially when the temperature is really high leading to actual temperatures over 40 oC. Third, wind speed is really low

figure 26: Climatology data for seville

so there would be no potential in using it for energy production in Seville.

figure 27: solar potential for seville - Amsterdam compared


S.W.A.T. Studio | Energy Concept

The next step in order to come up with an energy concept

(kWh/m 2/y)

for the area was to map the existing network of energy flows


which would show supply and demand. Firstly, the basic


infrastructure was made (Figure 28) to see how the area is powered, how water is supplied and where the streams flow.

100 Healthcare

It was noticed that the basic infrastructure networks of water


and electricity supply are at the borders of the area. 50

Right after, focus was put on the project area and maps of the electricity (Figure 29) usage, heat demand (Figure 30) and cold


demand (Figure 31) were created. This was necessary in order to 0

be aware and evaluate the potentials, deficiencies and needs of the area. In this way all these facts would lead to an energy

figure 29: electricity usage

strategy which would be directly connected to the local needs.

(kWh/m 2/y)

After conducting research about the area, two interesting


aspects were noticed: first there are six hospitals located which have a very big energy demand in electricity and heat


but surprisingly not in cold. On the other hand the residential

Healthcare Education

part seems to have opposite demands so it was obvious that an energy exchange could be a potential strategy to follow.


Residential Offices

20 0 figure 30: heat demand

Sanitation: network of basic infrastructure

(kWh/m 2/y) 80

Water supply: network of basic infrastructure 60

Connection network between main deposits


Underground lines of high voltage


Existent electrical substations

Education Residential (Apartment)


New electrical substations Rainwater pumping stations figure 28: existing energy network

Residential (Single family) Offices

0 figure 31: cold demand

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3.2. green transportation network The final energy concept (Figure 32) was evolved in a way that would support the intervention design concept for the area. Consequently, the outcome was a combination of the available area’s resources and the design concept proposed. The project “NO-DE� is about turning the car dominant transportation network of Seville into a bicycle and public transport








developed in the northern part of the city and the southern part, where Tabladilla and Bami neighbourhoods are, has some disconnections. The car takes a lot of space, consumes a lot of energy and produces a lot of greenhouse gases. The energy concept developed aims to reduce car use and thus CO2 emissions. Another big challenge in Seville is the mitigation of the urban heat island effect, which greatly increases the cooling demand in summer. Adding trees and other plants and finding other measures, such as use of water (Figure 33) or materials with high reflectivity to minimize this heat island effect are an important part of the strategy. The addition of more greenery will also create a more pleasant urban environment, complementing the strategy of promoting different modes of transport than

figure 32: energy concept step-by-step strategy


figure 33: rainwater collection used for evaporative cooling


S.W.A.T. Studio | Energy Concept

In order to achieve this reduction, the aim is to expand the bicycle infrastructure, introduce e-bikes and a new tram line. The intervention proposed includes a promenade with a highway bicycle lane and a walkway, along which various activities are spread, like a traffic park or a skate park. Since the temperatures reached as well as the solar potential are very high in Seville, it was decided to cover this highway with a canopy covered with PV cells (Figure 34). This canopy could work as a shading system while producing electricity of 4 320 MWh/year. This electricity production initially leads to a CO2 reduction of 2 272 tons/year. If this electricity is then used to power an e-bike network and tram lines (Figure 35), which would reduce car usage throughout Sevilla, this could eventually lead to an even greater reduction in greenhouse gas production.

PV panels biomass

In a larger scale, looking at the area’s uses, it was obvious that


there is a high potential for biomass use. So, biomass from

Combined Heat Power

food waste of hospitals/houses/offices/schools/supermarket,

figure 34: area’s energy concept overview

from sewage and from residues of the area’s greenery is used as source and with the aid of a digester can be converted into biogas through the process of anaerobic digestion. The biogas can then be used as source for a combined heat and power unit and produce heat and electricity (Figure 34). The electricity produced is calculated to be 464 MWh/year and could be used to power the new tram lane (Figure 36). The heat produced is calculated to be 555 MWh/year and could be used

Area: 12000m 2 Electricity production: 4320 MWh/year CO2 reduction: 2272 tons/year

for the hospital Virgen del Rocio which has currently a high heat demand. This energy concept will lead to a CO2 reduction

figure 35: PV Cells on highway Canopy concept

of 538 tons/year.

Location: Virgen del Rocio Hospital Electricity production: 464 MWh/year Heat production: 555 MWh/year CO2 reduction: 538 tons/year figure 36: Biomass CHP Unit concept

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4. Bicycle Pavilion design A small-scale construction from phase 2 of project “NO-DE� was chosen to be developed further. This construction is a bicycle pavilion for which is currently a major need in Seville since the use of bicycles is increasing and there are not enough bicycle parking spots. Except for bicycle parking, the uses of a bicycle maintenance shop and a cafe are incorporated. Focus is put on Facade and Climate design and how both influenced the design process and thus the final design of the pavilion.

Bicycle Parking

Bicycle Maintenance


4.1 location There were proposed various locations in the area for these kind of constructions, however, the one chosen (Figure 38) is of great importance since it is in the area of the Hospital “Virgen del Rocio”. As already mentioned there is a big amount of people in need to reach the hospital in daily basis either to work or visit. Thus, the construction of a bicycle pavilion is meant to ease this everyday routine. “Virgen del Rocio” is a big hospital campus so the pavilion will be placed in an area which currently is unused as shown in Figure 37. The masterplan of the hospital with the new pavilion can be seen in Figure 39.

figure 37: virgen del rocio unused space

figure 39: masterplan - “Virgen del rocio” campus with bicycle pavilion


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figure 38: Location choice of Pavilion on map

4.2 DESIGN EVOLUTION A first rough design of the pavilion was made during the intervention proposal as can be seen in Figure 40 and was kept as starting point for further development. Various changes were made according to the needs of the programmatic uses in relation to the specific location. One of the first ones was the extension of the ramp to create a smoother inclination for the bikers that would not exceed 5%. In addition, since the roof would be covered with PV Panels as proposed by “NODE� project, it was tilted to the south to ensure maximum performance. Moreover, since a cafe and maintenance shop should be incorporated, part of the design should be closed.

figure 40: pavilion after intervention phase

figure 41: pavilion after design decisions

After those changes the pavilion looked as in Figure 41. One of the most important aspects was the placement of the pavilion on site so that the appropriate orientation for every design need would be chosen correctly. After doing a first radiation analysis (Figure 42) it was shown that the inclined roof to the south offers the maximum kWh/m 2. In addition, the closed parts would be favoured if also placed to the south since they can be benefited by the solar irradiation in the winter and be shaded in the summer by the ramp since the sun is in a higher position.

figure 42: results of first radiation analysis

S.W.A.T. Studio | Bicycle Pavilion Design


As far as the facade is concerned one of the first ideas about the design concept of the pavilion was to create a green facade since there was no need to have a closed one for the bicycle parking. This decision led to the need of an additional structure which would wrap the pavilion in order for the plants to grow. At that stage it was decided that the main structure of the pavilion would be out of metal in order to be lightweight and have a uniform appearance with the metal green facade components. The floor will be a composite slab of profiled steel decking filled with concrete (Figure 43) while the roof will be constructed without the concrete layer to be more lightweight. The design at that stage was as shown in Figure 44.

figure 43: composite floor slab


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figure 44: first visualisation of the pavilion with the green facade

Conducting some research about green facades structures (Figure 45) and precedent projects like MFO Park in Zurich (Figure 46) the main and secondary structure were designed. The roof was again changed and actually enlarged and extented at the southern side because there would be created a weird angle of the external structure that would also cause insufficient height at the highest point of the ramp as shown in Figure 47.

figure 45: Greening wall on steel scaffolding, Cannon Avent Company, Norfolk, UK

figure 47: problematic angle with first wrap for green facade facade

figure 46: MFO Park, Raderschall architekten, zurich , switzerland

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Radiation analysis was conducted again for the design with the new roof (Figure 48) which actually was also kept as final design. The analysis showed even better results as the extension of the roof decreased the radiation level on the ramp especially at the south because it is partially shaded by the roof. In winter the shops take advantage of the sun while in the summer they remain shaded. The results of the roof remained the same but since the surface became bigger this would be in favour of the electricity production by the PV Panels.

figure 48: results for radiation analysis of final design


S.W.A.T. Studio | Bicycle Pavilion Design

A visualisation of how the final pavilion design with the green facade additional components on the outside will look like can be seen in Figure 49. The whole pavilion was wrapped by the green facade net and structure except for the southern ground level where the entrance to the ramp and the shops are in order for people to perceive its uses and access it easily. At this part the plants will grow on the columns and find their way to the first level where the grid starts again.

figure 49: final pavilion design visualisation

S.W.A.T. Studio | Bicycle Pavilion Design


4.3 plans The bicycle pavilion is a small construction with only one floor. The ground floor consists not only of bicycle spots but also of a cafe and a maintenance shop to assist bicycle users (Figure 52). The first floor is purely used for bicycle parking (Figure 53). There are 432 bicycle parking spots in total by using hi-density bicycle racks (Figure 50). A ramp around the pavilion is leading the bikers to the first floor, nevertheless there are also stairs in the middle for quicker access either for those leaving or for those who come to pick their bicycle.

Bicycle Parking Spots Walkway Clearance



Exterior Ramp

figure 52: ground floor plan - scale 1:250


S.W.A.T. Studio | Bicycle Pavilion Design

figure 53: first floor plan - scale 1:250

figure 54: roof plan - scale 1:250

4.4 drawings The dimensions of the pavilion were determined by the ones of a bicycle (Figure 51) and more specifically the distance someone needs to move around with the bicycle and the area a bicycle needs to be stored. So the design is based on circles with the same center point. The first one with the stairs has a 2 meters radius and every next circle has an additional 2 meters radius. This means 2 meters for bicycle parking spots, 2 meters for walkway clearance, 2 meters again for the next row of parking spots and finally 2 meters for the ramp. The exterior facade structure is placed at the edge of the ramp except for the southern part with the shops which is enlarged by 1 more meter in order to offer more space.

7.5m 19m 4m










4m 16m 21m figure 55: section - scale 1:100

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4.5 elevations

figure 56: south facade - scale 1:100


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figure 57: north facade - scale 1:100

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figure 58: east facade - scale 1:100


S.W.A.T. Studio | Bicycle Pavilion Design

figure 59: west facade - scale 1:100

S.W.A.T. Studio | Bicycle Pavilion Design


5. green facade The bicycle pavilion had no need for a closed facade so a green facade with climbing plants was chosen. In this way, almost all the bicycles will be shaded so that the frames’ material is protected from the sun. Providing some vertical meters of green in a hospital area will lead to a healthier environment since vegetation is capturing fine particulate matter. Besides, it will be an aesthetic enhancement of the facade. The type chosen with the climbing plants is called twiningclimbing type and it was preferred because in Seville it is so dry and hot that only plants with roots in the ground can survive and remain green. For this facade type, mesh support, such as a net is installed around the structure to let twining vines hold on to the support. The mesh size is between 30-40cm and the material should be water resistant, moisture and impact resistant. The green facade system chosen by Jacob is out of stainless steel and is illustrated in details 1-4 and Figures 64-67.

figure 60: mediterranean hardleaf evergreen zone with winter rainfall

As far as the choice of plants is concerned there is a big variety to choose from according to local weather conditions. The climate zone where Seville belongs is the Mediterranean Hardleaf Evergreen Zone with winter rainfall (Figure 60). Such zones are characterised by hot, dry summers and mild humid winters while light frosts are exceptional. A great variety of climbers and wall shrubs flourish there which include for example Bougainvillea and many Passifloras. However, watering during the summer months is essential. This is why it was decided to collect the rainwater of the pavilion’s roof, water the plants and provide a cooling mist for the facade leaves (Figure 61). For this reason a gutter is put around half of the roof since it is already inclined so the water flows naturally to the lower part. The roof surface is 270m 2 and taking into account Seville’s amount of rainfall, the amount of rainwater that can be collected in a year is around 156m 3. figure 61: rainwater collection system


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Another aspect that can be taken into account for the green

On the other hand, the parts which are colored by a higher

facade design is to keep the grid mesh on which the plants

saturation of blue indicate that shading is very desirable. The

will grow only at the spots where the pavilion will be benefited

Shade Benefit Analyses showed that the deepest blue parts

because of shading. Conducting a Shade Benefit Analysis

are located at the western side especially during the summer

(Figure 62) showed that shading the southern side would be

period. The white parts are neutral which means that they

harmful which means that it will block more helpful winter sun

would be neither benefited nor harmed if shaded.

than harmful summer sun, Those parts are colored by a higher saturation of red. So again this result indicates that placing the shops to the south where the facade should be completely open was the right choice.

figure 62: shade benefit anaysis for green facade grid

S.W.A.T. Studio | Green Facade


figure 63: visualisation of the pavilion with the green facade looking to the outside

5.1 detailing



Wire rope d=4mm

Adjustable suspension rope clamp

Adjustable cross




Thread end

Greenguide trellis work with tensioner ďŹ ttings

Spacer basket UPN 140 detail 1: green facade scale 1:5


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Adjustable cross

Adjustable cross



tensioning range 8mm [make longer]

Wire rope d=4mm

24mm [make shorter]



Wire rope d=4mm

Tensionable end connector Tensionable end connector figure 64: tensionable end connector

with tensioner ďŹ ttings with tensioner ďŹ ttings





Greenguide trellis work Greenguide trellis work







detail 2: green facade attachment - scale 1:20


S.W.A.T. Studio | Green Facade

detail 3: green facade attachment starting point - scale 1:5


Spacer basket

Spacer basket

UPN 140

UPN 140

Circular hollow section Circular hollow section column d=140mm

column d=140mm

Base plate

Base plate

Top of concrete

Top of concrete


foundation figure 65: Greenguide trellis work with tensioner fittings

Adjustable cross clamp figure 66: adjustable cross clamp

Circular hollow section column d=140mm Wire rope d=4mm

Adjustable suspension rope clamp Spacer basket UPN 140

detail 4: green facade attachment intermediate point - scale 1:5

figure 67: adjustable suspension rope clamp

S.W.A.T. Studio | Green Facade


6. pv panels covered roof One of “NO-DE” project’s proposals was the use of e-bikes which would be powered by PV Panels integrated on the roofs of the




30 o

53 o

76 o

new constructions. This is the reason why this design idea was taken into account from the beginning of the design process. As already shown the roof was flat in the beginning because it was a standard design, however since location was chosen alterations had to be made to ensure the highest performance. Taking into account the optimum tilt of PV Panels for Seville (Figure 68) the roof of the bicycle pavilion was tilted 14 o to the south since summer is the longest period of the year and also extremely hot. The design of the roof changed twice because of the additional exterior structure to hold the green facade. For

figure 68: optimum tilt of solar panels for seville

this reason the roof was enlarged and extended at its lowest southern part. In Figure 70 can be seen that the radiation can reach 1893.41 kwh/m . The roof surface is 270m 2 and the electricity that can be produced yearly is 50690kWh (Figure 69). On th other hand, a common electric bicycle setup is a 36V battery and 15A controller so approximately it needs 500W. This means that the electricity produced by the PV Panels can power 101380 e-bikes per year or 277 per day which is more than half the pavilion can store.



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figure 70: all year radiation analysis

6.1 detailing The PV Panels chosen for the roof are frameless (Figure 72) so that a seamless result would be achieved and the roof will have a uniform black appearance. The space between the attachments is only 2cm which is barely visible from far away or eye-level. For the attachment of the PV Panels on the roof S-5-PV Kit and EdgeGrabTM are used. The S-5-PV Kit features a new stainless steel mounting disk with twelve nodes designed to ensure the module-to-module conductivity of anodized aluminum module frames. This means it automatically provides a ground path in the module frame. No lugs or wire are required except to connect one string of modules to another and to ground the system. S-5-PV Kit and EdgeGrabTM work on most exposed-fastened

figure 71: edgegrab tm detail for pv panels’ edge attachment on the roof

and corrugated metal roofs. The standard grab (Figure 74 and Detail 6) is designed to fit field conditions (two adjacent panels), while the new EdgeGrab (Figure 71 & 73 and Detail 5) is designed specifically for end conditions. The mounting disk is multi-directional and rails are not required. Four strategically placed under-disk hooks assist in wire management. The PV grab ears that hold the solar panel in place are broader to allow for ease of installation and precise module engagement.

figure 72: frameless pv panels

S.W.A.T. Studio | PV Panels Covered Roof


figure 73: edgegrab tm detail for attachment of pv panels at end conditions

figure 74: S-5-PV Kit detail for attachment of adjacent Pv panels

PV Grab

EdgeGrab Serrated L-Flange

Module Placement Bevel Guide Mounting Disc Wire Management Hooks Clamp

detail 5: edgegrab tm detail for attachment of pv panels at end conditions - scale 1:5


S.W.A.T. Studio | PV Panels Covered Roof

detail 6: S-5-PV Kit detail for attachment of adjacent Pv panels - scale 1:5

Frameless PV Panels Vapour control layer Seam metal rooďŹ ng



Gutter bracket detail


Trapezoid metal sheet

EdgeGrab TM for attachment


of PV Panels

Metal gutter Rainwater outlet I-Section roof rafter I-Section roof purlin

Spacer basket

UPN 140

Circular hollow section column d=140mm detail 7: roof detail - scale 1:5

S.W.A.T. Studio | PV Panels Covered Roof


7. metal insulated panel walls

tal Insulated Panel The material chosen for the walls of the cafe and maintenance shop is Kingspan’s Optimo™ Smooth insulated metal panel (Figure 75 and Detail 9). It is a single component insulated with foam metal panel product, which provide air tightness, low thermal bridging, and thermal performance of high R-value. The exterior face is 22 Ga. Smooth Galvalume® wheras the core Horizontal Wall panel material consists of Polyisocyanurate (PIR) and it provides a support installation double tongue and groove interlocking rainscreen joint. The direction 2 o U-value is 0.15 W/m K at 24 C. This material was chosen because of the following advantages: 1. The core consists of continuous, rigid insulation offering superior airtightness performance. 2. The exterior skins contain a substantial amount of recycled content, and the panels themselves are recyclable. 3. It is simple to attach, reducing installation errors. Female Joint Male Joint

3mm Stainless Steel hidden fastener clip per panel, per support] Set clip in butyl sealant

6mm Hex Head fasteners without washer

Continuous butyl sealant

figure 75: Optimo™ Smooth insulated metal panel


Exterior face



Interior face



S.W.A.T. Studio | Metal Insulated Panel Walls

Exterior cap trim

Metal Insulated Panel Metal Insulated Panel 7.1 detailing

Inside corner trim Continuous butyl Wall panel sealant at installation panel joint Wall panel direction Galvanised base angle installation for paneldirection fastening

Outside corner trim

Horizontal support Horizontal support


Galvanised 2-hole hidden clip Set angle in bed of sealant

Male Joint Base trim Male Joint 3mm Stainless Steel hidden fastener clip 3mm Stainless Steel [1 per panel, per support] hidden fastener clip Set clip in butyl sealant [1 per panel, per support] Set clip in butyl sealant

Female Joint Female Joint 6mm Hex Head fasteners without 6mm Hex Head washer fasteners without washer

Continuous butyl sealant Continuous butyl sealant

Continuous butyl sealant

Attachment clip Horizontal support

detail 8: Panel connection detail - scale 1:5

detail 10: corner connection detail - scale 1:5


Interior face

Shadowline 100


Interior face

Exterior face Exterior face detail 9: Optimo™ Smooth insulated metal panel - scale 1:5

Flat 1067



S.W.A.T. Studio | Metal Insulated Panel Walls



Concrete floor


Trapezoid metal sheet


Mineral wool insulation

I-Section floor beam

Suspended ceiling system with gypsum boards

KNAUF CD 30x27x06 suspended I-Section purlin

secondary ceiling profile c/c 600mm

UPN 140

KNAUF CD 30x27x06 suspended main ceiling profile c/c 1200mm

Gypsum wall board Circular holow section column d=200mm Horizontal support I-Section purlin

OPTIMO TM Smooth Insulated


S.W.A.T. Studio |

Metal Wall Panel 100mm thick

detail 11: panel’s attachment to floor and pavilion’s structure - scale 1:5

Exposed sealant Continuous butyl sealant Interior cap trim Exterior cap trim

Inside corner trim Continuous butyl sealant at panel joint

Outside corner trim Framed opening

Galvanised base angle for panel fastening Galvanised 2-hole

Door/Window frame Insulation

hidden clip Set angle in bed of sealant Base trim

Exposed sealant Continuous butyl sealant Continuous butyl sealant InteriorAttachment cap trim clip Exterior cap trim Horizontal support

detail 12: roof detail - scale 1:5

Continuous butyl sealant at panel joint

Inside corner trim

detail 13: door/window connection detail - scale 1:5

Outside corner trim

Galvanised base angle for panel fastening Galvanised 2-hole


hidden clip Set angle in bed of sealant


S.W.A.T. Studio | Metal Insulated Panel Walls


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