Views of the five Eco-Logies maria zouroudi
Fall Semester 2015-2016
Tools of representation _ intensified visions Guido Guidi Luisa Sotto Mariano Andreani
_This book is an exploration of the 5 “Ecologies” 11 of Veneto. In its diffused territory of filaments the carpets of Agricu ltu re and Drosscape
are interrupted by the patches of Urban ization , In du stry and Natu re creating a colourful and diverse mosaic. “Windows to the garden” fuction as breaks that give rhythm, while offering magnificent views of the landscape.....
Banham Reyner, “Los Angeles: The Architecture of Four Ecologies”, Allen Lane The Penguin Press, London, 1971 2
Berger Alan, “Drosscape: Wasting Land in Uran America”, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 2007