© Archivio Fabrizio Carola
Stop here, white man
The project is the result of experience gained on site in the village of Kibwigwa, Tanzania. The construction workshop allowed the realization of the school canteen of the Manus Dei complex. On closer inspection, however, the wooden architecture of the canteen seemed to me incompatible with the land I had gradually known. In this way, I wanted to deepen my knowledge of the architectural, cli-
matic, technological and, above all, social themes of that land.My thesis, therefore, starts from a personal experience that has made it even more intimate and passionate. Recognized the isolation of the project of the canteen realized during the workshop, both for formal and material reasons, the thesis aims to integrate this new architecture, creating a pole that can be hooked to new and future buildings.
Summer semester 2018 Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto Prof. Rosalba Belibani Lehrstuhl für Gebäudetechnologie und klimagerechtes Bauen Prof. Thomas Auer
Despite the pre-existence of a school structure, there were no study environments at all. This led to the need to integrate the existing classrooms with study rooms equipped with electricity, to allow students to study even after sunset. The campus, therefore, offers the opportunity to stay overnight throughout the working week, returning to their villages only for the weekend. The school also has a shady square on the sides, which allows you to enjoy the open spaces at any time of
day.Behind the school is, then, placed the hospital complex, missing within a radius of 4 hours on foot, which will allow not only childcare, but the possibility for women and the elderly to receive immediate assistance in the village. All the buildings are made of bricks fired on site and with the technique of the Nubian compass, which allows the easy realization in self-construction of dome buildings. The remaining barrel buildings, however, are designed to be built with spar.
Previous pages MASTERPLAN study area SECTION with vegetation Left page HOSPITAL SECONDARY SCHOOL floor plan Right page SECONDARY SCHOOL MAIN SQUARE perspective view
Another problem looming in African villages is the impossibility for teachers to walk to schools. The lack of public and private transport forces the students not to have a continuous educational path. Strongly convinced of the importance of a good education for a positive development of the community, I decided to integrate within the campus also a dormitory area for students and teachers. The technology chosen is that of solid brick with domed roofs. All the buildings follow the trend of the sun, fol-
lowing it and taking advantage of indirect light throughout the day. The building’s climate has also been designed to optimise comfort during all hours of use of the building.The use of solar panels for electricity, in collaboration with Dewergy, and the collection of water through the creation of dew lakes, not only allows a more comfortable life, but is synonymous with independence and gender equality, as women will no longer have to go to the stream 1h walk away several times a day.
Left page SECONDARY SCHOOL DORMITORY perspective view Right page SECONDARY SCHOOL DORMITORY floor plan
a canteen for Tanzania children
This project was part of the design course of Prof. Kaufmann, and it has competed as a project to be realized during the workshop. The function to be compensated for was that of a school canteen. Starting from the idea of the domus aurea, the architectural structure of the building was then shaped around an open courtyard, a fundamental space for African culture. The area, with separate bathrooms and kitchens for obvious technological needs, relates to the dining room through porticoed cor-
ridors that allow shading during sunny hours. Finally, the canteen has a large open space with benches and tables designed to be folded and arranged aside, in order to use the space also as an evening theater with a stage. The structure is designed to be made of solid bricks, sometimes oriented to follow the inclination of the sun. The wooden truss roof follows the teachings of Prof. Kaufmann, holder of the chair of Timber Construction at TU München.
Winter semester 2014 Lehrstuhl für Entwerfen und Holzbau Prof. Hermann Kaufmann
© Maria Terzano
Previous pages MENSA floor plan This page MENSA longitudinal section
retrace the construction and design phases of the church, discovering a direct link between my physical proportions, typical of that land, and the proportions of the building itself. Moreover, by studying the geometries of the church, it was possible for me to discover also the proportion of the rose window of the church, through a complicated game of compasses and proportions between geometric figures of 3, 4 and 7 sides, numbers that can easily be traced back to Christian symbolism.
Summer semester 2013 Dipartimento di storia, disegno e restauro dell’architettura Prof. Priscilla Paolini
survey of a historical church
The church of Santa Maria Maggiore is located in the city of Alatri, a few kilometers from Rome. Always fascinated by its Romanesque architecture, as well as by the fascinating stories of the Crusaders who have left their mark in these places, I found it essential to deepen my knowledge of this building. I, then, reproduced both the plan and the elevation of the building. Through both manual and mechanical, thanks also to the use of the Leica total station for architectural surveys, it was fascinating to
Left page ROSE WINDOW geometry construction Right page SANTA MARIA MAGGIORE Church facade
the care of our personal health with constancy. The idea, therefore, is having small laboratory-cells on wheels that, once the municipal territory is divided into zones and service shifts, would move from one neighborhood to another, providing the citizen with a service one step away from them. An app is also designed with a personalized reminder according to the type of body check that you will soon be able to enjoy. These small cells will have a larger cell at their disposal, fixed in the squares, to which to dock and which will act as a reception and bar even in the absence of satellite laboratories.
Winter semester 2016 Lehrstuhl fĂźr Individualisierte Bauproduktion Prof. Sigrid Brell-Cokcan
a new concept of public health
In our society it is increasingly common to notice that an improvement in the technological and professional standard is not always associated with an increase in the standard of living. This phenomenon often involves the tendency to dedicate ours free time to more telematic and social activities, in the face of outdoor activities or aimed at taking care of ourself. A more in-depth analysis of the city of Rome showed that the majority of the population accuses senile diseases that would be totally avoidable with prevention. Unfortunately, however, the hectic life that is carried out in a big city does not always allow
Previous page UNIT COMPLEX axonometry Left page FIXED UNIT section Right page BAR & RECEPTION render
Redeveloping an old building always raises ethical questions about its conservation and transformation. Nevertheless, contemporary society has finally realized the importance of reusing old buildings, both for discourses linked to the sustainability of the new, and for the very conformation of the city. In this case, the reanalysis examination building was an old industry within walking distance of the center of Aachen. The idea was to insert a new function, the fashion academy, in a structure far from being considered
fashion. Inside, the building is held together by three halls that mark the passages of privacy: the first dedicated to the restaurant, offices and temporary exhibitions of students. The second is entirely dedicated to the school and the year-end fashion shows, the last one dedicated to student housing. In this way the academy and the old industry not only dialogue among themselves, but with the city itself which, through the citizens, comes into contact with two worlds that are also distant.
Winter semester 2016 Lehrstuhl fĂźr Denkmalpflege und historische Bauforschung Prof. Christian Raabe
converted into fashion academy
This page MAIN HALL perspective view
This page up. MAIN HALL INSTALLATION perspective view down. MAIN HALL & OFFICES section
up. ACADEMY HALL INSTALLATION perspective view down. ACADEMY HALL & CATWALK section
Left page ACADEMY HALL & CATWALK perspective view Right page LECTURE ROOMS render
conversion into fashion academy
could be placed on top of existing buildings. In this way, the existing volumes are not only multiplied, strongly cutting the prices of a new building, but it also allows for dynamic living modules, depending on the number and needs of the participants of the housing unit. At the same time, the limited private area of ​​the apartments is compensated by fixed common greenhouses that not only serve as community spaces, but also by thermal generators for the entire building.
Winter semester 2016 Lehrstuhl baukonstruktion Prof. Hartwig Schneider
The high density of our cities, as well as the continuous movement of people from city to city, has led to most of the capitals of Europe not knowing how to contain the housing demand. One of these cities is Munich, where not only the demand for rents is exaggeratedly higher than the supply, but also the prices follow this absurd trend. To try to solve this problem, the idea was to examine a building in Chiemgaustr. and to design a system of apartments and greenhouses with a light structure, so that they
Previous page NEW MODULE CONSTRUCTION floorplan This page NEW MODULE CONSTRUCTION section
IL GIARDINO DEI PAPAVERI “Il Giardino dei Papaveri” è un progetto che si pone come obiettivo la rigenerazione di uno spazio attualmente interstiziale, nascosto al pubblico, attualmente inutilizzato e tuttavia di grande rilevanza per la città, grazie alla sua posizione centralissima. Esso si identifica come la ridefinizione del perimetro di uno spazio pubblico attrezzato che si scherma dall’esterno per garantirne la privacy. L’acqua, le sedute, il verde e i lampioni a forma di papaveri giganti sono gli elementi strutturanti del progetto. Essi fanno eco alle proporzioni e alla forte direzionalità del giardino esistente. A separazione tra il parco e le abitazioni più prossime a nord è stato posto un filtro. Il risultato finale è un elemento semi-trasparente allo sguardo perpendicolare che
diventa però opaco e compatto se visto di scorcio, sfruttando la lunghezza del giardino. Tale strategia consente agli abitanti degli appartamenti limitrofi di godere ancora del sole diretto, facendo allo stesso tempo percepire come più privato lo spazio del giardino dai suoi frequentatori. Tale parete è realizzato con i comuni tubi dei campi sportivi a cui sono agganciate corde colorate, le stesse usate in ambito navale: economiche, ininfiammabili e dalla colorazione durevole nel tempo. La tonalità scelta per le corde è stata il rosso, così da mettere in risalto il verde della vegetazione, suo complementare. I materiali sono stati scelti e combinati tra loro per economicità, durevolezza e per un’esperienza estetica che ben si combina con quella tattile ed olfattiva.
Un giardino in Comune Pomezia ITALY
a contemporary garden
playgrounds, organized in such a way as to maximize the accessibility of the garden to any visitor. Exactly thinking of the different users, we come up with the idea of having customized areas: a giant chessboard for the elderly, a swing for the children and an amphitheater for teenagers. The result is a contemporary garden with high potential.
in the competition Un giardino in Comune issued by Comune di Pomezia
Our intent was to create a garden that could be used by all ages at all times of the day and night, by simple, cheap and, at the same time, of great social impact. To achieve our goal, we have been devoted to the choice of the most optimal tools for the project site and executive needs. We have therefore used water as a continuous element throughout the garden, in association with greenery, stone and
winner of the 3rd Prize
Progetto per un giardino a Pomezia, Italia Maria Terzano e Gianmarco Lucarini Studenti di Architettura presso “La Sapienza”, Università di Roma A.A. 2016/2017
io scorcio, che pone sfruttando come obidiventa però opaco e compatto se visto di scorcio, sfruttando Leftsipage attualmente onsente abitanti la lunghezza del giardino. Tale strategia consente agli abitanti up. agliinterstiziale, ILdel GIARDINO DEI PAPAVERI cora utilizzato sole e tuttavia diretto, di degli appartamenti limitrofi di godere ancora del sole diretto, floorplan più privato lo spazio facendo allo stesso tempo percepire come più privato lo spazio a sua posizione centralrete è realizzato con i di del giardino dai suoi frequentatori. Tale parete è realizzato con i nizione del Right pageperimetro agganciate scherma corde esterno col- per comuni tubi dei campi sportivi a cui sono agganciate corde colup. dall’ omiche, e, il SWING verde ininfiammaeTREE i lampioni a orate, le stesse usate in ambito navale: economiche, ininfiammaCHESSBOARD La tonalità sceltadel perprobili e dalla colorazione durevole nel tempo. La tonalità scelta per enti strutturanti render il verde della le corde è stata il rosso, così da mettere in risalto il verde della erisalto alla forte direzionalità ali stati scelti e vegetazione, suo complementare. I materiali sono stati scelti e a ilsono parco e le abitazioni Both pages IL GIARDINO DEI PAPAVERI filtro. olezzaIle risultato per un’espefinale è combinati tra loro per economicità, durevolezza e per un’espelongitudinal section ardo la tattile perpendicolare ed olfattiva. che rienza estetica che ben si combina con quella tattile ed olfattiva.
6 Orto urbano 7 Landmark
Lungo la parete si alternano vasi di piante grasse, orto urbano e altre piante varie. Il rosso della parete fa risaltare il verde delle loro foglie. DUPLEX IN LUNGOTEVERE, ROME Elevation 1:200 0
Progetto per un giardino a Pomezia, Italia Maria Terzano e Gianmarco Lucarini Studenti di Architettura presso “La Sapienza”, Università di Roma A.A. 2016/2017
This pages IL GIARDINO DEI PAPAVERI night view render
Winter semester 2016 Lehrstuhl für Denkmalpflege und historische Bauforschung Prof. Christian Raabe
fashion academy magazine
To make it authentic design, I immediately felt the need to put myself in the clothes of those who would have to use fashion academy. In this way I personified myself as a young fashion student struggling with the school’s official magazine. Trying to rearrange the ideas and compose a review that could be as credible as
possible, I got to know and discover up close that world which then inspired me for a long time in the architectural phase. Garbe Lahmeyer & Co. has therefore become a real contemporary fashion magazine, in which it is possible to see the true essence of the Academy which was soon to be born in my project.
Š Maria Terzano
Prof. Anke Naujokat, Andreas Waschbüsch Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Glitsch
Winter semester 2016 Lehrstuhl für Architekturgeschichte
Eine Ausstellung des Seminars Bau(t)en in Büchern
Š Maria Terzano
Result of a seminar at the chair of history of architecture at the RWTH in Aachen, I created this catalogue as a collection of all the historical research of ancient books conducted during the study semester. Inside it is possible to find a repetitive structure in which the book cover, the original title of the work and the name of the student who conducted the analysis is shown first,
while in the following pages it is possible to read the articles produced by the students with related comments. My analysis, in particular, was related to the study of the book by G.B. Ciprani entitled “Monuments of ancient factories�, the first book known for teaching architectural theory. Editing the history catalogue for the annual university exposition was an honor for me.
Der Langsaimkeit der Bilder
ein Seminar der Lehrstuhl fuer Architekturgeschichte
Tutor prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Naujokat Andreas WaschbĂźsch M. A. Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Glitsch
Students Anna Graff Anna Hensel David Justen Deanne del Portillo Johanna Lebender Kathrin Weis Laura Isabella Camacho Latz Leah Sophie Mogk Liliya Velikova Louis Ernst Sinah Roosen Maria Terzano
Layout Editor Maria Terzano printed in collaboration with
KomphausbadstraĂ&#x;e 3, 52062 Aachen
Summer semester 2018 Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto Prof. Rosalba Belibani Lehrstuhl für Gebäudetechnologie und klimagerechtes Bauen Prof. Thomas Auer
© Maria Terzano
master thesis_manual of self-construction
Š Maria Terzano
Approaching the design in Africa I immediately found it essential to grant a longer period than usual to my analysis. The different needs, both living and climatic and social, pushed me to look for solutions that are more distant from those that are usually found for European projects. The use of raw and Km0 materials and the use of passive and easily achievable technologies has
led my analysis to an in-depth study of both the local flora and fauna, and the climatic conditions of the tropical zone, as well as the most significant native indigenous architecture. This study, both technical and environmental, related to the study of the culture of the place, not only deeply fascinated and changed me, but it pushed me to produce a publication that was not only a
This pages MANUAL extract pg 36-37
project inspiration for international architects, but that could serve also as a manual for self-construction for the local population. Convinced, in fact, that the first step to change the perspectives of your own country is individual citizens themself, the idea of a manual of self-construction not only aims to activate citizens on the territory, but also to make them aware of the vastness of opportunities and beauty that surrounds them. In this context, the study of technical physics has allowed me to produce a prototype of a dew lake that allows the collection of atmospheric water even
in semi-tropical locations that do not have natural springs. In the same way the study of the Nubian compass with the architect Fabrizio Caròla allowed me to produce an example of dynamic architecture, fascinating and simple to build, which was also thermally comfortable and durable. Through this study I was therefore able to provide examples that are easily applicable both at urban and residential level, which could be customized and extended even on a large scale. This publication collects the analysies that I carried out over two years from my first trip to Tanzania and hopes to help develop this incredible country.
a canteen for Tanzania children
Through the construction of physical models it was important for me to confront myself with the first constructive difficulties that I could find in Africa. The use of simple materials such as earth and wood have been simulated in the physical design model in order to highlight the critical aspects of these technologies and find useful solutions for their realization. Furthermore, the three-dimensional study of the space allowed me to highlight what were the elements characterizing the entire project and to enhance them
through architectural details such as the use of semitransparent brick walls and canvas frames. Furthermore, the study of shadows has pushed the emphasis on the atmosphere that was imagined under the strong African sun. The open space, at the same time, despite being limited only on two sides by a portico and on the remaining sides by stairs, allowed the enhancement of the native culture, confirming the attention that the designer must have for the culture of the user for whom works.
Winter semester 2014 Lehrstuhl für Entwerfen und Holzbau Prof. Hermann Kaufmann
© Maria Terzano
Previous page DETAIL OF THE MAIN COURT photo Left page up. DETAIL OF THE CORRIDOR photo Right page up. DETAIL OF THE ROOF photo Both pages MAIN COURT SIDE facade Next pages up. MENSA longitudinal section down. BACK ENTRANCE facade
exposition model
© Leo Oberkalmsteiner
Winter semester 2015 Lehrstuhl für Entwerfen und Holzbau Prof. Hermann Kaufmann
This model is the result of the analysis conducted during the entire semester on the building of the architect. Barkow Leibinger in Grüsch, Switzerland. The analysis was aimed at the study of wooden construction techniques and the realization of a likely model. The entire model was made in the total absence of glue, but only through the use of joints that were as similar as possible to real technology. The model was then exhibited during the 2016 World Conference on Timber Engineering at the TU Vienna and subsequently during the Bauen mit Holz_Wege in die Zukunft exhibition based at the Martin Gropius Bau in Berlin from October 2016 to January 2017.
Production Hall Grusch
© Maria Terzano
Left page WCTE WIEN 2016 photo Right page DETAIL OF THE ROOF photo
© Maria Terzano
Left page WCTE WIEN 2016 photo Right page DETAIL OF THE ROOF photo
© Maria Terzano
Left page DETAIL OF THE ROOF photo Right page DETAIL OF THE INTERIORS photo
Winter semester 2016 Lehrstuhl für Denkmalpflege und historische Bauforschung Prof. Christian Raabe
conversion into fashion academy
clothing with parametric design
The idea of proposing the study of a dress within the chair of construction of the RWTH in Aachen seemed to me immediately a challenge to be seized. Although the course was aimed at the studying of origami geometries for interior design purposes, the professorship immediately showed an interest in developing the idea of a dress within an architecture faculty. In this way we not only had the oppor-
tunity to experiment with new aspects of architecture through fashion, but also to organize the event for the launch of the item of clothing produced. The skirt, made entirely of wrapping paper, was folded by hand to obtain a dynamic design. Closed with a zip on the back, it could also be completely opened, so as to fold the skirt and be carried in a tiny space in the suitcase .
Winter semester 2016 Lehrstuhl fĂźr Tragkonstruktionen Prof. Martin Trautz
Š Mattia Zucco
Right page CATWALK OUTFIT photo
© Marco Magliozzi
KIBWIGWA Tanzania AFRICA to inhabit that land and what values I would soon have to transform into a real thesis project. The construction site experience was professionally inspired, and it allowed me to get in touch with wonderful people, who will stay with me all my life. The construction site experience not only creates buildings, but communities and it is in my opinion fundamental in the architectural profession.
Prof. Hermann Kaufman
As soon as we were informed by prof. Kaufmann, about the possibility of a workshop in Africa, was welcomed by me with extreme enthusiasm.The worksite experience allowed me to understand in depth what design an element that should actually be made means. The physical effort of having to make foundations with tools such as the shovel and the pickaxe, without any kind of mechanical support, allowed me to feel closely with what it meant
August-September 2014 Working on building site
a canteen for Tanzania children
© Susanne Steinmaßl
© Max Lippsmeier
© Max Lippsmeier
© Max Lippsmeier
© Max Lippsmeier
© Susanne Schick
© Max Lippsmeier
© Förderpreis des deutschen holzbaus 2015
© Susanne Schick
© Azubi Kibwigwa
WORKSITE SCHOOL San Potito Sannitico ITALY architecture, using only baked bricks and mortar. The buildings thus constructed allow a living comfort guaranteed not only by the thermal inertia of the brick, but also by the dome shape that avoid thermal bridges. The workshop of prof. Caròla at San Potito Sannitico was not only a site of high technical specialization, but of strong personal and professional inspiration.
Arch. Fabrizio Carola
During the analysis of traditional African technologies and systems, it was easy to come across the architect’s projects. Fabrizio Caròla and his splendid domes. Through the use of the Nubian compass, Caròla made infinite types of domes simply by modifying the arm and the focus of the compass. This fascinating construction technique not only allows for self-construction, but also for completely passive and sustainable
11-17 August 2017 Working on building site
Ancient technologies for a new architecture
© Andrea Cotumaccio
© Andrea Cotumaccio
© Andrea Cotumaccio
© Andrea Cotumaccio
© Andrea Cotumaccio