Untitled Book

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Matt Untitled Mullican


Matt Mullican Untitled from Blasted Allegories:

edited by Brian Wallis

An Anthology of Writings by Contemporary Artists

Her birth Her family Her house, home Learning to crawl The heat from the kitchen stove


Learning to crawl Learning to walk Hearing her mother upstairs The street noises coming in the window

Learning walk Learning to to talktocrawl earning

The rug on the living room floor The trees growing in the backyard

Learning tocrawl walk Learning toto use her hands Learning Learning to talk

Feeling hungry after her nap The sunlight hurt her eyes Her fourth Her birthday birth

The salt on the dining room table Smelling the fresh autumn air in The trees growing Bleeding after skinning her knee

the backyard

The salt on th


Entering school The pillow on her parent’s bed Making friends Traveling to the mountains Crying when feeling lost The people living down the street

Learning toL

Learning to u The sky w


Learning touse talkher hands Learning Learning to to read words Learning to walk TheLearning dining room table to crawl he dining room table The sky was a light shade of blue Learning to read words Learning arithmetic Learning to talk earning to use her hands Learning to crawl Learning to walk Her best friend’s brother Feeling hungry after skipping lunch

Learning read words Learning to walk to rideto a bike oLearning useLearning her hands Learning arithmetic to crawl Learning to talk The skyskytowas abike light The full moon lights up the night Learning to talk Learning ride a Learning togravity crawl use her hands Learning about in school Learning to read words Learning to was a light shadewalk of blue The light in the lights hallway up the night sky The full moon Catching her breath after running home

shade of blue

Entering the sixth grade—becoming older Entering school Their pet dog The door between her and her older sister’s room Having to go to the bathroom

The growing in the backyard Noticing that the treetrees in the backyard is changing color Smelling the fresh autumn air Feeling the glare of the sun on her eyes The sunlight hurt her eyes


Feeling proud

They got two inches of rain that week Playing handball at school

lightshade in theofhallway The The street light sky was a light ull moon lights upblue the Feeling proud of her schoolwork Looking at herself in the mirror

night sky

The ligh The Thes


Entering school Entering the seventh grade grade—becoming older Entering the sixth Playing in the backyard

The food cans inskipping the kitchen cabinet g hungry after lunch Going to the school dance

Playing handball at school her homework d of Doing her schoolwork

Tasting that there’s too much salt in the salad Thinking about going steady Experiencing puberty

ht in the hallway

Scaring the by slamming the door Their petdogdog a light shade ofcouldn’t blue There were so many stars she esky fullwas moon lights upThe the nightcount skythem all street light Finding new friends in school Making friends As the year progressed the days shorter The trees growing ingotthe backyard ng that the tree in the backyard is changing color Smelling the fresh autumn air Visiting her aunt’s house Getting a boyfriend and going steady Experiencing puberty Thinking about going steady Brushing her teeth

Their pet dog

Her the dog dies caring dog by slamming the door Getting an electric shock

ayingRiding handball school the bus to at school Entering the drama club

er best brother Her friend’s boyfriend’s little sister her and her older sister’s room Going to camp over the summer

The sound of the record player in the living room

E E Th H G The door between

Hearing static wh G

The air felt thick that morning

Playing handball attoschool Becoming sick—not going to school Riding the bus school Experiencing puberty Making out going steady hinking about Getting a boyfriend and Hearing her parents argue

er best friend’s brother Her boyfriend’s little room sister Getting a younger to herself her and her oldersister—thinking sister’s Getting scared

going steady

Lear Learning LeL G

Going to parties often

The saltTh on

Entering school Entering high Entering theschool sixth grade—becoming older Entering the seventh grade Hearing of static while talking onplayer the phone he sound the record in the living room Her boyfriend’s little sister Her Taking best friend’s brother Getting a younger sister—thinking care of her little n her and her older sister sister’s room to herself After gym she was very tired

Thewhile heat from Burning herself cooking

the kitchen stove

The telephone in the hallway hile talking on ringing the phone Traveling to summer the mountains Spending the summer a beach house Going to camp overatthe The ocean seemed endless A large man passing her on the sidewalk

people living Thinking The about the people she has yetdown to meet the


Learning to crawl to use hera hands Learning to drive car grning to walk Learning totalk read words Learning about gravity in school earning toto ride a bike Learning Bleeding Remembering the time she hurt herselfafter skiing skinning her knee Getting an electric shock herself Burning while cooking Touching her right eye with her index finger Family moves to a new neighborhood

TheThe sound record player in the living room sound ofof anthe airplane flying overhead Taking a bath Becoming interested in history

Getting a boyfriend Fantasizing about marriage

and going steady Thinking about going steady he dining room The dining room table table set for eating n the dining room table Going to the movies Hugging her father

Entering school Entering college, moving away from home

Entering the sixth grade—becoming older Entering high school ng Her the seventh grade roommate

E Entering the Doing her homework

eeling proud her schoolwork Falling asleep of while studying Her roommate Her roommate’s home town

The amount of time it takes to walk to school

The door between her and

Majoring in history in college Becoming interested in history Thinking about Getting a boyfriend Making out Fantasizing about marriage Thinking about going steady The sound of the record player in the next room The sound sound of of the an airplane flyinginoverhead The record player the living room The heat Staying up, watching the sunrise from her rooftop Falling asleep while studying

g a boyfriend and going steady Cutting her hair

the history of her country mingStudying interested in history Majoring in history in college

The sky w

Making out Getting married in the afternoon Fantasizing about marriage Getting a boyfriend and going steady Thinking about going steady Their front door

Her house, home Quitting school Entering college, Enteringmoving school away from home Entering the seventh grade Moving to a new house Their fronthome door Her Family house, moves to a new neighborhood Her husband’s family Getting aroom younger sister—thinking to herself d her older sister’s Her best friend’s brother Hugging her father

sixth grade—becoming older The manhole in the street

t theThinking people she has yet to meet of her in-laws Her husband’s work

from thewater kitchen stove Remembering the time she hurt herself skiing Boiling while cooking Burning herself while cooking Getting a job for herself

Looking herself the mirror Looking at herself in thein mirror Her at husband’s work Receiving a letter from her parents Having her wisdom removed Brushing herteeth teeth

The light of in the hallway wasThe a light shade blue Watching the light refract through the kitchen window Thestreet full moon light lights up the night sky Boiling waterafter whileskipping cookinglunch Eating hungry lunch Feeling A pencil on her desk at work Knowing she is going to have a baby

Receiving a letter Thinking of her parents from her parents

H Thinki

Smelling thN The trees grow Going Getting to the movies a boyfrie Going to parties often Feet Going to camp over Her baby is born Thinking ab nowing she isGetting going toa have a baby Knowing she is go younger sister—thinking to herself Moving to anew larger house house Moving tohouse, aTheir front door Th Her home y moves to a new neighborhood There isthat lots ofthe greentree around newbackyard Noticing inthethe is changing color The trees growing in house the backyard Her husband’s mouth M Knowing she Subbing her while running Getting antoeelectric shock Ma Feeling hun Her baby is born Her son’s baby shoes The heat the he ki wing she is going to have a baby Boiling water whilefrom Burning cooking February twenty-sixth The am Thinking abou Feeling thirsty one hot afternoon Her Feeling p Her hu Her husband’s husband’s boss work Her The soun soun The sound of th The He

Hearing static izing about marriage amily moves to a new neighborhoo The pillow on her p


Another birthday, she is getting older

birth Getting herbirthday hands wet Her Her fourth ofpeople her parents Thinkingthe about her son’s life ing Thinking about shein-laws has yet to meet Thinking of her Making out love with her husband Making Smelling the fresh he fresh autumn air Noticing that theautumn tree airin the backyard is changing color wing in the backyard Thinking of her moves childhood Family to a new neighborhood end and going steady Playing handball at school eling proud of her schoolwork the summer The telephone wires The telephone ringing in the hallway bout her son’s life Her son’s learning to walk Hera baby is born oing to Her have baby son’s baby shoes The people living next door the street he people living down

while talking on the phone od parent’s Making love with bed her husband eMaking is going to have a baby out aking love with her lunch husband Her baby is born ngry after skipping itchen stove Eating lunch erself while cooking Trying to find her glasses The covers on their bed

Having another baby, a girl Not eating very much

mountSheofonly time it hour takes tohome walk to school had an to get ut her son’s life Doing r son’s baby shoes Herof son’s school work her homework proud her schoolwork Taking care ofa her little sister Getting younger sister—thinking to herself usband’s Visiting family her husband’s sister Hugging her father Her boyfriend’s little sister nd of an airplane flying overhead The noise from a large truck he record player in the next nd of the record player in theroom living room Her birth Her daughter’s fourth birthdaybaby, a girl Having another er fourth birthday Going shopping Looking herself the mirror Looking at at herself in thein mirror

at herself in the mirror

Noticing that ti Sensing that her son is into danger Her bir Another birthday, she gnking she is going have a baby Her son’s He about her son’s life learning to walk Her thirty-fourth birthday

history in college Renewing an in interest in history mingMajoring interested in history Studying the history of her country Her daughter’s handhands wet Gettinglefther Taking a shower Brushing her teeth Taking a bath

inking of her ofThinking her parents kingThinking about the people she has yet to meet ofchildhood her in-laws

Family moves to

A large man pass

Dreaming that she spoke a foreign language Thinking of her husband’s childhood

An object in the back seat of their car The floor she stands on

October fifth twenty-sixth February Her shaved regularly



L Her s Knowing she B Having her There is l Her d

Spending the Traveling to athe large citysummer at a beach house Traveling to mountains Sensing that her son is in danger is going Her Thinking to son’s have baby aabout baby shoes her son’s life Her son’s graduation er son’s learning to walk Spending the summe Taking a photograph


Reading a book in the study

Her husband’s Her husband’s current income

work Her husband’s boss

Dropping a dish—watching it break


Making outlove with her husband Making Kissing her husband


Knowing she H i

As days theseemed year progressed, The to be going by fasterthe days got shorter Smelling thethe fresh autumn air is changing color the tree in backyard Having trouble rthgetting is olderbreathing

erahouse, home Moving to abed new house covers on their o new neighborhood The The new living room furniture floor shetostands TheirThe front door Moving a largeronhouse sidewalk around the cornerdown the street The living sing The her onpeople the sidewalk Touching theher wall right eye with her index finger Touching Her father dies, sudden grief

The backyard flooded a heavy They got twoduring inches ofrain rain that week in the backyard Looking at herself in mirror oking at herself inthethe mirror

Looking at herself inherself theabout mirrorher in Looking at the mirror Thinking son’s life son’s graduation Sensing sonshoes is in danger Her that son’sher baby

Her son’s marriage is going to have a learning baby Her son’s to walk Brushing her teeth Brushing her teeth r wisdom teeth removed lots of green around the new house Starting a garden Her son’s graduation daughter’s leftgraduation hand Her daughter’s Her daughter’s fouth birthday Her daughter’s fouth birthday

ng dish—watching it break er ata a beach house The ocean seemed endless The broken glass in the basement door Swimming

An itch in the her lower part of her backwith her index finger Touching right eye Her she daughter’s Her daughter’s school in a foreign country language eaming that spoke agraduation foreign Spending summer at a beach house Spending half thethe yearswimming at the ocean The ocean seemed endless Taking a photograph Looking at a photograph of herself a child Thinking ofasher childhood Thinking of her husband’s childhood Being scared scared to enter a dark room Getting Her son’s Having another a girl Having grandchild Her baby, baby is born is going toamarriage have a baby

Another birthday, she isbirthday getting older Feeling older fourth birthday Her thirth-fourth He Entering school Falling asleep while studying me it takes to walk to school Remembering schooldays Entering the sixth grade—becoming older e—moving fromgrade home moM Their Entering theaway seventh Becoming interested in history There is lotsFamily of green Her roommate A glass of water ThinkingLooking of her hus atFa H Her husband’s work g a job herself Theyfor retired Her husband’s current income Visiting her aunt’s Sca Herhave husband’s boss hou H Thinking about her son’s life Their son’s independence Her son’s baby shoes Her best friend sHer going to marriage have baby learning to walk Herason’s Hearing h son’s The door between her and her older TouchingTouching herself theeye wall There Touching her right with her index finger rf while cooking Cooking a “hearty meal” Anoth bi Eating lunch while cooking HerHer fourt Her thirty-fourth birthday y,Feeling she is Her getting older Forgetting her agebirth older Her fourth birthday TheThe covers on their bed furniture Their house new living room he floor she stands on Their front door BB mmer at a beach house Going for a trip around the world Traveling to the mountains Bur Hair turning white Boilingherself water whi HerGetting son’s marriage married in the aftrernoon Burning whi Her daughter’s marriage another rHaving daughter’s left baby, hand a girl The do Working at her desk a book in the study ng aThey jobReading for herself have retired Looking Wondering where that person lives nking about the people she has yet to meet ing down the street Being visited byfriend’s her daughter-in-law’s parents of her husb Her best brother Fe son’s marriage Hugging her father ThinkingLooking at a Visiting her aunt’s house —thinking to herself nd’s little sister He Thin Noticing that the sky is a light shade blue hallway The light inofthe The street light

proud of her schoolwork


e sky was a light shade of blue The red car down the block

Catching her after breath er breath running home Watching TV

Taking a nap insun thesunlight hoton sunher hurt eFalling glare of theThe eyes her eyes asleep while studying

Her husband er father dies,diessudden grief Moving oves to ato new neighborhood raround front door Her house, home the house Moving a new new house Thinking about her eventual deathabout her son’s life Thinking of her childhood sband’s childhood Feeling older Her husband dies a photograph of Thinking herself as a child Her father dies, sudden griefthe door Scaring the dog by slamming the door Their pet dog aring the dog by slamming use dog Her dies Her marriage Having another baby, aHaving girl A familydaughter’s reunion during Christmas Her husband’s family a grandchild d’s brother Taking care of her little sister Getting a boyfriend her mother upstairs Her boyfriend’s little sister r sister’s room Knowing she is goingHer to have babyaisbaby born Goingof for agreen walk in the garden e is lots around the new house Starting a garden Feeling old, not caring her birthday, she isbirthday getting older irth th birthday Her thirth-fourth

Hugging her fathe

Forgetting eeling older her age Looking at her feet

Not being able to see clearly

Bleeding after skinning Bleedingafter after skinning her knee Bleeding skinning her knee her knee

Getting an electric shock rningThinking herself while cooking of the faces of her parents Thinking of her parents ile Eating lunch ile cooking cooking Cooking vegetables

oorThebetween androom her older sister’s room door between her her and her sister’s at herself in mirror Looking at her eyes inthe the mirror Looking at herself in the mirror Looking at herself in the mirror Looking at herself in the mirror Thinking of her death childhood eeling older about her son’s life aband’s photograph of herselfgrief as a child er father dies,Thinking sudden nking about her eventual death


Her best friend’s brot The door between her an There is lots Her fourth birthd

Boiling water Boilin Burnin Ano Getting Family moves to S Knowing she isH ThinkingL Boilingherself water w Burning Another birthday,F Family movesHe to Spendin Their front door Cu Her daugh Her thirty-fourth The p Her The full moo


Ge Getting a Catch Looking at herse


There is lots

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